Wings of Life

By maxxie4345

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Lilly is a kind hearted girl who is shy and quiet. She's used to change and was forced to move around a lot a... More

#1: A Normal Day
#2: lost puppy
#3: Strong Heart School
#4: Fairy College
#5: first day
#6: wings
#7: library
#8: dinner for 2
#9: birthday
#10: Zandite
#11: Royal family of Zandite
#12: specialist competition
#14: heart diamond
#15: knuckle sandwich
#16: fire power
#17: visit home
#18: hover bike
#19: undercover
#20: The Gala
#21: safe & sound
#22: zombieland
#23: finally
#24: good heart
#25: the beginning

#13: surprise

22 1 0
By maxxie4345

It's Monday. Again. School has been more fun. Right now it's combat and we get to transform! I haven't tried since the showcase but I'll figure it out.

I tried texting Ray but he hasn't answered me yet. I think I scared him when I went all blood thirsty the other day. I just was so mad when she hit him I couldn't relax my magic. I guess emotions are dangerous when mixed with magic.

"Alright ladies transform for our flying practice" Pyrite tells us and flashes of magic surrounding the girls and everyone is now full of wings. And I'm not. I sigh as Pyrite comes to me. "Focus on something you love you just need a strong emotion"

I nod and close my eyes as I focus on something I love? What do I love? I remember my night adventure with Ray on Zandite. I smile and feel my magic surround me. I open my eyes and I'm in my fairy form. Exciting!

"I did it!!" I cheer as I fly up.

"Good job Lilly and welcome to class officially" Pyrite smiled as I fly back down.

"ALRIGHT at a time.....we're practicing stoping and avoiding attacks" he claps his hands as a floating obstacle course appears.


After two hours of flying and dodging magical attacks I am drained of all energy.

The girls and I are all doing homework in the living room. "So Lilly how is Mr. Dragon rider?" Bella asks me.

I sigh and give her a small smile. "I don't know...."

"What do you mean? You guys are always talking" Cindy gasps

"He hasn't answered any of my calls or texts after what happened this weekend.....I think I scared him away when I went all crazy." I just want to make sure he's okay. I hate not talking.

[Pearl] "I'm sure he has a reason"

[Cindy] "yea maybe he's just busy. The place was a mess they're all still cleaning"

[Pearl] "yea....I'm sure everything is okay"

I smile at the girls. "I'm sure there's a valid reason" I sigh and continue reading about potions.

After a few hours of studying. I stand up and stretch "I'm going to sleep early tonight girls. I'm tired from all that flying" I say goodnight lay in bed. I hug my pillow and just close my eyes remembering my time with Ray. His touch. His smile.


When Lily went to her room to sleep all of her friends looked at each other worried for her. They've never seen her this quiet or upset since they've met.

"Cindy what should we do?" Bella asked worried about their roommate.

"I think we have to get Ray and find out why he hasn't answered" Cindy pulled her phone out calling Brady. The two of them have had a natural chemistry, it's funny how opposites attract.

"Hey Brady Bear!" Cindy cheers into the phone. She likes teasing him.

"Cindy....what is it? I'm busy"

"I need to know why Ray is ignoring Lilly!"

"He's been locked away in the training room the past few days. I haven't seen him"

"Ok thanks bye see you later" Cindy said fast and ended the call. "Brady hasn't seen Ray" she looked down at her phone.

"Wellllllll I'm supposed to see Dimitri tomorrow" Pearl smiles "I'll try to talk to Ray then?" She offers the girls.

"Ok perfect! And we need to keep Lilly happy! Maybe get some ice cream or something to make her feel better" Cindy cheers smiling.

She really cares for her friend, her best friend, her first real friend. "I'm going to call it a night girls....that obstacle course Pyrite had today really was rough" Bella stretches up and everyone says goodnight as they clean up and go to bed.

When Cindy walks into her room she sees Lily's peaceful face snuggled into her pillow sleeping.

"I hope she has a nice dream" Cindy whispers to herself as she gets into bed.


The next day came and Dimitri picked up Pearl. They had a cute lunch date and got ice cream afterwards.

"Dimitri?" She asked he hums looking over at her. "Why isn't Ray talking to Lilly?"

"No one has seen him. He's been training in the simulator and in the training room since the showcase....he's been ignoring everyone" he tells her.

"Well I haven't tried talking to him yet! Can we pass by strong heart before you drop me off?" She looks up at her date giving him her puppy eyes. "Pleaseeeeee" she begs him.

He groans, he can't say no. "Ok fine....but can we enjoy the ice cream first" she smiles and nods as they talk and walk around while eating their ice cream.

They got to strong heart academy and Dimitri showed Pearl the way to the training room. "Before you go in there just be careful" he warns her. She smiles and give him a peck on the cheek.

"Thank you...wait for me?" He nods as she walks into the training room.

Ray is fighting this magical dummy and when he defeats one another one appears. Pearl waits a few minutes until the sweaty Ray is done. He sighs and wipes his sweat from his face. And see's the fairy with her arms crossed staring him down.

"You have some explained to do" Pearl says in her serious tone.

"I don't have to explain anything" he huffs and tries to walk out.

" have to tell me why your ignoring Lilly! You both are a complete mess without the other" Pearl is mad. And she never gets mad.

"I'm not ignoring anyone just busy." Ray grumbles walking back to the training controls and starts clicking buttons.

"Raymond! I know we aren't best friends but you need to tell me what's going on! I won't have you hurting my friend by ignoring her."

"Is Lilly okay?" He asked not looking back at the mad fairy.

"Physical she's fine. She's been practicing 24/7 and sneaking out to the library at night. She thinks we don't know but it's not hard to figure it both need each other" Pearl tries to reason with him. Everyone knows the two are in love. They are destiny.

"I just....I feel guilty everytime I think about her" he confesses. It's easier to tell a stranger then your closest friends.

"You feel guilty? Why?" Pearl walks closer.

"It's my fault she went after the witch and used dark magic" he looks at Pearl. His eyes full of sincerity.

"'s not your fault and Lilly is a new fairy so it's easier for her to be swayed to different magic.....but she's practicing that....she thinks it's her fault you won't talk to her" she says quietly.

"It's not her fault! It's just I.....I wasn't able to protect her and it's my fault she went after the witches....I didn't mean to make her feel this way." He feels even worse now. It's his fault the girl he cares for is drowning herself in work and magic.

"Just promise me you'll talk to her soon? I won't tell her we spoke but I just need you to speak for a little at least" she tells him as she starts walking to the door. "Oh and Ray?" He hums looking at her. "Just be honest okay? She really cares for you"

Pearl left Ray. Feeling guilty and determined. He's going to make it up to Lilly. He turned on the simulation again and starts fighting. His anger and frustration pouring into his fighting.


As the week went on Lilly had been spending her time in the library researching everything she could about the energy of life and history of Zandite.

She learned a lot about her powers and the history of magic. Apparently the main magical sources that created the magical dimension were separated to prevent the misuse of its power. The royal families are in charge of guarding these magical sources.

The energy of life on Zandite.
The eternal flame on Alora.
The wave of balance, on Aquina,
The gem of knowledge on Tegia.
The voice of serenity, on Galstar. 
The heart of bravery, on Unena.
The light of harmony, on Sona.
The reflection of beauty, on Belanore.

These 8 powers together created the magically universe. So they are kept separate. They have the power to create life and destruction.

Lilly learned a lot about the different specialties that nature fairies may hold. Nature fairies can have the power of healing, or of animals, or of plants. Each of these categories has sub categories like the fairy of animals can focus on bugs or cats or snakes.

It's really cool but Lilly has the power of planet, animals and healing. She believes it's due to the fact she is the fairy of life. The energy of life is her power. She has to be careful. No one can know she holds the energy of life. It'll put all her friends in danger.

Fairy of life or fairy of nature. Has a nice ring to it. Lilly now reads a book on attack spells for nature fairies. She really wants to learn more and prepare herself for the witches next visit.


This week Ray spent his time training, working out and planning. Planning a surprise for someone special.


Lilly POV:

I groan and open my eyes to see words covering my pillow? I woke up with my face in a book. Again. I came to the library last night after a weird dream. I saw a dark creature attacking this village and my mother was this beautiful fairy protecting the people.

I rub my eyes as I stretch out my sore limbs. My back is killing me. Falling asleep sitting in these library chairs are not recommended. I look at my table full of books. I've been here everyday this week the librarian let me leave my books since no one usually comes back here.

I've learned a lot more attack spells and healing spells too. The energy of life though, isn't explained in much detail. No one really knows anything about the 8 creations. They are all simply a mystery. Everyone knows about them but no one really knows about them.

My stomach rumbles. I don't think I ate anything yesterday. I can't seem to remember the last time I ate. Ugh. I open my book on nature defensive spells. I'll just eat later.

I start reading the spells. If you imagine a barrier it'll form. The stronger barriers use more power. You can reflect an attack spell, or bounce it back, absorb its power.

"Hey Lilly?" I hear someone calling my name.

"BACK HERE" I shout as I finish reading my book.

"'re just like earth Lilly" I look up and see Ray.

"Ray....I uh I'm just researching" I started organizing my piles of books. I have 4 piles of 5-8 books high that were stacked at odd angles. I started straightening them up as Ray walks closer grabbing one.

"The source of Dark've been reading a lot" he put the book down and looks up at me.

I stood there staring at him. My hair is a mess and I'm in my pajama pants and a hoodie with socks. He's wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. His dirty blonde hair messy in a cute way. Here he is looking like a prince and I'm looking like a mess.

"So how'd you find me?" I look up at him. He ignores me for a week. And now shows up out of nowhere.

"Pearl told me where to find you.....I have something I want to show you" he smiles shyly. I finished neatly stacking my books.

"Oh uh okay....I have to change first cause I fell asleep here last night" I redo my messy bun and started walking  out.

"Do you need to put the books away?" He asks coming behind me.

"Nah that's like my own special table no one really uses the library here" I tell him kinda dryly.

We walk in awkward silence. I'm mad at him. He ignores me for a week and then shows up with something to show me. Ugh. Men.

We get to my dorm. "Ill just be a second you can wait here" I tell him as he sits in the living room and Pearl comes out.

"Oh hey Ray....did you read anything new lilly?" She looks over at me going into the kitchen grabbing water.

"Yea I was reading about defensive spells and the 8 magic creations." I smiled at her.

"You guys doing something?" Pearl asks us both.

"I actually have to change but I'm not sure what we're doing" I go into my room and change. I put a pair of mom jeans up and a hoodie. I brush my hair and put it in a half up bun, and slip my shoes on. I throw on perfume and rinse my face quickly. Ok. I didn't try to dress up but it's better then my messy look from before.

I walk out to see Pearl and Ray whispering. Once they saw me they stopped. "I'll see you guys later" Pearl smelled and left.

"Uh ready to go?" Ray stands walking over to the door.

"Yep" he held the door open and I ducked under his arm. We walked side by side.

"How have you been?" He asks me. Like he doesn't know.

"I've been okay. Just researching and reading ya know the usual" I shrug as we keep walking down the stairs. "I heard you've been busy"

"Uh yea I've been training more intensely this week...." he scratches his head as we make our way outside.

"Well that's cool as long as your okay." I tell him. I was worried until Pearl told me he wasn't hurt just busy. Which made things worse he didn't even have a reason for ignoring me.

"I'll explain everything when we get to our destination" he said as we reached his hover bike. He handed me a helmet, "the ride shouldn't be too long" he smiles hopping on.

I put the helmet on and climb on behind him. I kept my arms to myself as he started riding but then he went fast, way faster and I held onto him tightly. I tried not to enjoy the feeling, I have to stay mad at him. I looked at the trees as we rode through them. We rode for an hour and we stopped once I heard the sounds of waves crashing.

No. I jumped off and held my helmet. The beach!! I love the beach it's my favorite spot. I haven't been in so long. I take in a deep breath. The salty air filling my nose. I love it.

Ray came up behind me. "I thought you would like it" he says standing behind me.

"It's perfect....I love it" I look out to the waves it just so nice and no one is here.

"This way..." Ray says and walks to this part where it's forest right before the sand starts. I follow behind him and we get to the shady area. A blanket is laid out with a basket and some pillows.

"Ray....did you do all of this?" I whispered out as he stood behind it with a smile.

"I had some help..." he looks nervous.

"It's this is why you ignored me for a whole week?" I crossed my arms at him.

"I well- uh....Um...sit please" he took my hand and we sat down together.

"Ok. I'm listening....." I smile turning towards him.

"Uh......ok" he took a deep breath. "I was was my fault that you used dark magic and I know how dangerous that is....everytime I thought about the pain I put you through I couldn't bare to think of I ignored you so you wouldn't go through that pain of having to protect me again..." he looks down at his hands.

"I.....Ray.....I thought you were afraid of me.....I was worried that you didn't want to be reminded of the monster I became." I grabbed his hand. "I never blamed you or even thought about it being anyones fault......and if we want to blame someone blame the witches"

He looks up at me. "I....I'll never call you crazy or think your a monster" he cupped my cheek. "I guess I just had some stupid ideas huh?" He leaned in closer.

"You have a wild imagination" I laugh out. he was just a couple of inches away now. "So you aren't afraid of me?" I put my hand on top of his.

"I'll never be scared of you...I...I like you" he's centimeters from my face. I can see the sprinkles of freckles across his cheeks. His eye lashes are long.

"I...." He pulls me closer. "Just kiss me already" I whisper and he pulls me in. My lips meet his gently. I part my lips and we kissed. I lay my forehead against his. "That was..."

"Yea it was...." He whispers. I cup his face.

"Took you long enough...."

"Was it worth the wait?" He asks pulling away a little bit.

"Maybe only a little worth the wait" I laugh a little. And my stomach growls a little. Maybe he didn't hear anything. He starts laughing. He totally heard.

"I have lunch for us" he pulls away. I pout when his warm touch left my skin. "Let's eat" he smiles handing me a sandwich.

After we finished eating we laid down together. My head is resting on his chest as I playing with his hand, his arm is around my waist and his head is leaning against mine.

"Thanks Ray.....for this and for everything but promise me something?"

"Anything" he traces up my finger.

"Don't ignore me for a week ever again.....I don't think I could take it even the librarian was tired of me." He's laughs causing the vibration to tickle me. And I start laughing.

"I'll never get tired of you.....don't worry....I'll never do that again" he runs his hand through my hair and I look up at him. His fingers pass up my jaw grabbing my chin as he leans down giving me a gentle kiss. As he pulls away a smile makes its way to both of our lips. I lean up pecking his lips again.

"I don't think I'll get tired of that either" I give him another kiss.

We spent the rest of the day in each other's arms and relaxing together. It was a perfect Saturday.

The energy of life on Zandite.
The eternal flame on Alora.
The wave of balance, on Aquina,
The gem of knowledge on Tegia.
The voice of serenity, on Galstar. 
The heart of bravery, on Unena.
The light of harmony, on Sona.
The reflection of beauty, on Belanore.

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