
By ItJustL

337 2 4

A POC and Queer set story of two strangers to lovers. An extroverted, mixed, small drag star attempting to dr... More

Cherry Wine
I Love You Too

Dinner & Diatribes

83 2 3
By ItJustL

May 20th, Saturday, 2023, 12.AM

     It's a cool summer's evening or 'morning' in the deserts of California. An annual summer festival doesn't end for another three days. It's full of music and performances, shops, art, drinks and fun. With amber hills and rocky cliffs, RV's and fire pits, it's nothing but nature and happy folk as far as the eye can see. For the friendly bunch the journey has just begun.

     Red sands left tire trails in what looked to be a white light at the end of a grassless field. A few signs with glow sticks and streamers pointed towards the overnight stayers. It was beyond packed full of car sleepers, van people, and proper RV travelers.
 Spencer brought his own vehicle to sleep in. Janna had her  RV; she was a traveler in of herself but invited her friends to share the space. Dante was one of the lucky few to tag along with her. Though Dante still chose a tent for himself over sharing that hot box. Meanwhile, the other two friends, Terry and Oak, were more than happy with the free ride and free beds.
 Venues were being set for the following day. That would be the official beginning to the festival with big bands and performers. Music was loud as some were already beginning to celebrate. However, this crew decided to settle into the night with a few drinks, hot dogs and smores while all sat about the fire. Trinity, known more so as Terry, Oliver, known as Oak, Janna, and of course, Dante, were all at the fire no less than an hour after arriving. Spencer was late but still invited.

     With a groan and a few stretches Spencer stepped out of his red Jeep. He cracked his back with a satisfied grin. Then he turned around the back end of the RV to where light was seen flickering. Spencer found all his friends, and a stranger, sitting in a circle around a fire. "Smells good out here."
 Everyone promptly turned to look. A welcoming, "Hey! Look who showed up." from Oak. A small wave from Janna and a hefty sigh from Terry, "Unfortunately." Spencer scoffed, "That's rude." while fitting himself into a comfortable spot between the two girls. He kept an arm around both Janna and Terry. His gaze set over to Dante. A sweet sight to see, someone new. Though it seemed like Dante was choosing to sit silently and sip his drink. Sweetly Spencer spoke up to break the silence, "So, who's that?" 
 Probably not the best introduction. Terry says, "That's my friend, Dante.. Maybe just ask him and not me." Dante notices the vibe of the conversation between the pair. He glanced away awkwardly at their almost brother and sisterly attitude towards each other. Dante felt a bit timid around this attractive new friend he'd heard vaguely of. "I figure you're the Spencer I've heard about?" Said Dante, which got a small glare from Terry, a giggle from Janna, and a roll of eyes from Oak. Of course that amused Spencer. "Oh, so, you've heard of me?" Terry adds, "No, not heard of, warned of." and Janna follows with a nudge to Oak, "We knew they'd fight. How cute~" 
"Well it's sweet I've built up a reputation here." Though Terry continues being snarky, "A reputation to swindle any newcomer." Her words get a small frown out of Spencer, which is enough to make her appeased. Dante seems a little confused but it's clear Spencer's well known amongst the group for something. Probably many things. That only made Dante even more curious.

     After settling in with a few drinks and something warm to eat conversation begins to pick up quite a bit within the group. Janna's awfully snuggly with Oak. Meanwhile, he is more worried about getting enough service to send a text and smoke at the same time. Terry scooted away from Spencer to enjoy the warmth of the fire- so, peace and quiet. It's clear Spencer's attention has turned almost entirely to Dante. He didn't do well under the pressure of longing stares. So Dante sparks a conversation first, "So.. you came out here all by yourself?"
"Yeah. Actually, I kind of do my own thing most the time. It's cool you came out here with them- I mean, I assume."
I did come with Janna but I've got my own tent. I brought too many clothes to share that space with them." 
"Oh, that's cool. So you dress up for these festivals?" Spencer asks, now curious as he decides to get closer to Dante. "I guess you can call it that." Dante shrugs, spinning his empty bottle about and averting his gaze. Normally he wasn't so shy but it was hard to tell how open he could truly be with this stranger. Spencer doesn't question Dante further and continues with an idea instead, "Well I'm here for the music. It's cool being around for my friends that play in these venues." With a grin he adds, "Speaking of.. A friend is playing up the hill. I'm sure you can hear it and see it." Spencer looks over his shoulder and behind him to what seems to be a small party up and over the rocky hills. A few woos and whistles, a good base, and a guy with a guitar was heard but only faintly. It was common for the empty spaces to fill when the bands weren't around. It seemed like cogs were now turning for everyone at that thought.
"And I'm the only one with a car. I could easily, y'know, take us all up there?" Spencer offers. Terry chimes in, obviously, "Hold on. I'm always the babysitter. If you're driving you have to stay sober Spence." Which Spencer sighs and nods along to her persistent words. "Yeah yeah, obviously I will." Oak and Janna look at each other to seize the opportunity and Oak speaks up, "Well.. We'll stay back. You guys have fun." Terry nearly hated the idea of partying without Janna and huffed, "You two better not mess up my top bunk." Janna just laughs at her friend's stubbornness, "Oh we will." Dante was cluelessly smiling at all the friendly banter. A drink and some music didn't sound all that bad at all. Maybe it'd give him a chance to get to know this new stranger better.

     Spencer started his car up and got the air flowing. Terry promptly went for the passenger's door, but Dante put a word in while it was just the two of them. "What was I 'warned' about with him again? I think he's awfully cute Terry." With that said her hand falls from the handle. She sighs, leans against the car and side-eyes Spencer gleefully waiting for them. Terry replies softly, "Dante.. You know he's just trying to get in your pants. C'mon, don't act dumb- Oh an don't say that. 'He's cute, he's nice, he's blah blah blah.' Obviously he's being charming but that's just how he'll get to you!" Her advice seemed to go right through Dante, "I trust you Terry, but give him a chance. How would you know anyway?" It seemed like she didn't want to answer that. So Dante takes the passenger handle and Terry gives in to the back seat.

      A few ideas for the night were definitely pondering for Spencer. Peeking back to Terry and seeing her so glim got him to turn on some music. He then started his journey to the rugged paths and up the hills. Most people were walking up and a few were driving, but he was determined. He felt so infatuated with Dante and he wanted to know more about him. Since the moment Dante buckled in it seemed like Spencer's mouth didn't stop, "So how come I haven't heard about you before?"
"Well I'm not sure.. Maybe because we've never met before? Do your friends usually introduce you to everyone?" Spencer laughed of some timid embarrassment to that response. I guess that was a bit of a silly question, "I mean, not necessarily. Just curious how you're friends with Terry. But I wonder that about everyone who finds time with her well spent." Of course that got a scoff from Terry. She proceeded to sit on her phone and be no part of this conversation. "I met Terry a few months ago. At a show towards Oregon, near where she lives and all."
"That's cool. It's a shame I wasn't there to meet you sooner." Spencer says, glancing over with almost a smirk before carrying on with his one-handed driving. He really was charming and even that look got Dante feeling warm. So Dante glances off to look out the window and Spencer adds, "I like your earrings. They're cute." Obviously that makes Dante reach for his ear. He spun around his star-shaped stud, "Oh, thanks."
 Dante was a little rusty with his flirting. He was just now getting that safe sense of feeling around Spencer. No straight guy would really invoke these types of conversations, right? Was this flirting? I think they both were beginning to question each other's preference and intention. I suppose Spencer was just a bit more bold and courageous to act on it than Dante.
"So. You said earlier you came with a bunch of stuff. Are you performing at the festival at all?" To that thought Dante smiled, "I dress up for a living, but for myself too. For fun." Dante would eventually feel comfortable enough to talk more openly about his job, his lifestyle, and his intentions for the festival. This surely made Spencer even more curious. He wanted to prod and poke, but he didn't want to force it out of Dante either. "Oh, I see.. That's cool. You'll have to show me something special then."
 Abruptly their banter was interrupted, "Alright, that's enough. We're practically here anyways." Terry really couldn't stand listening to Spencer insert himself into every situation where there's someone new he hasn't slept with. Dante flirting along made it even worse. However, Terry was right in at least one way. They were here along with a dozen other poorly parked cars just aside a half-packed venue site. "Well I'm glad we are. We need to loosen you up a bit." Spencer says to Terry while he helps himself out of the car. Dante looks into the back seat to her. It was a smile and face that said 'I'm not going to listen to a single thing you told me.' She could only look back disappointedly and shake her head with sarcasm in her tone, "I don't think I've ever been happier." Terry needed a drink and at least a solid minute away from Spencer. Dante was willing to join Spencer aimlessly into the night.

     With no hesitation, Terry sets off on her own and with no goodbye said. Spencer walked to the passenger side of the car to meet Dante. Spencer pulled at his old, white tank top, rolled up his denim jacket sleeves and went to tighten his boot laces. He looked up to a sight; Dante taking off his hoodie. Underneath he was wearing a black, sleeveless, mesh top that was tucked into a pair of ripped jeans. Spencer stands with a practically speechless smile. I suppose Dante truly did dress up. While Dante messed with his hair in the reflection of the window he sees Spencer idly staring back, "Yes?" he asks and looks over his shoulder. "Nothing. Just, didn't expect all that under a hoodie." Dante raises a brow and grins, "All that?" He snickers to himself, reaching for Spencer's wrist to lead him up towards the lights and sounds. "I'll take it as a compliment." Dante adds before Spencer can fluster or refuse.

"Have you ever been to a venue like this?" Spencer asks Dante who seems happily shocked by the new sights to see. Dante shakes his head and gives Spencer's hand a small squeeze.
"No, I haven't. I've only been to, well, professional venues." Dante laughed at himself and added, "Not that this isn't professional but I think you know what I mean." Of course Spencer does and nods along. He stayed beside Dante as long as he needed to feel comfortable heading into the heart of the crowd. Dante looks to Spencer, who seems so well-versed and courageous compared to himself at this event. He felt lost in this scene and sea of people. Dante was relying on his friends to show him the way of festivals, "Will you stick around with me during the shows? Show me all the fun stuff?"
"How come? You don't want Terry to?"
Spencer is humbled by the lack of Terry's presence at the moment and practically shrugs off his own idea. "You seem like you know your way around these things. It'd be nice to go out with someone who actually wants to have fun. Not just make out in a van or hide from the crowds, if you get what I'm saying." Dante says, referring to their friends who clearly had their own ways of enjoying these festivals. Dante was looking for some memories and experiences, not just days in the desert tolerating the heat for occasional music and dance.
"Oh I think I can show you a good time if that's what you're looking for."
"You think so?"
Dante raises a brow to Spencer's suggestive tone.
"I know so."

     Finally Dante finds the footing to drag Spencer with him into the venue. The music was sweet and steady. Most people were swaying, just enjoying each other's company. The drinks- being sold out of a cooler, illegally, by a stranger -but still booze nonetheless. Spencer goes first for alcohol and any cold, amber bottle will do. Though Dante takes Spencer straight into the crowd and as close as he could to the music. He turned about to get a good look of just.. Everything! It almost seemed surreal.
 The venue's set around old, rusted-out bearings to a never finished project. The big, red industrial lights hung and working. Along with warm, yellow string lights people have hung to add to the cozy, welcoming feeling. The ground was old, red brick that was once the floor of said building. There was a small stage set up with spare bricks and old floorboards. The one-man band changed the whole aura. As soon as the music kicked up it got a huge whirl of whistles and woos from the crowd. This song was familiar and even a favorite.
"Do you dance?" Spencer's tone was tender while looking up at the taller man. He knew the answer he'd get. It was an absolute, "Yes! Obviously!" from Dante. Who then takes Spencer's hand up with his in an almost sweet-southern dancing way. It was fitting to the theme of the song playing. Though Spencer was clumsy, often stepping on or stumbling over Dante as they stepped about and spun around. Dante pulled him closer and spoke down to him, "You're real good at this." Of course, it was sarcasm according to Spencer. "Oh I know. I'm a great dancer." Then Spencer tried to show off for Dante. He had taken the lead this time around despite only having one free hand. It seemed like he wasn't giving up that two dollar beer in his other. Dante found Spencer to be very endearing and was more than happy to dance along. Soon with Spencer's pumps and kicks, things felt awfully close and intimate just before- POP!
 Goes his unopened bottle, never once loose from his other hand. Those around gave a shout while backing away from the two and the foam fountain that followed. The music never stopped but what felt like silence between the two with their shocked staring quickly turned into endless laughter. Spencer looks down at his white tank- consider it beige now. "What a waste of a good beer!" Spencer exclaims. Dante wipes away his tears of laughter and nods, "But for such a good laugh at least."

     Thank you @ cen.taur on Instagram for this amazing commission piece based off of this scene in Calilily! (All rights reserved to the artist, Cengizhan.)

     After the song it seemed the crowd parted around the two. Maybe because no one wanted to be dancing on beer soaked brick or near whatever scene was just caused. Obviously the small crowds' shock drew Terry's attention. Yet again she felt like the supervisor. She stood disappointedly watching as the two left from the hoard of people. Spencer feels her gaze while leaving the crowd. He gave a small, "Uh-oh" when catching her glare. She swiftly approaches, "What the hell happened?! Why are you soaked and- gosh, you smell too! Literally.. cannot go anywhere."
"It was nothing. And I smell all the time." Spencer shrugs off Terry's scolding. She stood with arms crossed and her temper thinning. Terry scoffs and loosens up to Dante's innocent expression. It takes a few moments, a couple sighs and long stares and finally she rubs the bridge of her nose to hide her tiny grin. "Oh whatever. Just don't embarrass me too."
"I'm not embarrassed at all. Actually, I'd do it again." Dante says with a nudge to Spencer.
Which Spencer smiles, glad at least someone's on the same page. The two boys meet eyes, smiles shared, lost in a moment. Terry sees and rolls her own, "Alright.. Can you two do that somewhere else?"
"Huh?" and "What?" was said between the two. Then again, Terry simply shrugs in disapproval and gives a 'sayonara' while adding one last time, "Y'know what. I'll just see you two back at camp. I'll be alright." Seemed like Terry wanted some of her own fun. Maybe she was secretly jealous of the two spending time together. Perhaps more realistically she was truly concerned about Dante falling too hard for Spencer, but she knew she couldn't stop them. Clearly Dante and Spencer didn't regret a single second. Seeing as Dante quickly adds after she leaves, "Let's do it again!"

     So the two find themselves slowly eased back into the music. It isn't a bother that Spencer's damp and smelling of booze. The tunes simmer down into something a little less intense, but just as thrilling or even intimate. Spencer and Dante find themselves comfortably close. Spencer was still attempting to take a bit of a lead. He takes Dante's hands, spins him about, and faces Dante's back against his chest to hold him tenderly. With the height difference, it felt like Spencer's chin almost met perfectly to Dante's nape and shoulder. Dante enjoyed the intimate touch and tenderness from Spencer. It's always nice to drift away with someone once in a while. To get lost in the music and enjoy the moment. Spencer's mind wandered off as well. Typical of him Spencer whispers, "This whole back to chest thing works well in my back seat too." It seemed like more than flirting, it was a suggestion. Those words were hardly shocking to Dante but it was enough to end their dance. It felt like Terry had warned not once or twice, but three times, and only now with her lack of presence did he feel her words the heaviest. While tempting Dante gives a small sigh and turns around to face him. With a caress to Spencer's cheek, admiring his charm, he replies, "I'm not like that, this, isn't like that." That makes Spencer stammer as it wasn't often he was rejected and so kindly, too. He did try to recover, "Yeah.. Yeah, it's just the boozy aroma. It's late and all.." Spencer wasn't very good at apologies. It was just a nervous laugh and a cute smile to cover it up. To hope to be forgiven and the words forgotten. Dante stood with Spencer as people were still dancing around them. He tried to help fix the awkward and shy pains that Spencer was feeling by keeping them moving. So with hands on Spencer's shoulders, looking down at him and being patient enough to continue, Dante offers, "This song is almost over.. Are you just going to stare? Or, are you going to do something?" It was a small startle to Spencer and it even made him snicker. I suppose a kiss was a first step, but he was just used to skipping a step or few most times. So Spencer wrapped his arms around Dante's neck, leading Dante gently, as he was more than happy to partake in that request.
"Well they are pretty. Maybe I will stare." Spencer whispered to Dante before he ghosted a kiss over his lips. So while they both instigated it, Dante couldn't be any longer and gave in. A proper kiss met shortly after a few cheers and claps to the performer's last, beautiful song.

    The whole night felt like a fever dream. A drunk Terry vanquished to the back seat, two distant lovers back at camp 'keeping an eye on the fire' and a night full of laughter and sharing between the two boys. Perhaps the two were sharing one too many drinks as well..
Maybe it was too good to be true.
Maybe it was just a dream.

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