Ever After High: A Wonderful...

By Morning_Blankets

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Y/N Ozymandias, son of the Wizard of Oz, and his friends at Ever After High return for more Royal Vs. Rebel s... More

The Neutral's Return
Ever Academy
An Evil Alliance
The Tale of Two Brothers
The Boulevard
The Way Home
Spring Unsprung Begins
A Bit Of Chaos
Tasty Wonder
Cook Off
Topsy-Turvy Trouble
Save The Wonder!
On A Train With A Hare
Card Tricks
Jester's Wild
Shuffle The Deck
A Royal Flush
Back Home
An Interview With A Princess
A Boys Camping Trip
Another (After)Life
The Fellowship of The Waterfall
A Big Family Secret
Shatter The Mirror
Here There Be Dragons
The Ones We Knew
Dragon Games
Into The Woods
Destiny Calls
Battle For Ever After High
Life Goes On

The Jabberwock 2: Electric Boogaloo

997 52 30
By Morning_Blankets

The Wonderland Train continued along the tracks as you slept. The March Hare happily hummed to himself as he enjoyed his 20th or so cup of tea. But you weren't in Wonderland.


In your mind, you were in Oz. Once again just a boy.

Oswalt: Down you go, you dastardly beast!

Oswalt charged at you with his stick. You just smiled and blocked his attack with your own stick. You both fought bravely as your younger siblings watched.

Ruby: Go, Oswalt!

Oscar: Bam bam bam!

Ruby was 5, Oscar was 4. Laying nearby, keeping an eye on you all, was Baum. You were playing Monsters with your brother.

Things were much more simple then. Back in the past when you were just a child.

Oz: Now, what's happening here?

You and Ozwalt stopped fighting and watched as your father and the Scarecrow entered the courtyard. Like always, he was dressed in a fine suit with his usual top hat. He tucked his pocket watch away into his coat pocket as he approached you all.

Y/N/Oswalt: Father!

Ruby: Papa!

Oscar: Da!

You all ran to him which made him smile. He kneeled down and let you all jump on him as he hugged you all.

Y/N: You said you'd be busy all day.

Oz: Yes, well, something came up that cleard my schedule. We have a very special guest who decided to visit us.

You all looked past him to see a very familiar face. Someone you hadn't seen since last snow fall.

Ozma: Hello, children.

All: Aunt Ozma!

You all ran over to the former ruler of Oz. She was more than happy to see you all. You didn't quite understand why she left Oz to your father, but you didn't quite care. She was family regardless.

Oswalt: Where's Aunt Dorothy?

Ozma: She couldn't come today, unfortunately. She still sends her regards. She wishes she was here to see you all.

Ruby: Mama said that she wanted to see you too! She missed you!

Ozma smiled.

Ozma: And where is your mama?

Oz playfully shook his head. He then looked off into the distance.

Oz: Glynda is off working on that thing we spoke about.

Ozma made a face of realization.

Ozma: I see.

She suddenly felt a light tugging on her dress. She looked down to see you all looking up at her.

Oswalt: Since you're here, does that mean you'll give me another lesson? My magic is getting better.

Y/N: Do you have any more stories about your adventures when you were queen?

Ruby: Can we play tag?

Oscar just bounced in excitement.

Ozma smiled sweetly while Oz petted Baum. You four were always so excited to see her when she visited. It was rare, but she enjoyed her time here as well. This was once her home after all.

This was before she left with Dorothy to go to the world where she originally came from. Home, she and your father would say.

Glynda: Oh, looks like we have visitors.

Ruby and Oscar were even more happy now that their mother had returned from her mysterious project. She ran to her while you and Oswalt stayed back.

Glynda greeted her two children, but she looked up at you and Oscar, worried that she might never have a chance to ever truly bond with you and your brother. She wasn't your real mother, after all.

Wicked Witch: You will always be my sons. I promise you.


Your eyes shot open and you were eye to eye with the March Hare. You both began to scream loudly before the entire train cart suddenly shook.

You shot up to your feet which sent the Hare flying across the cart. You quickly made your way to the window to see a massive figure flying overhead.

Y/N: What is that?

Hare: The Jabberwock has returned!

Your eyes grew wide as the Jabberwock flew down towards the train for another attack.

You kicked open the cart door and hurried down the aisle with the Hare not too far behind. You had pulled your armor back on and grabbed your sword  in case a fight broke out.

Panic was erupting in all the passenger carts as the Jabberwock continued to swoop down and attack the train. You reached the dining cart where most of the passengers had gathered to scream and cry.

This was utter madness. You needed to do something.

You stepped ontop of the counter and whistled which got everyone's attention.

Y/N: Ladies, gentlemen, geese, and whatever that thing is.

You pointed to some creature you had never seen before. Was it a fish with horns and hooves?

Y/N: I need everyone to remain calm.

Fish: The Jabberwock has come to eat us all!

Dodo Bird: Blasted! I was going to do my taxes when I got home!

Everyone started to panic again. You pulled out your sword and started to bang it against the wall to make some noise, but they only thought you were joining in the panic. You sighed and instead jumped off the counter.

Y/N: No one is listening.

Hare: Your Ozzian influence has no effect here.

You looked over to see the March Hare was staring out the window again. You joined him and looked out as well. The Jabberwock was just as disgusting as you remembered. However, something else caught your eye.

While he somewhat blended into the backdrop of the curse over Wonderland, you could see a glimmer. It was the Vorpal Sword!

Y/N: No way.

Hare: Ha! Good luck getting that thing!

You gripped your sword more before rushing through the cart. You reached the outside and quickly climbed up the cart. You reached the top where the wind blew right into your face, only being protected by your armor.

The Jabberwock let out another ghastly roar before swooping down.

Hare: What is your plan, Ozzian?

Y/N: I'm gonna hop on him and hold on for dear life.

The Hare looked at you with a surpised expression.

Hare: That is true madness.

Y/N: Blame the fact that I've been stuck here for almost a week now.

The Jabberwock got closer and you braced yourself. You grabbed the March Hare with one hand, put your sword away, and began to run towards the Jabberwock.


Jabberwock: AHHHHHHH!


Jabberwock: AHHHHHHHH!


Jabberwock: AHHHHHHH!


Jabberwock: AHHHHHHHH!


Jabberwock: AHHHHHHH!


Jabberwock: AHHHHHHHH!


Jabberwock: AHHHHHHH!


Jabberwock: AHHHHHHHH!

You leaped up, flipping through the air, and grabbed a hold of one of the Jabberwock's horns. He then flew up which sent you both soaring through the air.

Jabberwock: Green thing, release me!

Y/N: Sure thing, after I put you down once and for all!

The March Hare let go of you and grabbed began to jump around to avoid the Jabberwock's massive claws. You drew your blade and began to use it to block his attacks as you raced toward where the blade was embedded. If you could get that blade, you could....

Jabberwock: TINY THING, FALL!

The Jabberwock suddenly spun around, sending you and the Hare into the air. You found yourself free falling miles from the ground. It was quickly approaching, giving you little time to think of a plan.

Y/N: No no no no!

Not like this. Not like this!

As you fell, you suddenly found your life flashing before your eyes. Your childhood. The Fall of Oz. Your adventures on-board the Jolly Roger. Your time at Ever After High. Maddie, Apple, Raven, Kitty, Hunter, Daring, Dexter, Cedar, Briar, Cerise, Ruby....Lizzie.

Then, it all went black.
You walked through the Emerald Palace by yourself. Ruby and Oscar were playing with Glynda while Oswalt was receiving magic lessons from Ozma. You didn't have magic, so you couldn't learn anything and you didn't like spending much time with Glynda.

You came to a stop when you heard something in a room just ahead. Curiosity got the better of you and you began to approach it. This door lead into Glynda's workshop. A place where she was always working on her magic spells and such.

You looked around to make sure that no one was around before opening the door. You stepped inside and found that something was on the table. You climbed on the stool and took a peek.

Sitting on the table were four items.

A ring.

A necklace.

A bracelet.

And an earring.

All were embedded with green stones that seemed to glow in the light. You found yourself enchanted by them. You didn't even realize that you were reaching for the ring until a hand grabbed your wrist.

Glynda: What are you doing in here?!

You snapped out of your trance and pulled away, falling to the floor. You looked up at the woman with wide eyes. What was that? What was happening?

You quickly scrambled to your feet and ran off, crying out of fear. Glynda tried to stop you, to explain that she wasn't angry at you, but you were long gone before she could.

You hated her. She wasn't your mother and she couldn't be trusted.

Glynda: Y/N! Wait!

That woman wasn't your mother.
Hare: Ozzie. Whoo-hoo! Ozzie!

You groaned as your eyes began to slowly open. You felt loopy, like you had just gone through a tornado and shot out the otherside. You found the Hare shaking you to try and wake you up.

You grabbed your head as you sat up. Ringing echoed in your ears, but not because of something in your head. You looked around to see that you were sitting on a pile of gold and treasure. Every time you moved, the gold coins and treasure would shift.

Y/N: What tthe....

Hare: You're alive! I am glad I won't have to eat you!

You rubbed your head, realizing that your helmet was gone. Patting yourself down, you realized that all of your armor was gone. Your sword was missing as well.

You looked around to see that you were in what appeared to be the ruined remains of a castle. It was white and....was this the White Queen's castle?

Jabberwock: Rainbows and roses. Purple skies and green water. Moles dance and geese crawl. Gold gold gold.

The Hare hid behind you in fear while the Jabberwock sang to himself. You rose to your feet and protected the March Hare as you looked for a way out. There needs to be a way out of here somewhere.

You looked along the halls and the walls and the doors and the windows.

You shook your head, feeling your head start to spin again.

Y/N: What the hex?

You held your head as the effects of the Jabberwock's magic started to reach you.

Hare: We need to get out of here. I can't spend another day here. It would be madness!

Y/N: "Another day"? How long was I out?

Hare: Two days.

Two days?! You needed to get out of here and quick.

You grabbed the Hare and started to slide down the hill of gold before reaching the bottom. You made sure the Jabberwock wasn't looking before you made a mad dash for one of the doors. However, you found yourself stopping suddenly.

You felt something.

Something familiar.

Hare: What are you doing, lad? We need to hop hop hop away! Quickly, before we are eaten!

He was right. But, this feeling was too familiar for you to just ignore it.

Y/N: You go on ahead. I'll catch up soon.

You ran off towards another hill of gold. You dropped to your knees and began to quickly dig through the treasure.

It was here somewhere. You didn't know how, but it was. It had to be.

Just then, you felt it. No...you felt them.

You pulled the two small objects out and looked at them. Your ring, and an earring. Both with those same green gems that you had seen all those years ago.

Y/N: No way. This is im.....

You stopped yourself. You then grinned.

Lizzie: The only thing that's impossible is impossibility!

Y/N: Yeah.

You slipped your ring back onto your finger, it now seem that your finger was slightly smaller, and quickly put the earring on. You them got up and looked around for a weapon. You spotted a sword nearby and grabbed it.

You swung it around for a moment before you turned back to where the Jabberwock was dancing.

Y/N: Alright. Time to end this once and for all.

You took a step forward, but a voice stopped you.

???: Y/N?

You stopped and looked around. Who was that? Who else was here?

???: Y/N, child, it's me. You can hear me, can't you?

Wait, you knew that voice. You couldn't see her, but that was her.

Y/N: Glynda? Is that you?

The gem on the earring glowed in response, though you did not see it do so.

Glynda: Y/N, you're....how is this possible? You're much older now. Look at you.

Y/N: W-Where are you? How can I hear you?

Glynda: It's my earring. One of the treasures I left behind for you and your brothers and sister. Oh, Ruby. Where is she? Is she here as well?

You shook your head.

Y/N: No. She's safe in Ever After.

Glynda: Ever After? So, you two made it there after all. Good. I was so worried.

This was just bizarre. But this can wait. Right now, you needed to take care of the Jabberwock.

Y/N: We'll talk about this later. I have bigger fish to fry right now.

Glynda: The Jabberwock? You're going to face him? Alone?

You just sighed.

Y/N: Yes. Thank you for sounding so confident in me.

You held up your sword and began to march towards the Jabberwock. As you did, you could feel something try to tug you away.

Glynda: You can't face him! He's stronger than you know!

You subconsciously shrugged off the feeling.

Y/N: I already faced him once. I can do it again.

Glynda: What?!

You finally reached a hill of gold and once again spotted the Vorpal Blade embedded inside the scales of the beast. It must've falling into him when the portal was closed. You pointed your sword at him with a look of determination.

Y/N: Hey, Scaly and Ugly!

The Jabberwock lifted its disgusting head in response to hearing you. It spun around and looked at you.

Jabberwock: Green thing! You awaken!

Y/N: You'll wish you ate me when you had the chance.

The creature licked his lips as he lowered himself to the ground.

Jabberwock: Tasty is the coldness of vengeance. First you, then the princess, then that bratty Hatter. I shall have the Kitten as a desert.

Glynda: Who is he talking about?

Y/N: Not now, Glynda.

The Jabberwock charged towards you, but you didn't flinch. You simply jumped towards the beast. You raised your sword and managed to slice the beast upon it's hand. It cried out which gave you the time you needed to make your way around the beast.

You didn't have Oswalt's magic this time. This was up to your sheer skill alone. You began to climb on the back of the beast to make your next move.

Glynda: This is dangerous, Y/N!

Y/N: I said not now!

You leaped up and dug your blade into the back of the beast. The Jabberwock moved and shook to try and shake you off of it. You held on for dear life before you spotted the Vorpal Blade. It was right there. You just needed to reach it.

You pulled your sword out of the Jabberwock, the wound already healing, before you dropped down and stabbed into it's side. There, you swung to catch momentum before letting go and leaping towards the blade.

You managed to catch yourself on the handle before you suddenly began to fall down, the blade slicing down the beast's belly. The Jabberwock cried loudly as you reached the ground, a spew of purple liquid spilling from the large wound and onto you.

Then, finally, the creature fall to the ground, dead. You groaned as you rose to your feet. You looked at the Vorpal Blade before lifting it to the air.

Your breathing was ragged, but you had slayed the Jabberwock once and for all. The March Hare entered the room once again, and found you standing there victorious. He began to clap.

Hare: Jolly good! The Jabberwock is dead! Wonderland is safe at last from it's fury! All hail the Knave if Hearts! All hail the Ozzian!

As the Hare cheered, you smiled. However.....

Glynda: Y/N....what have you become to slay a beast so?
Thanks to the March Hare and the Looking Glass Express, you were able to return to the Castle of Hearts in only a day, rather than the week it took for you to find the Vorpal Blade.

But, finally, you made it back and even brought the Queen of Hearts a gift.

Queen Hearts: My Knave, you have returned!

You smiled as you held up the Vorpal Blade with one hand, and a horn from the Jabberwock in the other. The Queen gasped in surpise. The entire court was in awe and wonder at your achievement.

The Jabberwock had been slain and you had your weapon. All you needed to do now, was find a way back to Ever After.

That night, you laid in bed and stared out the window. Though the curse was still hanging over Wonderland, it looked kind of beautiful in a weird way.

Glynda: Y/N.

You looked back to the emoty room.

Glynda: Are you...okay? Did you get hurt?

You sighed.

Y/N: Does it matter?

You laid down completely, placing your hands behind your head.

Glynda: I thought you would've grown out of your anger towards me.

Y/N: And what gave you that idea?

Glynda: I did what I thought was best.

Y/N: Oh, let me guess. "Mother knows best"?

Glynda: Y/N...

Y/N: You aren't my mother, Glynda. So leave me alone.

You reached up and took off your earring, setting it down beside your ring on the nightstand. You then sighed, the entire room suddenly becoming eerily silent.

You closed your eyes and decided to go to sleep. You had promised Chase, the Red Knight, that you would go in patrol with him tomorrow.

The End Is Just Beginning......

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