Another: The Class of 1999

By FayeTheFab

182 36 2

Moving schools is always difficult - the strange new faces, the unknown building, the worry of sticking out t... More

Class 3-3
Chapter 1 - Fresh Start
Chapter 2 - New School
Chapter 3 - The First Death
Chapter 4 - Real
Chapter 5 - 1972
Chapter 6 - The Second Library
Chapter 8 - Answers
Chapter 9 - A date?
Chapter 10 - Sensei
Chapter 11 - Unveiled
Chapter 12 - Aunt Mai
Chapter 13 - Back To School
Chapter 14 - In Depth
Chapter 15 - Out
Chapter 16 - New Evidence
Chapter 17 - School Trip
Chapter 18 - 1998
Chapter 19 - Dead One
Chapter 20 - Oh No...
Flashback 1
Chapter 21: It Begins
Flashback 2
Chapter 22 - My Murders
Flashback 3
Chapter 23 - Sacrifice
Flashback 4
Chapter 24 - My Confession
Flashback 5
Chapter 25 - Back To Death
Flashback 6
Chapter 26 - The End
Class 3-3

Chapter 7 - Class Rep

4 1 0
By FayeTheFab

Thankfully the next day was Sunday, so I was able to spend the day trying to relax and take my mind off school. I was also surprised when my father announced he had a present for me, and gave me a mobile phone. It seemed rather convenient. Maybe a little too inconvenient...

"This really is kind, but you should have waited until my birthday," I told him.

"It did cost a little more than planned," my father admitted. "But after what's been happening recently, I want to make sure you're safe."

It was a navy flip phone. The keypad was large with the numbers and letters written in white. I was mesmerised, spending a lot of time just flipping the phones screen up and down, very entertained. 

The next thing I did was phone Clarissa.

"Hello?" She asked when she picked up.

"Clarissa-san? It's Tsuki!"

"Tsuki-san? No way! I thought you said you didn't have a phone?"

"I just got one today, my father bought me it."

"Your dad is a very kind man." I could feel Clarissa smiling. "I didn't know it was your birthday.

"It isn't. My father is being a little cautious, due to everything that's happened in school."

"You haven't told your dad about the class 3-3 curse, have you?"

I shook my head, before realising she couldn't see me. "No, I haven't."

"Good," my classmate responded. "Because I'd hate him to worry about you even more. But May has only just started - I don't think Yuki-san's brother will be the only death in May."

I nodded, and then realised, once again, she couldn't see me. "I'll help you out however I can, Clarissa-san. Please be careful."

I will," Clarissa responded. "And you be careful too. If you need anything I'll only be a call or text away, alright?"

I sat on the edge of by bed and fell backwards so I was laying down. "You too. Day or night."

"Night is for sleeping," Clarissa said, sounding a little more cheerful.

I smirked. "I don't sleep a lot."

"Really? I love sleeping," Clarissa gave a little laugh.

"Me too, but I just don't need a lot," I said. I hesitated. "I used to have trouble sleeping, but not much anymore." It felt like I was somehow revealing a lot about me in that one sentence.

"Make sure you get plenty of sleep tonight, then," she instructed me.

"Yes, Sensei," I joked.

Clarissa chuckled. "I'd love to talk for longer, but I need to have a bath and make sure I have enough time to dry my hair. I can't afford to get ill! Thank you for calling, I'll save your number. Have a good evening, Tsuki-san!"

"You too! Goodnight!"

I let her hang up first, before flipping my phone shut and holding it to my chest, allowing my thoughts and a strange sense of calmness to engulf me for a moment.

I enjoyed talking to Clarissa, and thinking of her made my cheeks go red. It felt like she was such a huge part of my life, but I was only a tiny spec in hers. I could imagine her brilliance and attitude attracted everyone, and I was a minor inconvenience, obsessed with her, who she'd kindly let into her life out of pity. I sincerely hoped that wasn't the case.

Why couldn't I stop thinking about her?


The next day I headed to school a little earlier than usual. I was tired, but I wanted to see Clarissa. Maybe to ask her if she was happy having me as a friend, or just so I could sit at my desk and stare longingly at her.

The back of my neck grew hot and the scars on my back burnt, as if they were warning me something bad might happen.

I entered the classroom, but I froze in my tracks when I saw that I wasn't alone.

Stood by the teachers desk was a girl I had never seen before. She was very pretty, like a model. But her eyes had huge black circles underneath. She looked how I felt - exhausted. Her hair was in a loose bun on top of her head, and a light dash of freckles was sprinkled across the bridge of her nose. The school uniform was baggy on her small frame. She smiled at me as if we were good friends.

"Hello!" She smiled. "You must be Takeda Tsuki, yes?"

"Um... Yes. That's me," I nodded.

The girl's smile grew bigger and she stepped forward. However, she stumbled slightly, and had to grab onto the teacher's desk for support, her chest rising and falling irregularly.

I rushed over. "Are you okay?"

She giggled, but I could tell she was trying to cover up sadness, or possibly anger. "I'm grand, thank you!" She at me. "I've been wanting to meet you for a while, Takeda-chan. Clarissa-san has told me all about you!"

I blinked.

The girl tilted her head. "...I didn't introduce myself, did I?"

I shook my head.

The girl rolled her eyes and tutted at herself. "Honestly, I'm hopeless! No wonder you looked so confused! My name is Hayashi Yume. I'm the class 3-3 representative."

My eyes widened. "Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't realise! It's a pleasure ro meet you, Hayashi-san." I felt like I should have curtsied or something.

"You can call me Yume. So, you're the newest edition to the class 3-3 collection?" Yume looked me up and down and nodded approvingly. "You're very pretty, Takeda-chan."

I couldn't help scoffing. Sometimes I didn't feel that way, but hearing it from someone who was a lot prettier than me made me smile. "Thank you. You're also pretty, Yume-san."

Yume's eyes lit up. "You think? I like you, Takeda-chan. We'll get along well!"

Just then the door slid open, and in walked Clarissa and Akira. They both froze in their tracks, the exact same way I did, when they saw Yume. Clarissa's face immediately broke into a grin.

"Yume-san!" Clarissa rushed up to us. "I haven't seen you in ages!"

Clarissa was beaming at Yume just how I beamed at Clarissa. Perhaps Yume was the girl Clarissa looked up to and admired?

Yume beamed. "It's only been five weeks, but it felt like a lifetime!"

Akira appeared. "It's nice to see you, Hayashi-san."

"I've told you, Akira-kun, I don't like formalities," Yume scolded him, with a smirk on her face.

Yume then stumbled again, all of us catching her.

Yume laughed. "Sorry, I'm so careless!"

"Don't you have a wheelchair or something?" Akira asked.

"It's in the nurse's office," Yume said, waving her hand. "I don't need it."

"Are you sure?" Clarissa asked.

Yume beamed. "Positive!"

The classroom slowly began filling up with students, each one smiling and congratulating Yume from being discharged from hospital. Even Hirohito managed a joyful grin.

"Where's Endo-kun?" Yume asked.

"Hisoka's dead," Clarissa said bluntly, looking down. "He was the first victim."

Yume's eyes travelled to Hisoka's desk. It appeared that she had only just noticed the flowers and cards. Her eyes widened. "The calamity wasn't prevented?"

"I tried," Clarissa whispered, "and I failed. I'm so sorry, Yume-san."

Yume put her hand on Clarissa's shoulder, and I couldn't help feeling slightly out of place as I watched the two class reps talk. Also jealous.

"Don't blame yourself, Chibiki-Sensei told me there was only a fifty percent chance. Did everyone follow the instructions?"

Clarissa's eyes slowly flicked in my direction.

Yume looked at me as well, and I could feel my face growing red.

Yume turned back to face Clarissa, almost glaring. "You didn't tell her, did you?"

"I didn't know what may happen if I spoke about him..."

"But she needed to know, " Yume placed her hand on her face, which had grown even paler.

"Um... I needed to know what?" I asked, not sure if I should have spoken up or not.

Yume turned to look at me. "Takeda-chan, before the school day is over, I'll tell you everything."

I was taken back. I couldn't believe it... Everyone had been reluctant to give me answers, and now Yume was prepared to tell me everything? It didn't seem real... Yume was like an angel...

Ishida-Sensei entered the classroom, and we all scrambled into our seats, Yume sitting in the chair on Clarissa's right, which had been empty since my first day at school. The jealously bubbled.

Ishida-Sensei congratulated Yume and took the register, before we all flipped our geography textbooks to page ten.

I sneakily glanced behind me. Riku's desk was empty. When I turned back to face the front, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Yume staring at me. I didn't know whether to stare back or ignore her. Knowing I could see, she shook her head at me, like a warning, before turning to face the front.

I focused on my work, eager for the day to end so Yume could give me answers.


The day dragged. All the lessons seemed to last twice as long, and it felt like a century had passed until it was lunchtime.

Yume sat with me, Clarissa, Yuki and Ai. The boys all sat on the other side of the room, sneaking glances at Yume. Akira joined in, and Clarissa did not seem impressed. There were only two other girls in our class, and they wandered off somewhere else.

"I bet they're jealous," Yume grinned as the girls left the classroom in a hurry.

Clarissa just glared at the boys out of the corner of her eyes, teeth grinding together.

Yume saw this and smirked. "Calm down, Clarissa-san! They're just excited about witnessing so much beauty, that's all!"

"Ai-chan wouldn't be surprised if some of them confessed their love to Yume-chan!" Ai smiled cheerfully.

Yume scoffed. "Me? No way!"

"Why not?" I asked. "You've got the looks, and you are really kind and sweet."

"Not to mention you're smart and cheerful," Yuki added.

Yume gave a sad smile. "I'm also really ill. I don't think they'd want to deal with a sick girlfriend who spends all her time in hospital. I think I'll get my first boyfriend when I'm in high school."

"High school?" Clarissa asked. "Yume-san, last time we had this conversation, you said you were waiting until college."

Yume just smirked. Clarissa rolled her eyes. Ai laughed. Yuki tutted softly. I, knowing these four had been friends since elementary school, felt very out of place.

"Oh, remember that camping trip we took at the beginning of middle school?" Yume recalled. "Matsuda-chan got lost, and we found her praying underneath that oak tree? And Sakurai-chan had a meltdown because she lost her torch."

"Ai-chan was worried!" Ai explained in a hurry.

"And it was a good torch!" Yuki retorted. "Besides, didn't Clarissa-san slip and fall into that lake?"

Yume's eyes were shining. "Oh, yes!"

Clarissa's cheeks were red, and continued to burn. "Shut up! It was dark and there was a slope."

Yume leaned across the table. "Hey, Clarissa-chan?"

Clarissa glared, warning Yume. "What?"

Yume's eyes glittered. "I loved your bright pink pyjamas. Very girly."

Clarissa slammed the palms of her hands against the table. "Shut the hell up!"

Yume grinned, sticking out her tongue. "You tried so desperately to act cool in front of me, as well."

"And Ai-chan bets Yuki-chan will find a beautiful boyfriend in highschool! And Ai-chan will support Yuki-chan all the way!" Ai fist bumped the air.

Ah, back to the boyfriend conversation.

Yuki sucked the air between her teeth. "Uh, maybe..."

Yume chuckled. "And you, Takeda-chan? When do you plan in getting a boyfriend?"

I paused, thinking. When did I want a boyfriend? DID I even want a boyfriend? Thanks to my parents, the thought of relationships wasn't exactly a positive image. And what kind of person would I like? Did it have to be a boy?

Desperately trying not to glance at, Clarissa, I pretended to laugh. "I want to focus on school first. Maybe I'll get into a relationship later on, but at the moment it's not my priority."

Clarissa nodded, agreeing. "You're smart, Tsuki-san."

"Wait... Clarissa-chan... Don't tell me you don't want a relationship? I've been looking forward to your wedding since the moment I met you!" Yume leant back in her chair. "You're just worried that you won't ever get a boyfriend, right?"

"I don't WANT a boyfriend!" Clarissa groaned, holding her forehead in her hands.

"Aww, Ai-chan is positive Clarissa-san will find a nice boyfriend!" Ai said confidently, oblivious to the fact that she was assisting Yume's teasing.

"But what about Tanaka-kun?" Yume wriggled her eyebrows.

"Akira is my FRIEND," Clarissa said slowly and clearly.


After lunch, it was time for physical education. Most of the students complained that they had to partake in sport straight after they had just eaten. My father had wrote a letter to the school telling them that I wasn't able to join in the sport lessons. I still had a lot of small bruises and cuts which needed closing up, not to mention the scars on my back, and I didn't want anyone to see them.

Yume was also excused from sporting activities, so she and I sat nearby, watching the boys play a heated game of football and the girls jump hurdles. Akira had the ball, and Ai was running. Yume's wheelchair was next to us, but she sat on the bench with me.

"I'd love to be able to do that," Yume smiled wistfully as we watch Ai summersault over the bar.

I smiled as I watch Ai and Yuki high five cheerfully. "I'm sure Ai-chan will teach you if you asked her. It would take a while, but I don't think it would be impossible."

Yume's smile dropped. "I think it would be impossible for me."

"Don't say that," I encouraged her. "I bet it's like riding a bike. It seems tricky at first, but once you learn, it's a skill that stays with you forever."

Yume shook her head looking down at her legs. "Takeda-chan, you don't understand. I can't take part in any physical exercise. I have a weak heart. Somedays it pumps blood too fast and too forcefully, and other days it struggles."

I felt like an idiot.

"I also have a mild case of brittle bone disease," Yume sighed. "Thankfully it's not as bad as some cases," Yume gave me a sad smile as she carefully extended her legs out, "A weak heart, weak muscles, and brittle bones isn't exactly a good combination. Not to mention that the doctors keep checking on my spine in case I develop scoliosis." Yume gave me a thumbs up. "Fun times!"

"...I'm sorry," I said weakly, a lump in my throat. I had no idea what to say. It seemed that Yume had been storing all this sadness and anger for a long time, and needed to let it all out.

"Why are you apologising? It's not your fault," Yume tutted at me. "My doctors say I'm much better now than I was before. Hopefully I'll be able to walk for two minutes without getting exhausted next." Yume gave a single nod. "I'm going to show everyone that I don't need a wheelchair. I'm going to prove that I can be strong. I'm going to climb a mountain! I'll ride a bike! Maybe I'll train to run a marathon!"

Speaking of sports, I looked over and saw Clarissa. She was jumping the hurdles as the rest of the girls cheered her on. To say she wasn't wearing her glasses, she was doing exceptionally well.

I felt guilty. A part of me felt like of was my fault the curse had started... It was Clarissa's job to try keep us safe, but everything had been going wrong since I showed up...

"You need answers, don't you?" Yume nudged me gently.

"Don't you know it," I sighed.

Yume smiled sadly. "Don't blame Clarissa-chan for not telling you. Once you learn the truth, you'll understand why." Yume tilted her head. "In case I have to go back to hospital, will you look after Clarissa-chan for me? I don't think she realises how special she is, she puts too much pressure on herself. She needs someone to remind her that she's worth it. Can you do that for me?"

I nodded.

Yume smiled. "Thanks! Now, I'll tell you anything you like."

"Can you tell me the truth?"

"Of course, what do you want to know?"

"Who is Fujiwara Riku?" I asked immediately. "Clarissa-san said she didn't know anyone with that name, but Akira-kun told me not to mention it, and I just—"

"Hang on," Yume said gently. "So you're aware of the reason why the calamity exists?"

"Because of the class in 1972," I nodded.

"And do you know that one member of our class is..."

"An extra student, and dead," I finished.

"It's just Fujiwara Riku you don't know about?"

He IS real?!" I asked.

Yume hesitated. "Well... This is tricky. Fujiwara Riku..."

Yume's voice was cut off as she inhaled sharply and held her hands to her heart, pressing down on her chest.

Immediately I reached my hands out to support her. "Are you okay?"

Yume coughed and nodded slowly. "I... I think so. Thank you. Fujiwara Riku is—"

Yume suddenly gave a groan, and doubled over on the bench. Her breathing became haphazard and raspy. Her left hand was on her heart, and the right was clinging to the bench.

"YUME!!!" I panicked and grabbed her shoulders, trying to help her sit up right.

But she collapsed onto her knees, her hands balled into fists as she began ferociously coughing and gasping for air.

I could feel my hands shaking as I tried to steady her. I had no idea what was happening to her, or what I could do...

"Yume!!!" Clarissa sprinted over to us. She almost pushed me out of the way as she knelt in front of Yume.

Yume's eyes were rolling into the back of her head, and she fell forwards into Clarissa's arms, twitching. Clarissa turned Yume over so she was laying on her back. Her face was blue. Now, Yume was jolting and having seizures as she gasped for air.

"Tsuki-san, get the nurse to call an ambulance!" Clarissa instructed me. "Hurry!"

I could feel all the other students watching. Immediately I jumped to my feet, turned on my heels, and sprinted to the school building.

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