Straying From The Game

By Phoenix_Sky_09

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Love has different forms. Sometimes, we tend to see it as a very different one from the real form. And someti... More

Chapter 1 Back on the Game
Chapter 2 Party Drunks
Chapter 3 Individual Projects
Chapter 4 Hidden Truth at Home
Chapter 5 Hiding Her Pain
Chapter 6 Her Confidant
Chapter 7 They're Jealous?
Chapter 9 Heart Status
Chapter 10 Fight or Fix?
Chapter 11 They Have their Own Secrets
Chapter 12 Failed Mission
Chapter 13 We're Coming Home
Chapter 14 The Trip Home
Chapter 15 First Destination
Chapter 16 She's His Girl Friend
Chapter 17 To Her Home
Chapter 18 At the Diaz Residence
Chapter 19 I'll Prove it to You
Chapter 20 Enjoy While It Lasts?
Chapter 21 The Diaz's Social Status
Chapter 22 Meeting Her Other Bestfriends
Chapter 23 Stories About Her
Chapter 24 Pieces of Advice
Chapter 25 Last Day of Fantasy
Chapter 26 The Ciphered Message
Chapter 27 The Consequences
Chapter 28 When in Paris
Chapter 29 Make Her Happy
Chapter 30 Unofficially Yours
Chapter 31 Visiting Her Family
Chapter 32 Surprises
Chapter 33 All is Well
Chapter 34 Unveiled
Author's Note

Chapter 8 It's Not What It Seems

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By Phoenix_Sky_09


When she was gone, I took a deep breath then I called Jisoo unnie again.

"Unnie, I made her cry" I blurted out.

"I actually could hear her sniffing already while we're talking a while ago" she responded.

"Unnie I'm confused, why is she so jealous over me dating someone to the point of crying?" I asked.

"You aren't oblivious are you?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm not, but it's impossible. You know why I keep myself in check. She hasn't moved on yet, she still loves Lisa unnie, it's crystal clear" I sighed exasperated.


"I'm thinking the girls are right, she is just using me as a rebound" I stated and she gasped.

"Genie no, Chaeyoung isn't that type of person. Oh my gosh, take that back Genie, take that back" Jisoo rambled and I felt ashamed for even mentioning it.

"I'm sorry unnie, I was just out of reasons" I sighed.

"What if she already moved on really because of you, and has turned to loving you instead?" she asked and I fall silent.

"It can't be" I whispered.

"Why, you admit to liking her so much but has stopped yourself because you think she is still so in love with Lisa. Now, if she isn't already, then you two are free" she responded.

"I myself isn't sure of my feelings, I love her, maybe more than as a bestfriend, but I don't see myself to be in a relationship with her" I tried to explain.

"You confused me there Genie"

"Yeah, I'm confused myself so let's just leave my feelings be. By the way, we had confirmed that Lisa unnie still loves Chae-unnie" I passed the information.

Another reason I'm confiding everything to Jisoo unnie is because she's in the same ship with Chaelisa, same as us in the side B of the game we bet Lisa.

"Please be careful Genie, you might get hurt soon you know?" she asked.

"I know, but I have to get Chae-unnie back on track. I didn't know my charms will led her off track" I joked and Jisoo unnie laughed.

"You better be, but really, think carefully, I can move to the Gen-Chae ship you know" she joked.

"And betray Lisa unnie's trust? By the way, she thinks you and Jennie unnie is favoring Chae-unnie more than her." I informed.

"That ass, I love her much like my sister, but let her think as is, I'll give her a good slap for it on our next meeting" she laughed then we hang up.

I can't sleep since my conscience is plaguing me for making my unnie cry. I tried to fight the urge but I found myself in front of her room door. I slowly turned the knob only to find it empty. With knitted brows, I walked to the kitchen then to the living room, only to find it all empty of people.

I check the maknaes' rooms and saw them peacefully sleeping alone in their rooms. Sighing I went back for my phone. Checking something, I sighed again before I call Jisoo unnie for the 4th time for the day.

"I thought you're asleep already. Seems you're addicted to calling me now?" She greeted me on the phone.

"Unnie, she left the dorm again" I informed her and she sighed.

"Do you think she's doing it again?" she asked.

"I'm afraid she is"

"What are you gonna do?" she asked.

"As always, should I go?" I asked. The only reason I called her is to ask for her opinion since I can't think straight now.

"I think you shouldn't for now" she replied.

"But she might notice. I'm not in a good condition with her and she wouldn't find herself in the usual morning position. Won't she piece things together?" I asked.

"Then why did you even ask my opinion?" she jokingly snap at me and I laughed weakly.

"But I'm worried unnie"

"Then go" she replied gently.

"I'll go after an hour" I replied and we hang up.

Now, what should I do for an hour? I plopped myself on the sofa as I scrolled through my phone. I remembered Lisa unnie and checked on her IG account. She has been quiet since Jeed talked to her and I'm wondering if she will heed us and come back. If she do, my mission would be easier.

I moved to YouTube and found myself watching videos about Gen-Chae. Those are all fan service for you? Unnie's voice rang in my head. Watching these videos, none of these are even forced by me. Every interaction with her is natural even the cheek kissing, though it has always been her who kisses me on my cheek, but the smile after that is always real, as I'm happy that she is that comfortable with me.

Then her first win on a music show showed up and I clicked on it. Arg, she is currently promoting her solo album. She can't be distracted with problems with me this time. What have I done? I closed my phone and I planted my face in my hands. My head is currently a mess, my gosh!

Just then, I heard the door being opened and I heard footsteps coming my way. She is probably headed to the kitchen but stopped when she saw me. I kept my face on my palms. I want to know what she'll do next.

"Genie?" she called softly as she sat beside me, with a good distance between us.

"What's wrong?" she asked. I mentally slapped myself. She was the one who took an invisible blow yet she was asking if I'm alright.

I raised my head as I took a deep breath. I turned to her and saw that her face is already bare, and now, is looking at me worriedly. What an angel.

"I'm sorry unnie. I know I'm being childish, or unreasonable, or an ass, an idiot, lame, fool, or..." I rambled but she pressed two fingers on my lips, silencing me.

I looked at her surprised. Her gaze is so gentle and I can see understanding, care and love on it.

"Don't be, I realized I can't control you and I shouldn't really restrict you from dating if you want to. I should be the one to be sorry you know" she smiled, but one I recognized to be forced.

"Uh, it's fine unnie, though, why did you cry earlier?" I asked, wishing it's not because she's jealous.

"Because I'm afraid I'd lose you as well. I'm afraid once you start dating, I'd lose a bestfriend again" she replied and I relaxed.

"Also because I'm jealous... That she is making you happier than I do. She's funny, I'm boring. You know, she's better than me" she shook her head and I smiled, masking the dread in my stomach.

For her solo promotions, I'll slow down taking a step back. Two weeks, just 17 days more and I'll go on with my escape plan. I can't trap my own self. The girls and unnie are right. I'll get hurt but with the right decisions, I could save myself.

"Unnie, even if I'd have a boyfriend, you'll still be my bestfriend. I'd still spent as much time as I want with you. I'll still listen to your ramblings. You'll still have me at your reach" I replied reaching for her left hand and squeezed it.

"Also, who said you're boring? You have your own way to entertain me unnie, don't underestimate yourself, okay?" I replied to her insecurities, purposely evading the other questions.

"I know, I'm sorry I let my emotions get to me. So, are we good?" she asked hopefully.

"We are good" I smiled and she pulled me into a hug.

"By the way, where have you been unnie? I kind of realized my mistake and wanted to talk to you but I cannot find you" I asked. She tensed and she released me.

"Just on the grounds. I went to take a walk" she lied.

"Oh, okay, we should go to sleep now unnie" I let it slide. I stood up and kissed her forehead as she is still sitting down.

"Good night unnie, sleep well" I smiled and left just as my phone rang. It's probably Jisoo unnie asking if I got ahold of Chae-unnie.

I turned to see my bestfriend's reaction and caught her looking at me. She gave me a bitter smile and a thumbs up. I just nodded as I entered my room and answered the call.

I told Jisoo unnie that we kind of settled the matter and she ended the call with another warning. I sighed as I fall down on the left side of my bed, not even bothering to fix the duvet above me. I turned to my side as I closed my eyes, silently calling sleep to come over me.

I am almost asleep however, the opening of my door disturbed me and I mentally cursed.

"You're such a baby. Should I always come to tuck you under the duvet?" Chae-unnie's soft voice blessed my ear and I felt her fixing the duvet on top of me. When done, I thought she'd leave but instead, she joined me in bed.

"Can I cuddle you for the last time? Your soon to be girlfriend wouldn't allow you to cuddle with me then, won't she? " she asked softly though I don't know if she expect me to be listening or to even reply. She gently placed an arm on my waist, sliding it to my stomach and she mindlessly played with the hem of my shirt, as she do whenever we sleep together.

"But it's okay, as long as you promise not to leave me. That would be unfair after you made me used to your presence" she sniffed and that's when I realized she is crying again.

I scooted closer to her placing my hand on the one playing with my shirt. "Shhh, don't cry unnie, I won't abandon you, I promise" I soothed and she hicupped.

"You lied to me by the way. You pretended to be hard to wake up, though you are actually a light sleeper" she buried her face at the crook of my neck. I laughed.

"Well, I earned free rides to my room with it, and sweet nothings in the morning" I giggled and she hummed, tickling me but I tried hard to control it.

"Sleep baby" she mumbled.

"Make me sleep unnie, you disturb me by tresspassing" I joked.

"There are two ways to make you sleep baby, be specific" she threatened her voice sounding different that I swallowed thickly.

"My bestfriend always hum me to sleep. If you are her, do the usual" I replied and I can feel she smiled against my neck.

She adjusted her face a little and soon enough, she was lulling me to sleep with Gone. I can barely feel her kiss my neck as she whispered good night.

When I wake up the next morning, I found out I overslept, giving me just 30 minutes to prepare before we left for church. I leapt out of bed, and remembered I didn't sleep alone. Unnie didn't wake me up? Then I saw a note on the bedside table. Who left notes nowadays, phone is invented for a reason.

"Genie, I'm walking to church, you and Blythe take the car, I want some fresh air this morning, take care, love you" followed by her cute signature.

What's up with her? I thought we were fine last night? Before I could muse however, Blythe knocked checking on me. I told her to wait for a while as I rush to prepare. We made it on time for church and as the mass was over, I texted unnie if she will ride home with us. She replied no, so we head home again.

I was wondering after breakfast if where else had she gone to until Jisoo unnie called and informed me that Jennie cancelled their date since Chaeyoung showed up at her door and they are going out together. The unnie asked if I want to go out as well this afternoon and I agreed. Maybe she'd give me more words of wisdom while we're out.

We meet below and she surprised me when she said we are using her car and she's driving.

"Tell me again why we haven't been using this since we're going on my check-ups" I asked as we left the building.

"Because I just bought this last week and it was just delivered here yesterday" she laughed and I gasped in awe.

"But you actually have how many other cars, why not use them instead?" I asked.

"I like this type of car. When I saw the details, I immediately wanna own one. I have another one parked in the basement. It's what I use on a regular basis. I figured out, we could use this everytime we're together" she grinned at me.

"Let me guess, no one else knew you had a new car" I stated and she nodded.

"Great" I replied sarcastically.

"Why? You don't like it? It's tinted as well for a reason" she laughed and I just shrugged.

"So, where are we going?" I asked.

"Road trip?" she suggested and I just nodded. She turned on the radio and plugged in a flash drive. Soon, Blackpink's songs started filling the car. We sang with it together, I as a BP fan knowing all their songs, including the exact lyrics after I learned Korean.

After hours on the road though, we decided to step out and grab early dinner in a restaurant. We just talked about random things. I inquired with her about the matter confusing my mind but she just told me to continue pretending I'm dating, observe, and be alert. Though I didn't understand, I just shrugged and returned to random talks.

Jisoo unnie is really a funny companion. I completely lost track of time until my phone vibrated from my purse. Digging for it, the time flashed 7 pm. It is a message from Blythe asking me what time I'd be home and that Chaeyoung unnie is looking for me. I replied telling them maybe a little late, since I don't know if unnie has other plans.

We finished up our desserts and she paid for it. I refused that she'll pay for my food but she said it's her who invited me so she should pay. I then joked her if this is a date and she said yes, a friendly date, so I don't have to lie to Chaeyoung anymore.

When we got back to her car, she said there's a place she want to show me before we head home. We arrived at a park, which is actually not too far away from our dorm building. We got off from the car and walked towards it.

"This is Chaeng's favorite park. Everytime she's had a bad day, or she's upset, or wants some time alone, she always come here alone at night" she explained.

"Isn't it dangerous here to be alone at night though?" I asked.

"It isn't for normal people, so she always use disguise" she replied.

"How'd you find out about it?" I asked.

"I followed her one time because I got worried when she kept on disappearing at night and returns at midnight" she disclosed.

"Oh, then why are you showing me here?" I asked again.

"In case you won't find her in her new lounge, she'll be here. That will save you from worrying about her a lot" she replied.

"And why are you telling me all these after I just told you I'm taking a step back to protect my feelings?" I asked again.

"Because I know that no matter what, you will still always care for her whether you are mere friends or very close bestfriends" she stated a matter of fact.

I nodded and requested we take a stroll for some time, the warm breeze giving me comfort. Again, her antics got me enjoying my time with her that I groaned when it was disturbed by the continuous vibration of my phone.

"Should I guess who's calling you?" Jisoo asked grinning.

"Nah, it might be mom" I replied as I finally got ahold of my phone and looked at the screen.

I looked at Jisoo unnie and smiled. She's right. It's 9pm after all.

"Genie, where are you?" she asked worriedly.

"Uh, I'm still out unnie, I'm..." I looked at Jisoo and she mouthed 'date'.

"I'm still with my date unnie" I managed to say.

"Ow, it's already late though. I'd appreciate it if your date would bring you home now, or atleast get you an Uber so you can arrive home safe" she replied, her voice evidently irritated.

"Babe, my unnie says to bring me home now" I called to Jisoo unnie smiling. She smirked and give me a thumbs up.

"Alright unnie, I'm on my way. I'll be there quick. Don't worry, I'm fine" I speak back to the phone and I heard her sigh.

"Okay, take care, I'll be waiting for you" she replied before she hung up the phone, not even waiting for my answer.

"Whew, I can feel her jealousy radiating from your phone" Jisoo unnie joked and we laughed together.

"She made it clear yesterday though. She isn't jealous as we think. She is jealous because my imagination of a date is making me happier than her, better than her, and she's afraid to lose me" I told her as we are back to the car.

"Don't believe everything she says Genie" Jisoo jokingly warned though we both know it is somewhat true.

"What if she's below waiting for me?" I asked as we neared the building.

"Check" she motioned to my phone.

"She's in our dorm alright" I smiled.

We parked at the basement, beside her other car and went straight for the elevator. I bid her goodbye when she got off her floor and I step off on the floor above.

True to her words, I didn't have to put my keys in the keyhole because when I'm about to, the door swung open. I gasped surprised and her facial reaction is angry. My bad.

"I'm home quick unnie" I presented myself and she allowed me entry.

"If you are going on dates, you should be home by 8pm" she imposed as she followed me in.

"Okay unnie, I will, I'm sorry if I worried you" I smiled at her then entered my room. I don't know what I'm doing but I'd play if I have to.

I'm just done changing when she knocked and entered. "There's food in the table, have you eaten?" she asked.

"Yes unnie, we had dinner earlier" I replied. Her expression saddened and I wondered why.

"Oh, okay then, sleep now, I'm going to eat dinner before going to bed as well"  she turned to leave.

"You didn't have dinner yet?" I asked.

"The girls already did" she answered before leaving.

Ow, what? When realization hit me, I feel like a failure. I followed her to the kitchen and saw her playing with her food.

"You look like a kid" I teased and she looked at me surprised.

"We actually had an early dinner and the walks got me a little hungry. Can I join you?" I asked and the instant smile on her face made me smile as well. Why is she doing this now? I'm getting more confused!

She quickly got me utensils and filled my plate with food then she offered it to me.

"Wow, thanks Mom" I teased but she just smiled at me.

"So, are you gonna stare at me or eat?" I asked when I noticed her still looking at me while I attacked my food. She blushed as she returned her attention to her plate and continued eating, now with appetite.

"Unnie, next time, don't wait for me. Have dinner with the girls if I'm not still home by 7" I addressed her.

"Okay, I forgot your dating now so" she shrugged.

"Not just because I'm dating unnie. If I'm stuck at work also, don't wait for me" I added and she nodded.

"By the way, after church, where'd you go?" I asked.

"Uh, I missed Jennie unnie so I kind of just showed up at her door and demanded she take me on a date" she laughed and I smiled. Atleast she's not lying to me.

"That's great then! Jisoo unnie didn't join?" I asked.

"No, Jennie said after she cancelled their meeting, Jisoo unnie said she has somewhere to go as well, maybe she went and visited her family" she replied and I just nodded.

"You're done? Just leave your plate on the sink, I'll wash it after I'm done" she offered when she saw my plate empty.

"Yes, but I'll stay until you're done. I'm sorry unnie, I ate a lot earlier so I can't take in much food now" I apologized but she smiled.

"It's okay, just having you here while I eat is enough to give me appetite. I hate eating alone" she admitted.

"And you're telling me to go ahead?" I mocked.

"Chae-unnie, I'm still your bestfriend you know, you can still tell me stuffs, ask me to do things for you, order me around. I don't want anything to change between us" I told her sincerely.

"Nothing will change between us" she nodded as she finished eating.

"Now go and sleep Genie, I'll just clean here for a while" she offered.

"Nah, I'll watch you clean, I need someone to tuck me up remember?" I reminded and she laughed.

As I watch her wash the dishes and wipe the table and counters, the same thought came to mind. She will make a good wife. Lucky will be the person to marry her.

Once done, she accompanied me to my room and literally tucked me in. I smiled happily at her then she kissed me in the cheek before saying good night then left my room. Genie, what are you doing? You are supposed to take a step back, not step up! But because I'm happy, I immediately fall asleep.

I woke up early the next morning and fled to my workout routine. It's still dark when I left, as I usually do, and if my manager has complaints for having to wake up early just to drive me to the gym, he didn't voice it out to me. Well, even my instructor, instead she is eager to sweat the morning with punches and kicks!

I went back to the dorm after my workout and found it empty. I know the younger girls are still at work out. Where could unnie have been? Maybe practicing for another show or shooting for a TV show? I mentally slapped myself for not getting a copy of her schedule.

I started texting her but erased it for several times. Genie, what are you doing? Finally I typed her a short message

"Good morning unnie, what's your schedule today? Do you want me to keep you company?"

I waited for five minutes but when I received no response, I left my phone in my room and went to shower. When I came back, she replied and said she'll be shooting for a talk show and sadly, they won't allow guests. I texted her it's alright and she just contact me if she needs anything then I went to the kitchen to make food for whoever will arrive. The girls probably doesn't have other plans as well.

The rest of the April Fool's month passed by like a wind. It's a busy two weeks for unnie since she is performing here and there and is shooting for magazines to live interviews to tv shows. We would offer to accompany her but usually just ends up going with her on music competitions. I honestly thought she is just making up excuses.

We fall into a routine every night where she would tuck me up in bed after dinner. If she will come home late from work, I'm aware she would still come and check on me since I'm not really in a habit to sleep under the duvet, but in the morning, I'd find myself nicely tucked in.

She rarely had free days with us so she didn't know I've just been staying at home, while she thought I'm usually out on a date.

Somehow, she is acing every performance and competition she is risking in. I'm glad that our little set back wasn't affecting her performance, though I'm aware of the emotional set back she is masking.

Jisoo unnie has been busy at work too so when Chae-unnie have a free day, I'd go out by myself for a good three to four hours, saying I'll meet my date then return to the dorm to spend time with them. Where am I going? Strolling at the park? Going on museums? Those seemingly boring activities, while I exercise my body.

Finally, her promotions was concluded and we are informed that we will immediately move to working on our second single. I was then worried of Chae-unnie since she wouldn't have time to rest but she assured us that she can cope up.

May 7th is Jeed's birthday but since it is on a weekday, we cannot go all out. Anyway, each of us really swear not to drink too much anymore.

The feast of food isn't to be missed which we all prepared after an early dismissal from work. Jisoo unnie came up after she arrived from work and together, we celebrated Jeed's birthday. After ravishing more than half of the food, we moved to to open a bottle of champagne and Jeed produced cans of beer. We toasted to the birthday girl and blared music all over the dorm.

While we were joyfully partying at the kitchen however, I noticed Chae-unnie's sudden absence.

"Have you seen Chae-unnie?" I whispered to Jisoo unnie.

"It's may 7th Genie, you know where to find her" she whispered back and I nodded after realizing it. We moved to  the living room so we could talk further.

"She didn't go and drunk herself after she learned I'm 'dating'. Will she drink a whole bottle again tonight?" I asked staring at the door.

"Because you're simply bestfriends. Truth is she doesn't have the right to be jealous if you really are dating. But today is Lisa related. Um, I'm sorry, that came out bad" she apologized.

"It's alright. It's the truth and I know it" I smiled at her.

"But she's been relenting from her seemingly custom right? She still goes there but doesn't drink anymore?" she asked and I nodded.

"That's what I think because on those regular occasions, I would hear her arrive on or before midnight. I would check on her and she was sober and sleeping, except that her features showed evidence that she'd been crying" I explained.

"That's good then, since when?" she asked again.

"After Christmas break. I'm kind of glad because she's been doing that for four months prior and prolonging it can threaten her health" I sighed.

"Then I hope she'll keep this day just like before then, we should go back to the girls now. Today is Jeed's day so we should let her enjoy it" she gestured to the kitchen so we went back in.

When I checked my phone, she really is above and I'm silently praying that she is just reminiscing and will come back before we retire to bed.

For a while, the maknaes and unnie's antics distracted my worry about her. I found myself laughing at their corny jokes and throwing several funny stories myself. We laughed together and teased each other, while occasionally sipping on our drinks. It is clear that neither of us wanted to be drunk.

When it got later, Jisoo unnie bade us goodbye. I accompanied her to the door and she reminded me to check on Chaeyoung inform me of her condition as soon as I can get ahold of her. I nodded then she left after giving me a goodbye hug.

I returned to the kitchen and helped the girls clean up. While we're at it, they finally noticed Chae-unnie's absence. I just told them maybe she went somewhere else for a while and they didn't question it anymore. They were aware that she occasionally disappears and would just come back later at night or at dawn already.

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