Straying From The Game

By Phoenix_Sky_09

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Love has different forms. Sometimes, we tend to see it as a very different one from the real form. And someti... More

Chapter 1 Back on the Game
Chapter 2 Party Drunks
Chapter 3 Individual Projects
Chapter 4 Hidden Truth at Home
Chapter 5 Hiding Her Pain
Chapter 6 Her Confidant
Chapter 7 They're Jealous?
Chapter 8 It's Not What It Seems
Chapter 9 Heart Status
Chapter 10 Fight or Fix?
Chapter 11 They Have their Own Secrets
Chapter 12 Failed Mission
Chapter 13 We're Coming Home
Chapter 14 The Trip Home
Chapter 15 First Destination
Chapter 16 She's His Girl Friend
Chapter 17 To Her Home
Chapter 18 At the Diaz Residence
Chapter 19 I'll Prove it to You
Chapter 20 Enjoy While It Lasts?
Chapter 21 The Diaz's Social Status
Chapter 22 Meeting Her Other Bestfriends
Chapter 23 Stories About Her
Chapter 24 Pieces of Advice
Chapter 26 The Ciphered Message
Chapter 27 The Consequences
Chapter 28 When in Paris
Chapter 29 Make Her Happy
Chapter 30 Unofficially Yours
Chapter 31 Visiting Her Family
Chapter 32 Surprises
Chapter 33 All is Well
Chapter 34 Unveiled
Author's Note

Chapter 25 Last Day of Fantasy

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By Phoenix_Sky_09


I tried my best to stay calm while we're on our way home. CK's words is echoing in my mind "are you okay with one sided feelings?"

"So, spill the tea, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Genie asked once we're back in our room.

"Nothing really, just, just something that your bestfriend has told me" She sighed.

"About one sided feelings I guess?" she asked and I'm surprised.

"She told me everything. My bestfriends never lie to me Chaeyoung, keep that in mind. And I scolded her enough so she's apologizing" she sat beside me.

I fall silent. Her bestfriends doesn't keep things from her. So I supposed telling me that is an implication that I should do the same as well? I sighed.

"I'm sorry" she apologized, for what? I don't know, but when I realized, maybe it is for not returning my feelings, I'm more heartbroken.

"You don't have to apologize for that" I replied as I move away to lay down on the bed. As if I suddenly felt weak.

"Have you eaten lunch?" she asked.

"CK and I did at the restaurant" I replied. She nodded.

"Do you want to take a nap?" she suggested and it's my turn to nod.

"Okay then, it's 3pm, you can nap as long as you want, I'll gonna go and spend time with my family" she left me alone and I continued crying.

"I thought you're going to nap, not cry" I was startled when she spoke again from the doorway.

"I forgot my camera, but Chaeyoung, please, please don't cry" I was surprised to see tears in her eyes as well as she kneeled on the floor so her face is leveled with mine on the bed.

"Please don't cry" she whispered again as she wiped the tears from my face, only for her own tear to fall down. I don't know if what that tear is for. Does she pity me? Or what?

"Please?" she repeated so I nodded.

"Thank you, now, sleep" she stroke my cheek before she left again. I tried my best not to cry really instead willed myself to sleep.

Shuffling around woke me up later on and I yawned while I rubbed my eyes.

"Did I woke you up? I'm sorry" Genie apologized. She is starting to pack already so I sat up in bed.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"5pm, had a good sleep?" she asked and I nodded.

"Good, I'd suggest you start packing too. We don't have to finish it now though, we have to go down by 6pm" she informed me.

"Okay, I'll just go and wash up then I'll start as well" I left her in her room. When I returned, I was confused when the laundry basket was empty. Where were my used clothes?

"Genie? Where are my..." I began asking but she quickly answered.

"By the bed Chaeng, mom has washed it and folded it too" she answered from her room.

I looked there and really saw a stack of nearly folded clothes. Wow, I'm touched. I took one of my suitcase and opened it on the floor before I opened the closet. Genie was right, I shouldn't have brought much clothes, now I'm going back with much luggage again. Suddenly, an idea came to mind, why not?

I'm nearly done with my first suitcase when Genie came out and watched me folding and stuffing clothes. When I looked up, her arms were crossed while she's smiling down at me.

"Stop for now Chaeng, wear something warm, a hoodie maybe and jog pants or whatever long, then follow me down" she instructed and left ahead of me. I looked at my clothes and decided to completely changed my outfit, following her example.

When I got down, Genie is at the sala with her family who are watching TV. I looked at her confused. Why'd she want us to use warm clothes when her family are almost all in shorts?

"We're going guys, see you in the morning" she waved and pulled me out the house. She opened the smaller car's passenger side for me and I climbed up, though I'm confused.

"Where are we going when it's about to get dark? We have no disguises on" I asked.

"That's why we're going at this time" she replied as she started the car.

I recognized we are on our way to the beach. Huh? Beach at night? Isn't that romantic? And I can't hope for any romance between us when all we have is a one sided love. I frowned.

"Why are you frowning? You don't like the beach at night? It's full moon too so..." she trailed.

"Huh? It's not that, just, what are we gonna do on the beach?" I asked.

"You'll see" she smiled and focused on driving. It didn't take us long to reach our destination. The lights are on but it is mostly quiet since almost all guests have retired to their cabins already.

She moved to the back of the car and retrieved a basket and a mat. Huh? What does she have in mind? She gestured me to follow her and we walked by the seashore in silence. We stopped on a spot beside a coconut tree. It is being illuminated by the moon, but not too clear as on the open space. She carefully spread the mat before putting the basket by the foot then she sat down on one side. She looked up at me and motioned me to sit down beside her.

"Is this a date?" I asked grinning but suddenly scolded myself for voicing out my thoughts. Now, maybe she would leave me alone here.

"You could call it that, a friendly date never hurts I hope?" she asked and I slowly nodded. It hurts actually, hearing the word friendly before date.

"Good, last night in the Phil! But I'm hungry so we should probably eat first. Mom and Dad helped me cook these while you're asleep. I hope you'll like it" she took out boxes and spread it on the free mat. She placed a bottle of champagne on the middle then presented the whole meal to me.

"Effort admired" I smiled.

"Is it okay to share though? My sister prohibited me from bringing any utensil. I tried to argue but my parents sided with her" she pouted.

"It's okay, I love it more" I smiled as I picked a chicken.

"I'm sorry we didn't so much went out to tour places" she apologized.

"No, it's fine, your whole property is yet the best tourist spot I've seen here in your country" I exaggerated but it's the truth on my side, along with her and her hospitable family that is.

"Don't flatter me, don't worry, tomorrow, we will have a quick tour at Manila before we take our flight home at night again" she informed me and I just nodded. She looked at me then she narrowed her eyes before she raised her thumb and wiped a sauce beside my lips.

"Thanks" I mumbled and she just hummed.

After a not so romantic friendly date, we decided to head out. It was 10pm when we reached home and we went straight to the shower, washing together, just like the last time. I changed in my room as she changed in hers then we cuddled in bed. Not a lot of words was needed. She was so silent after a hesitant kiss under the moon and throughout the drive home. I wonder what's in her mind, though I don't also know if what's in mine.

She woke me up rather very early. Once I'm up, I saw that she is done packing with a single suitcase standing beside the doorway. She instructed me to finish packing as well while she went to take a bath.

I did so and fitted everything I want to bring back home in a single suitcase as well. When I'm satisfied, I closed it and put in the code.

"You done?" she asked wondering why there's only a single suitcase and I'm already just sitting by the sofa.

"Yup, did you fit in your gifts with your case as well?" I asked.

"No, I think I'll put it in the traveling bag" she replied.

"Or we could fill another suitcase with  it?" I suggested and gestured to the gifts in my bed.

"Good idea, we possibly need more space for more souvenirs to be bought at Manila. I will packed it all after I get changed, go and take a bath" she instructed.

When I returned, she's already done packing the presents. She's looking at me confused.

"You didn't pack all your clothes yet" she stated gesturing to the wardrobe.

"Yeah, I decided to leave the others here, maybe for future use or your family can pick from it?" I shrugged. She looked at me blankly.

"I don't wanna drag a lot of suitcases anymore" I spoke as I move to the bed where I placed my change of clothes.

"Uh, okay, but are you sure? That's a lot of clothes" she hesitated.

"Yes" I replied as I dropped the towel and began putting on clothes. I decided to tease her and dress slowly but she informed me she's going down ahead and that I follow her down after I'm done preparing.

When I found her at the kitchen, she passed a mug of coffee for me. I looked around and saw she's alone so I quickly pecked her lips.

"You didn't let me give you your morning kiss" I smiled but her eyes are wide. I then realized she isn't looking at me, but past me. When I turned around, dread washed over me when I saw her mom.


I wasn't surprised when Chaeyoung pecked me on the lips again, but what troubled me is when she did it just as mom is entering the kitchen so obviously, we had an audience.

"Morning Ma" I greeted her, a little nervous, since her face remained neutral.

"Good morning, that was a surprise though" she replied in her normal voice but is void of any reaction.

"Ma, I can explain" Chaeyoung spoke nervously. She looked at me guiltily then back at mom who is pouring herself a coffee. She sat on the table and gestured us to sit infront of her.

We did so. I'm not too nervous but my bestfriend is evidently fidgetting. Mom is looking at us interestingly then she focused her gaze on Chaeyoung. The more she became antsy as she reached for my hand under the table. I let her hold onto it as I took a sip from my coffee.

"So..." Mom asked her. She volunteered to explain right.

"Uh, I... It was me... My idea... I was the one who kissed her... She... I kind of..." Mom raised her hand to stop her blabbering and I pity her for being so nervous.

"Calm down honey, I'm not going to beat you up" mom laughed and she looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"But why are you so calm in there, Dee?" She mocked me.

"Because you didn't see me do anything?" I challenged back.

"I saw that you didn't avoid it girl" she smirked and my mouth hang open.

"Ma, please, she has no fault on this" Chaeyoung called her attention and I smirked.

"So, what Ryle asked his sister to translate are your words?" she asked her who nodded.

"What's before 'you're not, I know it'?" she inquired.

"Joem was calling me a bad kisser and I'm fighting him against it" I replied casually but was too late to realize it's impact.

"Haha, so I may not have seen you do anything, but now you admitted. How could she possibly know you're not a bad kisser if you haven't kissed her bad girl?" Mom challenged me and I smiled before nodding. Her expression suddenly changed into a dark one.

"No ma, it was me who initiated it. She merely responded" Chaeng chimed in again and so the dark look was moved to her. She shuddered and gripped my hand tight.

"Are you really just bestfriends or something more?" she questioned.

"We are bestfriends ma" I answered before sipping my coffee again.

"Then why are you kissing? Bestfriends don't kiss each other!" mom exclaimed.

"That's what I'm wondering" I spoke and Chaeyoung let go of my hand. I look at her curious but I saw perspiration in her forehead forming.

"I... I am sorry, I..." she stammered again, lost for words.

"But the thing is, I guess our friendship was upgraded a little, so kissing is a normal thing for us. Mom, it's not as if we're having sex, and if we are, don't worry no one will get pregnant" I waved my hand starting to be bored with the talk.

Chaeyoung gasped and looked at me terrified. Mom however burst out laughing and drummed the table.

"Oh my gosh, I'm just testing you two. Roseanne honey, don't be nervous. And Genie Rose that was over the edge. You are so defensive" she laughed. Chaeng looked at her bewildered.

Mom sighed. "What I saw and heard was not normal, really, and I'm shocked to discover it. But you belong to the new generation now, and I guess we oldies have to accept that norms in our time is different from now. Kissing is not a big deal now, oh, even intercourse, because even virginity is not valued by most anymore. As for you two..." she paused.

"I wonder if there are feelings attached but I won't ask you that, but you know the kind of job you ventured into. Ph has opened up about the rainbow flag and I guess even Korea (Remember, it's now 2024 in this story), but the general international public isn't very accepting yet. Please be careful" she ended. I looked at her surprised.

"Ma, do you think your daughter is gay?" I asked.

"I don't know, ever since you're a child you have been acting as one" she shrugged so I laughed.

"That, I know people see my behaviour as being gay, even until high school, many probably thought so, but once I got into training, I was set straight as a ruler" I explained to mom but her expression says she didn't believe me. It's okay though. I don't have to prove anything.

Chaeyoung however sat still as if frozen. I think I can guess what she is thinking right now.

"But a straight girl won't kiss her bestfriend" Mom reasoned.

"Well, ma, even in laws of a country, there are exceptions" I smirked.

Chaeyoung remained sitting though then she slowly looked at mom.

"I'm sorry" she mumbled.

"For what?" Mom laughed.

"For probably corrupting your daughter's innocence" she replied.

"What? Oh no, if ever you tried and she submitted, it's her fault at all. Don't worry, I'm not mad, just, be careful, and if ever feelings are involved, be more careful, okay?"

Mom and I were surprised when she stood up and dove into mom's arms hugging her tight. Mom looked at me and gave me a thumbs up. What the...

After we had breakfast, the family gathered around us at the sala. Their faces are all sullen,, as if someone just died from the family.

"Guys, don't be like that, I'm not going away for good. If I can find time, I will visit you again soon" I tried to make them smile.

"We know that, but, having you back have felt so good, I guess we really need the rabbit at home" Leigh sighed.

"Take care of yourself there okay? Don't overwork and make sure to eat properly" Dad spoke in our dialect.

"I will Dad, thank you. I owe you a lot, and I'll always be grateful" I went to hug him.

"Don't tell me you're going to cry" he teased and I chuckled.

"I won't, ma will" I turned to her who is already rubbing her eyes.

I told everyone my goodbyes then turned to see Chaeyoung cradling my niece. She is happily pinching her cheeks while cooing her. I smiled at the interaction.

"Rosie, it's time to leave" I called her.

"Oh, bye baby, be good okay, grow up healthy and as kind as your aunt, I'll miss you" she kissed my niece before passing it to my sister in law.

She also said her goodbyes and thanked everyone for having her with me.

"Oh, by the way, before I forgot, I have a small souvenir for you honey" mom reached something from the table and passed a small book for Chaeyoung.

"You said you wanted to learn how to cook some of our native delicacies so I  made up a handwritten cook book for you" she smiled.

Chaeyoung beamed and hugged my mom tightly. When she pulled back, she is teary eyed.

"Your mom stayed up all night to do that" dad informed me. Chaeng looked at me and I translated it to her. That made her shed tears and hugged her again.

"That's so sweet mom, thank you very much" she mumbled. Mom nodded then she ushered us out.

"Rosé unnie, thanks for taking care of my annoying sister, please continue watching over her" Leigh called and winked at my bestfriend.

"I will Leigh, don't worry" she replied then we walked to the parking lot with Mom.

"About your real Dad, honey, I'm really sorry for keeping it from you" mom spoke in our dialect and I gestured for Chaeng to go ahead at the van.

"It's okay now ma, though I was badly hurt after I learned it. I can't believe my whole existence is just a mistake" I cried then, as if the pain returned.

"No Genie Rose, I never considered your existence as a mistake. If more, you're a blessing to me, because it was when I felt your existence that I started to be more serious in life and settle down, though I have to deceive your step-father" she sighed.

"At a young age mom? Are you serious?" I asked.

"Don't take it hard on you honey, nothing's your fault" she reassured me. "If someone's at fault, it would entirely be me, not even your real Dad. I should have stopped him and run away, but I let him" she wiped a tear.

"You can't erase that from my mind ma, have pa been a different man, your family would have been broken by now because of me" I sighed.

"I can't imagine what he had felt when he learned he raised someone who isn't related to him" I sobbed again.

"But you never heard any remorse from him, didn't you? Genie, can we just let the past be in the past and live free from guilt? Because all my married days, I've been carrying that guilt, until I was finally able to confess to my husband" she's crying as well and I'm glad the people in the car couldn't see us. I slowly nodded. It's the best thing to do right?

"Okay Ma, okay, but we have to go now, bye, take care of yourself" I hugged her again then I entered the car with my head down.

I quickly grabbed my shades and put in on before leaning on the seat. Chaeyoung looked at me as if asking why do I need the shades early in the morning.

"Are we good to go?" Ryle asked from the driver's seat.

"Yes Ryle, music please" I instructed and she put on some random English songs.

I stayed quiet until I felt arms draping on my shoulder and Chaeng pulled me towards her, side-hugging me. She didn't say any word, but I felt comforted, the turmoil inside me subsiding. She gently rubbed my back making me fall asleep. Maybe the lack of sleep also aided.


Hearing Genie's cracked voice and her first action of wearing shades upon entering tells me something's wrong. But it is clear too that she don't want to talk about it so I just hugged her, silently telling her that I'm here for her. When I realized she fall asleep, I removed her shades then I shifted a little so I'd be more comfortable and slept as well. Waking up at 4am is a torture during a break.

When I woke up, I wonder why I'm now lying down, and the music is playing softly in the background. Genie is snuggled in my arms. Maybe she woke up before and adjusted the seat? I watched her sleeping like a baby and I smiled.

My facial reaction entirely shifted to fear when I realized something. Her mom wasn't at all mad at us this morning, but she didn't agree with our "relationship" either. Is it what she has talked to Genie with that made her cry? But why would she cry if she don't feel anything about me too? Did she told her to stay away from me? It's possible right?

I was distracted when brown orbs stared back into me and then her brows furrowed. She lifted a hand and wiped away a tear? I've been tearing? Wow that's quick!

"Ryle, blare up the music" she called to his brother who did so.

"Why are you crying?" she whispered then. I shook my head. She sighed as she sat up and I followed suit. She readjusted the seat before she asked how long are we before the capital.

With an hour away, we retouched our make-up, fixed our hair and prepared our disguises for later on.

We first made a stop on a restaurant there and the three of us went in for lunch. It seems that we have slept too long while on the ride and we felt awfully hungry.

After we left the restaurant, we spent five whole hours hopping from one tourist spot to another, with Ryle driving us around. We would take photos, buy souvenirs, try the activities in the spot or merely stroll before moving on to the next destination.

Genie was so carefree by then. She holds my hand and is being extra sweet, which I enjoyed. She smiled and laughed a lot which is contagious. Ryle has teased us numerous times with Gen-Chae and if I noticed it right, he has been snapping pictures of us in his phone, all the while acting as our body guard/ manager/ assistant.

By 6pm, we parked somewhere while Genie and I packed the newly bought items in the third suitcase. It almost didn't fit everything but we adjusted and crammed it. When done, Ryle drove us to the airport. While we're on our last stop, Genie booked two tickets for 7pm, her usual ninja style, so we have to catch that.

"Bye ladies, thank you for coming. We are all glad to have you and spent time with you. Genie, take care of yourself, and if anything, just call us okay?" her brother addressed her who nodded before hugging him.

"Noona, thanks for putting up with my sister of a rabbit. If it isn't too much to ask, please take care of her, she could be stubborn sometimes" he laughed and Genie hit him in the arm.

"I will Ryle, don't worry" I nodded.

"Also, about you two, take time to settle matters between you guys, it's not healthy to stay in the dark" with that he winked and turned away, leaving us at the gate.

"A blabber" Genie mumbled as she turned to enter the gate. She tried to reach for the other suitcase but I took it before she can.

"I will handle it" I volunteered then we silently moved to the seemingly endless process before we arrived at the waiting area for our flight. We waited in silence until we boarded the plane.

"Held my hand" I instructed her when the captain announced from the intercom that we are about to take off. She did so with a grateful smile and gripped tight when we started moving.

"You've been riding the plane for how many times now, still not used to it?" I  asked teasing her.

"Not yet, as if my heart will jump out" she replied as she finally release my hand when we were informed that we have now reached the recommended altitude and is now on our way to Seoul.

"I'll be there to hold your hand on every flight you take" I promised but she looked at me blankly.

"You may not, I can just rip off armrests" she laughed but I was serious.

"Okay then, if you say so, I'd expect that" she nodded. I smiled then.

I don't know how tired we have been that we fall asleep on each other again during the flight. Either we are really tired or we are avoiding talking to each other especially after what Ryle told us, I don't know, but I was awoken when we were being informed that we are about to land. Genie was still deep asleep and I decided to let her so she won't worry of landing.

I gently shook her arm when we hit the ground and the plane rolled to the gates. She wake up as if confused so I told her we have arrived.

We managed to get outside the gates unrecognized and I was surprised when I saw manager Dong-il coming towards us.

"Had a good trip ladies? Come on" he took over our suitcases and lead us to the car.

"I called him to pick us up" Genie informed me so I just nodded.

Finally in the privacy of the van, we took off our disguises and manager praised us for traveling unnoticed. We just joked around until we reached our building and we declined his offer to bring our things up. We took over as he drove away, considering it's now midnight.

Although we mostly slept on our trip back home, we both felt so tired so we just left the luggage at the living room and made our way to our own rooms. I quickly changed into PJs before throwing myself into my bed. I sighed deeply. Now, it's over. We are back to plain bestfriends and if she was serious, she will probably start avoiding me soon. I should prepare myself?

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