Wings of Life

By maxxie4345

2K 42 30

Lilly is a kind hearted girl who is shy and quiet. She's used to change and was forced to move around a lot a... More

#1: A Normal Day
#2: lost puppy
#3: Strong Heart School
#4: Fairy College
#5: first day
#6: wings
#7: library
#8: dinner for 2
#9: birthday
#10: Zandite
#12: specialist competition
#13: surprise
#14: heart diamond
#15: knuckle sandwich
#16: fire power
#17: visit home
#18: hover bike
#19: undercover
#20: The Gala
#21: safe & sound
#22: zombieland
#23: finally
#24: good heart
#25: the beginning

#11: Royal family of Zandite

39 1 1
By maxxie4345

I see a baby. So cute. The woman was singing a song. She put the sleeping baby to bed. As she stood up she looked at her reflection in the mirror. It's me! No. It's not me. She looks just like me. My mother?

She wrote a letter.

From Earth
December 13, 2001

Dear my sweet rose,

I have a daughter. Lilly. I thought you should know in case one day you get the chance to meet her.

Love, Iris

Someone is shaking me. "Lilly wake up." I open my eyes and see Cindy smiling at me. "Time to eat!" She cheers.

I sit up stretching my arms up as standing. I wobble a little on my first few steps. I really fell asleep with heels on, my feet need a massage later.

We all get guided to this dinner room with a long fancy table like in the incredibles. It's amazing. There's this little tier holder with little finger snacks like muffins and little crackers with cheese and other assortments.

"This is so cute" I breath out walking around the room. It had a wall of windows looking out into the forest beyond the walls.

The door opened as the guys walked in with the queen talking to Ray. "Oh you are a fine gentlemen" she laughs and make their way to us. Ray smiled and walked over to me putting a hand on my back and leaning into my ear.

"I heard you were napping and you have a little something....." he points to the corner of his lip.

"Oh my gosh no" I wipe my lips and he laughs. I push him back and he doesn't even move. "You're so mean" I laugh out.

"Ok.....maybe it was a little joke but I did get you" he smiled. I just roll my eyes as a small smile breaks my stern lips.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen! Sit please so we can eat" queen rose said.

She grabbed my arm and pulled me to sit next to her at the head of the table. After everyone sat down. Ray next to me. The doors opened and the king walked in. I stood up staring at him with a smile. "Thank you for coming your highness"

He nodded his head. "Don't thank me...thank my sweet rose" he smiled at the queen. I sat down as he did next to the queen as people brought out plates of this chicken looking dish. "Please everyone eat" the king said and everyone started eating. It's not chicken but it's good. I look around the table and everyone seems happy.

Bella and Simon are having a quiet conversation and she's laughing. Brady has a pout on his face with a slight smile on the corner of his lips as Cindy talks about something that happened last year at some ball. Pearl is listening to Dimitri as he talks about something.

"So where are you from?" The king asks. Looking at me.

I quickly swallow my food as fast as I can. "I'm from Earth"

[King] "How did you find out you were a fairy? Earth isn't known for magic"

"I's a funny story.....this dog was lost so I decided to help look for it and when I found spoke to me" I laughed "I thought I was crazy.....then there was a witch who was attacking...people....." I look over at Ray.

[Queen Rose] "a witch attacked you? On earth?" She gasped looking surprised.

"Yea but I was able to make a shield then Ray brought me to the magic world and head master Silas said I had magic and here I am"

The king cleared his throat "what were you boys doing on earth? Putting people in danger"

"It wasn't like that sir....The Witch Jacinta found Ray on earth and attacked him" Brady said in a too serious tone.

"So you put my granddaughter in danger?" The king looked over at Ray

"Granddaughter?" I blurted out. I thought he hated me.

"It wasn't like that sir..we were friends on earth I had no idea she was magic....I stopped the attacks and got her help" Ray defends himself.

"He's the reason I'm here!" I shout while the king and I go into a eye stare match.

The queen cleared her throat. "I am glad that he has brought you into our lives......we are grateful to all of you for bringing my Lilly home safe" She holds the king's hand. "We will have a discussion later"

Ray grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. I looked down and laced our fingers together. After a moment of silence and everyone was finished eating. "So your studying at Alfea?" The queen interrupted the silence.

"Yea I was actually having trouble controlling my magic....Catling thought there was a spell blocking it which is why I came here"

"Miss Kaitlyn Catling?"

"I think that's her first name....why?" She knows miss Catling?

"She was your mother's best friend at Alfea" she had a sad happy look on her face.

"Iris went to Alfea?" I turned looking at the queen. Everyone else is quiet trying to be respectful of the conversation.

She nods. "She was one of the realms guardians....let me show you" she stood up taking my hand as I let go of Ray's. "Excuse us everyone. Please make yourselves comfortable." And we left the room.

She walked down the hall into this bedroom, it was green and purple. Untouched by anyone. There was a bookshelf. "This was Iris's room" the queen whispers out.

"She use to send me letters. From her time on Earth. She fell in love and never wanted to leave. She never wanted to leave you but there was dangerous people after her, she was the Guardian of the energy of life. If it is found in the wrong hands it has the power to control life its self."

"so you're telling me that my mother was a princess and a guardian fairy?" I walked around the room

She nods. "After you were born someone tried taking you. Your mother hid you on earth and came back here to fight the Demon Elf to protect you. Catling your mother and a group of other powerful beings fought the elf. He was strong. Some of them lost their life. The others barely escaping. No one speaks of this tragedy. Not a lot of people knew about it. Your mother only told me in case she didn't come back"

"What about my father? And catling? Doesn't she know anything?" I ask maybe catling can remember what happened to my mom.

"I know your father was an Earth boy. He cared very much for your mother and you. I don't know what happened to him. But I think you meeting Ray was destiny" I smile. Meeting Ray was destiny?

"So this Demon Elf? Is the reason my mother is gone? What happened to him?"

"No one knows. Catling barely escaped with her life. The demon was contained somehow by your mother. He's never been seen since" I nod. So she might be alive! Maybe she's just hiding somewhere from the demon.

"Can you tell me everyone about Iris?" I sat on the bed next to rose.

"Of course my flower" she grabbed my hands and started telling me all these stories about my mother. She was brave, a leader, strong, top of the class at Alfea, she was a strong fairy. She went to Earth because she wanted a normal life without the danger of magic. Too many people were after her because she was protecting the energy of life.

She left to protect her future, me. She fell in love with an earth boy. Rose didn't know his name but she had a picture. "Here darling. You should have this" she grabbed the picture from a book and hands it to me.

It's a photo of a man, the woman from my dream and a little baby in their arms. They're smiling in the picture. The man. He has brown hair and green eyes. He's my father. I smile. "Thank you" my eyes tear up. My family.

"You are family. You and your friends are always welcome here! We must have a ball to introduce you as the princess of Zandite!" She springs up with excitement.

"Can we wait a little bit. Just until I can control my's been erratic recently" I smiled at her.

"Yes. The energy of life is hard to control. But it is a part of you. You will be able to handle it and Alfea is the best place for it" she stood up. "Now let's go. Your friends must be waiting to hear about everything and your grandfather might be killing Ray as we speak." We laugh and walk back to the dinning room.

Before we open the door I can hear shouting. "YOU PRINCE OF UNENA PUT HER IN DANGER"


I swung the door open. The two men were standing staring down at each other looking pissed. "STOP" I screamed and a wave of energy escaped from my chest causing everyone to stumble a little and look at me. "Sorry"

Queen rose walked in behind me putting her hand on my shoulder. "You two will follow me" she points at Ray and the King. They stay quiet following behind the queen.

"Uhhhh have some dessert! I'll be back soon" I smile and run out following them down the hall. I see the king walking behind the queen and Ray behind them. I run up to Ray placing my hand on his back. He looked over to me and his sad face turned into a smile.

"Your in trouble" I whisper to her trying to hide my smile when his face turned into one of shock.

"But I- I was defending myself!" He whispers to me as we walk into a room similar to the Maple one with seats places nicely in the middle. The queen stood in the middle as we all walked in. "Now sit" I sat next to Ray as the King sat across from us. "You boys have to get this pride behind....I want my grand daughter to have a stress free day with her grandparents and friends" he sat in a chair next to the king.

I hit Ray's leg with my knee and he clears his throat. "I want to apologize. I allowed my pride get in the way of our conversation earlier"

"I accept your apology" and the queen smacked his back. "I also want to apologize. I know you would never put someone you love in harms way"

Someone he loves. He just said that as a part of his apologize.

"Perfect" the queen smiled. "Now I want to learn everything about our granddaughter" she held the king's hand.

He nodded "yes I would love to learn more about you" I smiled at them.

We talked for hours. They asked me and Ray a bunch of questions about earth and how we met. It got late and even grandpa thanked Ray for bringing me home.

"So how long have you two been dating?" Rose asks and I almost died on my spit.

[ray] "Oh we aren't"

[Me] "Yes we never....

[ray] "we're just friends

[Me] "yea friends"

She smiles. "Well it's good to have a friend you can count on"

"I think it's getting late. We should retire for the night" the king said standing up.

"Yes you are right my dear." I stood up and walked to the queen "my dear sweet dreams" she gave me a hug. I pulled away giving her a smile and hugged the king. My grandpa. He froze for a second then hugged me back.

"Your just like your mother you know" he whispered. "Good night Lilly" we pulled away. "And good night Raymond" he bowed his head and they walked out. I grabbed Ray's hand and pulled him along with me.

We walked the opposite way. Towards our rooms from earlier. "Ill see you later" I smile and kiss his cheek. "Sleep tight"


"The shadows may be dark
But they're full of life
Beware of what embarks
In the land of light"

I jump awake. I groan and wipe the sweat from my face. I look over and see Cindy sleeping peacefully. I don't want to wake her up so I carefully got out of bed and down the hall. I don't really know where I'm going but maybe a walk will help clear my thoughts.

It's pretty dark. I know. There was a simple spell I tried with Ms. Snow. I snap my fingers. A ball of light appears in my hand. I did it!!! And nothing blew up! This is exciting.

I stare up from the ball of light and see a face I scream and fall back.

"Hey Lilly it's just me" I heard Ray's voice. And felt his hand on my arm. "Are you okay?"

He helped me stand and I snap my hand creating a ball of light. "Ray what the tinkerbell! Don't sneak up on people like that it's creepy"

"I didn't mean to. I hear someone so I came to see who. I'm glad it was you" he smiles and points to my ball of light "and congrats on that"

"Thanks. I'm glad it didn't blow anything up" I smiled up at him as our hands found each other and we started walking down the hall. "Do you know where we're going?" I held the ball of light in front of us.

"I think we're going the right way" he says as we turn to this hallway and then he opens this door that leads us outside.

"It's beautiful" I tell him as we walk into this garden. I kinda wish I had shoes on now. I tip toe through the grass then Ray looked back at me. And laughs. "What?" I laugh out.

He bent down. "Come on....your socks are going to get ruined"

"Fine" I jumped on his back and wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my legs grabbing my thighs holding me in place.

He walked in a nice silence, I leaned my head against his shoulder. "I like this" I whispered into the air as a smile made its way to my lips. Us together. This. It just feels so right. I feel safe when I'm with him.

"Yea me too" I can see the smile on his face.

"Am I too heavy?" I randomly ask as we make our way to this bench randomly placed in the middle of this garden.

"You're like a feather." He laughed and the vibrations caused me to giggle. He leaned down and I hopped off onto the bench.

I sit criss-cross facing him as he sat down. I lean my head back looking up at the peaceful sky.

"Beautiful" he says and I look back at him.

"Yes it's really beautiful." He smiles to himself.

"Hey...I never got to thank you for helping me" I tell him as he turns to me.

"Thank me for what?" He brought his arm over to the top of the bench and leaned against it.

"Thank you for everything....bringing me here, getting me inside, saving my life a few times, helping me find my family and being my're the person I can always trust and count on" I grabbed his hand in both of mine giving it a squeeze.

"Lil....I'll always be here for you. On earth or anywhere in the magic dimension. I....I care about you a lot and I will always care......I like being with you"

I smile and get on my knees reaching over giving him a giant hug. He's really the best friend ever. I just don't know who else I would even talk to or just spend time with.

We stayed in a hug for a while. His arms around my waist and my arms around his neck. I pull away slowly sitting on my knees. I yawned causing him to yawn too.

We both laughed and he stood up. "Alright.....let's get going sleepy head" he held his hands behind him getting ready to hold me.

"I'm not that sleepy" I yawned again causing him to give me an airy laugh. I wrap my arms around his neck and jumped up wrapping my legs around his waist as his arms held onto me.

He starts walking through the gardens back to the door we came out of. He pulls the handle and it's locked. I laugh and hop off his back. I pull on the door and it doesn't move.

"You thought that would work?" He laughs.

"I just had to make sure" I do have magic. I hold the handle and my hand starts glowing as I focus my energy on the lock and turning it but it zapped me back blowing me off my feet and back a few yards landing with a thud on my butt.

"Ow...that stung" I rub my hand. Ray came rushing to my side and kneeled down.

"Are you okay? What hurts?" He looks frantic. I laugh at his sweet face as he grabs my hand gently rubbing it and looking it over.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. Just surprised. I guess the locks are magic proof." I start standing and he gives me a hand. "It's so late no one is going to be awake."

"There are guards by the front gate. They could let us back in?" Ray said bending back down. "Hop on.....I'll talk to them"

I jumped up wrapping myself like a monkey on his toned back once again. I'm starting to get use to this. We walk around the palace and it gets dark at one point so I made my little ball of energy and held it in front of us by a levitating spell. "Magic is way easier now after that whole possessed thing happened" I laugh out.

We've been walking for a while, this place is huge. I see some light in front of us and guards. I turn my little orb of light off and hold onto ray as another yawn escapes my lips. The guards saw us and held those little spears out.

"WHO GOES THERE" one of them shout. He is the one from earlier. Once we get closer I smile giving them a wave.

"Hey....I kinda got us locked out in the garden"

"Oh Princess.....please come in." They opened the gate.

"Thank you so much Sir..."

"Sir William" he bowed his head.

"Sir William please call me Lilly" I gave him a smile.

Ray walked us in and we got into the hall and towards our rooms. I hopped down. "Thanks for carrying me around and keeping me company" I smiled up at him shifting my weight from each foot.

He took my hand kissing it. "It was my pleasure and thank you Princess for getting us back inside" he half bowed. I laughed.

"Good night....oh and here" I conjure a ball of light that is floating above Ray. "It should disappear in a few minutes....I think"

"Thank you and good night" he kissed my cheek and walked off. I bring my hand up to my cheek. I get in my room and lay back in bed with Cindy who hasn't even moved a muscle.

I bring my blanket up and snuggle into the pillow as I closed my eyes. I relive the night I spent with Ray. Our talks, the touching, our hug, everything just drives me crazy. I can't stop smiling.

I close my eyes and let the sweet dreams fill my mind.

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