total drama all stars x male...

By oranged1

12.5K 125 64

this season all the best contestants from the previous four seasons will compete for one million dollars! who... More

heroes vs villains
Saving private leechball
food fight
moon madness
No Eggspects the Spanish opposition
Suckers punch
You regetta be kidding me
Zeek and ye Shall find
The Obsta-Kill Kourse
Sundae Muddy Sundae
Bold and the Bootyful
The Final Wreck-ening

Evil dread

1.3K 16 7
By oranged1

Mike: *Chester* There's a storm 'a coming dagnabbit! *Svetlana* I'm scared! After all zese years, he's going to return! *Vito* Ayo, how we gonna stop this goombah? *Manitoba* Hush it, mates. Mike is waking up!

Mike Wakes up as his normal self, looks around

 Mike: Uh... huh, wuzzat? You guys say something?

Meanwhile, a mosquito is feeding on Sam, draining a large amount of his blood, causing him to grow pale


as we were standing on two platforms Gwen walks past Duncan who had his hand up

Chris: ooh! someones invisible. Harsh. TV couples. Is it ever a good idea

the boat with Lightning arrives

Scott: Any luck finding the invincibility statue?

Lighting: No need. I am an invincibility statue!

Chris: Bonjour campers. If you recall our season 3 Parisian find and build a sculpture debacle. This time, our interns have buried 3D puzzle pieces all over the beach, 7 pieces per team. Find all your pieces and assemble them on your platform to recreate one of the landmarks visited on our world tour first to finish wins

Sam starts to stumble across the platform

(y/n): Sam, you okay?

Sam: uh, feeling woozy. And kinda drained a little. A lot. Not sure why

Chris: since the villainous vultures won the first challenge, they get to dig with shovels. Incoming!

he then threw shovels at the villains

Sam: hey, where are our shovels?

he then fell off the platform. The ground underneath him fell through, revealing a mote around the platform

Chris: and getting on and off your platforms will be challenging due to the moats. That are filled with-

Sam: ah! crustaceans!

he screams as he gets pinched by crabs

Chris: I don't know why but it gets funnier every time

Lightning: no big thing for Light-o-ning!

he jumps off the platform but a board sprung from the sand, smacking Lightning into the moat

Chris: and you might wanna watch out for the booby traps in the sand

Mike: what are we supposed to dig with?

Chris: sorry, shovels are for winners only. I guess you'll have to use your hands. Challenge starts now!

he then blows a horn. We then huddled up

Zoey: We should divide our area into sections and each dig in one!

Courtney: No, let's separate the beach into quadrants and each pick a quadrant!

Cameron: That's exactly what Zoey said.

Courtney: Then...Good! We'll use the plan that Zoey and I came up with!

Zoey Putting her hands in the center of the huddle

Zoey: go team!

Heroic Hamsters: *minus Courtney* GO TEAM!

we throw our hands up in the air

Courtney: Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Can we start digging now?

Courtney: Confessional: What's with the loving? Hello! It's called Total Drama, not Total Friendship

we then start to dig for the pieces and Cameron discovers a beeping red light, he touches it explodes suddenly, sending him flying backs and clothes flying everywhere

Chris: Eww, Chef's dirty laundry!

Cameron pulls a piece of underwear off his face, about to barf

Chris: Pretty stinky!

Cameron tosses the dirty underwear away, and then gasps as he sees a fedora on the ground. Grinning, he walks over to Mike with the fedora

Cameron: Here, we could use some of Manitoba Smith's treasure hunting skills right about now.

Cameron puts the hat on Mike, making him gasp. He stands up smiling confidently as Manitoba Smith. His arms start spinning like a wheel and dives into the ground, sending the ground into tremors. He comes up seconds later with a piece of the puzzle in his hands, a white base of a statue

Manitoba: G'day, beauty! 

He tosses the piece onto the platform. Manitoba walks up to Zoey and sits next to her

Manitoba: Phew, looks like the real treasure is right here beside me!

Laughs, winking awkwardly

Manitoba: Wink-wink.

Chris: *Whispering* An hour has passed and the teams are still tied, one/all. Which raises a pertinent question

The camera zooms out on the entire beach, Chris is now screaming


The campers all yell back

Chris: Blahblablah, whine, whine, whine, Hurry up! I have dinner plans!

Cameron walks by, accidentally stepping on a platform that sends him flying. Scott laughs at him until Cameron falls on top of him, sending him skidding. Cameron gets up and runs off, leaving Scott behind. When Scott gets up, he finds an uncovered piece of the puzzle

Scott: Alright! 

he tosses the piece up onto the platform

Chris: And that's two for the villains!

Cuts over to Zoey attempting to lift an uncovered piece unsuccessfully until Manitoba runs over, still smirking

Manitoba: That's alright, sweetheart; don't strain yourself, allow me!

Starts to pull at the piece instead

Zoey: Well, if you insist...

Suddenly, a cannon pops out of the sand, Manitoba ducking as it shoots out a boxing glove, missing Manitoba and instead hitting Courtney into the crustacean pit, making her scream and run out of the pit.

(y/n): Check it out guys, I've found-

a trap hit him in the kiwis

(y/n): *high-pitched* -another one.

Offering Chef a bowl of cashew

Chris: Nuts?

Manitoba tosses another piece of the statue, a familiar-looking head, up on the platform

Manitoba: Another! It's like taking vegemite from a roo! I could show you how sometime.

Zoey: Heh, no thanks, with Mike maybe.

she walks off

Manitoba: Yup, she's a loyal one! Mike knows how to pick 'em.

Scott steps over the line between the two sides, whistling innocently. When the Heroes aren't looking, Scott pokes holes into the ground, on the third poke a clang is heard. Scott digs and finds one of the Heroes' puzzle pieces. Snickering, he digs a hole on the villains side and starts reburying it

Manitoba: What are you up to, kookaburra?

Scott: Whatever do you mean?

Manitoba glares and sticks his finger in his mouth then scoops the sand where Scott had dug with his finger. He licks the sand off his finger, his eyes widening, then he reaches deep into the sand and pulls out the piece that Scott buried

Manitoba: Ha!

he pulls Scott closer by his t-shirt, smirking

Manitoba: Nice try, you wily dingo!

Scott steps back, pressing a hidden pressure pad in the sand, releasing a swarm of bees

Scott: Bees... BEES!

Scott hastily swings around and whacks Manitoba on the head with his shovel, sending him falling into the dirt and knocking him unconscious

Zoey: *Voice gets fainter* Mike? MIKE! MIIIKE!

Inside of Mike's mind reveals a small room made out of pink brain matter, with a large picture of Mike adorning a wall, and a table where Vito, Chester, and Svetlana are playing cards

Svetlana: Go vith the fishing!

Vito: Ayo, it's go fish, not 'fishing'!

Suddenly, Manitoba falls from the ceiling

Chester: Aw, that can't be good...

Manitoba: Hey, do you feel that? ...The Malevolent One... He's coming!

The other personalities shriek in horror. Then they turn to the portrait of Mike, which quickly burned away to a shadowy silhouetted picture of Mike, with hair drooped over one eye and an evil smirk. As the camera pans back to reality, to the unconscious Mike, Zoey's voice becomes more clearer

Zoey: Mike, Miike! Oh please be okay, Mike!

Zoey is kneeling next to Mike

he groans awake. H sits up to rub his head

Mike: Ughh, my head...

Zoey: No, stop, you need to rest!

he stands back up, grabbing his fedora

Mike: No, I'm okay... C'mon, we got to go back to digging...

He puts the fedora on as he walks away, Scott still running from the bees in the background. Mike's eyes widen in realization

Mike: Huh, weird, I can't find Manitoba...

Cameron struggles to carry a puzzle piece. He walks over to a very deep hole and sees Sierra digging

Cameron: Sierra! What are you doing? You're like twenty feet deep!

she is in the ground, apparently having never stopped digging

Sierra: Guess I got carried away *Giggles nervously* I was pretending I was digging for Cody!

she jumps out of the hole

Sierra: How many pieces do we have now?

Cameron: I don't know, maybe we shou-

Sierra grabs Cameron's piece, along with Cameron himself, and tosses them both onto the platform. When he lands, he counts the puzzle pieces

Cameron: We've got eight out of nine pieces!

Zoey: You guys start working on the puzzle! We'll keep digging.

Sam: Yeah, good plan. Just gotta catch my breath-

he then gets launched onto a boat that was driving by

Chris: When we did our safety test that boat wasn't there.

Chef: As if we test these things.

Both of them start snickering. Sam then runs out the ocean screaming

Sam: Ow! Jellyfish! It stung my butt! Ow!

Everyone laughs at Sam's misfortune, especially Mike

Zoey: How can you laugh?

Mike: Cuz, the only cure for a jellyfish sting is to pee on it.

Sam screams and jumps in the water and pees on the jellyfish underwater and sighs

Zoey: Ew.

Sam confessional: Well, no one else is going to pee on me. *Laughs* Huh, that is a weird sentence.

All eight of the found pieces lay on the platform, as Sierra and Cameron look them over

Cameron: A book, a crown... what the heck are we supposed to be building? ...Wait, I got it, these pieces make the statue of liberty!

Lightning holds up another piece of the puzzle

Lightning: That's seven! Let's start sha-building!

Lightning runs past Alejandro and Gwen, who quickly follow, along with all the other villains. Lightning leaps up to the platform with little effort, Alejandro leaps, but fails to make it, his body makes a bridge

Jo: *Walking on top of Alejandro* Coming through

Scott: *Walking on top of Alejandro* woo-hoo!!

Gwen: *Walking on top of Alejandro* sorry, Alejandro.

Heather: *Walking on top of Alejandro* keep still!

Duncan: *Walking on top of Alejandro* thanks, buddy. *Laughs*

Alejandro just growls, only to have a crab pinch his nose. On top, the villains, except Heather, Jo, and Lightning start putting the puzzle together

Heather: Come on people! Put this thing together already!

Alejandro: *To Duncan* Try those two together! No, those two!

Lightning: Lightning finds the final piece! I'm a hero! It's probably a statue of me! Being me!

Gwen: It's tall, whatever it is. And boxy, like a tower... oh, Big Ben!

Zoey: One piece to go, must be in Sam's quadrant!

Sam: Sorry, guys. I'm moving as fast as I can.

Cameron: All we need is the torch! Hurry!

All the Heroes jump off the platform

Heather notices that Big Ben is missing its clock face

Heather: What's with the big hole?

Gwen: Maybe we put it together wrong...

Lightning: *Annoyed* Oh come on, just get it sha-done!

he grabs a crab, placing it where the clock would be. The crab snaps its claws, causing the whole thing to collapse

Jo: Way to go, Liability!

Lightning: Hey, it's not my fault you put it together wrong.

Alejandro: We didn't put it together wrong, there are only eight pieces!

Jo: Great. So Lightning miscounted.

she picks up a shovel, she and the other villains walk back to the beach

Jo: Come on, everyone, we've still got digging to do.

Lightning: I counted seven! This is a conspiracy!

Heather and Jo start searching in one hole

Heather: Yeah, a conspiracy of bad counting!

Jo: Oh yeah! 

Pulls out the clock face

(y/n): and Mike try shoving Sam from the spot he collapsed on

(y/n): The torch!

(y/n) pulls the piece out, the Heroes cheering him on, and he pole-vaults it at the statue, making it land safely on the now completed Lady Liberty

Chris: The Heroic Hamsters win!

The Villainous Vultures groan, while the Heroic Hamsters cheer

(y/n), Cameron, Courtney and Sierra: Spa Hotel! Spa Hotel!

Chris: I do require a volunteer for exile duty!

Sam: This one's on me guys, to make up for my lack of digging skills and...Whoa!

Chef grabs him by the collar and drags him to the boat of losers which sends him off. Sam volunteers for exile to Boney Island and the Heroic Hamsters head for the spa hotel

Gwen: Hey, Courtney.

Courtney stops and glares at her. Gwen walks up to Courtney, apologetically

Gwen: I just wanna say congrats on a...

Before she can finish, steps on another hidden booby trap, a spring shoots up launching a garbage bag flying up into the air

Gwen: Whoa!

Gwen quickly slams her shovel into the garbage bag, sending it flying into Courtney and she gasped in shock. Her head was covered of stinky garbage, coughs in disgusted

Courtney: ...Ew... *Coughs*

Chris claps sarcastically. Courtney walks away angrily glaring at her, She walking after her panicking

Gwen: That was an accident! I...

Chris: Gwen, Gwen, Gwen. So evil. You are definitely on the right team!

Gwen hangs her head, defeated


Chris: Welcome Hamsters, sit back, enjoy the show. Vultures, it's time for you to vote off your first villain.

Mal: One by one, they will all fall.

Zoey: Huh. Did you say something, Mike?

Mike: *quickly reverts back to normal* Uh, no! Just sitting here!

Duncan confessional: Lightning cost us the challenge, but Jo's annoying. Tough call.

Gwen confessional: Ugh, I don't know who to vote for. They're all evil!

Chris: The following players are safe for another day. Duncan, Gwen, Scott, Alejandro, and Heather. Lightning, you're on the chopping block for your crummy math skills and incessant bicep kissing

Lightning: If they were yours, you'd do it too! *kisses his biceps*

Chris: And Jo, you're on the block for your annoyingly pushy campaign to send Lightning home.

Lightning: You did, what?!

Chris: And tonight's loser is... Lightning!

Lightning: Sha-What?!

Cut to the Flush of Shame, where Lightning sits in the toilet, the Villains and Chris looking at him

Lightning: Tossing away your strongest team member?! You're gonna regret this, especially you, Jo! You're a total-

Chris presses the remote button and Lightning gets flushed

Lightning: Sha-AAAAAGGGHHHH!!!!

Chris: Family show people, family show. Who else is in line for a porcelain goodbye? Find out next time on Total Drama All-Stars!

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