Her misunderstanding

By madeyouread

143K 3.3K 414

[Book 2] [book 1: Deceptive Love] Read book 1 to understand the whole story, if you didn't read it, you'll pr... More



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By madeyouread


I have no idea what Jade was doing to Irina but judging by her screams, she sure wasn't chit-chatting with her. I looked at Jackson infront of me who had a bloodied face, beaten up real bad with a few missing fingers. Im surprised he's still breathing.

"So," i smirked at him, "How you doing buddy?"

"Just kill me already." He spat angrily, still with an attitude. "You're one hell of a tough guy." I sighed, tracing his eyebrows with my knife.

"Pl- " he coughed, "Please just kill me already." I raised a questioning eyebrow at him before shaking my head, "Nope. Jade wanna do the honour."

"That bitch?" He laughed, barely. I clenched my fist at the word he called her before it collided with his face. "You do not call her bitch ever again."

He groaned with his fists clenched, letting out a string of curses at the same time. I cringed in disgust when he spat out blood on his own hand.

The opening sound of the metal door earned my full attention, i turned around to see Jade entering with a smile as her eyes fell on me. A smile which i returned. Her gaze turned away from me to Jackson. He knew it was time for him to die, he knew she has to come to end him, put an end to his suffering but not before making him suffer herself.

"I'll see you when you're done." I said, leaving her alone with Jackson to do what needs to be done. She replied with a simple nod and smile.

[ Jade ]

Once Enzo left the room, i kept my gaze fixed on Jackson, debating on telling him whether im assassin. He kept looking at me weirdly and I don't blame him for that. I've been looking at the guy for a couple of minutes, thinking whether i should tell him or not.

"Why the fuck are you staring at me like that?" He finally spat out after the weird look.

"Lorenzo did a number on you." I smirked, looking at his almost unrecognisable face.

I decided that i am not going to tell him or anyone else that i am in fact an assassin. Let people believe what they want; think what they want about me. Who gives a flying fuck, right? Those who already knows, well, good for them.

"You don't hurt my family and live." I stated before continuing, "Any last words?" I asked with the sweetest fake smile I could make.

"Fuck you." His final words. I cut the were holding him knowing he's gonna need his hand for how im about to kill him. Im not that cruel.

He looked confused at first but soon, his hands found their way to his throat, holding it as blood started pouring out of it. Yeah, i slit his throat. He fell on the ground, still holding his throat with both of his hands.

"See you in hell." With that, i left him to die alone. He deserved everything he got.


Im nearly done with this story.

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