𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐂...

By Cheri_Poppyy

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Ninjago x Male Reader "Hey, hello, hi, I'm Y/n L/n Master of Wind" Y/n L/n one of the students that Master W... More

Chapter 1: Awakening
Chapter 2: Amusement Park Fun
Chapter 3: Arcade Date
Chapter 4: Lost In The Forest
Chapter 5: Under The Sea
Chapter 6: Stories Really Do Come True
Chapter 7: Lost
Chapter 8: Family
Chapter 9: Back On The Right Track
Chapter 10: Childish Rumors
Chapter 11: Losing Lloyd
Chapter 12: The Truth
Chapter 13: Wedding Crashers
Chapter 15: Royal Blacksmiths

Chapter 14: Monster Park Mayhem

881 40 12
By Cheri_Poppyy

||Red Tulips||
Love, Passion, Lust

It was an early Saturday morning and everyone was grouped up at the bridge, Nya had brought a little something to show to the ninja.

"Some villagers unearthed the remains of this Fangpyre a few miles away. It predates the Golden Age, and must be hundreds of years old." Nya took out a laser pointer and pointed it at the fangs.

"Although the venom in the fangs of the Fangpyre genetically mutated human cells into reptilian," she turned off the laser. "I've learned there could be a way to stop the effects, without having to create an antivenin, if one is able to wildly raise their heart rate, hypothetically it could reverse the venom's effects. Resulting in..."

Nya's face was completely red, "...diminished, uh- excuse me, is someone wearing perfume? I am severely allergic to perfume."

"Cough, cough, Jay, cough, cough" Y/n coughed in his arm.

"Heh. You told me it was men's cologne" Jay whispered to Kai.

"Eh, I get them mixed up" Kai joked as the others laughed, both Zane and Kai's fist bumped before Zane flipped open his arm and switched the humor button off, Zane grabbed his book.

"Ah, looks like class is over" Cole grabbed his book and everyone else did the same. "Time to start stomping some Serpentine before they find any Fangblades" The four ninjas began to walk out of the room.

"Sounds like a plan," Kai said.

"I'm excited to join," Zane smiled.

"Ditto" Y/n's voice rang as they all left the room with only Jay and Nya in it.

"Uh, hey, Nya, I'm sorry" Nya looked at Jay, he shuddered a bit but was able to pull out something. "The reason I was- you know- I went to Kai because-" he walked closer to her, "Look, what I'm trying to say is-"

"I know. It's just a cruel joke. I should be fine. Please, go fight snakes" Nya assumed they were playing a joke on her.

"No, no, no, I was trying to Impress you. Before Sensei left he said our heart was the key to unlocking our true potential" Jay got to his point.

"Impress me? But I look so..." She smiled embarrassedly.

"Fantastic" Jay finished her sentence for her, "Look, maybe, if you'll let me, I can't take you to some big fancy restaurant. You don't have to if you don't want to..." Jay said.

"You mean like a date?" Nya asked Jay.

"Um, yeah?" He nervously said.

"Sure! I'd love to" She smiled warmly. "But I have to go now before the perfume toxins enter my bloodstream and I go into shock. See you tonight" She waved goodbye and exited the room.

"Yes! Ha-ha-ha!" He began to dance around happily, but he got too close to the skeleton and pricked himself on the Fangpyre's tooth. "ouch! Aah!" He looked at his hand, "Man" he then chuckled and began to dance away, little did he know that the venom was still in the fang. "Guess who's got a date today." Jay strolled inside the room.

"No way," Y/n said as he sat up from his bed, closing his manga.

"Yes way" Jay retorted and danced to the bathroom to take a shower so he didn't smell like perfume anymore.

"Good luck lover boy" Y/n smiled and shook his head as he tucked his manga somewhere safe and walked out the sliding door and made his way to the bridge. "You won't believe it guys" all the ninja look over at Y/n confused.

"Believe what?" Kai questions.

"Jay got a date with Nya" Y/n told them.

"Ha, ha, nice try Y/n, but after the whole perfume stunt I'm pretty sure my sister is gonna stay far away from him" Kai dismissed Y/n's words.

Y/n sighed an rolled his eyes. Cole and Zane look at each other and shrug before going back to their activities.

A couple hours later Jay stood in front of the mirror looking at himself. "Did I ever tell you I was the first one to learn Spinjitzu?" He talked to himself in the mirror, "No. I mean, uh, I invented Spinjitzu. Yeah that's it" he smiled to himself. "And I invented a few other moves, like the karate double chop. Hyah-Hyah!" He did "karate" moves in front of the mirror.

Jay looked at his hand, it was turning green, "No! No, no, no. The prick from the Fangpyre fang! Oh, no this isn't happening. No, it's nothing. It's just a rash, it'll probably just go away. You're gonna do great, Jay. This is your chance to shine. Heh-Heh" he spoke to himself trying to think optimistically.

He put on gloves and a red scarf, Jay then slid his way into the bridge. Kai was looking at the map while Cole was looking at a screen. Y/n was checking the periscope. Jay waltzed in strutting his stuff.

"Woah, where you going, Mr. Fancy?" Cole said with a smile.

"Didn't you hear? I'm taking Nya to a nice restaurant. A really nice restaurant" Jay flexed.

"See Kai I was correct" Y/n looked over at Kai.

"Whatever but you might wanna change your plans." The ninja walked up to Kai, "The bridge just picked up evidence of Serpentine activity over at mega monster amusement park" Kai said.

"Ugh I hate that snake" Y/n groaned in annoyance.

"Hey, that's Pythor!" Jay pointed out.

"Pythor would not be there for fun," Zane told the group, "We believe a Fangblade may be buried underneath the park."

"We can't let them get it! Oh, but my date..." Jay said conflict.

"Jay, if they get all four of them, Pythor will unleash the Great Devourer. Get your priorities right man" Kai said to him. But when Jay's face lit up, he ran over to Nya's room.

"There's five of us, I'm sure one extra member won't change anything" Y/n defended Jay, "after all we're still teenagers, shouldn't we be enjoying life? Guys do I have to remind you?" Y/n looked at Kai.

"Remind us of what?" Kai was totally oblivious, and so were the others.

"We're still kids!" Y/n exclaimed. "Yes the world will be destroyed if we don't do something but, we're kids, teenagers" Y/n explained. "Shouldn't we at least live some of our lives as teenagers, you know going on dates, having fun."

"You know Y/n's right, when was the last time we actually played video games?" Cole thought about it.

"That doesn't matter, we're ninja, all of Ninjago depends on us" Kai debates.

"Yeah but, shouldn't we at least have fun while doing it?" Y/n questions. Kai sighs.

"Guys, let us not debate, Pythor is on the move and we must stay focused" Zane reminded them. Y/n and Kai look away from each other before Jay came back to the bridge with Nya.

"Alright boys let's go" Y/n walked out of the bridge and jumped off the Destiny Bounty before taking out his hoverboard. The others followed down and arrived at Mega Monster Amusement Park "I miss Lloyd" Y/n sighed. Jay and Nya went to a restaurant while the ninja tried to find the Serpentine.

"Yeah, even when I was young, it was clear I was born and bred for adventure. I was the first to get my knot badge in 'Lil Scouts. I was always trying daring foods" Jay chuckled a little while Nya's bracelet beeped. "I once built these wings from scrap metal and other-" Jay cleared his throat and moved the abnormal burger out of the way. "Are you okay? Uh, you seem kind of distant."

"Uh, yeah. It's just the proportions are so big. And to think we split our dish" Nya said with a nervous smile. Jay chuckled a little.

"So that Samurai. Oh, man. I hate him, don't you? He's such a showboat, you know." Nya frowned, "If you ask me, he's nothing without his big, clunky exo-suit."

"Oh," she said bitterly.
"Yeah. Nothing can compare to two good old-fashioned feet and fist, don't you think?" Jay went on to say not to read the room.

"Yeah, sure" Nya agreed with a small smile.

"You know, sssomebody once told me..." Jay stopped talking and then took the nearest spoon and looked at his reflection, just as he suspected he had grown two fangs.

"You okay?" Nya asked worriedly.

"Excussse me. I have to use the ressstroom!" Jay then ran off covering his mouth, Jay ran into the bathroom and turned on the faucet, and rinsed his face in water, he looked back up to the mirror to see his reflection.

Jay took off his glove and his hand was still green with a snake-like pattern. "Oh, gosh, I'm turning into a snake!" Jay hid inside the stall and waited there. An old man walked in and tried to open the stall door. "I'm busy dude. Can't you see that it's taken?" The old man shook his head and walked out of the bathroom. "I can't go out there looking like this." He looked at his hand, "This is the worst date ever!" While he was panicking in the bathroom Nya was waiting for him restlessly.

"Did you find anything?" Y/n asked the ninja.

"No but, where is everybody?" Then suddenly a bunch of screaming people came out of a ride.

"They're screaming because of that one? Me and Kai almost slept on that ride" Y/n said confused.

"Exactly, that ride was never scary" Cole agreed.

"Venomari," Zane said.

"Should we get Jay?" Kai asked the others.

"He's on a date Kai" Y/n shook his head.

"Yeah, let's not bother the two love birds. I think we can handle this" Cole and the rest of them ran towards the ride.

"Excuse us, we're coming through," Kai wormed around the panicked people.

"Nothing to look at, folks," Cole said.

"This is official ninja business" Zane warned the civilians.

"Time to kick butt!" Y/n cheered as the ninja ran into the attraction. Back with Nya and Jay, the blue ninja still didn't get out of the restroom, and Nya's bracelet was alarming her that there was danger nearby, she then sighed.

"Sorry, Jay. Duty calls" She took her bag and left.

"Ah, you don't look so bad, just go out there and tell her the truth," Jay told himself, there was then a tear. "I have a tail! No. No, it's okay, Jay. Lots of girls like tails" Jay then walked out of the bathroom he went to their spot but Nya was nowhere to be seen.

"She left? Nya?" Jay called out.

"Snake!" Yelled a man, everyone stopped what they were doing and then charged at Jay, they threw food at him and hit him.

"No stop! You don't understand!" Jay yelled out covering his head. Nya looked around and went behind a fence and put on her suit, she jumped out and pressed her bracelet, and her exo-suit was summoned. Nya jumped inside and ran towards the danger.

"The first Fangblade is ours!" Pythor held the Fangblade up, and Kai held his sword high and lit it with fire. While Zane and Y/n were on one side and Cole on the other.

"Not so fast!" Kai confidently said.

"Really? That's the best you got?" Cole broke up the intense atmosphere.

"I couldn't think anything on the fly," Kai shrugged a little.

"How about "Time to burn?" Or "Jump on this fire ride?" Cole gave him ideas.

"All of those were just horrible," Y/n told Cole as he shook his head no.

"Well, next time, you lead," Kai barked back at Cole.

"Next time I will" Cole fought back.

"Oh, yeah? I'd you can catch up" Kai turned his body to Cole, his sword was no longer on fire and they all looked like idiots.

"Oh come one. You gotta follow my lead" Cole said, the Serpentine got out their weapons and waited for the ninja to strike. The ninja ran towards them, Y/n punched the Fangpyre in the face and tripped him behind him a Hypnobrai almost hit him across the head but thankfully Zane got to him first.

"Thank Zane" Y/n thanked and continued to fight on.

"Ninjas? Ninjas aren't scary" the guy said.

"What the, why is this ride still running?" Y/n asked, confused.

"Watch and learn brothers" Zane's eyes turned blue and he floated in the air, there was then a bright light and before the ninja knew it they were frozen. "Oops." The snakes laughed at them they then ran away with the Fangblade.

"This is embarrassing" Y/n sighed

"Get comfortable boys," Cole told them while they slowly melted with their body heat.

"My apologies everyone," Zane said in shame. Outside the Samurai stole the Fangblade from the Serpentine, unfortunately, her thrusters weren't working so Nya had to run instead, she climbed a roller coaster and rode on in while the snakes watched her.

She grabbed into the Ferris Wheel and dropped down, unfortunately for her that wasn't enough to stop them, she then grabbed onto a ride and ran off while the snakes chased after her.

She did get that far because the Constrictai got in her way and grabbed onto her and began damaging the suit, it wasn't long after the suit would completely power down. Nya opened her exo-suit while Pythor took the Fangblade.

"Finally, the mystery man is revealed" Pythor ordered one of the Constrictai to take off her helmet. They all gasped. "Or should I have said mystery girl? Who's gonna save you now, hmm?" Inside Jay was still getting beat up. He crawled towards the bathroom and quickly put his scarf around him and left the bathroom.

"Don't go in there. He bites. This is not dinner theater people, it's real!" He began to quickly walk to the entrance. "Arm yourselves!" He said as he ran out the door. Once he got outside he looked behind him to see his tail was bigger. "Nya!" He called out, "Where is she?" He then caught sight of the Serpentine. "Hey!" He took out his nunchucks but the Serpentine caught sight of his tail, They laughed hysterically.

"Oh, what happened? Snake bite your tongue?" Pythor jokes, the snakes laughed even harder. Jay ran towards them but was stopped in his tracks by the voice of Nya's voice.

"Jay! Help!" She screamed, Pythor signaled one of the snakes to start the ride.

"Later alligator. Let's go, boys" Pythor slithered away. Jay ran after Nya and hopped on.

"What happened to you?" Nya questioned while she looked at him.

"What happened to you?" Jay asked her the very same question, he looked up and saw a fire circle. "Unh, we have to get you out of here." Nya caught sight of his tail.

"Were you bit? Take off your head scarf" Nya said.

"I prefer not, I was meaning to tell you, but I didn't want to ruin it to ruin the date" Jay admitted.

"Oh, that's so sweet" She then struggled again but a lightbulb popped in her mind. "Hey, you remember we're the first in your 'Lil Scouts group to get your knot badge, right?"

"Yeah, about that. I made that up just so I could impress you. I was never in 'Lil Scouts" Jay nervously said.

"You weren't? Hold on" Nya looked up ahead.

"What? you have an idea?" Jay asked.

"No, hold on" Jay then jumped in the cart with her and when it went downhill his scarf fell off and they both screamed, Jay felt his face his scarf was no longer there.

"Aah, don't look at me. I'm a monster! Though I hate the Samurai. Where is he when he actually need him? Samurai! Help! Help! Samurai!" Jay yelled out.

"Jay, I don't think the Samurai is coming," Nya told him.

"Why?" Jay asked.

"I know this might not be the best time, but I haven't been totally honest either," she said looking away.

"What is it?" He looked at her.

"I... I'm the Samurai" she finally said Jay scoffed.

"You're the Samurai?" Jay looked at her with a surprised expression. "Aah! We're running out of track" Jay panicked.

"Jay, if anything horrible were to happen, I want you to know that you don't have to wear cologne nor pretend to be anything you're not. Because I like you best when you're you" Nya then kissed Jay on the cheek and magically Jay turned back into a human. She looked at him "Your face. You're returning back to normal."

"It's just like you said. You must have raised my heart rate" Jay smiled.

"Whatever happens next, just remember, you are the best you" Jay then stood up, there was an electric type sound. "What's happening?"

"My true potential" Jay answered as his clothes turned into his GI as they approached closer to death Jay teleported in front of the roller coaster cart and stopped it with his bare hands, Jay struggled to stop the train fortunately for him he stopped it right in time, he sighed and rested his head on the cart. Hours later everyone met at the entrance of the park.

"You really had me fooled, I never guessed you were the Samurai," Zane said.

"I wish I had a sister like you," Cole smiled.

"Had my suspicions," Y/n shrugged.

"Technically, I was the first to discover her secret, and didn't we agree whoever we thought was the best would naturally be the Green Ninja? Huh? The Green Ninja! The destined ninja to defeat Lord Garmadon, huh?" Kai smiled excitedly.

"Why would we say that?" Jay questioned.

"Yeah, I'm drawing a blank," Cole agreed.

"Nope. That conversation is not I'm my database" Zane said.

"Maybe next time Kai" Y/n patted him on the back.

"You know what I learned today?" Jay said.

"What's that?" Nya asked.

"No matter what kind of secret you have, whether you're a snake or a samurai, it's important to be yourself" Jay explained to the team.

"Yeah, that's cute. But you wanna know what I learned? The serpentine now have the first Fangblade" Cole said.

"But we are getting stronger. One day we will all reach our true potential, and Pythor will be stopped" Zane said thinking positively about the situation.

"And we figured out all this without Sensei. Pretty good for five ninja" Nya hit him on the arm. "And a samurai" Jay added.

"I wonder what Sensei is doing now," Kai asked the others.

"Probably drinking tea, or fighting a dragon" Y/n thought about it. "But that doesn't matter, what matters is that we shouldn't use our power carelessly anymore, Zane froze us."

"Yeah, I'm still wet," Cole chuckled.

"We still have a long way to go before we master our true potential, I can't wait for the future."

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