Paranormal Investigators to P...

By shadow_phoenix2022

7.7K 172 189

When Sam, Colby, Seth, Josh, Nate, Amanda and Mackie band together to explore and discover secrets about a le... More

Deserted Driving
Admiringly Argumentative-Part 1
Admiringly Argumentative-Part 2
Increasing Isolation-Part 2
~Suprising Start~
~Invigorating Invites~
~Declining Demands~
~Peculiar Premises~
~Scary Slumber~
~Desperate Defiances~
~Past vs Present~
~The Story Starts~
~Worrying Wins~
~Joint Journey~
~Divine Determination~
Escaping Execution
Fractured Friendships
Lurking Lies
Fame and Fortune (Part 1)
Fame and Fortune (Part 2)
Twists and Turns

Increasing Isolation-Part 1

476 11 11
By shadow_phoenix2022

⁓No one POV⁓

After the incident between Colby and Sam the entire team meets up in the living room discussing whether or not to take a tour whilst filming or not. This is because although they have been given permission to record the tour and the guide they are not sure they should waste batteries as the nearest market place is over an hour away.

"So we shouldn't, do it?" said Sam sitting up properly in the arm chair. The whole group agreed except for Seth. He was just constantly quiet. "Seth, you good?" asked Colby noticing the agitation on his face. "I personally feel like we should at least record the tour on our phones so we can look back on the footage in case we forget where we are." Seth said as he looked around earning silenced nods from everyone as they pondered on the idea. "You're right." said Amanda as she folded her arms. They all looked at each other once more to see if they were all on the same page. They were. "Alright so, that is out of the way. Who is gonna drive us there?" Mackie said as they all suddenly harmoniously put their pointer fingers on their noses letting out laughs. "Shit! Could've told me we were gonna do nose goes." Nate said as he slouched at the feeling of losing.

They all laughed. "Time to get ready!" Josh said as he clapped his hands together before they all split up except for Sam and Colby who were all ready. Silence filled the room. Awkward, dreadful, deafening silence that made Sam cringe. Sam looked towards Colby who was right in front of him standing just a few feet away staring at his phone, smiling.

⁓Sam POV⁓

He's smiling! Probably playing games. I sigh. I start playing games on my phone to just to kill some time. 

⁓Colby POV⁓

I could feel Sam staring at me. I ignored it, which was difficult to do. I was scrolling through the photos I had of him:

When Mackie, Seth and Nate came and started talking to us. We discussed how we were going to do the exploring at night, in terms of groups, trios, duos and the most dreaded solos. We all spontaneously agreed we were NOT doing Solos.

Josh and Amanda came out moments later, and we started heading to the main door. We checked our bags to see if we were missing any equipment. We were not so we decided to start heading to the car. We got into the elevator heading downwards. We got to the lobby. No one was there, thank god I was not in the mood of seeing the creepy old manager. We get out in the cold breeze, shuddering at the sudden temperature change since yesterday. I mean we expected nothing less as we were in England. We make it to the car and put our stuff into the trunk before sitting in the car. The arrangement this time being, Nate and me in the front, Sam, Josh, Seth, Amanda and Mackie in the back. We start making our way out of the parking lot.  We finally get onto the dirt road. It was currently 12:09 p.m, which meant we would reach the asylum in about 30 minutes IF Nate follows the directions accordingly. 

⁓Time skip⁓

⁓Amanda POV⁓

We finally got done with the tour and now are starting to film the intro for the video. We all stand in a line near the entrance of the asylum as we all wait for Sam and Colby to begin, when out of my peripheral vision I see someone move swiftly past the far left side of the building. I look up in that direction squinting my eyes to see if I could make out anything else. "Amanda, did you see something?" Nate asks me as I turn to look at the group and smile. I nod my head. They all start looking in that direction trying to see if they could see what I could see. "Well, we won't be able to make an intro for the video if we start ghost hunting now!" Mackie says making all of us laugh. We stop after a good 5 minutes. "What's up guys, it's Sam and Colby!" "And today we are going to be investigating a very isolated unpopular asylum known as the Serenity Grove Mental Institution." "And as soothing the name sounds the reality of it is horrific." Colby says in a serious tone as he slightly leans in to emphasise the horridness. 

"So the institution opened in the early 1800's with the owners trying to build a "sacred sanctuary" for the mentally disturbed. But when sudden tragedy's starting occurring of both patients and staff, the institution closed down completely in 1842." Colby said as he gestured over to Seth to continue. "And if you think that's horrible, than that is just the beginning. It is rumoured that multiple patients would be cramped into small rooms made for one just to save space for more. Also, it is said and proven that when the daughter of the owner attempted to spread the truth about the institution she was drowned in a lake near here by none other than her father. He was arrested but was released shortly after his arrest." Seth said sending chills down my spine.

"Due to that it is said that the daughters vengeful spirit roams the building trying to find her father to do the same." "Ohohoho, that is BRUTAL but understandable." Sam says. "Not only that, it is said that in the asylum a female nurse is said to roam around looking for her next patient." Silence. "Oh, god that's terrifying." I said as I hug myself from the uneasy feeling of being thought of as a mental patient.

"I haven't even told you guys the worst part!" Colby said as we all looked at him with anticipation. "It isn't even established whether she actually died as no body was ever found in the main water source or lake of the town, so the police assumed she survived and ran away to build a safer life far away. Lastly, she does haunt this place because of the anger and resentment she holds for the man she once called father." Colby said reading the last part of his phone as he looked up at the camera than at us as we just stood there dumb founded. "Alright, we will go over the rest of the info during the actual investigation stay tuned till the end!" Sam as he walked over and did the transition thingy before shutting the camera off. 

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