Strains Of Joy - Selena Gomez...

By Haizlena

131K 3K 160

Y/n Y/L/n is a graduating student who aspires to become a singer. He met The Selena Gomez one day and his lif... More

Piece Of Cake?
Me Or It?
Holy Shi*
It will rain
Do you have a Date?
Everything, Everytime
The Impact
Here With You
Move On
Anything for you
Calm Down
You are Stupid
After party
The Other Way
Never again
Eyes On Me
You're a dork
Selena & Chef
The Most
If that's what you want
Love Me Like you do
Miss You
Never Let You Leave Me
Never said that
Proved Me Wrong
I am ready
The Reason?
Says Who?
So screwed up
She's Perfect
If the World was Ending
What if I like it?
Just Do It
Not Sure If..
Promise me
Yes, I am
Hello there
Don't be surprised
Thinking Out Loud
Paper Rings
I beg your pardon
My Cutie Pie
You hate me
Strains Of Joy

He's Different

2K 46 1
By Haizlena

Selena's POV:

It was 4 in the morning when my eyes opened. I was in Y/N's embrace. I am going to miss this feeling for i dont know how long. I kissed his chest very softly and looked up. His eyes were open. He quickly closed them when he noticed me looking into him.

"Y/N baby? You are awake?"
He didnt answered anything.

"I know you are awake. Are you okay?" I scooted up from his chest to near his face.

"Yeah I am alright." He whispered.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Not really."

"What's up baby?"

"I-I don't know what I am going to do when you leave. I-I miss you already."

"Awwe baby, I won't be gone for too long." I kissed his cheek

"A couple of weeks are way too long."

"I'll be back soon. You won't even know."

"How will I not? A day without you is like a year without rain."

"Oh is it?" I giggled. He just shrugged.

"Y/N do you want me to stay? I'll postpone my tour or cancel it if you want."

"No no no. I never said that it's just- you and I- you know- we grew so close to each other in these days and it is tough to be without you for a long time."

"I know, baby. I can't leave you like this not when you aren't ready. I can postpone it."

"No Sel, Don't. See that's why I was not telling you. I am alright-I-I can do this. You don't have to postpone or cancel anything because of me."

"Are you sure?"

"Hundred percent."

"Okay then. Get some sleep." I kissed him once again. I closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep again.



"I love you so much." He said.

"I love you more." I was blushing.
He smiled and kissed my forehead and we both drifted off into sleep eventually.


"Selena,babe, wake up, It's almost 9."

"What are you doing? Come to me. Stay with me on the bed. We have nothing to do." I said in a sleepy voice.

"No! I've made some light breakfast, you have to be with your mom before you leave in this evening." Y/N said.

"I said c'mere baby, just cuddle with me for a few minutes, please."

"Food will get cold-"

"Please. Pretty pretty please." I pushed away the blanket and stretched my arms and pouted.

"Ah! damn that pretty face of yours!" Y/N sighed.
He kept the food tray aside and got into my arms. I showered kisses all over him and left a large hickey on his neck.

"What was that?" He rubbed his neck.

"Marking my territory." I giggled.

"Oh yeah? Let me Mark mine then." He pulled my hands and held them tightly against the bed, making sure I can't move. He got on top of me and started kissing my neck, moving down to my chest.
I moaned loudly when he bit and soothed my skin with his tongue.

"Ahh! Y/N,baby I've a red carpet and many events to attend." I groaned while tracing the hickey Y/N left on my chest.

"Sounds hot." He gave a smug smile.

"Y/N!" I bopped his nose.

"Alright now get your cute ass off the bed. Take a shower, have breakfast and I am gonna drop you to your mom's. Come on." He smacked my ass gently as he got up from above me.

"Yes sir. Wait a minute!"

"Now what?"

"What do you mean by drop me to my mom's? Arent you coming?"

"Me? No i don't think its a good idea. Not for now atleast." He shrugged.

"No sugar, no I am not going there without you." I crossed my arms to my chest.

"What!" He chuckled and sat beside me.

"Are you scared about what she will think?" I laid my head on his shoulder.

"No. I-I mean-um-kind of."

"Awwe baby, she will like you. You are the sweetest and cutest and most perfect person in this world." I cupped his face in my hand.

"I dont know."

"I am telling you, she will like you for sure. Just come with me pleasee."

"Alright fine. Just be there with me all the time,please."

"No need to worry about that."

Y/N's POV:

Selena went to took shower as I sat down on the bed,thinking. I dont know what her mom will say to me today. She didn't look so happy to see me last night. I mean we didnt had a conversation yet. But still, I am worried.

My phone chimed, pulling me out off the train of my thoughts.

"Hey, morning raquelle."

"Morning Y/N. Selena is with you right?" She asked.

"Uh yeah. Everything fine?"

"Yeah yeah. She wasn't answering my calls."

"She just woke up. Don't worry she's fine."

"I know she is always fine when she is with you. Anyways get here soon. Her mom's waiting for you. Both of you."

"Ohkay sure. We'll be there very soon."

"K. Bye." She hung up the call.

"Who was it?" Selena asked while coming out of the bathroom, drying her hair with a towel. She was wearing one of my tshirt and pants.

"You look so pretty."

"Thanks." She smiled.

"Uh-yeah-It was raquelle. She said we must be at your house asap."

"Alright alright. Wait I totally forgot, Is ryan okay? I mean have you talked to him after last night?"

"What-happened last night?" I raised a brow.

"Oh my gosh! You dont know?" She was shocked.

"I dont Know what?"

"Ryan and raquelle broke up."

"What! Are you kidding me?" I let out a nervous chuckle,thinking selena was joking but she gave me a serious look.
'Why didnt ryan told me about this?'

"Babe, ryan just said that things arent working out well between him and raquelle. He never said they broke up."

"Okay okay calm down. He just need some time i guess. Talk to him."

"He is keeping things from me sel. That never happened before."

"Talk to him, baby. He is going through so much. Maybe he needs some time alone."

"Okay-Right-I will."

"Good. So wheres the food you made this morning."

"You wanna have it?"

"Ofcourse. Why would I not want that?" She chuckled.

"O-okay I'll get it. Have a seat." I made her get seated and served the breakfast I made.


"Heyy Mom!" Selena ran and hugged her mom excitedly.

"Y/N come here." Selena gestured.

"Mom this is Y/N." She introduced.

"Hi Mrs. Teefy. Nice to meet you." I greeted.

"Y/N. Yes I know him. I didn't knew you two were a thing though." Selena's mom said.

"We got together not too long ago." Selena said.

"I see. Welcome Y/N, please have a seat." Selena's mom said and headed to the kitchen.

"See, she likes you." Selena whispered.
I shrugged in response.

"Oh he's here. The famous Y/N Y/L/N."

"Garce! Behave!" Selena scolded.

"Oh Hi gracie." I stretched my arm for gracie to shake. She stared at me so long, before shaking hands with me.

"Hey sugar, why don't you go take a seat on the couch." Selena asked.

"Sure. Okay."

Selena's POV:

"Selena, mom needs you in kitchen." Gracie said.

"What are you upto?" I raised a brow.

"Nothing. You go to the kitchen, I am just going to talk with your boyfriend."

"Gracie No. What do you want from him?"

"I don't want anything. I am just curious. I want to know him."

"Look do whatever you want but don't hurt him."

"Why would I hurt him. I won't. Chill."

"Alright." I headed to the kitchen.

"So you and Y/N, huh?" Mom asked as I entered the kitchen.

"Yes Mom. I love him so much. He loves me too."

"Look selena, I never stopped you from doing anything but dont you think you are rushing. I mean you can give time, its not like-"

"I know mom. But he is different. Mom he is different and I, I think things are going to work out between us." I said.

"Its your call Selena. I am always with you whatever decision you make."

"Love you Mom!" I hugged her.

"Love you too baby."

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