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By hexgirl01

5.2K 167 52

A fate almost worst then death is awaiting Eddie after he wakes up alone in the upside-down. What if Eddie s... More

New tail and wings like shown on television
Friends don't lie
Ozzy bit a bats head off, but I got bit by a bat
Eddie wake up, I don't like this
The door of curiosity cannot be locked
Shopping with a girl who has superpowers
Come to the dark side, we have Chrissy
Puppet Master
The beginning of the end
Borys the red dragon and sleeping beauty
The fifth gate has opened
They both die in the end
✨Author's Note✨

Dungeons and Dragons is like Vecnas curse

359 14 0
By hexgirl01

*Nancy's POV*

I felt something off all day. And now I know that feeling wasn't just anxiety, it was gut instinct. The figure that walked through the door with Steve was none other than Eddie Munson, the man with bizarre music taste and presumed dead. My jaw dropped and so did everyone who knew him. Johnathan and Will looked at each other with questioning eyes and I watched Eddie walk over to Dustin. This had to be some kind of joke, or realistically, a trap. The real Eddie was dead, Steve Robin, and I found him lying in the dirt, his body soiled with filth and blood, Dustin clinging to his lifeless body. I confirmed the pulse, well the lack of one. He was supposed to be dead.

I and everyone else in the room gathered around the duo's reunion. Sensing our presence, Dustin stepped back from Eddie, snot dripping down his face and he attempted to wipe it away. I reached out to comfort Dustin, but out of the corner of my eye I watched Eddie rip off his grey T-shirt, which looked a lot like Steve's, and something large and black materialized behind him.

My eyes went round as saucers as a gasp escaped my mouth. I stepped back in awe and fear but noticed Steve and Robin standing their ground beside Eddie. Oh-they knew, and that angered me. We needed to talk without prying ears, so I grabbed Steve and Robins's wrists and pulled them to the rest of the group so we could discuss in privet. Giving Eddie a hint to become scarce, I squinted my eyes as I watched him go to the porch, his tail dragging along behind.

As everyone gathered I looked at Steve, "How long have you known?" I demanded. "This is not normal, he could be a trap," I exclaimed and threw my hands up for effect.

"Hey nance, it's fine, Robin and I have only known since yesterday evening, hence the emergency meeting," Steve said while rolling his eyes.

"It's not fine, he has a tail growing out of his ass, and wings attached to his back!" I yelled. How was the point not getting across that he was an undead monster from the upside-down? That was bad news, and trust me I knew my stories.

"Woah, Nancy Drew, he also has fangs. Way to state the obvious, but I think we all saw the six feet flying material take up the room. Besides it's cool, I already spoke with him, and he's cool." Steve said with a smirk.

"Don't patronize me, we're already in a crisis with the gates opening, Max in the hospital, and most importantly Vecna, who is currently MIA. So no Steve, this is not cool. We need to figure out how he's here and how he turned into... well whatever he is." I said tiredly.

"Kas," Will whispered.

Everyone turned from Steve and my argument to face the boy who spoke up for the first time that night.
Lucus, Mike, and Dustin all shared a knowing look as Will began to explain.
"Kas, the bloody-handed. He's a character from dungeons and dragons."

"He's a vampire who serves Vecna in the game," Mike added.

"More reason not to trust him," I stated.

The four boys looked at each other and frowned, but Dustin broke away and walked to the door.

"Hey, mister where are you heading off to?" Johnathan questioned from beside me.

"To check on my friend." He simply replied and stepped out the door.

*Dustin's POV*

This whole week has been a disaster. My emotions are in a twist, but at least Eddie's back. He's still Eddie, I can feel it, he only looks different. Nancy and Steve kept arguing as I left the building people were beginning to pick sides, betting on if Eddie was good or evil. I don't think he's either, he's just Eddie, the hero who saved us.

It felt so good just to sit and watch the stars knowing he was alive and breathing beside me. Not a word was passed between us, and that was okay with me. There was no need for explanation, he probably knew as much as we did, so why dig any deeper? Sure I was curious, but for now, all that mattered was him being here.

*Wills POV*

I felt it. As soon as the guy named Eddie walked in, I felt the tingling sensation on the back of my neck.

*Eddies POV*

After a while, Steve came out of the building. He stomped to the car, kicking the tire before hopping in and turning the engine on. I knew that was my cue to go, I stood and shared a hug with Henderson, then made my way to the car. I'm not sure what was said inside, but Steve was fuming. He was going way over the speed limit, and kept tapping the steering wheel in frustration. We peeled into his driveway, switching the headlights off and slamming the door, Steve marched out back without saying a word.

I figured I'd leave him alone to cool off, so I decided to grab a six-pack and a bag of chips and finish the movie from last night. Soon enough I downed half the bottles and the whole bag before I started to drift asleep. Before darkness could take me there was a loud thump from out back. I lazily opened one eye, but when the noise repeated I drunkenly staggered to my feet to look out the window. It was almost one in the morning but Steve was outside throwing rocks in no general direction. I tapped on the glass to get his attention, he looked briefly behind and walked to the back door.

"You summoned Munson," Steve snapped.

"Yes, your majesty, it's bedtime, and the king must get his beauty rest," I giggled.

"Oh god are you drunk man?" He asked.

"Noo," I slurred. "I'm just tired."

"Seems like your the one who needs some beauty rest. Come on, you can use the guest bedroom tonight, it's much better than the floor."

He helped me up the steps and lent me a stack of old clothes that weren't my taste, but hey, beggars can't be choosers. Flopping into the bed I allowed the mattress to consume me as I finally fell asleep.


"Eddie," the voice called again.

I blinked my eyes open and sat up. Looking around I wasn't in Steve's house anymore, I was outside. But not just outside, I was in the upside-down. Panicking I stood and spun in a circle to find I was outside the creel-house. A shadow was standing in the window from the top floor and it called out once more. Following the voice inside and up the steps, I found a man. He was around my height with blonde hair and blue eyes, wearing a white jumpsuit that almost looked like a straight jacket.

I tried to ask who he was, but nothing came out, I couldn't speak. But I had already guessed, this was 001, in other words, Vecna. Trying to run back downstairs I found my feet were glued to the floor, I couldn't run or talk. Panicking my breathing became labored and my vision began to cloud, my only thought was bent on escaping.

Shuffling behind me he leaned into my ear, "Oh don't be scared, I won't hurt you, I'm here to offer you a deal," he whispered.

Flinching at his breath on my neck I finally spit out 'never' and scowled at him. He just smiled, placed his hand on my shoulder, and said, "oh you will want to take the offer, or I will kill everyone you love sooner than later."

Trembling under his touch with my mouth sealed shut I only glared at him.

"You will take the deal in time, I'll be back, and you will except, or face my wrath," he cackled maniacally. "But love, don't tell anyone about this, or I will take the one with the hat first," he said sinisterly.

My eyes shot open and I plummeted from the air and onto the mattress at Steve's. Taking deep breaths and trying not to hyperventilate, I turned my head at the sound of the bedroom door swinging open. Steve stood in the opening, allowing light from the hall flood into the dark room.

*Steves POV*

I was so angry at how things turned out at the meet and greet. Eddie went full transformation without letting us explain the situation first, which would have been smarter. Nancy had a cow, Johnathan took Nancy's side, but the kids seemed fascinated. Robin tried defending Eddie, but I soon got fed up with the yelling so I just left without resolving much.

On another note, Eleven never showed, Hopper took her along to scout the town and gates in attempt to close some cracks. So maybe next time to break the tie, and meet Eddie, eleven can put in her opinion. She's usually good at reading people's true intentions anyway, so I'm sure she'll help.

Arriving home I went out back to clear my head and after a while, Eddie called me inside. I knew he was drunk because I could smell the liquor on him and he slurred his sentences. I helped him up to the bed and gave him some extra clothes.

It was almost four in the morning and I still couldn't sleep, there was too much to think about. Suddenly I heard a scream and there was a sound like a kid jumping on the bed. I rushed out of my room and flung the guest's door open to find Eddie sitting on the edge of the bed, tears streaming down his face, wings out, and violently shaking.

Sinking into the mattress bedside him he flinched. I didn't know what to say in these kinds of situations, so I just let him get the sobs out while awkwardly sitting there. Soon he calmed down but he wouldn't look at me, so I finally popped the question, "another nightmare?"

He just nodded his head and leaned back into bed curling up under the covers. I didn't want to push, he would tell me when he was ready, or not at all, so instead I pushed him over and slept over top the covers beside him. He grunted and tried to push me away, but I pushed back and he let me be. After a while I heard small snores coming from him, and I finally drifted into slumber.

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