Straying From The Game

By Phoenix_Sky_09

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Love has different forms. Sometimes, we tend to see it as a very different one from the real form. And someti... More

Chapter 1 Back on the Game
Chapter 2 Party Drunks
Chapter 3 Individual Projects
Chapter 4 Hidden Truth at Home
Chapter 5 Hiding Her Pain
Chapter 6 Her Confidant
Chapter 7 They're Jealous?
Chapter 8 It's Not What It Seems
Chapter 9 Heart Status
Chapter 10 Fight or Fix?
Chapter 11 They Have their Own Secrets
Chapter 12 Failed Mission
Chapter 13 We're Coming Home
Chapter 14 The Trip Home
Chapter 15 First Destination
Chapter 17 To Her Home
Chapter 18 At the Diaz Residence
Chapter 19 I'll Prove it to You
Chapter 20 Enjoy While It Lasts?
Chapter 21 The Diaz's Social Status
Chapter 22 Meeting Her Other Bestfriends
Chapter 23 Stories About Her
Chapter 24 Pieces of Advice
Chapter 25 Last Day of Fantasy
Chapter 26 The Ciphered Message
Chapter 27 The Consequences
Chapter 28 When in Paris
Chapter 29 Make Her Happy
Chapter 30 Unofficially Yours
Chapter 31 Visiting Her Family
Chapter 32 Surprises
Chapter 33 All is Well
Chapter 34 Unveiled
Author's Note

Chapter 16 She's His Girl Friend

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By Phoenix_Sky_09


"Genie, you know what, you're amazing!" Chae-unnie exclaimed while she is cuddling me.

"Why so?" I asked, being tickled that her chin is touching the sensitive spot in my neck.

"Even when you're away, working hard abroad, you still managed to build everything up here" she explained.

"That's all thanks to my family who over-seered everything. I merely gave orders, and the budget" I refuted.

"But you did all the planning, think of all the details" she countered.

"Yeah I did, but that was a simple thing" I shrugged. It is actually what I'm usually busy with during those early months after our debut. It's the main reason they usually found me burying my nose in my laptop.

"It's not, and I'm excited to see the rest" she smiled against my neck.

"I'm glad you do, because I am too. So, should we sleep now so we can wake up early tomorrow?" I proposed.

"Sure, good night baby" she whispered and as if I felt my little hairs standing. As to why? I don't know.

"Good night unnie" I replied as I snuggled closer, making myself comfortable, eventually falling asleep.

I'm thankful that unnie isn't locking me again when I wake up the next morning. I gently moved out of her arms and made my way to the bathroom to wash. When I returned, she is still sleeping. Maybe the trip finally dawned on her, or because of the fact that it is still a little past 5am.

I went down to the kitchen and found Joem brewing coffee. Last night, he made it a point that he will be the one to do all the cooking, washing, and cleaning, saying it's his pleasure to treat the guests well, teasing me.

"Good morning Joem" I greeted.

"Good morning Genie, you're up early" he commented.

"Yeah, I'm used to it. Finally I'll get to taste brewed coffee again" I licked my lips and he laughed.

My brother joined us exactly as he is pouring the steaming liquid into our mugs. He added another one, the biggest mug for my brother and we all drank it while he cook rice and one of the dish.

When we drank the last drop, he said he's going to feed the chickens and pigs so we volunteered to help. I ran upstairs to change my PJs but Chae-unnie is still deep asleep.

We returned to the kitchen afterwards, but my brother said he'll go and prepare our rides, checking it, and making sure it is in good condition. I then watched Joem cook since he won't really allow me to touch anything.

"Can you make fresh mango juice? Chae-unnie loves it" I requested seeing there were ripe mangoes at the fridge.

"Sure, after I'm done here" he nodded.

"I can make it" I offered.

"Fine, you're so noisy in the kitchen" he joked and I laughed.

Finally for him, since I'm focused at what I'm doing, I finally fell silent. But he broke the silence, what a hypocrite.

"Gen-Chae isn't real?" he asked.

"Joem, do you think I'm into girls?" I asked back.

"Are you seriously asking me that? Why, when we're in elementary, every time I visit home, I often hear older kids calling you a tomboy" he laughed but I remained serious.

"Those were just their opinions though" I remarked sadly. He may have noted the change in my mood.

"Yeah, mine was different back then. So back to your question, I'd say no you're not, I knew you well, however, there could be a variation" he answered. I looked at him confused.

"So, Gen-Chae isn't real?" he asked.

"No, in terms of relationship, no it isn't, but as to our friendship, we are bestfriends" I replied confidently.

"That's odd then, because I feel being skinned everytime I got close to you" he shrugged and I laughed.

"I bet that's just your imagination. You know Lisa right? She, it was her, whom she truly loves, I'm just her bestfriend" I replied.

"If you say so, so it's okay for us to play?" he asked.

"I'm not a toy" I pretended to be hurt.

"Of course you're not, you know what I mean, and so I can prove to you that you're wrong" he smirked.

"Wrong in what?" I asked.

"Your conclusion" he replied and didn't answer any of my questions anymore until I'm done with the juice and he's done with our breakfast.

I check the time. It's already 8am but no Chaeyoung came down from our room. She might be really tired.

"I think it's rude to wake someone peacefully asleep, want to catch up more?" Joem offered and I nodded so we moved to the living room.

"Hey, I wanna play you a song" he suddenly ran to his room and bring back a guitar.

"Go, hit it" I cheered.

I don't know if he choose it on purpose or what, but he began singing I Miss My Friend by Darryl Worley. I listened intently appreciating his voice. I never heard him sing before though I know he has learned playing the guitar. When he was done, I smiled widely.

"You do?" I asked him.

"Badly, I've no one to be crazy with. I'm serious earlier though. Back then, I see you differently, from the older kids opinion. Back then you were a sweet girl to me, always thinking of my welfare before yourself. So when I finally returned and heard you were abroad, I was broken hearted" he replied sincerely.

"A good thing you contacted me then" I grinned.

"The best I did, but, Genie, I..." he set his guitar aside and I was surprised when he leaned in tresspassing my personal space.

"I can kiss my girl friend right?" he asked and winked. I looked at him with furrowed brows. What is he talking about? Girlfriend what? He cupped my face and tilted it a little as he tilted his to the opposite side? I looked at him bewildered that I thought I forgot how to move. Our faces are close, but our lips are far from touching. Just then, we heard someone clear their throat from the doorway.

I whipped my head and saw Chae-unnie looking at us in an expression I failed to recognize. That scared me. I looked back at Joem and realized what he has just done.

"Good morning Rosé, it's good that you're now awake, I'm done cooking our breakfast" Joem greeted her.

I looked up front and was surprised to see my brother also watching us from the front door with an amused grin. Well atleast he knew what really happened there.

"Ryle, you're also back, let's have breakfast then shall we?" I suggested.

They all nodded and Joem stood up. I followed her and hid behind him then I pinched him hard on her side.

"Aaawww! Babe! That's not how to thank me for the best kiss!" he yelled and the more I'm frustrated.

I looked at Chae-unnie nervously but she just turned around, entering to the kitchen.

"I'm enjoying the show" my brother commented when he reached me and I kicked her feet.

"Ugh, you should change your workout routine" he grumbled as he left me.

After taking a deep breath, I followed them in. Joem has already set the table and I was surprised to see the boys sitting together. I sat beside Chae-unnie, facing Joem. I kicked his feet under the table and he grimaced.

"I hope you will like the food today as well, Genie asked to cook sushi but we don't have the ingredients. Instead, I hope you'll like the fresh mango juice. That was prepared with love" Joem addressed my bestfriend.

"Oh, don't sweat. I love all the food you cook. You're a better chef than me" she complimented Joem who bowed his head to acknowledge it.

"As for the sushi, no problem. I can eat a lot of it once we're back in Korea, but I may not have these again there" she gestured to the food in front of us.

"And I love mango juice, especially the fresh ones, thank you. You're so thoughtful" she smiled happily at Joem and I kicked him again. He hid a frown by ducking his head.

"Why are you not eating Genie?" my brother asked me so I glanced at my plate and realized I haven't even taken a bite.

"Uh, right, I'm doing a ritual" I replied sarcastically before starting to eat as well.

I glanced at Roseanne but she didn't even spare me a glance even once. She kept focused on her food that she was done first.

"What are we gonna do today? I'm going to go and prepare so I can decide what to wear" she asked.

"Wear long pants unnie, and long sleeves if you don't wanna get tanned in the forest. Ah, and wear cyclings too" I replied looking at her but she didn't even glance at me.

"Ah okay, I'll go ahead" she replied and fled the kitchen.

"Damn you!" I yelled at Joem.

"Why? You said you're just bestfriends, so you can have a boy friend right?" Joem questioned then I got his plan. He did say he will prove me wrong. I sighed.

"But she's upset now! She didn't even throw me a glance!" I cried.

"She have no reason to be upset if you are just bestfriends. Joem is right" my brother quipped.

"You don't understand! There's a possibility though that she likes me more than a bestfriend, so she gets jealous!" I face palmed myself.

"While you don't? She is being friend zoned?" Joem asked.

"Yes, but I'm not sure about her, that was just an assumption. After all, I don't think she has already moved on from Lisa yet" I replied.

"Then let's milk out the truth? Continue your play, you idiots" my brother refered to us and I glared at him.

"No, she'll be more mad!" I refused.

"And if you're just bestfriends, why are you afraid to make her jealous?" Joem challenged and I sighed exasperated.

"Ugh, fine fine, you'll just desperately fail!" I reluctantly agreed. My gosh, I just hope she won't decide to fly home instantly.


Once I'm in our room, safe from any audience, a tear slipped from my eyes. Girlfriend? What the hell. He called her girlfriend and kissed her, but she never refuted any? Then it's real? NO! It badly hurts, for real. More tears fall from my eyes. I tried my best to calm myself and look for the suggested clothes then went to the bathroom to prepare. It's a good thing there's also a bathroom here at the upper floor.

When I returned to our room, I fixed my hair then sat on the bed. I wonder what's taking Genie long to follow here. I felt her glances earlier but I didn't met any for fear that my tear will drop as soon as I did. Just then, she entered the room.

"You're all set unnie?" she asked and I nodded.

"You look great in that. I should thank whoever filled this closet" she complimented before she turned to the mentioned space and looked for clothes as well.

"Thanks" I mumbled. "Since I'm done, I'll wait for you at the living room?" I proposed since I can feel she is about to open a conversation.

"Oh, okay, I'll be quick, make yourself comfortable" she glanced at me then nodded.

I fled the room and sat myself at a couch in the living room. Joem's guitar is still there so I picked it up and mindlessly started playing it. Without realizing it, I'm playing my own song Gone's instrumental.

"You're very talented" Joem's voice surprised me and I immediately stopped playing.

"Why stop, it's beautiful" he smiled.

"Uh, thanks" I forced a smile towards him. He sat in the couch diagonal to the one I'm sitting on.

"I hope no one else is courting Genie there at Seoul?" he suddenly asked so I snapped my head towards him, also surprised by the question. She is dating someone there right? But how can I say that to her boyfriend?

"Huh? Uh, uh," well, she always say I'm a bad liar, I can't possibly pull it off.

"You're stuttering, there's someone courageous?" he asked and I nodded.

"An actress I think, that's what she said" I replied sadly.

"Actress!" he sounded shocked then I realized what might be the reason. Oh no, I covered my mouth. I shouldn't have opened it.

"Well, I'm confident no one can replace me" he relaxed back and smiled widely. He really is confident.

I am to answer him but Genie joined us then Ryle followed right behind her. Since everyone's ready, we moved out and walked behind the house. We are wearing the same boots again and we looked like cowgirls with our attires.

"Ta-da, welcome to the stable" Joem introduced and I was surprised to see actual horses.

"Wow?" I exclaimed.

"Told you there are better today than the rabbits unnie" Genie spoke beside me and I just nodded.

"I already checked each a while ago, we can ride them" Ryle informed us.

"My girl friend here cannot ride a horse. Should we ride together?" Joem asked Genie and I wrinkled my brows. She's an excellent horse rider!

"Nah, I can ride Joem, that's one of my secrets that I managed to keep from you" she mocked Joem. I sighed in relief.

"You do? Why, you're always giving me reasons to adore and love you more babe" he smiled widely at her.

"Whipped" Ryle commented as he took out all four horses out the stable.

"This is Stallion, this is Ryder, then this is Akio, Genie's specific horse, then this is Hamel" Joem pointed the horses.

"Hamel?" I asked.

"Yes, Genie named Akio and Hamel" Ryle replied. I looked at her and she just smiled at me.

"Oh, then can I take Hamel?" I requested.

"Yes, Genie already reserved him for you" Joem laughed. Had I not known that she already has a boyfriend, my heart would be celebrating now.

"Here, let me help you up the saddle babe" Joem offered Genie and I watched him hold her legs to hoist her up. Can I just punch those hands? Oh wait, I'm the bestfriend, he's the boyfriend.

"Unnie, need help to get up?" Ryle asked me.

"Yes please, just a shoulder to hold to" I replied.

Once we were all comfortable up, Genie said she wanted to round the whole property. We then started moving, Joem and Genie upfront, side by side, while me and Ryle followed them. They were so sweet speaking at each other and they keep laughing. I seldom see Genie this happy. She was usually happy with us, but here, she was extra happy. I was caught off when a tear fell from my eyes. I quickly wiped it off then focused on balancing myself though I can feel eyes from beside me glancing. Her brother always caught me.

For the next hours, we rounded all corners of the property on horseback. Every now and then, we would jump off our horses then saddle again. I distracted myself from appreciating everything I'm seeing. It's really peaceful in this place. If only I'm not being annoyed by the two people in front of me, acting all sweet to each other, I might be inspired to write a song.

Finally, Genie was satisfied so we returned to the stable. She has been giving comments and improvements all along and Joem was paying close attention to it. Well, if they will end up together, this sanctuary will actually be theirs. Lucky!

"Unnie, want to take a photo with Hamel?" she asked, preparing her camera. She has it? But I have been observing her all along and didn't see it with her? Maybe Joem held it for her? I just nodded, elated that this horse really looks like the original Hamel. After a few shots, she gave a thumbs up and we moved to the house.

"I'm tired, I think I need a nap. Enough time before you're done with early lunch preparations?" she addressed Joem and he nodded.

"How about you unnie?" she asked hopeful but I shook my head.

"I'm not sleepy though. I think I'll just hang out here at the living room" I excused myself. I don't think I'm ready yet to talk with her.

"I'll go head to the shower" Ryle excused himself.

"And I'll go and start cooking now" Joem also left. I thought Genie has left already but I jump up in surprise when she placed her hands on my shoulder.

"Are you mad at me unnie?" she asked.

"Why would I Genie, I'm not" I replied shaking my head. I am not mad but I'm hurt.

"You are avoiding me" she stated a fact.

"I'm not, I just think I should give you and your boyfriend enough time to bond together" I didn't mean it to sound harsh but it did.

She sighed heavily as she removed her hands. The area she once held suddenly felt cold. "Suit yourself" she sounded angry then she bolted out the door. Okay, what was that? Ain't I the one who's supposed to be mad? Oh wait, I don't have a reason to.

"Rosé noona, come to the kitchen with me?" Joem reappeared by the door. I looked at him trying to decipher what could he want but can't read him at all.

"Actually, I just decided to follow Genie up and take a nap too" I smiled politely.

"Oh, sure, I'll knock again once lunch is ready" he smiled and disappeared.

I don't know but this time, I preferred to be with the girlfriend than the boyfriend. Who knows what he will ask again and I might reveal secrets again? I slowly made my way to our room and I'm very lucky that Genie is already asleep.

I however noticed something unusual. Her breathing sounds irregular so I approached her and observed closer. The way her chest rise and sink is not normal. Her breathing is really irregular. I stared at her nervously. Is she okay? She looks so calm while sleeping though. After observing her for a few more minutes and seeing no danger, I moved away and sat on the window sill again, looking at the vast area outside the window.

I became lost in thoughts, thinking how unlucky I am with the people I choose to love. Have she not warned me before, I would have been arguing with her again today, calling her out for not telling me before that she already has a boyfriend. And about that actress she is dating at Seoul. Was she even real? Because I don't think she is a cheater. Or did she just made that up so she can distance herself away from me because I'm being overbearing? But Joem's confident response earlier screams his trust for her. Maybe she is taking advantage of it? Then I'm surprised they're not fighting yet after I accidentally slipped the information out.

I was pulled out in thoughts when I felt eyes staring intensely at me. I turned to the bed and meet Genie's eyes. She is now sitting in bed. She gazed away when I caught her then stood up.

"Is Joem done cooking unnie?" she asked.

"I don't know, I also came up not long after you deciding I love the view up here more" I replied, lying.

"Oh, we should head down then, so I can rush him. It's nearly 12" she checked her watch.

"Okay, what time are we leaving?" I asked.

"After lunch" she replied as we walk down to the kitchen.

"You're in time idols, I'm just about to send Ryle to wake you two" he smiled sweetly.

I took a seat and made sure not to take the one facing Genie's, so, we ended up sitting side by side again.

"Hmm, this is good, you never fail to amaze me with your cooking skills" Genie complimented the food.

"Well, as they said, the best way to a woman's heart is through her stomach" Joem laughed and Ryle joined. I actually grinned. That was ridiculous, if taken literally.

"You're silent again unnie" Ryle smiled at me.

"I am relishing the food" I forced a smile.

"I'm glad you like it too. Genie would be lucky to end up with a chef as one of the family members" Joem laughed.

I suddenly felt Genie's hand on my knee, patting it lightly. It's calming, it's what she does everytime she knows I'm not in a good mood or upset. I however put a hand on top of hers and slowly removed it then I let her hand off my hand. Her shoulders sagged and she sighed. Why is she reacting that way though? In a short while, I noticed Joem grimacing. What was that too? Did he saw it?

"I'm actually thinking of going with you to La Union" Joem voiced out and I surprised myself when I blurted No.

He has been disrupting my plan of spending as much time as I can with Genie. I don't care if he is the boyfriend. Maybe for the last week, I want her attention to me first. Then I'd probably let her go.

Genie looked at me surprised by my outburst. Ryle is also looking at me, but with an amused expression. Joem is stifling a laugh. How can he laugh when I just told him off from his girlfriend?

"I mean, it's actually up to you. I'm sorry, that was uncalled for" I apologized, afraid that Genie is probably thinking how a bitch I am.

"Joem, you're the only caretaker here, you are aware you can't leave this place for more than a day" Genie uttered looking pointedly at her boyfriend.

"Yeah I know, I was just proposing you know" he laughed again.

"It's not funny" Genie spoke coldly as she quickly finished her food.

"I'm done, I'll go ahead and prepare" she stood up without waiting for an answer. I looked at my plate. It's still half filled. Was she mad at me? Or her boyfriend? It's impossible she's upset that I removed her hand on my knee right?

I tried to eat quickly too so I can catch up with her but Ryle raised his hand gesturing me to slow down.

"I'll go and take in fresh air for a bit before I prepare too. Unnie, take your time" he addressed me and I just nodded.

Joem and I continued eating, silently. I feel a little awkward already.

"We aren't a thing" Joem spoke so I looked at him confused.

"What?" I asked.

"Genie and I, we aren't really in a relationship. She isn't my girlfriend and I'm not her boyfriend either" he explained. I looked at her as if he's crazy.

"You two kissed and were sweet and all" I commented.

"We didn't kiss. You just thought we did, but we didn't. Let me explain" he began and told me how he noticed how jealous I get even on the first contact they had together. Because of that, he decided to test the waters.

"Genie said that Gen-Chae is just a fan service. Is it for you?" he asked and I cannot answer it.

"I also knew about Lisa. You two were famous so it's not a secret, even though you didn't admit it to the public, even a blind mind could tell you two were once a thing. But I heard from Genie that you two broke up. Have you already moved on from her? Or are you using Genie to move on?" he directly asked and anger flashed in my eyes. Why do people say I'm just using her! Dammit!

"Before you spit the fire, pardon me for being this blunt. You know, Genie is a close friend of mine. She is really my 'girl friend' and I don't want her to be hurt from your selfish claims if ever" he added. I understood that, wanting to protect your friend. I softened a little.

"I'm not using her. I don't know if my secret would be safe from you, but I do really like her more than a best friend" I admitted. Suddenly, he smiled and it became wider and wider. Huh.?

"It is, but I want to warn you. Unless you are 100% sure that you have moved on, never admit it to her. And if you are really that sure, prepare yourself to endure and wait, and prove yourself" he smiled genuinely and I suddenly liked him as a person.

"If you had spoken like this earlier, I would have liked you more" I remarked and he laughed.

"Meeting you is enough, the unnie who always takes care of my close friend. I really wanna thank you. She has told me many of the things you had done for her. She has to mature quick after their mom left to work abroad when she was 12. So having someone to take care of her this time is making her extra happy" he shared.

"And ah, her being a closed off person is also a challenge to deal with. I am guessing you have broken most of her walls already, so I'm envious. I'm not even halfway yet" he exaggerated a frown.

"Now you're back to your self. Welcome back" I teased.

"Last words noona. If despite everything and you have already proven yourself but she won't relent, I hope you believe that everything happens for a reason" he extended an arm and I reluctantly shook it.

His last words are heavy, and if possible, I wish I hadn't heard it. It scares me that much, but I think I should keep it at the back of my mind. Who actually knows, if I'm the unluckiest of all, and will have to need it then.

Since I'm done eating, I took a drink of another fresh mango juice before going up to prepare as well.

"By the way, it was Genie who prepared the mango juice this morning , and I'm serious when I said that was prepared with love. She pestered me to allow her to make it since apparently, you like it" he revealed and a smile crept into my lips.

"Thanks" I smiled at him as well, before I rushed out and bounded the stairs, meaning to go and look for Genie.

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