Yellow Lights

By SilentDreams16

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A beta with anger issues and the youngest Martin sister with extraordinary abilities. Life in Beacon Hills is... More

Mood Boards
Prologue part 1 Magic and the first encounter with a werewolf
Prologue part 2: The Bite
The Summer Before Freshamn Year
Dead Birds and An Alpha Pack
I Still Don't Like him
Werewolfs On The Loose
Catching Werewolves
Cross-Country And Twin Alphas
Maybe This Was A Bad Idea
I Hate Motels
They Crossed The Line, Again
What Are We Even Doing?
The English Teacher Is The Darach And Hospital Visit's
Hospital Fights And Meeting Scott's Father
Finding The Nemeton
The Lunar Eclipse
Authors note!
Those Three Are Falling Apart And The Coyote Isn't A Coyote
More Bad Than Good
Illuminated/ Silverfinger
Riddled/ Letharia Vulpina


139 8 0
By SilentDreams16

"Get your ass down here now! We have a job to do." I heard someone whisper into their phone.

I turned to Destiny and Taylor; eyebrows furrowed. "Stiles is here." I said quietly.

Taylor nodded confirming that she had heard him too.

"Dude, I'm already in bed! And aren't we getting a little old for this...?" I heard Scott say through Stiles's phone making me cover my hand with my mouth Scott was already here.

"We do this for Coach!" Stiles reminded him.

"I thought we did this to Coach.?" Scott asked him.

"Whatever, okay? You know he needs this! He lives for this stuff. He loves it!" Stiles reminded him.

"But it's the middle of the night." Scott complained.

"Which means it's after midnight and officially Mischief Night-slash-Day, and, by perfectly awesome coincidence, it also happens to be Coach's birthday. So, if you are not down here in five seconds, I will destroy you, okay? And I mean five, four, three, two..." I heard Stiles grunt and something hit the floor.

"One." Scott said.

"I hate you!" Stiles said quietly.

"What are you two morons doing?" I asked walking around the corner making them both scream.

"God you two are ridiculous," Destiny laughed rolling her eyes as her and Taylor walked in after me.

"Oh yeah totally because breaking and entering is exactly what you three should be doing on a school night." Stiles exclaimed sarcastically as he stood back up.

"Is that not exactly what the two of you are doing?" I gestured at the two of them.

"She has a fair point," Scott shrugged.

"So you guys are taking care of Coach then right?" Destiny asked the two boys as I adjusted the backpack on my shoulders.

"Yeah we have him covered." Stiles nodded.

"Great, we need to finish up what we were doing." Taylor grinned as we started to leave.

"What exactly are you three doing?" Scott asked.

"Let's just say everyone will be getting a fun surprise in the morning!" I laughed as we left the locker room.

We spent the next few hours making sure every classroom and room was ready for Mischief Night. We hurried out of the school and headed towards my house to get some sleep before school.

"You're back in school?" I heard Scott say making me turn to see him talking to Ethan and Aiden.

"No. Just to talk." Ethan told him.

Taylor, Destiny, and I quickly made our way over and reached them just as Stiles did.

"Oh, that's kind of a change of pace for you guys. Usually you're just hurting, maiming, and killing." Stiles butted in making me nod in agreement.

"You need a pack. We need an Alpha." Aiden tried to reason.

Stiles scoffed. "Yeah, absolutely not! That's hilarious, though."

"You came to us for help-- we helped." Aiden argued.

"You beat his face into a blood pulp! That's not helping-- in my opinion, that's actually counter-productive." Stiles incredulously stared at them. "And besides Bella did it not Scott."

"Why would I say yes?" Scott asked looking at the twins.

"We'd add strength. We'd make you more powerful. There's no reason to say no." Aiden continued.

"I can think of several actually. The two of you letting Kali kill Erica, the two of you trying to kill me. Should I keep going?" I asked snarkily.

"I can think of another one... Like, the two of you holding Derek's claws while Kali impaled Boyd. In fact, I don't know why we're not impaling them right now." Isaac told them walking up and standing beside me.

"You want to try?" Aiden growled at Issac.

"Is that an offer?" I snapped taking a step towards him only for Scott to reach across Isaac and grab my arm.

He gave me a look telling me to back off, I let out a low growl before stepping back and glancing at Isaac who was smirking.

"Sorry, but they don't trust you... And neither do I." Scott told them before the six of us headed towards the school, where Rory met up with Stiles.

Walking into the hallways people were throwing rolls of toilet paper around. I caught one before it hit Destiny in the face making her snatch it out of my hand at throw it back at them.

"Don't worry girls, I came prepared." I grinned pulling my backpack off and shoving several rolls into their hands before we took off down the hallway throwing them at other people, around anything they would hang off of and occasionally teachers.

I passed Stiles and Scott again overhearing their conversation.

"Right now, Scott! I don't think you get it, yet. You're an Alpha. You're the apex predator! Everyone wants you! You're like the hot girl that every guy wants." Stiles told him exasperatedly.

"The hot girl?" Scott asked confused as Isaac walked up to them.

"You are the hottest girl!" Stiles told him before walking away.

"What?" Isaac asked Scott.

"I'm the hot girl." Scott repeated making me giggle walking towards them.

"Yes, you are." Isaac told him making Scott smile widely and chuckle slightly before leaving.

"So you have a little crush on Scotty now?" I asked Isaac as I reached him.

"What? No, I was just..." He sputtered making me laugh.

"Relax Isaac I'm messing with you. Besides, it's not that big of a deal if you do." I shrugged as Taylor yelled at me to hurry. "See you later Isaac."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute! The William Barrow? The Shrapnel Bomber? Spotted nearby?" I heard Stiles ask making me turn to see what was going on.

I see Stiles walking around the corner with his dad and several other officers."A little closer than nearby, actually." Stilinski told him.

I hear Rafael as he walks around the corner. "How do we get down to the basement? I need to know where every entrance is-- I don't want anyone coming in or out of the school."

"Dad, what's really going on here?" Stiles asks looking after Rafael when his eyes find Destiny and I.

"Barrow went after kids with glowing eyes? He said those exact words?" Isaac asked once Stiles had gotten him, Allison, and Lydia to join Rory, Taylor, Destiny, and myself.

"Yeah, and no one knows how he woke up from anesthesia-- just that when they opened him up, they found a tumor full of live flies, which in any other circumstance would be all kinds of awesome." Stiles told us making me shake my head at him.

"Did you say flies?" Lydia asked as she stopped walking making us turn to look at her.

"Lydia?" Rory asked concerned.

"All day, I have been hearing this sound. It's like this buzzing." Lydia told us making my shoulders tense.

"Like the sound of flies?" Allison asked her.

"Exactly like the sound of flies." she told us.

"Hundreds of flies all at once." I elaborated, making them turn to look at me.

"Where's Scott?" Lydia asked. "We need to find Scott."

"You guys wait here. We need to go find Scott." Stiles said as Lydia, Rory, Stiles, and I all took off to find him.

Stiles went flying around the corner almost running into a group of people before I heard him say something. "Hey, dude, where the hell have you been?"

Lydia and Rory came around the other side of the hallway.

"The police are leaving. Why are they leaving?" Rory asked once we all reached Scott.

"The police?" Scott asked confused having no idea what's going on.

"They must have cleared the building and grounds, which means he's not here." Stiles informed us.

"Who? What are you guys..." Scott asked before I cut him off.

"He has to be here. That sound... that buzzing we've been hearing?" I told them gesturing between Lydia and I. "It's getting louder."

"How loud?" Stiles looked between the two of us.

"Too loud for him to not be here." I told him making him run off to find his dad.

"Dad. Dad!" He caught up to him while I listened in.

"Yeah?" He asked looking at Stiles.

"You can't leave yet." Stiles told him.

"We got an eyewitness that puts Barrow by the train station." Sheriff Stilinski told him.

"Let's go, Stilinski!" Rafael called out turning to look at him.

"Whoa, whoa, Dad! Please, just-- Bella and Lydia said that he's still here." Stiles told him.

"Did they see him?" He asked walking closer to Stiles.

"Not exactly, no... Well, not at all, actually. But they both a feeling-- a supernatural feeling." Stiles informed him.

"Lydia wasn't on the chessboard. And I thought Bella was a werewolf and witch." Stilinski said confused.

"Well Lydia is now. And Bella if just a walking surprise so." Stiles shrugged making me giggle lightly.

"Kanima?" He asked.

"Um, Banshee. Actually, both of them."

"Oh, God." Stilinski groaned.

"I know, I know how it sounds. But basically, it means that they can sense when someone's close to death." Stiles explained to him.

"Can they sense that I'm about to kill you?" He whispered aggressively.

"I don't know." He said turning to look at us making us wave to them.

"All right, look-- I'm not saying I don't believe, but right now, I'm going with "eyewitness" over "Banshees." We're leaving a few deputies here. The school's on lockdown until three o'clock. Nobody comes in, nobody comes out. Buddy, that's the best I've got right now. That's the best I can give you, Stiles." He told him walking away backwards.

"You're leaving me here??? That's not-- that's the worst." Stiles yelled after him but with no luck.

"You're going to have your mom sneak in here and bring us something of Barrows so we can smell it?" Taylor asked him incredulously.

"Yes. We have to find him." Scott told her making me roll my eyes.

After a few minutes Scott walked away and I overheard him and his mom.

"You got it?" He asked.

"Promise me you'll be careful. I looked right in this guy's eyes, and it was terrifying." Melissa warned him.

"Yeah, okay, Mom. I promise. Okay?" He reassured her.

"Okay..." she agreed before he made his way back to us.

"Bella and Lydia think that he's still here, even though the cops searched the whole school... But, they didn't have one thing-- our sense of smell." Scott said looking around at the five of us as he opened the bag.

"So, this is how it's gonna be now? We trust them?" Isaac asked Scott as the four of us walked down a hallway in the basement.

"I do not. If my vote counts for anything." I quickly bitted in.

"Just because I'm letting them help, doesn't mean I trust them." Scott told us after a second of silence.

"Yeah, well, I don't trust them, either. Or like them. In fact, I hate them and I just want them to die." Isaac rambled on making me shrug I mean he wasn't wrong after everything the twins had done.

"Well, if Barrow's actually here and he's got a plan, you might get what you want." Scott said walking away from us making me mock him behind his back, before I rolled my eyes and followed him.

"Is anyone else a little worried that you know, we're in the basement boiler room and Barrow was an electrical engineer who tried to blow up kids with glowing eyes?" I asked seconds later the fire alarm started going off.

We took off at a sprint looking for the others.

"There..." I heard Stiles say.

"We didn't find anything." Adien said as we reached the four of them.

"Not even a scent." A Scott elaborated.

"It's three o'clock, so school's over. If there was a bomb, wouldn't he have set it off by now?" Destiny looked around at all of us.

"Does that mean everybody's safe?" Adien asked

"We don't know." Lydia answered as she looked at me and I shrugged. "We just don't know."

"So what do the different colored strings mean?" I asked as I sat with Rory on the bed, Lydia had taken Taylor and Destiny to our house, we're I was going to meet up with them later.

Stiles paused looking over at the two of us. "Oh, just different stages of the investigation. So like green is solved, yellow is to be determined, blues just pretty." He shrugged.

"What does red mean?" I asked my eyes darting across the board.

"Unsolved." He answered still looking at the board.

"You only have red on the board." Rory told him.

"Yes. I'm aware. Thank you." He told her as he turned towards us.

I giggled lightly to myself as Rory continued on unbothered by his sarcastic reply.

"Did you get detention for pulling the alarm?"

"Yep. Everyday this week. It's okay, though. We were onto something." He turned towards us once again as I began twisting a piece of string around my finger.

"Even though we couldn't find any proof of Barrow being there?" I asked not looking at either of them.

"Hey Bella. You've literally saved everyone in this pack several times. And so far neither you nor Lydia have been wrong about anything like this, okay? Don't start doubting yourself now." He said crouching in-front of the bed making me look at him.

"No scent. No bomb. And we got you in trouble." I told him looking at the string wound tightly around my finger.

"Okay, look. Barrow was there. All right? You knew it you felt it. Okay?" He reassured me and he started unwrapping the string from my finger. "And look, if you wanted to, we'd go back to that school right now and search all night just to prove it."

I gave him a soft smile before he moved the marker in his hand. He paused opened the lid to the market and smelled it. He stood up and looked at the two of us. "Get up. Get up now. We're going to the school. Both of you let's go."

"Stiles wait what's going on?" Rory asked as the two of us followed out after him.

"This school is creepy after hours." Rory grumbled as we headed into one of the chemistry classroom.

"So what are we looking for?" Rory asked as stiles opened a door.

"That was supposed to be locked." Rory pointed out as we walked into a chemical storage room.

"Yeah, I know. Notice anything else?" He asked glancing at us.

"It smells like chemicals." I shrugged as he began looking through the shelves when it clicked. "We wouldn't have been able to catch his scent."

Stiles moved his flashlight down towards the floor my eyes followed, seeing the blood that was left behind.

"He was here, preforming very minor surgery on himself. You guys were right." Stiles glanced up at me, but the feeling I had didn't go away.

"Then why don't I feel good about this?" I asked as Rory wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

"Probably because he was here to kill somebody." Stiles told me.

"But who?" Rory asked.

"That's what we gotta figure out." Stiles replied before he stood up and headed out of the supply closet with us following him into the classroom. "We could spread out, start looking for... anything."

He began looking around the room Rory doing the same but something on the board caught my eye and I walked towards it.

"Bella, what are those?" I heard Stiles ask from behind me.

"Atomic numbers." I replied my eyes not moving from the board as I felt Stiles and Rory walk up beside me.

"Is it a formula?" Stiles asked getting a good look at it.

"Not really." Rory told him. "19's potassium. 53's iodine. 88's radium. The first two make potassium iodide..." she trailed off as I picked up a piece of chalk.

I began writing when stiles spoke up. "Potassium is K?"

"From kalium, the scientific neo-Latin name."

"What's Radium?" Stiles asked after I had rotten down an I.

I wrote down Ra.

"Kira." Rory whispered.

"Scott. We gotta go! He's a Kira's." I snapped my head around to them.

"Call Lydia. Have her grab Taylor and Destiny have them meet us there." Rory told me as we hurried out of the classroom.

"Lydia!" I exclaimed once she's answered.

"Yes Bella?" She asked.

"I need you to grab Taylor and Destiny and meet us at Kira's. I don't have time to explain but we need to hurry."

"We'll be there." She told me before hanging up as we got into Stiles's Jeep.

We saw Scott lying on the ground as we pulled up Lydia's car right behind us.

"Scott? Scott!" Stiles called his name.

He quickly sat up with a gasp looking around startled. "Barrow, he took Kira!"

"We know. He was after her the whole time." Stiles told him making Lydia, Taylor, and Destiny look at us.

Scott called Isaac while I explained to the three girls what we had just found out.

"We have to think of something. He's going to kill her." Scott said once he came back to us.

"We knew he was there." Lydia motioned to me. "How did we know that?"

"You guys heard the flies right?" Stiles asked looking at us.

"What do you hear now?" Scott asked looking between the two of us.

"Nothing." Lydia told them.

"I feel like I can do this. But I don't know what to do." I told them making Lydia agree with me.

"Like it's on the tip on our tongue."

"But we don't know how to trigger it. I swear to god. It literally makes me want to scream."

"Okay, them Scream. Bella, Lydia, scream." Stiles said from behind us.

We both let out ear piercing screams and I could hear it. Electrical buzzing.

"It's not flies." Lydia and I said at the same time as we spun to face everyone. Stiles and Scott jumping back a bit. "It's electricity."

"Wait a second. Barrow was an electrical engineer right?" Destiny spoke.

"Yeah he worked at a power substation." Stiles told us as he realized what Destiny was getting at.

"What substation?" Taylor asked.

"Let's go. In the vehicles." Stiles ordered.

I was quick to throw myself in the backseat of the Jeep. Destiny following me. Taylor got in with Lydia as Scott hopped on his bike and we all took off.

"Okay just wait here, all right? Just wait for the cops to come." Stiles told us.

"Like hell. I'm not going to sit around and do nothing." I snapped my head towards him.


"I'll stay with Destiny and I'll let Lydia and Taylor know as soon as they pull up." Rory told him as I got out of the Jeep.

"Good because I only have one bat." Stiles said holding up his aluminum bat.

I ran in after Scott to see Kira tied up down the way.

"Scott, Bella.  No! Look out." She warned just as Barrow stepped out with a live wire and hit Scott sending him flying.

He walked over to Kira as I walked behind him.

"Don't, she's not... she's not the one you want." Scott told him.

He crouched down next to Kira as Scott yelled. "Don't."

I dug my claws into his shoulder just as he touched the live wire to Kira. Sending both of us flying back and electricity thought all the metal.  I looked half dazed as Kira seemed to absorb the electricity.

They stared at each other for a second before Kira moved towards me.

"Bella?" She asked reaching me which sent Scott scrambling to his feet towards us. 

"Good. I'm good. Dude that's going to fucking hurt for a bit." I groaned as Scott leaned down to help me up. "Yeah definitely going to hurt for a bit."

"How are you alive?" Scott asked me.

"Have you fucking met me?" I asked him sarcastically making him laugh.

"Sarcasm that's a good sign. Let's get you out of here before the cops get here yeah?" Scott told me as Taylor came running in Scott turned to her. "Get her out of here. Have Lydia take you guys and Destiny back to her house."

"Yeah alright." Taylor grabbed my arm and pulled it around her shoulder. "You had to go and get yourself electrocuted didn't you?"

"Of course I did. How else am I supposed to show off?" I laughed lightly as we left the building only for Destiny, Lydia, and Rory to rush over to us. "Guys I'm fine. But Scott suggested the three of us get out of here."

"Yeah let's get you home." Destiny said coming over to help Taylor with me.

Soon enough I was home and Destiny had helped me into the shower while Taylor got some food ordered and my room set up for us. We watched comedies until we fell asleep.

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