Wings of Life

By maxxie4345

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Lilly is a kind hearted girl who is shy and quiet. She's used to change and was forced to move around a lot a... More

#1: A Normal Day
#2: lost puppy
#3: Strong Heart School
#4: Fairy College
#5: first day
#6: wings
#7: library
#8: dinner for 2
#9: birthday
#11: Royal family of Zandite
#12: specialist competition
#13: surprise
#14: heart diamond
#15: knuckle sandwich
#16: fire power
#17: visit home
#18: hover bike
#19: undercover
#20: The Gala
#21: safe & sound
#22: zombieland
#23: finally
#24: good heart
#25: the beginning

#10: Zandite

41 1 5
By maxxie4345


My whole body aches. I groan as I sit up I'm exhausted. I lean against the wall and the door bursts open. "LILLY!! Your alive oh thank goddess." Bella cheers

Cindy groans. "Shhhhh I'm sleeping" I laugh as Bella comes in and Pearl puts her phone away.

"How are you feeling?" Pearl asks sitting next to me.

"I feel like I got hit by a truck" I laugh. "What happened last night after dinner?"

I rub my temple as I try to figure out what happened. I can't seem to remember anything after singing happy birthday and the cake.

"Well....." Bella starts and tells me what happened last night.

"So I was attacking you guys! And I was a floating white light?" I can't believe it.  I have real magic.

"Ladies....please make your way to the office" the speaker in our apartment blasts.

"I guess catling wants to talk about yesterday" Cindy mumbles we all stand up and I change out of this dress. Into some sweatpants and T-shirt.

We walk to the office and sit down across from catling. She looks tired. It's all my fault. She had to use a high level of magic.

" are you feeling?" She gives us a smile.

"Good" Bella and Pearl answer

"Tired" Cindy yawns

[catling] "And you lilly?"

I sigh. "My body is tired. Like everything aches"

[catling] "that's yesterday confirmed my suspicions....I believe you have the energy of life....."

"The life source of zandite?"

[catling] "The life source of all nature across the magical dimension"

"So your telling me I had this giant magic mythical why couldn't my magic work?"

[catling] "you had a strong spell on your magic preventing it from being used or shown until you turned 18.......I believe your mother was the guardian of the energy of life and she put this spell on you as protection on earth"

"So my mother was a fairy?"

Catling nods. "I believe She was the lost princess of Zandite"

I stood up. "Is she still lost? What happened?"

Catling shook her head with a sad look on her face. " I believe The answer you're looking for may be found on Zandite."

I start walking out as the girls stand following me. "I'll be going to Zandite"

"Just be careful. The king and queen....have been ruthless these past few decades after the princess ran away" catling shouts as we all left.

"Ok we have to change into something more royal court like" Cindy tells us.

"And I know just the person!" I cheer.

I walk down the hall to the Sapphire dorm and knock. Lucia opened the door smiling brightly. "LILLY!" She hugs me.

"Hey! We have a fashion emergency" I tell her.

She gasps "come in!! Now what's the problem" we all sit in the living as floating dresses and fabrics float around the space.

"We're going to the royal court of zandite to speak to the king and queen" I tell her.

She hums "you know zandite has been closed off to outsiders for a while.....but I can help you all look presentable to royalty"

"They'll want to see me....." I assure Lucia as she starts drawing something.

"I have these designs that will be perfect for you guys" she smiled and claps as her magic surrounds us and poof.

I'm wearing this green, nature vibes dress. While Bella is wearing this purple dress with swirls designs on the fabric. Cindy is in this red dress with a crown while Pearl wears this dark blue dress with sparkles on them. "What do we think?" Lucia looks excited

"These are perfect!!! Thank you" I hug her.

"You all look just be careful please"

"Actually have you heard of the lost Princess of zandite?" I ask her as we start walking out.

"A little.....all I know is no one knows what she looked like. She ran away and never came back. The king and queen were crushed and closed the planet off to's really hard to get in"

"Thank you again for everything! I'll see you later" I shout as we go outside.

" do you plan on getting there?" Bella asked me as we get outside. I find Ray in a very formal looking outfit.

(This without the cone thing)

The other boys are all in fancy clothing as well. It's funny seeing them all dressed up instead of their uniforms and mission suits.

"My ladies" Simon bows. "You all look amazing" he winks at Bella and she rolls her eyes.

They have been flirty with each other....MAYBE THEYRE TOGETHER.
Ray comes up to me. "My lady you look wonderfully breathtaking" he held his arm out. I took his arm as we walked into the ship with everyone else.

"Thank you kind look pretty snazzy yourself" I laugh as we sat down. I never let go of Ray and he never moved away. During the flight I leaned my head on his arm.

"So why are we doing to Zandite? Don't they hate everyone?" Dimitri asks.

I sit up. "Well....based of recent events.....catling believes that my magic is from something found on Zandite and it's royal family so I am walking in there and demanding to speak to the king"

"You think he's going to listen to some little fairy?" Brady turns in his seat looking at me.

"Yea because this fairy might be his granddaughter" I cross my arms as we get into a glare match.

"Whatever you say Princess" he spits out turning back away from us.

I huff and lean back in my seat as Ray pats my leg but not moving his hand away. "It's okay....I'm sure they'll want to listen to you"

I nod. "I hope so" I whisper.

We landed in this clearing by the royal palace. Wow. I mean I knew castles were big but this is beautiful. It has flowers everywhere, vines among the walls, everything was so natural.

"We can park any closer but we can ride our bikes to the entrance." Simon says as he opens up the door and the back where I assume their bikes are.

"I don't think these dresses are meant for bikes" Cindy says as we all climb out of the ship with the help of dimitri giving us a hand as we stepped out while the other boys got the bikes.

I see Ray standing next to a blue floating bike. He gives me a smile and hands me a helmet. Now I'm getting nervous. A crazy random girl is going to knock on the castle doors and demand to see the king? Oh maybe I shouldn't do this. I take a deep breath.

"Nervous?" Ray whispers by my ear. I nod my head.

"I'm crazy! They won't listen to some nobody fairy student from earth" I held the helmet looking down at it.

He pulled my chin up to look at him with his finger. "They'll be crazy to say no to their Princess"

"You don't think I'm crazy? For thinking this could be true?" He grabbed the helmet from my hands, his hand brushing over mine so gently.

"I'll never think your crazy" he smiles and slips my helmet on my head.

"HEY! My hair" I pout adjusting the helmet.

"COME ON MOLASSES" Brady shouts as he rides off with a very timed cindy behind him.

I jumped on the bike. "You heard him!" I look at Ray.

"You've never driven a hover bike before" he gives me a look as he climbs on.

"How hard can it be? now HOLD ON" I start the bike flying past Simon and dimitri riding normally. "WOOHOO" I cheer as I see Brady coming closer.

Rays arms around me feels amazing. His warm touch just causes my nerves to sky rocket. I'm crazy! "Careful!" Ray shouts and grabs the handles swerving us away from a tree I almost hit. Shit.

I slow down a little and see the palace wall coming into view. I slow down and stop next to Brady as I look up. That's a tall wall. What are they keeping out?

"It's to keep out annoying fairies like you" Brady jokes at me bitterly.

"I think it's to keep out that big head of yours" I laugh back.

We all get off the bikes as Dimitri and Simon finally catch up. "You know you should join the annual Unena hover bike race" Simon tells me as he climbs off the bike.

"Maybe I will" that does sound like fun. And where's Unena. What's Unena!

"Visitors are not welcome here!" A guard dressed in some green uniform holds a glowing spear towards us.

"The Prince if Unena and Princess of Alora are here to speak to the king" Ray spoke holding his hand out to Cindy. I know Cindy is a Princess but who's the Prince.....

"You two. Come with me." One guard starts walking into the wall.

"But the rest" another guy came. "Have to leave or go into the dungeon" he points a glowing spear.

"How can you put innocent people in a dungeon? Are those even a thing anymore?" I say. I wasn't even thinking it spilled out of my mouth.

"That's the deal. Take it or leave it." I huff.

"At least let her come" Ray points to me. "It's important" he told the guard. Authority in his voice.

"Please sir!!! It's super important business that the king must be informed of!" Cindy begs giving her puppy eyes to the guard.

"Fine" he grumbles and pulls my arm inside the gates. "But she wears these" he puts these glowing green handcuffs on me. "They prevent magic" he gives me a look and grabs my arm pulling me to Ray and Cindy who were looking pissed.

"I suggest you let go of her....or else" Cindy had a fire in her hand as her eyes glowed orange.

The man let go of my arm. "But the cuffs stay"

"It's okay" I tell them. Giving Ray and Cindy a reassuring smile.

We walk up some steps into this grand entrance. "This way" the guard went left and right and up more stairs and right and I'm lost. We enter this room with 2 thrones on a little stage like in the movies. A tree at the top of each chair, one chair slightly larger then the other. "Wait here" he slammed the door.

"Are you okay?" Ray comes up to me grabbing my hands but the cuff shocks him.

"Don't worry I'm fine" I pull away. "Just a little tired....I think it's from yesterday" Cindy opened her mouth as the doors opened.

The king, a tall man with golden brown hair, full beard and crystal green eyes. His eyes are cold stone as he looks at Ray then cindy. Ray and Cindy straight out as I stand still staring at the king.

The queen, has a few little wrinkles but nothing crazy. Brown curls down her shoulders with brown eyes.

She looks at me and gasps. Our eyes meet and she sprints over to me dropping this thing that was draped over her shoulders.

She cups my face as her eyes fill with tears. "" she looks at me. All over my face, she runs a hand through my hair. "Look....just sweet baby"

"Rose please....this is just another ploy for money" the king pulled away the queen and our eyes connected.

"This isn't's just magic" he shakes his head walking away.

"I CANT USE MY MAGIC" I held up the cuffs. "My name is Lilly" he froze and stares at the queen.

"Lilly?" The queens eyes start watering again. I nod. "Iris always said she would call her daughter Lilly... GUARD TAKE THIS OFF" she turned to the guard and he ran unlocked the handcuffs. My wrists were a little red but nothing crazy. I rubbed my wrists as the queen hugged me. Tight. "My beautiful sweet flower" she pulls away looking at me.

"Where's your mother?" The king asks staring at me from afar. My eyes starts tearing up.

"I never met her" I whisper looking down.

"How could you come in my kingdom and say your the lost princess's daughter if you never met her" he says his voice booming across the walls.

"Your majesty...she never claimed to be anything. We wanted to find out about her magic" Cindy says

"Your magic?" Queen rose pulls away from me.

I nodded. "I've had a lot of trouble with controlling it. The head mistress at Alfea said my magic is the energy of life"

The king finally looks at me. "Energy of life?" And he looks at the queen who was looking at him.

"Your magic is the energy of life?" The queen asks me

"I don't might be that's why I wanted to come here" I offer her a smile.

"I look just like Iris when she left" the queen went to the king. "Edward this has to be real! The energy of life is only a power the royal family of zandite can possess. Lilly was the name Iris dreamed of giving her first daughter"

He looked over at me. "You and your friends can spend the night while I decide on an answer"

"Our friends outside as well?" I ask smiling at the two.

"Yes of course! I'll get the guards to escort them in" the queen said as the king left.

"Guards May you take them to the Maple room where they can wait with their friends" she gives me one last look. "Where are you from dear?"


"Galesburg?" She asks and I look up at her in shock. My eyes wide about to pop out of my head.

"Yes. did you know?" She gives me a wink.

"A queen has secrets too....I will see you later" and she left as a pair of guards came bringing us to this waiting room. It smelled like maple trees, not overwhelming but just right.

"Did you see her! She said I looked like Iris! Iris....that must be my moms name" I walk around the room as Cindy and Ray sat down. "I can't believe it" I found my home. My family. My grandma! And grandpa. I know he was uneasy but it must be hard.

I look around the room. There are plants and this big window with chairs and sofas in the middle placed nicely.

"Can you believe this? Oh maybe it's a dream. Maybe I'm not the Lilly they are looking for. There are a lot of Lilly's on earth. Maybe I should leave. Maybe they'll hate me? Oh gosh. This was a mistake."

"Hey" Ray is in front of me? When did he get up. "Calm heard the queen. Galesburg! How else would she know about the same city you were born in?" He's right.

"Your right....I'm just going a little this is happening?" He smiles and nods

"I'll never call you crazy because this is really happening"

The doors opened and the guys all walked in. "LILLY" Bella ran to me. "So spill" she hugs me and pulls away "I want every detail"

"The queen said I look just like her daughter. Iris. And she knew about where I was born! And she was so lovely and beautiful."

Bella smiles "that sounds so beautiful! What did the king say?"

"He was a little more serious. But I completely understand imagine a random girl coming into your castle looking like your lost daughter? He said he would think about it and let me know tomorrow with an answer. So we all get to spend the night!"

"That's wonderful" Pearl placed her hand on my shoulder giving me a squeeze. "I have a good feeling about it"

"Im happy for you Lilly" Dimitri gives me a smile.

"Me too Lil. It'll be cool having grandparents" Simon smiles

"What if they just think your some delusional crazy" Brady joins in. Oh lovely Brady.

"They can't just think something that's true about you" I give him a fake smile as he groans and sits down. I see Cindy walk over to him.

The door opened as the queen and guards came in behind her. "I want to apologize for my rudeness earlier. I never introduced myself" she walked in closer looking at everyone. "I am queen Rose and would love to welcome you all and thank you all for bringing my granddaughter home"

"She looks like you" Bella whispers.

"Now come! I'll show you to your rooms then we can get you all something to eat....I'm sure you are all hungry" she grabbed my arm as we walked down the halls. With the guards behind us.

"So Iris was her name?" I whisper to Rose.

She smiled "yes. My beautiful Iris. But now I have a beautiful Lilly....we will talk more dear I promise" she pats my hand as we stop in front of two large rooms. "Now boys. These will serve as your rooms for the night. Please tell my lovely guards if you need anything."

"Thank you, your majesty" they all bowed thanking her.

"I'll send for you when lunch is ready...ladies follow me" 2 guards stay with the boys as 2 more follow us. "You will be in these two rooms" they were pink with painted roses decorating the walls. "Now you ladies please get comfortable I will send someone to gather you when food is ready." She hugs me once more."I'll see you soon my flower" she left as the 2 guards stay out side the rooms.

We all get into one room. And close the door. Wow.

(More pink)

I throw myself on my bed as Cindy lays back on the sofa. Bella lays down next to me as Pearl sat down on a chair. "This is quite nice" Bella says snuggling into the bed.

"Yea it is" I lay down closing my eyes just for a little bit. I never knew I was tired until my skin felt the soft sheets of the bed.

King Edward of Zandite
Queen Rose of Zandite
Princess Iris of Zandite- Lilly's mom

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