Children of The Fallen

Por ggwrites_1864

3.2K 26 31

"I didn't think that the first night at my new college would end with me getting my back broken. And not in t... Más

Chapter 1: getting my back broken (not fun)
Chapter 2: is she dead?
Chapter 3: am I being kidnapped?
Chapter 4: a perfectly reasonable explanation
Chapter 5: lie to me
Chapter 6: sobbing silently is a talent
Chapter 7: you look awful
Chapter 8: fucked up Princess Diaries
Chapter 9: conform, comply, compromise
Chapter 10: red and black
Chapter 11: bandaged up and feeling stupid
Chapter 13: sticking to the regimen
Chapter 14: distractions
Chapter 15: yay genocide
Chapter 16: we're saved, we have rocks
Chapter 17: monster
Chapter 18: North Carolina
Chapter 19: don't piss Grayson off
Chapter 20: PEMDAS
Chapter 21: hallucinations
Chapter 22: colorless Rubik's cubes
Chapter 23: a night off
Chapter 24: lectures
Chapter 25: bloodied knuckles
Chapter 26: mistakes and apologies
Chapter 27: November 22
Chapter 28: cake and vodka
Chapter 29: why aren't I dead?
Chapter 30: not human
Chapter 31: 117 Years
Chapter 32: faking it
Chapter 33: we're both a little fucked up aren't we?
Chapter 34: I have his eyes
Chapter 35: alone
Chapter 36: insecurity and desperation
Chapter 37: truth
Chapter 38: let me tell you a little story
Chapter 39: family
Chapter 40: drown

Chapter 12: the date

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Por ggwrites_1864

Kellan Hayes

I wasn't going to ask her out. I made it a point to tell myself not to because that's not apart of what Dane brought me into this for. I was supposed to be a failsafe, me and my connections to be used as needed. I thought she was beautiful, I am definitely attracted to her however I had every intention of shoving that aside. I caved when she said she wanted to get out of the house. What was I supposed to do, not take her out?

As impromptu and unprepared this is, I want this to be a perfect night. I want her to smile. I want her to have fun, especially with all that's been going on.

I showered, shaved, picked out a casual but nice outfit. I wanted to look my best. She's the most stunning girl I have ever seen, so for me to look anything less than my best would be an insult to her.

I was going to go to Chloe myself, but she practically sprinted into my room more than excited to help with anything. I graciously accepted and needed her help for my plan to come to fruition.

The closer it gets to 7:00pm, the more nervous I'm getting. I haven't been this eager and nervous about a girl in a while. I wait for her at the front door of the house with sweaty palms, holding on to the basket fortunately Chloe had. Oddly she had several baskets? She said it's because she went shopping a couple months ago and "they all looked so cute" she couldn't not buy all of them. She was so excited, she was actually jumping up and down while she was helping me pick out the basket and gather stuff for the date.

I adjust my chain seeing that the clasp was in the front, leading me to start adjusting everything on me. My black jeans, my white t shirt, then I see that the collar on my jean jacket was folded in so now I have to fix that.

"Ooh someone's nervous. Hot date?" I hear Graysons grating voice. Irritation replacing my nervousness, I glare at him standing there with his arms crossed. He's all dressed and ready to act like a heathen for the night. The thought that Morgan and him were once together, that his hands were all over her is vile to me. The fact that she'd wanted him for even just a small moment in time. They had only just met too. I really can't think about it too much but whenever I see him, that's the thought at the forefront of my mind making me more angry than I'd like to admit.

I scowl in disgust. "Must you commentate on things that don't concern you?"

"Must you be blocking the door I need to walk through?" He points to the front door.

I step to the side, allowing for him to get out. If I wasn't about to go out with Morgan, I'd want to stop him from whatever disgraceful activity he's about to get into. "Leave."

"Of course." He begins walking towards the front door but stops before he opens it. He turns to me smiling. "Just a tip. She's likes having her ass grabbed."

I snap my head to face him, feeling my entire body overcome with a burning rage. I grab the side of his head, smacking it into the luckily- metal front door. I drop the basket to the floor next to me and step forward, getting in his face. "Say that one more time." I feel the pinch of my fangs extending in my mouth, as anger surged in my veins. I hate the fact he's going to hold that stupid night at the club over me.

"Morgan likes it if you grab her ass. At least in my experience." He leers, bringing his hand up to the open gash on the side of his head. I shove him against the front door and grab his shirt with one hand, forming a fist with the other. Before I could fully bring my fist back he grabs onto my collar, spins us around, and slams me into the door. I grip onto his arm trying to pull him off but he takes my hand and bends it backwards, I grunt in pain as my wrist snaps. His other hand then wraps around my throat, cutting off my air supply.

"I made a promise to Chloe I wouldn't fight in the house, so I won't. Try that again and I will gladly walk outside with you." He shoves me to the ground. His attention pulls, he's focusing on something. "She just opened her door. Fix yourself, you have a date." He grimaces in disgust, then opens the front door and walks out.

Quickly I stand up, snapping my wrist back into place. I try to gather myself as fast as possible in the handful of seconds I have until she walks through that hallway. I comb my hand through my hair, and adjust my jean jacket once more, while I try to slow my breathing.

She walks out of the hallway in jeans and a black top. She looks beautiful, to be fair- she'd look beautiful wearing a trash bag. My nerves creep back in, the closer she gets to me. I feel time almost slow down watching her. She's only walking and I'm mesmerized. Her every step is graceful, the way her hair bounces, and her smile. Radiant and bright, glowing like her enchanting hazel eyes.

"Hey." She says, her silvery voice like music to my ears.

"Hey." I say, feeling the stupid smile on my face.

"So where are we going?" She asks.

"You'll see." I snap from my trance. I step back, leaning to pick up the basket Grayson forced me to drop. I really hope nothing broke. I open the front door, stepping back. "After you."

She smiles, making my heart flip as she walks out of the door.

We walk on the long driveway, walking towards the gate at the edge of the property. "This place is huge." She says. "You guys are royalty, so makes sense that you're all loaded."

"Pretty much yeah." I chuckle. "This is actually one of Chloe's smaller properties."

"Are you serious?"

"Oh yeah. Chloe has a few properties in her father's territory and maybe two or three overseas." I explain as we arrive at the gate. Her little escapes when she doesn't want to be in that eerily empty palace.

Her eyebrows shoot up in shock. "Wow." I step to the side of the gate entering the code so the doors can open. I turn back to her and as we wait for the gate to open, I keep peering down at her hand, wondering if I should make a move to hold it or not.

Hesitantly I reach for her hand, taking hold of it as we walk through the open gates. I notice how hot it is- almost unnaturally hot, teetering on burning. I know that feeling, remembering how everything felt when I was transitioning. She's fighting it really well.

Her transition seems to be more comparable to a turned vampire but more volatile with the intensity of her hunger. The transition of a non full blood High Royal isn't the smoothest as our human side fades while our vampire side emerges but it's smoother than hers or a turned. Really the only defining part of the 'half human' aspect of us is our childhood. Living without the thirst for blood for a little over a decade then we're pretty much just a normal vampire albeit much stronger than them. Even if there isn't any explicit human part of me anymore I think I feel more connected to them than to vampires. The worst kinds of vampires give us a bad name and personally disgust me. Just because our natural impulses are something violent and lethal doesn't mean you have to submit to them. Maybe it's how I was raised with my families teachings or maybe it's spite but I refuse to be anything like them.

We cross the street entering the small park across from Chloe's house. "So there's a gazebo in this spot towards the middle of the park I think the surrounding area is used a lot for picnics but you know during the day." I say as we walk the cobblestone path. "You didn't eat yet right?" I ask, praying she didn't I don't wanna be responsible for breaking her regimen.

Her hand tenses in mine as soon as I mention eating. "No." She clears her throat. "No, not yet."

Perfect, I wouldn't want to affect her regiment. "Okay good." Relieved, we continue walking taking in the sights and sounds of the park. Our footsteps on the cobblestone, her face lit by the overhead lights bordering the pathway, surrounded by tall trees rustling in the slight breeze. The ambient noise of it all creating a calming atmosphere, which I welcome. I'm in need of some calm and I can imagine so is she.

We arrive at the picnic spot, walking towards the gazebo in the center lit up with warm lighting. Different than the lampposts along the paths and next to the benches in the area. "I know it's not fancy and for that I apologize but I didn't think you'd be okay around a bunch of humans in a crowded place." I say walking up the step into the gazebo, still holding her hand.

"It's perfect." I look to her. Her dazzling hazel eyes even more breathtaking in this lighting. "I think I'd have a stroke in a crowded place right now." She jokes.

Letting go, I put the basket down on the ground, pulling the blanket out of it. I place the blanket on the floor and reach my hand out for Morgan to take. She takes hold as she steps to the other end of the blanket and sits down.

Sitting down across from her, I move the basket closer to me to start unpacking. "Chloe gave us a bottle of champagne. She's picky with champagne so it's a good one." I say opening the basket. I pull out the bottle of champagne and two champagne flutes setting them down in the middle of us. I grab the two bottles, one filled with blood and the other filled halfway. Handing her the half filled one, she takes it and immediately unscrews beginning to drink it. I watch her finish the whole thing within seconds. Will definitely need to work on her pacing.

She opens her eyes- red and black, making contact with mine. They widen, as she quickly screws the cap back on the bottle and puts it down. "I'm so sorry. I was just... I haven't had anything since before." She explains, her cheeks a faint red while her eyes return to the hazel I adore.

"It's fine. You'll get yourself under control eventually." I reassure her. She's strong, she can fight it. She has been this whole time and I couldn't be more impressed.

Her eyes wander down at her empty bottle. "Yeah." She looks up at me. "I just have to adjust."

"Exactly. Discipline and sticking to a regimen is the only way to get under control, and you're doing exactly that so you're golden."

She has an air of uncertainty to her as she says, "Really? Because it feels like I'm starving literally all the time."

"You'll get over that." I say as I pick up the bottle of champagne. Popping the top off, I hold it over to the side- away from the blanket. The champagne bubbles to the top overflowing spilling out onto the ground. Once it stops I bring it back over, pouring out two glasses for us. "How are you feeling aside from that? Gums still hurting?"

"Like a bitch." She takes her glass from me, bringing it to her lips and taking a sip. I fixate on her full lips, wondering if they feel as smooth and as soft as they look.

"I'm sorry. What about your senses how are those?"

"They're okay, almost completely under control." She starts before taking a deep breath. "Kellan I mean absolutely no offense, but can we please not talk about any vampire stuff?"

"Sure. I'd like to talk about you then, excluding vampire stuff." I state, posting my hand on the ground and leaning back.

"What about?" She takes another sip of her champagne.

"Anything. Everything. I know you love reading, and tv shows." Then I add, remembering her talking about it in our many gym sessions. "And hockey I believe you said was your favorite sport." She said she wasn't a super fan or anything but when she would occasionally watch she'd always have a good time watching.

Her infectious smile appears on her face with a hint of red in her cheeks. "You remember?"

"Of course. I don't watch but you've said it's fun. Especially when they start fighting." She laughs, making her eyes crinkle lightly. God, her laugh. I could listen to it all day. "Any other hobbies?"

She raises her champagne glass to her lips. "I love music. I guess that's a hobby" She says then takes a sip.

"You sing? Or write?"

She shakes her head aggressively with wide eyes. "God no, absolutely not. I just listen."

"Who do you listen to?" I ask. "Who's your favorite?"

"So many people." Her radiant pure hazel eyes fixed on mine make me involuntarily smile. She goes on a quick rant of all the people and bands she listens to, her favorite songs, and albums. While she talks about which songs mean the most to her she perks up. We share different music tastes but she was shocked when I told her how I went to some concerts of artists who are now considered legends while they were in their prime. "What about you? What are your hobbies?"

"My motorcycle is a big one." I say.

"You have a motorcycle?" She raises an eyebrow as the corner of her lips curl. Thank God I'm sitting my knees would've buckled.

"I do." I say gathering my confidence. "I have several but none with me. Unfortunately my favorite's back in Miami."

"How'd you get into those?"

"My father had a motorcycle when I was younger, it was his most prized possession. Some of my earliest memories are watching him work on it. As I got older I'd help. Graduate from handing him tools, to actually doing some of the work myself. That all got cut a little short when I was 13, my mother, Elara, took me away once I started to transition."

"She just took you? Did you get to see him again?"

"Not like kidnap me or anything." I clarify. "I went willingly because I had to. I was a danger to him. I made the choice to stay away until I felt I was completely under control. Unfortunately when I went back to him when I was 15 I found out that he had died a couple of months prior." I say. "Tuberculosis."

"I'm so sorry." She reaches out to place a comforting hand on mine and her eyes express her deep condolences.

I take her soft hand in mine. "It's fine. In the grand scheme of things I don't really have that many memories with him but I always remembered his motorcycle. Helping him on hot summer days and nights, riding with him, I thought he was the absolute coolest guy. I felt like having my own bike would connect me to him in some way."

"Do you think it did?"

"I think so. I find comfort in all those memories and now I find a similar feeling of comfort when I'm working on or riding my own bike. Have you ever rode on one?" I move my thumb back and forth on her hand, I watch her stare down at her hand and mine biting back a smile as her face turns beet red.

"No. It always looked like fun but I'm kinda scared of them." She says, her eyes glancing at our hands then back to me.

"I'll have to take you one day. Show you they're not that scary." I say seeing her eyes dart at our hands once more. "Sense of touch?" I say looking down at our hands then back to her.

"That obvious?"

"A little." I smile.

We talked for about three hours straight about so much. Lighter things like me attempting to give her Spanish lessons and her explaining the plot of a book series to me. Then deeper topics than what we talk about in our gym sessions. I told her things I haven't told others in such a long time; stuff about my family, my nobles and how much I care for the five of them. I said so much that I freely said without hesitation. I don't know, I feel comfortable with her.

She told me about her parents, her siblings- with the way she talks about them I can only imagine how difficult it's been being cut off from them completely for this long. Her eyes lit up but they were clouded by sorrow when speaking about them. I wish I could take away her pain, that's something I never want to see her in.

She talked about her time at college; local then to Miami which was short lived. I feel bad, she was beyond excited about Miami to be her fresh start. She was excited to finish her psych major, then go on to become psychiatrist. I know it's not my fault but I apologized that she didn't get to do that. We talked about lighter topics too and of course she asked me about how it was living through certain decades, to which I happily talked about some of the highlights from each.

I packed up the basket so we could wander around the park and talk. Minutes into walking, I see her twitch as a droplet of rain falls right on her nose. She wipes it away and looks up. "It was supposed to rain tonight?"

I look up through the trees. "Yeah but it said only a drizzle we should be fine. Plus we got the trees blocking us." I assured. "So your brother really stole your bedroom doors?"

"Yeah, he knew how to take them off. He got my dads tools and he took our doors."

"That's definitely one way to respond." I chuckle, wiping some rain droplets off my face.

"Yeah Lindsey and I taking two of his Yankees jerseys for spirit week equated removing our doors."

"You said one was his lucky jersey right?"

"He told us not to take Mr. October's. I know hockey, I don't know baseball so neither of us had any idea what that meant. We were in a rush, so we just took the first two we saw." She shrugs, wiping away another rain drop.

"Mr. October is Reggie Jackson."

"Well if only you were there I wouldn't have gotten my door stolen." She laughs.

Suddenly the sky opens and it starts pouring, drenching us immediately. The overhead trees did nothing to lighten it. I grab her hand and instantly we start running together back towards the house.

We arrive at the gate, both of us laughing. Quickly, I type in the code for the gates to open but the gates open painfully slow. As soon as there's enough space for someone to fit through I take her hand again and we sprint past. Rushing through the front door together.

Looking at each other, clothes and hair soaked, breathing heavily, we burst out laughing. I drop the basket on the floor. "I'm sorry, the weather said it was only gonna be a drizzle." I say still laughing.

"Slightly more than a drizzle, but only slightly." She chuckles. She continues smiling as she raises her hand, reaching towards my head. Gently, she grabs something and pulls away, revealing a small wet leaf that was sticking to my head. "Just had to get that." She says, her smile fading but her eyes continue to. Her gaze darts between my eyes and down at my lips. I study her face, finding something else to be enamored with every time I do so. This time her lips yet again. I desperately want nothing more than to know what they feel like. Even though I'm almost positive she feels the same, I don't want to be too forward.

With my heart beating out of my chest, I bring my hand up to her cheek wiping a rain droplet with my thumb. I take a minuscule step forward, as does she while her lips part. I slowly lean in, each second passing feeling like hours as anticipation builds. Our lips finally touch and it was as if she completed a part of me I didn't know was missing. Kissing her just felt right.

I open my eyes as our lips separate. Our eyes meet, staring at each other like we're both waiting for approval from one another. The smile that arises on her face, simultaneously makes me feel at peace and crazed. I grin ear to ear, as she places her hand on my cheek. We both lean in, gently meeting her lips again, breathing her in, being able to be this close to her- drives me wild. I was wrong, her lips are infinitely smoother and softer than I could have ever imagined.

I never want this to end.

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