Straying From The Game

By Phoenix_Sky_09

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Love has different forms. Sometimes, we tend to see it as a very different one from the real form. And someti... More

Chapter 1 Back on the Game
Chapter 2 Party Drunks
Chapter 3 Individual Projects
Chapter 4 Hidden Truth at Home
Chapter 5 Hiding Her Pain
Chapter 6 Her Confidant
Chapter 7 They're Jealous?
Chapter 8 It's Not What It Seems
Chapter 9 Heart Status
Chapter 10 Fight or Fix?
Chapter 11 They Have their Own Secrets
Chapter 12 Failed Mission
Chapter 13 We're Coming Home
Chapter 14 The Trip Home
Chapter 15 First Destination
Chapter 16 She's His Girl Friend
Chapter 17 To Her Home
Chapter 18 At the Diaz Residence
Chapter 19 I'll Prove it to You
Chapter 20 Enjoy While It Lasts?
Chapter 21 The Diaz's Social Status
Chapter 22 Meeting Her Other Bestfriends
Chapter 23 Stories About Her
Chapter 24 Pieces of Advice
Chapter 25 Last Day of Fantasy
Chapter 26 The Ciphered Message
Chapter 27 The Consequences
Chapter 28 When in Paris
Chapter 29 Make Her Happy
Chapter 30 Unofficially Yours
Chapter 31 Visiting Her Family
Chapter 33 All is Well
Chapter 34 Unveiled
Author's Note

Chapter 32 Surprises

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By Phoenix_Sky_09


"Baby!" I exclaimed when I saw Genie at the breakfast table. I run towards her and back hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry" I whispered.

"Good morning unnie" she smiled timidly at me. I don't know how to describe her reaction, maybe the normal reaction?

After I left my sister's room last night, I have a strong feeling that Genie was there, but Alice was right. It's not the best time for us to talk. While lying in bed alone, for the first time again after all these weeks, I had ample time to think about our first fight ever since we became 'girlfriends'.

The moment I woke up this morning, I know what to do. I realize my mistake but I also have to clear the matter between her and that actress she has dated. I was so focused on making her mine but I totally forgot that she has been dating someone else before.

We talk casually over breakfast but God knows how much I want to just pull her to my room and talk. When I was finally given the opportunity, I followed her to the guest room. She however was preparing to go out. I tried to talk to her first but she said she have to prepare first. I waited for her in the guest room while she go and take a bath rather impatiently. Where is she headed to later on, I don't even know.

She received a phone call just after she came back from the bathroom. They didn't talk for long, and all she said was 'yes' and 'okay, I'll wait for you'. Meaning she will be picked up.

"So, are you calmed now?" she asked sitting beside me on the bed. But I was not. Who is she going out with? Is that actress again?

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"On an important appointment, personal matter" she replied monotonously.

"Can't I come?" I asked hopefully.

"No, someone is picking me up" she shook her head.

"It's that actress again right? Tell me Genie? Are you still dating her? Or are you the real girlfriends that's why you don't want us to label our relationship?" I asked angrily.

She was shocked by my accusation. She opened her mouth to speak but then closed it again without uttering any word. Hurt was displayed in her eyes and I immediately felt sorry for accusing her, but I want to be enlightened. She sighed as she looked at her phone that buzzed. After reading the message, she stood up.

"Chaeng, I have to go, we will talk after I get back okay?" she reached for my arm but I shrugged it off.

"Babe, I love you" she leaned in and pecked my lips before leaving me. Tears streamed down my eyes. I don't know which to believe anymore. I walked to the window in time to see her climb up a familiar car. I've seen that already. It's the same car who dropped her once when she said she went on a date. So it's really that actress she is going out with. I felt my heart breaking into pieces. Atleast, Lisa didn't do those things to me. I ended up crying and locked myself in my room. I don't want to talk to anyone for now.

When she arrived before lunch, she came straight to my room and knocked when she found out I locked it. She called my name so I went to open it and locked it again.

"Genie, tell me honestly, do you really love me?" I asked straight. She drop her phone and purse on my table before she sat down on my bed.

"I do love you Chaeyoung" she replied looking in my eyes.

"Then tell me, what do you have with that actress who picked you up earlier?" I asked. She was shocked but composed herself immediately.

"You saw her?" She asked.

"I saw her car. It's the same car who has dropped you at our building once. I saw you getting out of it" I informed her. She just nodded, for what? I have no idea.

"She... Uh... We just... She's just..." she can't give me a straight answer and that spike the bomb in me.

"I am correct right? You two are already in a relationship, and I'm just your fling?" I asked tearing up.

"God, No Chaeyoung! You're my only 'girlfriend'!" she exclaimed, quoting the label.

"Then why not tell me who she is and what you two have?" I asked raising my voice.

"I can't, I'm sorry" she whispered. That made me cry. "Please don't cry, I swear you're my only lover, please believe me" she begged as she held me in her arms. I just let her as I cried.

"Chaeyoung, I love you, please believe me" she repeated but I didn't reply.

When I calmed down a little, I looked at her again. Sadness filled her eyes, and her lips are pressed together firmly, as if she's thinking of something.

"I won't force you to believe me. But I'm sorry I can't tell you everything right now. I have my personal reasons and I'd appreciate it if you will respect my decision. If it will make you feel any better, yes, I did went out with her, and as a heads up, we will be going out together again, for a reason I can't tell you" she stood up and made her way to the door but then she turned back.

"Also, I apologized for you on what you did last night. She said it's okay, just that she's shocked to be yelled at by an international idol that she happened to respect" she turned again and left my room while I was left dumbfounded.

I think I forgot that Genie is a private person after she opened up to me about a lot of things. And we came to something she doesn't want to share and I'm forcing her to. I took a deep breath. If turning a blind eye to that matter would save our relationship, I'm willing to risk. What is important is that she assured me that she loves me. Though I'm reluctant with the idea of sharing her attention, atleast now, I have the right to demand more attention from her being her 'girlfriend'.

Suddenly, her phone rang. She has left it there in my table but didn't take it when she left. I stood to see who it is and it is the same GF who is calling. I sighed. Taking her phone, I went and followed her in the guest room. She is currently packing so I looked at her with furrowed brows.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Obviously packing, I figured out you don't want me here anymore" she shrugged but then she noticed me holding her phone.

"Don't leave" I begged as I passed her phone to her. "Your... friend is calling you" I informed her.

She answered it without leaving my gaze. She sighed at what the caller has said.

"I don't know. I was accused of cheating FYI" she laughed bitterly. I ducked my head down.

"I don't know as well if my words are convincing enough, but she should know that I'm sincere. She's mad, so I'm currently packing right now. Say, can you pick me up again and drop me home?" she asked turning away from me.

My ears perked at the idea. I grab her arms and pulled her against me, back hugging her tightly. "Don't leave" I begged.

"Are you sure?" she asked me while still on the phone. I nodded.

"She's asking me to stay so I'll be staying. Bye unnie, I'm up for maybe another fight, see you" she hung up before turning around.

"Go ahead" she gestured but I shook my head.

"I will try to understand. I'm sorry for being disrespectful last night. I'm sorry for accusing you. I'm sorry for  being a jealous freak" I rambled. She however looked at me blankly.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm just afraid to lose you, please" I begged. She sighed.

"Please speak" I pleaded cupping her face.

"I'm not cheating on you"

"I know that now, I'm sorry"

"I can't tell you about that matter because I really can't. But I want you to know that even when we were still just bestfriends, I wouldn't intentionally do things that will hurt your feelings, much more now" she spoke sincerely.

"Okay, I get it now, I'm sorry" I don't know why I'm crying now. Maybe because I'm afraid of what she'll say next. What if she decide we better go back to being bestfriends only?

"But I understand you too. Don't worry, next time we have to go out together, I'll tell you first. Just... please trust me" I sighed with relief.

"I trust you baby, I love you" I uttered.

"I love you too" she finally smiled and so I kissed her, wanting her to feel how sincere I am with my feelings. I seek entry and she let me. As our tongues danced together, no one fighting for dominance but playing in sync, Alice popped in from the door.

"Ahem, sorry to disturb but mom sent me to bring you down for lunch" she spoke grimacing dramatically. Genie hid her face in my chest in embarrassment while I laugh.

"Good timing Alice, we'll follow you" I waved her away and she laughed at me.

"Baby, we better follow down, who knows what she'll be telling Mom and Dad" I whispered. She stood straight hearing it, fear in her eyes.

"Kidding, I'm just kidding baby, she won't tell a soul, but we should go"

"Okay, bend down" she instructed me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Piggy back ride loser" she mocked me and I groaned. I shouldn't have made out with her yet. Atleast she would be mad to demand it from me.

When we reached the kitchen, the family is laughing at me for my punishment. After lunch, Dad called Genie in his study for business talk so I was left with Mom and Alice in the living room.

"Chaeng, tell me, don't you have deeper feelings for Genie? You see, I'm sorry but she is a lot better than Lisa" mom spoke bluntly and I stared at her in shock.

"Mom, what are you talking about?" I asked defensively.

"Oh, nothing, just a thought. You know, you two look good together" mom winked but I blushed.

"If ever mom, you will let them?" Alice asked and I glared at her.

"Why not? I will even drag them to Australia and have them married!" she exclaimed and I looked at her with horror.

"You really love her mom" I shook my head.

"That I do. She is amazing. Why, she is also intelligent. I could live with such a business wise daughter-in-law" mom exclaimed.

"Speaking of, tomorrow is her birthday right?" she asked and I nodded. How did she know?

"Great! I will get a perfect gift for her" she smiled happily.

"And that would be?" I asked.

"A secret" she replied and left me with my sister towards their joint office.

"Why not tell them the good news? She might throw an engagement party already" Alice teased me but I shook my head.

"We aren't even official girlfriends Alice. And for the record, we had just fixed our first fight" I sighed.

"Hm, glad you did, I'd like to go and nap before I head to my own house, you're staying until tomorrow right?" she asked.

"Uh, I don't know, we are supposed to leave after dinner but let me see if I can convince her to stay the night"

"Do" she winked then left me.

Alone now, I began calling people and planning a surprise birthday party for the girl I love. Her lengthened stay at my parent's office gave me enough time to do it without being disturbed. Actually, she just returned to my room when it's time to cook dinner.

"What took you long?" I asked as I gestured her to join me in bed. I wrapped her in my arms as I rested my chin on her head.

"They interrogated me. I felt like I'm in a job interview then up for a law suit" she chuckled.

"What? But why would they do that!" I exclaimed feeling ridiculous of what my parents did to her.

"I don't know. Hey, mom called it daughter-in-law's bio data. Did you tell her too?" she asked.

"Ugh, no baby I didn't, but before she joined you, she is teasing me with you, asking if I don't have deeper feelings for you" I explained.

"Oh, by the way, they now have my real profile, real family name, everything" she informed me.

"You're okay with them knowing it?" I asked. She nodded.

"They're basically like my family here now" she smiled up at me.

"Uh, baby, can we stay the night here?" I asked.

"Mom and Dad also asked me so I said I'd ask you first. If you're good, then I'm on. I'd just call the maknaes to inform them" she reached for her phone but I stopped her.

"I already informed them" I grinned.

"You're very sure that I'd agree hm?" she playfully smirked. I nodded.

Over dinner, I kept grunting and rolling my eyes because they kept on talking about business. Genie is going with the flow and is making herself a good impression for being, as mom called her, business-wise. Alice would just input comments every now and then while I tried many times to change the topic, only for them to easily shift it back to business. I gave up and fall silent until dinner was over and I pulled Genie up to my room.

"Thank God, my ears is free from the world of business" I uttered. Genie chuckled.

"But I wasn't informed that you have your own business Ms. Park. How about give me a copy of your financial reports so I can see if I will be enticed to invest hm?" she asked and I looked at her like an alien speaking.

"Genie seriously? Can't we just cuddle and sleep?" I suggested as I drop myself on my bed.

"Who told you we can cuddle? You lost the bet remember? I'm sleeping in the guest room" she smirked. My jaw dropped.

"I will tell you about the business I own, and we cuddle" I proposed.

Grinning victoriously, she slid down on the bed beside me and propped her head gesturing me to start speaking. I sighed. Why does mom have to blabber so much? It's true that I have put up my own bakery business, but I had hired a manager for a reason! I have no choice but to tell her every detail. When done, she snuggled close to me.

"I'm proud of you babe. Not just because of your success, but because of how simple and humble you are living despite those success" she spoke genuinely.

"Says the one who secretly owns a wide estate in her country" I retorted. She smiled sheepishly.

"Products of hard work. I value every coin I earned because it is in exchange of blood and sweat" she joked but I agree with it.

"I'm sleepy Chaeng, good night" she yawned.

"Good night baby, sleep well" I kissed the top of her head as I gently rubbed her back. Soon enough, she is lightly snoring. I smiled at how adorable she looks even at her sleep. This girl is really awesome. If ever we won't end up together, I'll want her to remain as my closest bestfriend.


"Good morning baby" Chaeyoung's greetings was the very first thing my mind registered when I opened my eyes. I instantly smiled.

"Good morning babe, you're so happy" I noted seeing how she is smiling widely.

"Of course, happy birthday" she greeted and kissed me.

"Yah, gross, I haven't brushed my teeth yet" I protested for a while turning my head.

"So? Come on, let me greet you properly" she grinned as she captured my lips again. I just let her then until we both pulled away to catch our breath.

"I love you" she smiled.

"Thank you babe, I love you too" I smiled back.

"But you should get up now and get ready since breakfast is almost ready and we have to rush home as soon" she offered a hand and pulled me up the bed. I went straight to hug her burying my face by her arms.

"You're so sweet" I mumbled as I inhaled her scent. She just chuckled as she gave me a towel and pushed me towards the bathroom at the end of the hallway.

We are now by the door saying our goodbyes when the older Parks left for a while and told us to wait. We are just waiting with our small bags since I decided to leave the clothes I brought with me in here. Finally, the couple returned.

"Today's your birthday right baby?" Mom asked.

"Uh, yes mom" I affirmed.

"So, we have gifts for you, here" they both handed me an envelope each. With furrowed brows, I looked at the contents and was shocked to see share certificates.

"What!... Mom, Dad, these are... these are..." I stammered then looked at Chaeyoung. She looks clueless.

"Yes baby, some of those are the ones you won during our game. The others are our birthday gift for you" Dad nodded.

"But these are serious matters Dad, I can't just..." I tried to protest but Mom stopped me.

"Just accept it baby, all you have to do is sign it and we will take care of the rest" Mom assured her.

"Chaeng" I turned to my 'girlfriend' for help but she just shrugged her shoulders.

Reluctantly, I did and the couple were very happy. We shook hands and they let us go. Alice unnie, who was also persuaded to stay last night, drove us to our building again but before we left the car, she passed a box to me.

"Here's your birthday gift baby, happy birthday" she smiled.

"Oh, thank you unnie, love you" I thanked her gratefully then we left.


I have to cover my ears at how loud the greeting is once we entered the dorm. Imagine Jisoo unnie using a megaphone as she shouted along with the others, I thought I became deaf. I smiled after they're done. I kind of expected a surprise already but I didn't expect it to be this grand. Why, the whole dorm until to my room was decorated beautifully! When we went to the kitchen, after everyone took turns squeezing the life out of me by hugging my small figure tightly, I saw the table is brimming with food.

"Whoa whoah, how come these native Pnoy delicacies made their way to our kitchen?" I asked looking around. My eyes landed to my 'girlfriend' and she smiled sheepishly.

"You prepared it?" I asked with knitted brows. That's impossible because we just literally come back from their house. She shrugged so I looked at the maknaes. They are showing no hint. Okay. I move to Jennie unnie and got nothing but her resting bitch face. I turned to Jisoo unnie and she is controlling a smile. I raised an eyebrow at her and she used her mouth to gesture to Chaeyoung. I smiled at her thanking her.

"How come though? Don't tell me you sneak out last night and just came back to get me?" I asked her.

"Yah Jisoo unnie, you really don't know how to keep secrets don't you?" she scolded our unnie who laughed loudly.

"Sorry Chaeng but I can't put my best act on when her tantalizing eyes is boring into my soul" she apologized.

"So, maknaes, speak now, how did the dorm turn into this hmm?" I turned to the two who is now both smiling.

"Well, Chaeyoung unnie made us buy all the necessary items needed and all the ingredients. Do you want to see the email she sent us, I was shocked at how long and detailed it was!" Jeed laughed as she showed me a brief picture of the email. I too laughed.

"The unnies arrived after dinner and we waited for her to come. Jennie unnie and Jeed worked on the kitchen while Jisoo unnie and I worked on the decorations. She over-seered everything and we just rested by dawn while she returned home" Blythe explained.

I was dumbstruck and before I knew it, I was crying hard. Whoahh, I was surely loved. No one is luckier with bestfriends than me with this five with me right now. I felt Chaeyoung wrapping me in her arms while I cry and everyone became silent.

"Why are you crying baby? Don't you like it?" she asked worriedly.

"No, I don't like it" I hiccuped. I can see everyone tensed up. "Because I love it!" I screamed and jump up happily.

"Yah Genie, you're unbelievable!" Chaeyoung yelled and I laughed.

"Group hug!" I spread my hands and everyone attacked me making me shriek.

"Guys, I'm overwhelmed, oh my gosh, thank you, really, thank you, this is the best surprise I ever had!" I'm tearing up again.

"I can't believe you sacrificed your sleep just for me. And today's Monday! Did you two skip work?" I asked the unnies.

"No, we demanded our managers to reset our schedule" Jisoo unnie answered with air and I chuckled.

"Thank you really, oh my gosh, I'mma cry again" I sniffed.

"No problem Genie, seeing you being snotty now, everything's worth it" Jennie unnie teased me.

"Yah I'm not, am I?" I turned to Chaeyoung but she just chuckled as she wiped my face with a handkerchief.

"Awwie, sweet" Jeed cooed.

"So, I'm guessing then that everything is your idea hmm?" I asked her, as I moved closer to her and placed my my hands behind her neck. She nodded smiling.

"Jisoo unnie is bad at keeping secrets. Don't tell her yours" she gestured to her. I laughed before I turned to Jisoo unnie and winked at her. I know better actually. She just gave me a thumbs up.

"But, how did you manage to sneak out without me noticing it hmm?" I asked but Blythe choke on her drink.

"You slept in the same room?" she asked.

"They always did nowadays Blythe" Jeed answered her.

"Oh, right" she mumbled.

"To answer your question, I guess you're so tired so you didn't notice me" Chaeyoung answered so I looked back at her. She has her hands by my waist now as well.

"Hm, I guess, thank you" I smiled widely at her before bending her with my hands and kissed her in the lips for a few seconds. When I pulled, she was shocked and is looking at me with wide eyes before she looked around us. I did too and just realized what I did.

"And to you guys, who should I kiss next?" I asked trying to regain myself as I left her arms and turned to them. Everyone is just standing still, either shocked at what they saw or no one wants to be kissed next. But of course I don't mean that.

"Uh, the thank you is enough Genie, no need to kiss me" Jennie put a protective arm infront of her and I laughed.

I turned to the maknaes. "Hell no, I'm not letting my bestfriend kiss me. You're welcome" Jeed scrambled away and we laughed at her.

"You're welcome Genie" Blythe raised an arm to signify she doesn't want to be kissed too.

"But why was I given no chance to say no need for the kiss?" Chaeng asked and I hit my head lightly. We're almost safe but she spike another bomb.

"Because you deserved that Chaengie, don't you like it?" Jisoo unnie, who simply hid behind the others in response to my question, teased.

"Or do you want more?" Jennie unnie added and she blushed profusely.

"What are you talking about?" I asked wanting to leave the awkwardness.

"Nothing I guess, but I think it's time for picture taking. I had already prepared the stand and your camera" Jennie gestured and it really is. And if I'm correct, it has been filming ever since we arrived.

"Oh, okay, then find your positions!" I instructed as I took the center position.

"Chaeyoung, took the spot behind Genie and drape your arms on her shoulders" Jisoo instructed as she check our arrangement. I looked at her with a questioning look but she just smirked. Blythe and Jeed is by our left while Jennie is by our right side. Jisoo soon joined her and we did different poses while the camera went to work.

After the group photos, Jennie took over the camera and demanded more photos with me. Of course, their teasing didn't end and actually made me and Chaeyoung the models, posing together by the table and at the living room along with all the decorations. My girlfriend took the camera to her hands and shoot my solo pictures. After the photo shoot is done, I'm tired as heck, I think my jaw is also going to hurt with all that smiles.

"Okay okay that's enough. Let's head back to the kitchen and devour the food that you guys diligently prepared" I suggested.

They brought out a beautiful cake with color combinations of blue and white, my favorites.

"This is what Chaeyoung has worked on most of her time" Jisoo unnie informed me. I beamed. Of course. The art lover has put her golden hands to work for me.

"Make a wish baby" Chaeyoung instructed while she help me hold the cake infront of me.

I closed my eyes and wished for a healthy relationship with my unofficial girlfriend and if possible, to find my Dad, even just a glance to know who is it. I opened my eyes and blew the candle showing a big 25. Right, I'm old now. Everyone clapped and we put the cake back down on the table. Chaeng however took a step towards me and wiped a single tear that I didn't even know was slipping from my eyes. They sing me another happy birthday then we proceeded to eating.

"Baby, try this, what do you think, did we get the mix properly?" Chaeng put in another food in my mouth. Actually, she has been doing this ever since we began eating and I am near to choking now after eating too much.

I tapped her shoulders and signalled her to stop as I tried hard to swallow the last food she gave me.

"Unnie, enough enough, I can't take any more food. I swear, you guys cooked everything well. I'm very amazed" I assured her.

"I agree. Nini, make sure you can remember how you cooked this because every now and then, I would demand that you cook this for me" she gestured to one of the Pinoy desserts they prepared.

"Sure thing Chi-chu"

"Excuse me for a while guys, I will just go and change into a more comfortable clothes. Again, thank you for the food" I stood up and made my way to my room. I smiled admiring the decorations. Chaeng has really went all out.

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