Straying From The Game

By Phoenix_Sky_09

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Love has different forms. Sometimes, we tend to see it as a very different one from the real form. And someti... More

Chapter 1 Back on the Game
Chapter 2 Party Drunks
Chapter 3 Individual Projects
Chapter 4 Hidden Truth at Home
Chapter 5 Hiding Her Pain
Chapter 6 Her Confidant
Chapter 8 It's Not What It Seems
Chapter 9 Heart Status
Chapter 10 Fight or Fix?
Chapter 11 They Have their Own Secrets
Chapter 12 Failed Mission
Chapter 13 We're Coming Home
Chapter 14 The Trip Home
Chapter 15 First Destination
Chapter 16 She's His Girl Friend
Chapter 17 To Her Home
Chapter 18 At the Diaz Residence
Chapter 19 I'll Prove it to You
Chapter 20 Enjoy While It Lasts?
Chapter 21 The Diaz's Social Status
Chapter 22 Meeting Her Other Bestfriends
Chapter 23 Stories About Her
Chapter 24 Pieces of Advice
Chapter 25 Last Day of Fantasy
Chapter 26 The Ciphered Message
Chapter 27 The Consequences
Chapter 28 When in Paris
Chapter 29 Make Her Happy
Chapter 30 Unofficially Yours
Chapter 31 Visiting Her Family
Chapter 32 Surprises
Chapter 33 All is Well
Chapter 34 Unveiled
Author's Note

Chapter 7 They're Jealous?

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By Phoenix_Sky_09


A small smile creep to my lips when I opened the door. There, at the doorway is Chae-unnie, arms crossed looking at me frowning.

"You said you'll be gone for a short time, but lunch came and you didn't arrive. It's now 2pm miss" she pointed at my watch.

"Yeah I'm sorry Chae-unnie, my date was very fun to be with, we..."

"I thought you said you aren't going on a date?" she asked, angry?

"I said so and you wouldn't let me go so I lied" I teased. Let's see how she can hold her anger yeah?

Her facial reaction turned dark as she grabbed my hand and pulled me to her room.

"But what if a fan saw you with your date and snapped pictures of you? You'd be in trouble Genie!" she raised her voice.

"Have you seen any picture yet?" I asked calmly. I'm enjoying this. Jisoo unnie is wrong. Jealous chipmunk is not hard to deal with, she's fun to deal with, using privacy and safety as an alibi.

"None, but you're lucky this time" she replied as she let go of my hand, which she is actually gripping hard earlier. I didn't look at it, but I know she has left red marks on it. I don't care anyway. I'm having fun.

"Oh, then the fans FBI ability was dwindling, because my date and I literally walked the streets of Seoul hand in hand" I made up. She looked at me fiercely again, but my expression remained calm and void of any other expression.

"Who did you date today?" she asked, her voice low.

"A beautiful actress I meet a week ago? When I'm on my way to bring your lunch, I accidentally bump into her at the hallway" I continued making up a story.

"So while I'm working hard, you're flirting with a random girl? And from our company?" she asked angrily.

Boom! Here comes a real jealous Chaeyoung.

"Is there something wrong with that? She's actually kind, and besides, it's your solo, should I be recording the dance practice video with you then?" I asked sarcastically. She seemed turned aback by my retort but she didn't give up that I almost laugh.

"You're really flirting with her?" she asked, the angry tone in her voice replaced by a broken voice that it tugged at my heart, telling me to stop.

"And you're jealous?" I dared to ask and her angry reaction came back. Wow!

"Why would I be jealous? Stop being a delulu" she snapped and I smirked. "Why are you in my room?" she added and I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Oh, you're not?, then thank you for getting mad at me for going on a friendly date, and for pulling me here in your room, and for gripping my wrist so hard it hurts right now" I raised my arm, showing her the red marks before I stomped out.

She called after me and tried to catch me but I ran out and rush to my room, locking it from inside. I changed into a jersey pair and dropped my self on the bed. While I'm musing, I suddenly remembered the mission I assigned Jeed when she went home to Thailand. I forgot to ask her and since I'm not in the right mood, they might have been hesitant to talk to me. I sighed as I get up and walked to Jeed's room. She however isn't there and no one is in the kitchen and living room so I went to Blythe's room and knocked.


Blythe and I are currently looking for updates about Lisa in her room when we heard knocks in her room door. We quickly put down our phones as we turned to see who is there. Genie entered and we relaxed.

"Hey maknaes, I'm sorry I've been out of the road for some time. But I'm back, and I want updates" she smiled as she joined us in the bed.

"Good, because we have a lot of updates" I smiled and I began by telling her my journey at Buriram.

I had my manager cram all my schedules for the first two days in Bangkok so I was able to go to Buriram Province on the third day. On my first day at the province, I spent it with my grandparents and has met up with my friend Yaya. We talked of a plan where I will pretend to go at the the dance studio, looking for her, and she will lead me to Lisa unnie.

The second day, the plan went well and I acted surprised to see her there, as much as her. They, I mean Lisa and Yaya are just done with their schedule for the morning and often supposed to go for lunch together. My friend too pretended surprised that Lisa and I knew each other. We all then went to lunch, but while we're on it, Yaya pretended she got an emergency call and had to leave quick.

"Uh, since you two knew each other back at Seoul, I could leave you two to yourselves right?" she asked.

"Well, yeah, will you be okay though?" Lisa asked.

"Yes Lisa, I just really have to go home" she replied as she look at me.

"I'm sorry Jeed, we could meet up later again so we can catch up before you head back?" she addressed me.

"Of course Yaya, keep safe" we waved at each other and she was gone.

Our food arrived and once the waiter left, I laughed.

"Oh, then we were left to eat three meals for two people" I commented and she smiled.

"I hope you eat well, because I can really just eat one order" she asked.

"Me too, if there's a foodie with us, it's definitely Chaeyoung unnie" I replied casually and gauged her for reaction.

Of course she tensed at the mentioned name. She looked at me as if trying to know what I have in mind.

"Did you corner me in here?" she asked and I grinned.

"If Genie is here, she'd say, your logic skills has improved!" I laughed but she remained serious.

"Not really, we ran into each other remember?" I asked and she sighed.

"I just know that you work in a dance studio now, and my friend does too. I didn't expect that you two are working together. I didn't expect to meet you here coincidentally, but I'm glad I did" I lied.

"Why so?" she asked as she bite on her food.

"How are you unnie? It's been like, 7 months?" I asked.

"I'm fine" she replied, but the sadness in her voice is evident.

"Are you? If that's true then I'm glad. Want to ask me questions however? I'd be glad to give you answers" I offered.

She looked at me, as if studying me. I ignored her scrutinizing gaze instead attacked my food. She didn't speak for a while, instead eat as well.

"How is she?" she finally asked and I smiled.

"Took you long to ask" I commented.

"Compared to the first month that you left, she's improving as months passes by. Genie has been taking care of her well. The unnies and we we're also keeping her company. Back then, she would always say she's fine and is okay, but we know she is just acting" I paused and I looked a her. She has her head bowed. When I stopped talking though, she meet my gaze.

"By now, she's a lot better. Her smiles and laughs are genuine, Jisoo unnie calls it back to normal. Her usual cheerful self also returned and the unnies are very happy to witness it especially Jisoo-nie" I continued. She really is. On the few days that she joins us, she keeps on repeating the improvement on Chaeyoung unnie. If I had grasp it right too, she is actually rooting for Chaeyoung and Genie now, but there's no way I'm telling Lisa that.

"I'm happy to hear that" she smiled but I know it's forced.

"Hmmm, how about you? How have you been holding up? Can't I have specific details too? The unnies would be pestering me about it once I told them I meet you'' I asked.

"Just tell them I'm fine. They won't care a lot about me anymore already anyway. I hurt Chaeng and they hate to see her hurt in anyway. She is their favorite younger sister" she replied sadly.

What is she talking about? I thought they were as close to each other and are practically bestfriends. My thoughts however seemed reflected in my reaction because she smiled.

"We are bestfriends, all of us really, just that, when it comes to things between me and Chaeyoung, they favors her more, because they know that she is more reasonable than me" she gave a dry laugh.

"Is she?" I challenged.

"This time, I agree that she is" she replied.

"You accepted the fault, then what are you doing?" I asked. Thanks Genie for training me with words.

"Moving on with my life without her" she replied.

"And have you moved on?" I asked.

"What's with the questions Jeed?" she threw back a question as she put down her utensils.

"I bet you did? That Reeya girl is hot, though Genie wanted to cut her hands off" I attacked. These are Genie's order and words by the way.

She was taken aback and waved her hand helplessly. She looked at me as helpless as well while I remained calmed and serious, staring at her eyes.

"Reeya is just one of my clients. There's nothing going between us. And a few weeks ago, I already severed ties with her!" she explained.

"Oh yeah? So what about those dates that have been circulating the internet that time? Chaeyoung unnie saw all those by the way" I added.

"Those are just friendly dates. Mostly her pestering me to go on dinner with her!" she exclaimed.

"But you went with her nevertheless. I'm sure you're aware at what the mass media has been labeling it right?" I asked.

"Well, what's wrong with that? I'm single as much as I am concerned" she fought back and it's my turn to be silent.

A good thing the dessert arrived and I had time to think of my words until the waiter disappeared again.

"You're right, you are. And if I'm deducting it right this time, you only used her as a rebound?" I asked and her reaction became that of an angry Lisa.

"Jeed, those are just friendly dinners! I don't need a rebound. I already moved on!" she cried.

"Besides, Chaeyoung has been doing the same thing! She's lucky to have been able to move on that quick! All thanks to Genie as her rebound!" she spat back her words and I frozed.

I never thought of Genie as Chaeyoung unnie's rebound. Now that I'm thinking of it, has she just used Genie? With the way she was too close with her. She was always the one initiating their closeness. She always keeps her close that we got jealous sometimes since we cannot reach Genie for a while.

"Genie isn't her rebound. Genie merely took over your previous role as Chaeng's bestfriend, and to this point, no offense, but she's doing a great job" I defended.

"Bestfriend? Are they just bestfriends till now? What about when you went to Jeju Island during your break. I've seen a lot of sweet pictures then. Dates even on several places and that couple attires! On that moments, you aren't there as well so you probably know that they are on those dates!" she gritted her teeth. I'm smiled inwardly. There... Finally she's spilling the beans.

"Also, on that Christmas holiday, she spent the week with her. And after that break, Chaeng is boldly calling Genie her baby. Now tell me, are they still just bestfriends?" she is yelling now and I'm thankful we are in a secluded area.

"I can tell you that you are jealous as heck right now" I stated and she stopped talking.

"Now, to answer your question, they are just bestfriends until now. I swear they are, count on me. However," I paused. It's time to use Genie's words again.

"However what?" she asked and I can see her fidgeting.

"They might be on their way there. So, if you still love Chaeyoung unnie, which I'm sure you do, you still do right?" I asked.

She hesitated for a moment but then then sighed deeply before nodding slowly. I smiled then. At least we got ahold of one side.

"Then make your move before it's too late" I finished.

"Move? What should I do? I left, she hates me, now, what should I do to get her back? Also, your contract is the barrier in the first place" she asked tearing up.

"I'm in no place nor position to tell you what you should do. I only came to warn you" I smiled as I stood up.

"Wait, you're saying one of them is falling for the other? Or both?" she asked. I looked at her blankly. Actually, I cannot tell.

"Why not take a closer watch? Come back to Seoul" I smiled and I turned, leaving her alone. She volunteered to pay for lunch so I'm free to leave at any time.

Once I'm out of the restaurant, I feel accomplished. I'd have a good time telling Genie and Blythe about this conversation. I left and made my way home to my grandparents. Yaya will come over for dinner and we will talk more about her helping us with our game. She has pressed me yesterday for information as to why we're doing these things so I trusted her and told her everything I know.

Before I came back, Yaya told me that Lisa tried to get my contact as she wanted to talk more but I declined. Those last words of mine would be enough to make her take the first step, I hope.

I heard Genie clapping when I became silent for some time, indicating I'm done with my story. I looked at her and she is smiling widely.

"Ah, I'm very proud of my student. You learned well, I taught you well" she uttered and I laughed.

"Just as Chaeyoung unnie taught Lisa well with pronouncing Melbourne?" I asked and we all laughed.

"I am amazed too Jeed, where did you got the courage to speak with her like that?" Blythe asked and I grinned.

"I won't deny, I learned from the best" I nodded towards Genie who smiled happily at my admission.

"But Genie, uh, don't you think Lisa is right? That unnie has been using you as a rebound?" Blythe asked and I was surprised by a hint of anger in her eyes. Our maknae is a little weird lately.

"I don't think so, but if she does, well, I'm not losing anything" Genie replied confidently.

"Are you confident that you only see her as your bestfriend" I asked. I admit Lisa's words really made me thinking about their situation.

"Now, what's with the questioning girls?" she laughed.

"Because if ever, we don't want you to be hurt in the process" Blythe replied gently. Genie looked at her with brows furrowed.

"Chae-unnie is a wonderful person, and I admit, she isn't that hard to love, more as a bestfriend" Genie admitted making Blythe duck her head and her shoulders sagged. Okay, what's up?

Genie is about to continue speaking when a knock on the door startled the three of us. Blythe went to open the door and Chaeyoung unnie peeped.

"Oh, you all are here? Mind if I come in?" she asked and I nodded while Blythe welcomed her in. I however saw Genie putting on a frown.

"I can see Blythe, you made this room more warm looking" she commented as she looked around the room. It's just then that we realized, since Blythe occupied that room, she never entered it again, only this time again.

"Really? Thanks unnie, though I just did a little retouch and add little decors, plus add on colors" the maknae smiled.

"Hm, so, what are you guys up to?" she asked sitting beside Genie, who however moved farther from her. These people are weird today.

"Just reminiscing our trainee days unnie. We were crying and laughing over our experiences" I replied since Genie seems not wanting to participate in the conversation.

"It's Saturday though, but since we had a party yesterday, it's okay to escape the jamming session, but can we still watch a movie?" Blythe suggested, sensing the awkward situation in the room.

"Yeah sure, what are we watching?" unnie asked as we moved to the living room lead by Blythe, and Genie left last.

"Your choice Blythe" Genie finally replied but obviously ignored unnie.

"I'm gonna get chips and drinks" she volunteered and left us in the living room.

"Unnie, you had a fight?" I asked when she was out of earshot. Our leader sighed then nodded. I just nodded back slowly as we sat on our usual places, me and Blythe taking over the couches, and the unnies on the sofa.

When Genie however returned, she placed the snacks on the small table and slumped on the floor, away from Chaeyoung unnie. Later on, once Blythe put on the movie and pressed play, she went to her seat and Genie scrambled in front of her, leaning on the maknae's legs, who was evidently surprised, though she let her as she directed her attention on the TV.

I however turned to look at Chaeyoung unnie and saw her glaring at Genie. Okay, I should ignore them and focus on the movie as well. They are scary glaring at each other like that.

After the movie however, Blythe found Genie asleep with her head resting on her knee. She looked at me asking for help then I looked at Chaeyoung unnie who is already looking at the two, jealous? Uh uh.

"It's time to cook for dinner, since she's peacefully sleeping there, just let her, I'll manage" I told Blythe who just nodded.

"We can move her to her bed though?"unnie suggested.

"Erm, no unnie, she's actually a light sleeper and a slight move I make now will wake her up" Blythe disclosed and unnie's jaw dropped.

"She is?" she asked and we nodded. Oh, she hadn't known? Then we're up for another scolding from Genie again.

"Yeah, so just let her there, I'll go and prepare dinner" I stood up but unnie stood up as well.

"I'll help you then" she offered and I gladly accepted it.

"Why did you fight unnie?" I asked when we reached the kitchen.

"She went on a date this morning" she blurted and I was shocked.

"She what?" I asked surprised.

"Went on a date with some random actress she meet at the company" she detailed and I looked at her shocked.

"Date? An actress! A girl?" I reacted.

"Yes, she said they were being safe and careful from the media. Can you believe that?"


"Exactly! She lied to me so I will let her go only for me to find out she just went on a date!" she exclaimed, but the tears brimming in her eyes didn't escape my attention.

"No, I mean, you're jealous?" I asked and she turned to me jaw dropping.

"I'm not Jeed, you know the rule! We can't date a girl! She'll be in trouble!" she exclaimed.

"Did she say she went on a date for lovers? Or just a friendly date just like the two of you sometimes goes?" I asked and she halted.

"A friendly date" she replied timidly.

"It's you right? You're the one who gripped her wrist tightly that she had marks?" I asked my voice rising. She was taken aback.

"How'd you know?" she asked.

"Well, Blythe came to get ice for her wrist during the movie. She has been taking care of her when she saw it, though she never asked where'd she get it" I replied, gauging her reaction. Shall we see Jealousé?

"I got carried away by my worry. What if the fans saw them and took pictures, she'll be in trouble" she defended.

"But not enough reason to hurt her physically. I respect you. We respect you, but if you hurt her again, I'll not be as considerate as today. Blythe would be worse, so let's keep this to ourselves. Genie won't tell her so don't worry, but please don't do it again" I replied sternly and she nodded, a tear finally escaping her eyes.

"Then you admit you're jealous?" I asked again.

"I'm not, I'm just being the leader" she denied again. Oh, this girl is harder than her ex-girlfriend.

"Okay, I won't push, but I must add. Don't hurt her emotionally as well unnie, can we count on you?" I asked.

Genie's response is still lingering in my head. Had she actually fallen for her bestfriend already? What about this jealous reaction our leader is showing? Does this mean that Lisa is already late?

"If I can help it, I won't" she replied softly and I nodded as we focused on preparing dinner.

We are halfway done when Blythe and Genie joined us. Chaeyoung abandoned what she's doing asking Blythe to continue it for her then she approached Genie.

"Genie, can we talk please" she begged and that begging voice of her would have me immediately giving her time to listen to what she would say, and I'd expect Genie to do the same, but she ignored her.

"We're making dinner" she merely replied as she moved towards me and assisted me.

Unnie's shoulders sagged as she sighed and blinked a few tears. She wiped it then returned to where Blythe is continuing her work, helping her. The kitchen turned silent and awkward, I'm racking my brain on how to break it.


All throughout dinner, I ignored Chae-unnie. First, because I wanna continue my act and see how far her jealousy would reach. I don't know why I want to see her jealous, though I'm wondering if why is she being jealous when we are just bestfriends. Second, because my mind is torturing me about Blythe's words. Had unnie really just been using me? As a rebound that is? Well, I mean what I replied to them back then, if she does, I have nothing to lose. Maybe I'd be hurt a little but that's it. Really self? I actually don't know and that's what I'm trying to decide but couldn't.

While eating, I can feel her staring at me every now and then beside me, but I didn't threw her any glance. When I'm done eating, I bid to go to my room ahead. I expected her to stop me but she didn't so I just shrugged and went to my room, not locking it this time because I'm sure she'll come talk to me later on. Furthermore, she won't catch me crying anymore again. Thanks to Jisoo unnie, I got my mind cleared.

Once I'm settled on my bed, leaning on the headboard, I called Jisoo unnie and told her what happened after we parted. We are laughing together, as I draw her a picture of unnie's reaction when I told her I went on a date with a hot actress. Jisoo unnie is enjoying her time laughing and I can't help but to join her, just as my room door opened.

When she saw I'm on the phone, she backed out but I motioned her to come in, with a naughty plan in mind.

"Ah, Chae-unnie, come in, I'm just on a phone call with my date this morning" I called her, letting Jisoo hear it on the other line.

"Hey, she's there? We should hang up then?" she asked.

"Nah babe, say, when are you free again? We should hang out more?" I replied on the phone.

Jisoo fell silent for a second before she burst out laughing making me smile.

"Okay okay Genie, I got you, and you are doing a good job, continue this one and tell me later on her reaction okay?" she asked and I laughed.

"Of course babe, I enjoyed your company. You're so funny that I lost track of time, I got scolded" I talked on the phone while glancing at Chae-unnie. She bowed her head as she sat down at the edge of my bed.

Jisoo laughed hard. She's enjoying this as much as I do. "Okay Genie, say this, I'm happy too that you like avocado. Not everyone likes it you know? And I love that fruit" she coached me and I smiled. There will be no harm since I actually like avocado.

I repeated after her as I looked at Chaeyoung. She looked up at me when she heard what I said but was surprised to see tears in her eyes. Genie Genie, you're good self is being attacked. Stop this now.

"Oh, sure, this Friday again? Let me check. I guess I'm free on that day?" I talked on the phone as I had a staring fight with my bestfriend, but her eyes is filling up with tears.

"Chaeyoung has a music show this Friday" Jisoo spoke. I know, but I just want to see reactions.

"Sure thing babe, I'll be there for you, as always, no matter how annoying you could be, I'll be there for you" I speak on the phone but is meaning those words for the girl in my room. Of course I wouldn't miss her music show.

"Now Genie, that's no fun anymore. You should talk to her now" Jisoo bade.

"Okay babe, see you then, thank you very much for accompanying me today, love you" I bade as well.

"Well I'm glad those are really for me" Jisoo replied laughing.

"It is, byieee" I ended the call and placed my phone on the table before turning back to her, only to see her crying.

"Why are you crying?" I asked her in a cold voice. She shook her head as she looked at me. I was even surprised she didn't leave my room.

"I'm sorry for gripping too hard on your wrist" she motioned on my hand and I followed her gaze.

It was bruised but it doesn't hurt anymore. "It's fine, you don't have to cry over this" I replied. I don't want to be rude but I'm trying to understand a thing.

"I'm not crying over that" she raised her voice as she face palmed herself crying harder.

"I don't think I can hold you in my arms while you cry anymore" I sighed. If my suspicions were right, it's time to take a step back.

She looked at me pitifully as she hiccupped. "It's because of your date today?" she asked, her voice breaking.

I don't want to lie but I feel like I have to.

"You can't hold your bestfriend anymore? Although you're still just dating? O, ow, then you're girlfriends already? she asked.

I didn't answer however, just stared at her, wondering why she looks so broken with my lie. Uh, actually I'm not oblivious. I just don't want to believe it because it's impossible. Maybe the girls are right? She's just using me? Then that would be a plausible reason to take a step back.

With my lack of response though, she stood up, shaking her head as she tried wiping the continuous tears flowing down her eyes. She however surprised me when she let herself fall on me and hugged me tightly I almost cannot breath. This broke one of my walls and I hugged her back.

"I'm sorry Chae-unnie. Don't worry, you're still my bestfriend. We'll still be as close as before, on cam, we can still do that fan service we've been doing" I talked but with my last word, she jerked herself off from me.

"Fan service?" she asked and I nodded. Isn't it what it's called? And am I wrong? She is doing all those closeness acts on cam for fan service right? Though I didn't since I'm genuine in all those. I love my bestfriend after all.

"So you see everything as fan service?" she asked and I furrowed my brows. She didn't elaborate however, instead fled my room. But then she returned peeping in my room.

"By the way, I don't hate avocado that much anymore" she piped and was gone for real.

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