
By MedinaHadziefendic70

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Marija is a young soul who gets taken away by the ottoman Army in her small village in Bosnia. She will soon... More

Chapter 1: Taken away
Chapter 2: First sight
Chapter 4: More news
Chapter 5: Big Reveal
Chapter 6: Back Home
Chapter 7: Evil Plan
Chapter 8: Massacre
Chapter 9: Family Reunion
Chapter 10: Campaign
Chapter 11: Victory and Loss
Chapter 12: Love and Politics
Chapter13: 3rd "Mistress"
Chapter14: Fate
Chapter15: End
Thank you

Chapter 3: Rivalry

401 14 6
By MedinaHadziefendic70

*The next day*

Marija:*I woke up next to the Sultan. As I was trying to get up from the bed, he pulled me back to him.*

Sultan Mehmed: Where are you going, Marija? Don’t you like me?

Marija: Hünkarim, why would I not like you? I need to attend class!

Sultan Mehmed: Marija, please don’t leave yet! I want you to stay here!

Marija: Alright,then!

*Soon we both got dressed and then we had breakfast. We talked about our interests and we got closer to each other.*


Rukiye Hatun: Sultanim, I have important news to tell!

Mükrime Sultan: What news? Tell me!

Rukiye Sultan: The Sultan called a Concubine last night! She is in the favourites area of the harem and Esma Sultan has gone into labor!

Mükrime: We need to go to Esma Sultans room! Hopefully she gives birth to a girl!

*Everyone was outside to see if the baby was born. Soon the Palace was filled with the cries of babies. Yes, babies. When Esma Sultan went to labor, Mükrime Sultan also shortly after went into labor. Esma Sultan gave birth to a healthy boy called Sinan and Mükrime Sultan gave birth to a healthy girl named Hafsa. The Sultan was over the moon. It has been a few years since the death of his first 3 children. The children died in the fire that spread in the Palace in Manisa. Esma Sultan lost her twin boys and Mükrime Sultan lost her son.*

Marija: *I went to visit Esma Sultan.* Sultanim! You seem over the moon!

Esma Sultan: I am! Isn't my Şehzade Sinan cute?

Marija: He is so adorable! Sultanim, I have a question!

Esma: Please ask!

Marija: The Hünkarim gifted you a tulip shaped necklace. Is there any symbolism for the necklace?

Esma: When a Consort gives birth to a son, she recieves a necklace that is shaped like a tulip. Tulips are the symbol of the Ottoman Empire! Also you will truly be considered a part of the Ottoman Dynasty if you bear a son.

Marija: What about Mükrime Sultan? Is she not part of the Dynasty?

Esma: She used to be a part of the Dynasty after she gave birth but her son died and she was respected for giving the Dynasty a Prince. Since she has given birth to a daughter, only the daughter will be considered part of the Dynasty and Mükrime Sultan won't get a necklace because of her daughter. The necklace that she should have recieved, is now her daughters property and she isn't allowed to take the necklace away.

Marija: I wish you and your son great health! I must congratulate Mükrime Sultan aswell! If you allow,may I leave?

Esma Sultan: Of course you may!

*You go to Mükrime Sultan's chambers and bow to her*

Marija: Sultanim, how are you feeling?

Mükrime Sultan: I was better before.

Marija: Your daughter is beautiful, just like you are!

Mükrime Sultan: *looks at her disgustedly* Yeah!

Marija: I must now head back to the chambers! I hope you and your daughter are in great health!

Mükrime Sultan: May I ask you for your name?

Marija: My name is Marija, Sultanim! May I take my leave?

Mükrime Sultan: You may leave!

*You leave the chambers!*

Mükrime Sultan: Rukiye Hatun! Take this filthy child away from me!

Rukiye Hatun: Of course, Sultanim!

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