
By ArcanineTales100

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Cynthia and Steven are both hopelessly frustrated that they can't even spend five minutes in each other's com... More

Chapter One - Rivalry
Chapter Two - Predicament
Chapter Three - History
Chapter Four - Lords
Chapter Five - Rings
Chapter Six - Embark
Chapter Seven - Dance
Chapter Eight - Training
Chapter Ten - Loss
Chapter Eleven - Truth
Chapter Twelve - Pretense
Chapter Thirteen - Placate
Chapter Fourteen - Bewildered
Chapter Fifteen - Memories
Chapter Sixteen - Jealousy
Chapter Seventeen - Mistake
Chapter Eighteen - Regroup
Chapter Nineteen - Possibility
Chapter Twenty - Relinquish
Chapter Twenty One - Repose

Chapter Nine - Boundaries

90 2 6
By ArcanineTales100

AN: Ack, I'm still way behind on my writing, so I'm planning on taking another two weeks between updates. Also, points to whoever finds the cringy Star Wars reference in this chapter. No hints, you'll find it when you see it...


For Celebi, it felt like the whole world was trembling around her. Curled up in her protective cocoon of vines, she scowled with annoyance as she woke from an unpleasant sleep.

At the sound of muffled, harsh and unfamiliar voices, she opened her eyes but remained unable to see outside her oval shelter. Focusing her psychic power, she was able to see and hear her surroundings through the eyes and ears of the one who carried her under his arm.

Sitting atop a grand throne inside what appeared to be a large tent, was a dark haired man with amber eyes so bright that they almost gleamed red.His armor was black and his clothes were a royal amethyst with gold trim.

"Ranmaru," the man on the throne thundered with barely restrained ire. "Just what have you brought me that you deemed so important that you ordered our entire left flank to regroup?"

The young man called Ranmaru, through which Celebi could see, knelt and bowed his head. "My Lord Nobunaga," he replied. "I believe I've found anew power for you to wield."

Nobunaga sneered. "You believe?"

"Yes, My Lord, please allow me to explain." Ranmaru raised his head and set Celebi's cocoon on the floor in front of him. "I encountered some unusually dressed travelers in the forest bordering Shingen's camp. This strange Pokémon was with them, but I only managed to catch a glimpse of it before it wrapped itself in this cocoon."

"Get to the point, Ranmaru," Nobunaga growled dangerously.

"My Lord," Ranmaru said soberly, as though his next sentence held the most important words of his life; perhaps they did, with the murderous glare Nobunaga was shooting down at him. "I suspect those travelers were from another continent, from across the great ocean.Therefore, I believe this Pokémon has the ability to transport both people and their Pokémon partners across great distances."

Well, you're not wrong, Celebi thought to herself. Her mild amusement was short lived as she watched the lord's expression shift from angry, to surprised, then finally to arrogant.

"Well, that changes things!" Nobunaga practically roared with a harsh, mirthless laugh. "With such a power, we could rout the entirety of Ransei in a matter of days!"

"Yes, My Lord."

"Then what are we waiting for?"

With great effort, Celebi concentrated her thoughts into the young man, willing him to latch onto an explanation that would allow her to rest more.

"I'm sorry My Lord," Ranmaru replied, frowning, as if confused for an instant. "But it remains dormant. I believe it is sleeping in order to recover its powers."

"Hmm," Nobunaga grumbled but gradually nodded his approval. "Very well. Take it to a secure location and keep it under a constant guard. I wish to know the moment it awakens."

"At once, My Lord," Ranmaru replied and turned to obey.

"Hold a moment," Nobunaga said. "What of the travelers? Did you dispose of them?"

Ranmaru cringed. "No. They seemed inconsequential at the time."

"An oversight that may prove to be your undoing."

Celebi released her hold on the young man and began to doze, uninterested in any further discussion. Hearing that her charges weren't hurt was a relief, realizing that she probably took them a bit too far into the past to deem it safe.

They were probably worried about her capture, but there was nothing she could do about the situation at the moment. She still felt too weak to fight her way free, not having slept enough yet.

She felt her cocoon being gently set on something soft and felt her deep sleep claim her again, a single, mischievous thought crossing her mind. These arrogant humans were going to get a big surprise when she woke up at full strength...


A damp, musty smell filled the air as the three humans and their five Pokémon traversed a dark cavern. The sound of water dripping from ceiling stalactites into puddles on the stony floor echoed all around, melding with the group's steady footsteps.

Thankfully, with the help of Togekiss and Skarmory using Flash as they rode on their bipedal counterparts, the party wasn't reduced to stumbling around in the dark.

Every now and then they would encounter Zubats, Geodudes and Arons, but most would take one look at Garchomp or Aggron and make a mad dash back the way they came, crying in terror. Those that were brave enough to confront the intruders were promptly dismissed by one of Lucario's Aura Spheres.

Without Aaron and the trusty map he had brought along to guide them, Steven and Cynthia would have surely gotten lost among all the branching tunnels that the cave seemed to be strewn with.

Down one such branching tunnel to the left, Steven found himself looking longingly. "What I would give to spend a week in here with my excavation kit," he mumbled to himself, dreaming about all the precious treasures he could find.

Cynthia tipped her head curiously, her easy smile and silky voice instantly drawing his attention. "Do you think this cave matches up with one from our time? Or do you think it even still exists after so many years of seismic activity?"

"That's a good question. It probably doesn't exist, if I had to guess." Steven brought a hand to his chin in contemplation, a fascination glinting in his icy-blue eyes. "In fact, with how much the landmass has probably shifted, I doubt we're even still on the same continent as modern Johto."

They continued to debate the matter, suggesting various natural causes as well as a few odd Pokémon causes until they were forced to pause in their distracted strides.

Aaron had come to a halt in front of them, a cramped and narrow passage lay before him. "I sent Lucario to scout ahead," he said as he studied the map in his hands. "I believe this is the correct path, but..." His sentence trailed off as he regarded their large bipedal Pokémon.

"Aggron can clear a path, no problem," Steven supplied as he gave his sturdy metal dinosaur a pat. "He specializes in this sort of thing."

"The way is safe, Master," Lucario's mind voice reached them from the other side of the dark tunnel.

"Very good," Aaron replied and stepped aside to let Aggron pass.

Without needing Steven's direction, the metal beast began crushing the bedrock with his horns and claws. Before long, the small path had opened up for the group to pass through without too much trouble.

Skarmory hopped and waddled awkwardly into the tunnel to light the way, followed by the men. They were both wary of the loose gravel and debris left in Aggron's wake, causing Steven to turn back and offer a hand to Cynthia.

"Thanks Steven, but that's really not necessary," she told him belatedly, having accepted his assistance only to pull her into the haphazard tunnel. "It's just taken me a little longer to grow accustomed to not wearing heels than I imagined."

She was of course referring to the two separate incidents where she had nearly tripped over snags shortly after their cavern venture began. Steven wasn't about to bring up the fact that said incidents were more a matter of the poor lighting, despite their Pokémon luminaries, and less to do with her footwear.

"I'm afraid I must insist," he replied, adding with a mischievous tone, "as your husband it is my mandate to see to your safety."

"As my hus-" she started to repeat incredulously. Despite her annoyance at being coddled, she could not help mirroring his amused smirk. "Now you're just making fun of me!"

"Certainly not," Steven replied through a barely restrained laugh and a playful grin that made Cynthia's heart skip. "I'd be much too frightened to tease a fellow champion. Especially one that can shoulder toss me without blinking."

Opening her mouth to retort, Cynthia quickly clamped it shut again, feeling suddenly flustered by his attention and that handsome smile of his. Instead, she refocused on the ground and where she was placing her feet. The last thing she needed was to trip on another rock, and that was bound to happen if she allowed him to keep distracting her.

Seeming to misinterpret her silence, Steven drew slightly ahead and offered his signature hand-to-chest partial bow. "Cynthia, I apologize if I spoke out of turn. I'm... not sure what came over me."

Halting mid-step, she couldn't help but regard him with a sense of astonishment. Was he really so self-conscious that he would be concerned about something so inconsequential and so incredibly off the mark?

"N-No, that's not the problem-" she stuttered, growing more frustrated with herself. Why was talking suddenly such a challenge? "That is, it's not your fault, Steven." She was even finding it hard to meet his gaze as she added silently to herself, except that you're far too pretty for your own good!

Absently she thought she heard Lucario make a sputtering cough sound from up ahead and she had to wonder if he was actually able to read minds to some extent. That would prove to be really embarrassing if he could...

Shaking the thought away as foolish she refocused on Steven and waved a dismissive hand at him. "Please forget about it, I'm not upset."

Steven seemed relieved as he raised his head, though hesitantly. "Well, if you're sure..."

Before she could assure him further, Aaron called from a short distance ahead, apparently having paused to witness their odd exchange. "Miss Cynthia, I must ask. Are you something akin to a queen from your time period?" He gestured at the Hoenn champion, adding, "because Steven here treats you as if you are one. Or at least, he treats you the way I treat the queen I serve back in Rota."

"I am standing right here, you know," Steven cut in dryly, hand on hip in a miffed posture.

Releasing a huff of laughter at the absurd suggestion, Cynthia sent Steven a sympathetic look before making a reply. "Well I'm certainly not a queen, though I'm not really sure how to compare my title to anything in this era."

Regarding Steven, she tipped her head curiously, finally feeling her wits returning to her. "He does have a point about you though. I can't say I've met another man with the same rules as you."

"Yes well, I was always taught that a woman's personal space was hers alone to dictate who is allowed or denied proximity." Steven's gaze darkened suddenly and he seemed to physically shrink within himself for a moment. "You could say I had a very strict upbringing after a certain... event."

"I see," Cynthia replied, tentative in response to the gravity in his tone. She would admit to feeling curious about his vague explanation but she got the sense it was an unpleasant subject for him, so she didn't pry. "By chance, this rule doesn't apply to you in reverse, does it?"

"In... reverse?" he repeated in a monotone, his glacial eyes clouded. Whatever dark memory he was reliving was obviously a traumatic one and it took him a moment longer to make a proper response. "I see your point, but no, I don't necessarily take issue with... that."

"Oh good," Cynthia sighed out in relief in an attempt to steer his thoughts away from whatever was causing him distress. "I'd feel really guilty if I was supposed to be following the same rules as you."

Her lighthearted demeanor suddenly shifted to one of mischief, making Steven wonder if they were even talking about the same thing anymore." And if I should deem this rule of yours as," she paused to tap her chin, as if fishing for the right word. "Inconvenient?"

Within seconds, he understood what she was suggesting. That he drop all pretense and treat her casually, as if she were one of his closest friends. He didn't exactly agree with the idea, but for some inexplicable reason he didn't think he could deny her anything, even if he wanted to. "Naturally, I would be... obliged to comply."

"Naturally," she returned with an easy smile. "Good, I'll keep that in mind then."

For the umpteenth time, Aaron found himself sidelined by their conversations. But he was neither offended nor surprised. Rather, he watched and listened with a blend of fascination and amusement, interjecting only when he felt the need. "Once again Steven, you only require her permission?"

"It's mostly a matter of respect," Steven explained patiently. "I respect her, therefore I respect her wishes."

"Hmm." Aaron seemed to think on that for a moment, then turned back to Cynthia. "For not being a queen, you hold a great deal of authority."

She in turn released a small snicker at Steven's expense. "I guess I do."

The Hoenn Champion huffed in a bothered manner but if he meant to reply he was cut off when Lucario's mind voice came from up ahead again. "Sorry to interrupt, but it's getting late and I found the exit."

"Right," Aaron replied and began leading the way again. "Shall we setup camp and get some dinner going? I'm sure everyone is hungry by now."

There was a universal cry of agreement from humans and Pokémon alike. They hadn't stopped to eat aside from munching on the few berries they had gathered on their way before the cave and there sure wasn't anything edible inside the cave except for some curious looking luminescent mushrooms that had to be cooked first.

By the time the group caught up with Lucario beside the cave exit, Steven and Cynthia practically collapsed onto the floor from exhaustion. Although they were both fit and used to a lot of exercise, the fact of the matter was they had been going non-stop since waking earlier that morning.

From morning exercises, to bokken training, to hiking through the wilderness all day without much of break or proper sustenance, their bodies were simply having trouble adjusting.

Having stopped just inside the mouth of the cave, the pair simply sat there together, a few feet between them as they stared outside at another forest. It was dark and raining and they couldn't see much except for the first line of trees that seemed to gleam a yellow reflection from their avians' illuminations.

Cynthia didn't feel like moving an inch, not even to get cleaned up for dinner, much less help out with any nightly chores. She guessed with the way Steven wasn't moving either that he felt the same deep fatigue as her.

However, not one to shirk her duties, Cynthia resolved to get up and help, but her body just wouldn't respond. Instead, she felt mesmerized by the sound of the rain outside as she voiced her sluggish thoughts without really intending to. "It would be so much easier if we could just fly to our destinations..."

Her comment seemed to lapse in the relative silence of the cave for a moment. Then Steven's own dazed attention switched to her with an intent interest. "That's... Why hadn't we thought of that sooner? Aaron even has his own Pidgeot."

Cynthia met his gaze and shrugged. "We don't have Pokéballs, and forgive my saying so Aggron," she said and tipped her head respectfully in the metal beast's direction. "But he can't fly and he's too heavy for the others to carry." And we can't exactly just leave him behind, she added to herself.

Aggron let out a plaintive whine as he moved to give his master what appeared to be an apologetic nudge. "Oh it's not your fault you're made of metal." Steven reassured his Pokémon with a pat on the head and then sent his female companion an easy smile. "It's too bad he doesn't have the Light Metal ability like some other steel types."

That smile again! Cynthia felt her breath hitch in her chest at the sight of his handsome smirk, once again aimed her way. It was astounding to her how many variations he had already revealed to her, each affecting her in different ways.

His current version was relaxed, if not a little smug, making her feel comfortable enough to debate countless topics with him. But she had seen his confident, charming smile too, one that sent her heart into overdrive and inspired her to rise to any challenge in his ice-blue eyes.

Lastly there was his gentle, caring smile, an expression that made his cold exterior melt away, revealing a tenderness that sent her stomach to fluttering not unpleasantly.

After spending a mere two days in his company, she knew it would be childish and premature to mistake this attraction she felt for him as love. But she would gladly admit to herself that she adored his smile, and she wanted to see every different facet in his seemingly endless collection.

"Cynthia?" Steven's concerned voice pulled her out of her reverie and she blinked to see he had moved closer to kneel beside her but was still respectful of her space. "You ok? You spaced out for a minute there." He held one hand in the air between them, as if tempted to check her temperature.

Cynthia realized she was probably blushing terribly because of her wayward thoughts, which he had mistaken for possible illness. "I'm fine!" she chirped with a frantic shake of her head and brought a hand to her face to hide her embarrassment.

"Are you sure?" Steven insisted, the concern on his face not wavering. "I can try to get you cold rag or something."

"Really, I'm ok," she assured with a bothered flap of her hand. "I'm just tired and hungry." It was true. Much like the day before, she was exhausted and practically starving; soup twice a day was simply note nough to keep her fast metabolism running at optimum proficiency.

"But if I'm being honest," she added, hesitating as she fidgeted with the tail end of her blond hair, noting with a grimace how dingy it felt. "I am feeling a little grumpy because of..." She let her sentence die off when she met his intent gaze. "No, you'll think I'm being silly."

"Let me guess." Steven didn't blink as one side of his mouth turned up into a knowing smirk, his icy-blues still holding flecks of warmth; a new smile to add to the list. "You want a shower and a toothbrush."

Bewildered by his sharp perception, Cynthia's mouth popped open, useless to reply for a few seconds. "How did you-?"

"An educated guess." He shrugged and looked over to Aaron expectantly. "Since those are the amenities I've been wishing for."

"I'm not sure what you mean by shower or tooth-brush," the Aura Guardian said as he tended the campfire and dinner, not seeming perturbed that his students weren't helping. "But most army camps provide saunas for their soldiers and if you want a way to clean your teeth, I have some peppermint leaves you can use."

Steven's response was almost comical as he made a face, appalled. "You use actual leaves to brush your teeth?"

"Of course," Aaron replied, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, though he seemed genuinely curious when he asked, "what does a tooth-brush look like?"

As Steven explained modern dental hygiene, Cynthia was silently agreeing with him that using peppermint leaves sounded absurd... But she was starting to feel desperate and was willing to try anything to get the feeling of sandpaper off her teeth.

Aaron had a quizzical look on his face and did not seem impressed by Steven's depictions. He shook his head, dubious. "At any rate, if you're looking to bathe and you can't wait until we reach Kenshin's camp..." He shrugged and gestured outside. "Well, it does happen to be raining."

Steven and Cynthia shared an incredulous glance, blinked, then looked back to Aaron, aghast. "Seriously?" It was Steven that replied first, his voice a little more high pitched than it normally was. "Do you want us to catch a cold?"

Idly noting a red shade crawl up Steven's neck, Cynthia wondered why he seemed so flustered, but she did have to admit that the idea sounded just as absurd as the former.

Aaron sighed out in what sounded like annoyance. "I don't presume to under stand the conveniences of your era, but these are the realities of the current world." He gave them both a pointed look before his expression softened, probably noting how weary they looked. "But I really don't think you'll get sick just from standing in the rain for a bit."

Cynthia had to stifle a groan of frustration as she glanced outside at the darkness and the rain. Cold showers were the worst. But again, she was considering the option, since the only other choice was going another whole day before reaching the alternative.

She had almost talked herself into going through with it until a cold wind rushed into the cave, making her shiver in response. Either the weather was turning colder due to the season or they were traveling towards a colder climate, regardless, going outside to shower was suddenly out of the question.

"I'll pass," she decided aloud and finally got up to setup her tent. She noticed that once again, Aaron had been busy, having already setup his own tent, the campfire and cooking rig. "I'll try that peppermint though."

"I mostly keep it for tea," Aaron said with a nod as he fished around in his pack for a small pouch. He handed them both a handful of leaves. "Tomorrow I can show you how to collect it."

Cynthia peered down at the green, fuzzy leaves in her hand. At the very least, they seemed to smell like toothpaste. She shared a queasy look with Steven, sighed despondently and wondered just how long they were going to have to deal with these frustrating inconveniences.


AN: I actually can't believe it, but the anime outright called Cynthia the Sinnoh Queen! Hasn't that just been a fandom title all this time or am I missing something? xD Anyway, I had fun referencing it here and I myself do love to call her our queen.

Fun-fact time! Aggron weighs an average of 800 pounds! To put that into perspective, Garchomp only weighs 200 pounds, Skarmory 100, and Togekiss 80. At one time I contemplated having the other three carry the big boy somehow, but I figure each flying Pokémon can only carry equal its own weight (give or take), because that's supposedly all an eagle can carry. So basically, Aggron is about 400 pounds too heavy! xD The things you have to research when writing stories, ha!

/o/o/ Bonus scene(s): Because I couldn't choose just one.

Cynthia:(Thinks Steven is too pretty for his own good)
Lucario:(grumble) Master, they are flirting again...
Aaron:(chuckle) Indeed.
Lucario: Please make them stop.
Aaron: Well, I could try...
Aaron: If you really want a bath, just go outside!
Steven:(silently chants to himself): Don't think about Cynthia in the rain. Don't think about Cynthia in the rain.
Lucario: (sigh)Master, you did that on purpose.
Aaron:(snicker) I'm sorry, but they make it too easy.
Lucario:(grumble) This is getting out of hand.

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