Wings of Life

By maxxie4345

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Lilly is a kind hearted girl who is shy and quiet. She's used to change and was forced to move around a lot a... More

#1: A Normal Day
#2: lost puppy
#3: Strong Heart School
#4: Fairy College
#5: first day
#6: wings
#7: library
#8: dinner for 2
#9: birthday
#10: Zandite
#11: Royal family of Zandite
#13: surprise
#14: heart diamond
#15: knuckle sandwich
#16: fire power
#17: visit home
#18: hover bike
#19: undercover
#20: The Gala
#21: safe & sound
#22: zombieland
#23: finally
#24: good heart
#25: the beginning

#12: specialist competition

39 1 0
By maxxie4345

After the weekend with my grandparents I came back we came back to Alfea for a week of classes. It's been easier to do the little spells. Nothing has blown up yet. But I couldn't transform. I tried everything but nothing worked.


"Cindy hurry up we're gonna be late!" I shout from the living room where Bella, Pearl and I are waiting for Cindy who's taking forever to get ready.

"Cindy the boys are going to start soon!" Bella yells.

The door finally opens. With Cindy looking beautiful in a crop top and jeans. I'm just wearing a hoodie and leggings.

"Cindy you know it's cold?" I ask her as we start walking to the door.

"Fire fairy secret......we don't get too cold" she whispers and we all laugh.

"Alright come on we'll miss the next bus if we don't hurry" I tell the girls.

"Oh we don't need the bus we have this" Cindy pulls her ring off.

"Uhhh how does that help us?" I look at her strangely

"This" and it turns into this magic staff with a fire gem thing at the top. "The Eternal flame helps transport much easier" she says waving her staff around the room and I feel funny sparkles over my body and I'm floating then the next thing I know is I'm standing in strong hearts garden. "We're here!" Cindy cheers

I look around and feel sick. "It's normal to have some sickness the first few'll get use to it" Cindy says as she puts the ring away.

I take a few deep breaths and the nausea disappears. Cindy loops her arm in mind and Bella's as I grab Pearl when we start walking to the arena.

Red fountain, strong heart and specialists from the other magical colleges all gather in the Strong Heart battle arena. Some specialists are warming up, others talking, others getting ready with weapons and other things.

We all walk to seats on the second row. And sit down together. "I'm excited" I hold onto cindy and Pearl.

"I heard it's a good show" Pearl tells me giving my hand a squeeze

"They do all these categories like sword fighting, dragons, team battle, beast wrangling and weapons display" Cindy lists out

Dragons? "DRAGONS?" I look over at her. My eyes wide.

"Yea they tame wild dragons and they do a dragon show with the ones they've bonded with" Cindy explains.

"That's like a rodeo" I voice out.

"What's a rodeo?" Bella asks.

I forgot they aren't from earth. "It's where people ride horses and do all these different tricks and things with the horse or bull" I try explaining.

"So like what the boys are doing today? But an earth version" Bella interprets

"Yea I'll take you guys one day!"

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. FAIRIES AND ELFS. WELCOME TO THE WINTER SPECIALIST SHOWCASE. Our lovely gentlemen have been working and training very hard for today so let's hear it for our first show. Sword fighting"

Pairs of guys would come in. Some wearing blue, some red, other green and some purple. I guess each school has a different color. Now I see Ray walking in wearing blue and he's fighting Tyler in red.

"Oh this is going to be good" Cindy scoots to the edge of her seat. I hate to see I agree but I agree. This is going to be interesting. Ray looks mad. Serious. Tyler doesn't seem to care. Ugh.

"Begin" the guy says and they start swinging. Ray went first and hard. Tyler wasn't expecting something so strong and now he's pissed. They're both swinging hard. Neither one budging.

Tyler swung hard and down but Ray held his sword in front of him. His other hand holding the blade as Tyler pushed down hard. Ray went down on one knee, the battle sounds of grunts and groans from both boys.

"This is intense" Pearl says next to me. Yea. It is. Ray has to win.

Ray pushed Tyler up and down as there sword flew to the side. I start screaming. "YEAAAAASS"

Ray put his glowing green blade to Tyler's neck. After a second he out his sword away. And held his hand out for Tyler. Tyler took his hand standing up patting Ray on the back. "Good fight....but next time your mine." They both laughed and walked off.

"I don't get it. One minute they are trying to kill each other and the next they're besties" Cindy says. I nod in agreement.

"Yes boys are weird" Bella says and we all have a little laugh. After more battles and us making little jokes here and there and betting who will win. They finished the weapons portion and now it's dragon time.


Ray, Dimitri, Simon and Brady walk out as a dragon comes into few. He was giant. His head reaching the top rows of the stadium. His scales were red, thick, his wings were giant. Twice his size and his claws could rip you apart. This is dangerous.

They let the dragon go. It's magic muzzle disappears and the chain around his neck is gone too. The boys start surrounding it. Ray has a rope with a ball at the end. He throws it tying the dragons front claws together and runs to the dragon. As it fell forward.

He climbed up the dragon as cheers from the crowd filled the air. I was just watching I couldn't even take my eyes away.

A dark cloud started forming over the arena. And everyone gasps soon a purple lightning bolt zapped the dragon and it goes crazy. Ray held onto its neck as the dragon ripped out of the rope and flew out of the barrier that was keeping it down. Everyone started screaming and running out of the arena.

"We have to do something" I stood up looking at the girls.

"You don't have to tell me twice." Cindy smiled standing on the seat running down the bleachers. "Alright ladies time to kick dragon ass" Cindy shouted as she jumped up. "ETERNAL FLAME" she screams mid air and orange fire magic surrounds her and bam. She's flying up.

"FAIRY OF OCEANS" the blue magic around Pearl and now she's off flying.

"FAIRY OF WIND" a purple cyclone wraps Bella and now she's flying off to the dragon.

I groan running to the railings. I'm so useless I can't even fight. I only know a few spells. The other specialists help the crowd get to safety. I see Tyler guiding people out and he sees me. Not now.

3 other dragons escaped the cages they were in and came into the arena flying towards the guys. What's happening!



(Imagine Musa and Stella)

I heard girls screaming and see two other fairies flying up. Attacking the dragons with sound waves and balls of light. It's Lucia!!!

I have to help. Tyler started walking towards me. Think how can I help. I look down and There's a sword on the arena floor under me. Ok perfect. I hop over the rail landing on my feet. I guess combat is paying off. Tyler looks over at me and I hear him call my name. As I run to the sword.

I picked up the yellow glowing sword and run over to the green dragon that was attacking Lucia.

I run in and slash his front right leg which causes him to fall. "LILLY TRANSFORM!" Lucia shouts. "LIGHT CAGE" she trapped the green dragon in a yellow light cage.

"I CANT" I yell back running to the blue dragon that the pink sound fairy was attacking. Lucia made an Oh face and went on to help her friend. It started flying away and the fairies flew after it.

I rush over to Simon who was trying to calm a purple angry dragon. Dimitri is behind the dragon as Simon and I are in front on both sides.

"LILLY WHAT ARE YOU DOING" Simon shouts as we both roll out of the dragons way.

"IM HELPING" I yell back and run to slash the dragons leg. I cut his leg pretty deep and he starts falling. I run out of the way. He's falling fast.

"LILLY" someone shouts and I feel an arm pulling me to the side and out of the dragons way.

I cough as the sand and dust flies up as the dragon roars and blew fire. FIRE. At Simon. NO. He didn't see it. "BARRIER OF LIFE" I shout and throw my magic at him blocking the fire.

"Nice one" dimitri says with a smile helping me up.

"Thanks....I've been practicing" I sigh as we run over to Simon and I take my barrier down. "You okay?" I ask him as dimitri helped him up.

"Thanks lilly. I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier" I smile at him.

"Don't worry about it....I know a thing or two about fighting" the boys got a muzzle on the dragon and gave it some medicine to sleep. I look up to see Ray on the red dragons neck. And the girls around it attacking it trying to get Ray off.

Ray being the idiot he is stood up and tried to walk down the dragon but the dragon turned to its side to avoid Cindy's attack and he slipped.

Rays falling. "WHAT DO WE DO" I yell running to where Ray was falling. Shit. Simon and Dimitri came to me.

"USE YOUR MAGIC" Simon yelled

"I DONT KNOW HOW" I screamed back. I closed my eyes and held my hands up towards Ray. "Come on" my highs start tingling and glowing but it's not working. I can't focus. "It's not working" I cry out. He's getting closer and closer.

"NOOOOO" I screamed and I felt my whole body tingle as a white light surrounds me. I feel power wash over me as my magic gets stronger. I feel wings on my back.

"I DID IT!" I shout and look up at Ray. How do I fly. Just fly right? I flutter my wings and my feet leave the floor. IM FLYING. I zoom up to Ray and catch him. He's kinda heavy.

I'm able to lower us down to the floor where Simon and dimitri helped me carry him. "You transformed" Ray says as he stands.

"I guess I just needed the right motivation" I smile at him. "Now I'm going to fly. Fly! Can you believe that." I give him a wave as I zoom up to help Lucia.

"YOU DID IT!" Lucia cheered as she used her shield to block the dragons fire.

"I DID! I'm still not sure how but I'm here to help" I smile as the dragon looks over at me. Dam it.

He shoots fire at me. I panic what was the spell. I held my arm in front of me and a green shield appeared like a leaf. I'm flying and using magic. This is so cool!



What do I say? "BOLT OF LEAVES" I just said a random nature spell from one of those books I read. A green lightning bolt with leaves scattered in hits the dragon and it turns to me roaring. He's mad. Ok I'm a fairy of nature. The fairy of life. I can help the dragon.

I fly closer to it and he hits me with some fire causing me to fall back a few feet before my wings starts fluttering again. "Fine have it your way. LUCIA DISTRACT THE DRAGON I HAVE TO GET CLOSER"

"HEY DRAGON OVER HERE" he looks over at her blowing fire. I fly behind its head and place my hand on his nose. I can feel it's confusion and anger. It's dark and negative magic. I open my eyes and see a purple hue blocking my vision.

The dragon keeps moving its head around hitting me with its snout. That hurt. I'm falling. Work. Wings come on. They flutter but I'm not flying. Come on. Stupid wings. Stupid flying. I have to practice.

Someone catches me. "Need a lift?" Ray smiled at me flying up closer to the dragon.

"Perfect timing.....these wings are hard to control" I smile at him flying up. "Catch you later" I wink and fly back to the pissed dragon.

"ROPES OF LIGHT" Lucia managed to wrap her magic around his snout. "HURRY LILLY I CANT HOLD HIM" I placed both of my hands on his head. The dark magic coming into me. I can feel the dragons anger and frustration. He's mad but doesn't know why.

"Pollen of healing" I do my spell and blow my magical pollen into the dragons nose. He shook his head and his once black eyes are now normal. Lucia let's go and the dragon calmly flew down to the arena. I flew over to the red dragon cindy and the girls were attacking.

"POLLEN OF HEALING" i close my eyes focusing my energy. There are three dragons I need a lot more magic. I grow the ball of glowing pollen in my hands. Putting my energy into it. I release my breath as the pollen flies around to the dragons. All of them calming down. I fly down to the two tied up in the arena as the rest of the fairies fly down.

The cuts and bruises from the fight healing and I released the ropes around them.

The red dragon came towards me nudged me gently with his head. "Thank you fairy of life.....please call me if you ever need help"

I heard his voice in my head. MY HEAD? I smile at him as the dragons flew away.

"THAT WAS SO COOL LILLY!!! You saved the dragons and looked so hot doing it" Cindy cheers giving me a hug. "AND YOU TRANSFORMED!!" She pulls back. "You look hot girly" she smiles looking at my fairy outfit. It's a green little dress it's beautiful really. My wings feel funny on my back but I'll get use to it I guess.

"I don't know how I just felt my magic explode and then I had wings" I smiled at her. Lucia and her friend came towards us. "Thanks for the help Lucia"

"Where there's danger im there" she laughs "this is harmony my friend" she introduced us to her pink fairy friend.

"Nice to meet you girls" harmony waved

[Bella] "you guys were awesome! Totally kicking butt"


[Harmony] "thanks guys. It's nice to meet everyone" she smiles

[Lucia] "so what did you do to the dragons?"

"I just touched him and felt this dark magic controlling his mind so I healed him" I shrug smiling at everyone staring at me

"So your a nature fairy?" Harmony asks and I nod. "So your specialty is healing? But your able to communicate with animals as well.....I guess you have more then one speciality. Your quite special" harmony smiles at me.

I was going to thank her when I turn around and see a bolt of purple lighting coming towards me. shield. I thought and my green shield popped up just in time the lighting pushing me back a little.

What. I look up and see the witches from earlier. "Are you kidding me" I mumble. Jacinta and the other two witches fly behind her with smiles.

"I guess those dragons didnt do their job....these fairies are still breathing" Jacinta says looking over at the red witch.

"I'm sorry I don't know what happened.....They were under my spell" the red witch stumbles over her words. That poor girl.

I fly up to the witches. "Just leave already" I grit out

[Jacinta] "oh I'm so scared of some little fairy with baby wings" she teases and throws a spell at me.

I block it easily. I didn't know I could do that. The spell fell to the floor covering the spot in darkness.

"Sisters! Get rid of those fairies." She points her hand to my friends on the ground. "This one is mine" her dark eyes glaring at me.

"DARK VISION" she yells throwing a black ball of magic at me.

"FLOWER POWER" I felt so dumb just now but it worked. Her spell turned into flowers. I smiled to myself. Nature fairies rock.

"SUMMER RAGE" I scream attacking her with a strong beam of energy. Bullseye. I hit her hard. She flew back a few feet.

"Ok. It's serious now.....WHIRLWIND OF SHADOWS" she screams as a small black tornado forms coming straight at me. Oh no. I try flying away but I got shucked in.

I try flying out but its too strong. I groan out as the wind starts tightening around me. "Orb of nature" I say quietly to myself. I hope this is the right spell. A green ball appears around me protecting me from the wind. I fly out of the tornado and smile at Jacinta. She gives me a smirk flying to Ray who was on his hover bike attacking one of the other witches.

"Oh Ray Bear. Remember me" she smirks and hits him off his bike.

"NO NO NO" I scream flying down to him. "NATURES FURY" I scream and a bright beam shoots at two of the witches from my hands. I poured my heart into that. Jacinta and the purple witch fall down with the red one flying after them as I try reaching Ray.

Come on. I reach out to him. "Petal cradle" I say as I can't reach him. A bed of green petals surrounds Ray and floats him down to the floor. "RAY." I kneel down next to him. "Please tell me your alright" I held his head up.

He coughs and smiles up at me. "I'm fine...."

"I'm going to kill her" I fly back up and I see red.

I start conjuring a powerful energy ball in my hands. It starts turning dark....and darker. I throw it at Jacinta and she groans and falls back down to the floor rubbing her head. "That was a strong dark spell for a little fairy" she groans out looking at me.

I start throwing energy balls at the witches. They keep getting darker and darker. Cindy flies in front of me her fire barrier surrounding her. "LILLY STOP" I hit cindy and her barrier absorbs it. My eyes open wide as I stare at my friend in front of me. I sigh.

"Sorry Cindy" I put my magic down.

Jacinta flew away "ILL BE BACK FOR YOU LITTLE PIXIES" and she disappeared.

"It's okay Lilly you just got a little heated is all" Cindy flew to me holding her hand out. "Come on let's go" we fly down. I keep staring down to the floor.


[Bella] "you really showed them who's boss"

[Pearl] "are you feeling okay?"

I smile at all the girls. "I'm fine....just a little mad is all"

[Harmony] "you really are a strong fairy....are you the fairy of the energy of life? By any chance?"

"I uh- I think so" I look at harmony tilting my head.

"You have one of the magic creations of the dimension" she says in awe staring at me.

"I guess? I'm not really sure on all of this"

"Let's go back to Alfea. Catling is going to want a report on what happened" Pearl tells us as Silas the head master came out with other specialists behind him.

"Thank you for the help fairies....but we can take it from here" he smiles and the other specialists start cleaning up the mess. The girls fly up and I look at Ray. He won't look at me. I groan and fly catching up to the girls.

"ILL RACE YOU" I shout at the girls as I fly faster. Bella comes zooming past me and my mouth opens. "Hey!" I try going faster but I can't. We all get to Alfea and Bella is sitting down smiling as I land out of breath.

"Took you long enough" Bella smirks at me and laughs.

"How are you so fast?!" I ask that was crazy

"Air fairy....we're known for our fast flying" she tells me. That makes sense.

We wait for the others to land. And the girls all detransform. I don't. I look at them. "How do I un-fairy?" I laugh

"Relax your magic and imagine normal you" Pearl tells me.

I nod and close my eyes feeling my magic come back inside me and poof. I'm back in my hoodie and leggings. "So cool" I say to myself as we all walk to Catling's office to tell her about everything that happened.

Lucia- second year. Fairy of sunlight. Long blonde hair. Green eyes.
Harmony- second year. Lucia's friend. Dark black/blue hair. Blue eyes. Fairy of Echoes.

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