
By Ghost-moo

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Beautiful body. Beautiful voice. Beautiful eyes. Everything about Victoria Hill was beautiful. At 4 years old... More



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By Ghost-moo

No one was happy. Everett and Scout left even though it's the middle of the night. Luca and Ren went to our gym. Mateo and Levi went who knows where. Zane went to check on everyone in the house. It's just me and Javan now. I slumped back into the chair as Javan was looking at me.

"Kai it's late and I want to get to bed, can we just get this over with? What did you do?"

So I told him.

"My friends told me to go hit on the new girl, but I told them she's my sister so I wasn't going to do that. So instead they told me to embarrass her. Then it ended up the other way around, she embarrassed me and stormed off. I had no clue she left school grounds."

"Thank you for telling me. You'll just be grounded for a week. No going out after school or on the weekends, unless you're on a mission. Okay?"

"Yes. I got it. I'm going to bed now."

"Goodnight Kai."
Javan's pov

I wanted her to tell me more. I'm just glad that Maliki didn't do anything to serious to her. But someone else obviously did. I need to figure it out, not tonight though. I'll just try and talk to her tomorrow.
Victoria's pov

When I woke up I was immediately upset. I'm so fucking upset I didn't die. The marks are spread all along my thighs and arms. Great so I need to wear long sleeves. And wash the bedding. I got dressed in leggings and one of Vinny'a hoodies then went down to breakfast. Which I ate 2 bites of. Javan told everyone what happened last night. I heard them talking about it. My brothers and older cousins are watching me like hawks. He must of not told Beck, Scarlett, or Kit. I mean Kit is just an innocent kid anyway. I push the eggs and fruits around on my plate while I waited to be told to eat or that we can go to school. Which both did happen.

"Why aren't you eating more? You have to be hungry, you have Rivera blood in you. We're always hungry."

Ren tried to be bubbly about it but I could tell he just wanted me to eat more. They all did. Hell no.

"I'm just tired and don't feel that hungry."

"Just make sure you eat lunch at school today. Which you all may go now."

Javan told us. I was the first one up and out of there. I sat in the car for a good few minutes waiting for everyone else.


Kit was sat next to me in the car.


"Some of my friends are coming over after school and they want to meet you. So either find me today at school or we can just introduce you to them afterwards. It really doesn't matter."

", alright."

Kit gave me a big smile then hopped out of the car and into school. I followed behind the rest of them. I know they all are going to be watching me today. I saw Scout texting with Javan. He wants them to keep an eye on me. I just want Micah back...or Gray, or Vincent, hell even Rick would do.


I have no clue how I've made it through the second morning of school. I have noticed my brothers or Mateo in the halls watching me. It's so stupid. I got in the lunch line while looking at my phone.


I hear a girl's voice. I look up to see Rose and Lyla. They were smiling at me so I gave me a small smile back.

"Hi guys."

"You should eat lunch with us."

"Yeah, you can meet some of our friends. They'll all love you."

"They so will."

We all started to get our lunch and they continued to talk until we sat at a table with more people.

"So guys this is the new girl, Victoria."

"And she's super smart. She's in our art class."


I looked at the other two. One boy and one girl.

"This is Charlie, our gay bestie. And this is Harper. She's bi, so technically they're also our gay bestie but they're my girlfriend."

Lyla introduced me to them. I nodded. Okay cool. I could deal with gay people they are funny and easier to deal with. Reminds me of Gray.

"Cool. My best friend back at home is actually gay. He came out to me right before I moved here. I swear that kid is something else."

I chuckled and shook my head at the thought of him.

"That's nice. Why'd you move here? And if you don't mind me asking, where did you live before?"

Charlie asked me.

"In New York actually. It's a great place. I moved because of my family though."

I groaned in annoyance at the thought if them. I heard some chuckles from around the table.

"Not a family gal are you?"

"Not at all. It's a complicated story so I'll save it for a different time, but basically I haven't seen my family since I was 4. I don't really like them and I don't believe they like me, but they insist otherwise."

"Damn. My family is a big mess too. We all are constantly fighting. I usually just stay at Lyla's. By the way, I really like your hoodie, where did you get it?"

Harper asked me.

"Oh this is actually one of my older cousin's hoodies I stole. He's back in New York. I lived with him and my uncle out there. I actually have no clue where he bought this from but I liked it so I took it from him."

"Haha. I wish I was close with my cousins. They live in the UK though. Which I've noticed you have a British accent."

", I picked it up from someone in my past and I guess I never lost it."

It hurt to think about her. April. I got the accent form her. I can't wait to join her in the dead in day.

"Hmm. Oh I totally forgot to ask what your pronouns are. Mine are she/her. Lyla's are she/her. Harper's are she/they. And Char's is he/him."

"Mine are she/her."

Before anyone could say anything else a certain someone sat next to me.

"Who are your new friends Tori?"

Ren, Mateo, and Scout sat down at the table. I glared at the three of them.

"Can you all piss off? I'm trying to enjoy one day here. You already know what Maliki did yesterday and I don't like that you've been following and watching me all day. I know Javan told you lot to do so but I say not to do so. I hate it. Leave...please."

"Damn, calm down. We just want to make sure you're okay and you aren't going to leave school grounds again."

Scout said to me.

"Well maybe I will if I want to. You can't tell me what to do or what not to do. Now please, piss off."


Scout got up and left while Mateo and Ren stayed.

"You two as well. Sho."

"Victoria you are our family, my sister, okay? I don't like the fact that you think you can do whatever you want because you'll end yourself up in trouble. And last time that happened you scared Javan, and everyone at home shitless. We want to keep you pro-"

"Protected. Whatever. You know I can defend myself and get myself out of trouble. I don't need you lot. I was fine without you in first place. Leave...please?"

I was practically begging the two. Mateo looked at Ren then me and the people I was sitting next to. I honestly forgot they were there, and Mateo left. Ren stayed seated next to me for a few quite minutes before someone spoke up.

"Dude she asked you to leave. She obviously doesn't feel comfortable around you right now. I don't care if you're family but you need to leave her alone like she asked."

That was Harper. Ren sighed.

"Victoria, eat your lunch please. I'll see you after school."

He finally got up and walked away.

"Girl the fucking Rivera's are your family!?"

Lyla whisper-yelled. I shrugged it off.

"Okay so like I get you might have a problem with them, but the entire family is really close. Also Harp, thank you for having the ball's the speak up to him."

Charile was talking while trying to eat. I was just listening to them talk about my shit family while I managed to eat the lunch.

"Can we change the topic? I don't want to hear more about my family. I'm already sick of seeing them and waking up just to know I live in their house."

"Yeah, of course we can. Sorry Victoria."

"We should of thought about that. Sorry."

"You're all fine, I just don't want to talk about my family right now. Maybe a different a time though. I need to go, I'll see you lot around."

I stood up and left. There was 10 minutes left at lunch so I decided to wander a little bit. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I ran into something...more like someone actually.

"Shit. I'm sorry."

I looked up and saw my stupid brothers and Mateo with a group of people. I just happened to run into one of their friends.

"No worries. We really shouldn't be standing in the middle of the hall anyway. Can I get your name by chance?"

"Ay! Saylor don't try and hit on our sister."

Ren walked over to me and this Saylor kid. I rolled my eyes.

"Hi Ren. I can handle these types of things by myself. Remember I lived without you for 17 years of my life? Yeah, so Saylor or whatever your name was, fuck off. I don't relationship or friendships. Just don't try, okay? Okay. Bye."

I turned on my heels to leave but Ren held my wrists.

"Come on Victoria. I want to introduce you to everyone. You'll see them around at home eventually."

"Your home. Not mine. Mine is in New York and you know that."

"You've lived in New York?"

One of the guys ask me.

"No. I was just on a 13 year vacation there. Stupid."

"Everyone, this is Victoria. That's Reed. You've meet Ash. That's Saylor, Hayden, Kayla, Jasmine, Aria, and Pa-"

"Renie's favorite human being in the whole wide world that's who it is."

Scout teased Soren. I saw his face turn red either with hate or blush.

"Leave him alone Scout."

Maliki and Mateo told Scout off.

"You two are lame. Boo."

Children. They are literally children. But while they were bickering I tried to sneak away. Key word is tried.

"Hey, wait. Where are you going Tori?"

"Class. I'd like to keep my grades up and stay in my AP classes."

"Hey, Parker here is in AP class as well. Have you two seen eachother?"

Mateo asked. We both said no.

"Damn. I for sure thought you would of."

"Right, well I'm leaving."

I tried to walk off again.

"Wait Tori. One more thing."

It was Ren, again.

"What Ren?"

"I never got to actually introduce you to Parker. He's my boyfriend."

I just nodded okay.

"Don't tell Javan please?"

"Why would I? That isn't my place to tell him. Or anyone for that matter. Plus I hate talking to Javan anyway. I'd rather die than talk to him."

"Thanks Tori...Uh, do you wanna talk after school? Y'know about...last night?"

I tensed up.

"If I feel up to it. Kit is bring his friends over and wants me to meet them. But I really should be going to class now."

Before anyone else could pull me back or say anything more, I left. The rest if the day went by, mostly, smooth. I got really hot and almost rolled up my sleeves. I caught myself before anyone saw though.

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