portentous ✧

By kidcorenightmare

897 44 70

portentous: 'momentous significance', or 'done pompously to impress'. in both meanings of the word, hunter-r... More

'Journey of a Lifetime'
'Better be... Hufflepuff!'
'The Hufflepuff Princess'
'The Prank that Went Wrong'
'Hufflepuff - 1975 Quidditch Team!'
'The Potters and The Moores'
'A Day In The Life of Hunter-Rose Moore'
'The Princess and The Knight'
'Sixteen Today'
'Patrol with Lucius Malfoy'
'Letters from Mother'
'The Masquerade Ball'
'Blue-Green and Blue-Grey'
'Ravenclaw VS Hufflepuff'
'For The Record'
'A China Doll in a Bullpen'
'Utter Rubbish!'
'The Boys Dormitory'
'Older Brother, Younger Brother'
'Start Spreading the News'
'Patrol with Remus Lupin'
'Letters from Father'
'Non-Alcoholic Drinks and Daddy's Money'
'Lover or a Fighter?'

'The It Couple'

24 1 5
By kidcorenightmare

"Oi, Ishaan! Have you heard about Black and Hunter?"

"No, what happened?"

"They're going out now."

"Shit, since when?"

"Hunter and Hai's ball, so a week."

"Is Potter not mad?"


"They're best mates, aren't they? Sirius and James? Doesn't he find it weird?"

"Regulus Black, you idiot."


♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥

"That's it, girls. He's with Hunter. I have no chance now!"

"Awh, babes."

"We know. Practically in mourning for you."

"Why Hunter? She's so cute! And nice! Ugh, I could never."

"Don't say that about yourself, babes."

"Yeah, you're lovely too. It makes sense that he's with Hunter though, I could like, totally see it coming."

"Oh my Merlin, Lucy, you're like, not helping."

"She's not wrong, though."

"...Yeah, I know."

♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥

"I was so annoyed. I was gonna ask her to dance."

"Are you mental? Amos, mate, she didn't dance with anyone. She must've liked him for ages."

"But we're both Hufflepuffs! And prefects, we're both on the quidditch team..."

"She's way out of your league, be real."

"Merlin, will you shut up?"

♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥

Hogwarts was buzzing with the news about Regulus and Hunter, the new 'It Couple', a week after the ball. Envious eyes watched the Slytherin table as the couple sat - her hand sheltering his -in a large group of people. Yet, they appeared to only care about each other.

Students of all ages watched on, commenting on the way Regulus looked at Hunter and how she rested her head on his shoulders.

Her blonde waves complimented his dark, loose curls. Hunter's pink and slightly parted lips would occasionally whisper softly, and Regulus' mouth was pulled into a lovesick smile anytime she talked. The Hogwarts Prince and Princess had been chosen, and they looked so complimentary.

However, as Hunter knew, looks were often deceiving.

A hushed murmur fell across the hall as The Daily Prophet was dropped by various owls, and a copy landed in Hunter's lap. Voices grew loud as the students all began to read the headline of the newspaper and gossip about its contents.

A Black Good Egg or Moore Girl Gone Rotten?

Hunter-Rose Moore and Regulus Black's newfound relationship has been the buzz of Hogwarts School for the past week.

The Moore and Black families are often paired together when comparing the stark difference of the two families, but the union of the fourth and fifth year has raised questions about the heirs of both families; namely, where their hearts lie.

A student who wishes to remain anonymous informed us that '"Hunter-Rose is basically a Greek goddess. She's stunning, hard-working - properly Hufflepuff! There's no way she tolerates you-know-who and his teachings, so I would imagine that Regulus is defying his parents, like his brother."'.

When questioned about their personal relationship with Moore and Black, the student revealed they were 'an acquaintance' of Hunter ('"Well, I'm an acquaintance of Hunter, not Regulus. I sat next to her in a second year class."').

We've also asked family of the couple to comment on the relationship. Walburga Black stated that she's 'elated for her son to have found such a high profile, respectable girl' and that she 'invites her into the Black family with open and loving arms.'.

Basileus Moore claimed '"My Rose is wise beyond her years and an excellent judge of character. I am certain that Regulus is a fine young man if she has deemed him a suitable partner, than I trust her judgement."'.

Sirius Black, the dethroned heir of the Black household, wrote a rather vulgar response; '"I would request that you leave Hunter-Rose. She's a good friend of mine, and not a pissing Death Eater. Stop owling her!"'.

Hunter-Rose and Regulus have both been sent letters asking to comment on the situation, they have not yet gotten back to us.

We anxiously await the young couples response.

Both professors and students now looked at Regulus and Hunter. Had The Slytherin Prince really been turned light? Why hadn't they responded to the letters from The Daily Prophet?

"Reg, let's go." Hunter muttered, her face void of any emotion. Regulus gathered their bags and they stood up to leave, Hunter clutching the paper with one hand and Regulus' hand in the other.

She tried to dismiss the whispers, wishing that the comments and questions would be neglected and left hanging in the air.

"Oi, Black! You like your brother?" a seventh year Ravenclaw called out.

"Ignore him." Hunter sighed. She felt Regulus tense, but urged him to keep moving.

"Hunter! You a Death Eater? Daddy wouldn't like that." a sneering voice bellowed.

Hunter-Rose's head whipped around and she made eye contact with Severus Snape. A sly smile graced his paper thin lips, and Regulus didn't try to hold Hunter back as she handed him the newspaper she was clutching, instead he watched as she confidently strut over to the Slytherin fifth year.

"Not in a million years, Severus. Not ever." she announced, wanting the whole hall to hear. She was not, she would never be a Death Eater. Hunter appeared calm, unnerving many students.

She reminded herself to breathe, ensuring that her anger didn't consume her. Hunter wasn't aware what would happen if she allowed her anger to take over, as many Veelas would turn into harpie-esque monsters. She couldn't run the risk of expressing, or even feeling anger.

Severus Snape, being the fool he was, challenged this greatly with his off-putting nature.

"And I'm sure Reg isn't going to like that." the boy hissed, leaning towards Hunter, still sat down.

Hunter crouched down to his level and leaned towards his ear, and sharply whispered "Because you know all about how to get others to like you, right, Snape? Remind me, when is the last time Lily spoke to you? Oh, yeah! She's avoided you like the plague for months.".

She stood up straight, a frighteningly cool look glistening in her blue-green eyes. Rage was written all over Severus' features.

"Pipe down, Snape. Cocky bastard doesn't suit you."

And with that, she turned on her heel, retrieved her paper from Regulus and strut out of The Great Hall, her head held high. Regulus ran along to follow her.

Silence was followed by energetic chatter. 'Cocky bastard doesn't suit you' was utter genius in students minds, and it was safe to say that Severus Snape was an even more unpopular character than before.

Maybe there was an upside to having a cult following.

♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥

First lesson was a free period for all fifth years. Hunter sat at her usual table in the library, intending on continuing her ghouls revision for DADA. She was able to get a decent amount done before being interrupted by the dethroned heir to the Black throne.

"Hey, Sirius." Hunter greeted with a smile as she looked up, finishing her sentence.

"Hi, Hunts. Can I sit down?" he gestured to the sofa opposite Hunter.

"Of course, love! How are you with... well, all of this?" she asked, putting her quill down.

"It's strange, honestly. Didn't know you liked Regulus like that." Sirius shrugged, somewhat stiff.

Hunter paused. Sirius was aware that they got along; Hunter always looked out for Regulus, since that Christmas dinner; but the relationship was completely disingenuous. She had zero romantic feelings towards his brother, and she was unaware that he only had a small crush on her and was ultimately using her for the Death Eaters gain.

A part of The Hufflepuff Princess wanted to tell Sirius it was empty, but she couldn't bring herself to admit it. If she said it aloud, it'd make her thoughts real and she couldn't allow that. Instead she sighed and sat back on the sky blue sofa she was sat on before crossing her legs.

"Well, you know, stuff happens. But I'll always be your friend, Sirius, to the end." she reassured the boy.

He looked back at her and smiled weakly, before asking something that had clearly been troubling him.

"Do you think he's taking advantage of you?"

Hunter's eyes widened, and she looked almost offended at the suggestion.

"What do you mean?"

"Think about it, Hunts. You know the Death Eaters have wanted your families participation for years, before you were born. You know that. We all do. I know how my family works, how manipulative and controlling my parents are over my cowardly brother. They could be having you on, Hunts. Have you really overlooked that?"

Blinking, the blonde looked away from the oldest Black. She wasn't apolitical in the slightest, even if she appeared to be. Hunter-Rose been told by both her father and newspapers about their families desirability.

One thing that she had never figured out was why. Her fathers overprotective (but ultimately caring) nature shielded her from exposure to 'certain information' that she need not know.

Was it possible that Regulus was manipulating her? Well, she was at least certain that Sirius wouldn't be lying to her. The Hufflepuff frowned to herself. 'Well, two can play at that game.' she thought bitterly.

"Honestly? I don't know. But I'll keep that in mind."

"Just... Hunts, please. Don't let your feelings blind you." Sirius begged. Hunter had only ever seen the boy so panicked, so serious. She looked into the eyes of the boy who was hiding so much pain, and decided to allow his mind to rest.

"I promise, Sirius. Like I just said, we're friends to the end. That was our fate since we met."

And with that, Sirius smiled.

♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥

To say that Regulus and Hunter were uncomfortable around each other's friends was a massive understatement.

Hunter's group of friends was essentially every single Hufflepuff who attended the school. Regulus sat besides his girlfriend at dinner, hand in hand as usual, as he received questioning for Hai and protective comments from the others, aimed at Hunter.

Regulus considered her 'inner group' to be the girls she dormed with, most of whom he'd never met or had disregarded completely. After all, they were the year above. He had been informed by Hunter that, due to a drunken kiss between his brother and their friend Louise, their group was one person short.

The girls had a unique and strange energy about them. They were protective and fierce, yet warm and gentle. It was a completely different atmosphere to his Slytherin acquaintances.

"So, Regulus, are you a Death Eater?" Hai asked bluntly.

"Christ almighty, Hai, there's no small talk with you, is there?" the muggle-born, Cassandra, sighed.

"Oh shush, Cassie. Answer the question, Black." Hai looked back at the now pale boy.

"Uh, I don't have the Dark Mark, if that's what you're asking." Regulus rolled up his robe sleeves, revealing his unmarked arms.

"You've got cracking arms, Regulus, do you moisturise?" Hollie, the sweet but ditzy girl, complimented.

"Um, no." Regulus answered honestly. Hollie smiled in wonder, and made eye contact with Hunter.

"He's a brilliant lad, Hunts." she gave a thumbs up, and Hunter appreciated the approval.

"Can't believe you have a boyfriend, Hunter my love! But do tell us if he does anything bad." an excitable brunette, Meera, squeaked as she slurped up some carbonara.

"Ack, lay off Meera. He's fine. No, Hai, he's not a Death Eater, yes Hollie, his arms are cracking. Anything else?" Hunter asked.

A silence fell amongst the Hufflepuff girls, realising that Hunter was irritated by the constant interrogations. It was understandable.

In their eyes, she was only human.

There was no denying that Hunter had become noticeably more blunt. Her usual disposition was slowly being worn away by snide comments thrown at her about Regulus, although the facade only lifted when she was around trusted friends. She may not hold romantic feelings for the boy, but she truly cared about him.

She wanted to believe that Regulus didn't follow Voldemort's word, yet Sirius' words reminded her about his family and their intentions.

Hunter was to act like the perfect girlfriend and get Regulus to tell her his true intentions, although she wasn't sure how to do this.

For now, smile and laugh. Stand up for him. Hold hands and be eye-rolling lovebirds.

And then, when it's all over, she could be normal, bubbly Hunter once more.

♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥

Dinner with the Hufflepuffs was a walk in the park compared to the awkward and stoic conversations that would occur at breakfast at the Slytherin table.

Hunter quickly learned that Regulus Black was an incredibly lonely boy. The people he was associated with were nothing more than acquaintances; children who were sat around a smaller table as their parents abandoned them for meetings and parties.

They were all older than him, yet he held far more power than them and was regarded as the groups leader. Hunter couldn't help but question; was this out of cowardice or loyalty?

Some of them were better than others; Evan Rosier, who she sat with in Transfigurations, was brash but delightfully mischievous, and his Welsh cousin, Geoff Rosier, was a silent but mysterious type with an air of calm surrounding him.

Hunter couldn't quite take to Barry Crouch Jr., a strange, creepy boy who looked at Hunter-Rose in ways she didn't appreciate for an uncomfortable amount of time.

To her misfortune, Lucius Malfoy would sometimes stop by the group with his girlfriend Narcissa, a cousin of Regulus. She was a pretty girl who rarely spoke, and was intrigued by the Hufflepuff. Hunter often caught her looking in her direction longingly, but she never met her eyes.

Strangely, Severus Snape didn't associate himself with the group. In fact, he didn't really fit into any group. He appeared to have forced himself to be around Mulciber and Avery, but even they couldn't stand him.

Unfortunately for Snape, he was socially inept, unattractive, miserable and all around unlikable. He wasn't someone you'd willingly hang around.

Hunter could read a room skilfully and it was obvious that the vast majority of all the different friend groups at the Slytherin table were ones who dabbled in the Dark Arts.

She was in an awkward position. Was she to stand up and leave these immoral twats, or sit it out and play the long game?

The Moore girl felt she had made her decision when she found herself sitting with the Slytherins every morning for breakfast.

At 7AM, she'd quickly leave quidditch practice and gossip to Hai about Sirius' new fling with Louise (something that throughly irritated Hai) as she showered, changed into her robes, and did her makeup and hair in record time.

And then, from 7:30AM to 8:50AM, she upheld her perfect girlfriend front for the Slytherins. It was a lot of effort on her part, but she knew it was worthwhile to give herself the best reputation among Slytherins and their parents.

After all, she was already seen as perfect by the school. It didn't hurt to build on that.

♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥

Severus Snape had never been a well-liked student at Hogwarts. This was evident through two incidents - the first being him calling Lily Evans a mudblood last year, and when Hunter-Rose Moore called him a 'cocky bastard' in front of the entire school.

It was safe to say that Hunter's reputation made her powerful; not only could she gotten away with being openly rude to Snape, but he was now being exclusively referred to as 'that cocky bastard'.

The boy didn't believe he was a bad person, per say, more tragic and unfortunate. Everyone else disagreed - he was incredibly and unjustifiably cruel to those around him, even to the only friend he ever had. His obsession, Lily Evans.

Snape didn't care about others. He was painfully self-centred and dismissive to the struggles others faced.

This may be why Hunter became uncomfortable by his newfound constant staring in Potions class.

Despite it being well over a week since Hunter publicly humiliated the Slytherin, he seemed to be unsettlingly fixated on her. Why?

Hunter had opted to work on her Hair-Raising Potion alone, and was counting the amount of rat tails she had when, to her surprise, Snape raised his voice and spoke to her.

"You should use four tails." he snidely remarked.

"The instructions say three, Snape." Hunter hissed harshly. She wasn't used to using peoples surnames and it tasted funny in her mouth.

"I know that. But four is better. Trust me."

"Trust you? Snape, I may be a blonde girl and a Hufflepuff, but I am no fool and I don't suffer them."

Snape faltered, squinting and looking into Hunter's eyes. "You trust lots of people, Moore, and none of them are people worthy of that."

Hunter sighed and held her head back. "And you are? Is that in reference to Regulus, again, Snape? Because-"

"Listen to me. I know stuff you don't. I could tell you, if you wanted to."

Snape was, whether he liked it or not, very obvious with his intentions and Hunter struggled to ignore this. He clearly didn't want to talk to her to help, but instead to get into her head and frustrate her. If she was emotionless, he'd have nothing to react to and she may learn something vital about if Regulus had any intentions as Sirius had insinuated.

The bell rang, and Hunter looked back at Snape.

"Fine. Sunday, 8:00PM, the lake. If you're even a second late, I'm leaving."

The greasy haired boy nodded curtly. "Deal."

♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥

Regulus and Hunter-Rose spent a lot of time together on the school grounds, that was noticed by every student on the school grounds. They often sat by the Black Lake or laid next to one another on a grassy bit of land, watching the clouds or the stars as they took their place in the sky.

Something incredibly unfortunate was that the two were incredibly awkward in private.

In Hunter's eyes, she was spending the vast majority of her time with a boy whose feelings she didn't reciprocate, and she couldn't even tell if he was genuine. Her guard was constantly up, trying to catch any little slip up he may have that could give away his intentions.

For Regulus, he felt like he was dragging a happy-go-lucky girl into the darkness that so often comforted him. His feelings for the girls grew as he spent more time with her, and he felt increasingly guilty that such a sweet girl was being used for his gain. And even then, his belief in the Death Eaters cause was shrinking by the day.

It was a bitterly cold October night, and the couple had decided to sit in the Slytherin common room instead of outside as they usually did. The Hufflepuff Princess was intrigued by the difference in scenery; the aroma of calm that was evident for the Hufflepuffs was instead a tense atmosphere for the Slytherins. The room was stuck in uncomfortable silence as the fire roared, yet was unable to keep everyone warm.

Regulus and Hunter were sat on a black leather sofa nearby the fireplace, huddled together. Slytherins that passed by doted on how sweet they looked, yet the couple felt uncomfortable - socially and physically.

The two had sat in a somewhat uncomfortable silence for what felt like a lifetime, and the silence was only broken when Regulus brought up a question that was on many minds.

"Are we going to respond to The Daily Prophet? They keep sending me letters." he asked, pulling away from Hunter to prop his elbow up on the back of the sofa.

"Me too, I'm at a complete loss. What are we supposed to do?" Hunter sighed, resting her head down on the back of the sofa next to Regulus' elbow.

"I asked Lucius, and he said to agree to an interview but to have it be supervised by someone. Preferably a teacher, but a parent would work too. A journalist would be less likely to twist our words that way."

Hunter sighed slightly and shut her eyes. She was so, so exhausted. Her relationship with Regulus, navigating her reputation, her hobbies, her Veela nature, it was all so draining.

A silence fell among Regulus and Hunter. The two didn't have much to speak about, outside of what was happening to them as a couple and the occasional conversations about Sirius that Hunter would always start.

She really wished that they'd get along.

Yet, despite the awkwardness that the couple experienced and how stiff Hunter felt, Regulus grew deep and genuine emotions for his girlfriend. He watched her as she drifted in and out of consciousness, only ever readjusting how she looked before falling back to a light sleep.

Her freckled features had slowly been hidden by her makeup, as she had more spots than she was used to. Despite this, Regulus couldn't help but admire her in every state; spotty, messy, sleepy, pristine, chatty, friendly, fiery. She couldn't do anything that would convince him that she wasn't an angelic, enigmatic force. He knew so little about her, and wanted to fight the knowledge that she'd be safer if kept at arms length.

Despite it all, he wanted to know the real Hunter-Rose Moore.

So, while she slept beside him, he had a first year boy fetch him a self-inking quill, a book and parchment. He was careful that she didn't disturb from her sleep as he wrote.


I am writing to discuss the Moore girl.

Lucius has encouraged that we be interviewed for The Daily Prophet under a guardians supervision. I was hoping that you would be available for this. Lucius is setting up the interview for the 24th, the day after a quidditch match against Ravenclaw that Hunter will be participating in (that I'd advise you watch to show the strength of our bond).

I'm also, frankly, concerned about my own feelings towards the girl. We've had a stable couple of weeks, and the plan may really come into fruition. However, I've begun to develop actual emotions for Hunter-Rose. We have to spend a lot of time with each other, so I suppose it was only a matter of time.

As my mother and a wise woman, I was hoping you could help me to navigate my feelings.

Your son,

Regulus set the quill down next to him, and put the parchment on the table to allow it to dry. His eyes wandered over to Hunter, who was still fast asleep. A smile creeped onto his face, a true smile, as he lifted the small girl over his shoulder to bring her back to the Hufflepuff common room, her wavy hair hiding her face.

Little did Regulus know that, as he carefully walked to the Hufflepuff common room with the houses princess over his shoulder, the letter he had written had fallen upon narrow black eyes that sparkled with glee upon reading.

Regulus and Hunter were not what they appeared to be, as Severus Snape had just found out. His crooked mind concocted a plan, and he read the letter over and over again before walking off, the cogs in his mind turning.

The It Couple could be dismantled by the schools most hated boy, and he couldn't help but smile at the irony of this.

He couldn't wait for Sunday 24th.

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