Yurine's Childhood Devil Frie...

By TanijiroOdd

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A bunch of short stories on what if Yurine had a childhood friend who was with her during her time with Jachi... More

The Goth Girl and the Half Bred Devil Boy
Attention all Readers!
Guess What, I Summoned a Devil.
His impression with the Devil.
The Girl Named Medusa.
Happy Birthday!
Value Your Friends Jashin Chan!
The Power-Up and the Haloless Angel.
Beating the Summer Heat.
The Homeless And Hungry Angel.
100% Beef Makes Her Appearance!
Shonuen Moment?! Minos vs Hotaru.
Minos Is Moving In!
The Ice Devil Sisters.
Angel And Ramen.
10th Anniversary of Serialization!
Why Won't She Die?!

Cops and Devils.

229 9 17
By TanijiroOdd

I don't own Dropkick On My Devil.

Today is a day for studying for exams. Something that Yurine and Hotaru take seriously. Unlike the days of their primary and high school youth, both friends have entirely different classes. The only exception is that they share the same calculus class. As they both have their separate struggles, they sometimes study together for this subject at Yurine's place. Since Jashin Chan was out doing god knows what, it was the perfect opportunity to study in peace.

"Hey, Yurine, can you help me with this problem?" Hotaru asks as he taps his paper with his pencil.

Yurine leans in to look at the problem.

"That's a derivative problem, you know how to do that. It's right here in your notes." Yurine answers.

"I know that much, I'm just trying to find out which method I should use." Hotaru clarifies.

"Use sin and tan." Yurine said, pushing a calculator to him. "Have a calculator."

Hotaru sighs and takes the device and attempts to continue his studying. After a few minutes of studying, it became Yurine's turn to hit a stump.

"Hey, how do you find the critical points for this graph?" Yurine asks. "I got it set up, but I'm lost at this point."

"You're thinking too hard." Hotaru said, pointing at the problem. "The critical points are the ones where the derivative is zero."

Yurine nods and re-reads the problem. Her eyes lit up in realization.

"Huh, I was thinking too hard." Yurine said as she drew her graph out. "I wish I could take an easier math class. Math isn't my strong suit."

"Math in high school was so much easier." Hotaru said stretching. "Want me to make some tea?"

"Sure. There's some herbal tea bags on the upper left shelf." Yurine said.

Hotaru stands and cracks his back. He then walks off to make some tea. All of the sudden, Yurine gets a phone call which confuses her. It's an unknown number, but it has the town's area code.

"It's probably spam." Yurine sighs as she answers her cell phone.

"This is Yukari, an officer from the Banzaibashi Police station." said a voice from the other end.


"Hey, what are you doing?"

Yurine can hear Jashin Chan from the other end of the phone screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Are you Hanazono Yurine?" asks the officer.

"Yes?" Yurine answers hesitantly.

There was a slight scuffle before Yurine heard Jashin Chan crying.

"I GOT CAUGHT BY THE POLICE!" Jashin Chan screams.



"Excuse us."

"SAVE M.."

Click. Beep. Beep.

Hotaru couldn't tell what happened just by Yurine's simple answer 'yes' as he's still brewing tea. However, the familiar aura of anger and murderous intent has slowly formed since Yurine stopped talking. Hotaru carefully walks back to see that the pen in Yurine's hand has snapped in two.

Scary. Hotaru thought.

Hotaru sat next to Yurine who's oddly in a state of slight shock.

"Hey, what was that phone call about?" Hotaru asks. "Did someone send you an annoying spam?"

"The police." Yurine mumbles. "Caught her."

"What?" Hotaru asks as Yurine's voice was too soft to hear. "Something about the police?"

Yurine turns to face Hotaru revealing a face that even made him shudder. Hotaru then fit the pieces together.

"Shall we head over?" Hotaru asks hesitantly.

"Yes." Yurine said calmly, but angrily. "Let's."

What in the hell did Jashin Chan do this time? Hotaru wonders.

The pair arrive at the Banzaibashi Police Station and enter both with Yurine fuming from the inside. The officer up front, who seems to be the one who called them, escorts the two to the back room.

"You can sit here while I get the officer and suspect who were at the scene." the officer Yukari said.

All the pair had to do now is wait. After a few minutes, the door to the room slowly opens and Jashin Chans slithers in along with a female officer next to her with the devil giving off a sense of embarrassment. Both Yurine and Hotaru weren't in the mood for whatever BS Jashin Chan did.

"..H..Hey.." the devil greets. "I got caught...Hehe."

Yurine spares no time and runs up to the devil and lands a perfect uppercut to the chin.

"You got caught by the police because you were doing something stupid again, right?!" Yurine asks angrily.


Yurine's punch was so strong that Jashin Chan's face hit the ceiling causing her body to hang loosely as her head is stuck inside the top. Yurine looks at Hotaru and gives him a glare.

"Get her down." Yurine said. "The hard way."

Hotaru nods and kicks the devil's unprotected stomach with enough force to free her from the ceiling.


Jashin Chan smacks against the wall behind her causing the entire room to shake. Her body falls limply onto the ground leaving a comical Jashin Chan crater into the wall. Jashin Chan easily gets up, but blood spills out from her nose as Yurine's punch did a number on her face.

"The two of you will be terrible parents in the future if you hit your kids before they explain themselves!" Jashin Chan screams as she clutches her nose. "Ugh, my stomach hurts."

"I'm not going to be one." Yurine answers.

"You say that, but you're good with kids." Hotaru interrupts.

"Shut it, that's not the point." Yurine scolds.

"Excuse me?"

The officer lady walks up to them as she doesn't seem to care about the carnage Yurine and Hotaru left behind. The pair almost forgot she was even there.

"You must be Hanazono Yurine-san, right?" the officer asks.

"That's me." Yurine answers.

"Are you her partner?" the officer asks Hotaru.

"In crime." Hotaru corrects quickly. "Partner in crime."

"Anyways, are you two in charge of her?" the officers asked the pair.

"She is." Hotaru said as he reminded himself not to point to her.

"That's right." Yurine answers. "I'm her guardian, but that aside, who are you?"

The officer crosses her arm and stands up straight before smiling proudly.

"I am the protector of peace in Akihabara." the officer said beginning her monologue. "The super cop from from the Banzaibashi Police Station, Tachibana Mei!"

"Oh, I see." Yurine answers bluntly.

Hotaru and Jashin Chan only stare at Mei in confusion. Regardless if she's an officer or not, they can already do something with this cop. Despite the awkward introduction, Yurine and Hotaru sit back at the table.

"So, what has Jashin Chan done?" Yurine asks.

"Theft." Mei answers with a hint of dread.

"You finally did it." Hotaru said sadly, looking down at the still injured devil. "It was only a matter of time."

"You're wrong!" Jashin Chan yells desperately. "Rather than stealing, that young man..well.."

"What are you talking about?" Mei asks.

"Eh? That's not it?" Jashin Chan asks, stumped.

Yurine and Hotaru stare at Jashin Chan as the sentence that she cut off.

"What she stole..." Mei whispers. "MY HEART!"

The three stare at the cop. She's a weird one, no doubt. Her lovestruck face is proof of that.

"I was on patrol when my gaze upon her beautiful and lovely silhouette...it was love at first sight!" Mei began while reminiscing. "I ended up stopping her and took her back to the station."

Mei then jumps on the devil and begins snuggling against the devil's face at speeds so fast, it won't be surprising if she would burn her with that much friction. Jashin Chan tries to push the cop away desperately.

"So THAT'S the reason why you brought me here?" Jashin Chan angrily asks as she somewhat pushes Mei away from her.

Whaaaat? the friends ask themselves mentally.

Words won't come out as the pair watch the scene unfold.

"So the question remains, Yurine san." Mei said, looking at the goth. "Would you be willing to let me take care of her from now on?"

"Go ahead."

"She answered immediately?!" Jashin Chan and Hotaru are both almost equally surprised.

"Isn't that great Orochimaru?" Mei asks, hugging the devil.

"Ahh...now she's giving me weird names." Jashin Chan grumbles.

"I think it suits you well." Hotaru comments as he watches the scene.

The two went on complimenting and insulting each other with the latter not accepting any of it. Hotaru couldn't help but feel as if Yurine was a bit too hasty.

"Hey, are you sure about this?" Hotaru asks. "Should we ask Medusa and Minos for confirmation?"

"As long as she doesn't try to kill and bother me, it's fine." Yurine answers.

"I guess that's true." Hotaru said.

They continue to watch the scuffle and Yurine ponders for a bit.

"Now that I think about it, I'll have to do the cleaning and chores again." Yurine said aloud. "That'll be a problem."

"That's what you're worried about?" Hotaru asks in slight disbelief. "You managed a good year living by yourself, you'll be fine."

"It'll be such a bother." Yurine complains. "Sorry, but I'll take her back."

"No way!" Mei complains. "You can't decide to take back what you said just like that!"

"Clearly you haven't met Yurine." Hotaru sighs, stretching his arms up. "Looks like we're taking our snake back."

The officer's mood turns a 180 and becomes emotional and begins to act erratically.

"If Orochimaru can't be mine then..."

All of the sudden, Mei pulls out her gun and opens fire on Jashin Chan, just grazing her tail.

"Just die."

The snake girl grabs her tail and screams in agony. Today was not Jashin Chan's day.

"She got my tail!" Jashin Chan screams as she clutches her tail.

"Oh shoot, I missed." Mei sighs as she regains her senses. "Sorry for missing, Orochimaru. Does it hurt?"

"Wow, she was really trying to kill her." Hotaru said.

Mei begins to comment happily on the devil's pain much to Jashin Chan's dismay. She then takes out her cell phone out of her pocket and begins to force the devil's fingers into a peace sign. The two friends watch on the sidelines as Jashin Chan can only sob and squirm futilely. As Mei start's taking selfies, the two couldn't help but want to leave. There's something wrong with this police woman. Hotaru is even beginning to feel bad for Jashin Chan and that's saying something.

"I've had enough." Yurine mumbles to Hotaru. "Let's leave her and go home."

"Is it ok to leave her with this frea...I mean, officer?" Hotaru asks hesitantly.

The alarm of Mei's phone went off and the officer immediately halts her actions and releases Jashin Chan from her clutches.

"It's this time already?" Mei asks out loud. "I absolutely have to avoid overtime work!"

Mei heads to the door, but turns and winks towards the devil.

"Let's eat together some day!" Mei said happily. "I'll treat you to a meal, so don't forget about it!"

Then, she left the trio in the dust leaving them flabbergasted. One can only imagine what she's like when she's not working.

"She must've been one hell of a pervert, to find you cute." Hotaru said. "C'mon, let's get out of here."

The trio exit the police station all relieved for different reasons with officer Yukari waving goodbye to them.

"By the way, you were talking about a young man earlier." Yurine said, breaking the silence. "What was that all about?"

"Ehh? N...nothing at all!" Jashin Chan stutters. "I was just..uh..talking about someone else!"

Both Yurine and Hotaru are familiar with how the devil can lie as easily as she can breathe, but they had enough stress for today as both still need to study for their next test.

"Rather than discussing anything that happened at the last minute, I would rather find somewhere to eat." Hotaru said, interrupting the two. "Jashin Chan, pay for lunch. You brought this on yourself after all."


Jashin Chan froze and the pair look at her confused.

"Well, I only have enough for dinner." Jashin Chan said laughing nervously. "I spent most of my money...on gacha. Tee hee."

Yurine and Hotaru stare at her for a while.

"YOU IDIOT!" Yurine roars as she uppercuts the devil into the air.

Hotaru could've sworn he saw a tooth fall from the devil's mouth as she lands on the pavement twitching.

"Third..time.." Jashin Chan groans.

Yurine sees some toys fall on the ground and the pieces finally place together. Hotaru picks the gacha collection and gives it to Yurine who examines them.

"So that's why your money was dwindling faster than usual." Yurine sighs.

"Guess she was playing there." Hotaru said, turning around. "Those are the machines that pop out that certain toy."

Yurine sees three young primary school girls staring at the machine hesitantly and walks up to them.

"Do you want those toys?" Yurine asks the small group of girls.

"Yeah, but mom said those are boy toys." the girl answers shyly.

"But they still look cool." one of them said. "But we were told not to spend money on them."

"My parents say I should use my allowance on snacks." the other girl said.

Yurine opens up her hand revealing the toys to the girls. The girls look at the toys starstruck and smiling. Yurine smiles in response to their reaction.

"Would you like them?" Yurine asks. "I found these on the floor and think they are better in your hands."

The girls hesitantly took the toys from Yurine's hand, but were clearly happy.

"Are you sure?" asks one of the girls. "I mean, we're..."

"It doesn't matter if you're a boy or girl." Yurine said. "You children have the right to enjoy whatever you want."

"Thank you miss!" the girls thanks before they scurry on happily as they talk about the new toys they received.

Yurine walks back to see the devil slowly recovering with her friend next to the devil. Hotaru couldn't help but chuckle at Yurine.

"What?" Yurine asks, slightly annoyed.

"I just love the fact that you don't want children, but you have an unusual knack for them." Hotaru said. "Not to mention, that you also have a soft spot for Koji."

Yurine turns away from Hotaru and walks forward.

"I don't want to be a parent." Yurine said. "Let's make that clear."

Hotaru knows his best friend unlike anyone else, but sighs in agreement to Yurine's statement.

"Whatever you say."

Odd: Well? Guys like the newest chapter?

Mei: I finally get to hold my Orochimaru!

Jashin Chan: Odd! Get this freak away from me!

Mei: Don't run away!

Hotaru: Uh, anyways, I'm assuming your still watching season 3?

Odd: Doesn't dissapoint.

Yurine: I just want to make this clear, I don't want to be a parent.

Odd and Hotaru: Tsundere!

(Yurine pulls out machete and points it at teasing author and OC.)

Hotaru: Ok, ok! We get the idea!

Odd: Anyways, let's call it off here. Thank you @Lazy-Pupu-Inu for making in appearance in this chapter and I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! See you all next time!

Everyone: Bye!

Mei: Say 'peace' Orochimaru!

Jashin Chan:...Help me...

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