
By ItJustL

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A POC and Queer set story of two strangers to lovers. An extroverted, mixed, small drag star attempting to dr... More

Dinner & Diatribes
Cherry Wine
I Love You Too


28 0 0
By ItJustL

May 20th, Saturday, 2023, 11.AM

     Tap, tap.. Knock.. "Hello?!"
 Knocks turn into bangs.
"Seriously! What kid locks himself in a car, in the desert, during a festival!"
 And suddenly a with rush of adrenaline, eyes widened, he jerked back.     It's.

"Terry, what the fuck." Spencer groans, clearly hungover. He covered his eyes from the sun glaring into his windows. She laughed after spooking him, "Look he's up! Hey I can't hear you.. Maybe unlock your car dingus. You're gonna boil in there." 
 Reluctantly Spencer listened. Now sitting himself up since his seat was laid back. His once beer-soaked tank was gone, but his jacket and pants were still on. After those few extra drinks by the fire with Dante he genuinely didn't remember much. He looked to his passenger seat and saw the tin box beside him. With a grumble, he reached and hid it back under the seat. Spencer assumed after getting drunk he eventually got high as well. This morning felt like a huge drag. His head too heavy for his shoulders, sweating, and his eyes strained.

     So he steps himself out to see the girls dressed and ready for the day. No sight of Oak or Dante. A bit confused he asks, "So.. Why did you wake me up?" To which Janna replies, "Well, for one the temperature has risen quite a lot the last two hours. It's probably not safe for you to be sleeping in there the way you are." Spencer yawned and rubbed his eyes, listening but only partially. "Where is everyone else?" Spencer asked while Terry says, "Oak is still sleeping. I assume Dante is sleeping too.. But vendors are finally out serving food. We should go get breakfast. So, get dressed, please." Terry seemed irritated to see Spencer shirtless. She assumed he took advantage of her friend despite all her concern and warnings. Though Spencer didn't really realize till that comment. He looked down and immediately felt embarrassed, "No, it's- it's not what you think." He stammered, just because he knew it was pointless to put his word in. Which it was. Terry stood like a wall, completely unfazed. Spencer gave a sigh and shrug, and sent himself to the trunk end of his Jeep.
 He began to take off his jacket, getting glances from the girls, and then his belt- and that was enough for Terry, "Um hello?! You're just going to change out in the open parking lot?" Spencer huffs, "Well, yes, where else am I supposed to?" and continues, "Maybe if you just left you wouldn't see.. but I know you guys want to~" He teased. Of course that only angered Terry. Nothing bothered Janna but she still followed along for Terry's sake. "Don't be such a downer Terry. The day's just started. Let's go get Dante." So the girls left to avoid singeing their eyes any further.
 Now down to his tidy-whities, he puts on some deodorant, dry shampoo, and dresses in blue jeans and some black band tee. He didn't have much of a style other than comfortable. He washed his face and brushed his teeth with a warm bottle of water and a rouge toothbrush in the trunk of his car. While doing so he tried to piece together some of last night.

     In the meantime, the girls went off to Dante's tent. They hadn't checked on him at all this morning. Terry briefly remembered seeing him at the fire last night drinking with Spencer. However, she and everyone else were going to bed. The two were surprised to see the tent unzipped. They both looked at each other, wondering who should look first, and Janna vowed to peek for Terry's sake. She gasped dramatically upon entering the tent which worried Terry horribly, "Oh my gosh! What Janna, is he okay?" She shuffles over urgently just to find Dante sitting on the ground, doing his makeup and skincare with a mirror propped up a box.
"Hi ladies~"
 He teased, already completely dressed. Sporting a button-up in a bandana print with colorful pinks and yellows, roughed-up jean shorts, and of course some big beige boots for the terrain. Makeup was to help cover pesky summer spots. Terry nudged Janna's arm who simply laughed at her seemingly harmless joke. Janna spoke up, "So, how was it last night?"  Dante took a few seconds to recollect and a smile grew on him as he answered, "Oh, y'know, fun." Janna coos, "You're not going to share!" which Terry adds, "I don't care for sharing, actually." She had just started her day and she already had enough of these boys. Terry decided to walk away from the conversation but Janna invited herself in.
 Dante doesn't budge and carries on with Janna sat beside him. She was curious how the night, and Spencer, had treated him. "I heard you two had fun dancing and such."
"We did. It was.. Different, in a good way."

"How so?"
"Just, I dance for a living. I've seen so many people. And obviously gone to lots of clubs and parties, I've been dancing with someone and all but, just, it felt different."
 It seemed like Dante was feeling vulnerable to share his experience. Maybe something was weighing on him. Regret, concern, or maybe it was a familiar sense of loving, or even nostalgia. Janna nods along, sympathizing with him, peeking into his mirror and smiling sweetly. "You look stunning." Dante shakes his head but smiles, and sets his beauty tools down. "Thanks.. So is he awake?"
"Spencer? Yeah, we just woke him up."
"I'm glad. I was worried about him. He definitely overdid it last night."
"Let's go gather up and eat. We all need something to settle that booze."

     Janna gets Dante up and moving. Spencer simply stood, hands in pockets, waiting for someone to come lead him in a direction. It was almost childish the way his face lit up at the sight of Dante. Janna looked up to Dante after seeing Spencer's reaction. She knew already; maybe this was love at first sight from Spencer. Someone who'd typically 'one and done' with his persons suddenly going a full one-eighty. It made her happy for Spencer but also concerned. He was very, very far from perfect or even ideal. The look made Dante feel a bit shy. He was eyed up and down like he was some celebrity. "Hi Spencer."
 Innovative conversation.
 Janna rolls her eyes and nudges Dante to encourage him to talk some more. Then she lingers off to herself. Dante breaks the awkward silence, "So, how'd you sleep?"
"Honestly, I don't know. I think okay."
"Oh? That.. makes sense.. You did drink a lot. I hope you were alright. You said you were nauseous last night."
"I did?" Spencer genuinely didn't remember. He didn't drink often since he had other poisons he partook in. Spencer asked, "Was everything alright? I don't remember too much. Just, talking to you." 
"Yeah.. Yeah it was. I'm just glad you made it back to your car to sleep." Dante's tone felt condescendingSpencer scratched at his head to that answer. An ache began just from thinking so hard of the night. He was hopeful that he hadn't been prolonging a 'no' he had already received during their dancing. Maybe buttering up Dante with lots of affection today would make up for his intoxicated self. He brushed through his hair and sighed deeply, disappointed with himself. "Well, they're probably waiting on us."
"You're right, we should go eat."
"You look nice by the way." The small compliment was enough to cheer Dante up. "Well, thank you." and they carried on with their short stroll over to the girls. Which they stood over Oak sat on a log near the fire pit. Obviously he was starting his morning out stoned with nothing but a bottle of water to settle his stomach. Janna stroked through his dreaded hair while Terry stood around impatiently. Janna cooed to him, "Aw, are you alright? Long night?" She said almost sarcastically since it was her fault he hadn't got much sleep. He barely listened, he was only smiling as his hair was played with. That was until the silence was broken by Spencer, "Are we leaving any time soon?" Terry promptly replies, "Yeah we should've left ten minutes ago. Bailey's stand is going to open soon. We were supposed to be there, like, right now." It was always something with Terry. So 'go with the plan' and not just the flow of a festival. Janna shrugged it off, "Oh you know Jerry-Bear will wait for us. Bailey too." Dante seemed quite confused, "Jerry-Bear? Bailey? Who are they? If I should ask." Janna got a laugh out of his words. "You're about to find out~" Almost ominous seeming but Terry convened, "They're the sweetest. Jer-Bear.. Jeremey.. very nice. He owns an RV and hauls his daughter's shop with him. She sells like, uh, holistic stuff. Plus drinks, smoothies, yummy things. Without alcohol." Emphasizing on that part. "Oh, well, sounds good to me. I've been ready." Dante replies, looking over to Spencer who didn't seem to be listening much, though nodded along, "Uh, yeah, me too." 
 It was time to begin their journey!

     Janna walked alongside Oak and the two chatted with each other like always. Very touchy and loving, in their own little world. Dante found it hard not to hold Spencer's hand but he was walking practically side by side with him. This left Terry between two sets of 'lovers' on what would feel like a forever hike. She was on her phone quite a lot and always seemed irritable, anxious, upset; something other than happy. Dante was close with her and felt inclined to talk to her, "What's wrong Terry? Is everything okay?"
"Yes, just.. My brother has texted me the entire time. He worries so much without me home."
"Well he's old enough to be home anyways. I'm sure he's fine."
"It's more than sure, he is fine. He just has issues with school. You know."
"I know. Try not to stress too much. You know he's safe and-" Spencer chimes in, of course, "What's wrong with your brother?" Terry didn't seem very amused sharing with Spencer too. She simply looked away while Dante answered, "Don't worry about it either. He's alright, just home alone and missing her." So Spencer thinks to himself, 'Maybe this is how they know each other?' It wasn't much of his business anyway so he didn't pry. By the time the conversation was over they had already arrived to walkways, stands, and crowds. For once the group stayed together. This was the day to meet up with old friends, smoke, shop and eat, to enjoy themselves.
     Unfortunately, their friends' stand was quite a bit down the line. It was in the more affordable renting slots for vendors. Though a big RV reversed to a trailer-faced venue seemed to be the right spot. Especially the buttercup yellow canopy and big boards with Bailey's shop name engraved. At first approach, there was no one there. Just a table with a checkered cloth full of different things. Crystals, stones, essential oils and handmade crafts. Another chalkboard sign with writings of fresh fruit, refreshing drinks, and smoothie bowls. Then a milk crate full of CDs on the ground labeled 'for sale'.

    Suddenly through the window you can see.. A bird? Yes, a small peach-faced lovebird. It begins to squal and squeak till finally someone looks through the window. There was no sound to be heard, but by the face it was a gasp with waves. Out comes Bailey: a spry redhead covered in tattoos, nearly tripping as her arms open out to the girls. One big hug was shared between the three of them. I don't think Terry had smiled so much this trip till now.
"I've missed you both so much!" It almost sounded like Bailey was near tears, but somber reuniting turned into a banter of excitement between just girls. Then comes a very tall and beautiful woman carrying out her bird. "Marley, hush." Her voice was tender and sweet, stroking the bird's back. Bailey turns around, offering her hand out for Lainey and leading her over. "Ladies, here's my wife, Lainey~" Both Janna and Terry can barely stay still while reaching out for that hand and big beautiful ring. Terry says, "I haven't seen you in a year! Since the wedding- It's so nice to see you both." With some more banter, it seems one of them has noticed the boys stood awkwardly. They were subject to watching the wild women converse.

     Bailey immediately notices the new face. "Look at you Spencer~ Who's that handsome fellow?" Spencer seems baffled to say the least. Almost looking behind him as if she had meant to speak to someone else. However, Dante speaks up for himself, "It's Dante, it's nice to meet you. Bailey, right?" Spencer looked back and forth between the two. 'So what? We're just pretending to be together now?' So much running through his small, empty brain.
"Yes it is sweet thing. C'mon, all of you, come in." Bailey said, almost like funneling kids into a glorified bus. There was barely enough space for them to all fit in through the front door. However, opening that door was like walking into a cloud due to the sheer amount of smoke that funneled out. The only one who didn't join was Lainey. Who found some peace sitting outside in the open space and fresh air. It only took Bailey and a line of friendly faces to shoot Jeremey out of his seat. A shock to see so much so that he burst out into a mixture of laughter and coughs. Hugs and handshakes were shared evenly amongst them all. The big, burly guy was well deserved of the nickname 'Jerry-Bear' since he's a few hairs short from being a bear himself.

     I could write another book going on about the conversations these few friends had. Jerry was immediately reconnecting with Oak, talking over the girls of grand old stories, showing off his musical collections to Spencer and being surprised that Dante knew almost as much as himself about R&B. The girls went on and on about their past and future plans. So much love and positivity, and smoke, filled the van. Seeing as they all promptly got to smoking before snacking on Bailey's smoothies and pantry. Finally a decent meal. Acai bowls, tea, pears and peaches, oatmeal, something and anything not canned!

     Shortly after the crowd stumbled out to Lainey getting a few sales off the stand. Bailey quickly apologized, not meaning to leave her out, "I'm so sorry Lainey- We were just catching up." but Lainey interrupted, "It's fine love. It's no worry."
"Well let me do the work. Go ahead and relax." Bailey began to tidy up, greeting those around who were window shopping and grazing. "I have a stand to keep up with today guys, sorry. Have fun out there though."
"Actually." Lainey adds, "I'd like to go out with them."
"Really?" Says Bailey. It wasn't like Lainey to put herself into a social situation purposefully. Of course, Lainey's response to her wife's shock was a reassuring nod.
"Alright, I'll watch Marley. I'm sure Dad will just drink and play tonight. He's not one to stand around venues much anymore." So it was settled. The friends were more than happy to welcome Lainey into the groupie. It wasn't often they got time with just one of those two girls. Lainey suggests, "There's a group playing tonight. I'm sure you know. Rory, Knox, and Ryder. I promised them I'd go see. I think we should all go. They'd love to see you all. Especially you Terry, and Spencer." That seemed to be a surprise to them both. Dante was quite excited for something new to do but the girls chimed in before him with the same idea, "We should get ready!"

     Finally a reason to dress up. While Terry and Janna snatched up Lainey to get her all dressed up while still at her RV, the boys got some time to themselves. Spencer seemed a bit distant. Maybe it was just too many people. Too hot, too sunny, whatever it really was he made up some reason to leave, "I'll be back. I need to, uh.. Use the restroom. I'll probably just see you guys at camp. M'kay?" Spencer said, clearly directing it more toward Dante than Oak. Dante seemed confused. "Okay? Be safe I guess." He was being slightly sarcastic since it was odd Spencer needed to give a reason. He didn't think much of it, but with him alone with Oak- practically a stranger -he began to feel a bit uncomfortable and left out. Oak noticed Spencer's strange behavior and muttered to himself as Spencer left, "Yeah, whatever that means." Dante questioned that comment, "Actually, yeah, what does that mean?"
"Obviously he's lying." 
Oak says in a quick reply. "Why would he lie about using the bathroom? I mean, we are in the desert. A toilet isn't a quick walk away." Dante tried to reason. "Why do you think?" While it wasn't Oak's place to say the truth, he insinuated it at least. He shrugged to Dante's confused look. It was obvious Spencer was struggling with something. Dante already knew that from last night. The things Spencer said, the way he acted, it was apparent. He wasn't dumb, but he just felt bad for him.
 Everyone has their poisons but this seemed to be draining Spencer. So much so that his own friends think Spencer isn't himself these days. "I'm going to go use a real restroom." Oak adds, going off inside the RV to use his friends'. Not off to wherever Spencer went. Dante looked around but found himself all alone. How did he manage to fall so hard over someone he'd just met? Why did he care what Spencer did? He felt left out and disappointed. It didn't last for long as the girls came out with sweet sunshine known as Lainey. Dressed in a long and draped, white dress with sun-bleached flowers towards the ruffled ends. Janna spins her about, almost showing her off, "Isn't she just stunning~" She teased, making Lainey shy. Terry notices Dante's glim look and quickly reigns him back into a good mood, "You're next!" Dante couldn't have been happier.

     Suddenly Dante was wrangled into the group of girls. Now he was being led off in the direction of camp. It was time to get out of grimy walking gear and into all that festival attire. First was Janna. Dressing her with strappy sandals, a handmade dress with washed-out colors and whatever jewelry she preferred. Lainey did Janna's hair up in loose braids and ties. Next was Terry. Nothing out of the ordinary for her. All black- to the boots, to the hat, straps, skirt, everything black. At least her long, shiny black hair matched. Finally, Dante. Who was already deemed to be the one doing all the makeup tonight. They all needed a say in Dante's outfit. "So, who's going to help me pick out something? None of you are matching. So I can't match either, obviously." Dante teases, Terry adds, "I can help." Then Janna adds too, "Oh you'd put him in a black leather suit if you could. Let me help." Terry scoffs to Janna's remark but Lainey laughs. "It's nice to be together again.. But Janna, you aren't much better."
"What!" Janna exclaims, Terry laughs too, "True. You dress like a homeless hippy."
"It's called comfortable hippy, not homeless." She almost glows as she twirls the ends of her fraying dress. She loves her style no matter how much they tease. "I'll help. What do you have?" Lainey asks, and Dante gives quite a look. "Oh, you don't want to know the full extent." He shuffles over a tote. Dante pops it open to reveal a box full of just dresses, tops, shorts, skirts, who knows what else. "And that other tote? Just shoes. And that bag- wigs. It wouldn't be a festival without a quarter of my wardrobe." They all gasp and thoroughly search. Who couldn't? It felt like dress up in mom's closet all over again.

     There was plenty of laughter as they tried on his wigs, squeezed on six-inch heels and fit into some of his more extravagant looks. After getting it all out of their systems they finally settle and genuinely look. A gasp from Terry, oos from Janna, and a nod from Lainey as they find a daisy top. The daisy's centers were replaced with pearls. It was light and pretty, so much so they all wanted it themselves. Then a pair of color-blocked pants to match the pastel pallet of Dante's new look. Finally, some purple sneakers to match.
 So, now with them all dressed it was time to do some makeup. They all wanted a turn with Dante's fancy creams and palettes. Dante had a much different skin tone than the girls but he still made every last product work. With Terry, easy, liner and a dark lip was enough for her to be happy. Janna just wanted some gloss and something smoky. Though Lainey wasn't one to wear makeup often she still let him have a try. While Dante and Lainey had time to themselves they became acquainted. Seeing as Lainey was darker, like himself, he was able to do a fuller face of makeup with her. "Do you like doing your makeup?" He asks.
"I used to some years ago. But now? Not so much. I don't think I'm good at it."
"It just takes time. But I get it.. It's not like I've always been able to do makeup myself."
"How come? You seem so talented."
"Well, it's pretty obvious. Being a guy an all. Wasn't my parents' favorite hobby of mine to encourage at first."
"Oh yes, tell me about it.."
"Really? Your parents wouldn't let you wear makeup growing up? I've heard that before, but I don't get it."
"I wasn't always a beautiful girl. Especially back then."
"Oh Lainey, stop that. You've been beautiful."
 Dante huffs, but she gives a small smile and stays still while he works. "No, Dante, I wasn't always a girl then." He didn't seem to understand what she meant. He tilted his head with a squint. So she emphasized more, "I'm trans, Dante." A huge, "Oh." left Dante as it finally clicked. Dante took a second to look her up and down. He shook his head and clicked his tongue. "You're gorgeous." Almost as if it never mattered, because to him she was nothing but a beautiful woman. Plus her makeup was finished, and it looked wonderful. "Really? Can I see?" She asked, and he obliged and handed over a mirror. She wasn't one to give big woos and coos. So it was just a soft smile as she looked from a few angles, "Thank you." It seemed like she hadn't seen herself this way in a while. Nor felt this way in quite a long time. It was a moment of another true friendship forming for Dante between himself and Lainey.

     Now that they were all dressed and decorated it was time to actually go out. While it may seem to have gone by quick, it had probably been at least an hour, if not two. They leave the tented space to go to the center of camp. Then they took a seat to enjoy the airflow and the not so much of peace and quiet. The festival was pretty rowdy now that people had arrived, shopped, and were now partying and probably under some influences. Lainey and Dante seemed to be quite close. She wanted to know more about him, so she asks, "How come I haven't met you sooner?"
"Oh, well, I guess I've only been going out and about with Terry and her friends for a few months."
"You're so sweet though, Dante. It's nice to have met you."
"Awe, thank you. I'm glad I've gotten to meet some great people here. You especially."
 To be honest he didn't see Terry as someone who would have such a large friend group. She was not very social, stern, and lived a life by the book. Now he has a dozen people he could call friends forever because of her. Of course, Lainey wants to know more than just that, "How come you've found yourself with Spencer?"
"Is.. That a bad thing?" Dante asks, since her question seemed a bit direct. "No, not at all. He's so.. himself, for sure." She says, trying not to snicker. Though that little smile and laugh dimmed, "I'm glad he's found someone good, that's all." Dante didn't know how to break it to her but he couldn't play along forever. "Well, Lainey, we're not dating. Actually, I just met Spencer last night. I've come to know everyone through Terry, not him. I'm sorry for the confusion." That was obviously a surprise to Lainey. She looked at the two girls who never corrected her, "Oh, my bad. I, uh-" Obviously Lainey felt a bit awkward to have assumed, but Dante quickly added, "But.. Y'know." Terry's eyes widened. "We know? What!" Dante chuckles, shaking his head, "You know." while giving an innocent shrug. 
"We know." Is collectively said. Lainey adds with a laugh, "Oh dear, poor Dante. Please tread that water lightly." Yet again another warning from a friend. As much as they laughed about it Dante was feeling the pressure. Everyone was expecting Dante to be something. Maybe heartbroken, walking a fine line, perhaps even falling into Spencer's pit of despair. It was nerving but not enough to turn his intent aside. He felt clueless but so enamored. Dante was going to get to know Spencer better one way or another.

     Lainey pats away a few tears of laughter while the girls banter. A sigh of relief left Lainey, looking to her beloved friends. Then glancing left and right, and quickly realized- where is everyone else? So she says,
"Speaking of which.. Where is that boy? We ought to get him ready, too." She adds,
"We have a show to see."

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