Wings of Life

By maxxie4345

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Lilly is a kind hearted girl who is shy and quiet. She's used to change and was forced to move around a lot a... More

#1: A Normal Day
#2: lost puppy
#3: Strong Heart School
#4: Fairy College
#5: first day
#6: wings
#7: library
#8: dinner for 2
#9: birthday
#10: Zandite
#11: Royal family of Zandite
#12: specialist competition
#13: surprise
#14: heart diamond
#15: knuckle sandwich
#16: fire power
#17: visit home
#18: hover bike
#19: undercover
#21: safe & sound
#22: zombieland
#23: finally
#24: good heart
#25: the beginning

#20: The Gala

16 1 0
By maxxie4345

Third POV

After another failed call Catling sighs in defeat. "They won't cancel the gala.....they said they have plenty of security and officers there so nothing will happen" she explains intertwining her hands together and leaning her head against them as she tries to think of something to do. She's called everyone she could think of and explained what she could. But at last after 14 calls no one would change their mind saying it's too late and out of their hands.

The specialists were all learning the exits and discussing what to do to get everyone out safely. They got gas masks that silas put a spell on so even magic gas shouldn't bother them.

Silas was casting spells with some help from Bella to magic proof extra gas masks.

The Cindy and Pearl were trying to formulate an antidote to various magical gases. With the help of some other 3rd year Alfea students.

Lilly and another healing fairy were busy reading all about poison magic and what she could do to heal it.


After a long day there was only an hour left before the gala starts. The girls were all getting their mission suits on while the guys got all the equipment on the ship.

A dozen red fountain and strong heart ships were loaded with small teams of specialists and fairies to help evacuation plan or if something goes wrong.

"Ready girls?" Cindy looks around at everyone. They're all in the spy suits that Lucia made for them.

They walk out to their assigned ship where the boys are waiting in their mission suits. So the plan is that the girls go into the gala and find the witches while the boys keep all the exits open and get everyone out of there quickly. Sounds easy right?

Lilly POV:

Cindy and I laugh at each other as we do our hair. I decided to become a ginger and now she's blonde. Pearl and Bella also changed their hair colors. We all thought it would be a better option to stay more hidden.

We all double clicked our heels and our dresses pop on. I smile as I pass my hands over the soft fabric of the skirt. It's really a beautiful dress. I have to get something for Lucia as a thank you.

Cindy grabs my arm and gives my hand a gentle pat. We walk into the gala with Bella and Pearl behind us. We split up covering more ground. Cindy and I went to the left while Bella and Pearl went right. We're just keeping our eyes open for the dresses I tried explaining to everyone.

Cindy is talking about random things like the sky and ocean. I just keep looking around at everyone's dresses.

"Anyone see anything?" Dimitri asks and his voice made me jump a little. Cindy gives me a light laugh.

"Nothing here" Cindy says into her bracelet making it look like she was just adjusting it around her wrist.

"I think I see scarlet" Bella whispers. "I'm tailing her"

Cindy and I give each other a look. That look that's like wide eye mentally talking to each other. "Should we go?" She whispers to me as we each grab a glass of champagne.

"We're supposed to stay guess is Beatrix is nearby" I whisper to her.

We go off to this table and there's this group of women standing at the table next to us talking about recent events and gossip.

"I heard there was an attack at the race ceremony a few days ago" the woman in red says to her friend in blue.

"Yes all the officers were murdered. They said no one had a head on anymore" the blue whispers.

The woman wearing black gasps. "Is that why security here is doubled? Last year's gala had nothing to this extreme."

"Yes yes there are these witches that are going after these diamonds" the red shrugs drinking her champagne.

"Those snobby witches! Always ruining the good peace going on" the green says in annoyance.

Someone bumped into her spilling red wine all over her dress. The green gasps turning around looking pissed. I see a figure with long black hair walking away towards the bathroom. I put my glass down and rush after her.

"HOW RUDE!" The blue dress says as she helps her friend clean her dress.

I rush to the bathroom and see her looking in the mirror fixing her dress. I quickly walk into the first stall and listen.

"Only one more hour and all of this will be over" she mumbles to herself as she fixes her makeup. I hear her heels clicking and she leaves.

I can feel my anger building up. I pull my wrist to my mouth. "Cindy. The girl that slipped the drink is Beatrix."

"I'm on it" she says.

"Hey Eagle" I laugh slightly at the nickname Dimitri told us to call him. "She said there's only an hour left before this is over."

"Roger that....stay on them"

I get out of the stall and give myself a look in the mirror as I make my way out. I open the door and it swings open with Beatrix and scarlet walking in. "I'm so sorry" scarlet says sweetly with a smile. Beatrix just scoffs looking straight at me. I give them a smile walking out.

I go down the hall of the bathroom and see Cindy crochet down next to Bella who's on the floor. I rush over to them and get Bella's hair out of her face.

"What happened?" I look at Cindy. Bella is half awake barely keeping her eyes open.

"I'm not sure. I was following Beatrix and found her here....I don't know where Pearl went" I nod as we help Bella stand.

I bring Bella's arm around my shoulder and use a little magic to lift her from the ground. "I'll get Bella to the ship....find Pearl and don't lose the witches" Cindy nodded walking off to look for Pearl as I went to the front entrance/exit.

I turn the handle but it's locked. I start shaking it and it won't open. One of the valets comes to me with a smile. "Can I help you miss?" He looks at Bella curious.

"Hi. I'm so sorry my friend just isn't feeling well but the door... WONT OPEN" i said pulling my wrist closer to my voice.

"Where are you?" I hear Ray's voice that brings a smile to my face.

The valet nods and starts trying to open the door but it won't even wiggle. "It's strange that the front entrance would be locked" I said into the bracelet but also to the valet. He nodded.

"Sending a team in now"

"Yes. Wait here for a second Miss I will check the west exit for you" I nodded thanking him as he went off.

I held Bella's floating half conscious body close to me as I started hearing noises outside the door. "They used some sort of spell to keep the doors closed" Brady says. Maybe I can try.

I sit Bella down on the floor with her back against the wall as I force my magic on the door lock. I can feel a dark magic blocking it and blocking me. I push and push a little more and I hear a click. I did it!!

The door opened and I see Jacinta walking through. I quickly move out of her way and pretended to fix my shoe as I leaned my hand against the wall and my dress skirt covered Bella. She barely gave me a side glance as she closed the door with a wave of her hand.

Before the door could fully close I slipped my shoe off and threw it in the way. The door hit my shoe and stopped. HA! I've seen it in movies but didn't think it would work. I lift Bella up and slip through the door as I walk funny with one heel on. Brady see's me walk out and gives me a half smile/smirk and rushes to me picking Bella up.

"How'd you get out? And what happened to her?" He asked. Adjusting her in his arms.

"Jacinta walked in and I blocked the door before it could close WITH MY SHOE!!! Isn't that so cool!! But we just found her half conscious like this. I'm not sure what happened" I tell him walking back to the ship with him. I slip off my only shoe.

"Guys something weird is happening" Cindy's worried voice echos in my ear. She sounded tired.

I turn around running back to the entrance. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" Brady shouts after me.

FRIEND GET BELLA TO THE SHIP AND GET READY TO LEAVE" I yell over my shoulder as I slip into the entrance making sure my shoe stays in place.

I walk in and see people dropping slowly and those who are standing frozen like statues.

"Cindy? Where are you?" I speak into my bracelet as I crouch down hiding under a table. After a few minutes I hear nothing. Dam it.

"Lilly what's going on?" I hear dimitri's worried voice.

"Everyone is asleep and frozen" I speak into the bracelet as I make my way through the room slowly. As I pass by I check a few people's pulse and they're all breathing. I see pearls blue skirt and run to her. "I found Pearl....she's asleep" I speak into my wrist as I look around for Cindy.

The wall shakes and I hear grunts and battle screams. "YOU PESKY FAIRIES ALWAYS MEDDLING IN REAL MAGIC BUISNESS" I see Cindy flying as her back slams against the wall.

"WE NEED TO EVACUATE NOW" I scream into my bracelet. I stand up levitating Pearl and 5 others that were around her as I bring them to the entrance.

Brady and a group of specialists in red and blue mission suits run in. I sigh in relief. I lay down everyone gently and rush back.

Brady grabbed my arm. "Where's Cindy?" He whispers a worried tone in his voice.

"I have to go help her! Don't worry I won't let anything happen" I give him a smile and hold my skirt up as I run back to where Cindy was.

I groan when I see a hundred people laying on the floor. I levitate them in groups of 7 people max. I can't carry more then that it gets way too heavy.

Cindy comes flying and attacks Beatrix with a giant fire dragon. "TAKE THAT BITCH" she screams holding the dragon around her. Beatrix screams in pain and struggles against the spell.

I wipe the little beads of sweat that started forming on my forehead from all this heavy lifting. I move the last group to the entrance lobby.

I transform into my basic Fairy form. I put one knee down on the ground and put my hand down. I close my eyes looking, searching. FOUND IT. A large oak tree outside.

I concentrate my powers and feel the roots growing. The roots burst through the floor and wrap around Beatrix trapping her down. She keeps screaming and struggling against the hold but the tree hates her as much as I do right now it's not letting her get away.

Cindy smiled and runs to me. "I'm so glad your here!! Where did everyone go?" She looks around the room.

"The boys are getting everyone out."

"Ok now lets kick some witch butt cause I'm tired of them" she states and Jacinta comes flying to the room.

"YOU TWO!" She growls and throws some dark lightning at us.

We both flew out of the way. "ENERGY BLAST" I throw a strong attack spell at her.

"LAVA FURY" Cindy screamed at the same time and we both attack Jacinta.

We hit her and the smoke hides her. I just hear her laugh and a chill runs down my spine. "You thought those puny fairy spells would hurt me?" She laughs. "Blackhole" she says quietly. The room becomes pitch black. I can't even see my hands in front of me.

A ball of fire appears in the darkness and flies towards me. "Natures shield" I manage to block the spell. "CINDY!" I scream and fly forward.

I hold a ball of light in front of me and see someone. A dark figure who only her smile shows. "ENERGY RAY" I blast her and she just laughs. I groan in frustration. How did she get this strong!

"FIRE FURY" Cindy blasts her and i saw her spell illuminate her in this dark world. I fly to her. She holds a ball of fire in front of her. "Lilly. Please don't leave me this is creepy"

"Don't worry we'll get her together" I take her hand. "What if we attack together?"

"Like merge our magic?" She asks with her thinking face on.

"I think it could work. Two fairies are stronger then one" I reason.

"Ok we can try it....but where is she" we look around slowly flying in aimless directions.

Something hit me strong on my back knocking me forward. Cindy puts a barrier around us. "Ok now." I tell Cindy as we hold each other's hand. I close my eyes opening my ears and listening for any sign of movement. "SHES BEHIND US" I shout and start my spell.



We mix our spell and a giant orange and green stream of energy merge and attack Jacinta causing her to fall and the blackhole spell to disappear. I blink a few times as Cindy and I fly down.

She's on the floor groaning as she tries to get up. She puts her hand on her knee pulling herself up. "I am tired of you two" she grits out facing us. Cindy held her barrier around us as Jacinta started blasting us with dark waves. Cindy groans and drops to her knee holding the barrier.

"Hold on" I go in front and glare Jacinta down.

"I know you..." she steps closer still holding her magic that's blasting at us like a nonstop river. "How's my fiancé treating you? I know Raymond is sweet but be careful" she winks "he has a dark side too"

"What?" I almost whisper. Fiancé? I grit my teeth. I've had enough of her games. "ENERGY OF LIFE" I Scream as loud as I could as I muster all my energy and blast Jacinta. I push her back across the room her shoes digging into the floor.

I take a step closer still holding the spell as the bright light green almost white magic ray hits her full force. I can feel my energy draining as I stop the spell. She's on one knee as she groans. "You are strong" she says with a smirk as she stands. "But not strong enough"

She, "dark vision" she blows and a black magic dust flies in my eyes. I stumble back closing my eyes. I don't feel any different.

I rub my head and open my eyes. I can't see anything. I step back and trip over something falling. Everything is pitch black. It's darker then when I close my eyes.

I growl as I slowly stand. "EVEN IF I CANT SEE ILL STILL KICK YOUR ASS" I scream and throw balls of magic where I could hear her laughing.

"It's cute how you think these little spells will hurt" she mocks. I can feel the negative magic in the air get stronger. I don't know what's going on.

"LILLY GET DOWN" Cindy screams and I can hear her wings fluttering. I can feel her barrier around me as a body hits the floor.

"Oh that's not what I wanted to happen...but I guess it's close enough....Ill see you soon! But you won't see me" she snickers.

I crawl forward. "Cindy.......CINDY" I move my hands across the floor. I felt her leg and moved my hands up to her face.

She's not breathing. My eyes start watering as I check her pulse and feel nothing. "No cindy please" I put my hands on her chest as tears run down my face. My hands tingle as I feel my magic pouring into her.

I heard steps running towards us as I put my left hand up creating a barrier around us. If that witch is coming back I will get my revenge. I closed my eyes out of habit as I focus on my friend.

A strong wave of magic pushes me back causing my barrier to drop. And I'm pushed back as my back slams into the wall.

CINDY!! I groan as I push myself up to my knees. My tears are dried against my cheeks as I try to hope for the best. I stood up and leaned my hand against the wall keeping myself steady. I feel like I forgot to walk.

"LILLY! Lilly are you okay?" I heard Ray's voice and felt his hands on my arms.

"Ray!" I opened my eyes the darkness becoming familiar. And look up towards his voice.

I heard him gasp as he cupped my face. "Your eyes...." He says gently.

"Jacinta cast a spell but right now I have to go to cindy!" I push him away and slowly walk/fly forward where she was.

I trip and stumble as I feel Ray's arm around me. "She's okay Lilly" he says softly as I hear the fluttering of wings.

"Cindy?" I say and hear the fluttering stop and someone walking to me.

Someone grabs my hand, they're wearing soft gloves. "Hey Lilly I'm here" I heard Cindy's voice as I wrap my arms around her.

Tears stream down my face. "Cindy you didn't have a pulse" I cry out as she wraps her arms tightly around me.

"It's okay" she pulls away and gasps when she sees my eyes. "Your eyes" I close them.

"I know.... Jacinta cast a darkness spell. I can't see anything" I tell her and she cups my face.

"Don't worry I'm sure Catling's knows what to do but I did it Lilly! I got my enchantix powers" she sounds happy.

I gasp. Enchantix. You only get that if you sacrifice yourself in the purest way. "What's it like?" I ask

"You'll see it but it's beautiful so powerful. My magic is stronger now." She says like she's proud.

"Hey we have to get going all the ships already left with the guests" I heard Brady's voice and footsteps running in. He gasps my guess is he saw Cindy. I felt Ray's arm around my waist and we start walking out.

"Hey babes" Cindy says to Brady and we all walk out. "You like it?" She asks

I could hear brady swallow. "You look great! Is this some fairy thing?" I tripped over the step getting out of the door. And his arm tighten around my waist.

"Ray....." I whine "your my eyes now" I scold him.

"Sorry babe..." he kisses my cheek and my frown turns into a smile.

He picked me up as I feel him walk down some stairs. "Ray I can walk fine on my own" he reaches the end and puts me down.

"I know....I just didn't know how you would do on the stairs" he chuckles. "The ship is right ahead only a few more feet" he tells me.

I nod and he helps me step up on the ship. "Great job girls!" Dimitri cheers. And gasps. I guess he saw me. I close my eyes as Ray showed me to the chair. I sat down and someone sat next to me. I felt gloves and smile as I squeeze Cindy's hand.

I hear whispering and then we start flying. "We'll be at Alfea soon" Cindy tells me and I nod holding onto her hand.

"We'll get there soon" I heard Brady's voice.

"What happened to Pearl? And Bella?" I asked the air hopefully someone answers.

"They're born okay but in a coma like slumber. We tried everything to wake them up" Dimitri answered.

And I feel the ship slowing down. As we land, Cindy helps me stand and we walk out.

"Great jobs ladies!" She gasps "Cindy! Congratulations on earning your enchantix" I step down from the ships step and trip I groan.

"This is getting annoying" I mumble and Cindy grabs my other hand helping me walk Straight.

"What happened?" Catling's familiar voice sounds worried. She saw my eyes.

"Jacinta cast a spell...." I sigh in defeat. I'm so mad I let her do this.

"This is great news!!" Catling cheers

"That I'm blind?" I spit back. I can't believe she's happy

"Cindy can try out her new fairy dust" she sounds excited. "Ok Cindy just hold your necklace and your fairy dust will appear" she explains. Cindy let's go of my hands.

After standing their for while just waiting in silence I feel this magic dust falling on me like snow. I start blinking my eyes as specks of light start scattering my vision.

I keep blinking rapidly as a burly image of Alfea comes into my view. I look around and burly people fill my vision. I run my eyes and turn to see Cindy.

I see a burly red outfit and wings. I keep blinking and smile when I see her.

"CINDY!" I hug her "Your enchantix!! The fairy dust! the wings! everything! I'm so happy for you" becoming an enchantix fairy is just so amazing. Not everyone gets the chance to become one.

She laughs and we pull away. "I'm just glad I could help you"

"You saved my life and I think you can help everyone else too" she nods and goes to talk to Catling.

"I think your fairy dust could help wake them up or at least help. Maybe a mix of healing magic and fairy dust could work" she looks deep in thought.

"Come with me I think nurse party might have an idea" Cindy and Catling walk off. I'm so happy for her.

I turn around and see Ray. I happily jump up and fly towards him as quick as I could and give him a hug wrapping my legs and arms around him. "I thought I would never see my favorite smile again" I mumble into his chest as he wraps his arm around me.

"I did miss your beautiful eyes but I still would've sticked by your side" he says back and puts me down.

My feet stand firmly on the floor and I look at him my expression turning into a serious one. "We need to talk later" I poke his chest. "Cause I have to help with the healing fairies" I kiss his cheek and run to nurse office to see if I can help with the healing stuff.

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