Chapter 8

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"Everyone get back." Aizawa said getting ready to fight.

"Well well. What do we have here?" One of the villains said creepily. His voice made the hairs of my neck stand up and my heart went heavy and sank to the bottom of my stomach. The coarse voice came off with a familiarity and the annunciation of words felt dirty.

Kirishima and Katsuki took a few steps forward, getting into a fighting stance.

"Children get back." Thirteen says stepping in front of us.

"Don't do anything stupid." Aizawa states. "Kaminari, can you try to connect to the office?" Kaminari nods and holds his hands to the floor trying to send some sort of signal to U.A. Aizawa starts to walk towards the plethora of villains that are emerging from the purple fog.

"Wait but your quirk is just erasing theirs!" Izuku exclaims.

"You can't be a one trick pony and a hero." Aizawa replies as he unravels his scarf.

The purple...entity ends up being a villain who's quirk is something similar to warp gate. He starts to approach us slowly. "We are the league of villains. We wish to kill all might. Where is he?"

This sounds weird considering I'm looking at an array of villains but he seems to be the most "sane"

"Stay back everyone." Thirteen repeats their order as they jump in to fight.

"What do we do?" Someone exclaimed.

"Fight." Katsuki smiled as he ran towards the villain. Kiri looks back at everyone then back at Katsuki and runs after him. Explosions start and Kirishima starts swinging, hardening his arms.

"No," Thirteen says, getting their balance, "Don't get involved. The signals aren't working so someone has to go run to alert the pro heros." They run back in. Katsuki and Kiri are both still fighting by their side.

"Iida you should go, you can run fast." Izuku thinks

Iida hesitates before saying, "As class representative, I will not let our class down." and rushes out. The purple warp gate man has reached where we are all standing. The purple cloud starts to surround us. I glance around seeing everyone's reactions around me.

"Alright I'm sick of this shit." I complained. I cracked my knuckles as I walked forward, I noticed Todoroki follow suit. Before I can make an actual move I feel a cloud encase me.

"Hello?" Everything goes black.

I regain feeling and conscious finally as I notice I'm at the Landslide obstacle standing next to Todoroki. I turn to see a group of villains approaching us. "Step back," He says coldly. I take a couple steps behind him.

He freezes all of them by just stomping his foot down, a similar move he did during class.

"Well now I feel like no help again." I mentioned jokingly but it ended up falling short. I just breezed over it like it was nothing.

"Ok so do you know what's going on?" I asked desperately for an answer. He just shook his head no. He walks forward and defrosts one of their heads.

"If I leave you here you'll die of hypothermia. Since I'm aspiring to be a hero, that's not really in my best interest. Now tell us everything and I'll let you go." He says to him. I never realized how scary he could be when he wants to. The villains obliged and just explained how they were there to get All Might.

He begins to melt the ice as I walk around teleporting them all into the mud and dirt that was around us, the weight trapping them.

"You know you can be pretty scary when you want to be." I joke once more hoping to get a reaction this time. I mean is it a real fight if there was no banter?

"With how you are when you're mad, I could say the same. We need to get back to the others, quickly." He said.

"Right." I nodded. "I can teleport us over there but I need contact, take my hand." He obliges and does what I say. "This might make you queasy or it might not, it always depends on the person." I take a deep breath and as I exhale we're back where we started.

I see Aizawa on the ground beaten up badly so i go back and forth between the decisions I could make. I inevitably male up my mind as I turn to Todoroki.

"Help everyone else, I'm going to help Aizawa sensei." Before he could object I'm already down to help Aizawa deal with the villian who was speaking earlier. He had silver hair and hands all over his body, as well as one covering his face. Then again, that didn't seem needed since his hair covered a majority of it anyways.

"Neri, or should I say Arisu. It's been a while hasn't it?" I cringed hearing my name being called.

"It's Neri to you." I demanded.

"Come on it hasn't been that long has it? I suppose it has considering Io has been gone for what, 3, 4 years now? Oh I was never good at time. You would remember I'm assuming, aren't you good with time?"

"What business do you have with my brother?" I state as my hands curled into a fist.

"It's a shame, isn't it? You know ever since he died we've lost a valuable member of our team." He says. I know it's just a way for him to get under my skin, but dammit it works well.

I run at him appearing as though I'm just going for a punch when my foot discreetly touches a rock that appears on top of his head hitting him off his balance. By the time I reach him I actually punch him into the fountain. He scratches his neck as if there was a rash on his rather pale skin.

"Fine. Play that way.. Nomu." He spat. I hear the ground shake and turn to see a huge human-like monster face me. It's eyes were almost bulging out of it's head and it's brain was exposed. It looked like a monster in a movie that you saw when you were a kid but haven't let go of the scarring imagine in your mind.

What kind of fucking mad scientist experiment gone wrong is this? Frankenstein headass.

[A/n: short chapter to leave it on a cliff if you haven't already seen what happens in the main storyline.]

[A/n (edited): ik there's a lot of stuff that teleporting could be of use for in this franchise, but for the sake of my sanity I don't want a boring storyline and just following the flow is sm easier. I'm saying this now cause it's gonna come up again where teleporting would be convenient but it doesn't happen for the drama]

My Past, Present, and Future [Bakugo x Reader x Todoroki]Where stories live. Discover now