My Past, Present, and Future...

By fallenposters

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Time is an interesting thought, and interesting theory, an interesting use of measurement. Even more of an in... More

Before we start
Chapter 1
Allow me to explain
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chalter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 42

18 0 0
By fallenposters

I woke up the next morning later than I wanted to but still earlier than what I was expecting. I rolled over in my bed, not ready to get up quite just yet.

That was until I heard a door open. I aggressively rubbed my eyes to get them awake and rolled out of bed quickly. I opened my door and just as I had thought I saw Izuku about to go to the elevator.

"Izu!" I whispered-called. He turned around and I waved for him to come near. I pulled open the door and leaned on my frame.

"Well...?" I gestured with my hands. "I mean- you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to I know last night you just kinda went to bed im assuming."

He chuckled slightly. "Yeah well...there's not much for me to say I guess. But we did end up fighting."

"I guessed that much-"
"And he knows." He cut me off.

My eyes widened before I quickly burrowed my eyebrows. "He knows? Like...knows knows?"

"Yep. All Might told him everything. The whole story. From his injury to me being his successor to who All For One generally is. Probably some other stuff I just...don't really know what to say." Izuku explained.

"You don't have to say anything really." I shook my head. I felt bad of even asking the poor kid.

"Kacchan obviously didn't take it well. I wasn't expecting he would have."

"Never mind that, how are you doing?"

"I'm better. I could be better but I'm better than I was." He gave a small smile.

"I'm glad." I returned a smile.

Eventually I got ready and dragged myself to the common room.

I jumped out of bed to talk to Izu but I'm still so exhausted.

"Psssssst." I heard someone.

What the hell?

I turned around.

"No over here." I heard in the other direction. When I turned around I saw Mina waving me over.

I walked over. "Yes Mina? How may I help you?"

She looked left and right. "How long were you in Bakugou's room last night?" She asked.

"How did you know I was in his room at all?" I answered with a question.

"I saw you." She hummed.

"Your room is at the end of the hall on the other side of the floor. How the hell would you have seen me?" I crossed my arms.

"If you must know, Bakugou woke me up and I texted Kiri to see if he heard him too and to which he said yeah, you're talking to him." She explained. "Now what we're you two talking about? What happened in that room? I mean you were there really late."

"Slow your roll there pinky. Nothing happened, we were just talking." I laughed.

"I saw you go into his room but I didn't hear you leave." Uraraka popped her head into our conversation and matched Mina's interrogating demeanor. "Yeah, I was woken up too. And since my room is across the hall I peaked over it and saw you."

"So is everyone on that floor just aware of my presence or something?"  I asked.

"Aware of your presence? Yes. But I think the whole building was woken up by them, as quiet as they tried to be." Mina nodded.

I sighed and looked for Shoji, who was the only other one on that floor. When I saw him I waved to get his attention then pointed at the two of them. "Is this true?" I asked.

He put all of his arms up. "I have nothing to do with this. I didn't want to ask questions."

"No, I know you have no say in that. I was just wondering if you heard me." I explained.

"Arisu I can make all my limbs into ears if I want to but I don't. I usually have just two...My point is yeah, I could."  He admitted.

"Well I tried to be quiet." I shrugged.

"Then what happened?" Mina asked again.

"Nothing happened! We just talked about something personal." I repeated myself.

"Well- well then when did you even leave? How did you leave?" Uraraka brought her point up again.

"Ochaco, what's my quirk again?" I asked her.

"Teleportation-oh." She realized what she was saying.

"Yeah, 'oh.' I heard him come back, I went to go ask him what's going on, we talked about something personal, I teleported back to my room." I mapped each action I talked about with my hands.

It's like everyone is trying to watch my every move or something.

Back at school we had an assembly that I slept through. It was for the first day of the new semester and to try and tackle the multiple elephants in the room about all the changes being made. From the dorms, to All Might, to whatever happened last night. That's just what I was told when I woke up. I knew it was something I was already expecting.

We made it back to homeroom and Aizawa started his usual lecture. "Let's see...Starting today, you'll be continuing normal classes. There have been an unprecedented number of incidents lately, but it's time to shift back and fulfill your duties as students. Today you'll be limited to classroom lectures only. However, there will be even tougher training later in the semester."

Mina whispered something to Tsu, but Aizawa saw her talking and interrupted.

"Yes, Ashido?" he demanded, rather than questioned.

Mina quickly shut up as Tsu raised her hand.

"Excuse me sensei, during the opening ceremony, they mentioned something called a 'hero internship'. Could you tell us about that?"


"Actually, yeah, principal Nezu did say something like that." I overheard Sero mumble.

"I was a bit curious too..." Tokoyami added on.

"He said that a number of upperclassmen are currently taking part in it." Yaomomo said.

So when I asked what I missed while I was asleep all of you just left that part out? The only thing I'd care about? And could probably explain to you. You're all losers, how do you leave out the most crucial part.

"I intended to talk about that another day, but I suppose." Aizawa started. "I guess talking about it sooner would be more logical. To put it simply, it entails 'hero activities outside of school.' It's like the workplace experience you had with the pro-heroes before, but this is the real deal."

"Then what did we work so hard for during the Sports Festival!?" Uraraka spoke up.

"The hero internships will use the connections you gained from the scouts that you acquired during the Sports Festival." Aizawa continued explaining. "This is an optional activity for students that is not linked to your classes. If anything, if you weren't chosen during the Sports Festival, it'll be difficult to take part in. Originally, each hero office would individually recruit, but to pull in students from U.A. they started bickering. So this method was created. Got it? Then sit down."

"Sorry for jumping to conclusions." Uraraka quickly apologized bowing and then sat back down.

"With the acquisition of your provisional licenses, you can now participate in more long- term exercises. However, there isn't much precedent for freshmen acquiring their provisional license. Because of that, coupled with the revival of the villains, we are cautiously considering the matter of your participation. On a later date I will give proper testimonials, as well as our plans for the future. We've got our own things to concern ourselves with." He continued.

This is coming sooner than expected...ironically this is supposed to be my first day back training with Sasaki and I'm assuming Mirio as well.

"Okay, sorry for holding you up, Mic." Aizawa said as he walked off and outside.

"First period!" Present Mic shouted as he walked into the classroom. "Time for English!"

This was followed with a massive groan from the class.

Yeah, goodnight again.

I fell back asleep on my desk.

"Tamaki!" I called out seeing him walking in the same direction as I. "Where are you heading?" I asked.

"I haven't decided yet. Either the courtyard, or the library. Maybe the roof." He thought to himself.

"Avoiding lunch again?" I asked. He just nodded. "Well what if I told you there was another place you can go to." I suggested.

"You know another place? Haven't I been here longer than you?" He asked.

"Doesn't mean you can't miss something." I laughed. I teleported to the spot before realizing I left him behind. I appeared next to him again. "Ah- sorry. Force of habit. It's probably better to take you there so you know your way." 

I cut through a more secluded hallway and turned into an empty classroom. "Voila!" I exclaimed when he walked in.

"A vacant classroom?" He said, unimpressed.

My face dropped. "Not just any vacant classroom." I mocked. I went over to the windows and opened it. I then sat on the ledge and waved him over. "We're on the first floor, it's not like you'll die if you fall." I laughed.

He made his way over and sat next to me. "How is this spot better than all the other ones?" He asked.

"It's more secluded." I explained. "I mean like you're not going to see anybody unless they also know about this spot. This is also the corner of the courtyard that no one goes near because of the huge bush that blocks it meaning even less people. And that's not even the best part."

He looked at me waiting for me to continue until we heard a rustling. I pointed at a cat that came through the bush.

"That cat comes here all the time. So do different birds, butterflies, and all different types of animals...I don't know, I just find it cool." I admitted petting the cat.

"It is cool." He nodded agreeing," But won't we get in trouble for being here?"

"Nah. Everyone I knew who went to U.A told me about this spot. They all used it, even when it wasn't a vacant classroom. They all have been seen here, but no one got in trouble." I explained. "As long as it was lunch or your free period and you weren't just skipping class, teachers let you stay."

We sat in silence for a while. The only thing we heard was the wind blowing or the cat. It seemed to have taken a liking to Tamaki.

"Thanks for showing me this." He said.

"Of course." I smiled.

Back at the dorms I got changed and got my usual training bag ready. It was a bit smaller than what I usually brought but it was only a quick session.

I took the elevator down for once and walked along the hall till I was pulled to the side when I was distracted. It was Katsuki but he was holding a mop, clearly in the middle of one of his chores. Izuku and his house arrest suspension was supposed to be spent cleaning.

"You knew." He said, holding my shoulders. "You knew this whole time, didn't you?

I took a deep breath. "Yes, I knew...not this whole time though! I found out about All Might's condition way before I found out about Izuku."

"But you obviously knew before me." He raised his eyebrows as if that was what he meant by 'whole time.'

"Yeah, I did. For quite a while actually." I admitted.

"Well then." He said as he finally let go.

"You're not...mad are you?" I asked.

"No I'm not mad. It's not your fault, there is no reason for me to be mad." He shook his head. "Just whenever you get the chance, tell me how you found out I'm curious."

"Will do." I nodded, ready to walk away.

"Wait, who else knows?" He asked, stopping me.

"As far as I'm aware, just us." I turned to walk away again.

"Wait one more question-" he stopped me in my tracks a third time.

"What now?" I laughed.

"Where the hell are you going?"

"Training with a family member. I've been doing it for years and since he works with U.A I'm still authorized to go since it's already deemed safe." I explained quickly before finally turning around to walk again.

To my demise, before I'm able to walk out the door I'm stopped again but this time by Shoto.

"Hey, Arisu- wait where are you going?" He asked, noticing my bag. I think the only times I've left the dorms for anything it's been with him until this point.

"Training with a family member. Since he works with U.A and was already deemed safe he got them to let me keep training with him." I explained again.

"Who?" He asked.

"...Sir Nighteye." I admitted.

"You're related?" He asked, almost surprised.

"Yeah on my mom's side, it's a long story but uh, what did you want again?"

"Oh- uh, about soba. Since the training course doesn't start in a couple of days, I was wondering before I get busy could I show you a good soba place, maybe like tomorrow?" He suggested.

"Yeah, uh yeah! I'd love to." I smiled, feeling my face get hot.

"Great." He nodded, "I'll uh, see you later I guess."

"Yeah." I nodded back heading towards the door.


Back in the same gym we always work at, I go through the basics. It's like a routine warm up I always do before we start focusing on whatever I need to train.

"Very well..." Sasaki said as he walked by where I was. "These are things you already knew but simply by your speed I can see you are progressing faster than you ever had."

I nodded and smiled.

" are still sloppy in some areas..." he mumbled.

My face dropped. "What do you mean I'm still sloppy? Is it my form?"

"Sort of. With your increased speed you've just gotten what I can only describe as lazy. Just make sure to not lose track of what skills you have already gained." He lectured. I just nodded.

"Hey hey party people!" I heard Mirio enter.

"Not again." I clutched my stomach. Ever since the first time I went up against Mirio, I've trained with Sasaki about 2 other times without him. Each time I feared him walking through the door and going up against him. Not because I'm scared of him specifically, I just never realized how sore, bruised abs can make so many things more difficult.

"Happy to see you too Arisu." He laughed.

"He's just going to be off on the sides, I don't want to pin you two against each other quite just yet. I wish to see what skills you gained from your shortened time at summer camp." Sasaki adjusted his glasses.

"Gladly!" I grinned. I teleported to each corner of the room and back to where I was standing. "My time has gotten quicker and I'd like to think my tolerance is much better. I can teleport bigger objects and I'm not as intimidated." I looked around the room quickly. "I don't want to break anything right now but that explodey-thingy I can do became an ultimate move and...uhhh...oh! One other thing..."

"What other thing?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"Mirio!" I called out my test dummy.

"Yeah, what's up?" He asked.

"Tell me a short story from elementary school that I would have never known till now." I said.

He thought for a moment. "My first grade teacher walked in on me eating paint once because I thought it was extra sauce from lunch."

"Perfect." I laughed. I made direct eye contact with Sasaki before picturing that interaction and going back in time.

"What other thing?" Sasaki asked, crossing his arms just like he did before.

"Mirio!" I called over.

"Yeah, what's up?" He asked.

"Did you get caught by your first grade teacher eating paint because you thought it was extra sauce from lunch?" I asked.

" did you know that? I've only told 3 people that story and you are not one of those people." He leaned back away from me slightly.

"Because I asked you a question and then I time traveled." I smiled proudly.

"So you learned how to use it?" Sasaki clarified.

"Kinda, yeah...which is why I'm so keen on getting you to teach me how to use my predictions in battle." I pumped my fists.

"So you can answer some questions, that doesn't mean you're ready." He laughed.

"I can use it in battle too...I used it against you?" I questioned.

He stood there and looked at me. "That's preposterous, there's no way. I was predicting every move you made." He shook his head.

"Almost every move! It's not 'preposterous' because it happened. I'm sorry you didn't foresee it." I said.

"Even if it were to have happned, which I still can not believe, your style is going back in time. Not going forward. It's easier for you and you know it." He stood his ground.

"That's why I'm asking for your guidance. I'm lucky enough to already have a style established, all I ask from you is ways I can not only improve it but expand it." I retaliated.

"When the time comes the time comes but the time is not now." Sasaki said in annoyance, getting frustrated at my cooperation.

"I'm the one with the time quirk. I think I'd know when that time is." I scoffed.

"Hey you guys..." Mirio spoke up. I got so caught up in arguing I forgot he was still standing ti the side. "I hate to be the one to interrupt but maybe let's not have this argument right now." He suggested.

"Your right." Sasaki nodded. He looked down at me, "maybe we should focus on other things."

"Fine. Mirio, you want to go against me?" I asked.

"Really? You changed your mind?" His face lit up before remembering my reaction at the beginning.

"I've had a change of heart." I shrugged.

Really I just need an excuse to get my anger out. I don't mean I want to hurt Mirio of course but being able to go up against someone, even if it were to be friendly, is better than this.

I walked back into the dorms a little more pissed off than normal. I waved hello to the few people in the common room but just wanted to make it to the elevator.

"Where were you?" Sero asked, throwing his hands up and walking in the opposite direction as me.

"Family." I huffed.

"What's got her so pissed off?" Kaminari asked, sitting on the couch with some other people surrounding the tv. 

"Family!" I yelled back, overhearing his question. I teleported up to my room to drop off my things and pick up other stuff as I made my way to the shower.

I still can't believe it. I even proved it to him. If he won't teach me then I'll just have to learn by myself.

I got out of the shower and changed. The hot water calmed me down a bit and I walked out drying my hair.

"ARISU!!" I heard my name being called from the common room.

Oh what now.

I walked out to see about half the class out in front of me. "Yeah, what's up?" I asked.

"Who were you just out with again?" Sero asked.

"A family member?" I repeated.

"And what were you doing with this family member?" Mina backed him up.

"Training? He works with U.A so he pulled some stuff to get me to see him again." I explained.

"And who's this 'family member?'-"
"YOU DIDN'T TELL ME SIR NIGHTEYE IS YOUR UNCLE!" Kaminari ran up from behind everyone else and pushed to the front, clearly not getting the memo of what was happening. He even squeezed around Sato to get there. I saw Katsuki who was in the back doing something else look up after hearing him yell.

"That's one way to do it." Tokoyami sighed as he was another that was pushed to the side.

"Oh that?- Wait. How do you guys know that? I only told one person that earlier today. No one else knew." I asked.

"They told a couple people then it got spread around." Orjiro put simply.

"Of course...I'll deal with that later." I thought to myself.

"Is that why you went up against him during the final?" Tsu asked me.

"Well, no that's not why. He originally didn't want to do it when U.A asked him but he was the first person they thought of I guess because they knew I trained with him." I shrugged.

"Wait wait wait." Mineta threw his hands up. "If he's your uncle did he just let you win?"

I laughed. "No not at all. If they weren't told to go easier on us he would have gone all out. He's more on the stricter, challenging, side."

"Wait, on your mom or dad's side?" Izuku asked, leaning on his broom and dust pan.

"Mom's side, actually." I answered.

"Wait, you didn't know either?" Kiri asked the green haired boy. "Out of everyone here I thought you or Bakugou would have known."

"Nope, no one in our class knew." I answered him. "Until now..." without giving them another answer to their question I teleported upstairs in front of Shoto's room.

Before I could knock on the door I heard someone behind me.

"I'm not in there yet." Shoto said, walking up to me.

"Just the person I need, did you tell people Sir Nighteye was my uncle?" I asked.

"No, why would I? It's not my business." He was caught off guard slightly.

"Because everyone downstairs, and I'm sure the whole class, knows now. I only told you." I crossed my arms. "It wasn't a huge secret, not really a secret at all actually and I don't care who knows. But it's just not something I tend to tell people. So tell me, did you?"

"No." He shook his head. "Like I said I had no reason to."

"If you didn't then who did?" I asked.

"Maybe someone eavesdropped." He suggested.

I thought for a moment. "Sho, you're a genius.

Without saying goodbye I teleported down to the 3rd floor and found Hagakure's room. I started knocking at her door.

"Arisu, this is a surprise." She said opening it.

"Yeah, for me too. Now this is a weird question but did you happen to eavesdrop on Shoto and I's conversation then proceeded to tell other people about it?" I asked.

Despite her invisibility, she appeared a bit flustered. "Alright I did. I only asked some people about it because I didn't know till now. I'm sorry."

"It's fine, it's fine," I sarcastically laughed before dropping my face. "Let's just not do it again, ok?"

"Of course." She agreed. I went to turn around before she spoke up again. "but I also may have told Mina that you were going out with him tomorrow."

I slapped my forehead. "Of course you did!" I started laughing. "I'll deal with that, and you, tomorrow. I'm done for the day."

I teleported back in my room and threw myself onto my bed.

I'm not even tired, I just need to get away.

I pop my head up and remember I have a tv and some consoles to keep my mind busy. I shrugged and popped a game in.

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