[Check Announcements] Black S...

By Kyrokios

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(Y/N) (L/N) The Black Sheep of the (L/N) Family. The (L/N) family resides in Atlas. Yes, they are rich, snobb... More

Chapter 2 "Dusty Old Crow"
Ted Talk
Chapter 3 "Mission"
Chapter 4 "Revelation"
Chapter 6 "Beacon[2]" & "White Fang"
Chapter 7 "White Fang[2]"
Chapter 8 "White Fang[3]" & "Masked"
Chapter 9 "Back to the Shack"
Chapter 10 "Back to Vale" & "An Anomaly"
New Cover
Chapter 11 "Filling In For Qrow"
New Book
Chapter 12 "Raven" & "Cinder"
Chapter 13 "Unmasked."
Chapter 14 "Jail"
Hey There!
Chapter 15 "Jailbreak!"
Changed my mind
Season 2, Chapter 1. "Training & Atlas."

Chapter 5 "Battle" & "Beacon"

1.5K 33 14
By Kyrokios

'This oughta be fun.'

Stepping from the larger tent were two men, one of which you recognized and one which you didn't. He had on a jacket that was worn like a cape, blond hair, and green eyes.

"I'm here. Who's making a disturbance?"

"That'd be me."

He looked at you with a look of annoyance.

"Your business here?"

"Baldy over there sent nearly 20 people just to kill me. My business? Well, I'm just here to destroy this group."

"Destroy? HAHAHA!!" He laughed. And loud at that.

"What's so funny?"

He wiped away his tears from laughing.

"I just find it funny that you'd come here spewing such delusional things."

"Delusional?" You'd smirk a little. "Just try to even scuff my clothes."

"Those who are arrogant tend to meet a sad death."

"It's not arrogance if I'm truly that strong. I'd like to call it... Confidence."

"Confidence, huh? Well, I'll shatter your confidence."

"Well, then let's fight!"

"Couldn't have said it better myself."

He leapt at you with an attack that you'd dodge.

Looking closely, you saw he had attacked you with a small dagger.

He was light on his feet and not much taller than you, maybe by a few centimeters. Unlike the lug from the bar who stood beside him.

His eyes had been on you as you sidestepped his attack. He'd swap the grip on his dagger to a reverse grip before using his left leg to land on the ground and the right to move himself toward you.

He swiped towards your right side, and you sidestepped to your left, watching your own footwork just to make sure you don't end up tripping yourself or falling.

After switching back the grip on his weapon, he'd slash horizontally across your face, and you'd slightly pull your head back, avoiding the dagger.

He'd thrust his dagger forward, and you'd move your head to the right this time.

With many more attacks and more dodges, you two had moved quite rapidly.

'It may look like he's barely dodging all of my attacks, but really, he's just minimizing his movement just enough to dodge the attack.'

You watch as the dagger comes towards you, even nearing your left eye, before dodging to the right.

'Looks like I'll have to use my semblance...'

Before he had the chance to activate his semblance, the lug from the bar would come slamming down behind you.

You held up your forearm to block the dust kicked up.

"Enough playing around, boss. Let's fight this guy seriously."

"My underling commanding me? I'll have to reprimand you for this later."

"... Ayo?"

They stopped and looked at you.

"I-I'm sorry that was inappropriate."

His hands went to his hips, and he'd grab a weapon from them. That weapon being a whip. Not one, but two.

"... Ayo?"

That whip slammed down to your right as you sidestepped it.

Looking where the whip hit the ground, you could see the scuff marks.

'S'No joke. If he were against someone not like me, that would've done some damage if they had managed to survive that dagger barrage with at least some aura left.'

He pulled the whip back to himself.

"Well, let's get serious, shall we?"

"If I were to get serious, this would be over too quick. I want to enjoy this a little."

He scoffed before snapping his whip towards you, making you take a step back, and behind you emerged the lug from the bar with a Zweihänder hoisted above his head.

You dodged out of the way before it went, slamming down into the ground, causing the ground to crack a little.

"You caught me off guard in that bar, little man. But not this time, I've learned."

"Hold up. Little man? Just because you're 6'6 and 200 something pounds doesn't mean I'm little."

A whip cracked by your head as you slightly dodged it before the other one went to slash across your chest, making you take a step to the right.

Baldy dashed forward with his sword low and prepping for an upward slash that you jumped back to dodge.

Whip-man had repositioned and nearly caught you in the brief time you had leapt back, but you stopped yourself.

His whip sailed towards you. Normally you'd just backhand it away but not wanting to scuff your clothes and what not you dodge.

(*Sigh* Pride Am I right?)

The whip in his left hand came at you, and so did Baldy come in rushing alongside it.

His Zweihänder held low to his right side.

You moved your head to the right to avoid the initial whip slash but had to dodge Baldy's upward slash and the whip behind you, possibly hitting you.

You dodged the whip first.

Baldy's upward slash was a fake, and he instantly changed his direction and dashed at you again.

To Baldy, he had cut straight through you with a downward slash, but you had sidestepped swiftly to his right.

You grabbed the back of his head and threw him to the ground.

Looking over to Whip-Man, you saw him glaring at you.

You pretty much disappeared before his eyes as he searched around for you, and you'd appear in front of him and punch him in the gut, making him skid back.

'Oh? He has aura? Then does—'

Your thoughts were cut short as you felt someone behind you.

Turning around quickly, you'd jump back, seeing Baldy slam his now lightning infused weapon into the ground, breaking the ground.

Baldy gave off an entirely different vibe now and behind you, Whip-Man did the same.

'We can't lose... Not in one hit...! Not in front of our underlings!'

Whip-Man grabbed his jacket that he wore in a cape-like way and tossed it off.

You could feel from before their murderous intent, but now they were both burning with determination.

You smirked.

"What are your names?"

"Solis Amaru." Whip-Man answered.

"Deacon Hughes."

(No picture for bald man because I didn't wanna look lmao.)

"Mhm. I'm (Y/N)."

"With the formalities out of the way..."

Solis went to attack you, which you dodged.

"Let's get started."

You were standing in the middle of Solis and Deacon.

Deacon's weapon lined with yellow lightning and Solis' eyes morphing into a dark blue entirely.

Solis attacked you with the whip on his right side that you stepped back and dodged. He pulled the whip back to himself and Deacon went to attack you.

Turning to look at Deacon, you noticed he was holding his Zweihänder in his left hand and carrying a straight-up lightning bolt in his right.

With his right hand, he did a diagonal slash across your chest, which you dodged, and then a downward slash that was timed with Solis' attack.

'To be able to lift that weapon and properly swing it with one hand, he's obviously strong.'

You pivoted off your left foot and jumped to the right and dodged both the attacks, but Solis expected that as both his whips cracked towards you and you narrowly dodged.

'My movements feel sluggish... Am I getting slower...?'

You leapt at Deacon and punched him, which he blocked with his Zweihänder, now holding it in both hands.

Even though he blocked, he still got knocked down to one knee as you punched him before Solis attack you again, this one nearly hitting you, again.

'They're not getting faster. I'm getting slower.'

Your eyes shot over to Solis and you focused on his now dark blue eyes that were locked onto you.

Going over to Solis' dagger that was on the ground, you picked it up before turning to Solis and throwing it at full power at him. He held his forearm up and it bounced off because of his aura.

At that moment, you dashed at Solis with your original speed.

He didn't even get to move his forearm fully before you reached under his forearm and grabbed his face.

As if he were a ragdoll, you tossed him at Deacon, who he knocked over from how hard you threw him.

You leapt in the air and slammed Solis' head deeper into the ground, his aura breaking from the hit.

Deacon hurried to his feet and went for an attack with his Zweihänder during the downward slash you punched him in the face faster than he could even react.

You punched him around 20 times before he knew it. His aura had already broken, and he was falling, losing consciousness.

'Very interesting semblances...'

"H-he beat the bosses without even getting hit..."

Lifting your arm, you could see a very slight indent of getting hit towards the bottom of your left forearm.

"..." You stared for a moment. "The rest of you... Come at me. All together."

They all ran at you.

Not everyone has an aura or a semblance.

Nothing like that is guaranteed.

But in a family of aura and semblances passed down from generations.

You alone are...


You sat in the middle of multiple bodies, all incapacitated.

"... I lost." You said to yourself, looking down at your scuffed left Yukata sleeve.

With a sigh, you stand up and head towards the exit.

Taking out your scroll, you call the Vale Police Force and inform them of the incapacitated bandits.

You'd leave the place pretty much, not leaving a trace of you being there. Other than the incapacitated bandits, of course.

Landing on a rooftop, you sat on the edge of the roof looking down for a moment before standing up and leaving and going to your newfound apartment in the staff dorm.

You went up to your room and opened the door and saw Kang asleep in the bed.

Grabbing the back of his collar, you tossed him in the corner, and he fell to the ground.

You got into bed and went to sleep.


That next morning early Ozpin would call you into his office.

You'd reach his office and knock before stepping in.

"Good morning Mr. (Y/N)."

"Come on Ozpin, just call me (Y/N). Mr. is weird."

"So, (Y/N) I know I don't have the right to ask you this, but Goodwitch managed to contract a cold, so would you mind taking care of her class?"

"It's just a combat class, right?"


"Okay, I'll do it."

So, that's how you ended up having to teach her class.

The rest of her classes were kind of iffy to you. It was boring, but I'm sure any other teacher would like that.

But with the next group of students, there was one you recognized.

You stood in the center of the arena and watched the students come into the room.

And you noticed a certain red head making you raise your eyebrows in surprise.

'Well, I was beginning to think she went to a combat school in some other kingdom.'

Pyrrha saw you and looked very surprised.

Everyone was chattering amongst themselves as they noticed the lack of their original teacher.

You sighed.

"Quiet down, would ya?"

They would quiet down.

"Thanks. Now, in case you're wondering why the hell I'm here or where the hell Glynda is, she's apparently out with a cold. So, my name is (Y/N) and I'll be your teacher for today since I had nothing better to do. Any questions?"

Someone raised their they had white hair and light blue eyes.


"Should you really be swearing, Mr. Substitute Teacher?"

"What's your name?"

"Weiss Schnee."

"Yeah, Schnee..." You said rubbing your forehead with a sigh before going back to looking at Weiss.

"Does it look like I give a fuck?"

Weiss looked incredibly shocked.

"Now, any more questions?"


"Great!" You said clapping your hands together with a smile.

"Now who wants to be the first to fight?!"

Someone with dark blue hair would come down to the arena and then a blond-haired boy would go to oppose him.

"Hold up." You held up your hand. "Blue hair, come over here."

You went over to the blond boy and stood in front of him at the entrance.

You looked at him for a moment.

"Hm... Not you. Pyrrha!"

Pyrrha looked down to you.


"You get down here and fight the blue-haired boy."

You dragged the blond boy, and he would stand beside you.

The two of you were a bit away from Pyrrha and the blue-haired boy.

"What's your name, kid?"

"J-Jaune. Jaune Arc."

"Watch this match closely, Jaune."

It took no more than two minutes for the match to be over.

You chuckled to yourself.

"Now Jaune, you're up..."

Scanning the crowd, someone would stand out to you, but not in the good way.

"You. Come up here."

The kid with burnt-orange hair would step up to the stage.

The match was embarrassing to watch, but not for you, considering you were on that level.

All Jaune's attacks missed or got parried and even countered.

Ozpin left you some parting words.

Apparently you were to stop the fight when someone's aura went below 20%.

Jaune got kicked in the gut and knocked down to the ground.

Above him, his opponent went to bring his mace down on Jaune.

Your hand was on his shoulder before he could even bring his mace down.

"The match is over."

You moved the kid aside and offered Jaune a hand, and pulled him to his feet with a comforting hand on his shoulder.

You turned to the orange-haired kid.

"What's your name, kid?"

"Cardin Winchester."

"Winchester. Since you didn't get hit last battle, I assume you're up for another match?"

"Of course."

"Well then, how about a match against me?"

'A match against this guy?' He thought, looking you up and down. 'Well, I'll just embarrass him!'



Cardin went and stood on the left, and you'd go to the right.

"Now, I'll let you all in on a little secret. I personally have not even a drop of aura."

'No aura? Well, this guy'll be easier than I thought!'

The class all looked surprised.

"So, obviously that means if I were to get hit in anywhere fatal, then it'd be a fatal wound. With no aura to block the attack."

You'd crack your fists.

"With that aside, let's get started."


A noise that went through the room.

Cardin hadn't even registered what happened, but he was on his back looking up at the ceiling, confused.

You hadn't thrown him to the ground or swept his feet.

'Was that a punch?' Pyrrha thought not having had seen what happened.

Yep. A simple punch.

'What the hell? Is he hiding a gun or something?' Jaune thought, speechless.

'I didn't even see him move...!' Weiss thought, trying to process what just happened.

"Yo. You down already? I didn't even break your aura." You asked him.

"S-Shut up!" He said, standing up. "That was bullshit!"

"You think so? Then come on." You beckoned him. "Hit me."

He rushed over and raised his mace high over his head.

You jabbed him in the throat, halting his movement.

"Too big of a motion."

He went for another attack, which you dodged. And another attack, and another.

You continued to dodge all his attacks with ease, letting him tire himself out.

"Oh? Are we finally done?"

"Fuck you!"

With many kicks that he couldn't block or even react to, his aura broke and with one last kick, he went down.

"I thought it was 20% aura?" Some random kid asked.

"Shut up, kid."

Cardin's team dragged him back into the entrance and you stood with your hands intertwined in front of your body.

"So, class, does anyone know what Cardin's first mistake was?"

Pyrrha raised her hand.


"Underestimating his opponent...?"

"Yes, and no. While underestimating your opponent can definitely lead to your death, his very first mistake was even accepting the challenge." You smirked. "If you have any questions, do ask."

Someone raised their hand with black and red hair.

'Is that a child? What is a child even doing here?'

"Yes, child?"


"Do you really not have an aura or semblance?"

"What is your name, child?"

"It's Ruby Rose..."

"Yeah, I'll stick with child. Anyway, I have no aura. NONE."

"Are you a hunter?"

"Yes, I am."

"Is it hard being a hunter without any aura?"

"Of course. Having to fight people with aura whilst have none is difficult. Even people with a semblance. Imagine having to fight someone with a power while not only being vulnerable to any fatal attack inflicted whilst your enemy can effectively take a fatal attack or two."

Ruby seemed to have sparkles in her eyes.

You chuckled a little.

Someone else would raise their hand, this one being a blond.

"Blondie, name?"

"Yang Xiao Long. And I must ask, are you single?"

You laughed softly.

"Yes, I am. Now, any other questions?"

No one raised their hands.

"Great! Now, I want you all to do something. I'm sure you're all a part of some sort of team. So, I want you and all of your teammates to gather in a group. Now."

Everyone would eventually get into groups that consist of their teammate.

"I see most of you lined up left to right... Now, spread out, all of you. Spread out far from one another, but keep your group together."

Everyone would space out. Thank God the room arena was spacious.

"Now the two nearest to the middle step forward. And take two steps forward. Then turn to face your teammates. And line yourself up ahead of them."

You watched as Ruby and Weiss followed the direction correctly.

"If you followed my directions correctly, you should hopefully be facing your teammate. Now! Left most teammates you and the person you're facing move to the left and those right most move to the spot of where your teammates previously were."

You'd wait for everyone to get into position before speaking again.

"This is going to be a team-building exercise. I want you to fight your teammates."


"This will only break you apart if you let it. So, this will hopefully show you and your teammates weakness and strengths. You know the rules stop at 20% of aura. Now... Begin."


Class would eventually end, and that was your last class for the day.

'Cool, this day is over with.'

You swept your hair back and out of your face entirely and tied it up behind your head.

Someone came down to the arena, making you turn and look at them. It was Jaune.


"Just call me (Y/N). And do you need something?"

"I, um... I just want to know... How did you get so strong?"

You looked at Jaune before smiling a little.

"Well, training, of course!" You joked.

"I mean, I know that..."

"I'm just kidding with ya, Jaune. Just allow me to ask you a question. Is Winchester a good person?"


"Mhm. Well, if you must know, I was trained by some old man."

"Oh... So, I just have to find an old man and tell them to train me."

"Yeah, let's not do that. But something you should know is that mental training will sometime overcome physical training. And if you came to me so that I can tell you how to train, how about asking Pyrrha?"


"Mhm. She's a cut above the rest and is fairly skilled."

"O-Okay, but why Pyrrha?"

"Because you two go to school together and are on the same team. You likely won't see me here again, so it wouldn't be efficient for me to shove so much knowledge in your head in one day before I leave."


"And even if you managed to digest a boatload of knowledge, your body would still have to, let's just say, adjust. You'd have to build muscle memory, amongst other things."

Jaune nodded.

"I can tell you don't exactly "belong here" per se, but..."

Jaune looked downed.

You'd place a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"You've got heart. And for the short amount of time, I've known Ozpin if he didn't at least see something in you, you'd definitely be home already. So be, I dunno, more confident or self-assured. Because you're not home yet, Jaune."

"Thank you, sir."

"You're welcome. And once again it's (Y/N)."

Jaune would leave feeling better than he did when he came in there.

"Man, that speech was excellent! I should give speeches professionally or something." 

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