Till The End |✍︎︎

Por _koolkats

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She was loud and carefree with no filter and he was quiet and composed never letting anyone see behind the ma... Más



812 8 3
Por _koolkats

"Might share a face and share
a last name,but
(We are not the same)"
Family Line~Conan Gray

I don't know what to believe.Something isn't adding up which frustrates me.I spoke to the siblings and they only told me little considering they are telling a cop but they did give me a lead.

Riccardo Romano insta. only a successful businessman but also the Don of the most notorious and well known mafia,the Romano family.The biggest and most succesful.

Italian forces have tried taking him in but there is never real evidence which proves that Romano has people inside working for him.

It's around 2am and I haven't slept at all.I've made a board of all the suspects and everything but I'm missing something. Surveillance shows Riccardo around the crime scene, the warehouse.The buildings are all in his name and there are witnesses,everthing. leads to him but it seems to clean and neat.

Why set himself up for failure when his been avoiding. it and succeeding in it?The siblings also said there's been rumours that the Mattius family and Romano family aren't seeing eye to eye.People have died because of it.

Power,greed and money.

The 3 key points in which everyone wants and has."I'm gonna take a lucky guess and say you haven't slept."I turn my face to see Will walking into the grey marble kitchen wearing nothings but sleep shorts.

I roll my eyes and turn back to the files and my board.I hear. him open the fridge and walk over to the round dining table with only 4 chairs.

"Whose the girl?"I look to the picture he is holding and pull out the file on her.

"Maeve Miller age 22 and worked at a cafe called Pinkies.Weird thing is that-"

"That's all the information."Kishimoto finishes and I nod my head happy.Thats one of the rare things I like about him, he knows me and understands how my mind most of the time.

I did speak to her former boss,Mrs Williams.A very kind old lady who had nothing but good things to say about Maeve.Except whenever she did bring up family or stuff Maeve would avoid it, she had 2 warnings before she quit mostly because she never took shit  which I respect.

Maeve is a very beautiful lady with her dark curly hair with light brown highlights, round face, contagious smile and beautiful brown eyes.She's tall but not that much maybe 5'6ft.Some reporters suggest that she's his assistant or girlfriend but either way,I need to get with her.

Even if Riccardo caused arson and murder and attempted murder and kidnapping I can't arrest him based on talk.I need tangible evidence so I guess I need a hacker.

"Luka is a hacker or was it Nat?"Kishimoto says and I realise I forgot he was here and I was talking a loud.He takes a bite out of his apple and watches me closely.Although he can be a dumbass majority of the time he is pretty smart and good at reading most people.

"Once they wake up we will get on with it.The charity event is hosted by him and lucky we are invited.Yayy"I state blandly watching his grin grow bigger.

"Should I gel my hair or go for the messy kind of style?"He asks, getting comfortable and I roll my eyes."I think you should cut it."I shrug with. a small smirk.

Will gasps dramatically and stares at me like I'm crazy."You take that back or else I swear you will never see the light of day again."I stop and stare at him to watch his serious face.A smile breaks out on my face then a laugh escapes my lips as I watch him try his hardest to keep the frown there.

"It's not funny,I swear I will Ria."He folds his arms across his chest with a from plastered on his face then he rolls his eyes and there it was,Will Kishimoto's award winning smile.

My laughter dies down and I reality slaps me in the face.The case, my mom, my father.The case, my mother, father.My mother, the case. ,my father.

My smiles fades as fast as it came and I look back to my notes.

Will must have noticed because he looks at me and hands me my cigarettes.I know it will kill me,I did science but that's the point.It. kills me slowly and soon I won't be here, living like this and also because it calms me.

Like a tranquility or a harmony of something.

I take it and thank him silently."I'm gonna go outside, please wake everyone up and get to work."I say and stand up, walking over to the beautiful terrance.

Closing the door,I light up my cigarette and inhale.Felling the poison travel to my lungs and. exhale, the smoke leaving my lips and the feeling of safety falling over me.

My father is one of the directors of the FBI over the globes powerful cruel man and unfortunately I am his prodigy.Since I was younger ,I was trained to become who I am today.I never had a childhood, it was filled with tears, anger,yelling and stuff breaking.

My father is not a good man at all.

Then again who am I to decide what is good or bad when I am neither.I suppose there is no such thing as being a bad person or a good person, well none that us humans can determine.

A cold breeze passes by and instantly I feel a presence nearby.I don't move though,I watch the trees. dance along with the windy mind slowing.I close my eyes and wait for the familiar click of the safety to go off, my. breathing slowing as I exhale another puff.

Today might be the day,I think.I might get to rest, I might see her again.

I relax slowly into the feeling. that it could be over but as quick as the feeling came. it goes as I realise the click hasn't gone.That the person is walking towards me instead, that I don't deserve to rest or relax.

Slowly turn to see who is next to me and see its one of my colleagues,Aisha her name was.She is a bit shorter than me but tall all the same with a maroon hijab on, a black sweater jacket and blue rise up jeans paired with sneaker.

Her brown eyes flicker towards me for a second then again for longer then fear resonates in her brown eyes."I'm so sorry Agent Costallos,I never realised someone would be out here."Her voices. full of fear and embarrassment sounds and I scowl.

"Don't do that."I say and watch the sky, my scowl fading and a neutral expression replaces it.I watch from my side eye, her eyebrows furrowing and confusion written on. her forehead."Don't do what?"

"Don't apologise when you have done nothing wrong and don't fear me when I have nothing against you."I respond and inhale my almost burnt out cigarette,I know the gears in her mind are churning figuring out how to respond or survival mode has kicked in and shes trying to figure out my. angle.

"You are a very smart woman Aisha,a strong one too.I have read your file,in fact I have read all your files.I don't work with people I don't know,"I. explain and her face slowly relaxes but I can tell she is listening,"You have done a lot of impressive stuff but now you. are with the big leagues.We are not going for gangs or kidnappers we are going for a whole ass mafia.The largest so I need you to. show me that you can handle this."

"Don't ever apologise for anything when you have done nothing wrong."I finish and turn. to face her and see admiration in her beautiful eyes and a small smile lands on my lips.

"I promise you that I won't. disappoint."She answers after a moment. of silence, determination written in her voice and I nod, content with her response.

We watch the sun rise together in silence.The calm before the storm I suppose.

I leave her still standing there,telling her that I. will be heading for a shower and pass everyone in the kitchen, Luka making breakfast,Will lecturing a tired Nat and then head into my room.

The apartment we got is cute and neat.We got one of the top ones that overlooks a lot of buildings and its beautiful, somehow I always seem to loose my mind in Italy.

There's 4 bedrooms all with queen sized beds,I sleep with Will though because of my nightmares and sleep paralysis.This room. is a light purple with gorges flowers surrounding it, a desk and chair in the corner and a wardrobe with our clothes.The dining is a nice cream with a glass. roundtable.

The kitchen is also cream with marble counters and a two-way fridge.Thats not all though, across is the sitting room with a small black couch and a flat screen TV with a light blue and white coffee table and of course the small terrance with decoration everywhere.

My dream apartment except it would have been plastered with family and friend photos, different wall colours but still.If I was in a different life this would be my homeward and cozy filled with the people I love.

I undress and enter the white shower, leaving my phone on the white cupboard.The gold shower head. sprays hot water and I relax a bit.

I know what some might be thinking ,"You sleep with Will,you must be dating."

I roll my eyes at the thought.No we aren't dating, he is. my best friend infect no he is my brother.He knows. everything about me and I know everything about him too.Kishimoto. has seen me at my worst and has been the only thing in my life that. is consent and in a way he is my life line.

I love him with my entire life and even though he can. be an irritating shit or asshat,I love him.H tells me everything and. when I mean everything I mean everything like how he might be in love or if he feels like shitting or when. he just wants to cry, which is rare.

There was a moment in time when I liked him romantically I mean who wouldn't,the man is handsome as hell with his jet black hair, small green eyes and olive skin. But as fast as the feeling came it disappeared forever.

Once I finish showering I change into a black pantsuit with a bite blouse and pair it with black Louboutin heels and debate on whether I should tie my hair or leave it down.I decide on doing a slick low pony. and add some mascara with scarlet red lipstick and stare at the person standing in front of me.

Adria Costallos,the oh so cruel, mean,strong, beautiful, smart and cold blooded woman that everyone knows of.

I turn and leave the bathroom because I have no time to dwell on self-pity.I can't afford to loose another second because every second I loose is another that someone's death is near or another second that they gain.

I walk down the hallway and into the dining room to see everyone finishing  their meals and laughing as Will talks about how he has a tutorial on how to 'keep your hair like mine' on YouTube.

Once they hear my heels click they all turn to me and freeze in motion.Luka blushes and the girls gape while Will rolls his eyes with a grin."You are disrupting my lesson Ria."He says and gets up with the plates and I roll my eyes.

Walking over to the table and looking at the board I see there's  new evidence on the board."Riccardo walks with a group of people always but there's people that recur.But there's nothing on them but maybe they might be at the charity event.'Nat says as she watches me carefully to examine my reaction.

She has a retro shirt on with blue baggy jeans and black converse on, her bob falling short on her shoulders,a wolf cut I realise.I wasn't lying to Aisha when I told her that I read all their files but what I didn't  tell her is that I did a deeper dive.

Nat is good at reading people, combat but mostly weaponry and sniping.She lives for the thrill of  the uncertainty.

I nod my head at her and analyse the photos.I noticed these people but threw them. away.Maybe we could ask them questions,I'msure. they know of me so they won't talk to me but maybe they might talk bit to Luka,Nat and Aisha.

"This is the game plan for tomorrow evening,Luka will be two streets down watching in the van and if I need you there you come so dress ready, our driver is the cover.I won't enter with you guys, only Will as my date because Nat and Aisha will be. the 'bait'.Aisha you will go to him,"I say pointing. to the light brown haired boy,"And Nat will talk to Isabella Romano."I state

"Will I need to you to go with Luka to check out the venue, check who owns the building how many cameras and stuff like that.Nat and Aisha I need you two to  follow Maeve Miller,maybe that will give us more information. and I have a meeting with Lily so I won't be available but once its done I will check finger prints of the one's we saw in the tunnel.Afterwards we will meet at the mall."I finish and begin heading g for the door.

"Why are we going to the mall?"Luka asks and I stop by the door and give him a smile,"For shopping of course, we are going to a ball."I wink.


After leaving the apartment,I drove down to the station where I was meeting Lily  Ashby.I was out of my rental car and into the building.Taking a confidence breath,I open the glass doors and walk in confident strides towards the elevators.I feel the stares and hear the whispers as I pass by. A grin makes its way to my red lips.

Once I reach the door I presto button to the top floor, its not very high like back at home but much wider.Reaching my level,I walk to the conference room where they await my arrival.

I wish I could light a cigarette ,calm the nerves or maybe run away while I still can.

I take a deep breath in by the wooden door and exhale.Opening the door, a chill runs down my spine, the air is colder here.That might be because of the man that sits at the head of the table.

I don't make eye-contact with him instead I walk over to my seat next to Lily and settle.

"You are late."Lily leans in to me and says in a whisper.I frown in disdain,the memories of what he did when I was late.But he can't do that now ,I'm grown and trained now.

I wipe the frown quickly and keep a neutral face.I face her and give her a wink,"Fashionably late."I whisper.

She rolls her eyes in annoyance but a small smile peeks out.Lily is beautiful with her brown eyes and light dark skin, she is a bit shorter than me but tall all the same.Her hair is in soft curls around her shoulders and she wears a navy blue pantsuit with a black blouse.

Truth be told,Lily is one of the very few people I've met who are just kind by heart.A person who is true and loyal and also doesn't like the man who sits at the head of the long wooden table.She doesn't like his values at all,the lengths he would go to get what he wants.

"Now that we are all here, let us begin."An old-ish man says, his Italian accent flowing through the room.This is the Italian district, which means in this meeting is the Italian head and the American head and a few others.

I actually have no idea why I'm here.

I zone back in to the man telling  us information."It has come to light that your forces are not in their district so if you do manage to arrest the person you are looking for ,that is not possible.It has also come to my attention that the DEA is involved which again-"

"You are protecting them."I turn my head to the voice out of instinct and notice that the man who has interpreted is at the head of the table.

My father.

"We know what's in the book Mr Ricci, we don't need reminding.However we are here for the charity ball hosted by Mr Romano.Yes he is a suspect of our investigation but as you have stated for a million times, we are out of our district.You are wasting my time.'"My father says ,a deadly unspoken threat hanging in the air."

"We have come to help you as a plus side, there is an open case on Mr Romano and we have come to offer our services.Miss Ashby has brought in the best team including herself and with luck, that open case will be closed within a week."My father finishes off.

I watch as the men in the room look at him in repulsion and shock.A man who isn't apart of their organisation giving orders that could get them killed.

I study the room and the calm, uninterested expression my fathers face.The room goes quieter a pin could drop and we would hear it.

I can see it on Mr Ricci's face that he is winging his choices, most likely kicking his ass for the person who hasn't closed the case on Mr Romano.

On one side, if he does team up with my father he won't be in Riccardo's debts but Riccardo will most likely kill him.On the other hand if he doesn't team up with my fatherly father will raise havoc and make a case on him causing Mr Ricci to go to jail with those whom he put there.He would be dead in a day.

"Possiamo tenerlo sotto copertura e assicurarci che non lo sappia."Mr Ricci mutters under his breath and a hidden smile goes onto my fathers face.

[We can keep him undercover and make sure he doesn't know.]

All havoc runs out, the men yelling at each other in their mother tongue.My fathers smile spreading as he knows he has won.Lily looks confused so I lean in to her ear and explain.

"Basta!"Mr Ricci yells out, the room quieting at his order.He shakes his head then looks up and looks at Lily,my father then me.His stare stays at me.

"Who is she?"He asks the unspoken question.I grin at him,"The best agent the world has ever seen and my daughter."My father says.

The kid in me jumps in joy at the words my father has just said but the logical in me knows the truth.I'm just a piece in his chess game.

The men in the room look at me like I'm a piece of meat and I want to kill them for it.I'm more than that.

"Keep staring at me and I promise you that I will be the last thing you  ever see."I state unemotionally ,keeping eye contact with them all.My words are true but through my side eye. I see my father's eyes on me,his expression neutral.

He might be pissed but I don't give a fuck.

"Do we have a deal or not Mr Ricci."My father asks, his voice bringing the men back into focus, my threat echoing well and hard.

Mr Ricci looks at me then at Lily then my father and nods his head."You have a week."

My father stands and leaves the room not sparing me another glance.

A chess piece, my brain reminds me as I leave the room with Lily.


After that long ass meeting,Lily suggested that we go get a cup of. coffee, she saw a cute cafe. round the corner.So we walked there and she. wasn't wrong,a very cute cafe full of plants and people chattering.

We chose the seats by the window.

"Per favore, maggio. abbiamo un chai latte con latte di mandorla, caffè nero, crema pasticcera e due sfoglitelle. Grazie."I say once the waiter. comes to our table.He nods his head once he has gotten our order and leaves with a gentle smile.

[Please may. we have one chai latte with almond milk,black coffee,crema pasticcera and two sfoglitelle.Thank you]

"I still can't believe yips know like 10 languages."Lily says with a laugh. and amazement.I laugh at her statement and shrug my shoulders,"I'm a woman of many talents."

She rolls her eyes playfully a smirk on her lips.She looks around then out. the window."Italy is very beautiful."Lily mutters.

I hum in agreement.The chatter gets louder with excitement."Why did you pick those specific people?"Lily asks as she get out of her day dream pulling me out of it.I tun to face her and think of an appropriate reason as to why I picked them.

"They just stood out to me I suppose.I read their files and I don't know, they all have a spark that needs to be lit for them to move up."I say thinking of them.

"I do suppose they are very talented but this case-I just need you to be wary for them.They aren't experienced like you and Will and if luck goes our way, only one of you dies or gets injured."Lily says seriously, the caring side of her showing and her words making my thoughts real.

I should have told them of the consequences of this mission,whenever we deal with mobs or mafia's at least one person dies.A statistic that has been proven multiple times.

"I know,I know."I mutter and see the water come with our stuff.I thank him and drink my coffee along with my cream pasticera.Lily talks about one of the guys at work and how they keep taking her food.I listen and add in a 'fuck him' or too as I drink my stuff.

The bells of the door cafe keeps ringing but once I look up to the bell that rings, two girl and one male enter the cafe.

People I recognise."Are you even listening?"Lily huffs in frustration and I look back to her.

When I look back up, they are at the counter ordering.

Maeve Miller, black girl and a black man.The latter 2 look alike.

From the photos, the latter two walk around with Riccardo Romano and Maeve Miller,the only lead I have.

They walk out talking and. laughing and I leave some cash on the table."Lily we need to follow them."I announce and Lily looks at me then the three that walk away ,getting further and further.I grab her as she groans in frustration and we follow them to a car.

A car that has my target.

I've got you Riccardo Romano.


Hiiii!Super sorry for the late chapter but I do hope you enjoyed and I promise to try and update more.🥰

Anyways these next chapters are gonna. be a rollercoaster so yeah, hang tight and enjoy.

Don't forget to like,follow and comment.😘😘

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