The Successor (My Hero Academ...

By Random_Tarnished

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All for One and One for All. Two quirks who's users have been in an unending war against the other, where One... More

Chapter 1:The Successors Are Chosen
Chapter 2:The First Attack
Chapter 3:Entrance Exam
Chapter 4:First day of school
Chapter 5:Battle Training
Chapter 6:An emotional talk
Chapter 7:A sudden change of plan
New Waifu!!!
Bio (Session 2)
Chapter 9:Family
Chapter 10:The sports festival begins
Chapter 11:Cavalry Battle
Chapter 12:The Tournament (part 1)
Chapter 13:The Tournament (part 2)
Chapter 14:The Tournament (Part 3)
Chapter 15:The Tournament (Final)
Chapter 16:New members
chapter 17:Training begins
Chapter 18:A Wider Perspective On Things
Chapter 19:Back to school
Chapter 20:A revelation
Chapter 21:Final Exam/worst team imaginable
Chapter 22:A short fight, new allies, and new enemies
Chapter 23:The big leagues
Chapter 24:Followers

Chapter 8:USJ

2.3K 63 13
By Random_Tarnished

-(Y/N)'s POV-

Standing with the rest of my class I stood back and watched as every thug and criminal the League had managed to recruit walked through Kurogiri's portal waiting for the moment I could switch suits, and that special nomu had just arrived alongside Shigaraki who had hands covering her body and Rei wearing her ice armor and a mirror like ice mask.

"Aizawa:The trespassing earlier was the work of these scumbags after all huh?"

Yes it was Aizawa, and the culprit is right behind you.

"Kirishima:What, villains? No way, there's no way they could get into a hero school!"

"(Y/N):Well they just did."

"Momo:What about the trespasser sensors?"

"Thirteen:We have them of course, but..."

I've turned them off.

"Shoto:Did they only appear about here, or the whole school?"

Looking at the Canadian flag it seems he's like Izu in some ways, always analysing the situation.

"Shoto:Either way, if the sensors are not responding, that means they have someone with a quirk that can do that, an isolated area separated from the main campus during a time when a class is supposed to be here, they might be fools, but they're not dumb, this surprise attack was planned with some goal in mind."

Yes it was planned with a goal, one we can't achieve anymore since All Might isn't here, though if someone got out and called for help, he'd come running in to save the day.

"Aizawa:Thirteen start the evacuation, try calling the school, these villains even had something to counteract the sensors, it's possible someone with radio-wave-type powers is interfering, Kaminari, you try contacting the school with your quirk too."

"Denki:Yes sir."

Using the radio on the side of his head Denki used his electricity quirk to do as Aizawa said, even though it won't work.

"Izuku:What about you sir? Will you fight by yourself? With that many, even if you can erase their quirks... Erasurehead's fighting style is capturing after erasing the enemies quirk, a frontal battle is..."

Pointless, unless he wants to hand over his quirk to me of course, but Aizawa seems confident he can win, and I thought he was smarter.

"Aizawa:You can't be a hero with just one trick."

Damn that was a good one liner.

"Aizawa:I'm leaving it to you Thirteen."

And with that Aizawa jumped down the stairs charging at the thugs that had come with the others on the attack and he started beating them down using his capture scarf and quirk, since he's hiding his eyes with those goggles of his they can't tell who's quirk he's erasing and since they can't fight like an effective team he's crushing them with any effort, he's good, without realising it both me and Izu had almost been left behind by the class and we were taken out of our analysing trance by Iida.

"Iida:This is no time for analysis, hurry up and take shelter!"

Running up to the rest of the class with Izuku and Iida the smoke man Kurogiri teleported in front of the class blocking the way out and stopping us from going any further.

"Kurogiri:Nice to meet you, we are the League of Villains, it may have been presumptuous of us, but we have invited ourselves in to the home of the heroes U.A High School, in order to have All Might, the symbol of peace, take his last breath."

It seems like Kurogiri has a talent for villain speeches, come on Kurogiri, teleport us already.

"Kurogiri:I belive All Might should have been here, has there been some kind of change? Well that is neither here nor there, this is the part I am to play."

Here it comes, the moment I switch costumes with Kurogiri transporting me somewhere isolated, but before he can play his part both Kirishima and Katsuki charge towards him trying to attack him, key word trying since he's made of smoke so they do nothing of value, at least Katsuki made a huge smoke cloud to obscure everyones vision.

"Kirishima:Did you consider that you'd get beaten by us before you did it?"

The arrogance coming from Kirishima, seems like Bakugo is rubbing off on him, and not in a good way, but since their attack did nothing Kurogiri just reformed and started speaking again.

"Kurogiri:Oh dear, that's dangerous, that's right, even if you are students, you are excellent golden eggs."

"Thirteen:No, move away you two!"

Seems like Bakugo and Kirishima got in the way of Thirteen's attack, I'll have to thank them later.

"Kurogiri:My job is to scatter you all and torture you to death!"

Like a black tidal wave of smoke Kurogiri enveloped the entire class teleporting them to random locations around the USJ, me, well I was teleported to the bar where my villain costume was placed on the counter alongside my new capture scarf which I had trained with in my spare time just enough to not wrap it around myself on accident.

"(Y/N):Time for the show to begin."

Quickly changing costumes I texted Kurogiri and the moment one of his portals opened I went through it and found myself back in the USJ and right beside Shigaraki and the nomu, but not Rei, guess she went to face Shoto already, Shigaraki quickly took notice of my arrival and I stood beside her watching Erasurehead single handedly take out the grunts in the courtyard.

"Shigaraki:You've arrived master, good, now the real game can begin."

"(Y/N):Indeed it can Shigaraki, I see, Frost has already left."

"Shigaraki:Yes, I'm sure she won't take long."


Activating both my Quirk Identification and Telescopic Vision quirks I found out everyones location, Jiro, Momo and Denki were in the Mountain Zone, Tsu, Izu and Mineta were in the shipwreck Zone, Kirishima and Katsuki were in the Collapse Zone, Shoto and Toru were in the Landslide Zone, Ojiro was in the Fire Zone, Tokoyami and Koda were in the Squall Zone, and everyone else was by the entrance, everything is almost going to plan, almost everything.

"Shigaraki:What do we do now master, All Might isn't here after all."

"(Y/N):Oh he'll be here soon, one of them will get out and warn them, and then..."

"Shigaraki:The symbol of peace will come running head first into our trap, a good improvisation given the current situation, but first, let's deal with the hero in front of us."

"(Y/N):Yes, his quirk would be perfect for me."

As the two of us walk towards Aizawa I prepared to add another quirk to my growing collection.

-3rd POV-

Standing in the Landslide Zone the newly crowded villain Rei Todoroki watched from afar as her son that she scared single handedly freeze every grunt that was made to accompany her, she just waited for him to finish.

"Shoto:"Scatter you and kill you" huh, I hate to say this, but you look like guys with quirks they don't know what to do with."

Shoto walked through the crowd of frozen villains unaware of his mother watching him from the sidelines, two of the villains who managed to avoid being frozen with the others tried to sneak attack Shoto but he just dodged their attacks and froze them like the others.

"Shoto:Hey, at this rate, your cells will slowly die, I want to be a hero, I would like to avoid something so cruel if possible, on what basis do you think you can kill All Might? What's your plan?"

Suddenly a flurry of ice daggers impaled the ground around Shoto, turning around he saw Rei, who he didn't recognise with her mask on, standing behind him holding several more ice daggers in her hands.

"Rei:Impressive, you have certainly gotten stronger Shoto."

"Shoto:And who are you, someone who thinks they can beat me alone?"

"Rei:I can do that but no, I just wish to talk."

Being integrated by ger words Shoto stepped away from the two villains he just froze and closer to Rei.

"Shoto:And what do you want to talk about then, make it quick."

"Rei:What's your father like, Shoto."

"Shoto:My old man, that's it, this is pointless."

Sending a wave of ice at the woman in front of him Shoto was shocked when his wave shattered into a million pieces before it could even touch Rei, who was now walking up to her son.

"Rei:Touch a nerve, I wouldn't be surprised, he's the real villain in our lives."

"Shoto:What are you talking about, you act like you know me personally, who are you really?"

Now standing inches away from her son Rei looks into his eyes from behind her mask.

"Rei:In time Shoto, I'll tell you in time, but first you wanted to know out plan, well you already know it, simply end All Might, and nothing else."

"Shoto:How then, do you really think you can kill the Symbol of Peace with a few street thugs?"

"Rei:Of course not Shoto, we-"

"Shoto:Stop calling me that."

"Rei:...fine, Todoroki, we have a weapon designed to end his life, and even if it can't we'll at least weaken him."

"Shoto:Weapon, or person?"

"Rei:Both, you'll know it when you see it."

Suddenly Shoto was frozen like the villains he defeated by Rei who began walking away from him and towards the plaza.

"Rei:I hope you can forgive me for hurting you Shoto."

One of Kurogiri's signature portals opened in front of Rei teleporting her to the others and leaving Shoto alone as he was confused by her parting words, until it clicked, and his left side exploded with fire.

-(Y/N)'s POV-

Charging towards Erasurehead he kept pushing back the grunts we brought using his quirk every time, but he's slowly down, and Shigaraki has seen it two, just as he takes care of another grunt Shigaraki sprinted ahead of me and purposely let Aizawa attack her, just so she could grab his elbow and once I reached them I wrapped my arms around his neck holding him in place.

"Shigaraki:It's hard to see because you keep moving around, but there's an instant when your hair falls."

Thanks to her quirk and Aizawa not erasing it Shigaraki's Decay started to slowly turn Aizawa's elbow to dust.

"(Y/N):That's when you aren't erasing someone's quirk, and the space in between has shortened over time."

"Shigaraki:Don't push yourself Erasurehead."

Aizawa headbutted me getting me off his back and punched Shigaraki in the gut creating an opened for him to retreat for himself, but before he could get far more of the grunts rushed him and even with one arm he managed to take a few out but he was quickly surrounded and out of breath.

"(Y/N):Your quirk isn't built for long group fights is it Erasurehead, seems you're out of your element."

Helping Shigaraki get up off the ground I stared at Aizawa as his hair floated up signalling he was using his quirk again.

"(Y/N):Still you jumped head first into us, but why, for the students perhaps?"

The second Aizawa's hair fell down the grunts charged at the hero and again he managed to beat them all, but he was slowing down rapidly, and he then turned to face me and Shigaraki with his scarf at the ready.

"(Y/N):That quirk is perfect in a fight, I think I'll make it mine now, nomu."

Aizawa turned around to find nomu towering over him, and before he could react the beast began to mercilessly beat the hero into the ground even when he trys to erases nomu's quirks.

"(Y/N):You know your quirk is something very interesting to me, the ability to shut down a person's quirk just by looking at them, I'm sure you know what's going to happen to it, but if not let's just say your going to be quirkless soon."

As nomu was beating Aizawa into a bloody pulp both Rei and Kurogiri teleported beside me and Shigaraki.

"Kurogiri:All for One, Shigaraki."

"Shigaraki:Kurogiri, did you kill Thirteen?"

"Kurogiri:I put Thirteen out of action, but there were students I was unable to disperse, and one of them was able to run away."

Great, just great, at least he'll arrive sooner then the other heroes, looking at Shigaraki however the hand girl was violently scratching her neck.

"Shigaraki:Kurogiri, if you weren't a warp gate, I would've crushed you to pieces."

"(Y/N):Calm yourself Shigaraki."

Putting a hand on her shoulder Shigaraki slowly stops scratching her neck and looks at me.

"(Y/N):Think about it, now we're just running a time trial, nothing has changed in the plan."

"Shigaraki:But master, we can't win against dozens of pros, it's game over."

Taking my hand off of Shigaraki I began to approach a now unconscious Aizawa who was being held up by nomu, the second I got within arms reach of my teacher I immediately began taking his quirk as small bolts of red lighting went into my hand.

"(Y/N):Not yet, we still have the students and the others will wake up by then, we can use the students as hostages in order to isolate All Might and then move on with the plan."

Shigaraki eventually catches on to the slightly altered plan and fully calms down, having finished taking Aizawa's quirk I let go of the man and walked back over to Shigaraki letting nomu go back to using Aizawa's as a punching bag.

"Shigaraki:Of course, he would put their lives above his, it's genius."

"Rei:Speaking of students."

Moving past the two of us Rei looks towards the Shipwreck Zone and froze the entire lake solid, and trapped a hiding Izuku, Tsu, and Mineta in place.

"Shigaraki:Perfect Frost, now then-"

Suddenly Izuku burst out of the ice and charged straight at me, always playing the hero, idiot, letting my brothers attack land on me for the first time I felt his new found strength, and I'm impressed, but thanks to Impact Redirection all his attack did was create a massive gust of wind that blew some of the grunts away, looking down at Izu I could see his arm hadn't broken, guess it was the backblast that was injuring him all along, and Izuku looked happy at that fact but once he looked up at me, his face morphed into one of terror.

"(Y/N):Looks like someone wants to play hero."

Izuku began to shake in fright, guess he realised what kind of threat I am right now, grabbing my brothers arm I lifted him off of the ground and looked him dead in the eyes, eyes I never wanted my brother to look at me with, eyes that screamed he was scared of me, I'm sorry Izu, but it has to be this way now.

"(Y/N):You know, maybe I'll add your quirk to my arsenal as well, a two for one deal."

Moving my hand towards Izuku's face small bolts of red lighting came from my hand, but just before I could take All for One from Izuku and save him from this war, the front gate of the USJ blasted open making me stop in my tracks and look towards the gates, and from the smoke the man we've been waiting for finally arrived, All Might, but.

He wasn't smiling.....

"Mineta:All Might!"



"(Y/N):He isn't smiling."

"Shigaraki:We're getting a "continue" master."

Tossing Izuku away I began walking towards an unconscious Aizawa planning to use him as a hostage, but the number one hero just raced over in a flash and hit me in the side of the head pushing me away from Aizawa but not knocking me off my feet, looking around it seems he also took out several of the other grunts that were still conscious, damn, he's good, All Might picked up Aizawa and apologised to the unconscious man before blitzing passed me and the others and picking up Izuku, Tsu and Mineta carrying them all to a safe distance while landing a blow into me and Shigaraki knocking off Shigaraki's hand mask, before she could have a panic attack Rei picked up the hand and helped put it back on Shigaraki while I just turned to face the Symbol of Peace with the nomu standing beside me waiting for the order to attack.

"All Might:Everyone go to the entrance, I'm leaving Aizawa to you, he's unconscious, hurry!"

"Mineta:Y-Yes sir!"

As All Might put his full attention on me alone I noticed he was actually slower than he was a few years ago, interesting.

"(Y/N):Attacking us while you save them, you're fast, just as expected really, I need a quirk just to barely keep track of you, but you've gotta slower over the years haven't you, I guess you really are getting weaker."

Of course since Izuku was still beside All Might alongwith Mineta and Tsu and he had to try and help his idol with a warning.

"Izuku:All Might, you can't, that man took One fo-, he took a punch that didn't break my arm, but he didn't even twitch, he's gotta be-"

"All Might:Young Midoria!"

The number one turned around and gave one of his signature smiles at my brother.

"All Might:It's fine!"

Finally leaving with Aizawa on his back followed by Tsu and Mineta, without the other students around All Might charges towards me preparing one of his signature attacks.

"All Might:Caroline..."


"All Might:..Smash!"

Attacking with a x slice move All Might almost hit me, not that it would be bad, but nomu got in front of me like a shield blocking All Might's attack and almost grabbing him but All Might ducked under its arms and threw another punch into the nomu, which had no effect on it.

"All Might:It seriously has no effect at all huh?! In that case!"

Dodging another grab All Might threw two punches into the nomu's head but had to dodge another grab by backing away with the nomu chasing after him.

"All Might:It doesn't work on the face either huh?"

The two began trading blows as I watched from the sidelines.

"(Y/N):It doesn't work because of shock absorption, in order to harm it you'd have to slice it to pieces, but he wouldn't let you do that."

All Might manage to dodge another attack from nomu and decided to reply to me.

"All Might:Thanks for telling me all that!"

Getting behind nomu All Might grabbed its waist and prepared to slam nomu into the ground, maybe the villain speech was a bad idea.

"All Might:If that's true, then it's easier for me."

All Might flipped nomu over him while still holding its waist and slammed it into the ground creating a massive cloud of dust that could be seen from across the USJ, but it really doesn't matter, he's running on fumes to fight us right now, once the dust cloud cleared it revealed that Kurogiri had opened a portal right were nomu would have landed and sent its top half right under All Might allowing it to grab into his waist right were his weak spot is and drawing blood by digging its fingers into it.

"(Y/N):Were you planning to send him into the ground so he couldn't move, that wouldn't have worked anyway, he's almost as strong as me you know, physically anyway."

"Shigaraki:This is good master, it was an unexpected opportunity."

Due to nomu digging into All Might's weak spot the hero let go of the beast and tried to pry its hands off of him.

"All Might:This is your first offence? You'd better prepare yourself..."

"(Y/N):For what? Ah who cares, Kurogiri."

"Kurogiri:I do not want blood and guts overflowing within me, but I would be happy to take someone as great as you."

That sounded kinda gay but moving on, slowly nomu began dragging All Might into Kurogiri's portal as the smoke man continued talking.

"Kurogiri:You're to fast to track with the human eye, restraining you was nomu's job, and then, when your body is halfway in, to close the gate and tear you apart is my job."

Man is Kurogiri having fun with this, really it's just a show, just ment to scare him into acting rash and draining his clock, but a scream caught our attention.

"Izuku:ALL MIGHT!!!"

My idiotic brother was racing towards us, what is he thinking.

"(Y/N):Always playing hero aren't you!"

Getting in front of Izuku red electricity covered my hand once again as I prepared to take that accursed One for All from him again, but an explosion knocked me to the ground and actually hurt, looking at my attacker it was Katsuki angry as usual.

"Bakugo:You're in the way Deku!"

Ice suddenly snaked up towards nomu and froze his right side complete, and now Shoto is here, and he has his eyes set on Rei.

"Shoto:Hey, we weren't done talking."

"Rei:Guess we aren't Shoto."

Thanks to Shoto freezing half of nomu All Might manage to free himself from its grasp and jumped over beside Shoto while holding his now bleeding side, looking up I spotted Kirishima jumping in and trying to attack Shigaraki but she dodged the attempted surprise attack without much difficulty.

"Kirishima:Dammit, I didn't get to show off!"

Feeling incredibly heavy for some reason Bakugo almost managed to hit me but Kurogiri got in the way of the attack and ended up being captured by Bakugo, shit, I overloaded.

"Bakugo:Stop acting so stuck up foggy nobody!"

"Shoto:The Symbol of Peace cannot be killed by the likes of you."

"Rei:And I belived you had learned by now, oh well."

Looking around we were surrounded by some of the strongest in my class as well as the Symbol of Peace himself, though he seemed weakend thanks to nomu.

"Shigaraki:Kurogiri, our exit and entrance, has been overcome, we're in a pinch."

"Rei:All for One are you okay?"

Rei saying my alias caught All Might's attention and he focused on me while I shook having Impact Redirection reaching its limit, I'll have to let go of it soon.

"All Might:All for One, no."

"(Y/N)"I've had enough of this stupid game."

Sending half of the stored up kinetic force in Impact Redirection straight into the ground the area shook violently making Katsuki let go of Kurogiri allowing him to escape back over to us, rolling my shoulders I felt my muscles loosen up like in a nice and warm bath after a long day.

"(Y/N):That felt nice, now then..."

Shards of blue crystal began spreading around my right arm covering it complete and turning my hand into a razor sharp claw.

"(Y/N):...enough games, nomu."

Pulling itself out of the portal with the limbs covered in ice breaking off of it as it stared at the heroes.

"Izuku:Even with its body broken...he's still moving?"

"All Might:Get back everyone!"

The remaining ice covering nomu broke off as its missing limbs regenerated completely surprising the heroes in front of us.

"All Might:His quirk wasn't shock absorption?"

"(Y/N):I didn't say that was all he had in him, he has super-regeneration, super-strength and shock absorption, he's designed to take you on in a fight, and there's a few more quirks I'd like to have here, nomu, fetch."

The nomu charged fasted then the normal eye could see right at Izuku but before it could reach my brother All Might moved Izuku out of the way and barely blocked a solid punch coming at him which sent him flying into a wall, looking at my brother it seems like the others were surprised he moved as quickly as he did.

"Kirishima:What the? You dodged that Izuku?!"

"Izuku:N-No, I didn't."

"Shoto:Then that means..."

Finally realising what had happened they looked at All Might who looked worn out, I began clapping which, thanks to my crystal arm, made a crunching sound every clap.

"All Might:Do you not know how to hold back?"

"(Y/N):Well done All Might well done..."

I stopped clapping as I stood beside nomu looking All Might dead in the eyes.

"(Y/N):...You've found another way to piss me off, why should we hold back against you hypocrites, you use violence to "save" people from so called "villains" every day, that green haired kid even tried to kill me earlier, how is this any different then what heroes do every day, and you know what, I'm done with this world, this system that labels those who are different as garbage, those who look like animals as animals and monsters, those who are called future villains because of something they were born with, I'm done with the corrupt society you defend every single minute of every single day, and your removal is the first step towards true change in this world, this era of heroes will come to an end, because I am here."

All Might stood there unmoving and silent, guess he doesn't know how to respond to me, looking over at my classmates they look ready to fight, and knowing that I can use the full extent of my power against them I realise, their so insignificant, the only one of minor note is Izuku and only due to him being my brother and having One for All, the rest, are ants, fighting a god.

"Shoto:It's four against five."

"Izuku:Kacchan already exposed the fog's weakness."

"Kirishima:These guys are crazy, but if we backup All Might, we can push them back!"

No, no you cannot Kirishima, all you can do is punch harder than most and take a bit more damage, me, cut you to pieces with Crescent Blades, turn you to ash with my flames, send electricity surging through your body like an electric chair, and much, much more.

"All Might:No!"

Looking back at the symbol of peace he was walking closer to me and the rest of the League.

"All Might:Run away."

So he still wants to fight us himself, how stupid is he?

"Shoto:You would've been in trouble if I hadn't done anything earlier, right?"

"All Might:That was a different story Young Todoroki, thanks..."

Clenching his fist All Might prepared to fight us head on, as he always does.

"All Might:...but it's fine, just watch as a pro gives it everything he's got."

"(Y/N):If you want to give them a show..."

Blitzing towards All Might I threw a punch with my crystal arm right into his stomach winding him and before he could retaliate I grabbed his head and threw him across the plaza causing a dust cloud when he landed.

"(Y/N):...let's give them one to remember, Shigaraki, Kurogiri, Frost, make sure our guests are comfortable, nomu, with me."

"Shigaraki:Hehehe, of course master."

Nomu screeched loudly as we began to approach where All Might had landed leaving the others to deal with the students, of course just as Shigaraki was running towards her targets All Might came racing towards us with nomu meeting him half way as they both punched each other in a fist lock with ripples of kinetic force making nomu's body shake and a blast of wind blew everyone but me away.

"(Y/N):He has shock absorption, that did nothing."

The Symbol of Peace and Anti-Symbol of Peace began trading blows and they were sending wave after wave of wind around which even managed to push me back a small bit and kept anyone from interfering with their fist fight.

"All Might:His quirk isn't shock nullification but shock absorption, then there's a limit to it, right?"

Bit by bit All Might began to push back nomu as the ground shattered from the force of their punches, the doctor really out did himself with this one, and to be honest, I want to see who would win.

"All Might:Made to fight me? If you can withstand me at 100%, then I'll force you to surrender from beyond that!"

He isn't bluffing, he really is swinging with more than 100%, incredible, All Might threw another punch sending nomu into a small forest as he jumped over to continue their fight.

"All Might:A hero..."

Nomu jumped at the still airborne All Might as the two crashed into each other landing on the ground and controlling their fight.

"All Might:...can always break out of a tough spot!"

Jumping off of nomu All Might landed right on its head sending it into the ground before it burst back into that air and came straight for All Might who caught its arm mid air and sent it flying back into the ground, as nomu was bouncing off the ground All Might landed right beside it preparing to finish their fight.

"All Might:Hey villain, have you heard these words?"

Pulling back his fist All Might had clearly beat the odds.

"All Might:Go!!!"

All Might punched nomu in the chest with all of his remaining strength and sent the beast rocketing into the dome and then through the dome in a massive explosion which sent a shock wave across the entire USJ, it's like we're in a comic, looking at the man himself All Might stood in a pillar of smoke with his smile still on his face.

"All Might:I really have gotten weaker, in my prime, five hits would've been enough, but it took more than three hundreds hits."

Out of sheer surprise I began to clap again with my crystal hand making a crunching sound every clap, but the crystals making up my arm began to slowly spread across to my other arm.

*Stop the song*

"(Y/N):That was....entertaining...."

"All Might:Now, villains..."

I stopped clapping as I listened very carefully to what All Might was going to say, they might be his last words after all.

"All Might:I'm sure we'd all like to end this as soon as possible..."

"(Y/N):True, we would like that."

"Shigaraki:What's going on..."

Looking behind me I saw Shigaraki violently scratching her neck again out of frustration.

"Shigaraki:He's not weaker at all, did you lie master?!"

"(Y/N):Take a closer look Shigaraki, he hasn't moved an inch after that fight, he's used up all of his strength."

The crystals now fully covered both of my arms now giving me two razor sharp claws and near-indestructible gauntlets, slowly Shigaraki stopped scratching her neck as she realised I was correct, of course All Might looked shaken because of what I said, as he should.

"(Y/N):As I said before All Might...

I pointed one of my claws at All Might and looked at him with all of the hatred I felt for him coming to the surface

"(Y/N):you will fall, because I am here, I am All for One, the end of One for All."

Walking towards the Symbol of Peace I prepared to end this, but playing hero again Izuku sacrificed his legs to rocket over beside me intending to hit me full force even though it didn't work the last time, throwing my fist to meet my brothers head on I prepared to end his dream here and now, but a bullet shot straight into my leg knocking me off balance, followed by several more across my body.


As Izuku flew past me Rei created a thick dome of ice as she, Shigaraki and Kurogiri raced to my side, getting to my feet my regeneration kick in and the bullets fell out of my body and onto the ground, activating my Quirk Identification and Telescopic Vision quirks I saw that the cavalry had arrived.

"(Y/N):Shit, times up, and so many incredible quirks, oh well, Kurogiri get us out of here."

"Shigaraki:What, why are we retreating, we can end All Might here and now!"

"Rei:If we killed All Might here, surrounded by students, children, we would be seen as monsters by the public and we would fail in our true mission, we have weakend the Symbol of Peace and All for One has taken Erasurehead's quirk, we have won."

"Shigaraki:Hmm, fine."

Covering us in his black fog Kurogiri teleported us all back to the bar where I quickly got changed back into my hero costume and had Kurogiri send me back to the USJ in an isolated location near to the plaza, running towards the front entrance I spotted Izuku laying on the ground with his legs broken, racing over to my brother I noticed Kirishima was doing the same but a wall of cement came up in front of him, and the hero Cementoss sent him to the entrance, and I quickly found out why when I saw All Might in his small form, reaching my brother I knelt down beside him and he smiled at me.


"(Y/N):The hell happened to you? Actually you can tell me later, we need to get those legs fixed, again."

Carefully picking Izuku up making sure not to hurt him any further, giving a small nod to All Might and Cementoss I began carrying Izu to the front entrance to get him healed up, looking around I fully took in all the destruction I had caused, and felt no remorse for it, I did what was necessary, nothing more, nothing less, arriving at the front gate I saw all the teachers alongside police officers rounding up all the students and once an officer noticed me holding Izu and the state he was in a group of paramedics were called in and I put Izuku down on a stretcher.

"(Y/N):Think you'll get some prize for the amounts of times you've broken your bones?"

Izu let out a small laugh finally having his signature smile back on his face, a smile I want to protect, but I have to destroy.

"Izuku:Maybe it'll be a lifetime supply of bandages."

"(Y/N):Yeah, maybe, take care Izu."

Letting the paramedics carry Izuku away I felt someone hug me from behind, turning to see who it was I found Tsu holding onto me with tears forming in her eyes, hugging her back I held her as close as I could not wanting to let go.

"(Y/N):I'm sorry, tsu."

Eventually we were moved outside and every grunt was rounded up and transported away in busses, I was still holding Tsu.

"Detective:..sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, other than the boy with both legs injured, everyone else seems unharmed."

Feeling a tap on my shoulder I found Jiro standing there looking nervous for some reason, oh right the tsundere thing, shit.

"Jiro:Where were you in there?"

Oh shit, okay cover story, go.

"(Y/N):I was in the maintenance tunnels under the place, it was like a maze down there."

"Uraraka:That explains why Shouji couldn't find you."

Looking back I saw Uru alongside Shouji walking up to us.

"Shouji:Yeah, we got scared when I couldn't locate you when everyone got separated, at least you're okay."

"Detective:Let's have the students return to their classroom for now."

Everyone turned to look at the detective
who was talking to another police officer.

"Detective:We won't be questioning them right away, anyway, right?"

"Tsuyu:Detective, what about Mr Aizawa?"


Here it comes, the reveal of his condition, and the detective looked worried about it, he pulled out his phone and played a message about our teachers condition.

"Recording:Comminuted fractures in both arms an a facial fracture, fortunately, there does not seem to be any serious brain damage, however, his orbital floor has broken into small pieces, and his eyes may suffer from its aftereffects."

"Detective:That's what he said."


So nothing about his quirk, either they don't know I have it, or they aren't telling anyone about it.

"Mina:What about Thirteen?"

"Detective:Thirteen has been treated, the laceration from the back to the upper arm was bad, but Thirteen will survive."

Everyone seemed relieved to hear that, I had to act relieved as well.

"Detective:All Might will also survive, Recovery Girl's healing is enough to treat him, so he's in the nurse's office."

"(Y/N):What about my brother?"

"Detective:Your brother....oh, treatment in the nurse's office is enough for him too."

"(Y/N):Good, that's good..."

"Detective:Now, go back to your classroom."

Everyone got into the bus we were brought here in and once everyone was inside it drove away from the USJ and towards U.A, everyone was mostly silent for the ride with the occasional exchange of what everyone had done back there, after arriving back at school I said goodbye to the class, gave Tsu a quick kiss which cased Jiro, Momo, and....Ura to blush for different reasons, going to think about Uru's reasons later, and rushed to the nurse's office to see how Izuku was doing, walking inside I saw my brother laying on one of the beds alongside All Might who's feet were handy over the end of the bed, the two of them and Recovery Girl turned to look at me as I entered.


"All Might:Ah Young (Y/N), it's good to see you."

"(Y/N):How's Izu doing?"

"Recovery Girl:He's doing fine boy, just needs some rest and he'll be up before uou know it, now back to what I was saying,-"

Sitting down on a chair in between All Might and Izu's beds I listened to their conversation while having my hand on my brothers shoulder.

"Recovery Girl:-I can't really scold you for what you did..."

"All Might:I'm not sure, but I think I might've shortened the time limit of my hero form again, I hope I still have at least an hour..."

That was, great news, for me at least.

"Izuku:All Might..."

The weak Symbol of Peace sat up in his bed revealing all the bandages he had on him, it was a lot.

"All Might:Well, it can't be helped, these things happen."

The door to the nurse's office opened as the detective that was back at the USJ walked in taking me and Izu by surprise.

"Detective:Excuse me, All Might, it's been a while."

"All Might:Tsukauchi! You're here too?"

Izuku quickly sat up like All Might on his bed which threw my hand off his shoulder.

"Izuku:All Might! Is it all right to show that form...?"

"All Might:Yeah, it's fine, why? Because He's Naomasa Tsukauchi, my best friend in the force."

Interesting, I've heard that name before, but where?

"Tsukauchi:What's with that introduction, sorry to cut to the chase, but All Might, can you give me details about the vill-"

"All Might:Wait, please wait! More importantly are all the students okay, what about Aizawa and Thirteen?"

"Tsukauchi:Other than that boy, only a few students had light injuries, and the two teachers are in a stable condition for now."

Both Izu and All Might breathed a sigh of relief.

"All Might:I see."

"Tsukauchi:If you three heroes had not risked your lives, then the students would not have survived."

Wrong, they were never in any true danger.

"All Might:You're wrong about one thing Tsukauchi, the students fought and risked their lives."

"Izuku:All Might..."

Dear god how many times in he going to say that today.

"All Might:Have there ever been any first years who experienced a real fight so soon, survived  and learned of fear and the world of adults?"

That "survived" part was ominous as fuck.

"All Might:The villains did something dumb."

And that would be?

"All Might:This class is strong, they will become strong heroes, I am certain of it

If they want to be heroes, then they should join in the fight against you, we won today All Might, we won, and you lost, didn't I tell you, your hero focused society will come to an end, because I am here, and don't think anyone can change that.


With the sun having already set and night having fallen over Japan Izuku was finally able to leave and head home with me.

"Izuku:Well then, thank you very much!"

"Recovery Girl:Sure, be careful on your way home."

"(Y/N):I'll make sure he doesn't break another leg."

Making our way outside we spotted Ura and Iida waiting for us, walking down the street we all talked, until my phone buzzed.

"(Y/N):One sec..."

Looking at my phone I had gotten a news report about the Hero Killer: Stain.....Hero Killer, hmm.

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