Wings of Life

By maxxie4345

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Lilly is a kind hearted girl who is shy and quiet. She's used to change and was forced to move around a lot a... More

#1: A Normal Day
#2: lost puppy
#3: Strong Heart School
#4: Fairy College
#5: first day
#6: wings
#7: library
#8: dinner for 2
#9: birthday
#10: Zandite
#11: Royal family of Zandite
#12: specialist competition
#13: surprise
#14: heart diamond
#15: knuckle sandwich
#16: fire power
#18: hover bike
#19: undercover
#20: The Gala
#21: safe & sound
#22: zombieland
#23: finally
#24: good heart
#25: the beginning

#17: visit home

20 1 0
By maxxie4345

Lilly POV:

I'm flying through the forest and something hit me. There's blood everywhere. I'm falling down and the tree branches stabbing and poking against my skin.

I land on the ground with pain spreading through my body. I heard a roar behind me.

I sit up gasping. Oh a dream. It was just a dream. I look down I'm in my pajamas. Was the whole thing a dream? It felt so real.

It's dark outside. I stand up walking to the kitchen looking for something to eat. Strong arms wrap around me. "Your awake" Ray says squeezing me tightly into his chest.

"It wasn't a dream?" I push him back a little looking up at him.

He gives me a sad smile. "It wasn't a've been sleeping for 2 days" my eyes open wide.

"2 DAYS? What happened with the Minotaurs?" I look around the room all the girls and the guys are here.

"Lil....sit down" Cindy smiles patting the spot on the couch next to her. I sit next to her as she gives me a side hug.

"Ok someone tell me what guys are scaring me" I look around the room.

"I found you unconscious in the west lost a lot of blood from a gash on your side and there was a dead Minotaur near you laying on broken trees" Brady explains to me. "I thought you were dead" he whispers

Aw he was worried. I remember. "Do you remember what happened after I left?" Cindy asks holding my hand.

I sigh. "I magic didn't do anything" I groan frustrated. "I flew away trying to give Cindy some time to get away with the other fairies. How are they?" I turn to Cindy.

"They're both fine! The Minotaur caught them by surprised knocking them out but they're okay" she smiles "now finish the story"

"I tried all my spells. Everything possible but it barely scratched him. he threw the axe hitting me and knocking me down. I manages to throw his axe far away to buy distract him. I went back to the Alfea wall but I didn't see anyone and the Minotaur was back. I managed to get a barrier around me and held it forever....." I've never been scared before until that moment. "The beast keep attacking the barrier and when he...started pushing down it started fading I felt a strong power take over and I....killed it."

"Oh were strong! That's all that matters" Cindy hugs me.

"why did the monsters attack? What happened?" I look around

"They took the diamonds." Bella says

My brain freezes. They have all 3 blood diamonds. Ugh. Why couldn't I be stronger. "What are we doing?"

"Catling and all the head masters are in a meeting with the leaders of the other worlds....their forming an army to try and get rid of the witches....we're all just waiting for them to attack at this point" Cindy explains.

"So what we just sit here doing nothing?" I look around the room and Ray gives me a small smile. "I have to check on Rose" I stand up walking to my room.

"We're all supposed to stay until we know what's happening." Ray comes in after me.

"I have to...." He grabs my wrists holding me still.

"Please lilly....I thought I lost you I can't go through that again" his eyes are red and dark bags are under them.

I cup his cheek. "Ray....I'm never going to leave you. I'll always find my way to you....okay?" I give him a kiss.

"Let me go with you then. Please?" He leans his forehead on mine.

I playfully roll my eyes. "Ok fine..." I kiss him going into the closet as I change into jeans. I slip off my shirt and look at the fresh pink scar on my side. It's healed really well but it's still just a little noticeable. I run my fingers over the scar and put on a clean shirt.

I walk out of the closet to find Ray masking my bed. This man is a gift from the gods.

"Hey...ready?" He turns smiling wrapping his arms around me.

"You made my bed?" He hums "and you folded my clothes" he hums again. "Thank you" I kiss him and he smiles against my lips. And cups my face pulling me deeper into this moment.

I pull away with a smile. I'm just so lucky. Can he be more perfect? "Let's get going before it gets dark." He gives me another kiss and we go out cindy and Brady are talking in the living room and Pearl is cuddling with Dimitri.

Cindy whisper yells to Brady something and he clears his throat. "I'm glad your okay Lilly" Brady mumbles.

"Awwww thanks brady bear" I smile at him. He just rolls his eyes.

"I'll be back later tonight or tomorrow morning" I tell the girls as I wave bye.


Ray and I are on a smaller version of the strong heart ship. Flying through the air. "So how do we get there?" I shift in my seat looking at Ray who's flying the ship.

"I'm glad you asked...hold on" he smiles at me as he clicks some buttons. A portal appears and we zoom through we're traveling in this dark portal then bam. We're at Zandite. Ray parks the ship by the front gate and I hop out.

"Hey Princess Lilly. Welcome back" William a guard smiled at me opening the gate. Ray comes out putting his arm over my shoulders and we walked inside. The second the doors were opened im squished.

Rose, I meant grandma hug me a little tight. "Hey guys"

"Oh honey are you okay" she pets my hair. "I heard about the attack at Alfea oh I was so worried"

"I'm fine I promise grandma." I laugh a little as I pull away.

"How are you doing Raymond" Edward. Uh grandpa asks. As they shake hands.

"I'm doing well sir thank are you your majesty?"

He chuckles "I'm doing fine enough....this witches business is causing unwanted stress" he groaned.

"Oh come you two must be hungry!" She walks down the ball with me.

At dinner after eating too much because grandma said I looked too skinny. We are all sitting in the drawing room. Apparently that's real. Grandpa was reading someone.

"What's that Gramps?" I ask turning to face him.

"It's the plan to attack the witches" he sighs. "All the kingdoms are trying to merge armies to battle them but some refuse because they want to protect themselves." He pinches the bridge of his nose and let's out a sigh. "They want to send the specialists and fairies but you guys aren't trained for wars and your just so young" grandma hugs him from behind.

"I'm sure everything will work the fairies will be fine we've been practicing combat and attack spells like crazy" I smile at him.

"You guys have?" Grandma asked

I nodded. "It's like a boot camp....combat, agility, fairy combat, flying, attacking, defense, weapons" I list down everything we've been doing.

"Weapons?" Grandpa sounded a little upset.

Ray squeezed my hand. "Yeaaa but only because of the witches isn't it good we learn how to defense ourselves without never know what might happen"

"It's wonderful that your learning to defend yourselves! We just worry about you that's all" grandma pats grandpa's chest and smiles at me.

We all sit down, talking and playing some games. I'm currently playing Ray in chess Again. I've lost twice and I just can't win. I thought I was decent but apparently not good enough to beer this guy.

"Check" he hits my king over "mate"

"What...I... I had you in check!! You wizard what did you do!" I groan. I lost again. There's no way.

He laughs and starts setting the pieces up again. "My looks keep distracting you" he winks. "Another round" I lay down putting my legs around the arm Rest.

"My brain needs a break" I sigh dramatically covering my eyes. "And my pride needs time to heal" I hear his laugh and some movement. I lifts my legs and sits down putting them over him. I smile as he starts rubbing little shapes into my legs.

"So Lilly.....nothing else happened since the last time you were here?" Grandma asks giving me a raised eyebrow.

"Oh....uh....Ray and dating" I peak through my fingers to see her smiling sitting across from me.

"I know" she simply says.

"Wait what?" I lean on my elbows  looking over at her.

"I asked for their permission before I asked you out"

"Aww....and you guys said yes?" I look at grandpa who's still stressing over the battle plans.

Grams Rose smiles. "Yes....I'm still grateful he brought you back home and he gave me tulips...I couldn't refuse" she laughs

"Awww....I never knew that....thanks Ray" I sat him kissing his cheek. I can see the slight blush on his cheeks.

I lay back down closing my eyes as Grandma rose starts telling me a story of grandpa making her fall in love with him.

"Everyday he came back. Each day with another flower. The first time he gave me a single rose. Then he brought 2 and 3 and so on." She smiles "when he brought 33 roses I finally told him I didn't love roses despite my name" grandpa looks up smiling at grams.

"Then the next day I brought a single tulip. And kept coming back until she finally asked me out" he laughs.

"So she asked you out?" I laugh.

"Yes....I got tired of waiting for him to ask. With all the flowers he always left cute notes but never a date!" Grandma sighs rolling her eyes playfully.

"Well.....we were married so I didn't know if I was supposed to ask you out or not" he puts his hands up.

"You were married? And never went on a date" I look at the strangely

They look at each other smiling as I sit up paying attention to the story.

"Arranged marriages between kingdoms were very common with our generation. Some kingdoms still participate and arrange I had to ask my own husband on a date!" Grandma laughs as grandpa sits next to her giving her a kiss.

I look towards Ray who was currently still under my legs. I smile at him and he pulled me closer by my legs and winked. I rolled my eyes with a smile.

"So that was how tulips became my favorite" grandma says smiling and looking at grandpa with lovely dovey eyes.

I yawned which caused Ray to yawn and soon grandma and grandpa were yawning. I laugh as grandma stands up. "I guess it's getting late....I must go retire" grandpa stood and so did I followed by Ray.

We all said our good nights as we walk to the rooms. Ray and I are walking down the hall in a nice silence. His hand on my waist and his fingers slide under my shirt as he rubs little circles with his fingers. Something so small just brings me so much comfort.

We get to my room and we stop in front of the door. I turn looking at him as I lean back against the wall. His hand on my waist passing up and down my side. I look up at him as he steps closer his chest against mine as my breath hitches and he cups my face leaning in giving me a passionate kiss.

Before he could pull away I cup his face pulling him in for another kiss. He smiled and pulls me closer with his hand on my back.

After a heated make out session we pull away. "We...should stop....someone...could see" he says between breaths

I can't help but laugh. "Come on" I grab his hand walking into the room.

It's a white and green decorated room. With white Lillys painted near the corners. My bed is in the middle with a white bedside table on each side. It has a white tulle canopy around the bed. There's a closet and bathroom inside and a wall of windows with green curtains and a balcony.

"Are you sure it's okay I stay?" Ray asks. I just laugh and close the door as I walk towards Ray and he walks back until he sits down on the bed.

" one is going to be coming in here with the door locked" I tell him leaning my hands on his thighs as I lean in giving him a kiss and pulling away walking to my closet changing into shorts and an over sized tshirt. I grabbed a pair of basketball shorts I left in here with a tshirt.

I walked back over to him giving him a kiss handing him the clothes. "You have clothes in my size here?"

I just smiled and walked to the bathroom. "Of course....for moments just like this" I closed the door washing my face and brushing my teeth. All that fun stuff. I walked out into the room to find a shirtless Ray's back facing me.

I basically had my jaw to the floor. This man's muscles could crush me. He slipped his shirt on and turned to face me. I quickly closed my mouth. "Um there's an extra toothbrush for you" he walked to me giving me a quick peak.

"Thank you" he goes brushing his teeth. My heart is racing. I know he's attractive and handsome but I think my period is coming because my hormones are going wilds.

I take deep breaths pulling back the bed covers. I crawl into bed braiding my hair over my shoulder as he comes out turning the light off and walking towards me.

He crawls into bed on all fours and his nose touches mine. I cuo his face pulling him in for a kiss. He starts coming closer as I lay on the bed. He's now hovering over me as my hands pass through his hair gently tuggingp on the ends. His elbow is next to my face holding him up as the other one is on my waist sliding my shirt up.

We keep making out and I pull away needing to catch my breath. And he works his way down my neck. I bite my lip as a strange noise almost made it's way out. His hands slide up my stomach and reaches the start of my rib. I'm not wearing a bra...

I cup his face pulling him up. "Ok..we have to stop" he leans his forehead against mine smiling.

"Ok Princess" he pecks my lips and lays down next to me. I turn to face him intertwining our fingers together.

"Thanks...." I tell him tracing the veins on the back of his hand with my other hand.

"For what?" He asks bringing my chin up to look at him.

"For listening....for stoping..." I whisper at the end.

"You shouldn't thank me for that....I won't do something you don't want to" and he kisses me. "Plus we have forever together.....we'll have fun later" he winks kissing my head. "Are you tired?" He asks at the same time I yawn.

"Kinda but not too sleepy.....wanna watch a movie?" I ask smiling at him.

"There's no TV?" He looks at me like I'm crazy.

I just smile and sit up as my hands glow and a TV appears on the wall across from the bed. "Now we have one" I say as I poof a remote in front of me on the bed grabbing it and scrolling to Netflix. I'm in the mood for action.

I put on a random war movie and we cuddle. I'm sitting up leaning against the headboard as he lays his head on my chest as I mess with his hair.

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