The youngest Grimborn

由 Wolfysstories

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It all starts at the episode of auction heroes. Cause, what if something went wrong? What if Viggo had a youn... 更多

Chapter 1: The Night Fury
Chapter 2: The island
Chapter 3: The plan
Chapter 4: The riders
Chapter 6: Defenders in the storm
Chapter 7: And the story begins
Chapter 8: Midnight scum
Chapter 9: Not Lout
Chapter 10: Dire Straits
Chapter 11: The longest day
Chapter 12: Gold Rush
Chapter 13: Out of the frying pan
Chapter 14: The island, again
Chapter 15: Twintuition
Chapter 16: Blindsided
Chapter 17: Shell shocked part 1
Chapter 18: Shell shocked part 2
Chapter 19: Shell shocked part 3
Chapter 20: Shell shocked part 4
Chapter 21: Shell shocked part 5
My dear reader... (pun intended)

Chapter 5: Friends or enemies?

578 16 0
由 Wolfysstories

Thyra jumped of Midnight and closed the arena door behind her. She sighted and turned to the twins. 'Alright, new rule. If you see glowing water, DON'T drink it.'

Ruffnut and Tuffnut stared at each other with a dumb look. 'Not even when it looks really funny?'

Thyra glared at them. 'No.'

She then turned her gaze to Hiccup who was still hugging Toothless. She walked over and placed a hand on Toothless' head. She turned to Hiccup. 'I'm sorry about my brother. I knew something was of with Toothless but I never imagined that my brother could have stolen him from you.'

'It's okay, I got him back now. But, how did you and Midnight- you know. Viggo is your brother and everything... Right?'

Thyra looked down. 'Right.' She looked up and stared at everyone's faces. She and Snotlout had landed as safely as possible when your name was Snotlout Jorgenson and Fishlegs had also arrived at the arena. The twins came down safely as well and Astrid, Heather and Hiccup already went there to find Toothless.

Thyra stared at their dragons. It was clear they cared for each other. Yet she did not like the fact that there were so many people. After living with dragons for half of your life you don't become very fond of humans, she could bear them, accept them, even care for a few of them like Viggo but that was it.

She looked back at Hiccup. Midnight trusted him, even so far that she took a like on him after just touching him. Then he must be something special...

'Midnight saved me when I jumped of a cliff.'

They all stared at her in shock. 'But, why would you jump of a cliff. Isn't that more like something we should do?' Tuffnut asked her confused.

Fishlegs glared at him. 'You tried to kill yourself?'

Thyra hesitated before nodding. 'Sort of. Ryker has always told me how useless I was and he eventually told me I could do good by jumping of a cliff. A part of me knew I would die but a naïve part of me wanted to do good so badly that I took that risk. He told me I might got wings and fly away.'

She chuckled. 'Well I guess that sort of happened. I don't know what she saw in me but Midnight saved my life that morning. I was only seven. I waited at the cliff all day, playing with Midnight until she suddenly jumped in a tree. That's when I turned around and saw my brother. He begged me not to jump, thinking I was still going to. It's when Ryker showed up and asked me why I was still alive, he was ready to kill me, I'm sure of it. Only Midnight intervened.'

Thyra placed her hand on Midnight's head with a warm smile. Hiccup noticed the strong bond but didn't say anything yet.

'She took me away that day. I lived with her on the island here for five years before I went back. I wanted to stay but I didn't wanna lose Viggo. It took him another five years to finally agree with my terms and leave each other alone. I would still be able to come and go whenever I pleased and he wouldn't hurt Midnight or any dragon on my island as long as I don't attack him.'

They all looked at her in shock. Midnight noticed how sad her rider had become and pressed her muzzle in her hand to comfort her. Hiccup placed a hand on her shoulder. 'I'm sorry for you.'

Thyra smiled weakly. 'Yeah, me too. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if Midnight hadn't taken me away. If Ryker never told me to jump in the first place. I could have become a huntress. I could have killed-'

She pressed her lips together and looked down. Not able to think of it.

'Hey, it's okay. I mean, I shot Toothless out the sky...' Hiccup looked at Toothless. Thyra stared at him in shock. 'Really? Never would have though that. What changed your mind of killing him?'

'I don't know, I just, couldn't. He reminded me of myself. We all became riders when I had to safe him from my dad and after that, dragons slowly came to berk. We befriended them. When we found the dragon eye and we made the Dragons Edge where we live now. Then Ryker came in the picture and later, Viggo too.' Hiccup explained.

Thyra sighted. 'Hmm. I never thought I would meet anyone else who actually cares for dragons.'

Fishlegs hugged Meatlug. 'Yeah. They are like family. Talking about our dragons, I have never seen any dragon like Midnight. May I ask what she is?'

Midnight looks up at hearing her name and stands up to straight. Holding her wings up to show him. I chuckle at her reaction and stand up as well. I walk over to Midnight and gesture Fishlegs to come too.

'Here, you see the stars inside her wings? They have multiple effect. First of all, she can make them lit up as much as she wants to. It's a useful light but can also be blinding and become a distraction to escape. Second, they are good camouflage at night. Third, they can be hypnotizing but that also depends a little on the person.'

Fishlegs stared at Midnight and carefully stroke her scales. 'She looks a lot like Toothless.'

'Yeah, I noticed too. Except for the fact that her scales are dark blue and Toothless' scales are most definitely pitch black.'

I lean over to whisper. 'She's also very prideful.' I talk louder. 'And very intelligent.' 

Midnight almost starts purring in approval. So while Fishlegs starts to absorb every single detail of information he can find, I walk over to Hiccup who is, again, hugging Toothless.

I lean against the wall with a guilty feeling in my stomach. 'Hey, I'm really sorry you two were separated because of me.'

'It's okay, really. You didn't know. Besides, you could have killed me. Actually, why didn't you?'

I shrug. 'Well, my brother locked you up so apparently you're bad for busines. This is good for me because if you are bad for busines he will need my help which means I can make demands.'

I stare at Toothless' missing tailfin. 

'We need to do something about that if you want to leave after the storm.'

Hiccup follows my gaze. 'Yeah, I just don't have the right materials.'

I grin. 'Well lucky for you that I'm amazing! I already have the materials. I figured a grounded dragon is a dead dragon so I was going to make sure he was able to fly. Since you already built this once I'm gonna leave it up to you.'

Hiccup stares at me in surprise. 'Really? Just like that?'

I stare at him and try to see if he's somehow joking but he seems genuinely surprised.

'Yeah, of course. I won't keep him here if he doesn't want to. And I trust that you two care for each other. You have a very special bond with him Hiccup.'

Hiccup smiles and I smile back. I jolt up when another loud crash echoes through the skies.

'Wait a second, that's not normal. He's supposed to be calm by now.'

I quickly run outside, ignoring how my damp clothes are getting wet again. 'STORM!' I yell from the top of my lungs.

I yelp when another clash of lightning strikes down at the metal chains form the arena. Astrid runs out if the arena behind me.

'What's going on? If this is one of your tricks to keep us here until you got backup or something I swear I will-'

I push her away. 'Yeah yeah, threaten me another time blondie. I need to help him, he's not okay. STORM! STO-ORM!'

Storm roars and another blast of lightning hit's the arena. I instinctively duck when I notice that a tree is on fire and a branch is falling of.

I stare at Storm with wide eyes. Something is really wrong.

I push Astrid back inside and give a sharp whistle. Within a few seconds a speed stinger arrives. Snotlout quickly runs away while the other rider back away a little but I pay no mind to them.

'Hey, do me a favor and go check the southern sides of the island. I need to know if Storm saw something that caused.... this. If there's nothing go back, otherwise come find me. And hey, be careful.'

I swear the Speedstinger nods but I must be imagining things. He runs away and I quickly walk to midnight. Half way I'm stopped by Hiccup, who grabs my arm. I glare at him. 'Let me go.'

'No, wait, what's going on.'

I feel the strong urge to punch him but instead I just shrug him of.

'What's going on is that my friend is so stressed he's destroying the island, something is wrong, really wrong. This isn't like him, Storm wouldn't do this. He to skilled for that Hiccup.'

'So what? You're going up in there. Don't you see how dangerous that is?'

I quickly get the saddle of Midnight to prevent making us a target for lightening, I vaguely remember that the saddle doesn't consist of leather alone.

'And you're flying without a saddle? Look, you can't do this-'

'I HAVE TO!' I scream while I turn around. Midnight growls softly, noticing my mood swing. I take a deep breath. 'Look, I appreciate that you're looking out for me but that dragon up there is my friend. And if he needs my help I need to give it to him. Hiccup, you didn't grow up like me, you don't know what it's like when the only living beings you truly understand are dragons. They are my family.'

My voice get's softer at the end. Hiccup's eyes soften too. 'You'd be surprised how well I understand. At least let me come with you, I can help.'

I shake my head. 'Absolutely not, first of all, Toothless is still stuck on the ground. Second of all, it's dangerous, this is my busines, not yours.'

'It's dragons. Last time I checked that's definitely our busines.' Hiccup smirks while I look at him to see if he's serious. Heather walks up from behind him.

'You better get used to it, he can be very stubborn. Better let him come because he will go anyways.'

I shake my head.

'Alright smart ass. How do you expect to get up in the sky? You don't have a dragon.'

Hiccup is about to say something but get's interrupted by a loud crash. He opens his mouth but nothing comes out. He doesn't know.

'Exactly. We're wasting time. Stay here. All of you.'

I glare at each one of them before setting off to the dark skies with Midnight.

We fly higher and higher until I can't see the ground anymore. 


My voice is barely audible through the wind. I squint my eyes but don't see anything. Suddenly lightning strikes through the clouds, lightening up the sky for a split second. Enough to detect a shape.

Without a warning I'm suddenly knocked of Midnight. I hear her roar in distress before my body collides with the cold water. I quickly swim up to the surface and look around. I don't see anything.

Then I realize what always happens in this case, I slowly look up. Above me hovers a big, dark blue, Skrill. Most likely a titan. Well, that explains the weird behavior, it's wasn't Storm at all who hit the island. Of course not, my boy is way to good for such rough mistakes.

Back to the problem, I'm about to get roasted.

'Snotlout, Snotlout, oi, oi, oi!'

I yelp when I get plunged out of the water while the Titan Skrill is distracted by Snotlout. I look up to see Midnight holding me. She smiles, at least I think it's a smile, and throws me up, catching me again on her back.

I turn to look at Snotlout, who is once again being chased by an angry Skrill. I pat Midnight on her head. 'Alright girl, let's save that idiot. Any clue of where Storm is?'

Midnight roars and flies away to the beach where I can see a wounded Storm. My anger flares up before I quickly land besides him. Storm is lying down on his side, wing in a weird angle. Most likely broken.

I gently place my hand on his head. He whines. I look at him without knowing what to say, my mouth agape. How could this happen? More importantly, why didn't I know?


I look up when I hear Hiccup's voice behind me. He jumps of the Deadly Nadder from Astrid. I still don't know the name, didn't bother to ask.

Hiccup's eyes fall upon Storm and his broken wing. Then distrust hits me. I narrow my eyes, Midnight notices my distrust and starts to growl at Hiccup. He stops from running towards us, backing away slightly. 

'Uhmm, Thyra, I- I don't know what's going on but-'

I point my sword at him. 'What's going on is that you've been distracting me, Hiccup.'

'No I-'

'What's going on is that your riders have been pestering my best friend'-  I give a quick glance at Storm and try my best to keep my calm -'Which resulted in him being stressed and unable to see a Titan Skrill coming'- 

'Thyra we-'

'Who then hurt him while he should have been SAFE! I promised him he'd be safe. I wasn't there for him when he called because I was too busy with you and your riders!'

My knuckles turn white from my tight grip on the hilt of my sword. 'This is why we don't trust humans! This is why I've kept hidden. My brother was right, you guys are trouble.' I scowl. 

Hiccup's face has turned very white. I didn't even notice that Astrid jumped of her dragon until I see her axe in a defensive position in front of Hiccup.

My face drops, realizing my mistake of losing my temper. I'm not supposed to show people what I really care for, they'll use it against me. I'm supposed to act careless, a little reckless, make people underestimate me.

I force myself to avoid any emotion on my face and smash my sword in the sand.

'You will stay here. After I fixed this I will see what I can do to get you and your dragon back in the air. After that you will leave, all of you, and forget you ever came here.'


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