Wings of Life

By maxxie4345

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Lilly is a kind hearted girl who is shy and quiet. She's used to change and was forced to move around a lot a... More

#1: A Normal Day
#2: lost puppy
#3: Strong Heart School
#4: Fairy College
#5: first day
#6: wings
#7: library
#8: dinner for 2
#9: birthday
#10: Zandite
#11: Royal family of Zandite
#12: specialist competition
#13: surprise
#15: knuckle sandwich
#16: fire power
#17: visit home
#18: hover bike
#19: undercover
#20: The Gala
#21: safe & sound
#22: zombieland
#23: finally
#24: good heart
#25: the beginning

#14: heart diamond

20 1 0
By maxxie4345

"Ugh I just can't remember the why and how to metamorphism in spells." Cindy groans as we review our shapeshifting spells. We have a test Monday and it's a big grade.

"Ms. Snow said we just have to have a clear and quiet mind and it should be easy" Pearl tells her.

"It can't be that hard right?" I ask them.

"Let's try now....tell me what to become" Cindy turns to ask me.

"Ummmm be a tiger!" That would be cool to see.

"Ok." Cindy closes her eyes and lets a deep breath go. She glows and magic surrounds her. And now she's a cat. An orange striped cat.

I pet her and laugh. "I mean it's pretty close" she growls at me. "I'm sorry but your a pretty kitty" the other girls laugh as she puts while I pet her.



"Oh it's Ray...I'll be back" I smile at the girls and go into my room. I answer the call. "Hey how has your week been treating you?" I ask Ray over the phone.

"It's tiring, after the witches attack Silas has us practicing extra"


"Ray what was that?"

"I uh.....I'll call you back"

I heard explosions, shouting and just bad noises coming from the phone and he hung up.

I rush out of the room into the living room where all the girls were doing homework and Cindy was still a cat.

"What's wrong?" Bella asks looking up from the books.

"I think something is happening at strong heart. I was on the phone with Ray and I heard explosions" they all start looking worried.

Cindy changes back into herself and I transform. It's easier now. I just focus on my magic and imagine my wings then bam. I go to our balcony doors opening them up. "I'm going if you guys want to join I have a feeling the witches came back" the girls waited no time and we're all flying towards strong heart as fast as I could. Bella was ahead but she gave us all a breeze to fly faster.

When I see strong heart in view it's a war zone. There are these black spirit ghost things like in Harry Potter attacking the specialists and school.

"ALRIGHT GIRLS LETS GO KICK ASS.....DONT GO ALONE STAY IN RANGE" I shout as I fly to the floor Ray's room is on. There are hundreds of these ghost guys.

Pearl came behind me and I see Cindy with Bella fly off above us. I see dimitri flying off these things. There's 5 on him right now.

"DIMITRI DUCK......WOLF RAGE" a wolf head spell boats out of my hands as dimitri ducks and it eats two of the ghosts.

"Thanks girls" he winks at Pearl and she went off next to dimitri putting a barrier around them. I heard another explosion and pieces of rock started falling on us. "Lilly go make sure everyone is evacuating....we can take it from here" Pearl gives me a nod as she blasts the ghosts.

I fly in towards the ships zone. There is at least 50 of the ghosts attacking and destroying the ships. The specialists are struggling against them. Some of them look like little kids! A group of 3 middle school looking kids are surrounded by 6 of the ghosts. Their little hands trembling with the swords and spears in their hand.

I fly in front of them. "GET DOWN" the boys shaking figures duck under. I fly above them. "ENERGY OF LIFE" the spell pours out of my chest and fills the loading bay with an explosion of light. All the ghosts disintegrate and some of the specialists were knocked down.

The little boys jump up and hug me. "YOUR THE COOLEST FAIRY EVER"



"Aw hey guys....your welcome but can you help me?" They all stand in front of me with their cute little baby faces.

"Anything!" They all stand straight like cute little soldiers.

"Ok I need you guys to start up the ships and load everyone on. I'm going to help bring the rest of the specialists" they all nod. And run off to the ships and tell the other little specialists what I said.

"That cool fairy told us to help her! We are a part of her team so you have to listen to us" they tell the other middle schoolers.

I fly out searching the halls for specialists or ghosts. I see a group of guys fighting off the ghosts. "AUTUMN BREEZE" I blast the ghosts and they disappear. I fly over to the guys who are surprised to see a fairy. "Hey guys get to the loading bay we have to evacuate. The whole building starts to shake like an earth quake.

They all run down the hallway. I continue flying each floor until they're clear. All the specialists I find go to the loading bay and help me check rooms. I go to Ray's room but it's empty his phone on the floor. I look around and see dark magically residue on the walls. The witches were here.

After I'm done with all the dorms I fly outside to see the building collapsing and hundreds of these ghost still flying around attacking people. I groan and fly over to Cindy. Who blasts 10 of these guys with her fire dragon. Cool. "LILLY! We have to finish evacuating." I see the ships flying out of the school and some specialist on hovers bikes fighting the ghosts.

"Cindy! I emptied all the dorms but I need help for the classrooms. I don't have enough time" she nods and we fly towards the hall with rooms and blast any ghost that got in our way. "I'll get the go west" I waved down one of the ships flying around and they came towards me. I told them to get ready for straggler students.

I flew through the halls and saw Mr. Travis and Silas. "SIR!" I zoom over to them. And grab Silas's arm around my
Shoulders. "You must get out.....what were you guys doing?" I help them out to the ship that I flagged down earlier.

"The heart of the school! It's what keeps us in the air and protects us from outside's in my office behind a bookshelf....please you must get it before the witches" Silas tells me. They climb on the ship and the building starts falling a few feet from the air.

I fly through the collapsing halls. "ANYONE THERE?" I keep shouting over and over looking for survivors. I get to the office and see Ray unconscious with the bookshelf open. I run over to him and he opens his eyes. "Ray......hey....honey" I cup his face.

"The witches are in the..vault stop them" I give him a quick kiss and fly through the bookshelf. I have a ball of energy ready to throw at anyone. I hear voices.

"Alfea is next" one of the voices say.

"First we need cloud tower" Jacinta. Ugh. That witch!

"Think again!" I shout throwing the energy ball at Beatrix who was holding the gem. I use my levitation spell and bring the gem to me. They try attacking me but I held my shield up.

"Your going to pay for that!!" She's mad. The building started collapsing again. "SISTERS" they all held hands and started chanting a Latin spell. A giant dark beam starts hitting me. I held my shield but it's strong. It pushes me against the wall.

"FURY OF NATURE" I throw little glowing orbs at the witches it barely scratches them. Ugh. My shield is holding but I'm getting weak. I can feel it.

"DRAGONS FIRE" I heard someone yell and hit the witches. They didn't stop their spell but I see Cindy flying in. I love that girl. "Come on witches 3 against 1. That's a little unfair" she teases.

Beatrix starts throwing a beam at cindy who held her shield but is pushed down. "NO STOP" I scream. My magic pushing against theirs. I grunt and groan pushing against them.

Their beam against cindy stops and they aim it towards me. I slide back a few inches as I hold my hands out in front of me. Cindy comes behind me and merges her magic with mine. Her fiery orange rays mixing in with my pale green. Over powering the witches slowly. The diamond in my palm starts burning. I scream out in pain but kept the focus on the spell against the witches with one hand. The building starts falling and we all hit the ceiling.

Groans fill the air. RAY. The witches all disappear in a smoke cloud. I cough getting the smoke out of my lungs. "LILLY WE HAVE TO GO" cindy yells.

"I have to get Ray!" I fly to the office and cindy follows me. I see Ray holding onto the book shelf as we fall. "Cindy!" She blasts the windows the glass flying everywhere. I grabbed Ray's arm and Cindy grabbed the other as we flew out of the building that seconds later crashed into the lake under them.

Cindy and I hold on to Ray as we watch the school fall into pieces. "That was crazy" I laugh out and cindy starts laughing and Ray joins in. Brady came flying to us on a hover bike.

"Need a hand? I know this troll weighs a ton" he jokes as we help Ray onto the bike.

I cupped just face giving him a kiss before they flew away. Cindy giggled. "So it's official?" She teases me poking my arm.

"We didn't label it but I guess we're dating" I smile as she tackles me with a hug. "What about you? I saw the way brady was giving you love eyes"

She rolls her eyes pushing me away as Pearl and Bella came flying to us. "Mr. Silas told us the boys are all going to Alfea to get healed and organized." Bella tells me.

"RACE YOU" I shout flying away. Bella laughs and comes up behind me. I see Alfea coming into view. There are ships filling our court yard. And I can see the hundreds of specialists lining up.

Bella passes me, easily I might add and lands in the courtyard laughing. "Guess who won...again?" Bella jokes.

"Don't worry one day I'll win" I land next to her as we laugh.

"The day a nature fairy beats an air fairy at flying I'll turn into a cowbee" Bella jokes

"A cowbee?" I've never heard of it. A bee and cow?

"A fairy animal You'll learn about it one day" Bella explains as we see cindy and Pearl coming towards us. Once they land cindy is out of breath.

"You guys have to chill with the races I need a head start" she bends down putting her hands on her knees.

"We never race against you" Bella laughs teasing her.

Cindy gasps standing straight up. "Hey...just wait one day I'll leave you all in the dust"

Brady came towards us giving Cindy a little smile that he thought none of us noticed. "Silas wants to speak to you" he said looking at me.

"Alright...come on girls" We follow brady to Catling's office where Silas is.

Once we walk in Silas and Catling are discussing something. "Welcome girls..." catling tells us as brady left closing the door.

"Do you have the heart?" Silas walks up to me asking. I held my hand open and wince. The diamond burned into my palm. It hurts like a witch.

Silas gently grabbed the diamond from my palm the burned flesh raw to the air. "Can you tell me what happened lilly?" He asks while he places the diamond in this box.

"The three witch sisters were there talking about cloud tower is next and then Alfea....I got the diamond from them and it melted my palm" he walks back to me holding my burned hand in both of his. His hand glows blue and the pain went away.

"Some of the magic schools are given a diamond to protect......3 diamonds were created by an ancient coven of blood witches....they made these diamonds by sacrificing thousands of lives to gain power" Silas pulls his hands away and only a little scar was left in my palm.

"Blood witches?" Pearl asks looking at them. "I thought they were an Earth myth like vampires"

Silas laughs "they were real....but it was hundreds of years ago....the blood witches were all killed and the diamonds were hidden to be protected. Only the headmaster of 3 schools knew about them"

"You think these three witches have a connection to the blood witches?" I ask looking up from my hand.

"I believe they might be defendants from the witches because blood witches were shut down. No one speaks of them, no one knows about them, they're just a myth to scare little fairies and elves." Silas explains as he sits down. "If they are after the diamonds they want to unleash the undead army"

"UNDEAD ARMY?" Cindy basically yells.

This causes Silas to laugh. "If the 3 diamonds are merged they can unleash the souls of those that were sacrificed and control them like an unkillable army"

"So we have to protect the diamonds" I won't let those evil witches get these blood diamonds.

"I'm going to reach out and warn cloud tower." Catling says picking up the phone as it rings. We all look around the room at each other.

"Hello....Mirta....yes......oh dear......we had the same issue.........the diamond is safe......I'll talk to you soon" she ended the call

"The three witches have the blood diamond from Cloud tower." Catling looks worried.

"Well what does the blood diamond do alone?" Cindy asks

" one knows for sure.....only the myths that were passed down" Silas explains. "We only know what the 3 diamonds do together....but I'm sure it gives the witches some level of power."

"Great so we have to defend 2 diamonds and we don't know what powers the witches have" Cindy sighs.

"Girls we will have a meeting tomorrow after I speak to headmistress Mirta from cloud tower.....for now help Silas and nurse patty heal those wounded" we follow Silas out.

"Mr. Silas?" I ask and he hums as we walk down the hallway. "What if we destroy the diamond? So it's power can't be used" we make our way outside as I give Silas a hand.

"Sweet young fairy. The power of those diamonds are too strong" he smiled and we make our way to the medic area where all the hurt specialists are. 2 other healing fairies are there helping but they look tired. Healing uses a lot of your own energy to fix those broken.

I see one of the fairies wiping her head. She looks like she's about to collapse. I rush over to her as she falls back, I catch her as she detransforms. "Hey I'll finish up....go rest" she nodded and I helped her up and she walked away.

I smile at the guy laying in front of me. His stomach is bleeding heavily a piece of metal sticking out. "Ok look it's going to hurt but I'll do my best....." I tell him as he grunts when I touch the metal shard.

My hands start glowing as I touch his stomach. The blood slowly stopping as I try to take his pain away. I groan and a wince leaves my lips as I pull the shard. I feel like I'm pulling a knife out of my stomach. I toss the metal to the side and place my hands on his stomach my hands glowing as his wound closes. I stop and someone came wrapping his wound.

"Thanks....your like my angel" the guy grunts out.

The pain went away and I smile at him. "Just let it heal or else all my hard work will get ruined" I smile at him as I stand up walking over to one of those middle school boys I saved.

"Hey it's my first in command" I joke when I kneel down next to him.

"Miss fairy! I did what you told me but I got stuck under a hover bike." The boy groans in pain as I touched his broken leg.

"'s okay and my name is Lilly....I'm going to help you but it will hurt a little bit"

"Ok Miss Lilly my name is Ricky" I smile and place my hands on his broken fibula. My hands start glowing as I move his bone back into place healing the crack. I hear his groans of pain but it'll stop soon. I fix the muscles around his bone and done. My leg is a little sore but it'll stop soon. Once I'm finished he sits up with a smile.

"Hey calm down" I laugh. "Just go slow I healed you but it's not'll be sore for a few days" he jumps up and tackles me in a hug.

"Thank you miss Lilly....your super cool" I laugh and hug him sitting up.

"I think your the cool one" I brush his hair.

"RICKY?" A familiar voice shouts and sees us.

"Ray!!" Ricky shouts jumping up running to Ray.

"Ray....your okay?" I stand up walking over.

[ricky] "Ray you know this cool fairy? She saved me and fixed my leg!" He pulled away from the hug.

[Ray] "yes this is my uh....close friend?" He tilts his head at me.

I just smile. "Yes we're friends..." I look at the two boys. They are identical. Ricky is just a tiny version of Ray. "You guys are brothers" I say smiling at the two.

Ricky smiles brightly. "Yea but I'm the cooler one" Ray ruffles his hair.

I heard a painful groan coming from behind me. "You two boys are distracting me from my job....Ray you can take him...I'll find you guys later" I go to the guy behind me with a broken arm. And heal him as the boys go somewhere.

After 8 broken bones, 5 bleeding abdomens and 3 burns I was done. I sat down my wings disappearing as I close my eyes. I'm tired. I lean back and feel someone's warm arms around me. I jump awake and then to see Ray.

I smile and gently smack his arm. "You have to stop sneaking up on me!" I stand up with his help.

"I thought you were sleeping so I was going to bring you to your room" I look around and it's dark. When did that happen.

"What time is it?" I ask as he wraps his arm around my waist.

"About 11" he says so nonchalant.

"11! I thought it was 8! How long was I out here" I freak. Did I fall asleep?

"I think you were so focused on healing you forgot about time" Ray jokes. I trip over air and Ray holds on to me. "Now I think your too tired to" he picks me up.

"You know you always end up carrying me" I tap on his chest as we make our way to my dorm. "Ok now put me down before we get inside" I wiggle out of his arms as he places me down and I open the door. I see all the girls and guys please ricky and his 2 other friends from the loading dock.

"Finally! Miss hero comes and joins us" Cindy jokes. Everyone was playing uno. I gave it to Cindy as a gift when I first moved in because she has a secret obsession with earth.

"Very funny...I'm just tired from broken bones" ricky ran up to me giving me a hug.

"Miss Lilly!!...Cindy showed us the earth game you taught her" I ruffle his hair. Now that I look closer he looks about 13.

"So there's a party going on here?" I laugh and walk in as ricky sits next to his friends. Ray places his hand behind me. I yawn as everyone keeps playing.

"Silas and Catling assigned Specialists to dorms....we got lucky" Pearl smiles. Dimitri has an arm around her shoulders.

"So where is everyone sleeping?" I asked as they all looked around the room.

"No one really thought about that" Bella says as everyone laughs.

"But don't worry! I can fix that" Cindy smiles as she makes our living room table that was pushed in the corner into a bunk bed. She smiled and turned the lonely arm chair into a bed. "Tada" Ricky and his friends ran. "TOP BUNK" they all argued but ricky made it to the top first.

I yawn again and Ray pulls me to him. "Alright...I'm going to sleep" I yawn again telling everyone good night as I walk into my room with Ray behind me. "What do you think your doing here?" I turn and ask him.

"I wanted to say good night" he walks to me and I walk back until my back hits the wall. My breath hitches as he gets closer.

His hand slips on my back and pulls me to him. His other hand cups my cheek, as his lips capture mine as my eyes flutter closed. My hands grab his neck as I pull myself up towards him. Bringing us closer. We start making out but I pull away breathing hard.

"I....uh..." I can't think. I can't make words. He pecks my lips and pulls away smiling at me.

"So where do you want me to sleep tonight?" He asks his hand running up and down my spine.

"You could stay with me....but no funny business or else" I poke his chest and smile up at him giving him a peck and walking to my closet. He took off his shoes and slipped his hoodie off. I quickly changed into some shorts and an oversized shirt and walked out.

I see half of his toned back as his shirt raised up when he took his hoodie off. His toned muscles covered in nasty bruises and cuts.

"Ray..." I say softly as I touch his back. He flinched and quickly pulled his shirt down.

"I'm fine..... it's nothing" he says folding his hoodie and placing it on my desk.

"Ray...I can heal it in seconds" I reach out grabbing his hand. "Please let me help you"

He gives me a smile. "I'm fine it'll be healed in a few days" he walks to the bed. "Your tired let's sleep"

"What's the point of having a healing fairy girlfriend if you don't let her help!" I groan out as he smiles.

"Girlfriend?" He asks cupping my face.

"I-uh- well yea....we're dating....aren't we?" Is he just joking about the dating and everything? No I know he cares.

"We are dating....and I'm grateful to have such an amazing girlfriend" he kisses me. "But I know your tired don't waste your energy on've healed too many people today" I push him to the bed.

"I'm going to heal your back and anything else that's hurt...then we are going to sleep" i cross my arms over my chest as he sighs.

"Ok fine..." he lays down on his stomach and I place my hands on his back. My hands are glowing as I feel my magic bringing his skin together and stitching it up and the bruises healing. After I'm done I happily sigh and he sits up. "Thank you" he gives me a kiss wrapping his arm around me pulling me down to the bed. I laugh when he does this and starts tickling me.

"Ok...OK STOP" I laugh and when he pulls away Cindy opens the door with Brady.

"Oh sorry lovebirds" Cindy laughs with Brady behind her.

"Cindy we weren't doing anything" I smile and look at her as she raises her eyebrows.

"Yea yes that's what they all say....don't worry I'll cover my ears" she jokes "I'm going to sleep" she says pulls brady to bed.

"Goodnight cindy....good night Brady" I snuggle into Ray, him spooning me. His arm around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"Good night" he whispers in my ear placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Good night love birds" Cindy says and I can hear the smile in her voice.

I close my eyes and snuggle into my pillow. Ray's hand drawing little circles on my hip and my hand on top of his tracing his veins.

3 blood diamonds.
Strong heart- heart diamond
Cloud tower- blood diamond
Alfea- soul diamond

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