š…ššš„š„šžš§ šƒšžš¬š¢š«šž ||...

By ThaliaMornn

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(REWRITING) Everything in her life feels like hell until she meets the one who caused it, a guy who she finds... More



374 17 7
By ThaliaMornn

Invisible Necklace

»— ⊷ ☩ ⊶ —«

The soccer tryouts are taking place on the field where Augustine's building is located, and I have finally arrived there. I watched the training and popped two blueberries into my mouth while resting my right arm against the tree.

I could see Gabbe and the others warming up from a fair distance away. Thoughts of whether or not to join crossed my mind as I chewed the bottom of my lip. A soccer ball knocked the box of blueberries as I was about to close it, causing everything to fall to the ground.

"What the hell?" I grunted irritably, and bent down to pick up the box and the pieces of each blueberry.

I looked up and saw Daniel swiftly approaching me with his eyes widened in shock and his lip tightened in embarrassment "I'm sorry!"

While the others were laughing, I noticed Tony and David reacting. Tony was covering his mouth with his hand in shock, and David chuckled and pushed Tony's arm, saying, "Now, you got her attention, dickhead."

Daniel said "I'm really sorry, Tony didn't mean to throw you that." and I furrowed my brows as I picked up their soccer ball next to me. I stood up and hurled the ball at Daniel, and he caught it easily.

"Yeah? How did you know that? Or maybe your teammate is just a dickhead," I mumbled angrily as I bent down again to pick up the blueberries. I can't believe I feel so upset over a simple thing, I know it was just blueberries but it's not because Cam offered it to me but it was also my favorite snack.

Daniel scratched his head before he bent down and picked up almost everything and put it in the box. Great, I am not eating all of this by the way.

I heard Tony say, "Sorry! I didn't see you there!—" when Daniel threw the ball back to him, I looked up, saw Tony shrugged after he caught the ball and continue, "I mean, this is a soccer tryout, you girl not supposed to be here."

Okay, we have to stop there before we get to another terribly sexist topic. Even Gabbe, who was stretching her right leg, looked up and glared at him.

I was intentionally staring at Tony when I walked over to the bench nearby, set my bag down, grabbed the edge of my tank top, pulled it to tie a knot, and smiled sarcastically as I was holding my hair up to tie it. Oh, you think I'm not part of this tryout? Yes, I am signing up for this out of boredom (and comfort zone).

"Excuse me, she is part of this training," Gabbe said as she passed the field and looked at the boys' team. She asked me, "Aren't you?" with a soft smirk on her face, expressing her admiration for how I was putting myself together.

I gave my head a nod in effort "Sorry, I'm late—" And as I finished tying my hair, I approached Gabbe and added "But I'm here now."

Gabbe smiled and turned to face Tony, saying, "Actually, you're just in time. Unlike the ones who're late of catching a simple ball."

I scrunched my nose, held my hips, cocked my head to the side, and said fiercely, "Yeah, imagine if they're men though they should be ashamed." turning my head away from Tony.

"Honey, not men but a little boy when I see one."

I resisted a chuckle when Gabbe grinned excitedly as I said, "Exactly, you see my point."

A loud chuckle escaped from the boys team as Peter and David sniggered at Tony. David nudged Tony's shoulder and said, "You're embarrassment." And Tony rolled his eyes and shook his head in response.

Gabbe sighed and waved Daniel to get her attention "Look after your kids, Daniel." she warned him teasingly.

Daniel scoffed and raised his hand "I'll do my best, madam." Then while he was now walking back to his team, his violet eyes were locked on mine and waved his hand and mouthed "Sorry." he smiled amusedly when I sent him a sarcastic smile in response to his apology while I tightened my hair up again and Gabbe was leading me to her team.


I wiped my sweaty chest and waist with my towel, the soccer tryout has ended.

Gabbe came up to me, "See, that wasn't so bad."

"Thanks." I replied with a faint smile, and she offered me a bottle of water. "But I don't even know how to play soccer, it's my first time."

"Really? Well, you actually performed amazing! I was hoping to see you again next training."

"Looking forward to it." I said then she patted my left shoulder happily before she ran back to the others. It's a big field, the boys team were standing in the other side from like sixty feet away from the girls team. I saw Daniel, he turned and look at the place where I was standing, he gave a little wave after he wiped his neck with towel.

Arriane jumped behind my back that made me startle, she said "So! You didn't tell me you're joining little-miss-perfect's soccer team!" She glanced at Gabbe, I looked over my shoulder at Arriane.  "I was just bored." I took a sip of my bottled water and sighed.

Arriane leaned in to say "Sure. But I think you just entertained someone today." She pursed her lips and moved her gaze into the side, I frowned in confusion when I looked at Daniel but he wasn't looking at me but at— Luce who was walking across the field with Penn, Arriane sang "-behindd youu." correcting me. I turned around and found Cam with his arms crossed and head tilted high resting against the concrete Roman pillar.

He sent me a smile and waved his hand, Oh, Cam. I chewed my lip with my cheeks flushed.

I sighed a little and turned to look back at Arriane, who was teasing me by wiggling her brows. Then I turned to look back at Cam. When I placed the towel over my shoulder and waved my hand little sheepishly, he responded with a soft grin.

"You really know that weird guy?" I asked with my eyes narrowed.

"Are youuu asking— whether I'm friends with him? Yeah, yeah but he's that sort of creature who's like an annoying brother to me who needs to get spanked- wait— what if he dig that shit?— ohmigod, ew." She murmured under her breath with a grimaced look on her face.

I teased "Blame your mind, my friend." A small soft snort escaped from my mouth. Arriane is so funny, I can't with her and her mind, she's such a hilarious friend.

"I blame myself for knowing Cam for yearssss." She muttered sarcastically and gave a bitter grin.

I chuckled in amusement at her expression of annoyance. Okay, but imagining him as Arriane's brother? That's cute. I turned to look at Cam who had uncrossed his arms and was approaching towards us while he observed the boys team (especially Tony) gathering their things.

"Oh hm? I see you both are pretty close friends then" I nudged Arriane's arm.

"Yeah no- I hate him," Arriane snorted amusedly, laughing distressingly as she shook her head.

"Wait here." I said and approached Cam with my arms crossed and his gaze returned to me after he gave a grimaced look at Tony who was flexing his biceps to his team.

Cam cocked his head to the side and commented, "That was— fun."

I teasingly wrinkled my nose, "You see, I don't mind if you were really following me now."

Cam stopped walking, scoffed, rubbed his nape, and looked down to the trash bin where he spotted the empty box of blueberries he had given me. He gave me a puzzled expression, and questioned, "Should I eat a lot more to save you a little amount of berries you could eat next time?" He then turned to face me.

I widened my eyes and recalled that I had thrown the dirty blueberries in a trash bin a while ago though they had fallen to the unclean ground— thanks to Tony's dick move for seeking my attention. I faltered and shook my head "No, It's just that um.."

"You don't like it?"

"No, I don't, I mean- I don't hate them," I sighed heavily as I turned my head and saw Tony laughing with his group over something. "It's 'cause someone had to throw a ball and hit it for attention," I explained briefly with a sarcastic smile on my face as I looked back at Cam.

"That was a dick move." Cam stated.
Exactly! That's what I thought too— Tony was such a dickhead for doing that. Cam smirked softly at me, as if he knew there would be guys lining up for my attention this school year (but, it seems he wasn't worried about it.).

"Right?" I huffed and nodded with a sheepish smile forming over my face now. Oh gosh, do I still look sweaty or dirty right now? I wiped the side of my face and neck with my towel, and tucked my baby hairs behind my ear.

His eyes narrowing in amusement, "Were you also hit by the ball too?—You okay?"

I formed a thin line on my mouth, cocked my head to the side, and giving, Not that question again. I uncrossed my arm before held my hips with both of my hands in a little sass way.

Cam rolled his eyes to the side, put one hand in his pocket, and pointed at me with his other hand, saying, "Okay, never mind that question as I can see you're still standing and breathing."

"Sure I am."

"So, you're now part of Gabbe's team?"

"I guess so." I shrugged and averted my eyes, "Yeah, I am." I said with effort.

He nodded and was impressed "Great, congrats." and gave me a wink before walking past me and Arriane "Sup' A?"

I scoffed and shook my head from that silly flirty wink again, He's definitely trying to annoy me more than flirt with me, when he does that. Then I overheard Arriane—

"Here, in an urge to kill youuu!" Arriane grinned sweetly and sarcastically.

"Aw, love you too." Cam responded as he was leaving.

When I approached Arriane she made a childish gag before she turned to me "This. Is. Why. I hate him." She sneered while gesturing her hand in a matter-of-factly. I chuckled and wrinkled my nose as giving, You'll get used to it. I could tell Cam seemed to be trying to make fun of their friendship in that way, at least, well— that's the vibe they were giving me, Arriane and Cam just being buddies.

"Hey, (y/n)!" Daniel slightly yelled as calling my attention, he was running straight towards Arriane and I, and that made Cam looked over his shoulder and saw Daniel patted my head and that was so unexpected.

"Uh hey, Daniel?" An upside down smile formed on my face.

"Gabbe told me, she loves your skills and you're part on the team?"

I shook my head and said hesitantly, "Yeah, I—," as I was beginning to second-guess formally joining the team. Should I? I nodded and added, "I am thrilled even though I am sooo new to this shit."

"Well, you impressed everyone." Daniel grinned, but his eyes making me wonder if his approach is still genuine like his smile. Arriane was standing between us and giving us a dull expression as she looked from left to right, then eventually she moved over to the bench close to us and sat down.

I then turned to gaze into the distance and spotted Cam observing Daniel and I, talking, just like the scenario from earlier in the hallway. Cam clenched his jaw with his eyes-lidded before he looked away as he finally reached the castle where Luce and Penn gone to.

Daniel looked in the direction I was looking and when he saw what I was staring at, he said, "Cam.— he isn't a good kind.

My gaze swiftly returned to those odd violet eyes. What do you mean?

"Why?" That's all I could ask, why? Why does Daniel think Cam is a bad person?— For me?

My eyebrows furrowed in a mixture of confusion and curiosity. So? Most of the people here are, right? If they didn't have issues like Cam or even me, they wouldn't even be here at the academy. Even you, too, Daniel,— I don't know you well enough to be able to put my trust in you just yet, and also similar situation with Cam.

I even remembered Roland saying earlier that Cam was the exact opposite of what Daniel had presumed. Although I believe Cam to be the exact opposite of what Daniel thinks, and yet, there are mysterious questions in my mind lingering about Cam. Yes, I've seen his nice guy side already, but that isn't enough to know who  exactly  he  is.

Suddenly, a ball was thrown in my position. Arriane exclaimed, "(Y/n) watch out!"

Daniel looked shocked as well when I unexpectedly and effortlessly grabbed the soccer ball with both of my hands.

I was so shocked that I wasn't sure how to react—whether to how I caught the ball with ease, as if I knew what I was doing, or to who in the hell had planned to hit me in the head with a soccer ball. But in the moment, this made me feel badass.

Arriane glared around the field, "Okay, this is the second time."

From seven feet away, Molly yelled, "Wow! Nice catch, princess! See you in next training then," and then she laughed mischievously. Gabbe came over to scold her, but Molly just rolled her eyes and waved her off.

I almost forgot Molly is in part of this team, of course, I blame for her being irrelevant in my life right now. I felt my jaw clenched as I was about to storm out but Daniel blocked me with his arm and said "Leave it." as he knew my plan was to throw the ball back to Molly's bean head.

Arriane scowled at Molly and said "That bitch." Then, as if just in case, she moved over to stand next to me.

I firmly shoved the ball on the ground with a Thud! She's not gonna stop huh? A scoff escaped from my mouth.

"I just wanted to talk to her and maybe give her a lesson after what she did to Luce." I said, placing my left hand on my hip.

"My girl." Arriane smirked and shook her fist in the air as a cheer.

"You don't want to get those wristbands too in your first day do you?" Daniel said and crossed his arms, I sensed Arriane gave him an eye roll.

I paused for a moment as I gave Daniel a stern look, as suddenly he was sounding like an older brother disciplining me, that irritated me and I said, "I think I can manage." I smiled sarcastically and then took my bag and nodded my head in saying-bye before making my way back to the castle.

"Give it a chance," Arriane said, "I think she's not who you think she is." She pouted her lips intentionally as she watched me gone back inside the gray castle.

Daniel scoffed bemusedly, "You know who she is." Then Arriane looked at him in amusement.

"Yes, and you know there will be another round of battle between you and that demon for a hundredths of times now. Once again, good luck!" Ariane gave his arm a playful push before walking away.

I reached the dormitories lobby. I suddenly saw Cam in the corner of my eye as I passed by, I saw him approached Luce and Penn at the next tall window. Both of them was having a chat and laugh, then when he wrapped his arm around Luce's shoulder and stroked it for comfort, suddenly Luce saw me that made me swiftly look away and continue minding my own business.

Before another new thoughts about to run in my mind, I just hummed a random song and think about something else, rather than replaying that touch-arm-scene in my mind. Hey, this is not jealousy. I'm not, because I know what my standards is. (Sure, there's a little bit of feeling I was.)

Yeah, whatever.


A water rinse on my head, a cold shower to cool down my hot, warm body. I'm not sure why I like cold, but it relaxes me in some way.

I was taking a shower at the Augustine, which features the pool and gym. I was in awe when I entered the building; it has a chapel-like and gothic appearance, with a colorful stained-glass images of a saint and angels above the pool.

I stared blackly at the tile wall, not realizing I'd been standing under the cold shower for half an hour, alone at the shower room. Barely seeing my own reflection but focusing on my neck from the tiles, imagining an invincible necklace around me while I caressed it. I knitted my brows as the image of Cam's emerald eyes flashed through my mind. What an odd feeling.

It's as if I've seen them before. I was also visualizing a dark warm green pendant lying on my chest, I could see it in the back of my mind. I shook my head to get rid of my random thoughts, closing my eyes again to take a deep breath and clear my mind.

I softly gasped as my eyes opened when I glimpsed a gold feather from my nightmare, and such an odd feeling about something that it seemed from the unknown past.

I immediately shut off the shower because my head was suddenly hurting, and I was bewildered. Then a cool breeze began to caress every inch of my skin. I wrapped myself with a towel and exited the stall, my hair dripping and my entire body was shivering.

Have I mentioned that getting out of the shower with cold water is a bad idea? That's unusual about me.

I stood alone in front of the mist mirror, wiping it with the side of my palm. Then I observed my reflection and took my first look at my neck. I was stroking my collarbone again and kept thinking and thinking of why this mannerism happens so frequently, and I'm not sure when it began? I exhaled deeply and then heard a shoe squeak from the corner of the restroom.

Molly examined my bag, which includes my clothes. "Not gonna lie, I dig your style. I might share this fashion on my blog."

"What are your planning to do, Molly?— Is that your name, Molly? It seemed like a made-up name to me." I said boldly, despite the fact that she was holding my things.

Molly clenched her jaw, offended by the joke.

"More like you're made-up to something, (y/n) but wait— no, you're nothing but just a disappointment." she stated as if it were a fact, a sly smile plastered across her face.

"Yeah, I'm not in a mood to play with your fucking games Molly." I repeatedly glance at my clothes she's grasping. "Put that down." I demanded her.

"Well, that's fucking sad (y/n), don't you want to have some fun? Y'know, maybe let's start playing cat and mouse? Yeah? I'll be the mouse and you'll be the most evilest cat on earth chasing her prey-" She challenged me, then stepped back as she raised my bag.

"Give it back!" I slightly snarled, my nails digging into my palm in anger.

"Aw, then come and get it?" She burst out laughing before fleeing, and I stormed after her, but as soon as I got outside the door, I heard a loud Swoosh! Then she's gone, she's nowhere to be found, she's vanished. In shock, I frowned deeply and opened my mouth. This is unbelievable.

I groaned and walked straight to the empty pool area, glad there were no people around, since it was getting dark outside and it was 6 PM I carefully searched every possible hiding place for her, but I still can't find her.

I bit my lower lip and began to feel cold, my bare feet stiffening and freezing, goosebumps emerging from my shoulder. Great first day, and this is what I have to deal with all the time, with bullies like Molly? She's starting to make me frustrated. I groaned again, wishing someone, preferably a girl, would show up and save me from this humiliation.

I sighed angrily before returning to the shower room, supposing I'd have to spend the night there while waiting for help.

I returned to the dim hallway and passed by the locker rooms, and my wish was granted when I heard someone's footstep, hopefully a girl's.

I exhaled deeply and quickly looked over my shoulder, clutching my towel tighter around me for extra security. Finally! I hope they will help me though.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing outside? Are you okay?"

No, it's Daniel, not a girl, a guy named Daniel... Who just stepped outside the boys' locker room with a worried expression on his face, his fluffy blond hair wet and covering his right eye, he also got out of the shower and was left alone.

I opened my eyes and blushed in embarrassment, gripping my towel for more security.

"I-I'm.. ugh-" I let out a distressed sigh "-look, I'm not a crackhead who's going out the academy in barely naked to seek attention, no. It's Molly, she stole my clothes and now I'm deciding to go spend my night here alone until tomorrow morning and hoping some girl will show up and help me to get away from this humiliation." I nodded, turned, and was about to leave.

"Hey, hey wait, don't worry, I have extra clothes here," Daniel said, making me pause.

He brushed his tangled hair off his forehead then raised his finger to make a wait hand gesture before entering the room. I looked down and blankly stared. This is extremely embarrassing.

"Here," Daniel said as he walked up to me, keeping his gaze out of the way in order to not make me feel uncomfortable. He offered me with a large gray hoodie and black jogging pants. "-I know it's obviously doesn't fit you but-."

"It's better than nothing," I continued, and he nodded and chuckled faintly. I grabbed his clothes and cocked my head to the side to give him a small smile "Thanks, Daniel." and he just gave me a glance and smiled back.

I went back to the shower room and changed into Daniel's clothes, starting with the comfortable hoodie and jogging pants, which were both baggy on me because he's taller than me. I simply raised my pants above my waist to avoid looking too much baggy. Fortunately, Molly did not notice my rubber shoes under the sink. I wore them next, then tied the laces into doubled ribbons.

I looked at my own sad eyes and wiped them, pinched my nose and cheeks to avoid looking pale, brushed and fixed my wet hair with my fingers before taking a deep breath and exiting the room, where I saw Daniel leaning against the wall in the dim hallway from a few feet away, arms crossed and staring at the ground.

Daniel gradually raised his head as I approached him. "You still here?" I asked.

A tiny smile spread across his face as he looked at me up and down, amused by how the hoodie jacket looked big on me that even my hands were no longer visible due to those soft long sleeves. It makes me look like a kid or like I borrowed my boyfriend's hoodie for comfort. "Ok, kid, that's cute," he said with a small chuckle.

"Ha-ha. It is," I sarcastically said as I wiggled my arm, letting the long sleeve to drop and then showing my hand.

The hoodie's scent was pleasing floral ish and so heavenly comforting, and the cold breeze skimmed across my neck as Daniel and I made our way outside the Augustine. "Did you spray this perfume or something?" I questioned, my face puzzled. "Nope," he said, biting his lower lip and shaking his head. "Perhaps it's from the laundry."

I just nodded, smiled again as I couldn't stop sniffing the sleeves because they just smelled good and heavenly.

We arrived at the lobby, and I was about to leave. "Where are you going?" Daniel asked, his brow furrowed. "I'm going back to my dorm. I'm not hungry." I lied but I was just losing my appetite again, and also— I'm tired.

He gave a disappointed look and nodded slightly. "Okay, have a good evening then," he said with a smile. I nodded in saying-bye as I watched him make his way to the cafeteria.

I walked down the hall until I almost bumped into Arriane, whose eyes flashed and grinned amusedly from my outfit. "Woah! So who's the guy? Was the hook up lame or good? How was it?" her voice boomed through the hallways with students passing by. I quickly shook my head in saying-no


"WHAT?" she quipped, her hands cupped on her cheeks in shock and giving a— Woah wait, that's new? Are you serious? Her eyes widened.

"No! It's not like that I-" Then I noticed Cam in the doorway, passing by near the staircase, and sipping a small box of milk. He didn't notice me at first, possibly because of how I was dressed, but when Arriane slightly yelled—

"I MEAN LIKE DANIEL GRIGORI?" Arriane gasped, overreacting in an attempt to annoy me, which worked. "Ssh! Shut up! Oh my god, keep your voice down and ew no!" I said sharply, waving my hand up and down.

"It's not what you think. He let me borrow his clothes because this girl Molly stole mine in the shower so-" I explained matter-of-factly.

I felt Cam approaching towards us, he heard the conversation, looking at me up and down with soft smirk plastered on his face "You look cute." He commented and crossed his arms as he spun around behind me and his eyes examined my outfit, then he furrowed his brows as he seemed to realize where this outfit came from.

"Aw Cam, jealous?" Arriane smirked. He looked up to her then glance at my side profile. He let out a scoff in amusement.

He wrapped his arm around my back to pinch the hood's flat string with "Grigori" stitched over it, causing his smirk to fade.

"I like it-" Cam moved his face closer to mine. "And you look adorable," he teased with his nose wrinkled.

"Tell me something I don't know next time." I replied sarcastically, my cheeks flushed. Cam tilted his head, tutted, and slightly shook his head, "There's a lotta things you don't know, (y/n)." he said as if stating a fact, then he walked away after casting a glance at Arriane.

Was he being sarcastic once again?

Arriane scratched her head and gave an exaggerated upside-down smile, giving— Doesn't that seem to be true? While she was watching Cam head upstairs.

"What?" I was mystified by Cam's last statement, he just gave me a long glance over his shoulder and waved his hand teasingly. But like what? What is he saying? He's confusing me.

By the way, I hoped he hadn't noticed me blushing. Yeah, whatever even though I knew he have noticed it when he smirked before walking away.

Arriane simply scoffed, "Don't mind Cam, he's too weird for you—." as she rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at Cam when he smiled sarcastically at her. Then she returned her gaze to me and said, "Unless you like weird guys?" "


"Weeeird hot guys?"


"Who plays sick guitars and sings so well?"

"Hm." I shrugged little with my nose scrunched and averted eyes. Yeah, but can't deny the fact that's one of my type I like to a guy.

I was watching Cam proceed to the second floor until Arriane blocked my view and softly poked my arm, "Soo...you say that bitch Molly stole your stuff, huh?"

"Does she act like that bitch to everyone?"

"She's a crazy bitch to everyone," Arriane said as she pursed her lips and nodded.

"And she acts like she knows everyone, she's a psycho," I stated, shaking my head in disbelief. Arriane snorted and laughed, and I looked at her puzzledly. "She is." I said.

"What can I say, let's just stay away from crazies." She said, raising her hands and shoulder.


I flipped the light's switch on of my dorm and shut the door behind me, I took off my rubber shoes and threw it under the desk before I let my exhausted body motionlessly dropped on my bed. I had just finished my first day of school— including the soccer tryout. Fun.

Although, my first day wasn't too bad actually. I met a few people today, and I was surprised by how well we got along. Arriane, the funny and outgoing one, Luce, who seems so nice and also looks so pretty which reminds me of Daniel, whose features look like they belong in a Greek museum, Gabbe, who may have a sweet looks but was pretty badass when you saw her performance back there in soccer practice, and then there's Cam. The attractive, mysterious guy from Sword & Cross who I believed I knew or had seen before.


I sat up as I remembered I have history class homework to do. I pulled my shoulder bag over to my nightstand, took the history book, and in the back of my mind I caught a glimpse of the moment I gave Cam a book in class. His emerald eyes bewildered me and gave me a sense of deja vu.

Unaware that I had also removed my sketch-journal, the paper from last month on which I had drawn someone's eyes while bored in class at my former school dropped to the floor next to the desk. I leaned down on my stomach, opened my notebook and history book, and began writing the lesson we had.

Later on, it was raining outside the window, when I turned to the third blank page, I started to feel a little peckish, but I was too worn out to come down the stairs and eat. I set my pen down, rolled onto my back, and then just laid there, gazing at the ceiling. Before my eyelids finally closed and the daydream changed into a bizarre, vivid dream,

The sketch on the floor beneath the desk was illuminated by thunder lightning coming from outside the window.

Those eyes... It's something and yet familiar.

I had a vision of someone's eyes that I made a sketch of,— next I saw a gold thunder light— and then an actual eyes— before flipping back and forth between my sketch and then someone's actual eyes.

They had to be green. I just know.

Then suddenly, a beautiful, golden light that was formed like wings, gleaming over me.

»— ⊷ ☩ ⊶ —«

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