Rules and Regulations

By SSAMcKenna

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Electra James a super model and movie actress has a sudden change in career path will she make it in the roug... More

-♡𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭♡-
Graduation Day [EDITED]
Combs & King [EDITED]
House Tour [EDITED]
Bitchy [EDITED]
Le Petit Prince [EDITED]
Shots! [EDITED]
Birthday! [EDITED]
mi amor
my little love
The interview
jealousy, jealousy
Down Hill
red haired thunder.
over seas
The Salazars
not a new chapter
baby .....
au revoir
James, King & Combs
matching tats
Images for 30 <3
head over heels
head over heels (pt. 2)
Never :)
Life after Death.
! Pt2 The Chapter
Hey Stinks ;p


166 2 0
By SSAMcKenna

Its been 2 months since we redid jacks room. Does he sleep in there, no. he still sleeps in the bed with us but im not complaining. We filed for full custody and have a court date for next month. Im nervous, like extremely nervous. The reason being, im just aaron's girl friend. yes i know he told me not to reduce myself to that, and that im all these other things but in the perspective of the courts. Im just the girlfriend. Not the fiancé, not the wife, just the extremely supportive girlfriend. If i didnt have money myself they probably would say i was after his money. Hell, they still say it.
When aaron took me shopping one day one of the sales associates told him that he shouldn't be with a girl thats after his money. Going on and on about how she would be a better girl friend. Until someone outside the store recognized me and called all their friends and swarmed the store. I met alot of fans that day, and the salesperson was embarrassed.
Also i've gotten closer with spencer, even though we were already close. Jennifer lost her case to Will. Is there a stronger word than hate because whatever it is she feels that way towards me. I feel really bad but i was just. doing what i was payed to do. Emily and i would still talk in french. Im pretty sure shes starting to learn tho. One day Spencer, Emily and i were talking and i saw her listening in. I quickly changed to spanish and continued on with the conversation. Its not to be rude or anything, its just some conversations i prefer to be private. like the day of spencer's dinner that ended as quickly as it started. But since that day ive been nicer. No more shit talking and having dave cover for us. But still having private conversations in another language, no matter who's s around. Oh and i met i boyfriend. Luke Alvez, he's cool. He gets along nicely with Jason so i have issue with him. I did see him making goggly eyes at a girl one time. I didn't like that, at all so i obviously had to smack him. I mean not really, i just spilled my drink in his lap. Then i realized he was looking at Penelope the whole time, i never admitted my faults. I never intend on doing it either. But he did order his food in spanish one time so i stopped switching to spanish in front of him. Now i switch for latin, or sometimes piglatin if im feeling spicy. Also another language i learned. But i was thinking about learning german ever since spencer mentioned it.

Its late at night and im sitting in bed reading my book. Jack is laying next to me asleep and Aaron is out on a case. Suddenly i hear mia storming down the stairs.
"mia" i say warningly looking at jack making sure hes still sleeping.
"Do you remember the redhead guy who took me out last week" she says plopping on the bed.
"yes lukas" i say
"he just told me he wants to have kids with me. How do i tell him that i hate him presence and being around him made my skin crawl." she says getting under the blanket.
"well for starters say none of that" i say putting my book down and moving jack over so she has space.
"what do you mean" she asks
"say im sorry but i dont see this relationship going further and i would rather not lead you on" i say playing in jacks hair.
"i like that" she says grabbing her phone and rapidly typing.
"So i said 'Im sorry but i don't see this relationship going further then a second date. I dont want to lead you on so i say this as nicely as i can stop texting me. Enjoy your night-Mia'" she says.
"That's blunt and straightforward" i say.
"then im going to block him on everything"
"Thank you for your help" she says rolling out of my bed and walking out of the room quietly. I roll over and turn the light off i have court tomorrow. i lay down jack instantly wrapping himself around me. i pull him closer and close my eyes letting sleep take over.

Aarons pov
i stayed late to finish my paperwork so i could stay with jack tomorrow. Im just now getting home at 10. We finished our case early this morning and got back around 3. Grabbing the bouquet of flowers i walk out of the bau. I get in my truck and drive home. The roads being clear the entire way home i arrive in 10 minutes. i pull into the driveway and park in the back garage. grabbing the flowers and my briefcase i walk in through the garage door. I stop by the fridge and grab a bottle of water and a vase. i put the flowers in the vase and grab the water and head to the room. I take my suit off and quickly put on my pajamas. placing the vase on the nightstand i climb into bed and pull both of them closer to me.
"i love you both" i say kissing their heads and closing my eyes.

The Next morning.
im awaken by a soft kiss to my forehead.
"Goodmorning" i say
"Go back to sleep, i'll text you when i get out of court. I love you"
" i love you too" i say kissing her lips before falling back asleep.
hours later.
I wake up with object poking my side. I look around and notice its jack's foot. I move him over and check the time. Its 7 am. If its 7 Flora must have left a little over 2 hours ago. I decide to get up and start my day. Showering, brushing my teeth, exercising, Makings breakfast. I decided on pancakes with fresh fruit and sausage. i wake jack, kayla and mia so they can eat then i get jacks clothes for the day. my phone rings as help jack into his clothes.
"Hotchner" i say holding the phone to my ear with my shoulder.
"Good morning Christopher"
"Good morning My love"
"Is jack up?"
"yea he's putting his clothes on right now"
"Can i talk to him"
"Of course" i say taking the phone off private
"Jack say hi"
"hi" he says in a energetic voice.
"hi buddy, how is your morning going?" she asks and can practically hear her smile.
"It was great Daddy made pancakes with fruit on it. It was so good, what did you eat for breakfast"
"i had a banana and some coffee" she says.
"where are you?"
"I'm at the court house i have another trial in an hour" then i hear Tyler talking.
"sorry i have to go i love you both" she says and hangs up.
"cmon jack we're gonna bring flora food" i say putting my phone in my pocket. Im just going to bring her a sandwich and some fruit.
"okay" he says following me out of the room. Rolling the sleeves of my white button up to my elbows i grab a apron.
"can i help?" jack asks
"of course let me grab your step stool" i grab the step stool and the fruit.
"so you're going to put some fruit in a container" i say placing the fruit and the glass tupper ware dish. We finish her food within 5 minutes and are on the road in 10. We arrive at the courthouse 10 minutes later.
"Jack be quiet when we get in here" i say as i take him out of his car seat.
"okay, can i hold the bag" he asks referring to the lunch box we put flora's food in.
"yes but don't drop it" i say handing it to him. We walk into the court house, i look for Combs & King's office. After looking for a few minutes. I begin to knock but im stopped by a woman.
"Sir i wouldn't go in there" she says warningly.
"why?" i ask
"Ms.James is going off on everyone"
"Its not Ms. James its Dr.James and i think we will be okay" i say knocking on the door.
"I swear to god if you don't leave me alone" she yells through the door.
"Flora" i say and i can hear her jump up and walk over to the door.
"Christopher?" she asks opening the door.
"we brought you food" i say kissing her forehead.
"thank you" she says pulling us into the dimly lit office.
"Flo, are you upset. you seem upset" jack says running to sit in her chair.
"I was upset but now im better" she says taking a seat at the chair across from hers.
"eat my love" i say pointing to the lunch box jack was putting in front of her.
"Im not hungry"
"Don't give me that bs, eat you literally haven't eaten and you've been up for hours." i say moving to sit next to her. she rolls her eyes and opens the lunch box.
"Thank you" i say
"what case has you so pissed off" i ask she sighs and hands me a file.
"the prosecutor is a pain in my ass and nobody wants to work with me because im a 'first year' but i'm a partner in a firm almost name partner but nobody seems to care about that" she says eating the fruit. I'm glad the bureau has been making me renew my license now. i pull my phone out and call Mia.
"good morning to you too"
"I was on the phone"
"can you come get jack, we're at the court house" i say
"yea, ill text you when i'm outside" she says and hangs up the phone.
"who was that" flora asks
"Mia" i respond.
"whats the strategy." i ask
"we want full custody and father prosecuted for neglect and endangerment" she says
"ill work it with you" i say.
"does Tyler have suit jackets here, i don't want to wear just a shirt.
"wear mine i stole it from you, and ill wear Lisa's" she says taking her suit jacket off.
"Can you call in Jennifer Love Hewitt" she says and i nod my head and walk to the door.
"Jennifer love Hewitt" i call out, a man and a woman look at me. they get up and walk over to me.
"Hi i'm Jeffery Johnson" the man says extending his hand out for me to shake.
"Aaron Hotchner" i say shaking his hand.
"Aaron hurry up we don't have all day" flora says. they walk into the room.
"Jeffery i'm going to be extremely blunt, you're an asshole who hasn't listened to anything i've e said all day" she says packing the empty containers up.
"i agree" Jennifer says
"You don't have another prosecutor to work the case so i guess your stuck with me" he says cockily.
"Jennifer for him to be off the case you have to say it" she says
"I want you off the case" she says clearly.
"great can you leave my office i have private matters to discuss with my client." she says and opens the door for him. He scoffs.
"you can't fire me you bitch" he says to Jennifer
"she can and she has leave before you do something you regret" i say blocking his access to her.
"you think your so tuff" he says puffing his chest up.
"i wouldn't do that" flora says.

Electra's Pov

he's going to try and fight Aaron. Am i a little bit excited, yes actually because this man needs his ass handed to him.

the man tries to throw a punch. Aaron grabs his fist and flips him on his stomach.
"Assault of a federal agent is not something you want to be charged with so i advise you to leave" he says in a low tone, if i wasn't so turned on right now i would be scared. He lets him go and he scurries out of the room.

Aaron's pov

"Now back to what we came here to do." i say
"Jennifer, Aaron is a prosecutor and he's willing to help" she says
"As long as its not Jeffery" she says and my phone dings. Flora picks up my phone and looks at it.
"Jack lets go" she says and leaves the room with the lunch box and jack.
"How long have you two been married." she asks, i give her a confused look.
"when jeffery was threatening you she looked amused and Im assuming that was your phone she looked at because hers is right here" she says holding up flora's phone. You could clearly tell it was hers she has a hot pink phone case and a picture of her and jack as the lock screen. while mine had a black case with a picture her and jack.
"We aren't married but we've been together for 8 months" i say smiling.
"I would've thought longer but the kid is what 2 or 3 blonde and blue eyed" she says looking at the picture.
"he turns 4 in a few weeks" i say as flora walks back in the room.
"okay back to business aaron already knows the plan and if you have any questions now is the time to ask" she says grabbing a pile of papers.
"We're about to be called in now" she says handing me my jacket and a random tie from the desk.
"lets go over our end goal" She says grabbing a jacket from the wardrobe behind her.
"Full custody and father arrested" i say fixing the tie and adjusting the blazer
"Look at the evidence real quick" she says handing me the evidence file as we all walk out the evidence.
I look through the file memorizing the names and number.
"Love Hewitt V Statnum" someone calls out and closes the door. We all walk to the door and take a seat on the left side. The defendant walks in with his lawyers in cheap suits and faux leather brief cases.
"All rise for honorable Judge Taylor"
everyone stand up as the judge walks in and take is seat. Matthew Taylor, used to be his mentor. This is going to be fun.
"Aaron Hotchner? I thought you joined the FBI" he says laughing.
"I did, Im helping Combs & King with this case before i get called away on a case" i respond.
"Alright everyone have a seat"
"Plaintiff state your case" he says. Electra gets up and fixes her pants.

2 hours later.

Matthew is holding back a chuckle.
"That was a compelling case" he says to the defendant. This man just told some bullshit story about how he was manipulated into abusing his wife and daughter. Then went on to say that Jennifer was the crazy one.
"Im going to keep this short and simple, you are full of shit and i am so sorry Ms.Hewitt. Im awarding full custody with no visitation. Mr. Statnum you will be charged with 3 cases of child abuse and neglect. You're dismissed" he says and walks out. The sheriffs arrest him and walk him to the holding cell.
"Thank you so much" she says hugging Flora, then turning to me. she looks like she wants to hug me. I give her a small nod and she pulls me into a hug.
"Marry her, i don't care how long it takes but get down on one knee and propose" she whispers and pulls away. We all walk out of the court room.

"Hotchner" Matthew calls out.

"Ill be right back" i say to flora and walk over to Matthew.

"What brings you back to courthouse scene." he says

"Not what, Who" i say looking at flora.

'"James is your wife" he asks shocked.'

"Not yet" i say

"Well it was great seeing you, we should go out for a drink sometime."

"Sure, ill text you" i say

"you don't have my number"

"Ill text you" i say walking away.

"So we're having a celebratory dinner with Jennifer at 6" Flora says taking Lisa's jacket off.

"She said to bring jack and she will bring her daughter lily" she says as i take the tie off and the jacket.

"That sounds good, did she say where?" i ask

"No i was just going to take her to Rossi's"

"That sounds good" i say then someone knocks on the door. i open it and its a crying Jennifer.

"are you okay, what happened" i ask opening the door wider.

"His sister slashed my tires, my car was literally all i had" she says crying Flora hands her some napkins.

"He got the house and literally everything else, all i had was my car" she says.

"where do you live?" flora asks

"i was living out of my car until i could afford an apartment or something and lily was staying with my sister" she explains. Flora and i give each other a look.

"Well how about we get out of this court house and you come to our house" flora says rubbing her back.

"i wouldn't want to impose" she says

"Its okay we could go get lily. she and jack could. play in the pool before we go out to eat" i say.

"you guys don't have to do that" she says

"we know, but we want to" flora says.

"cmon lets go get your things out of the car." i say opening the door. she finishes wiping her tears and we walk out of the office. Flora stays behind, i'm assuming to collect her paperwork and clean up. We walk out of the court house to find her car in the parking lot. Its a Nissan Altima, maybe 10 so years old. she unlocks the doors and opens the back seat to reveal trash bags in the backseat. I help her with the bags and put them in my trunk.

"im going to take this stuff home and Flora will take you to pick lily up. Does she have a car seat" i ask

"No, when he smashed my window we had to get rid of it." she says. Then flora walks over to us and i take her brief case.

"Do you have Jack's car seat?" i ask

"No, its in the Denali"

"Either we switch cars or i take her to pick up lily, she doesn't have a carseat." i say,

"can you take her so i can put sheets in the guest room Spencer spilled food on them and i never had time to put them back on the bed after i washed them." she says

"Alright, also can you call a tow company" i say

"i already called they should be here any second" she says as the tow truck pulls up. She walks over to the tow truck.

"So im going to take you to get lily and flora will meet us at home" i say to Jennifer.

2 hours later

Flora and i are sitting poolside watching lily and jack play in the pool. We were going to go out to eat but Jennifer insisted on making dinner as a thank you for letting them stay. It will probably be good for jack to have a friend here.

A/N this chapter has been sitting here finished for idk how long. Ill probably go back and add a song and picture but rn a bitch is tired and this is all you're getting out go me.



Word count:3120

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