Ever After High: A Wonderful...

By Morning_Blankets

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Y/N Ozymandias, son of the Wizard of Oz, and his friends at Ever After High return for more Royal Vs. Rebel s... More

The Neutral's Return
Ever Academy
An Evil Alliance
The Tale of Two Brothers
The Boulevard
The Way Home
Spring Unsprung Begins
A Bit Of Chaos
Tasty Wonder
Cook Off
Topsy-Turvy Trouble
Save The Wonder!
On A Train With A Hare
The Jabberwock 2: Electric Boogaloo
Card Tricks
Jester's Wild
Shuffle The Deck
Back Home
An Interview With A Princess
A Boys Camping Trip
Another (After)Life
The Fellowship of The Waterfall
A Big Family Secret
Shatter The Mirror
Here There Be Dragons
The Ones We Knew
Dragon Games
Into The Woods
Destiny Calls
Battle For Ever After High
Life Goes On

A Royal Flush

1.5K 64 35
By Morning_Blankets

And so, Raven, Apple, Maddie, Briar, Lizzie, and you find yourselves falling down the rabbit hole once again. This time as a shortcut across all of Wonderland to get to the Queen of Hearts' palace.

However, it ended up shooting you all out by the Queen Head, a massive statue of the old Queen of Hearts who would be Lizzie's grandma, which was miles away from the castle. You could see it in the distance, but it was still top far.

Lizzie: Rabbit, this wasn't a shortcut at all!

White Rabbit: Oh dear, oh we took a wrong turn at the flying teapot. Ah-this way!

The White Rabbit lead you all back into the rabbit hole. You needed to reach the palace and stop Courtly before it was too late. She couldn't sign her name in Lizzie's place.

But while your group raced to save the Queen, the White Knight waged a duel against Chase back at Wonderland High.

Chase: The girls, they've fled the scene! And Y/N has the Vorpal Blade!

White Knight: And that, means their school day is over.

The White Knight swiped at Chase, but he took a step back.

Chase: It was my sworn duty not to let that happen!

He called his horse over and hopped on.

Chase: I'll bring them back, if it's the last thing I do!

He then rode off. The White Knight was quick, however, and called his horse over as well. The two knights rode alongside each other, clashing blades as they raced to reach you first.
At the castle itself, a line of guests for the party were being checked in by the two cards set on duty. They had a list of names for those who could attend, which contained the names of pretty much everyone.

The Queen wanted all the presents.

Diamond Card Guard: Name?

Jeff: Jeff, the alligator.

Spade Card Guard: Right then, in you go.

Diamond Card Guard: Name?

Guest: I can't remember.

Spade Card Guard: Right then, in you go.

In a tree above the line, a smile appeared from thin air. Kitty full appeared.

Kitty: Meow.

She looked along the line but didn't see who she was looking for.

Kitty: Mo-om?! She must already be inside.

She vanished again to look for her mother.

Diamond Card Guar: Name?

Bill: Bill the lizard.

Diamond Card Guard: Right then, in you go.

They stepped aside to let Bill the Lizard into the party before taking their places again. Just in time, too. Courtly Jester approached the guards and completely cut the line to try and get in. The book of evil spells remained hidden behind her back.

Courtly: I'm just in time for the party.

Diamond Card Guard: Name please.

Courtly: Courtly Jester.

The guards looked at the list while Courtly waited. She knew that everyone in Wonderland would be on the list. No one ever got turned away.

Diamond Card Guard: Pffft, Jester eh? What a big surprise, you're not on the list! Can't come in. Step aside!

The Club Card Guard pushed her to the side and a mole person approached them.

Diamond Card Guard: Name please!

Johnny: Johnny.

Spade Card Guard: Right then, in you go.

Courtly couldn't believe it. Well, she could actually. Still, she let out a cry of frustration and pushed aside one of the guests and marched off.

Courtly: Can't let Courtly in, she's just a lowly joker, shuffle her to the bottom of the deck where she belongs!

Suddenly, she felt the book react. She lifted it up to see that a card was slipping out of the pages. It glowed a dark purple energy.

Courtly: Oh, what's this?

She pulled the card out and read aloud.

Courtly: 'Just say the who you want to be, and that's the you that they will see'?

She gasped. Then she smirked.

Courtly: This is going to be fun.

She took the card and walked back to the guards. They spotted her and immediately crossed their spears to avoid letting her in.

Courtly: Step aside, totee. I'm on my way to see my mum.

Diamond Card Guard: Listen, didn't I already tell you to get lost?

Courtly smirked as she lifted the card.

Courtly: Oh, I should hope not. After all, that's no way to talk to...

She flipped the card across her face, changing her appearance to Lizzie.

Courtly: Lizzie Hearts, your princess!

The guards gasped as the magic affected their vision and minds. They saw Lizzie Hearts and completely forgot that it was Courtly they were speaking to.

Diamond Card Guard: Yes, your royal highness. Huh, please, forgive me!

Courtly walked past the both, her nose in the air.

Courtly: Not likely.

She stepped into the party which was already in full swing. She looked around for a moment before tapping her cheek.

Courtly: Now, to get my hands on the Storybook of Legends. Which means... catching the Cheshire Cat. Ooh, maybe my dear, sweet mother has seen her.

Across the courtyard, one of the frog servants hopped to attention to make an announcement to the party.

Frog: All hail the Queen of Hearts, and her amazing skills at croquet.

The Queen of Hearts suddenly appeared in her throne, being pushed by other servants, before rising and walking along to the cheers of her people.

You still hadn't come back, but she knew that you needed to find a way back home. Still, it would've been nice if you at least left a card.

Queen Hearts: That's right! It's my birthday! And I'm going to play croquet, and everyone is going to watch me.

The Frog handed her a mallet, but a fish servant hopped over to make a different announcement.

Fish: But your majesty, more guests have arrived.

Queen Hearts: Ooh! Presents!

She made a sitting motion, being caught by her throne and pushed to the first guest.

Fish: Presenting, Lord Unicorn.

The Queen took his gift, shook it slightly, and tossed it into a wheelbarrow that was already stacked with gifts.

Fish: Presenting, ah-Um...

The Queen had suddenly vanished. The Fish looked around only to find her back at the croquet field.

Queen Hearts: Ball!

A hedgehog hurried over, holding a red ball, and held it up towards the Queen. She readied her mallet, and swung. She hit the ball which flew off and hit one guest in the stomach, another in the face, and finally, into the hoop.

Frog: Excellent shot, your majesty.

Everyone began to cheer again.

Queen Hearts: Oh, this is such fun. I'm the happiest queen in the world! Except...oh!

She dramatically fell over, once again being caught by her throne, and cried out.

Queen Hearts: I'm the most miserable queen in the world! I have been so looking forward to seeing my dear daughter, Lizzie, on my birthday...

Frog: Of course, your majesty.

The Fish servant stepped forward and held up a gift.

Fish: More presents?

The Queen cheered up and took the gift. And as she opened her present, her close friend and fellow mother watched her from the very top of the Castle.

The Chesire Cat was never really one for parties, but she cared for her friend. Even if she had tried to have her beheaded on more than one occasion because of her pranks.

Still, she liked her well enough.

She lounged on the rooftop before a smile appeared beside her.

Kitty: Mom, there you are!

The Cheshire Cat sat up at her daughter's voice as Kitty became fully visible. She smiled and placed a hand under Kitty's chin.

Cheshire: Kitty, what a purr-fect surprise.

She snatched the sweet spot that Kitty had, a well kept secret, and took a look at her clothing.

Cheshire: What are you doing here and not in Ever After?

Kitty: I-It's a long story. More importantly, do you have the Storybook of Legends?

Cheshire: Well, that's a long story too. Mmm, let's see. Where shall I begin?
You were once again shot out of the rabbit hole and landed onto a large pair of glasses. You sat up and looked around before spotting the castle....still too far away.

Lizzie: What?! This isn't the palace!

You turned to the White Rabbit who was also confused.

Y/N: What the hex, Rabbit?

White Rabbit: Oh, dear! My sense of direction is less sensitive inside the ground than outside the ground...

Lizzie: My mother is in danger, Rabbit! Please, please, just get me to the palace!

The White Rabbit nodded. He then began to thump his foot before rushing off into the rabbit hole again. You sighed and followed.

Y/N: This one better work.

You hopped in.
Fish: Presenting, the Walrus and the Carpenter.

The two began to approach the Queen, but were pushed out of the way by Courtly.

Courtly: Step aside! Royalty coming through.

Courtly approached the Queen and simply jumped into her lap. The Queen was shocked by this and angered.

Courtly: Look, mother! It's your precious little girl come home for your birthday.

The Queen stood up, knocking Courtly onto the ground. She dusted herself off and looked down at the wildcard.

Queen Hearts: Foul intruder! Guards! Somehow this..."wild card" has crashed my party! Off with her head! In fact, off with all of her!

The guards seized Courtly.

Courtly: Oops, forgot.

She pulled out the card and used the spell.

Courtly: Is that any way to greet your... long lost daughter?

The card's magic worked and disguised her as Lizzie Hearts once again. This did in fact fool the Queen just as it did with the guards.

Queen Hearts: Lizzie?

She turned to the guards in anger.

Queen Hearts: Unhand her, you fools. Can't you see that this is my long lost daughter? Go find that Jester girl who was here a moment ago!

The guards looked at each other in confusion. They looked at the fish in confusion. The fish looked at them in confusion. The guards then looked at each other in confusion.

Queen Hearts hugged "Lizzie" tightly, happy to see her daughter once again.

Queen Hearts: Oooo-hoo-hoo...Lizzie! Truly, my dear, sweet princess, I have missed you so much since you've been gone. I haven't been the same. I am so glad to have you back.

Courtly had her on the hook. All she needed to do now was find the Storybook of Legends.

Courtly: Good to be...back, heh. Oh, my, look at all these guests! You are ever so popular. Has the Cheshire Cat popped in, hmm? Have you seen her?

Said Cat was walking on the roof with her daughter, recapping her day.

Cheshire: ...And then I tied the lion's tail to a table! And you'll never guess who I put in a punch bowl!

She laughed as she hopped down. Kitty, however, wasn't really here for her stories.

Kitty: Mom, this is an emergency! I don't care about the party! I need to know what you've done with the Storybook of Legends. Do you still have it?

Cheshire stopped and looked back at her daughter. She tried to remember what she was talking about.

Cheshire: Oh, that old thing! Well, you know, they won't let you in here without a gift...

Kitty: So, the queen has it?

Cheshire rolled her head around a bit.

Cheshire: Nnnnot...exactly. See those presents down there?

She pointed down to a line of guards. They all were pushing wheelbarrows full of presents into a kind of vault to keep them safe for later.

Cheshire: See those presents down there?

Kitty: The book is with them?

Cheshire: Those gifts are going where my gift already is; behind that door, in the Queen's present room.

Kitty looked at the door and smiled.

Kitty: Then all I have to do is sneak in a grab it! Thanks, mom!

She hugged her mother before vanishing. She then reappeared in front of the door and looked around.

Kitty: So much easier than I hexpected!

She entered the room, and immediately gasped.

Kitty: Or... maybe not.

Presents were piled up to the roof. There were so many that she couldn't even tell where some piles started or where they ended. There was just too much stuff in here.

Kitty: Oh no...oh no...oh no no no! I'm, gonna need some help.

Back at the party, the Queen of Hearts continued to talk to who she believed was her daughter. Courtly listened, but she was more bored than anything.

Queen Hearts: You know, I was thinking of cancelling this party because birthdays just aren't the same without you!

Courtly: Huh, how nice. Now, about that cat...

Queen Hearts: But then I thought, 'what if my dear, sweet Lizzie shows up?' And now look! You have.

Courtly: Mother, the cat!

The Queen of Hearts shrugged.

Queen Hearts: Oh, the Cheshire Cat showed up hours ago. She gave me some book. It's with the other gifts, in the present room.

Courtly rolled her eyes.

Courtly: Of course! Where else would presents be?

However, just then, she had an idea. One that would protect her cover and stop you and your friends from stopping her if you somehow became free.

Courtly: Ah! In honor of your birthday, I say we play a game, hmm?

The Queen of Hearts clapped in delight.

Queen Hearts: Ooh! I love games!

Courtly: Heh-heh, yes! See, I call this one "The Opposite Game". Anyone tells you anything, it means the opposite!

She giggled.

Courtly: Hello, mum!

Queen Hearts: Hello? Ah! Hello!

Courtly groaned as she began to walk off.

Courtly: Ugh! Someone's playing without a full deck.

She left the Queen and began to search for the present room. As she did, the Fish Servant hopped over to the Queen.

Fish: You do realize of course she is not your daughter.

Queen of Hearts: Of course. She is "not" my daughter at all. Ooh, this is going to be fun!
You all ran towards the entrance to the grounds where you found two guards waiting. However, they seemed confused upon seeing Lizzie. You figured it was because she was in Ever After the last time anyone knew anything.

Lizzie: Step aside!

Diamond Card Guard: Yes your highness!... A-a-again.

Y/N: 'Again'?

Lizzie did not care what the guards had said. She shoved past them and hurried into the party. Everyone followed her as you began to scan the area. It didn't take very long for Lizzie to spot a very familiar face in the crowd.

Lizzie: My mother, there she is!

She ran off before you could stop her. And before you could give chase, Kitty appeared beside you.

Y/N: Kitty? Did you find the book?

Kitty: Yes!....well....sort of.

Y/N: 'Sort of'?

Kitty: Just c'mon!

Kitty lead the way and you followed. As you and the others went to find the book, Lizzie ran to her mother in hexcitment.

Lizzie: Mother!

The Queen looked up from her game just as Lizzie hugged her tightly. She had missed her mother's embrace dearly. She missed her smell, her warmth, her strange heartbeat.

Lizzie: Oh mother, I'm so happy to see you. I missed you so. Oh mother, I love you so much!

The Queen smiled and hugged her back, then she suddenly frowned.

Queen: You "love" me? How dare you! I most certainly do not love you!

Lizzie let go of her mother and stepped back confused. Did she hear her right?

Lizzie: You...you don't love me?

The Queen crossed her arms.

Queen Hearts: Of course not! Not at all! And by the way, you look horrid!

Lizzie felt tears start to form in her eyes. Why was she being so harsh to her? Didn't she miss her?

Lizzie: I...don't understand...

The Queen giggled under her breath, still believed that she was playing a game with her daughter. Lizzie, however, did not know about any game.

To her, her mother's words cut deep like a knife. Tears began to fall as she tried to figure out what was going on.

Lizzie: Mother, this isn't making sense! I've missed you so much, and I thought that you still loved me and...finally we're together again after all this time...And now you say these horrible things?!

She wiped her eyes, but the Queen was suddenly clapping. Lizzie was now very confused.

Queen Hearts: Oh, you are good at this game!

She stopped.

Queen Hearts: Oh, sorry, sorry, I meant "bad"! Oh. Did I just lose?

Lizzie: Game? I don't under....

Then, it hit her.

Lizzie: Oh! Is this an opposite game?

The Queen laughed.

Queen Hearts: No.

She then laughed some more. Lizzie smiled and hugged her mother once again.

Lizzie: Then it's time to "start" the game.

The Queen sighed in relief. She hated saying those nasty things to her daughter.

Queen Hearts: Oh phew, oh good. of course I love you too, Lizzie!

Lizzie: He-he, I missed you too, mother!

The crowd all cooed at the scene, happy that mother and daughter were reunited after all this time.

Queen Hearts: Now, you are here. Let's enjoy the party.

She went to lead Lizzie away, but she stopped her mother.

Lizzie: Wait! First I need to warn you. Courtly Jester's on her way here! That joker plans to steal your crown!

Queen Hearts: Dethrone me?! Courtly Jester?!

She was suddenly snapped out of the spell, remembering that she had spoken to Courtly just a bit ago.

Queen Hearts: But-but she was just here! GUARDS!

A small army of guards arrived.


Lizzie: And bring us Courtly Jester!
In the present room, Courtly dug through a pile of presents in search for the Storybook of Legends. It was here somewhere. She just needed to find it.

Courtly: Where is it, where is it?! Uh, it's only tart dishes and tea cozies and not a single book!

She suddenly had an idea.

Courtly: Wait a mo... what's with all the searching by hand? I'm magical!

She giggled and pulled out the spell book. She flipped through the pages before she found a spell. She then read it out loud.

Courtly: 'To find the item which you seek, just say these words and here's a peek'!

Blue magic rose from the book before a hand like creation shot out and began to search the room. It circled around the tallest pile of gifts and pointed at the Storybook of Legends, which was haphazardly tossed.

Courtly: Hexellent! Now, to get up there.

She ran off just as the vault doors began to activate. Passage into the room was granted and you all walked in.

Kitty: It's in here.

You groaned at the thought of searching through all these presents. Unfortunately, you wouldn't have to.

Courtly: Looking for something?

You all looked up on the pile to see Courtly standing over the book.

Courtly: Well, good news ladies and gent. I believe I've found it! The much sought after, Storybook of Legends!

She bent down and picked it up, actually surpised by how heavy it was.

Courtly: Oh, it's a bit hefty, isn't it...

Briar nudged you.

Briar: Your accents kinda sound the same.

Y/N: They do not.

Courtly held the book before Kitty appeared behind her.

Kitty: I'd be happy to take it off your hands!

She tried to grab the book, but Courtly pulled away and Kitty instead fell forward. You all gasped as you watched her fall from such a great height.

However, she landed on her...her feet.

Apple: A-are you alright?

Kitty just smiled.

Kitty: I always land on my feet.

You turned to Raven and nodded. You quickly rushed into the room while Raven used her magic and vanished.

Courtly: Now, to find my destiny.

She opened the book and began to look through it.

Courtly: Let's see; Lizzie Hearts, Lizzie Hearts, Lizzie Hearts...

Raven reappeared, but she was on a different pile. She groaned and teleported again, but landed inside of a pile instead.

Apple: Come on, Raven! You can do it!

You, meanwhile, managed to reach the pile Courtly was on unseen. You began to climb the hill of presents, mentally making a note to tell the Queen to better organize her stuff. This was ridiculous.

Courtly: Would that be listed under 'L' or 'H'? Hmm! Maybe 'S' for "stuck-up little princess I could never stand"!

She laughed at her own joke before finding Lizzie's page.

Courtly: Ah! Here we are: Lizzie Hearts.

A pen magically appeared in her hand as she grinned.

Courtly: Out with the old, in with the....

Raven: No!

Raven appeared and grabbed the book, sending it and herself falling away from Courtly. At the same time, you leaped up and grabbed the wildcard, tackling her off to the opposite side. The Storybook of Legends landed with the other girls who looked up to see what would happen now.

Courtly: You'll pay for that!

She pulled out the spell book. You and Raven both gasped at the sight of it. How did she get that?

Courtly: O-ho, recognize my little book, do you?

Raven: You don't understand the power you're playing with, Courtly!

Y/N: Put it down.

Courtly just laughed.

Courtly: Well, someone's got to pick up where mummy left off. Might as well be me! Oh, fancy that! Lowly Courtly Jester, inheriting the powers of two queens no less! Well, you can be sure little Raven Queen, once I've conquered Wonderland, Ever After's next on my list!

You got up to your feet and drew your sword. You couldn't let her get to the Storybook of Legends. There was no telling what she would do. And you needed to get that spell book away from her as well.

Courtly opened the book and began to recite a spell. You rushed forward to try and stop her.

Courtly: 'With this spell, I lay waste the past and seal your fate with a savage blast!'

Blue balls of magic shot out of Courtly's hands and towards you and Raven. She tried to vanish, but the spell hit her. Thanks to her own spell, Raven was protected and was sent flying back. You blocked the first ball with your blade, but the second one caught your shoulder, sending you flying into a pile of presents as well.

Raven hid behind a mound while you quickly rushed behind cover.

Courtly: Where are you?! I'm going to get you!

Courtly created more magic spells and began to fire them off at random. You and Raven ran around to avoid being hit the best you could.

Y/N: I'm getting real tired of this, Courtly. Just give up and maybe the Queen won't behead you today.

Courtly just laughed. You slid into view and held your sword up, ready for a fight.

Courtly: The Hero of Wonderland himself is going to stop me? That would be the day, wouldn't it?

Y/N: I'm not letting you hurt anyone.

Courtly just laughed and fired off more spells. You rolled out of the way to dodge them before charging forward. You swung down your sword, but Courtly used a spell to shield her from your attack. She then fired off another spell that sent you backwards.

You hit the ground but got back up. However, it was too late.

Courtly: Goodbye.

She sent a larger spell towards you that you had no time to avoid. The blast hit you square in the chest and sent you flying into the wall, knocking the wind out of you and sending you to your knees.

Kitty: Ozzie! Raven, you have to do something!

Raven: She's too powerful for me!

Briar: Raven can't win...not without her full powers!

Maddie: But the only way she can get her full powers is if...O-o-oh!

Apple: ...If she signs her page in the Storybook of Legends.

That would mean she would be embracing her destiny to become the next Evil Queen. She would be just like her mother.

Raven: But I, can't! It would mean....

Apple: It doesn't have to mean that you become the Evil Queen. I know I always wanted you to become your mom, but now...

Apple chuckled a bit.

Apple: I just don't think it's in you. Your heart is just too good. The decision is yours, Raven.

Apple then handed Raven the Storybook of Legends.

Apple: It always has been.

Raven took the book and stared at it for a moment. Then, their moment was interrupted by a blast of magic destroying the pile that they were hiding behind. They looked through the smoke to see Courtly staring right at them.

Courtly: Haha! There you are!

She prepared even more spells to attack with.

Apple: Either way, I believe in you!

The pen appeared in Raven's hand to sign her name. Raven, however, paused and thought about her fate. She looked over to you as you struggled to get back to your feet. She then looked to her friends.

Then, something happened.

Raven Queen finally signed the Storybook of Legends and inherited the evil powers of her mother!

The blast of magic surrounded her, embracing her as it's new master. You all watched as Raven began to be lifted into the air by the dark magic.

Y/N: I hope you know what you're doing, Raven.

You got back to your feet and looked down at your ring. You formed a fist and picked up your sword once again. The fight wasn't over.

Raven opened her eyes, now a bright purple. Courtly found herself actually scared by what she was seeing. But, her fears were quickly replaced when the guards entered the room.

Guard: There she is! Get her!

Courtly was quick to pull out her card and use it's magic to change her appearance again.

Courtly: Guards! It is I, your princess Lizzie Hearts! Seize that girl at once!

She pointed to Raven and the guards came under her spell.

Guards: Right away, your highness!

They all hoped down and surrounded Raven. You stepped behind Courtly which got her attention. She turned around to find you pointing your sword at her.

Y/N: It's over, Courtly.

Courtly just smirked.

Courtly: Courtly? Courtly isn't here. Just your beloved Lizzie.

She used the card again, smiling.

Courtly: Oh, won't you protect me, my dear Y/N?

You looked at her oddly. What was she doing?

Y/N: What?

Courtly's smile dropped.

Courtly: Uh...it's me. Lizzie. Lizzie Hearts.

Y/N: Uh, no. You're not.

Courtly quickly tried to use the card again, but you just saw her swiping the card around her face. You walked over and smacked the card away.

Courtly: How didn't that...

You grabbed her and tossed her into a pile of presents. You them looked down to Raven.

Her smile was wicked and her eyes were sharp. The guards moved in to grab her, but she was faster.

She lifted her hands, purple magic pouring out and grabbing the guards instead. They were lifted into the air and thrown away like they were rubbish. Courtly got up and looked down at Raven.

Courtly created a larger spell and fired it down to Raven. She just smiled and vanished before it could hit her. She then appeared on a pile across from Courtly.

She reached her hand out and fired a blast, sending Courtly running to avoid being hit. However, she ran into you instead.

Y/N: Take it easy, Raven.

You kicked Courtly into another pile of presents before Raven appeared beside you.

Raven: You just don't worry about me, Ozzian.

You both turned back to Courtly just as a blue blast of magic flew towards you. Raven created a shield that protected you both. Once it was clear, you ran out and attacked directly.

Courtly barely dodged your attacks and leaped away. Raven used the opening to attack again, sending multiple slices of magic towards Courtly. Courtly pulled out the spell good again.

However, she found the magic instead being absorbed by Raven.

Raven: There's more than one way to read a book, Jester!

The magic flew into Raven until the book itself was gone. Raven then smirked.

Raven: All done!

Raven was suddenly surrounded by a large purple flame and levitated into the air. She then released a powerful blast of magic onto Courtly, who tried to shield herself. However, it was all for naught.

The power of the blast still send Courtly down through the pile, into the ground below. Courtly barely had time to recover before Raven was standing over her.

Raven: And now...to finish you!

She laughed as her hand was engulfed in flames. However, she found someone blocking her path.

Y/N: Raven, stop!

Raven: Y/N, out of my way!

You dropped your sword and stood firm. You looked past her and at your friends. They were all worried, scared.

Y/N: Raven, this isn't you.

Raven: You don't know anything about me!

Y/N: Really? You really think I don't? Fine. Let me tell you who I think you are.

You slowly lowered your hands and began to apporch her.

Y/N: You're someone who chooses creativity over order. You love music and baking and helping people who need it. Ruby tells me that you're the only one she can talk to about the newest indie songs cause you're the only one who listens to them.

Raven slowly began to lower her arms.

Y/N: You helped me save Maddie from banishment, because you love your friends. Your mother was so evil, yet you have such a big heart that you open to others. The misunderstood girl sitting in the corner of the room and easily the worst student in General Villiany.

You reached her and gently grabbed her hands with a soft smile.

Y/N: You're Raven. You're my friend. Choose who you want to be. Isn't that what you always say?

Raven's eyes grew softer, her smile brighter. The magic around her began to die down before she was fully in control once again. You helped her stay on her feet as the others joined you.

Raven: Thank you, Y/N.

You smiled.

Y/N: No, we should be thanking you, Raven.

Briar: I am so glad we have you back.

Queen Hearts: What, is the meaning of all this commotion?

You all looked over to see the Queen enter the room with her guards and Lizzie. You and Lizze spotted each other and smiled, relieved that the other was safe.

Apple: It's Raven Queen, your majesty. She's a hero! She's vanquished Courtly Jester.

You all looked back to where Courtly was....but she was gone?

Raven: I've took away most of her powers, your majesty. But, she got away.

You looked around before you spotted something by the door. A present walking on it's own. You kicked up your sword and threw it, stabbing through the box and trapping it against the wall. You all watched as Courtly rolled out, grabbing her head.

Courtly: Ow. Rats.

Queen Hearts: Guards! Get her!

Courtly looked up to see no less than 52 cards lunge at her. One dog pile later, and Courtly was successfully captured.

Queen Hearts: I owe you all a tremendous debt of gratitude. You are hereby invited...to my birthday party!

You all looked at each other and smiled.

Raven: We would be honored, but there's something we need to take care of first.
In the ballroom of the Castle, the main party was underway. Standing on the throne area were Lizzie and her mother. You stood on the side, still serving as their Knave.

Lizzie: Happy birthday, mother!

Queen Hearts: My daughter at my side is the greatest wish a mother could wish for!

The two hugged as you watched.

Raven: Your majesty, with your permission...

Queen Hearts: Proceed.

Raven turned towards you. You nodded which made her smile. She then turned around and lifted a hand. Purple magic danced around her fingers as she recited a spell.

Raven: 'From bad to good, to better from worse, from Wonderland I now, remove this curse! The nightmare's done, the day has dawned. So let's join as one and party on!'

The magic spread across Wonderland as you all watched in excitement. The color was coming back. The Wonder. In the skies above Wonderland, the ugly green clouds of curse began to vanish.

The curse had been broken.

In celebration, the party began to turn up to 11. But, Raven's spell not only released Wonderland from the Evil Queen's curse, it also lifted the barrier between the two worlds.

Students from Ever After High began to appear on the dance floor, a bit confused until they saw their friends. You couldn't help but smile at all the familiar faces.

Maddie enjoyed a brownie, but suddenly found herself growing twice her normal size. She looked down herself.

Maddie: Heh-heh-heh! I just got taller! Yay!

Just then her father appeared.

Maddie: Daddy!

She hugged her father who was just as happy to see her.

Mad Hatter: Maddie!

Bunny and Alistar also appeared among the crowd. Bunny immediately spotted her father, the White Rabbit, who was just as excited to see her.

White Rabbit: Bunny! I'm so glad you're safe!

Bunny kneeled down and hugged her father tightly.

Bunny: I'm so happy to see you, dad!

Dexter and Ruby walked through the crowd before Dexter spotted the one he was looking for. He smiled and ran over to Raven who also smiled upon seeing him.

Dexter: Raven!

He hugged her suddenly. And while this was odd for Raven, she didn't quite mind it. Though you, Apple, and Briar felt a bit like chopped liver.

Dexter: You're safe!

He suddenly realized was he was doing and backed off awkwardly.

Dexter: I uh-uh... Hey, uh, how about some punch? Heh... Anybody seen a punch bowl?

Dexter ran off, but Ruby stood there speechless. You looked at your little sister and smiled.

Ruby: Y/N? I-Is that....Is that you? The real you?

You didn't need to say anything. You just scooped her up and hugged her tightly. You had missed your little sister dearly, and you weren't afraid to show it.

Y/N: Hey, Rue.

Ruby: Y/N!

She hugged you back tightly. She pulled away and noticed the ring on your finger.

Ruby: You got it back!

You nodded. You then reached into your pocket and pulled out the earring as well. You showed it to Ruby who gasped.

Y/N: I think this one is for you.

You handed it to her and she examined it. She then smiled, tucking it away into her pocket.

Ruby: I'm so glad you're safe. Oswalt is still on the loose, though.

You nodded.

Y/N: I know. And we will find him. But, for now, we have a lot to spellebrate together.

You both hugged again. Briar watched this and looked at the Storybook of Legends.

Briar: Uh, guys? Can I talk to you for a moment?

You all looked at her and nodded.

You followed her out to a balcony away from the party.

Raven: So... what's up?

Briar: Well, I've been trying to tell you for a while. See, it's my fault that the Storybook of Legends even ended up here in the first place. I, sort of...threw it down the Well of Wonder.

This came as a shock to the three of you.

Apple: What? But why?

Briar: I didn't wanna have to follow my destiny! Sleeping my life away and losing all my friends?! Why should I be forced to live that life if it's not the one that I want?

Apple smiled.

Apple: Things used to be so simple; "you signed the book, you lived your destiny".

She then took the book from Briar.

Apple: But now, if anyone can use the book to steal a destiny, well, maybe the book is more trouble than it's worth.

Raven/Y/N: Whoa.

Apple: Oh, I still want my Happily Ever After but, I don't want our stories in danger of being stolen. They should be ours to choose... or to change. Maybe it's time to... shelf this book.

You and Raven looked at each other in surpise. Were you hearing this right? You followed her to a balcony that overlooked the party below.

Y/N: Apple...

Raven: Am I understanding you...correctly?

Apple smiled as she handed Raven the book.

Apple: You always have.

Raven smiled. Using her magic, Raven lifted the Storybook of Legends into the sky and took out all the pages. The pages turned into balls of golden light and shot into the student who's pages they were. Everyone was hit by golden light, but it felt like weight was being lifted off of their shoulders.

Raven: Now, everyone can write their own story! Whether if we wanna follow the path of our fairytale ancestors, or blaze a new trail. The choice is in our hearts!

You placed a hand on her shoulder.

Y/N: It always was, Raven.

Overhead, a figure watched from the shadows. He held up a small mirror so that his partner could see what was happening.

Evil Queen: Well, something's in your heart all right, my precious little daughter. Cast your mighty spells, revel in your newfound power...My first big step toward freedom is...complete.

Oswalt: And they don't even realize it.

Oswalt slipped away, careful that no one saw him. He already had what he wanted. But now, he needed to break out a little card of his from a dungeon.

The clashing of swords pulled the party into an erupt stop as the White Knight and Chase fought their way into the room.

Y/N: Oh crap. I forgot about those two.

Briar: So did I. Have they been fighting this whole time?

Lizzie: How did they even end up here?

The White Knight knocked Chase's blade out of his hands and kicked him to the floor. Chase looked up and sighed.

Chase: Alright, I yield! You win.

He stood up and took off his helmet.

Chase: What a knight! What skill...what-what power! What manner of man are you?

The White Knight looked to all of you.

White Knight: Actually, I am no manner of man...

They then took off their helmet, revealing Darling Charming.

Darling: I'm a girl.

Everyone was actually surpised by this. Even you. Though, adding it up in your head, you realized all the signs were pointing to it. I mean, the feathers on the helmet were literally the same as her hair.

Darling stepped out of the armor.

Darling: I guess you'd all like an explanation of what I've been up to?

Y/N: Yes!

Darling: Well sorry, that story's best told another day. I believe right now, it's time to party!

Y/N: This is also okay!

The party resumed and everyone returned to having fun. You smiled and looked around before spotting Maddie talking to two people you didn't know. However, one looked familiar.

You walked over and Maddie pulled you into the conversation.

Maddie: Y/N, this is Bunny and Alistar. The daughter of the White Rabbit and the son of Alice!

Your eyes grew wide.

Y/N: W-Wait. Alistar? And your mum is Alice?

Alistar nodded.

Alistar: It's nice to finally meet you. Everyone always tells us how great you are.

You smiled and reached into your pocket. You then pulled out the letter that Alice had given you the last time you saw her.

Y/N: Actually....this is for you. She told me to give it to you when I saw you.

Alistar: 'She'?

You handed him the letter and he looked at the writing. His eyes grew wide.

Bunny: What is it?

Alistar: It's...it's my mom's handwriting.

He opened the letter and skimmed through it. Slowly, he looked at you, speechless. You smiled softly.

Alistar: I guess the stories are true. You are pretty great.

You rubbed the back of your neck, a bit bashful over the compliment.

Y/N: Oh, you know. I was just doing a friend a favor.
You leaned against the rail and took a deep breath. It felt good to be able to do this without much worry. Well, there was some worry. But right now, you were just happy that everything worked out. Wonderland was now back to being open to Ever After and things were looking good.

Lizzie: Y/N?

You turned back to see Lizzie standing in the doorway. You smiled as she walked over to you.

Y/N: Hey, Princess. How's your mum's party? Worth the trouble of almost being stuck in detention for all of eternity?

Lizzie laughed.

Lizzie: Perhaps.

She joined you in looking out at Wonderland. Countless other parties were being had to celebrate the broken curse, now free from the Evil Queen's power.

Lizzie looked up at you as you stared out at the many lights caused by bonfires.

Y/N: I'm giving up on my quest.

Lizzie looked at you oddly.

Y/N: To reclaim Oz. There's nothing there for me anymore.

Lizzie: But, Oz is your home.

You shook your head. You looked down below where the students of both Wonderland High and Ever After High partied. You smiled.

Y/N: My home is where my heart is. And my heart is here, with my friends.

Lizzie: Aren't you worried about Oswalt?

You didn't say anything. You had the Vorpal Blade and your ring, and Ruby had her earring, but Oswalt still had the necklace. He was still strong. And it was only a matter of time before he made his move. You may give up on your quest for revenge and Oz, but Oswalt would never.

However, you couldn't really find it in yourself to be worried.

Y/N: Nah. Not really.

Lizzie: Really?

You nodded. You then turned to her.

Even though you were a bit shorter, there was still a good foot in difference between your heights.

Y/N: Really. I know that when the time comes, I'll be able to beat him.

Lizzie: How can you be so sure?

You smiled softly as you took her hands into your own. She didn't pull away as she would've when you first met. She actually gently squeezed your hands, though hers were much smaller than yours.

And, you finally told her what you had be longing to tell her since even before Thronecoming. All the way back to your first confrontation against the Jabberwock. When you both fought alongside each other to save your precious school.

Y/N: I know, because I have something worth fighting for. I have everyone. Apple, Raven, Maddie, Kitty, Briar, Ruby...

You both locked eyes.

Y/N: You. I have you.

Lizzie: Y/N....

Y/N: Lizzie Hearts, I love you.

Lizzie found her cheeks heating up more than they ever have. She felt her stomach flutter with metaphorical butterflies and she couldn't even force herself to look away from you. She has never felt something like this before.

You, on the other hand, felt a huge weight off your shoulders. You told her. You finally told her that you loved her. Though, now you were nervous about what her response would be.

Lizzie, however, said nothing. Rather, she pulled you closer and hugged you tightly.

Y/N: Liz...

Lizzie: I've been waiting to hear that from you for a long time, Ozzie.

You smiled and hugged her back. She closed her eyes, focusing in your heartbeat rather than the muted music coming from inside the palace. It was a good strong heartbeat. It meant that you were still alive. Regardless of what Oswalt tried to make her believe, you were here and alive.

She pulled back, but you never let go of each other. After moment of silence, you both began to lean towards each other. And as your lips met, the fireworks went off on the horizon.

Everyone at the party watched the colorful blasts and cheered, feeling victorious over this day.

You and Lizzie separated and you watched her face get even more red. She giggled to herself which made you smile like the massive dork you were.

Lizzie: I quite enjoyed that.

She then looked up at you.

Lizzie: Can we...do it again?

You just grinned.

Y/N: Her majesty's wish is my command.

Lizzie laughed again before falling into another kiss. However, this one was ended quicker.

Briar: Ahem.

You and Lizzie suddenly pulled away and turned to find your friends all standing there, watching you both with huge smiles of their own.

Y/N: U-Uh....

Lizzie: Oh....

Ruby: Finally!

You and Lizzie were both surpised when Ruby ran over.

Ruby: I've been waiting for this to happen since forever after!

Brair: I have to admit, you were making me worry for a second there. I thought you two would never make a move.

Apple: That was so adorable!

Raven: An Ozzian and a Wonderlandian. Talk about going off script.

Darling: This is just Wonderlandiful! I'm so happy for you two!

Daring: You go, Y/N. My man!

Dexter: Sorry to bother you both. We didn't mean to spy.

Maddie: Love is in the air! And Cupid didn't even need to do anything!

Kitty: I'm sure you two will make for a purrfect couple.

Cedar: I can't tell a lie, I am so happy right now!

Cerise awkwardly stood there before smiling.

Cerise: I'm happy for you two.

And she really was. She saw how you looked at her, how you talked to her. You two....needed each other. You helped her, and she supported you.

You and Lizzie nervously smiled, not expecting for everyone to find out right away, but it didn't matter. You were just glad that your friends were here for you.

They all joined you and Lizzie on the balcony and together, you all watched the fireworks. This was nice. This was peaceful.

And, you would never trade this for Oz.

The entire time, you held Lizzie's hand. Ready for what tomorrow may bring.

The End Is Just The Beginning......

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