Boxed(A Yogscast Fan Fiction)

By YogscastPikachu

3.4K 170 155

I've created a box. It is white. Packed with everything, this box will serve as your home for a period of tim... More

'This would be fun.'
|1|Lonely Spaceman
|2|Troubled Dwarf
|3|Grieving EnderMage
|4|Suicidal Mushroom Girl
|6|Hidden Farmer
|7|Fluxed Girl
|8|Fluxed Girl 2.0
The End: Lalnasounds

|5|Crazed Scientist

287 15 14
By YogscastPikachu

Nano looked at Lalna, and Lalna sighed. They had gone their separate ways when we heard of the Box, as they both didn't want to die. But she wanted them to work together again. The Flux Buddies.

It had been mere days since Zoeya left to build her own base, and lived there for the rest of eternity, and the Fluxed pair had started to work together again. Due to the loss of Xephos and Honeydew, there was really no leader to guide the Yogs, so Lalna was selected. Well, Rythian was gone so he had less objections.

Lalna was working on a sketch that looked like the Box, and he was going to ask Zoeya to see if she could draw it. Really, It's not a matter of fact if she can draw it, it's if she will that troubled Lalna.

"I'm going to see Zoey, okay Nano?"I called as he jogged out the door.

"Yeah!"her faint voice called back.

Lalna found a small, wooden shack that had a big sign that said:


"Um, hello?"

"What do you want."A dull and sharp voice came from inside the shack.

"I need some information on the Box, please, Zoeya?"He pleaded.

"Even if I help, you won't be able to destroy the Box. Just come in, Lalna."

He steps into the wooden house, and eyes Zoeya sitting on the dirt floor. Lalna brings out his sketch pad."Can you draw in for me?"

She takes it and separates the A3 paper into thirds. Then, she draws a white Box in each, and adds three red buttons. In one of the sections, the Box had a chair. In another, bread and water. And in the final one, there was nothing. The Box was empty.

"The aim of them is to tap your sanity, and they torture you with your love ones. They used Rythian for me. And me for Rythian."She passes the sketch book back to me."That's going to be a problem for you, huh."


Zoeya grinned,"How sane were you in the first place?"

"Not very..."He admitted, as Zoeya laughed at him as he made his way out.

His journey back was tiresome. Nano greeted him when he got back and he hugged her. She became stiff, but then relaxed to hug him back. As they broke away, Lalna brings out the sketch pad, and Nano glances at the three pictures."This is the Box."She breathed."Did Zoeya draw this?"

"Yeah! Spectacular girl, though a little insane...".

"Shut up."Nano shook as she looked down.


"Why do you never praise me? Say I'm spectacular, say I'm amazing. I-I think I know how Zoeya feels. I think she loves you, Lalna."


"Stop making excuses! I want to hear it from your lips-say that you love me."

Lalna hesitated, and in this time, Nano's lips were edging closer to his, and am when they were about to kiss, Lalna felt a cold sensation... And he was gone.

"Why does this always happen?"Nano cried as she fell to the floor."The Box means death."And the light in her eyes kindled as she rose in fury.


He knew he was in the Box, long before he opened his eyes. He wondered if they would use Nano against him. It would be fine, he knew. And he brimmed with confidence that he would be able to withstand her. He wanted to test him limits. The damned scientist.

"I know what you're going to do."He called."You'll use my friends and loved ones to weaken me, and then kill me. Allowing Zoeya to live was a major tactical error on your part."

"Who said we wanted to win?"

"That's the aim, isn't it? What else could you possibly get from this disgusting murder room?"

"Lalna, surely you would understand most, we all find this hilariously interesting. And of course, we kill who we please. And the Box will keep killing until our leader is beaten down. Of which, will never happen until he's bored."

"How many of you are there?"Lalna asked.

"Hundreds. Thousands. Heaven knows. Die, go to heaven. Or hell. And find out.

"I know how this works. You can't use your sentimental tricks on me, I can keep Lalnable away from my brain-for now."

"Oh, really?"The person sneered as he killed the speakers.

"Really."Lalna muttered as he searched his pockets-and found weapons. They forgot to disarm him. The scientist found a tool that he loved with all of his heart. His beloved bazooka.

Lalna equipped the gun, and heard the scrabbling of paper from the speakers. They didn't anticipate the chances of Lalna having a bazooka. Without a second thought... Lalna pulled the trigger.


There was a ground shaking blast, and what was left was a hole. Of course, Lalna didn't read up on the rules. To him, breaking the box was okay. I didn't affect anything... Right?


For a moment everything was silent. And Lalna felt the urge to walk into the hole, but there was nothing there. It was blackness. Suddenly, a giant gust of wind whistled through the hole, and out again. Lalna wanted to hold onto something, but nothing was there to hold on to. The red buttons flew off the walls and Lalna scrabbled at the floor as he was pulled in.

"You should've read the instructions."The voice said as the speakers broke off the wall.


"Fucking idiot! Do you know how much energy and power I have to put in, creating the Box and teleporting you to this dimension? Truck tonnes! Now get up, Lalna."

The scientist opened his eyes and realised he wasn't dead. He was in a dimly lit room with a silhouette of a tall man in front of him."I'm not Lalna!"

He heard the man smirk."My bad, sorry, Lalnable. I had to transform you of you wouldn't have survived. Oh, and also you're much more fun this way."

Lalnable sat up."What do you want."

"I have a proposal for you."

Lalnable blushed."What?!"

"No-not that kind of proposal-an offer."

"Oh. Right."

"Come with me, you were bored too right? Come with me and help me create fun. We'll be killing many, many people without a scratch. Think of the fun, Lalnable!"

"Will there be blood?"


"I'm in. Who do we kill first?"



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