Finding Love and Happiness

By somebody1994

857 58 8

Five years later Brenden and Todd have remained friends since high school. So with a never ending friendship... More

Chapter One: The Park and a Cup of Coffee
Chapter Three: Butterflies and Rainbows
Chapter Four: A Night to Remember
Chapter Five: Surprise, Surprise
Chapter Six: Love and Happiness

Chapter Two: It's a Date

127 10 1
By somebody1994

Twenty nine, single father, never married (I don't think), works during the week didn't ask where, interested in me, good looking, smart, funny, and doesn't seem like a bad guy. Yet despite it all I can't calm my nerves and doubts that this is going to go no where.

Nothing works out the way it should, what's going to make this guy any different? "I should call him and tell him I can't go." I hear myself say out loud.

"What? Why? You can't back out of this now Brenden." Todd quickly replies and I'm starting to wonder when he became in control of my life.

"Yes I can." I retort pacing back and forth in the living room while Hannah and him are sitting on the couch. Samantha is in her room waiting for her friend.

"Stop worrying and let yourself be happy." Hannah says.

"I am I never said I wasn't. Did I?" I question, thinking back to when I did. I never complain or at least not that much.

"All the time. Brenden think about Samantha. She's been looking forward to seeing Kenzie and if you don't go that's not going to happen." Now I see where our daughter inherited her convincing pleads.

"Don't use our daughter as a pawn Todd." This isn't fair, he can't use her as a reason to force me to go out with Skyeler. "They can still be friends if I break off the date."

"I doubt that. Just go out with Skyeler, have fun. He sounds like a nice guy."

"Or what?" I question seeing how far he is willingly to go to force me on this date.

"Or you're going to regret it and I'm not sure we can continue being friends."

"That's a bit harsh Todd. All because a stupid date?"

"I've put up with a lot of your complaining through the years Brenden." he retorts.

"I don't complain. Do I?" Thinking back to the beginning of this conversation my answer, I do. A lot.

"Yeah you do. And that's why you need to get a life outside hanging out with me and Samantha."

"Fine, I'll go." I give in.

"See I told you I could convince him." Todd says with a smile looking at Hannah.

"What was this a bet?"

The sound of someone knocking interrupts our conversation and Todd looks relieved. "I'll get the door." he says ready to get up.

"No, I will." I reply walking past him and getting to the door before he can. Letting him answer the door would be sheer horror. Then I for sure would be single for the rest of my life if Todd embarrasses me in front of my date.

I open the door my hand shaky and nervous at the thoughts of tonight. "Hey."

"Hey." he says and my mind blanks with no words to speak.

"Can I go now dad?" I hear Kenzie ask standing beside him holding his hand and now I'm the one relived.

"Yes, be good though Kenzie." he says letting go of her hand walking in the door past me.

"I will." she says behind.

"Are you going to introduce me?" he asks once we are alone.

I shut the door, "How about we go?" I suggest.

"Sure. Scarcity cat." he mumbles.

"That's not it. Todd, he's just embarrassing most of the time. He doesn't know when to not say everything he's thinking in his head." I reply.

"Yet you continue being good friends?" he asks surprised.

"I can't stop being friends with him even if I tried."

"Good friendships are hard to maintain through the years."



Here it is, the awkward silence I knew was bound to come sooner or later. Doesn't help I'm tongue tied and can't come up with anything to say. He probably thinks I'm boring and wondering why he asked me out. And I'm left wondering the same question.

I take a sip of my water from the glass on the table and place it back down. Glancing at my food, my stomach in knots from my nerves. Nervous when I have no reason to be. I shouldn't be but I am. Being around Skyeler does something to me inside and I can't help but wonder if this could be the start of something good I'm letting pass me by.

"I take all my dates here. Nice, quiet and romantic. Starts the night going in the right direction." he says breaking the silence.

"What?" I ask pure shock and disgust at letting myself be another date he brings here.

"I'm kidding Brenden." he laughs and I close my mouth I hadn't realized dropped. "Just trying to break the ice. You're too quiet."

"Wait until you get to know me and you won't be able to shut me up."

"I didn't know you were planning on letting me get that chance. With all your short answers and forcing me do all the talking you could have fooled me."

"I told you I don't go on dates very often."

"I must be lucky."

"Maybe. So what you do? For work?" I reply wanting to change the subject.

"Construction at the moment. Building houses and barns from the ground up, repairing roofs and a little bit of everything actually. I like it, it's fun. The one problem I have is the hours sometimes it's several hours and sometimes all day. Makes it hard to give Kenzie the attention she needs."

"I'm sure she understands you're trying the best you can."

"I like to think she does. What about you?"

"Ultrasound technician at the hospital."

"What led you to that?"

"Curiosity and interest after Samantha was born."

"Makes sense. I still can't wrap my mind how it is possible."

"I can't either."

"You must have been scared."

"I didn't get pregnant if that's what you're thinking. Todd did."


"Oh what?"

"I assumed you did that's all."

"Oh I see. You assumed I was the bottom during sex?"

"No, I-"

"And here I thought you were being nice but this whole time you had sex on your mind."

"If I had sex on my mind Brenden I would have skipped dinner and took you to my place. But that isn't what I want this to turn into. Sex is meaningless without love. I already learned that lesson years ago."

"And this is different?"

"From the moment my eyes met yours."

"How cliche."

"I try my best."

"Good thing I like cliches in life especially having to do with like and love."

"Is this cliche enough for you then?" he says leaning over the table and kissing me on the lips. I don't pull back when this feels right.

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