We Are A Secret (Camren) [Edi...

By _eriiicaaaa_

249K 5.4K 1.1K

Trailer available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/aADcSVTyabQ 18 year old Lauren Jauregui has been heartbroken... More

1. We're Moving
2. Her
3. The Newbies
4. I'm Falling
5. Let's Chill?
6. 'Friendship'
7. They Ship It
8. You Have Me
9. Date?
10. Yes!
11. Last Long
13. There's A 'But'
14. 'Home'
15. Meeting Them
16. Cold
17. We're So Fancy
18. Accent
19. Overreacting
20. What The Hell??
21. Complicated
22. Egged
23. Fucked up
24. The Happening
25. Good or Bad Advice?
26. Analyzing
27. Hottest
28. Same Love
29. Expect the Unexpected
30. Oblivion
31. Vampire?
32. Anonymous
33. Monitor
34. Mini Cabello
35. je t'aime
36. For My Best Friend
37. Making Amends
38. I'll Miss You
39. You're an ass
40. The Little Moments
41. Surprise!
42. See You Soon
43. Envious
44. Not Enough
Epilogue - Part 1
Epilogue - Part 2
Married To Dr. Jauregui

12. We're Trouble

5.6K 121 48
By _eriiicaaaa_

Lauren's POV

"Chris catch!!" I yelled at the boy.

He started running and turned around then I threw the football but as he kept going backwards, he bumped into a shelf with glass sculptures.

Everything went in slow motion from there. Chris slowly falling onto the shelf, then the sculptures collapsing as they met the floor. The sounds of them breaking brought me back.

"Got it!" He said raising the football.

"Lauren!" I flinched out the sound of my name coming from Camila.

I hesitantly answered, "Y-Yeah?"

"What have you guys done?! Oh my god Laur! We're in so much trouble!" She yelled.

I looked at Taylor that was beside her and was looking down, shaking her head with her fingers pinching her nose bridge.

"We're not in trouble if we get caught." I smirked.

"No Laur we-" I cut her off by pulling her towards the sports store's exit with Chris and Taylor trailing behind.

"I hope they didn't see us and come looking for us." Chris said worriedly.

"Well because of your dumbass they probably will." I say giving him a glare.

"Okay gu-Hey! You four, stop!!" Yelled some voices behind us, completely interrupting Camz. We turned around and saw that the voices belong to two security guards.

Shit were fucked.

"Laur! Run!" Chris yelled.

We all started running at once. Having to move in between people so we wouldn't knock them over. We ran as fast as our legs could take us but every time I looked back, I saw the guards gaining on us.

That was until we ran into a huge candy store and went different ways but stayed close enough to see where the other was. We hid behind shelves and walked slowly to other places in the store while the guards looked aimlessly around.

Once they walked towards the opposite side of the store, we took a run for it and gained a lot of ground. We stopped in front of a skateboard shop and went in.

"I...knew...we were...going to..be...trouble" Camila said in between breaths "You're not tired." she asked trying to catch her breath.

"No, softball conditioning remember?"

"Oh yeah, why haven't you gone this past week?"

"Coach's been sick, but I think we should borrow some skateboards and electronic scooters." I say looking at Chris who gave me a smirk and nodded.

Her eyes went wide. "We're going to steal?!" She whispered yelled.

"What's the point of buying them when we have tons at home." I say walking towards some boards.

After finally convincing Camz to pick out a scooter because she clearly didn't know how to ride a board, we waited for the right time to run for it. Again.

Once we saw the store owner busy with other customers we hopped onto the boards and scooters then rid out of there. But the guards were passing by the same exact moment and saw us.

So once again we were being chased, but this time we had an advantage. Wheels. Chris and I knew some tricks so when stairs and railings came into view we 'showed off' just for the heck of it.

After making it out the mall alive, we made our way back home. I'm pretty sure they'll try to come looking for us and make us pay for what we broke/stole, but they won't find us.

"I knew we were trouble when we walked in." mumbled Camila.

"You gotta admit, it was fun." I say poking her side repeatedly.

She let out a giggle, "Okay, okay it was fun."

"That was the most fun we've ever had with Laur." Taylor said.

"Really?" Camz asked.

"Ya before she always us-Anyway who wants Starbucks?" I asked interrupting Chris.

"Me!!" All three of them yelled.



"Hey babe."

"Hey." she said closing the car door and leaning in for a kiss.

"Ready to tell Dinah?"

"Yeah I mean she was the one that wanted us together." she says smiling

"True." I smiled back.

We drove for five minutes then I parked my car in a lot. We got out and walked towards the entrance. As soon as we entered we heard Dinah's voice.

"Yo Camren!"

"Hey Dee." I said.

"Hey, so what did you want to talk about?"

"Umm could we go to a more private area?" I asked hopeful.

She gave me a confused look but nodded anyway. We walked to the library because no one is ever there. I mean who reads these days? Wait Camz does. Anyway we sat at a table and remained silent for some minutes.

"Okay! Talk, what do you need to tell me?" Dinah said breaking the silence.

I looked towards Camila who simply nodded, silently telling me to proceed.

"Well umm on Saturday when you called me, I didn't give you all the details of the date." I say slowly.

"What do you mean?"

"Well I didn't tell you the part meandcamzaretogether" I rapidly said at the end. Dinah's face expression went from blank to the happiest person on earth.

She squealed. "Oh my god, my ship sailed!"
Which earned her a 'shh' and glare from the librarian.

"How did this happen?!"

I was about to answer but Camz beat me to it, "Well she just confessed to me and my heart fluttered to every word she said in that speech. Then the last sentence was asking me out and of course I said yes." she explains kissing my cheek after.

"Aww my Camren feels." she says wiping away invisible tears.

"And one last thing, we are a secret Dinah. No one can know, besides the squad of course." Camz said seriously.

"I don't think that's a good idea Mila..."

"Why you think that?" I asked.

"Well secrets will be revealed and spread, it could get real ugly. But I'm just saying, if you guys want to stay low-key I understand."

"Yeah but only temporarily, until I'm ready and because my parents don't know about my sexuality and they're very religious. Thanks for understanding." Camila said.

"You're welcome but when do you guys plan to tell the squad?"

"At lunch?" I said more as a question than as a statement.

"Yeah at that time." Camz agreed.

"Okay, well let's go. We already missed our first class an I don't want to be late for the second." Dinah said walking towards the exit, while secretly flipping off the librarian who had shushed her minutes earlier.

I walked Camila to her second class which she denied at first because she said I'd be late for mine if I did but in the end she knew I wasn't going to change my mind so she just agreed.

I was walking back to my class when I heard someone call me.

"Lauren Jauregui?" A male voice asked.

I turned around and saw a guy about the same age as me, few inches taller with hazel eyes.
"Yeah can I help you?"

"Yeah I'm new here and coach told me to tell you that he'll be back in tomorrow and to get to know you because I'll be the new assistant."

"Oh okay. What's your name?"

"Austin. Austin Mahone."

"Nice to meet you but I kinda have to get to class now. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright bye."

With that I turned around and continued on my way towards my class. I don't know if it's just me or he gives off a weird aura. Like if he's into evil or something. I must be tripping.

A/N: well I brought Austin into the picture.

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