The Heartbreakers.

By abigail_grayson

117K 3.4K 710

They tried to warn her. All he was going to do was break her heart. Well, then let him break it. *** High s... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-One.
Chapter Twenty-Two.
Chapter Twenty-Three.
Chapter Twenty-Four.
Chapter Twenty-Five.
Chapter Twenty-Six.
Chapter Twenty-Seven.
Chapter Twenty-Eight.
The Heartbreakers. Book Trailer
The Heartbreakers. New Book Trailer
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Chapter Seven.

3.4K 117 8
By abigail_grayson

Song: Jealous- Nick Jonas 

The next day, Jaylee walked out on her front porch to see Luke standing at the bottom of the steps. Their eyes met, and he smiled, walking up to kiss her. Jaylee's mind was still running wild with the events of the day before. She couldn't like him. She would lose the game, and even worse, he would break her heart. 

"We only have two days to finish this art project. Do you want to go the park after school today?" Luke questioned, and Jaylee nodded. Sure, as long as I don't have to see you in another make out session. She didn't say that aloud, but she was sure as hell thinking it. 

"I already finished drawing my part, so you can start yours." Her voice came out a lot harsher than she intended, and Luke sent her a worried look. He knew there was something up with her. He saw it yesterday at the park and all the way to his house. 

He grabbed her hands in his and asked, "What's wrong?" 

Jaylee shook her head and walked towards her car. She didn't want him to know what he had done to her. Sure, it was unintentional, but it still hurt more than she would like to let on. If Luke knew she saw and she was hurt by it, there was no doubt he would use it against her in their game, and she would be the one destroyed. 

"Nothing. I'm just thinking." 

Jaylee and Luke got in her car and drove to school. As soon as she pulled in, the first thing she saw was Collin and Miley in a full rape project. It was disgusting, and Jaylee really wanted to disinfect her eyes after the sight of the two. Jaylee glanced at Luke, and he rolled his eyes. Miley knew what she was doing, and they both knew it. One day, she would be kissing Luke, the next, Collin. Luke was pissed, but he knew he could easily get her back. After all, he had a secret weapon of his own, and if Miley wanted to play with fire, Luke would fight fire with fire. Jaylee and Luke walked into the school. He wrapped his arm around her, and Miley stopped them in their tracks. 

"Hey, Luke." She flirted, and Jaylee almost threw up in her mouth. Jaylee had never seen someone as fake as Miley. A part of her kind of hoped Luke would shut her down or ignore her, but her hopes were too high. Then again, weren't they always? 

"Hey." He grinned at Miley, and Jaylee looked away from them. The heaviness returned in her heart, and she let out a shaky breath. 

"So, maybe if Jaylee isn't giving you enough, you would want to come with me?" Miley winked at him, and Jaylee rolled her eyes. Luke was ecstatic. His plan was working, and if it really went well, he would have Miley again. The good part of him felt bad for Jaylee. They had been so good lately, and one wrong word and he could ruin it all, but the part of him that wanted Miley didn't care. 

"Would you look at that, you finally got my name right." Jaylee muttered "bitch" under her breath, and Luke squeezed her side. Jaylee flinched in pain, and when she looked at Luke, all he could do was stare at Miley. Luke couldn't believe Jaylee would actually mutter that right in front of Miley. He didn't mean to hurt her when he pinched her side, but it did shut her up, and that was all he needed. Miley gasped and grabbed Luke's hand, and Jaylee wanted to slap her hand away. 

"Jaylee, why don't you go inside?" His eyes finally met mine, and they pretty much told me he was done with me. "I will be there in a minute." 

Jaylee bitterly laughed, slightly annoyed. Why did he want to push her away? What was so important with Miley that she couldn't even be around? Jaylee was starting to see where she stood with Luke; she was the help, and she was tired of being everyone's second choice. 

"Why can't I just wait?" She knew asking that was risky, but Luke just glared at her. Jaylee rolled her eyes. Luke was completely annoyed with Jaylee. She knew how important getting Miley was, and yet, here she was, ruining his plans. He wanted to tell her off, but he calmed himself before things got worse. 


Luke and Miley started talking. Jaylee couldn't hear a word they said, because Luke's back was facing her, and it sucked. After five minutes, he finally finished, and they walked into the school. He tried to wrap his arm around her, but Jaylee shrugged it off. 

Luke let out a sigh. "Seriously, what's your problem?" 

"Nothing." She glanced at him, her eyes narrowing. "Why would there be anything wrong?" 

Luke leaned against the locker beside hers and watched her. Something was definitely wrong. She distanced herself from him, her whole posture looked stiff, and her eyes held a lot of anger, but beneath all the anger, he saw hurt. She was hurt, and he didn't know why. 

"Okay, sorry I asked." He mumbled, and he walked to English. Jaylee followed behind him, and she didn't bother to walk beside him. She was tired of feeling like the help. She might have broken people's hearts, but nobody deserved to be used. 

Their English class that day was actually kind of nice. They continued the lesson on Shakespeare, and Luke was beside her, fast asleep. She couldn't understand why anyone would want to sleep during Shakespeare. It was actually a good lesson with a lot of amazing stories. She absolutely loved Romeo and Juliet. In a way, Luke and her were like them. They were both confused, damaged teenagers who were just trying to find someone to care. 

The bell rang, and Jaylee headed to her next two classes. They were extremely boring, but they made for a grade A nap. She couldn't really say they were both boring. In her French class, Madame Robertson made the class crepes with nutella and strawberries. Jaylee's mouth was watering from how delicious they were. After all, nutella and strawberries was the best combination know to man. 

The only thing that made her want to throw up was Luke's endless flirting with Miley, and whatever whore-y stuff Miley was doing to get his attention. Jaylee noticed how Miley kept touching his hands, and her eyes were glimmering with lust. Just the mere sight of it made Jaylee want to rip Miley's head off. Luke kept glancing at Jaylee, and she noticed. Luke was still worried about her. A part of him wanted to shove Miley away, wrapped Jaylee in his arms, and assure her everything would be okay, but the other part of him, the part that wanted to destroy her, held back. He definitely didn't have to worry about her. She would stay far away from him as long as Miley was around. She still wasn't falling for him.. at least she hoped she wasn't.

Jaylee walked to her locker alone at the end of the day, and one of her best friends met her there. Jaylee knew she must have come back from vacation in the Bahamas. Her skin was tanned, and her golden hair shined even more than usual. 

"Jaylee!" Adele shouted, and Jaylee swore her ears shattered, even though she was halfway down the hall. 

"Adele!" She shouted back, but nothing could compare to Adele's scream. She could wake up hyenas all the way on the east coast if she really tried. Adele ran to Jaylee and hugged her. Adele was the only one there for Jaylee when Miley ditched her. Jaylee's other best friend, which was a guy-- also Adele's older brother-- walked up behind. 

"Hey, Jaylee." Ryan chuckled as he gave her a hug. As she hugged Ryan, a devious idea popped into her mind. What if Ryan could make Luke jealous? She knew that was Luke's intentions when he flirted with Miley, and they were playing a game, so why not play back for once? She knew Luke wanted to make her vulnerable, but the one thing Luke forgot was Jaylee never gave in, and she never backed down from a good game. 

"I missed you guys so much!" Jaylee exclaimed, and the siblings flashed her a smile. Jaylee grabbed what she needed out of her locker, and the three walked out of the school. 

"Since we have been gone for so long, I was thinking maybe you would want to go out to lunch with us?" Ryan asked, and Jaylee nodded, smiling. She could definitely use a good lunch, especially without Luke for once. They walked to Ryan's car, and Jaylee sat in the back while Adele sat in the front with Ryan. They went to Pizza Hut, and the food was so good. Jaylee swore she could live on pizza. She could marry pizza. 

Pizza could never hurt her or break her heart. 

Just when she thought everything was going great and nothing bad could happen, someone walked through the doors. Speak of the devil. Luke saw Jaylee, and she glared at him. He looked completely confused, so Jaylee sent him a text. 

Jaylee: Don't come over here. 

Luke grabbed his phone out of his pocket and looked at it. Five seconds later, Jaylee's phone vibrated. 

Luke: Wouldn't dream of it. I hate Ryan and his dumb ass sister. 

Jaylee glanced at him to see he was staring, and she shot him a death glare. He held his hands up in surrender before walking to a table with some other guys. Jaylee continued to eat her food, and when they were done, Ryan paid. 

"Thanks for lunch, Ryan. I had a great time." Ryan shot her a smile, and Jaylee pulled him in for a long hug. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Luke staring at them. Anger morphed on his face, and he walked away. He wanted to rip Jaylee out of Ryan's arms, and take her with him. Luke knew how Ryan really was, and he wanted to protect Jaylee from him, but he knew she would be raged with him if he did, so he walked away instead. He walked away from his girl, and he hated himself for it. Jaylee, on the other hand, smirked as he walked away. This game was getting more interesting by the minute. She watched him walk away until he disappeared. 

Mission accomplished. 


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