The forsaken (Rainimator book...

By doctorofhope

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the Controller is gone, but things are not safe, Rain relives the past as one of his close friends becomes a... More

prologue: what use to be
what just happened
old friends
How are you here?
castle in swamp
Netherbane misson
the mind that suffers
Arcane Knight
birthday message
things are getting worse
Prepareing for the devils daughter
the tundra
the being of the attack
to save his soul
dreaming of a stranger
oh dear
Stop this!
nether search
goodbye for now
Sam Hunter
the straw that broke the camel
morning in frostbourne
arcane plan
fractured family
oh dear not again
days go on
Nether encounter
spies in the camp
outside this reality
kingdom of pain
the air
battle plans
the forgiven
the nether
cleansing her soul part 1
The past
Ciara's sorrow
cleansing her soul part 2
cleansing her soul part 3
night time
a date night
the deal
the unknown attacker
path of fire
a stab in the back
king vs princess
the dream
Dragon's fire
land ho!
soul of the broken
village standoff
lasting defence
the nightmare of death
life and death
hopeful planning
a snow day at Frostbourne
wrath of the ender kin
a past not forgotten
A Sister's revenger
the question of a life time
a mother's goodbye

Frostbourne's undead problem

77 4 4
By doctorofhope

POV Azura

I was preparing a bottle of milk for Charlene, things had been calm this morning, I finished the bottle and went over to Charlene and feed her, soon enough I would be able to feed her other foods. 

then I heard the sounds outside of the kitchen within the fort itself, I've been staying here while waiting for Patrick to recover, so when the sounds of screaming followed by someone smashing into the door of the kitchen, a few of the others in here, a pair of chefs gripped they knifes. 

the door burst open and several zombies started to make their way into the room. the chefs got ready to fight when bullets fired, Alex, Daryll and Wolf came in. "Clear!" Wolf said in a calm and controlled voice. If what Charlie says about her history it would seem the norm for her. 

"You all good?" Daryll asked. 

I nodded. "Daryll can you cover me while I get to my wings?" 

Daryll nodded. "Wolf with me Alex, do whatever it is you do....idiot," Daryll said turning. as we approached the door a lightning blot slammed into the room killing a guard, and Crystal walked in followed by the undead Dexter. 

Wolf raised her rifle narrowing at head of Crystal, she slowly looked around, and let a small lightning blot knock the rifle away from Wolf. 

Daryll slowly lowered his weapon knocking better than to try it, Alex on the other hand raised his gun and fired. Crystal's lightning zapped the buttle out of the air. "You," Crystal said. "YOU CAN BURN! SLOWLY!"

"what about some breed?" Alex said waving a breed stick about. Crystal grabbed Alex by the throat and chucked him into a rack of knives. 

I winced seeing severals stab him into him. I walked towards Crystal. "Stop!" I ordered. 

Crystal turned to me. "Azura," she said. 

I was about to say something when Daryll shoot her, I heard the bullet whistling past my ear, and into Crystal's stomach, I spun around to Daryll. "YOU IDIOT! WE COULD OF TALKED HER DOWN AND HELPED HER!" 

Crystal fell back taking the bullet hard, Wolf took the chance and raised forward lifting Alex off the knife rack. "Good thing he's got a thick skull," 

"What? what did you want me to do? Huh? that thing on the floor, it's a person anymore, It is an animal, What she did to Dexter! what she's doing now! how could you ever have considered her a friend I don't know, now move so I can finish her off," Daryll said raising his gun, and then he was hit back by a massive bolt of lightning. 

Daryll was sent back, slamming into the wall, he got back up, hurt but still standing, Wolf pulled Alex out and Daryll charged at Crystal.

Daryll brought the axe down and Crystal caught the head of the axe bare-handed and shattered it, Daryll looked shocked. "My turn," Crystal said. she built up a punch and hit Daryll so hard in the stomach that he was sent into the air slamming into the roof of the kitchen, falling again to the ground. 

He got up again, he was clearly weak, his left arm hurting, Crystal pulled up Charlie's sword and charged at Daryll, I jumped forward in front of her between the two. the sword stopped inches from stabbing into my chest, my breath hitched in my throat, my chest slowly going up and down as the sword raimed there, Charlene just under the blade, I stared into Crystal's eye's the bright red, but I could still see her, I know she won't kill me. 

Crystal slowly pulled the sword back. "Azura, you don't need to die, move out of my way," she said. 

"No, Crystal, you're my friend, why are you doing this? come back to us please, I miss you," I said. 

Crystal heisted for a moment and raised the sword. I held Charlene tightly, and Crystal opened a portal, she walked through it, I was certain she was still here, the sounds of fighting were still going on all around the fort. 

we set off to my lab to get my wings, Daryll taking out zombies along the way, I found Lyria outside the room stabbing serval zombies, but struggling to keep up with the amount. Daryll fired at the zombies and Lyria squealed at the sounds of the bullets. 

"Lyria, Oh thank god you're okay, here can you take Charlene for me? I can trust you with her while we fight off the undead?" I asked. 

Lyria nodded taking my baby from me, and I unlocked the door to the lab and Lyria and Daryll followed me in, Daryll pulled out a massive gun from under my table. "This is the prototype? the one Patrick ordered you to build?" 

"Yes but 1, it's not finished, 2, I would rather you didn't shoot my friend with it Daryll," I said. 

Daryll sighed readjusting his face mask and clicked the side of the energy rifle, it powered up, I had designed it unwilling, Patrick might be my husband, but we don't agree on everything, the weapon is designed to target the power's Crystal have, targeting the very powers in her DNA, it'll either kill her or drain her of her power, I hated the fact I built it. 

"Azura you have to face, you're friend is gone, we need her gone, what makes this any different to Herobrine or Naeus?" Daryll said. 

"Because Crystal's my friend, I know you were never close to her, but some of us were close to her, she's s sweet person, she cares about people, including me, Charlene, why don't......" Daryll interpreted me. 

"I've lost people too, The woman I loved betrayed me! Shot me in the back! Crystal is gone Azura accept it!" Daryll barked. "And what about Lyria? Crystal took her sister from her again, how is that fair! I will end this even if you won't," 

Lyria just held Charlene closer to her self and Daryll walked out the room, I grabbed my wings and headed out after him, Daryll left the lab and was smacked around the head, falling to the ground, now a sleep. 

Lyria let out a small squeal as the undead Dexter walked at us raising her netherite sword. my arm blade popped out and I blocked the sword. "Come on Dexter, you must be able to fit her, come on," I said. 

Dexter growled and I kicked her back, she didn't even flinch, She charges at me, swiping my feet and knocking me down to the ground, and then the air shimmered and Charlie, Meeps, Jun, Elite and a very much not awake William and Kyle. 

"oh Hello, Dexter," Charlie said, was he wearing his PJs? Dexter grabbed Charlie by his shirt and chucked him back, at Elite who was holding up William.

Meeps jumped at Dexter intending to punch her, and Dexter caught her. "Not this time," Dexter chucked Meeps at Jun and Kyle. before turning back to me, and raising her sword, I tried to raise to my feet but I couldn't, my wings had messed up and frozen. 

"Come on Dex, we can be civil about all this?" Charlie said.

"No," Dexter's voice was rough, broken almost, she raised was about to push the sword into my chest.

"Nooooooooooooo!" me and Charlie called, just before the sword could hit me Charlene started to cry. the air around Dexter seemed to change and Dexter's body shifted in unnatural ways, she seemed to cry out in reverse, the colour returned to the skin, and the colour to her eyes and hair, and she fled to her knees, looking at me. back to normal. 

Chalene stopped crying and Lyria handed her to Meeps, who had only just gotten on her feet. She raced forward and squeezed Dexter really tightly. "ah I've missed you, so so much," she said. 

Dexter's face went pale. "Lyr...Lyria.... too tight," Dexter said, before passing out. 

Charlie came over to me and pulled the manual release on my wings freeing up the servos so I can move again, I took my daughter from Meeps and them for holding Charlene. 

Charlie pulled the buck of rice out from under his table and pulled his sonic out. "Ahha! it works!" he declared. 

"What's the plan now?" Meeps asked. 

Charlie shrugged. "try and save the day?"He answered. 

I walked toward the door to find the prototype so I can snap it in half. It and Daryll were both gone. "We might have a problem," 

POV Patrick

I woke to the sounds of fighting, I hurt, my chest hurt a lot, That ender kin bitch really hurt me, so I guess that means I've been out a while, I pushed open the door to see fighting, the undead were attacking. 

I was still dazed with everything slightly blurry so I really wasn't too sure what was going on. "PATRICK WATCH OUT!" someone called. 

I looked around as a zombie with a sword was coming at me with a sword, then someone shoved me out of the way, a scream, I know that voice, the same one that called out to me, Charlie was there on the ground with a sword just to his side, he was bleeding, badly. 

the ender great sword went through the zombie and shelved it clean in half. I quickly got up and over to Charlie. I tried to stop the bleeding, but it was bad. "Why would you do?" I asked. my mind flashed to the last time I'd seen him and me punching him.

Charlie hissed as I put my hand to the wound "Bec...Because you have a daughter, she....she'll need you," he hissed out.

I froze, All I had done to Charlie recently is hurt him, and now he got in the way to save, I need to stop this, stop hurting people, I don't want my daughter to grow up to think of me as a monster, not how Crystal saw her father. 

"Listen to me you son of a bitch! at no point do you ever put your life at risk to save me, I don't deserve you being kind to me," I said holding the wound. 

"Poppycock, I know...I know you have your moments, but you are a good man," Charlie said. 

'No, I'm not, I am not a good person,' I thought, holding his wound. Rain had gone off to fight the few undead here, Charlie seemed to bring a group with him, Rain, Meeps, the weird one with different eyes, the weird one obsessed with Nina. 

"Move, let me help," Doctor...Natalie I think, she pulled out a medical kit and tended to Charlie's wound. 

Rain helped me and as the battle continued. 

POV 3rd person

Nina was frozen at the site of the undead fighting within frostbourne, and fear in her that Crystal might have come back for her.

Moon raise the bow but she had few arrows the replacement bow was in a bad condition, she knew she couldn't hold them off longer with the door destroyed. the bow launched its next arrow and th string snapped and the wood splitter. "Well I'm never taking a bow from Hilda again," Moon said and covered her eye as the zombies reached her. 

Lucas came running in jumping over the zombies pulling his sword out and slicing the lead one in half, he jumped forward and stabbed the second one, he dodged back avoiding a netherite sword and jutted forward taking another head, and the door was clear.

Lucas turned and pulled a netherite reinforced crossbow to Moon. "My bow, it won't break, and here," he pulled out half a stack of arrows. "me and what few defenders are here have cleared this level but more undead are making their way here," Lucas said.

Shizuku woke up in the bed in the medical wing, on her own. "Hello?" She asked. the door burst open and Wolf came running in and chucked Alex on to as Shizuku got out. "What's happening?" Shizuku asked. 


Shizuku looked at Alex on the bed, Wolf had clearly given him some basic medical attention, then the door burst open and Wolf slammed into the wall and Crystal walked in, Wolf tried to get up and Crystal hit her down again. 

Shizuku stared at Crystal. "Crystal?" she asked. 

"move," Crystal said. "I want to kill him, then I'll leave," 

Shizuku shook her head. "Come on Crystal, you're not a killer, this isn't you," 

Crystal raises her sword. "Last chance Shizuku MOVE!" 


Crystal turned and found Sheila, Shizuku's older sister standing there her katana in hand, and pointing it to Crystal, Crystal held up both the swords and readied, the two met with their swords, and Sheila kicked Crystal who easily dodged and sliced forward and Sheila blocked the blade. 

Crystal brought her second sword forward and Sheila blearly dodged losing a long part of the hair, she straightened up as Crystal grabbed her and chuck her into the room with Shizuku, Crystal went running in before Sheila could recover but stopped when she saw  Shizuku still in the room. 

She remembered the death of her mother in front of her eyes, would it do the same to Shizuku to see her sister killed in front of her, I looked at Sheila getting back up to her feet. "You remind me of her, of my mother," Crystal's hand tightened around her said. "more than the name, you're both strong, powerful, smart, maybe that's why I can't stand being in a room with you, because I look at you, and I think of her," she turned to leave. 

"Crystal wait!" Shizuku called following her into the hallway, she went to reach out to Crystal when something blasted into Crystal focusing her to the floor, the blue beam was pulsing into Crystal, and she screamed in pain, her eyes flashing into their normal colour. 

Shizuku looked over to the source and Daryll was holding the prototype Azura had designed. "THIS ENDS TODAY!" Daryll ordered. 

the colour in Crystal's skin started to fade, her voice got louder, and the pain broke through every other sound. "STOP!" Shizuku said. Daryll paid no attention to her, she was ready to stop him when Patrick came running down.

"Daryll stop," He ordered pulling the gun away from Hitting Crystal. 

Crystal took deep breaths and Shizuku went over but before she can reach her, Crystal opened a portal under herself and disappeared through it.

"What the Nether Patrick? I had a chance to stop her," Daryll said shoving Patrick. 

Patrick shook his head. "Because...Because that child has been hurt enough, I....I...I need to help her," 

Charlie came running up. "SHIZUKU!" he called running over to the young girl. "Did she hurt you?" he asked. 

"I saw her Charlie, I saw the real Crystal," She said turning to Charlie and hugging him. "she's still in there," She said. 

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