The Royal Scandal | Prince Wi...

By Antoinette_II

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The only royal role she would get to play would be Aurora in Sleeping Beauty. The future King of England had... More

The Royal Scandal
Act I ~ The Pawn
Part I: Send Off
Let's Celebrate 18
Shy First Encounter
You Again!?!
How Was Your Date?
I'm Fine
Tis the Season... But It's September
Delicate Forces
The Prophesied Fall
Royal Movies
Circa Regna Tonat
Down to the Wire
Finding Home
Here We Go Again
Good Morning
The Chase
The Start of Disaster
Unimpressed With Her
Hold Me Till Dawn
Late Night Calls
Unravelling the Web
The Prince and the Girl
She's Here With You
Can The World Crush Her?
Opening Night
The Fall
If You Love Her
The Flame
Ready For More
We Are Strong
She Is Power
Dance In Your Blood
American Royalty
Tonight We Can Dream
Our Star Crossed Love
Family Matters
Someone Unexpected
The Conversation
The Return
Part II: Homecoming
Welcome to Podunk Illinois
The Lesson
Missing You
The Royal Screw Up
Wedding Bells
Oh... It's You
The Calm
The Storm
Give It Time
Big Change... Is Coming
Around and Around We Go
Are You a Winner?
Remembering Passion
Interlude 2007-2009
ACT II ~ The Rook
Part III: Never a Bride
Space to Think
What We Do For Love
Sins of the Father
The Waiting Game
Easy With You
Play the Game
Sugar Plums and Wedding Bells
This Time Next Year
What Makes a Slyph
The Long Goodbye
Goodbye Jaclyn Webber
All That We've Come From
Here Comes the Bride
Like the Sun Has the Moon
The Duke and Duchess
Part IV: Next Chapter
Big News
Second Guessing
Broken Bodies, Broken Hearts
Flowers Help Heal
Important Questions
Pretty Pretty Girl
What's in Your Head?
You Misunderstand Me
It's That Time of Year
Not the Time for Christmas Cheer
Oh Baby
An Heir for an Heir
Getting Back To Normal
Shock Factor
A Princess is Named
Act III ~ The Knight
Interlude 2013-2016
Part V: Commander Cambridge
Cause to Celebrate
Doing Good
Careful Where You Tread
Whispers in Corners
Milestones Pass By
Me? Plotting?
It's Like A Sport
Eyes on Me
Pretty Things
Snow Fall in Summer
Part VI: Old Wounds Leave Scars
New Addition
The Root of All Problems
Be Warned
I Have Thorns Too
Bruises That Don't Disappear
This Distance Between Us
Double Trouble
So It Begins
Stained Red
Is This My Legacy?
When Duty Calls
Leave Us In Ruins
Curtain Call
I Bleed Red
Rise From Your Ashes
Rose Colored
The World is Too Much
Old Memories
Turning Tables

The Introduction

5.1K 165 26
By Antoinette_II

February 21, 2011

As far as official engagements go this ranks among the most personal. This being Prince William's first official engagement with fiance Jaclyn Webber. With confidence in her stride this was Webber easing her way into public life after a decade of being shielded from public engagements.

Spectators noted that Webber, decked out in Welsh dragon red, was relaxed and clearly happy to partake in the ceremony. Webber also sang the national anthem in memorized Welsh, but it's known that she's been learning for years.

As the couple launched the lifeboat they launched their future public life together, and after years of building to this moment another relationship begins. That of Jaclyn Webber and the general public. Clearly the public warms to Jaclyn, some a little too much ;)

Sky News


Jaclyn despite the chills running over her cheeks and the wind that tore at her hair smiles out at the crowd of people gathered on the promenade in Anglesey. Some are there for the lifeboat itself, but more are there to catch a glimpse of her first engagement. To see how she fares.

The sky is gray above her, but Anglesey is anything but dreary. It's a charming oceanside town that she's in love with already. The air is fresh in a way that London's never is, and if it weren't for the hundreds of eyes carefully watching her it would most likely feel intimate.

She grasps the champagne bottle close to her chest, and listens as William finishes his speech. Beyond his head are the people packed tightly together in blankets and coats behind the barriers. Kate whispered as they were leaving that two thousand people showed up, but the more Jaclyn thought about it the more it made sense.

William often stayed in Anglesey while training with Search and Rescue. The local inn was a second home, and he swore by the burger bar that was somewhere in the valley. Not only was he their prince, but he was a local they cared for so much.

"It also gives me huge pleasure to be introducing to this relationship, here and now, someone who not only is about to join the family, but is also about to become a local to the area." The crowd cheered and Jaclyn's smile stretched, cheeks burning brighter and not just from the cold. In the weeks following her retirement they decided that buying a house in Anglesey while Will finished his training would be best. It would give them time to figure out marriage away from the public with a few years as an almost normal couple.

Kensington would be the official place for their offices and all work related things, but whichever house they chose in Anglesey would be their home. Much to their surprise Charles and The Queen were completely on board with the idea, it was smart to have the future Prince and Princess of Wales actually living in Wales, at least for a while.

"Now," her focus returned as William turned to smile at her. "I'm going to do the talking bit, and she's going to do the fun bit." She feigned insult, dropping her lips into a playful shocked O, but could not hold onto the facade for long as her laughter broke through.

"It now gives us pleasure to name this new lifeboat Hereford Endeavor. May God bless her and all that sail in her." The crowd cheers, and Jaclyn pours the bubbling champagne over the orange boat beside her. It's a small task, but she feels oddly accomplished and can't keep from smiling as she does.

From there she's ushered to meet with a few officials and shake their hands. The wind is biting but it's not as distracting as the pit in her stomach as they start the walkabout. She wants these people to like her, to know she truly cares for Wales. That was why, as silly as it was, she insisted on wearing red for her first appearance in the country. Poor Kate had run around the city trying to find a new and appropriate fascinator for the old dress they had picked out.

William and her start together, greeting people politely so she could see how it was done, but she can't cower by his side only. He starts to walk ahead with one careful look at her and she lets him, always intentional of the distance between them, and aware that she can't move ahead of him.

The waiting people are all squished together, bracing against the barricades and poking their hands between any hole they can to reach her. Over shoulders and between arms. Hands grasp her own that she doesn't see until they're latched onto hers, and she doesn't have to aim for anyone, she just sticks her hand out and before she can move they come to her.

It's a little disconcerting. Never before did she think a person could be so excited to simply touch her hand. Maybe for William, but never her.

They're all speaking excitedly too. Voices layering over each other to the point that she's just nodding and repeating hello over and over. Sometimes one will break through, and she's careful to always answer.

"Jackie! Thank you for coming!"

"How's the wedding planning going?"

"What do you think of Anglesey?"

She offers her thanks, and spews something off about how the planning is going well, and then a frail old man stands right in front of her, and taking her gloved hands. He has a gummy smile and a fatherly twinkle to his eyes, and Jaclyn pauses to answer his question. "The prince is a good chap, we are glad to have you both." He goes again in Welsh before she can, and Jaclyn recalls her lessons spent practicing the ancient language.

"It is us who should be glad," her slight grin is teasing as the man looks slightly taken back, and then his smile returns tenfold. Even if the words feel foreign and sticky on her tongue, she moves on feeling quite accomplished.

They continue on, William ahead of her. Occasionally he glances back to make sure she's okay, but she moves slower than he does, so easily enticed to stop and talk and accept as many flowers as she can.

Her new protection officer, Penelope, is weighed down by the numerous bouquets, only the top of her sunglasses and slicked hair poking out over the pile of flowers.

William nearly laughs at the scene, but when he turns to find Jaclyn again she's crouched down, the people around her going quiet as she accepts a single rose from a little girl no older than eight. She's pressed herself to the iron gate, a crooked and awed smile looking up at his fiance. It's a natural scene despite the absurdity of their surroundings, and Jaclyn talks to her like there aren't several pairs of eyes following her every move. They laugh together, and the little girl points to him, a hand clamped to her mouth as she giggles

Jaclyn follows her, blue eyes glimmering under the rim of her maroon fascinator, and after a moment she leans in and whispers something to the girl.

"She's beautiful, Your Royal Highness," someone says to him, and he nods though his eyes linger on Jaclyn as she bids goodbye to her new friend. "And so kind."

This time he turns to the woman talking, even though she's watching Jaclyn as well. "I'm very lucky to have her." Before anything else can be said he's going back towards Her. He knows they're not supposed to touch when out like this, but his hand finds the small of her back seamlessly, and he guides her along for the rest of the walkabout. If not they would've been there all day.


March 1, 2011

In the end Kate had been right choosing Phillipa Lepley to design the dress, and it was that decision that made Jaclyn realize she did need Kate. Her husband was the most important non royal Duke in the country, and Jaclyn would need Kate's support and guidance more than ever in the coming years.

And as Phillipa Lepley herself laced up the dress, Jaclyn couldn't have been more grateful for Kate's genius. It was unfinished with the hem still to do, and the pins to take out, but Jaclyn could already tell that the white satin would fit like a glove. The fabric was as pure as freshly fallen snow, cascading out into an A-line skirt from where it cinched at her waist. The original design was off the shoulder, but Jaclyn had the fabric raised just so it covered her shoulders and chest. It was simple in the front, but the train of eight feet made up for it. By royal standards it was modest, but Jaclyn didn't want twenty-five feet of fabric trailing behind her like Diana had.

Embellished in the train are flowers from different Commonwealth countries, making a beautiful lace applique. Every so often a Tudor rose, England's national flower, and a violet, Illinois's state flower, crossed and Jaclyn found she loved those bits the most.

"Oh God this is real," she randomly breathed out, looking down at the dress. She had no other option, as she stood behind the drawn curtain there was no other way to see how it looked without the mirror. She was going to blame the building pressure behind her eyes on the fact that she was running on no sleep, and that it was currently four in the morning.

If she was caught heading into the bridal shop, or Phillipa was caught going to either Kensington or Clearance House the secret would be out, so their meetings had to take place in the secret of the night. The last thing she wanted was for her dress to leak before the big day. Normally brides had a hard enough time keeping their fiances from seeing their dress, but there would be little she could do if a picture of it showed up in the Daily Mail.

Her cheeks flamed as Phillipa glanced up at her over her glasses. She was knelt on the ground a needle bit between her teeth as she made some adjustments to the length of the skirt. "I-

"Don't worry, you're not the first bride to express such a sentiment," she joked, standing and brushing off dust from her pants that was not there.

"I think your friends are growing restless.

With one last breath, Jaclyn steps out from behind the pipe and drape changing room. Natania, Kate and Zara are all spread out on the couches, but Jaclyn has eyes for the mirror in front of them. Even as she walks around the rounded couch to stand on the podium her eyes stretch to keep the dress in her sight.

It's Ethereal to see. A glow under the golden lamp above them, and the dress isn't even finished. It doesn't matter. She can already picture standing in Westminster Abbey, the front of her two tier veil blurring her face, walking towards William. Her hands graze over the bodice, and she wonders what he'll think when he sees her. Will it be hard for him to not turn around? Will he for the briefest of seconds lose his placid facade? Will he think her the most beautiful woman in that moment?

"Oh, Jac," Zara breathes, and Jaclyn catches her wide eyed through the mirror. Their eyes meet, and Jaclyn can see the brimming tears they're both holding back. "I never thought taking you to that football match all those years ago would end up with us here, but I'm so glad I did it."

That's all it takes for her tears to softly fall. Oh, how far they had all come. Already, Jaclyn watched Nat and Kate stand in her position, and soon after her Zara would do the same. Were they not just girls the other day?

"Jac, don't cry," Kate soothes, standing to wrap the blonde up in her arms. The notebook she's always carrying now is left where she sat, it's the first time she's seen Kate put the thing down since she hired her. Natania and Zara follow, working to cheer her up with comments about the dress, but she doesn't cry in sorrow. It's wistful and loving.

"You guys know I love you right?" She hiccups.

Zara pulls her back in, "Of course we know! Now stop crying you're getting married!"

It's only after they've snuck out the back door of the bridal shop, and Natania and her are on the road that the quiet tears finally stop. The city sits silently around them, the occasional car passing by, or the random person lounging outside, but for the most part London is asleep. The black sky a blanket that will slowly be pulled by the hands of the pastel sky.

"What else do you have planned for the day?" Natania asks to fill the silence. Not even the radio plays as they cruise.

Jaclyn huffs, ticking each thing off on her hands. "Wedding cake design, floral arrangement layout, and music selection. I honestly don't know how it'll all get done." It keeps her busy not in the same way dancing did. Rehearsals were continuous and consistent, now she finds there are random blocks in her day that she can't seem to fill.

"Well just look at all you have done so far."

Jaclyn shrugs, inhaling Natania's words, letting them be a rippling reminder. She finally settled on a tiara, the seating charts were complete, and the reception was mostly planned. The windows of the old Buick fog in the corners, and for a second the window whistles through the cracks of the car.

She's struck with the memory of home. Of the piled crunchy snow, and whipping wind. She always hated winters, but the fond moments warm her. Walking with Natania to school bundled to where their eyes just poked out. Sipping hot chocolate as their moms sang hymns. Watching disdainfully as the snow melted to slosh under their feet.

"Do you remember when we used to sneak out between rehearsals in the winter?" Jaclyn asks, her elbow resting against the window sill where she can watch the world move.

Natania's laughter is biting despite the early morning. "We always tried skating across the ice that covered the parking lot."

"Tricia laid into us every time, but we still did it," she tilts her head on her arm to look over at Natania who's intently focused on the road. "I miss seeing you everyday

"I don't know, it's kind of nice to have a break from you."

There's another thing she has to do, but she hasn't been sure of her decision until now, laughing sleepily into her arm. For as long as she can remember Nat has been by her side. She was her fearsome knight before she met William, and the first person she ever considered her best friend. They've done so much together why not add one more.

"Will you be my maid of honor?"

Natania's brow furrows, her neck snapping sideways abruptly so they swerve uneasily for a moment. "Are you sure you don't want Kate or Zara?"

Jaclyn's ready to affirm her decision when Nat goes off again, this time one hand letting loose of the steering wheel to move as she talks. "Surely, The Duchess of Norfolk or the daughter of Princess Anne will look better."

Her hand is circling, moving as she speaks, until Jaclyn sits up trapping it within her own. "I want you. You're the one that followed me across an ocean, you taught me all the things there were to know of England, you protected me when I was at my lowest, and you're always ready to snap me out of my dazes. I'm going to need you that day."

She lets out a breath, holding Jaclyn's hand until they pull into the small drive of her flat. Jaclyn doesn't push her to answer, or ask her to speak when it's so clear in her stare that she's thinking. Instead she waits, and she holds her hand, and just when she's ready to get out and leave Natania turns to her.

"I'll do it, if you're absolutely sure."

She doesn't answer, she squeals throwing her arms over her friend's neck.


Filler chapter, but are you guys ready for what's next? The night before the big day! Literally can't tell you how excited I am. Fun fact, my favorite scene of the whole book is in the next chapter, and it was this scene that actually started this whole book.

First order of business, to those of you who have my Snapchat, would it be okay if I posted a preview of what I'm thinking for the wedding look on my story? That way I could gauge what you think.

Secondly, you may have noticed that I updated twice. I added an epigraph at the beginning of the story with a few moodboards and theme songs. Please go check that out and tell me what you think! I'll probably add act dividers up to over the next couple of days so don't get too excited if you get an update.

Finally if you haven't listened to Quarter Life Crisis by Taylor Bickett you absolutely should. I feel like it represents Jaclyn really well!

Thank you let me know what you guys think, your comments keep me going 😍

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