The Revenge of Grindelwald

By RebeccaWesley1

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This book takes place after the events of Fantastic Beasts: Secrets of Dumbledore. Newt, Theseus, Tina, Queen... More

Chapter 1: Nightmares
Chapter 2: Healing
Chapter 3: Diagon Alley
Chapter 4: Home for Christmas
Chapter 5: Mr. Scamander
Chapter 6: Gone
Chapter 7: Rescued
Chapter 8: House Arrest and Bed Rest
A/N Not An Update
Chapter 10: Ice, Ice Baby
Chapter 11: For the Greater Good
Chapter 12: Hit the Books

Chapter 9: Father of The Year

160 1 2
By RebeccaWesley1

Newt almost choked on his sausage link as Theseus brought up the time their mother was pissed at them when they set off a firework spell in Newt's room. Tears were streaming down everyone's faces from laughing so hard. Newt, Theseus, Tina, Bunty, Credence, Nagini, his mother, Queenie, and Jacob sat on the floor or in chairs.

"Mother was furious," Newt chuckled at the memory.

"Remember that time where I taught you how to ice skate and you fell every time?" Theseus pouted at the memory, he didn't like being in the spotlight of embarrassment. Suddenly, Newt gasped.

"That's a great idea! We should all go ice skating soon. I can teach you all. I still have gifts for all of you." Newt was beaming, despite still being injured.

"How much longer do I have to stay in this bed anyway? I feel much better, thank you." The young Scamander proclaimed, gulping down some more water. He had forgotten how good it felt to have food and water. Queenie shot him a pointed look.

"At least two more days, mister." He groaned before sinking back into the pillows. He hated being taken care of, he hated being a burden (even though everyone else will tell him he's not, because he's not). Newt hated not being able to see his creatures, be with them.

"Don't worry, we'll bring your case to you, we just think you need some more time to rest." I forgot how bossy she could get. Queenie raised her eyebrow, before Newt attempted to hide under the covers, ignoring the weird look his brother gave him. Theseus checked his wrist watch and cringed before saying,

"I'm really sorry, Newt, but Tina and I really have to go to work. I don't feel comfortable leaving you here but I really have work I need to attend to." Newt tried not to look forlorn as Tina left the room to go change into her work clothes, his brother doing the same. Tina came back in a few moments later, wearing black slacks, and a cream-colored blouse. Theseus was wearing his normal suit and tie.

"I'll be home in a little while, I'll see you later." Theseus promised. He ruffled his little brother's hair before walking out of the room.

"Promise me you'll still be here when I get back." Tina asked.

"I promise."

"Good," was the last thing Tina said before planting a soft kiss on his cheek and exiting the room.

"It's okay, Newt, we'll play some games with you so you don't get bored." Jacob announced. The others nodded and Newt gave them a grateful smile.


"You ready?" Theseus asked Tina. She winced a little at the thought of traveling through the Floo again. She took a breath and said she was ready. He held the bag out to her, they both grabbed a handful, and said, "Ministry of Magic" at the same time.

The fire didn't hurt, it just surprised her. She had only used it twice, including this time. Tina was just grateful the fire wasn't blue, she didn't know if she could handle a panic attack at the moment. Tina couldn't hold back the gasp of surprise as they entered a large room, underground. There was a bronze statue in the middle of the room, with multiple windows and offices. Tina couldn't help the amazement she felt. Theseus motioned for her to follow him until they found themselves taking the elevator down to the auror floor.

"Mr. Scamander, Miss Goldstein, so glad you could make it," another auror greeted. Tina, Theseus, and four other aurors sat around a round table, starting the meeting. Theseus cleared his throat.

"I'm assuming you want a full report on the defeat of Grindelwald. But I assure you one thing, he is not gone and he is certainly not defeated. He's been building in the shadows, gathering strength once more. His followers are just getting angrier, their attacks random and vicious. Two weeks ago, Grindelwald and his followers came to my home, attacked us, and kidnapped and tortured my baby brother. I want Grindelwald found, and I believe we caught someone who can help us figure out what he's planning." Theseus paused, trying to ignore the sickening flips his stomach was making when he said the name. Dang, Theseus, way to ease them into it. Very subtle.

"Frank Scamander...... my father." There were murmurs heard through the room. He flinched before regaining composure.

"Then we must speak to him at once," an auror, George, insisted.

"We will speak with him in pairs. He is mad, he is not to be trusted. He will try to manipulate you, do not fall prey to that manipulation. But more on that later, I'm not finished with my briefing, Mr. West," Theseus gave him a pointed look. George looked down, embarrassed. Theseus cleared his throat before casting a projection spell. Tina realized what this was.

"Wait, you noticed the map as well?" Tina directed her question to the Scamander in the room.

"Of course I noticed the map, it took up an entire wall and had red dots all over it."

"What do you think it means? Could it have something to do with what Grindelwald is planning?" Emily, a new auror, inquired.

"We believe so. We also believe Frank has inside information on what it means." Tina answered.

"Um, who let the American in here? Who is she anyway?" Emily asked. Tina barely held composure, her third finger itching to be waved in front of the new auror, but she wouldn't do that, she was a professional.

"She is the Head Auror of MACUSA, she was with me when we rescued my brother and captured Frank," Theseus responded before Tina could answer.

"That is all I have for today, we can go down now if you're ready." The others nodded, Theseus and Tina leading the way, Oliver, George, Emily, and Jack following suit. Jack and Emily entered the grey, concrete interrogation room. The two seated themselves in the metal chairs, facing the prisoner in cuffs.

"Hello, what can I help you with, today?" Frank greeted, smiling like he had everything under control. Theseus just wanted to punch his smug face, but he wouldn't because he was a professional. Though, that didn't stop him from thinking about it.

"We want you to tell us what this is," Jack produced the projection. Frank took a closer look at the image and laughed. At first it was a light chuckle, but it quickly turned into a cold laugh. The cold laugh soon turned into a maniacal cackle. The confident look on Emily and Jack's face slipped into one of unsureness and nervousness.

"Is my son in there? Tell him I will only talk to his brother. Alone." Frank said after he finally stopped laughing. Then, he turned to look through the mirror, seemingly making eye contact with him. This sent a chill down both Tina's and Theseus's spine. Theseus growled and practically threw the door open.

"You won't touch Newt or see him ever again! So you can kiss your chance of tormenting him goodbye."

"As well as your chances at winning this war. If you want me to talk, I will only talk to him." Frank stated, matter-of-factly. Theseus rolled his eyes, grabbed Tina's wrist, went back to the fireplaces, and disappeared.

The house was warm and still decorated for Christmas. It was almost 5 o'clock by the time Tina and Theseus arrived at home. Theseus looked exhausted and Tina looked like she wanted to puke.

"Newt?! What are you doing up and around?" Tina rushed over to him as Queenie helped walk him over to the couch.

"You have a very stubborn boyfriend, you know that?" Queenie said as her sister approached them.

"I'm still a little sore but I'm feeling much better. Plus, mum hasn't seen all my new creatures." He blushed at what Queenie said, noticing the bright red creeping up on Tina's cheeks. Jacob, Nagini, and Hazel all looked thrilled to go into Newt's case. Bunty set down Newt's case and entered, beckoning for them to follow. After a bit of struggle Newt made it down the ladder, Theseus helping his mother down so as to not fall. She patted his cheek, her smile bright once again, before continuing deeper into the case.

"Woah," was the only word that escaped her lips. She gasped as they passed the Zouwu enclosure, it was a truly majestic creature. She giggled as the moon calves gobbled up the food Jacob threw to them. Newt snickered at his brother when he started to run from the Graphorns. Queenie enjoyed feeding the baby Nifflers some walnuts, they don't eat large amounts of food, while Nagini was feeding the Occamies. Bunty was feeding the Bowtruckles, bringing Pickett over to Newt. Pick squeaked with happiness when he saw that his friend was alive. Bunty smiled and set him down on his shoulder, leaving them to talk. Pickett went on chittering about being more careful, before hugging his cheek. Newt smiled, his blue eyes lighting up, his freckles illuminated in the warm glow of the lights.

"Oh, I have gifts for all of you, Accio." Suddenly, a picnic basket was flying through the air until it landed in Newt's arms. They all sat in a circle in the grass as their Christmas officially started.

"I'm sorry I didn't have time to wrap any of them but here you go." Newt pulled out a collection of baking items and a book with a red and gold cover. He handed them to Jacob, who beamed, happy to receive the gift from his friend. He read the wispy cursive inside the cover of the book:

Dear Jacob, I'm so happy you're my friend. You've shown kindness and bravery, willing to follow me on the craziest of adventures. I hope you enjoy the book, seeing your curiosity in my creatures sparked enough encouragement in me to keep writing and finish my book. Thank you for being my friend.


Newt noticed the tears in Jacob's eyes when he looked up from the book. He smiled and walked over to give him a hug.

"Thanks man, I appreciate it. I can't wait to learn more about the creatures in your world."

Next, he pulled out an emerald green nightgown with a silver belt and fluffy green slippers for Nagini. He also bought her a silver snake bracelet with green eyes. Her face lit up and she thanked him.

"I have one more thing." Newt pulled out another Fantastic Beasts book, checking the message inside the front to make sure he was giving her the right message. Nagini delicately opened the book and read the note Newt left for her. She was in tears once she finished reading it.

Newt passed a book to Queenie, along with a navy blue box. Queenie opened the box and gasped. Inside, on a silver chain, was the silhouette of a Niffler holding a coin, with one pink diamond for an eye. Queenie set the box down and picked up the book. She opened it to the front page, reading the message it contained:

Queenie, you are an amazing person. I'm glad your sister arrested me. If it hadn't been for that, I would have never known a bright witch such as yourself. You are a great healer as well, you've saved my life on multiple occasions. I hope you and Jacob live a long, happy life together. Thank you for saving me and thank you for being my friend.


P.S. Please stop reading my mind.

Queenie giggled at the last part.

"Aw, thank you Newt, I'll try," she winked. He looked down and blushed in embarrassment.

"Bunty, these are for you," Newt said as he pulled out a new pair of blue and black, velvet, slippers.

"I know you were disappointed when the Zouwu found them and thought they were a chew toy." He remembered how upset she was, he remembered turning to the cat-like creature to see it innocently chewing on her favorite pair of slippers.

"I also got you some Earl Grey tea bags," He muttered, pulling out the tea bags and another copy of his book. She flipped to the front cover and started to read, repeating the actions of the others.

Dear Bunty, you have done so much for me. I remember how the creatures used to drive you crazy, but you grew to love them. You still stuck with them, you still stuck with me, no matter how many times the Nifflers escaped or how many times you had to save the world. I want to thank you for all that you have done, for being a friend and a caretaker to my creatures and I. You took care of my creatures when they were sick, or just feeling lonely and sad. You forced me to eat because Merlin knows I forgot to eat... a lot. Thank you again for being my best friend.


She sighed after she finished, still keeping her face buried in the book to keep her blush hidden from Newt.

"Thank you, Newt. Thank you for introducing me to your creatures in the first place. Happy Christmas!"

Newt gave Bunty a gentle smile before producing a gift for his mother.

"This is from a Hippogriff, it gave one of its feathers as a gift because I nursed it back to health when one of its wings had been injured, no big deal, and I wanted to give it to you." She admired the beautiful, silky, white feather.

"This is also for you," he continued, pulling out a crocheted Hippogriff. "I made this myself, I hope you like it." He gave a shy smile.

"Aw, Newt, I love it, thank you sweetheart." Hazel beamed and kissed her son on the cheek. He reciprocated the action.

"Also, I have this for you." He pulled out the familiar book with the red and gold cover. She opened the front cover and started to read, tears already stinging her eyes.

To the woman who started it all, who sparked my love for magizoology. Without you, none of this would have happened. I know father didn't approve of me going into the field but you always supported me, I would like to thank you for that. And not just for that, for bringing me into this world in the first place. You have taught me how to be kind, compassionate, and sensitive to creatures and humans. I just want to say thank you, you are the most amazing mum anyone can ask for. I love you, mum.


By the time she had finished reading the message she had happy tears streaming down her face, one plopping on the crisp, textured paper. Hazel couldn't help but notice the tear stain next to hers.

"I love you, Newt," Hazel said while giving him a watery smile.

"I love you too, mum."

"Theseus, this is- Teddy, let- please let go, this isn't yours, it's Theseus's," Newt scolded the Niffler, pulling him out with a yellow and black tie with a gold badger on it. He passed the Fantastic Beasts book along with the tie to inspect. He opened to the cover page as he had seen the others do, and started to read.

Theseus, I know haven't always had the best relationship but I would like to work on that. I am pleased that we have been able to see each other, work together, and even save the world together. I'm glad I have you as my brother and I want you to know that I love you, that's the truth. I know you'll always be there for me. You were there to help take care of my injuries when I was younger, mum was furious and frightened when I fell out of that tree and scraped up my arms and face. But you were always there to fix me up. I will always be there for you. I love you so much.


"I love you bro, and thanks for the tie. Although I think Teddy might want to add it to his collection." Everyone chuckled as the Niffler once again tried to steal the tie. Newt just rolled his eyes before reverently handing Tina her gifts.

"This," he gestured to the feather in his hand, "Is a feather from Frank, my Thunderbird." He heard a soft gasp escape her lips as she gently held the white and gold feather, it being surprisingly soft and sparky. Tina set the feather down and picked up the book, flipping through it, seeing a glimpse of her future. The future she wanted with Newt.

My dear Tina, oh, sorry if that sounds possessive or too clingy, you are the gold in my Niffler eyes. You are an angel sent from above and I don't know what I did to deserve you. Your beautiful, bright smile can rival the sun and I want to wake up to that smile every morning. I don't know how I can live without you. After I left New York and found out that I had been banned from travel, I awoke almost every night from nightmares about never seeing you again. Until, one day, Jacob informed me that you were in Paris. I knew I had to get to you, explain the mishap, even if it meant breaking the law, which the Ministry is still a little frustrated with me about. After Queenie left, I thought I would never see that beautiful smile again, but now I get to see it every day again. I am ecstatic that you are happy once more, and it would make me happy if you would say yes to being my girlfriend. I love you Porpentina Esther Goldstein.


She blushed as she circled a yes or a no at the bottom of the crisp, fresh paper with her wand. She handed him back the book, he opened it, blushed, before giving it back to her, wearing a shy smile. Temporarily forgetting that her younger sister could read minds she couldn't help but think to herself, I love you too, Newton Artemis Fido Scamander. The rest of the group was silent except for Queenie looking like she was going to burst with excitement. Queenie winked at Theseus, Hazel, Nagini, and Jacob. Jacob sighed as he handed three sickles over to Nagini, who whooped in victory.

"We'll give you two some privacy," Theseus suggested as he winked at his brother before exiting the case, the others following. That left Tina and Newt in the case to give the creatures a quick feeding. The rest of the evening consisted of laughing, telling stories, and drinking hot cocoa. Every time Tina laughed, her eyes sparkled like star sapphire, he really was in love with this woman. When Hazel came down to ask the two if they wanted dinner, she found them nestled in the grass, surrounded by Nifflers, Bowtruckles, and a Demiguise. Hazel laughed to herself, that was her future daughter-in-law.


-Newt Scamander lover

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