Straying From The Game

By Phoenix_Sky_09

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Love has different forms. Sometimes, we tend to see it as a very different one from the real form. And someti... More

Chapter 1 Back on the Game
Chapter 2 Party Drunks
Chapter 3 Individual Projects
Chapter 4 Hidden Truth at Home
Chapter 5 Hiding Her Pain
Chapter 6 Her Confidant
Chapter 7 They're Jealous?
Chapter 8 It's Not What It Seems
Chapter 9 Heart Status
Chapter 10 Fight or Fix?
Chapter 11 They Have their Own Secrets
Chapter 12 Failed Mission
Chapter 13 We're Coming Home
Chapter 14 The Trip Home
Chapter 15 First Destination
Chapter 16 She's His Girl Friend
Chapter 17 To Her Home
Chapter 18 At the Diaz Residence
Chapter 19 I'll Prove it to You
Chapter 20 Enjoy While It Lasts?
Chapter 21 The Diaz's Social Status
Chapter 22 Meeting Her Other Bestfriends
Chapter 23 Stories About Her
Chapter 24 Pieces of Advice
Chapter 25 Last Day of Fantasy
Chapter 26 The Ciphered Message
Chapter 27 The Consequences
Chapter 28 When in Paris
Chapter 29 Make Her Happy
Chapter 30 Unofficially Yours
Chapter 32 Surprises
Chapter 33 All is Well
Chapter 34 Unveiled
Author's Note

Chapter 31 Visiting Her Family

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By Phoenix_Sky_09


"Baby!!!! Welcome home!!" Mom screamed as she run from the door to meet us and engulfed Genie in a big hug. Okay, who's the daughter again? But I'm not jealous at all. Actually, I'm really really glad that they love her.

"Hi Mom, how are you?" she greeted her back with a happy smile. I took her backpack from my sister's car and stood beside her. I remembered to look around for a stray camera, but no one is in sight. Good.

"We're all fine, but we miss you so much, why didn't you come with Chaeng after your return from your country? Anyway, thanks for your gifts" mom blabbered.

"Mom, can't you let us inside first?" I jokingly complained.

"Well, hello to you Chaeng, Alice, come on then, let's go in, your Dad's waiting for you inside" she took Genie's arm and led her inside while I just follow then shaking my head. Alice chuckled behind me.

"She really love her" she commented.

"True, we didn't even get a hug" I pouted.

"As long as you're with Genie, get used to it" she commented as she took my arm as well.

"I'm with her?" I questioned. I never told anyone about us, not even my family because as Genie said, let them guess and conclude on their own.

"Yeah, as long as you're in the same group, and as long as she is your bestfriend, as long as you are... well you know, as long as forever. I think even if you two will be enemies, she will still love her, mom will" she chuckled as we joined them in the living room

Dad has engulfed her in a bear hug too and has greeted each other. He moved next to Alice and hugged her too.

"Hello Chaeng, how have you been" he approached me and hugged me tightly.

"I've been well dad, thanks for the hug, Mom deprived me of one" I sounded assaulted but mom just ignored me.

"Here, give me my baby's bag Chaengie, I'll bring it to her room while you sit back for a while and relax. Then I'll serve food for you two" Mom reached for the bag in my arm. I just gave her, no argument, but I think that bag is more suitable in my room, since the owner will likely stay in it too. But I just kept the information to myself.

After breakfast, Dad engaged in a chess game with Genie. I watched them for a while, cuddling Genie but she was too engrossed in the game and isn't paying me any attention so I left them and looked for my sister. Can I tell her about us, just her? Because I want to.

"Alice" I called from the doorway of her room. She motioned me to come in.

"Missed me?" she joked as she set aside the paper work she has been perusing. That's what I love about my sister. I'll always be her first priority.

"It's weekend but you still brought your work here at our parent's house" I jokingly scolded her. She just shrugged.

"I want to talk to you about something. Have you heard Genie's debut songs?" I asked.

"Oh, from the second it was released! My secretary had it on repeat in the office for days!" she exclaimed and I laughed imagining the situation.

"So what can you say about the B-side song?" I asked.

"Ow, about that, I'm actually waiting for you to come. The referrals are too familiar so I'm actually wondering if that song was solely dedicated for you?" she asked. I slowly nodded and her reaction was a mix of surprise, awe, amazement and adoration.

"Wow, she was so sweet. She even used her own song to express her love to you!" she exclaimed.

"But ain't that too bold. Many of your fans are actually guessing the truth already" she mused.

"We are safe, as long as we remain discreet. Furthermore," I told her our being unofficial lovers. She frowned at the idea but I told her Genie's reason. She eyed me for a while as if trying to gauge my side on the idea but I tried to remain neutral. Finally, she just slowly nodded.

"Maybe Genie has a point. Not labeling your relationship is an advantage when it comes to your reputation and job, but let me tell you that when it comes to your feelings, that could really be a risk" she remarked.

"I know that too, but for now, I'll just follow her lead. I'm currently so happy with her that if I will insist, she might totally back up" I replied.

"Then that would only mean she doesn't truly love you" she commented.

"No unnie, I know that she loves me, her reasons are really reasonable. We can be punished severely if we will get caught" I refuted.

"Fine, but Chaeng, be careful" she warned.

"I will, thanks unnie, I just really need someone to hear about it. We haven't told anyone about this yet, you're the first" I informed her.

"How sure are you that Genie hadn't told anyone yet?" she questioned.

"I trust her" I smiled.

"Whipped" she commented but I just waved her.

"I'm going back down unnie. I wanna know how long she lasted for today's game" I bade her.

"She's playing chess with Dad again?" she asked and I nodded.

"Oh, see, she has earned Dad's good side too, I have a feeling she will be permanent in our lives soon" she laughed.

"That I hope" I nodded as I left, going back to the living room.

I caught Genie dancing happily while Dad is grinning from ear to ear.

"Why so happy baby?" I asked.

"We finished the game in a tie" she run to me and literally jump on my arms. I think this action needs more practice since we almost stumbled. She is laughing happily.

"Really?" I asked Dad and he nodded.

"And she earned a reward for that" he added.

"You made a bet?" I asked and both nodded. I put her down on her feet.

They told me the terms and learned that Genie earned a share in Dad's business. I looked at them in disbelief. How did they associate a game with business?

"But Dad, that was a little, uh, isn't that something..." I don't know how to term it. I'm not against Genie being a part of his business, but they don't even know her fully yet. In fact, they knew her as a Dee, which she isn't!

"Actually, I had already informed her about the business the last time she's here. We had talked a lot about it and she showed interest. She's not new to that world since she said she took BS Accountancy before coming here to be an idol" Dad explained.

"But if you're not okay with it, we can just decide on a different term" Genie cling to my side.

"Oh no no, if that's the case then I have no objections, go for it" I immediately agreed.

"But baby, how about your name?" I whispered.

"I'll take care of that" she whispered back as we went to sat down.

"Unnie, how about a match hm?" she challenged me as she fixed the pieces.

"Hah, are you challenging a pro?" I mocked her but she just nodded.

"Sure" I positioned myself in front of the board.

"Yay, this is great! Wait wait, let me call Mom and Alice and we'll bet!" Dad excitedly rushed out calling my family. What? Unbelievable.

"Babe, if you lose, no morning kiss while we're here, otherwise, I'll be the big spoon" she winked at me.

"That's unfair" I complained. I have watched how she can play and I'm not really confident I can beat her though I'm actually good at the game too.

"Then what do you suggest?" she asked looking at the door to make sure no one is back yet.

"If I win, you will sleep in my room and be the big spoon but if you win, I'll give you the massage you really like" I suggested. Atleast in any case, I will benefit in both. Smirk.

"No no, if I win, you'll give me a piggy back ride wherever I wanna go until our short break is over" she modified.

Since we can hear the others approaching I just agreed. She grinned happily and smirked.

My family openly bet for us. Expectedly, Mom bet on Genie. Alice bet on me and to my disappointment, Dad beat on Genie. I was then determined to win and prove myself to him.

Playing the white piece, Genie made the first move. The three watched intently, their money bets under the chess board. As the game progressed, Genie turned into serious mode and focused on the game. No matter how I try to distract her, she was too focused in forming strategies in her brain.

Mom left for a while to prepare snacks and when she returned, we are still engaged in the game. We ate while we play, but that didn't distract her either. I'm amazed at how she could focus.

"Check mate!" she grinned and I look at her wide-eyed.

"What! Not yet!" I protested but wasn't really able to protect the king.

"Ha ha, honey, let's divide Alice's money in two" our parents happily took the bills and divided it among themselves.

"If you had focused on the game instead of adoring her, you might have been able to finish the game with a tie" Alice whispered mocking me.

"I'm sorry, I can refund if you want" I replied but she shook her head.

"No it's fine, I had fun watching how my sister lost to her g..." I immediately clamped her mouth shut but Genie caught it. She looked at me with raised brows and I looked at her apologetically. She just smiled.

"Sorry" Alice mumbled since our parents has returned their attention to us again.

"Genie, you're great! We should schedule once a week to meet and play chess together!" Dad proposed.

"Dad, we have work and tight schedules. Especially that we will be working on another project starting next week" I butt in.

"Oh, that's sad then. But if you have time, maybe you can call me?" he asked as he took out his business card and gave it to my 'girlfriend'. I looked at him in disbelief. They are so formal!

"I will Dad, you may expect me to" she smiled as she pocketed the card. I shook my head in disapproval.

"Great, but I have to go to the office for some work, do excuse me" Dad bade and left.

"Me too, I'll go and continue mine, see you for lunch" Alice made her way up as well.

"As for me, I will just go and sign a few papers in the office then return back in time to prepare lunch for us. You two can do whatever you want, bye" Mom rushed out, happily waving the bills she just won after I lose the game. When I turned to Genie, she is grinning.

"What?" I asked.

"Piggyback ride babe, to my room" she smirked.

"Ugh, but you're so heavy and you want me to carry you up the stairs? Do you want us to fall down?" I threatened.

"Will you let us? And injure me again?" she grimaced.

"Of course I won't" I exclaimed.

"Then, what are you waiting for? Bend over" she instructed me after she fixed the chess board. I groaned but did so.

"Waaah" I groaned as I lift her up. "How come you're so heavy when you're small!" I complained.

"Yah, are you insulting me?" she asked.

"Uh, no, but I'm really wondering" I began taking the first step.

"Then it's my secret" she whispered in my ear as I held tightly on the stair railing to keep us safe from falling down.

"Ugh, my legs are shaking" I lied but she laughed.

"Babe, a bet is still a bet" she chuckled.

I managed to bring her to the guest room next to my room and dropped her on the bed. I drop myself next to her panting. She laughed heartily as she rolled towards me and pecked me in the lips.

"There, a thank you" she smiled as she rolled back. I grinned happily. If I will receive a kiss on every piggy back ride, then I'd endure carrying her all around. Then a bulb lit in my head. I rolled towards her and on top of her.

"Just a peck? I've lost a pound carrying you up and I just earned a peck?" I asked with an evil grin.

"Hm, so demanding" she commented rolling her eyes. I bit my lip, the thing I know which was her weakness, making her stare at me then to my lips. "What are you waiting for?" she asked in a low voice, making me feel warm.

I leaned down and locked lips with her. I started moving my lips slowly and she did the same. When I begged entry however, she pulled away beaming.

"Earn it" she winked.

"What? Baby, I just earned it" I attempted to kiss her again but she turned her head.

"Let's go to the music room and serenade me" she suggested.

"What? You're unbelievable" I complained.

"Still you love me" she grinned happily as she sat up on the bed and gestured me to carry her again. I reluctantly did and have used my strength to let her down gently at the music room. I waited for my kiss but she immediately moved to the couch and gestured me to go behind the piano. I pouted and didn't move from where I am crouching. She shook her head as she approached me and gave me the peck I am waiting for. I then went to the piano and played her pieces.

She happily watched me as she swayed with the songs. She sang along on some of the songs that she was familiar with. After I played five songs, I made my way to where she was leisurely sitting.

"Satisfied?" I asked. She smiled as she made me sit on the couch she previously occupied before taking a guitar. She sat in front of me and began to play. It was a pleasant surprise when I recognized the intro of her B-side song! She actually learned the guitar chords as well! That's great! She began singing the song and I watched in amazement. This girl can always find a way to amaze me.

"You're awesome!" I commented when she's done. She chuckled as she returned the guitar and came to sit astride my lap.

"You earned it" she smiled turning her upper body and placed her arms on my shoulders.

We meet halfway and began kissing slowly until she invited me in herself. We kissed sensually with a steady rhythm that we set. I find my hands tracing her stomache while she is playing with my hair. We reluctantly pulled away for air. She pressed her forehead against mine as she took deep breaths.

"I love you" I spoke softly.

"I love you too" she whispered back before I captured her lips again.

We returned to the guest room again after our kissing scene and she changed into shorts and shirt. When done, she joined me lying across the bed.

"You should changed too babe" she suggested.

"Come with me" I offered. She motioned for her ride and I groaned. I regret agreeing on her condition. I guess I will have back pains by the time this is over.

I changed in my room while she lay across my bed, staring at the ceiling. Once done, I lay atop her with a suggestive look. She laughed.

"If I'm not mistaken, we are about to be called for lunch" she strained her ear to the door. "So if you don't want to get caught, roll away" she suggested. I thought I heard footsteps too so I immediately did so, just in time for mom to pop her head in.

"Oh baby, you're here, girls, lunch is ready, come on" she called us.

"Coming mom, thank you" Genie smiled. When Mom left, she turned to me and grinned. "Told you"

"Do you have a Claire radar now?" I asked as I stood up. I bend before the bed and she hopped on. I guess I should get used to this arrangement now.

"No, but my sense of hearing is very good. Which reminds me, you told Alice unnie?" she asked as we made our way downstairs.

"Uh, yes, are you mad?" I asked nervously.

"Oh, okay, I think it's okay" she assured me and I sighed in relief.

"I'm sorry I didn't ask you first" I apologized.

"It's fine, I know how much you trust your sister" she placed a quick kiss at the side of my head before we entered the kitchen.

"Dad! Look at what I earned from the game too!" Genie exclaimed happily raising one arm. Dad laughed.

"You bet against each other too?" he asked and Genie nodded. I let her down and she took her designated spot beside me.

"She's going to give me piggy back rides wherever I wanna go until our short break is over" she shared happily.

Our parents laughed heartily and mocked me. Alice just smirked.

"Oh, that's a good term! Congratulations then baby" Mom grinned happily.

"Enjoy carrying her around Chaeng" Alice mocked me but I just rolled my eyes.


After lunch, I have the strong urge to sleep so I told Chaeng to go and have fun with her family while I sleep. She hum me to sleep in the guest room first before she went down.

It seems that my solo has taken a toll on me because I was just awoken up by her for dinner. It's already dinner and all I did was sleep!?

I apologized for sleeping the whole afternoon but the family understood and let us go up to rest immediately after we ate. They told me to resume my sleep and that Chaeyoung accompany me to make sure I'm comfortable. I smirk at the thought.

I wasn't surprised at all when she pulled me to her room. Actually, I was expecting it. I didn't demand for the piggyback ride because we are both full.

"Did you have fun with them? What did you do?" I asked laying across the bed. I don't feel like going to sleep again yet.

"I did, we just catch up with each other, talked about family matters and then Dad taught me more about chess strategies so I could beat you next time" she grinned.

"Really, I'd wait for that day to come" I mocked her. Actually, she could have beaten me earlier if she is also focused but she kept on glancing at me and studying me so I got the advantage. Next time, I'd do a better job of distracting her. Evil smile.

"Hm, and what's with that evil smile?" she asked. I just shook my head but then my phone buzzed from her table.

She is nearest to it so she took it and gave it to me but before glancing at the caller ID. GF. Her expression suddenly changed but I wonder what Jisoo unnie has to say so I answered it, rolling a little away from my 'girlfriend' so she won't hear her.

"Babe" I greeted. She laughed.

"You're still calling me babe after being a thing with Chaeyoung huh?" Of course my confidant knew my plan all along so aside from Alice unnie now, she's the only one who knows about my relationship with Chaeyoung.

"Out of habit babe, so, why'd you call?"

"Then I bet if Chaeyoung is with you there right now, she is very jealous now" I turned to her and she was really puffing with jealousy.

"You're right, they are" I confirmed.

"Oh, then I'd just go for now. But can you call me later? I have an important matter to remind you" she laughed.

"Sure babe, I will, bye" I wanna tease her but after I hung up the call, she had turned away from me.

"Babe?" I called and rolled over to her.

I poke her side but she ignored me. I propped my head under my arm and looked down at her. She looks as if she's about to cry but her expression is of anger.

"Chaeng, don't be jealous" I rubbed her arm but she eased away from my touch. I resorted to hugging her. I don't wanna make her jealous anymore.

"Chaeyoung, talk to me, I can explain" I mumbled but she eased away from my arms and left the bed. I sighed as I follow her standing up.

"Babe, it's not what you think!" I exclaimed exasperated.

However, she dove to her bed and hid under the covers. Seriously! She is being childish! On some occasions, my temper is easy to rise and it seems, this is one of those rare moments. I took deep breaths to calm myself. It's my fault. It's my fault. I walked towards her and hugged her with the covers.

"I love you" I sighed after and decided to leave first. I walked out of her room and entered the guest room, calling Jisoo unnie.

"Unnie, she's sooo jealous and is giving me the cold treatment" I blurted out but she laughed hard. My misery is her happiness now, kidding.

"So where are you right now?" she asked.

"Guest room"

"Good, hey, today is supposed to be your monthly check up old lady!" she reminded.

"Oh shoot, that's right, I forgot it!" I exclaimed.

"I know you did, I rescheduled it for tomorrow" she informed me.

"What? But I'm with her family right now!" I protested.

"So what? Just a few hours Genie, your health is the priority here" she replied.

"But what do I reason?" I asked.

"Think of any, by the way, have you been taking your maintenance all this time?" she asked.

"Yeah, and I almost forgot it, I'm taking one now, the thing is, I often take it not on time because she is always around me" I swallowed the medicine and grimaced.

"You should tell her, it's not advisable to take it later or earlier" she suggested.

"No, never" I shook my head though she can't see me. I turned quick to the door when it opened. I hid the medicine foil at my pocket as my 'girlfriend' entered with a blank expression.

"Fine, your decision, but is that her?" she asked, probably hearing the door open because she opened it rather loudly.

"Yep babe" I affirmed. If she is gotta be jealous, I'll make her more jealous.

"Okay, be up early and I'll come pick you up there after breakfast. Are we good?" she asked. I'm about to say yes but my phone is yanked away from me.

"Hey whoever you are, stop calling my bestfriend now because she's already taken! Bye!" Chaeyoung spat on the phone before she threw it on the bed.

My jaw dropped and my temper rose. What the hell! However, I watched her closely as she picked my phone again and jump up to snatch it away when I realized she is about to check my messages.

"What? You're hiding something Genie?" she challenged, her voice laced with anger and jealousy.

"You're being a child Chaeyoung! How rude of you to cut a call like that!" Oh, my temper is out.

"Because you're openly cheating on me!" she yelled. I looked at the door. I wonder if they could hear us fighting.

"I'm not cheating on you! That was just a fucking phone call!" I yelled back.

"Yet you're calling her babe? And even if you know I'm mad, you still called her again in the privacy of your room?"

"Because we have to talk about something important!" I flung my arms exasperated.

"What thing? On how to keep your dates without my knowing?" she asked. Unbelievable. I took a deep breath. I am mad but I don't want to fight with her like this.

"You know what, I think I'd just go home for now" I spoke in my normal voice.

"Go on, if you want I will drive you there!" she yelled and that really surprised me.

"No, I can go home alone" my voice is about to crack as I took my backpack and placed my used clothes on top.

"Great!" she exclaimed as she stormed out of the guest room. I took another deep breath. I'd call Jisoo unnie to pick me up after I'm out.

I made my way to the stairs but was meet by Alice unnie coming up to her room. She furrowed her brows when she saw me carrying my backpack.

"Genie, where are you going?" she asked.

"Uh, home unnie" I replied, not wanting to explain what happened.

"What? But it's 8pm" she checked her watch.

"I know, but I just need to go home" I replied, controlling my voice so as not to cry.

"You fought?" she asked and I was taken aback. How did she know? I nodded my head. She took my hand and led me to her room. It's a well organized one. I sat on her chair as she sat on her bed and told me to share what happened.

"I got a phone call from a friend. She heard me address the caller babe so she immediately got jealous, but unnie, that's just what I call that friend! After I immediately cut the call, I tried to talk to her but she gave me the cold treatment so I decided to leave first and return to the guest room. I called my friend again since she has something important to discuss with me, but while we're at it, she came in. She heard me again address the caller babe and whatnot but she yanked the phone away from me and told the caller not to call again because I'm already "taken" before she cut the call. We had a fight after because what will my friend think of me after, and goodness, no one else know about us! She literally exposed us!" I explained exasperated, holding out some details.

She nodded slowly. "So you are really going home?" she asked. I nodded. I expected her to side with her sister and told me out but instead, she asked me to stay and sleep in her room that night. She said Chaeng will sober up in the morning and will realize her mistake. However, she also advised me to refrain the use of endearment whenever she's around since she easily gets jealous. I nodded and thanked her.

It's foreign to me to sleep with someone else but I can feel a familiar aura with Alice unnie and I instantly relaxed around her. As soon as we are settled and ready to sleep, loud knocks in her room made us both jump in surprise. She has already shut off the lights so she slowly made her way to the door after telling me to be quiet and not make any move. It was Chaeyoung.

"Alice... Have you seen Genie?" her sister opened the door halfway and blocked it so she won't enter.

"No, why? I thought she's with you?" she asked.

"No, we... We kind of had a fight and she said she's leaving and I told her to go on. Did she really left" she is about to cry.

"You told her to go home at this time? Chaeyoung that's rude! If Mom will know about this, she'll be upset" I am awed by her sister's acting skills.

"I know, I was mad and jealous! Unnie, she isn't really here? Mom and Dad said they didn't see her going out!" she asked.

"Why would she come to me? You're the girlfriend here, maybe she did left unnoticed" Alice shrugged.

"Her phone cannot be called! Alice, I'm going out, I'll follow her, she don't even have a ride!" she exclaimed.

"And who's fault it is that she left sis?" Alice snickered.

"She was at fault too!" she defended. Alice sighed.

"Go back to your room Chaeng. Don't even think of going out. Genie is safe, but I don't think it's time for you two to speak, nights" she kissed her sister in the forehead before she closed the door and returned beside me. I sighed.

"You want to talk to her now?" she asked.

"No unnie, maybe tomorrow, after I come back. I have somewhere else to go after breakfast" I informed her.

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