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God, writers block isn't such a good thing for Y/N. When a failed fantasy author runs dry from inspiration, S... Więcej



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YOU WOKE, STILL IN THE SAME CHAIR FROM LAST NIGHT. You groaned and rubbed your neck and you sat up straight. "Mornin sunshine. Just got off the phone with nance she's coming to pick us up" he said, looking at you confused of why you were looking like that. "Why wouldn't you wake me up or put me on the couch?! Ugh!" You yelled, trying to turn your neck. "I fell asleep right as I hit the sheets, I'm sorry, but get yourself ready, coffee will be done by time you're out" he sighed and hopped on the couch, turning on the tv.

You took a shower and got ready, you wore a white turtle neck long sleeve tucked into your skinny light wash mom jeans and Cortez shoes. You walked out of your room, "who are you getting dressed for?" He asked, looking at you from now, the kitchen table. You shrugged and sat down in front of him, "just felt like getting dressy today" you drank your coffee before Nancy called with the walkie talkie. "Time to go" Steve sighed.

As you both were racing downstairs, you couldn't help but look at his outfit "you dressing to impress Nancy?" "I do not like Nancy, dustin put you under a curse" he said, giving you a glare. You snickered and continued to walk downstairs until you headed outside, Nancy honking her horn and you and Steve got in from the back. First place you went to is the grocery store again.

"Didn't he ask for like..a six pack?" Nancy asked herself. While you were just filling the cart. You were sitting in the cart while Robin pushed you both around, Steve throwing things at you to put in the cart. Nancy telling you and Robin to stop acting like children while you told Robin to stop in the candy section, you almost tipped over the cart trying to reach for another snickers. "Woah" she laughed at you, you still reached for it though, causing the whole thing to fall over. The worker started yelling at you both "I'm sorry! Stop yelling at me!" "I have to clean that up now get your shit and go!" The Worker yelled. You and Robin picked up the snickers together but you couldn't help but laugh. "You guys are crazy" Steve said, looking at you and Robin and the big pile of snickers on the floor, you both only cracked up more.

"Maybe I could make a marshmallow hat" you said, putting a bag of marshmallows on top of your head. "Add some Hershey kisses to it, it would be wayyy more stylish" "who said we're buying all this shit?" Steve said, his face confused as you put your hands up and shrugged "it's reasonable to have it!" You argued. Lucas and max came to the cart looking down at you and Robin with their eyebrows raised. "You look silly" Dustin said, "I think we look quite fine" Robin argued, putting a marshmallow bag ontop of her head. You took the camera out of your bag and took a picture of you both. "Are you ready to get out yet?!" The man asked.

You and Robin helped each other up and she threw a thumbs up at the cashier, putting the marshmellows up, you drove Robin to the cashier with the cart. "That's a lot..." Steve said. "You're telling me" the man said, "thanksgiving" you shrugged, "it's March" Nancy said, pursing her lips together. "Oops" you bit your lip and brought out your cash. You paid for it all and got in the back of the car along with Steve and Dustin.

The bag consisted of airheads, skittles, sour patch kids, ice creams, chips, and cokes. You and Steve shared the Pringles while Girls on film played on the radio. There was silence in the car until robin said something, "not to be a wimp, but can I sit in the car for this visit cuz it's gonna totally and royally suck" she said, her face on her eblow as she spoke to Nancy. "It'll be-fine" Nancy assured, not taking her eyes off the road. "I just can't stand to see those dull eyes of Eddies break again, I really really cant" she stared off in the distance, thinking about it. "At least he can drink himself into feeling better" Steve commented with his mouth full. "He's gonna be fine" you added, sipping your coke and you passed max and Lucas one. "That's what my mom does" max said, reaching her arm to the back to grab the coke before popping it open to take a sip. Lucas looked at her feeling a little sad for her.

"Why don't we give it a trial?" She said, she continued in a mocking voice, "hey Eddie.. uh good news first this time! We got you some Dustin approved junk food and that six pack you requested! Oh yeah and we found Vecna, only bad news is that he's in that other, darker, much scarier dimension that we told you about and the gates closed, so we have no way of getting to him, like he's entirely shut off to us, so basically you're screwed and no no, I know you were already screwed, but know you're like doubly, triply screwed!-" Robin ranted. "wait wait wait wait, maybe we don't put it like that" Lucas butted in, taking a sip of his coke after . "we're one step closer to finding Vecna" Nancy suggested. "And we have plenty of time" you added, "well not plenty..actually" you sucked the air and made a face. "We say what I said, we say what's important" Nancy confirmed. "See, Robin? Positive can make all the difference" "uh huh, y/n can you pass me the sour patches?"

You threw them at her and she groaned, "oh shit" Nancy said out of the blue, causing your eyebrows to furrow and have everyone's attention on the road. When Nancy parked everyone quickly got out. "This way" Nancy said, going around the car, everyone followed her lead quietly. But you were sure even if you weren't being quiet they would care less, considering there are tons of civilians at the scene. You listened carefully to the police officer, homicide, 18 year old Patrick McKinny. You saw Lucas's blood go cold before something made your blood go cold. The police officer said Eddie's name. "Holy shit" you muttered. "This is not good. Really not good" Steve shook his head. You all watched in silence before you heard Eddie's voice on the walkie.

"Dustin? Can you hear me? Wheeler? Y/n?"  "Eddie, holy shit" Dustin replied, turning away from the cops. "Are you okay?" "Nah man. Pretty...pretty goddamn far from okay" he sounded like he was nervous. Robin asked where is he and Dustin asked Eddie his location. "Skull rock. Do you know it?" "Uh yeah that's in Cornwallis and" "Garrett, yeah. I know where that is" Steve cut off Dustin, before speeding, walking to the car. "Hold tight we're coming- we're coming!"

Steve argued with Dustin about the instructions, saying dustins taking us the wrong way. "It's north, I'm positive! I checked the map" "you do realize Skull Rock, it's a popular make out spot?" "Yeah, so?" "Yeah, well it wasn't popular until I made it popular" he pointed to himself. "You're so cocky" you laughed out, walking on the left of Steve. "I'm not cocky, it's the truth! All right? I practically invented it" he stated, still trying to make a point to dustin. "We're heading in the wrong direction" Dustin shook his head and sighed, thinking Steve is a complete idiot. "Steve" Dustin said out of the blue, "where are you going?... Steve!" He yelled again. "Stop whining. Let's go! Come on! Trust me" he waved his hand towards him and you followed behind dustin.

You continued to follow Steve, "isn't this it?" "Damn right it is,  Banda bing, bada boom. There she is Henderson! Skull Rock! In your face man, in your stupid, cocky, little face" it seemed as if he were talking to himself than anybody else causing you to laugh. "Doesn't make sense," Dustin said to Steve, not letting it go. "Yeah, yeah even with it staring you right in the face, you can't admit it" he shrugged "you just can't admit that you're wrong you little butt head" he put his hands on his waist, looking at the rock.

"I concur" said a familiar voice, hopping down from a rock, you, Steve, and Dustin turned around to his voice. "You, Dustin Henderson, are a" he puffed his chest up, "total butthead" he finished. "Jesus, we thought you were a goner" he gave Eddie a hug, and Eddie held him back "yeah, me too man" he pat his back. "Me too" Eddie looked at you and you smiled, walking up and giving him a hug too. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer, putting his hand on the back of your head. He smelled your vanilla perfume while you smelled lake water, which wasn't ideal, but you were glad he's safe.

"Jesus get a room already" Robin cringed. You laughed and let go of him, "I think it's sweet" Nancy smiled at the both of you. You leaned on the rock with Steve as Nancy and Eddie spoke with each other, everyone spit out ideas until Dustin brought up el. "Hey uh, Henderson's not he?" "Cursed? No no, he's fine" Steve said, crossing his hands over his chest. "Mental? Oh absolutely" Steve commented. "BOOM!" Dustin yelled so loud it echoed, he turned to Steve and pointed at him with his eyebrows raised, looking ready to argue or prove a point. "Bada...bada...boom" Steve shook his head, not knowing what Dustin was on about. "I was right, skull Rock Was north!" He smiled. "Seriously? You're serious?" Steve blanked at him as if they weren't just over this before.

"Mhm" he nodded, "THIS IS skull rock! Okay?" Steve explained, putting his arms up to the rock, "you're totally, absolutely 100 percent wrong! Right now!" He said, pointing to the ground. "Yes" Dustin agreed. "And no" he disagreed. "Oh my god" Steve wiped his face, "this compass worked correctly when we left the wheelers" Steve nodded "it was correct when we got I'm the car on curly, but it started to slip the further east we went. Now it's way off. When I was leading us here, I wasn't wrong" he shook his head "the compass was" he raised it. Your eyebrows furrowed, "so you're using faulty equipment, dude you're still wrong!" Steve argued, shrugging "except it isn't faulty, Lucas do you remember what can affect a compass?" He turned to Lucas, Lucas scratched the back of his head before answering "An electromagnetic field"

"Yep" Dustin turned back to Steve. "Sorry, I must've skipped that class?" Robin said, confused. "In the presence of a stronger electromagnetic field, the needle will deflect towards that power, so either there's some super big magnet around here, or" "there's a gate" you answered. Dustin pointed to you smiling, "she gets it." "But we're nowhere near the lab" Nancy said. "But what if, somehow, there's another gate?" Dustin explained. "A gate that we don't know about, it'd have to be smaller. Way less powerful" "snack size gate" robin thought out loud. "How? Why?" Steve asked, his hands now on his hips.

"No idea. All I know is that something is causing disturbance, and the last time we've seen anything like it, it was a gate" he pointed to the compass. "And I hope it is, because then we'd have a way to Vecna,  and a shot at freeing Max from this curse," Dustin smiled, "genius" you grinned. "Where you goin?" Asked Steve, watching as he started to walk away. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Eddies still a wanted man, we can't just go for a hike in the woods" Steve exclaims. "This little steel capsule might be the key to saving both max and Eddie... What say you, Eddie the banished?" Dustin asked Eddie.

Everyone turned to Eddie, "I say you're asking me to follow you into Mordor, which, if I'm totally straight with you, I think it's a really bad idea" eddie squinted his eye, "but uh, the shire, the shire is burning" Dustin started hopping make you cringe a bit "so Mordor it is" Eddie shrugged.

And that was a ticket to search for this so called "gate" it took almost forever to find out where this compass was leading, it was pitch black outside, following Dustin and having to Jog made you extremely tired, you were jogging right next to Eddie when he asked dustin to slow down. "Dustin just slow the hell down!" You yelled, holding onto your knees. "I think we're getting close!" "Watch your step big guy, almost fell into the water" Eddie said, dusting going a little bit too fast and almost face planted into the water. "Oh man" Steve whined "you gotta be shittin me" he flashed the flashlight at the lake "yeah, thought these woods were familiar" Eddie nodded. "Lovers lake" Robin said, "this is co founding." Dustin said, upset. "There's a gate in lovers lake?" Max said. "Probably monkey poxs too" you muttered to yourself. "Whenever the demogorgon attacked, it always left an opening. Maybe Vecnas the same way?" Nancy said, turning to you. "Yeah only one way to find out," Steve said.

Eddie uncovered the tarp that was over the boat. "Easy please- come one man I said easy" "sorry dude" eddie replied. Robin stepped up and used both of Steve and Eddies heads to get on the boat "thank you" "yeah that works too" Steve sighed. Next was Nancy but she used Steve's hand, then went Eddie, you walked up and Eddie gave you his hand, he put his hand on your waist for extra support. Dustin tried to get on, but Eddie pushed him back softly. "Trying to sink is Henderson? This thing holds four people tops, okay?" "It's better this way" Nancy said, "you guys stay here with max" .

You sat all the way in the front in the triangle piece of the boat and Eddie and Robin sat in front of you. "Keep an eye out for trouble," Nancy ordered. "You keep an eye out!" Dustin talked back, Nancy sent him a glare and Dustin sarcastically acted shocked. "It's my goddamn theory!" He said again, "you heard nance" Robin said. "Who put her in charge!?" Dustin said sassily. "I did" Robin shrugged, Nancy asked and reached out her hand for the compass, Dustin started whining before he gave it up. "Hey, there you go!" Steve threw the backpack before pushing the boat in the water and hopping on. Dustin let out an ow, "you said four!" Dustin yelled. Steve whispered sorry as the boat continued to whisk away. "Bedtime at 9 kiddos!" "Kiss your mom goodnight for me!" You yelled, robin stood, "miss you already!" Waving bye bye to the kids.

"Woah, woah woah woah, slow down, slow down guys" Nancy said and that put robin and Eddie to a stop before looking down at the compass. "Woah" Steve let out.

"Guys, what's going on? Come on guys talk to me what's going on?" Dustin said over the walkie. "Uh dustin, your compass has gone from wonky to wonky with a capital 'ahh!'" Robin replied. Suddenly steve started taking off his socks, "steve what are you doing?" You asked. "Somebody's gotta go down and check this thing out, unless one of you three can top being a Hawkins high swim co-captain and a certified lifeguard of three years..then ... it's gotta be me. No complaints, alright?" He turned to the water and stood. "Hey, I'm not complaining. I do not wanna go down there," Eddie said.

"Steve? You sure you can just do that alone?" You asked, looking at him crazy. He looked back at you "I'll be safe...I promise" Eddie made Steve a waterproof flashlight while you just watched Steve slide off his shirt, "good luck" Eddie said while handing Steve the flashlight, "thanks" he replied. You watched Eddie put a cigarette in his mouth, and as fast as he put it in you took it out, he looked at you, "the last thing you need to be doing is smoking" You furrowed your eyebrows at him tilting your head. He rolled his eyes. Steve took a deep breath "Steve?" Nancy called, Steve turned, "be careful" she reminded him. He nodded before jumping in the water. You moved into his spot to watch him go under the water.

"I don't know about you guys..... but I'm gonna have a panic attack" you said, looking down in the water although you couldn't see him. "He's a tough guy...I'm sure he'll be fine" Eddie reassured. "Where are we at wheeler?" Robin asked, Nancy checked her watch "closing in on a minute" "ok" Robin nodded, she takes a deep breath and looks down at the water.

The sudden of him jumping up from the water made you all jump, he held onto the boat while taking deep breaths. "I found it" Steve said, "you found it?" Nancy asked. "Get out of the water," you said. "Yeah I found it, it's more of a snack size then a momma size but it's still pretty damn big" Steve tried to lift himself up on the boat, but something pulled him down for a second. He looked confused, until he was taken away.

You all gasped, you didn't know what to do. You called out his name while taking his hoodie, everyone else was screaming his name. "This man owes me a brand new pair of Cortezs" you muttered to yourself, holding onto the sweater tight before jumping in. You weren't the swimmer, but you weren't losing your best friend, not today.

Back on water, they were screaming your name too, Eddie screaming it like he lost his mind. "We have to go down there" Nancy said, "what? No way. Nonononono" Eddie said. "I thought you liked y/n?" Robin said, "I do, like really do." "This is your chance to not run away, let's go" Robin said, jumping in the water. Eddie took a thick swallow and a deep breath before jumping in also.

You were shocked to see the "gate" . It was nothing like you'd ever saw before, you touching over it, looking at your hand before finally going inside. When you went inside the first thing you heard was Steve's screaming and him choking, you looked on the ground and saw an oar so you picked it up, running over and seeing...bats? With no hesitation you took the oar and swung on the ones trying to attack you. The bat's voice screeched and whined as you smacked and stabbed everyone of them quickly, grabbing the bats that were feeding on Steve's flesh and stomping them out before you came down on your knees down to Steve, looking for the end of the bats tail. "Y/n!" Nancy called. "Help me!" You yelled back.

You'd find the back of the tail and try to pull it off, using all of your strength to remove the tail while Nancy and Robin tried to beat at the bat. Once you got it steve was still holding onto it, swinging it back and forth while everyone else had to fight the rest of the, until they were gone. "Oh my god Steve" you said looking down and seeing how they bit him up. "I-I'm fine" he said, running out of breath. "Are you sure?" Asked Nancy. "Well they took only about a pound of flesh...but other than that...yeah never better" Steve said looking down at his skin. "Here" you picked up the yellow sweater from the floor and handed it to him.

He put it on while Robin started to complain about rabies, and a group of bats flew down and the group, growling and yelling, ready for attack. "It's all right, there's not that many, we can take them....right?" Steve said, focusing on the group of bats, but his heavy breathing could be heard. But then there was a louder growl coming from the sky, a swarm. "What exactly were you saying?" You asked Steve, knowing it wasn't the right time to be joking around. Nancy turned to the woods, "guys, the woods, come on!" She yelled. Everyone ran after her, into the creepy woods. Right now really wasn't the time to wanna cry but how could you have gotten yourself into this situation? All because you couldn't take a taxi home??

You all ran under a big rock, it was thundering outside with no rain. You watched as the swarm flew around. You took out your camera and snapped a picture of them. "We almost died and you're taking pictures!" Steve whispered. "Details!" You explained. "O-oh shit" he said, the cause of him losing so much blood, when you looked at his sweater you could see big dark spots on the sides of his sweater. "Steve" you asked, "I'm fine y/n" "no you're not!" Nancy came over and ripped the bottom of her shirt, you told Steve to sit down and he did, you lifted up his sweater while Nancy put the cloth around his waist, he was suffering by the bites, but also suffering from robins ranting. "Please stop robin, just be quiet" you muttered. When Nancy had the cloth tied around him you helped him pull the sweater down and then helped him stand up.

Nancy helped him walk while you watched Eddie climb up a rock, he turned and asked, "this place is like Hawkins, but with monsters and nasty shit?" "Pretty much!" Nancy replied. "Watch out for the vines, it's all a hive mind" Nancy alerted Eddie. "It's all a what?" He asked. "All the creepy crawlies around here dude, they're like one or something, you step on a vine, you step on a bat, you're stepping on Vecna" Steve explained. "Shit" Eddie said, thinking about it. When he came down he looked at you and what you were wearing, "your uh..bra is showing" he muttered, you looked down and it was true, your white shirt soaked, "but everything from our world is still here right? Except people?" Robin asked. "As far as I understand it, yeah" Nancy nodded.

Eddie took off his jacket and helped you put it on, "I have guns, in my bedroom" Nancy said, turning around and looking at Steve. "You? Nancy wheeler, have guns, your bedroom?" Eddie said, looking back at Nancy after helping you out. "Full of surprises, isn't she?" Robin laughed. "A Russian makarov and a revolver," Nancy said. "Yeah you almost shot me with that one" "you almost deserved it" Nancy smiled, thinking back on the memory. "ok I get it, relationships or whatever- but we are TRAPPED with this Vecna thing, so can you guys at least try not to be PDA?" Robin said, looking at how Eddie's arm was around your waist, and how Nancy and Steve were making eye contact.

"I don't know what you're-" Nancy was cut off by an earthquake...well not an earthquake, but it was a quake. The ground shook and made her stumble into Steve where he held her and leaned against the rock. You stumbled and Eddie fell causing you to fall, the ground once again quaked, making robin fall on top of you. You groaned, she landed on your wrist. "I think you just popped my wrist out of place" you said, it didn't hurt so far, but that's because you didn't look at it. Once it stopped Eddie picked up your wrist while Robin explained it's probably best to get the guns now. Eddie took the handkerchief out of his back pocket, wiping away the nasty stuff that got on your face. "I'm gonna pop it back in place when we go to Nancy's" he said, looking at you. Your eyes went wide "no! Nononononononononononononononononono I'll just go to the hospital!" You smiled trying to make Eddie change his mind, he gave you an eyebrow at you "I'm totally gonna pop your wrist back in place" "there's no need for that, seriously let's not do that"

"We are doing it. Nancy lead the way" Eddie said, and she did with no hesitation. You sped up with Robin and Nancy but in the back, you couldn't hear it, but let's get some insight of what they're talking about. "Hey, Eddie?" Steve called out, "Eddie?! Hey man, uh Listen I just uh...I just want to say thanks...for saving my ass back there" "shit you saved your own ass" Eddie laughed, putting the handkerchief back in his pocket. "I mean, that was a really ozzy move you pulled back there" "ozzy?" Steve asked.

"When you took a bite out of that bat...ozzy osbourne? Black Sabbath? He bit a bats head off onstage" he said as if he were watching it all over again but Steve still remained confused. "I don't-" "you know?" "No" "doesn't was very metal what you did, that's all I'm saying" "thanks?" Steve replied. The air grew awkward, so Munson tried to continue a conversation "Uh- Henderson told me you were a badass.  Insisted on the matter in fact-" "wait Henderson said that?" Steve asked, now really paying attention to the conversation. "Oh yeah, shit, kid worrrships you dude. Like you have no idea, it's kind of annoying, to be honest" Steve scoffed at that. "And I don't even know why I care what that little shrimp thinks, but uh, guess I got a little jealous, steve..I guess I couldn't accept the fact that Steve Harrington was actually.... A good parents, popular, chicks love him, pretty ass roommate and best friend. Not a douche? No way man. No way. That, like, flies in the face of all laws in the universe, and my own personal Munson doctrine" Steve just listened to munsons rant, still looking around with the flashlight.

"Still super jealous as hell, by the way" he turned to steve. "Which is why I would never have jumped in that lake to save your ass. Not under any uh, normal circumstances" and suddenly a branch was stepped on causing them both to be Alavert and look around. "Nope, outside of D&D, I am no hero...but Robin helped me" "how?" "She asked me if I liked y/n and when I told her, she told me this was my chance to stop running. Now I'm trying to be her night and shining armor" Eddie said, which made Steve laugh hysterically. "What's so funny?" Eddie questioned, furrowing his eyebrows. Steve laughed again "you've got it all wrong, if i wasn't who I am she would've ran too"  he turned and looked at Eddie. "....Do you think she would've saved me?" Eddie asked, staring off ahead of him while he thought about it.

Steve looked at him, up and down. "Most definitely" he did a side grin, "I forgot to say, you need to get back with wheeler" Eddie said, smacking Steve on the shoulder. "I'm telling you, right after y/n jumped, Nancy jumped, no hesitation, none at all" he emphasized. "Now, I don't know what happened between you two. But if I were you, I would get her back. Cause that was as unambiguous a sign of true love as these cynical eyes have ever seen" Steve and Eddie looked at you guys walking, before another quake happened. You latched onto a tree but quickly followed Nancy after, everyone else caught up, she told you all to hurry up.

You sat in Nancy's bed, holding your "fixed" wrist while Eddie grabbed medical wrap to wrap it around your wrist. "Where are your guns nance!?" Robin asked, Nancy ignored Robin and picked up a fold of cards. "I'm sure education could wait after we get the hell out of here," Robin continued. Nancy started talking to herself while picking up a stuffed animal, and then a journal. "I think the reason why they aren't here is because they don't exist yet" she said, her face still stuffed in the book. "This book should be full of entries, but it stopped on the day Will went missing," she explained. "So what now?" Eddie asked, wrapping your wrist, when he finished he held it up, "new and improved" "I don't know?-"

"DUSTIN...DUSTINNNNN? DUSTIN" you all heard Steve, Robin and Nancy furrowed their eyebrows before racing downstairs. "You okay?" He asked, you looked at your wrist, then at him. You smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "never better..thank you" he did a side grin before wiping his nose. "Hey uh...once this is all over with, do you think you'd wanna..." he looked at you, you sat there confused as you made eye contact with him. "Wanna go on a date with me?" He finished, your mouth slightly opened as you looked down at your wrist, an immediate response was ideal, but he was insecure when he didn't get it, his throat cleared before standing up. "I'm sorry, I know. Who wants to go on a date with a freak, right" he muttered calling himself an idiot, you looked up at him and grabbed his hand, shaking your head.

"It's not that, I would love to. I just-" "just what?" He cut you off, holding your hand back. "Don't think I can wait till it's over" you smiled, a small smile crept up on his lips while he looked at you. "Eddie! Y/n!" Nancy called, you stood up and Eddie followed you downstairs. You both entered the kitchen as you asked what's up, "do either of you know Morse code?" Steve asked, looking at both of you. "Nah" "nope...well, does SOS count? Is that good?" Eddie asked, looking at Nancy and she nodded.

Eddie walked up to the ceiling light and started moving his fingers, saying SOS in Morse code. "If you're there, can you flicker the light again!?" Asked dustin, his voice sounded like an echo. Eddie flickered the light and you could all hear Dustin laughing, he told you all to go upstairs and Nancy started to communicate with Dustin, he told you all to meet him at Eddie's trailer park. "Didn't you always have bikes?" Robin asked, looking at Nancy. She thought about it before nodding, she lead you all downstairs and into the garage. There were only four, you looked up, "you can get on mines" "I got you" Steve and Eddie said at the same time. Steve looked at Eddie before nodding, "you take her" Steve said, grabbing his bike.

You walked to Eddie and got on the bike, "hold on tight" he said after hopping on the bike. You leaned your head on his back and wrapped your hands around his waist, you could hear his heartbeat thumping faster than normal. Maybe it was because of you, maybe it was because of the bats, but you took in the moment. "You alright back there?" He asked, taking his left hand off of the handle and putting it on top of yours, "yeah, I'm fine. I'm pretty cold though" "well, when we get out of here I'll give you a biggg hug and make you feel warm again" he smiled to himself. You hummed with a big grin plastered on your face, holding onto his waist tighter.

When you all got to his trailer, you met with Dustin, Lucas, max and Lucas's sister maybe? you all looked up and waited for Dustin's plan as they set it up on the other side. Lucas and max set down a mattress and an audible gag could be heard. "Those stains are..uh" he said, crossing his arms. You hold your hand over your mouth as you waited for his explanation, "I don't know what those stains are" he finished. "Not sure on how these physics quite work, but, uh... here goes nothin" Dustin threw sheets tied together through the gate, and it landed on the other side, dustin pulls it before muttering a "there you go" he smiled as his theory was correct. "Alright pull on it see if it holds!" Dustin yelled from the other side, robin pulled on it, letting all of her weight down on it. "Guess I'm the guinea pig" robin shrugged, climbing up on the rope. We all watched as she landed on the mattress on the other side. Lucas and Dustin helped her up and they waited on who was next.

You held onto the rope next, but seeing as your wrist wasn't in place, Steve helped you. "Here, you gotta like- stand on my shoulders" Steve muttered before squatting in front of you. "Oh" you said, Eddie held out his hand to help you stand on his shoulders. "Jesus Christ'' Steve groaned, before standing up, "ow!" Your head hit the top of the trailer, Nancy let out a laugh but you both ignored it, you tucked your head down and brought it back up when you were eye to eye with the other side. You latched onto the rope and pulled yourself up with the working hand and fell on the mattress. Dustin smiled and helped you up, giving you a hug "I haven't seen you in a while!" "Missed you too kid" you waited next to him. Eddie followed shortly after you and next up was-

"Nancy? Nancy? Stay with me" Steve said, shaking her shoulders. You all stepped on the mattress and looked up to see Nancy, white eyes and dull face. "Vecna" Max muttered, then she turned around, "Eddie music? Where is your music!" Max asked, going to his room and everyone followed, "it's in that drawer" he pointed to his nightstand, everyone grabbed some tapes and went through them, Sinclair's sister kept a look out for Steve and Nancy. There were sudden footsteps as you were busy looking through the tapes. "Steve says you need to hurry!" Small Sinclair yelled.

"YEAH NO SHIT!" Dustin yelled, pulling more tapes out. "We're trying, we can't find anything!" Max yelled, "seriously what is all this shit?!" "What are you looking for?!" Eddie asked, "Madonna, blonde, Bowie, Beatles? Music, we NEED music!" Robin yelled at Eddie, he raised the Iron Maiden tapes he had in his hand yelling, "THIS IS MUSIC!"

After that was finished, Nancy was pulled back, without the need of music. She climbed up the rope before Steve and landed on the mattress, you helped her up and asked if she was alright, she said she'd explain somewhere else, just not here.

So Max brought you all to her house while her mother was at work and Nancy took a seat, making everyone else take a seat. Eddie, Steve, and Sinclair sat on the couch in front of her while you sat next to Robin and leaned your head on her shoulder, Max stood and leaned against the wall and so did Lucas and Dustin, while Nancy explained what she saw.

"He's been telling us his plan this whole time," Max muttered. "Four kills, four gates...end of the world" Lucas turned to max. "If that's true, he's only one kill away" "oh Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ!" Eddie said, covering his face with his hands, "ring him again" Steve said, turning to Max, Max followed his orders and dialed Jonathan. Only for it to be busy, again.

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【 BL, MTL, * No Editing 】 Behind every successful male protagonist, there is an unknown teacher. Bai Shuyan is such an experienced teacher actor. ...
24.7K 572 22
In which a girl named Thana met a mysterious boy that managed to make her life better by just being close to her.
3.8K 104 13
Bakugou struggles with loud noise and his friends are no help. He finds a girl with a soft voice who he deems suitable to be around without bursting...
33.5K 447 27
Just read it loves Banxreader