Redneck Romeo [Completed]

BoOk_DrEaMeR द्वारा

301K 6.3K 933

(Excerpt) I looked up into his gorgeous, honey-colored eyes and felt my heart begin to thrum with the love t... अधिक

Redneck Romeo
*Chapter 1*
*Chapter 2*
*Chapter 3*
*Chapter 4*
*Chapter 5*
*Chapter 6*
*Chapter 8*
*Chapter 9*
*Chapter 10*
*Chapter 11*
*Chapter 12*
*Chapter 13*
*Chapter 14*
*Chapter 15*
*Chapter 16*
*Chapter 17*
*Chapter 18*
*Chapter 19*
*Chapter 20*
*Chapter 21*
*Chapter 22*
*Chapter 23*
*Chapter 24*
*Chapter 25*

*Chapter 7*

9.8K 229 17
BoOk_DrEaMeR द्वारा

I guess you could classify Clark as a little feminine when it comes to getting ready. I mean, I can get ready in less than fifteen minutes, but he took an hour to shower, fix his hair, and get dressed. We didn't even get to my car until about 5:30. 

"Since when did you turn into a girl who takes an hour to get ready?"I smirked at him as I looked over my shoulder to pull out of the parking space.

"Well my shower was thirty minutes long, so it didn't actually take me that long."

"Whatever you say, Claire."

We both laughed until we couldn't breathe anymore and then decided to listen to some music. I put in the first CD that my hand landed on, which happened to be the disc that Luke burned for me right before he left all those years ago. His melodic voice flowed through the speakers, not yet as perfected as it is now, but better in it's raw innocence. Better in the fact that this was when we still loved each other.

"Who is this? They are really good,"Clark remarked.

I tried not to show my despair at his question,"This is Luke,"my voice cracked on his name.

"Your ex that we met at the party?"

I gave an affirmative nod, not trusting my voice to remain steady through the short positive word.

"You should see if he's performing anywhere soon. I would love to hear him live,"When he asked this question, it was like he was testing me, trying to figure out what my reaction would be to this little statement.

"I don't think that is the best idea,"I tried to keep my expression neutral.

"And why is that?"

I turned my head to make sure he could see how peeved he was making me,"We are not on the best of terms right now."

He gave me a curious look. This was one of his cons. Always nosy,"What is that supposed to mean?"

I pulled into the parking lot quickly and put the car in park before I crashed us into a telephone pole.

"It means,"I said, my voice rising an octave,"That I don't like him. I want to claw his face off. He broke my heart and this conversation makes me want to slap that curious look right off your face."

I dropped my forehead onto the steering wheel and took deep breathes to calm my racing heart. Clark mumbled something and started to gently rub my upper back. I slowly relaxed and lifted my face up to meet his eyes. 

"I'm sorry,"he whispered and leaned forward to give me a small peck on the lips.

"It's alright. Let's just forget what happened and go have fun while eating delicious food,"I gave him a small smile and we both got out and headed to the building.

He opened the door for me like a gentleman and I gave him an appreciative smile. We were sat at a table in the far corner and soon enough our ordered food arrived.

I closed my eyes and breathed in the scent that wafted up from my delicious looking Chicken Alfredo. I took a bite and resisted the urge to moan at the amazing flavors that bursted in my mouth.

"How come we have never come here before?"I gave him an incredulous look.

"Because it just opened,"he chuckled.

"Well, I plan on coming here all the time from now on. I want to try everything on the menu."

"Even the Casu Marzu on pita bread for an appetizer?"he smirked.

"Sure why not?"I shrugged, not caring as long as it was made by the same person who created the master peice that I was currently stuffing my face with. I took a breadstick from the center of the table and dipped it into the creamy sauce floating along the edges of my plate.

"Let's get it right now so you can enjoy the flavor,"I gave him a strange look but let him call the waiter over anyway. Might as well get one menu item out of the way otherwise we will be coming here for the rest of our lives.

The waiter gave a strange look when he ordered the food but nodded and rushed to get it anyway. We sat in silence and I glanced over at his plate where his Penne Arabiata sat half eaten.

"Do you want a taste?"he teased.

I nodded enthusiastically as he got a forkful and lifted it to my face. I slid it of with my teeth and chewed. It was really good, but not as good as mine.

"Mine is better,"I shot.

"Then let me try."

I scooped up some of what little I had left and stuck it out for Clark. Just as he was about to take it off the fork, I moved it to the side and made it hit his cheek. I cracked up laughing and all of the tables in ear shot gave me wierd looks, but that didn't stop me. In stead of laughing like me, Clark just settled for giving me a playful glare while he wiped the sauce off of his face.

"I will get revenge,"he stated as the waitress came back carrying our food.

She placed it on the table and I galnced at it. It was a bowl full of cheese surrounded by slices of delicious looking pita bread.

"How does it smell?"Clark asked.

"I don't know. My nose is stopped up,"I shrugged and grabbed a slice of pita bread and scooped a glob of cheese on top.

I brought to my mouth and shoved half of the slice in. Clark winced and looked away. I began to chew and the pungent taste invaded my every sense. I felt something crawl along my tongue and gagged. All the chewed food spilled out of my mouth and landed on my plate. I used the napkin to wipe off my tongue and chugged the rest of my sweet tea.

I leaned across the table and looked closely at the bowl of strange looking cheese. It looked curdled and had slimy white maggots crawling around inside.

"What IS this?"I screeched, trying to keep the contents of my stomach in.

"It's revenge, also known as Casu Marzu,"he chuckled.

"No, no. This isn't just revenge, it's evil. You ordered this before I got sauce all over your face. You were going to do this no matter what,"I crossed my arms over my chest and gave him the best glare I could muster.


"Is that an apology or a question?"


I gave him a small smile and stood up. He slapped a fifty on the table and followed my quickly retreating form out of the restaurant.  I jumped in my car and tried to pull out, but he jumped in the passenger side before I could.

"I'm sorry, ok? That was a very dick move and I apologize. Will you forgive me? Pretty pretty please with a cherry on top?"he leaned forward.

I couldn't resist his adorable pouty face so I gave in and let my lips lift up into a smile before leaning forward and kissing the very hot pout off his lips. He returned the gesture quickly, capturing my lips into a very passionate kiss. He slid his warm tongue across my bottom lip and I happily gave his entrance.

Our tongues danced together as we battled for control. In the end Clark won as always and the kiss ended quickly after. We leaned our foreheads against each other and took gulps of breath as we tried to get back to normal. Once we were both calmed down I pulled out of the parking lot and started back to the university.

By the time we got there it was already eight o' clock and I had at least an hour's worth of driving ahead of me. 

"I wish you could spend the night,"he said as we leaned against each other outside of my car.

"Me, too."

He gave me one last peck before letting go of my hands and walking away with only a fleeting smile back my way. I sighed and yawned before climbing into my car. I had to blast the music the whole ride home to keep myself awake. It had been a long day and I couldn't shake how drained I felt. I finally made it home and barely got changed into my pajamas before I climbed into bed and passed out.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

I woke the next morning as my phone blasted my set song for my alarm. I quickly turned it off and groaned as I stumbled to the shower. The warm spray of water hitting my back and hair helped bring some life to me as my eyes fully opened and I began to move more smoothly.

After my refreshing shower I continued to get ready and jogged down the stairs with my back pack slung over my shoulder. I grabbed a peice of toast that my mom had left sitting out for me and went out to my car. I started it up with a turn of my key and shoved the crispy bread down my throat before pulling out and heading for the school.

 I found my cluster of friends surrounding my locker when I walked in. I quickly made my way to them and elbowed my way so that I could open up my locker to exchange my books. 

 "How did it go with Clark?" Jessica asked.


"Did you get it on?"Sean snickered.

"It was a school night you idiot, so no, we did not 'get it on',"I smirked.

"I have to use the ladies' room. Jess do you mind coming with me?"I turned to my best friend and tried to translate with my eyes.

She nodded in understanding and followed me as we headed in the direction of the bathroom. I was yet to tell Jessica about the Luke incident because I didn't really want to bring the event back to mind. But, I felt that these were crucial details that she needed to know.

Once we made it safely inside the bathroom Jess checked the stalls to make sure they were empty and I locked the door. I turned to her and she gave me a look of anticipation.

"Soooo?"she started and I took a deep breath, preparing myself.

"Yesterday after school, you know how I was going to drive to UT and ask Clark to the dance on Saturday?"

 She nodded her head then gave a horrified expression,"Did he say no? Did he break up with you? Oh yopu poor girl!"

"No! No to all of your accusations. It was actually something that happened before all of that. While I was at my locker, the absent Luke Anderson decided to show up and dragged me up to the school roof-"she intervened.

"Did ya'll do the nasty?"she wiggled her eyebrows.

"The nasty? What are you? Four? What is with people accusing me of having sex lately?"she rolled her eyes and motioned for me to continue,"Well, he brought me up and I was surprised to see a picnic blanket and basket set up. Then he gave me a big grin and told me that he made me my favorite chicken salad sandwich. I mean, I can't believe that he remembered all these years!"

"It's because he loves you silly,"She said in a 'duh' voice.

"Whatever you say. Then he gave me a smile and started to get everything out, but I quickly stood up and gave him my annoyed face. You know the one. Anyway, I yelled things at him such as 'I hate you' and 'We aren't friends'. It needed to be done but I kind of feel bad about it because he looked so sad. The last galnce I got of him was so pitiful and defeated,"I huffed in frustration and confusion.

"I-"but before she could start, the bell rang for the first class of the day,"We will finish this at your house this afternoon. We also need to go shopping for dresses and stuff for the dance. I didn't drive this morning, so do youy mind taking us?"

"Sure,"and then we both hurried off to class.

The day went by in a blur. Jess and I didn't have any free time to talk, so we agreed to save it all until  this afternoon. All I know, is that I'm sure I won't like what she has to say.


Another chapter! I hope you aren't too bored. I just don't want to dive into the climax just yet... I hope to make this story atleast 100 pages long. Hang in there, it won't be long before something big happens! Wink, wink...

Thanks so much for the three votes and one comment! Now I want two comments on this chappie (not including my own)! 


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