Life with Monster Girls

By MegaPrime2

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Follow two Excellent Dudes from Reno Fields, Riley Gabbert and Ethan Settler, as they move overseas to Osaka... More

A quick reminder:
Chapter 1: Moving to Japan
Chapter 2: First Day with a Lamia
Chapter 3: Riley's Date with Miia
Chapter 4: a Harpy with No Clue
Chapter 5: Fate with a Centaur
Chapter 6: Full Moon Madness
Chapter 7: a Slimy Situation
Chapter 8: Ethan's Encounter with a Mermaid
Chapter 9: Miia's Shedding Issue
Chapter 11: Dragon's Wrath
Chapter 12: Webs of Love
Chapter 13: Sick Day
Chapter 14: Serious Case of Riley and Miss Smith
Chapter 15: Double Date with Miia and Mero
Chapter 16: a Dinosaur with a Big and Terrible Grudge
Chapter 17: Luis's Date with Centorea
Chapter 18: Finding the Culprit by Dating MON Squad
Chapter 19: a Dullahan with a Wandering Soul
Chapter 20: Grocery Shopping with Demi-humans
Chapter 21: Working out with Demi-humans
Chapter 22: a Masochist's Trial
Chapter 23: Seduced By a Future Mother In Law
Chapter 24: Like Mother, Like Daughter
Chapter 25: a Centaur's Duel
Chapter 26: Riley's Choosing Problems
Chapter 27: Hot Spring Special
Chapter 28: Sheldon and Chewie Doo Where Are You?!
Chapter 29: Tragic News
Chapter 30: the Queen and I
Chapter 31: Riley's Birthday Special
Chapter 32: a Resisted Succubus
Chapter 33: Ethan's Hypersomnia
Chapter 34: Amusement Park Date with Papi

Chapter 10: a Man with a Dark Perverted Purpose

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By MegaPrime2

(3rd POV)

Somewhere at the warehouse, a group of thieves are gathering their stolen items in one place from banks and jewelry stores.

Thief 3 said, "Oy, we sure have stolen something very rare tonight huh?"

Thief 4 said, "We sure have. Everyone else is sleeping like nothing but pathetic babies."

All the other thieves laughed at that comment while a mysterious monster figure dashed by without any of them knowing.

The thieves' leader said, "Alright men, it's time that we all celebrate the best night that we all had. (Raises a bottle of beer) To our greatest heist!!"

All the other thieves raised their beer and yelled, "To our greatest heist!!"

They were all about to drink their beer until the power went out.

The thieves gasped as some of them dropped their bottles of beer to the ground.

The thieves' leader got mad as he yelled, "Alright, who turned off the lights!! If none of you idiots aren't busy, GO FIX THE GENERATOR!!!! You two get the tools!"

One of them grabbed the tool box and then, he made his way to the generator but got snatched away into the darkness.

The other thieves gasped because of it as one of them asked, "What was that?"

The metal poles fell as they made some clanging noises. The thieves turned on the flash lights and got their guns ready as they began to search the warehouse. The monstrous figure climbed really fast at the ceiling and then, the thieves saw some claw marks there. A big reptilian claw snatches one of the thieves as he screams for life.

The Thieves' Leader yelled, "WHO ARE YOU?! SHOW YOURSELF COWARD!!!!"

One of the thieves got scared as he said, "I know who it is. It must be the Dragon of Osaka and he's here to punish us for praying on the weak!! It's him!"

The thief with a pistol said, "What are ya? Chicken? We all know that there may be those disgusting creatures living in our society now. But that dragon that you mention is nothing but a myth!"

The thieves leader said, "Damn straight!! And we don't know why they bother letting those freaks live with us!! And whoever this so-called Dragon is, he'll be dead when we get our hands on him!! Now, who's with me?!"

He turned back and he realized his men were gone but except one.

Cowardly thief said, "L-Look! This may sound like I'm making it up!! But I'm telling you the truth!! He's after us!!"

He screamed as their unconscious friend fell from above as he got scared even more.

He screamed, "I just remembered something, I have a dentist appointment tomorrow!!"

He ran away as his leader yelled, "Come back here!!"

The coward screamed, "YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN, BOSS!!!!"

The thieves' leader yelled, "Show yourself!! DO YOU REALIZE ON WHO YOU'RE DOING WITH?!?!?!"

After he walks, a mysterious figure opens its reptilian eyes and lets out a menacing growl as it walks behind the thieves leader.

The thief with an assault rifle came back as he got scared because he saw a 10 ft monster with a pair of wings, horns, and claws.

His leader said, "Have you found the intruder? And what happened to the others? And why are you looking that there's a-"

The thief screamed, "DRAGON!!!"

His leader looked back and got scared as he saw a terrifying dragon that was a lot bigger than him.

The Dragon growled and said, "Surrender now or suffer my wrath!!"

The thief stands in front of his leader and shoots the dragon with his assault rifle but has no effect on the dragon. 

As the monster lets out his terrifying roar and smacks the gun out in thin air and breaks it with his powerful jaws. The thief got scared as the dragon threw him in the cage. The thieves' leader got scared on how powerful the dragon monster can be.

The Dragon growled and asked, "What grudge do you have against us demi-humans?! Do you think the law is inferior to life!?"

The Thieves' Leader got scared as he said, "It just slipped out of my mind!"

The Dragon got mad and yelled, "Someone like you doesn't deserve to live!!"

The Thieves' Leader said, "I'm sorry!!"

The Dragon growled and yelled, "And WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT!?!?!?"

The Thieves' leader got scared as he said, "Nothing!!"

The Dragon got mad even more as he yelled, "So. NOW YOU CHOOSE TO STARE AT THE MONSTER HAVE YOU!?!?!?!?"



After the Dragon roared, he grabs the thieves' leader by the collar with his claws as the thieves' leader screams, "Wait! No, wait!! WWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!"


(Time Skip)

(Mero's POV)

It has been four wonderful days since my Dear Prince Ethan and I have been dating, and we were having some beautiful connections with each other. And right now, him and Sir Riley decided to make their way to the Supermarket. Prince Ethan asked him if they could take me with them and Sir Riley said Yes and then, my beloved prince pushed me on my wheelchair as we headed to the Supermarket to get some food. After we bought the food, we made our way back home. 

But Prince Ethan had made a quick stop at the flower shop to buy some flowers and then, he was about to return to us but a huge crowd of people were blocking his way. But he wasn't giving up as he's going through the crowd while saying excuse me.

Sir Riley said, "Ethan. We need to get back to the mansion. It's getting late."

Prince Ethan said, "Hang on. (grunt) I'm coming."

Someone has opened the door and accidently hit Prince Ethan.

An Old lady said, "Oh! I'm sorry sonny."

Prince Ethan said, "It's fine."

He looked at the flowers and then, he got sad because some of them got crushed. He continued his way to Sir Riley and to me as well but saw a little flying machine as he dodged it.

A little boy said, "Sorry, mister."

Prince Ethan said, "Accidents happen, kid."

He came back to us as he looked sad because he had one flower left.

(Music Ends Here)

Prince Ethan said, "Um. Mero, I bought you some flowers but they all got ruined and I only managed to save only one. Sorry, Mero."

He gave the flower to me. I smelt the flower and then, I smiled as I said, "It's beautiful. How very sweet of you, my Dear Prince. Thank you."

I kissed him on the cheek as he blushed and smiled at the same time.

Sir Riley smiled and said, "Good job, Broseph. Come on guys, let's go home."

Prince Ethan pushed me once again as we all made our way home. And I'm happy that destiny has brought my dear Prince and myself together.

A Police Officer came up to us and said, "Excuse me. I hope that I'm not disturbing you three."

I smiled and said, "It's alright, Officer. There's no disturbance for us."

Prince Ethan said, "I agree with her. There hasn't been any harm at all."

Sir Riley said, "Same here."

The Police Officer said, "Well, that's a relief. I came to inform you young lady and young men that it's almost night time and there has been a lot of chaos since last week."

Sir Riley asked, "Why? What happened?"

The Police Officer said, "According to what my companions from the Police Station informed me, (whispered) there was an unknown vigilante on the loose that has been only targeting a lot of burglars, stalkers, and even rapists."

Prince Ethan asked, "Did you guys even know what he or she looks like?"

The Police Officer said, "Sadly, we didn't get enough information. But some of the witnesses told us that a vigilante is supposed to be some sort of dragon."

Prince Ethan got shocked as he asked, "A Dragon?!"

The Police Officer whispered, "SHOOSH!! We don't want to cause something. Can we?"

We shook our heads on what the Officer said.

He smiled and said, "Good. If you have any citing's of him. Be sure to call us immediately and leave it to the professionals."

Prince Ethan said, "We'll do, Officer."

(Time Skip)

(Riley's POV)

We all came back home from our trip to the Supermarket.

I said, "Guys, we're home."

Miia came up to me and said, "Welcome back you three, especially you Darling."

Papi asked, "Um. Riley?"

Mr. Stretch asked, "Did you guys go to the Supermarket today?"

I said, "Yep. The Supermarket was on sale actually. There were half of prices on eggs, dairy, meat, fruits, and veggies."

Ethan said, "Even on the hot sauces too."

I said, "Yeah. That too."

Miia asked with a smirk, "So how did it go with your date with Mero, Ethan?"

Ethan blushed and smiled as he said, "It went wonderful. Thanks for asking, Miia."

Both Miia and Cerea smiled on Ethan and Mero became a couple.

Papi asked, "Um. Riley."

I asked, "Yeah, Papi?"

Suu ran into me with a hug as she said with a smile, "Master Riley!!"

Papi got nervous as she said, "I need to tell you that I-"

Cerea got mad and said, "Stop this at once, Suu. Give Master Riley some space. Him and the other two are exhausted."

Ethan asked, "Where's Cousin Danielle?"

Cerea said, "She left with Miss Smith because she needed Danielle's assistance with the paperwork before you three returned. And Miss Smith wanted me to tell you congratulations for becoming a couple with Lady Meroune. (bows down with a smile) Well done, Master Ethan."

Ethan smiled and said, "Thanks, Cerea."

Papi said, "Riley. I have something very important to tell you."

I asked, "Oh right, sorry. What is it that you want to tell me?"

Papi said, "I'll be laying an egg soon."

Ethan, Mr. Stretch, and the other girls gasped.

Chewie dropped his squeaky ball and asked, "What?"

I was shocked too. Then, everyone, except for Papi and Chewie, gave me some angry glare.

Ethan said as he fixed his glasses, "Guys. Leave this to me."

He cracked his knuckles as I got scared when he's coming to get me. He picked me up like shrek did with fiona in the first movie as he's taking me to the arcade room.

Ethan said in a menacing tone, "Mr. Stretch, move the balls to the holes of the pool table."

Mr. Stretch had hit one of the balls at the pool table as all sixteen of them went into the holes in one shot.

Ethan said, "Nice shot."

Mr. Stretch said, "Thanks."

Ethan dropped me to the middle of the pool table and then, he tied my hands and feet to the sides of it. Mr. Stretch placed one white ball between my legs and hands Ethan the stick to hit the ball with.

I got scared as I asked, "Um! E-Ethan. W-What are you going to do to me?!"

Ethan said with a devilish grin, "Since you got the advantage on doing something graphic to Papi while I was on a date with my princess, I thought I'll teach you a lesson on what happens when you become a pervert. (aim's the ball at my groin) Starting with crushing your-"

I screamed, "ETHAN!! NO!!"

He was about to hit the ball, but..........

Miia said, "Ethan, wait."

Ethan hits the ball lightly as it rolls slowly and then, it stops a few inches away at my no-no square.

I sighed for relief and said, "Crapolus, that was too close!"

Ethan picked up the stick and asked, "What is it, Miia? I was about to crush his-"

Miia said, "Papi's egg is unfertilized."

Ethan got confused as he asked, "What?"

Miia said, "And that means that her and Darling haven't even done the whole you know what."

Mero said with a smile, "You sure have frightened me for the moment, Sir Riley."

Cerea cuts the rope off of me and says with a smile, "Oh, Papi. You little trouble maker."

Ethan put the stick away at the rack as he face palmed his forehead and said, "Aye yai yai."

Miia asked, "So does that mean you lay eggs like a chicken?"

Chewie asked, "Hm?"

Papi said, "I'm not like a chicken! I haven't laid an egg for a very long time."

I asked, "Wait. You did stuff like that before?"

Papi said, "Yeah. And this will be the first time since I came to Japan."

Mr. Stretch asked, "So are you nervous about laying an egg here or something?"

Papi got embarrassed as she nodded.

Miia said, "Oh. Maybe it's because you're stressed out."

Ethan walked up to me as he helped me up and said, "Sorry about how I acted, Riley."

I said, "It's fine. (looked at Papi for a moment) We should probably tell Miss Smith about this."

We hear a doorbell ring.

Riley said, "Coming."

After he opened the door, he gasped at who it is.

I came and asked, "Riley, what seems to be the problem? (gasp)"

A large man almost as tall as Riley and me and he's wearing gray pants, a black t-shirt with a track suit jacket to match the pants, a short black mohawk on his head, and holding a camera.

(This Big Creep is created by me)

Large Guy said, "What up, guys."

Riley and I sighed in disappointment.

I asked in a sarcastic tone, "Great. He's here in Japan too?"

Mero asked, "Do you two know this man?"

Riley said, "Well. Yeah. We both know him back at Middle School."

I said with a tic mark, "But we both have some bad connections with him."

Miia asked, "Why? What did he do?"

Riley whispered to Mr. Stretch and the girls, "He always brings up everything annoying."

I nodded with an irritating look on my face.

A large man said, "I'm Caesar Chaves. It seems that those two are hosting many people here. I am so jealous of Riley and Ethan. Is it true that there's a harpy that you two are taking care of that is laying an egg if I am not mistaken?"

Riley got confused as he asked, "What?"

Miia got suspicious as she asked, "How did you even know that?"

I act the same way as I said, "That's what I'm wondering too."

Caesar said, "Well. I overheard- I mean had a hunch for it. As you can see me holding this camera here, even film makers know these things."

Riley asked, "Film Makers?"

Caesar got out his business card as he said, "Oh yeah, I happened to be an experimental film director. Compared to how you and your green-hatted friend work at the program, mine is different because I'm working on a documentary about how demi-humans live with us."

I sarcastically asked, "So what's your business here, Caesar?"

Caesar said, "I was hoping that you and your friend could let me interview with your guys' homestays."

Mr. Stretch got star eyes as he asked, "An interview?"

I turned to him and said, "Not now, Mr. Stretch."

Riley said, "Well................Alright. You may come in to do that."

Caesar said, "I knew you're smarter, Ri-man!"

He gave Riley a noogie and then, he entered the mansion. But I know there's something off about him because I found something shiny hidden in the bushes and it turns out to be a microphone on a long stick connected to a head set.

I asked in my head, "Had a hunch, huh? You can't fool me that easily."

I closed the door and then, I caught up with the others along with Caesar.

Caesar asked, "You dudes and Dudettes sure have some house to live at. Can one of you like show me a tour here?"

I said, "Oh. Don't worry pal. Riley and I will show you everywhere here. And we'll even make it worth your while. (Got Mad) LIKE I WON'T HAVE TO TAKE HEAD AND SMASH IT AGAINST THE-"

Riley cuts me off as he said, "Okay. Thank you, Ethan Pilgrim. I'll take over now."

I grunted because there's something off about Caesar. He walked upstairs to have a look around saying like "Wow. How can Riley and Ethan afford a place like this?" and whatnot. I followed him until I saw him going straight to my room. I pull out my bo staff as a pole vaulting pole to jump all the way in front of my bedroom door.

I said with an angry glare, "Not here."

Caesar said as he shrugged his shoulders, "Okay."

He went into Papi's room and saw her there.

Caesar said, "So you must be their harpy friend. Is the egg ready to come out?"

Papi shook her head no.

Caesar said, "Oh well. Since we're all waiting for your guy's little friend, how about I'll get some interviews from your Guys' Homestays Riley?"

Riley and the girls are kind of nervous but Mr. Stretch was excited for it.

He said, "I'll be back, Director. I just have to go find something to wear really quick."

Mr. Stretch left to get himself ready for this so-called interview.

Caesar said, "Uh. It's probably best if I should get some interviews with the girls first. Just to act like a gentleman."

I said in an irritating tone, "Yeah, right!"

Caesar asked, "Come on. It's for the good of the whole society thing. You ladies came here to show other humans on how good you uh people are, right?"

Cerea said, "Well. When you put it that way, I suppose that we don't have much choice."

Caesar said with that ugly smile as he said, "Alright. Thank you, Blondie. I knew that you are as noble as the other centaurs, lady. And now, I'll be interviewing there, pinky. You my lady will get to be the first one in line. What do ya say? (Points at Mero)"

I got mad as I yelled, "PINKY?! "

I grabbed him at the collar and yelled, "YOU GOT A LOT OF NERVE ON FLIRTING WITH MERO WHILE I'M STILL HERE!!"

Caesar said, "Hey, Hey. Let's not start a riot now. I'm just doing my job as a director."

I got mad as I yelled, "WHY YOU-"

Riley said, "Calm down, Broseph."

Cerea said, "He's right. The others and I did apply to the program so we can show them the benefits from each species."

Mero held my hand as she said with a smile, "Please, my Dear Prince. I can assure you that I'm going to be alright."

I calmed down and said, "Okay. (whispered) But be careful. He might have some tricks in his sleeves."

Caesar asked, "I take it that you two are a couple?"

I gave him my angry glare as he said, "Okay. Okay. I won't interfere."

(Time Skip) Brought to you by Mr. Stretch picking out some clothes

(3rd POV)

Caesar began to record an interview about Mero at her room while Ethan had to watch the whole thing with an angered look on his face.

Mero swims around as she says, "As you may be wondering, this is my living quarters Sir Chavis."

Caser said, "So that explains why you're in a swimsuit. And I take it that you're into this Gothic Lolita stuff?"

Mero said, "Yes, I do."

Caesar asked, "Are you also wearing underwear?"

Ethan got mad as he yelled, "WHAT DID YOU ASK HER, PUNK!?"

Caser said, "I'm just curious on what's underneath that cute skirt."

Miia yelled, "What's wrong with you?! You can't just ask a girl that!!"

Caser said, "Hey. Cool your jets, will ya? It's just for education purposes, so there's nothing sketchy. (Points the camera at Mero) Can you show me on how you can get out of the pool?"

Ethan got mad as he yelled, "Alright, THAT'S IT!!!!"

Riley screamed, "ETHAN, NO!!"

Ethan got out his Bo Staff as he smacked the camera off of Caesar's hand as it flew into thin air and then, Miia caught it. After that, Ethan pushed Caesar into the wall as Ethan made a menacing look on his face.


Riley and Centorea pulled Ethan back as Caesar gained his bearings.

Riley said, "Calm down, Ethan!"

Ethan yelled, "CAN I HURT HIM, PLEASE!?!"

Caesar said, "Hey, hey. Relax. I'll just edit the video and we will all pretend that it didn't happen. What do ya say, Pal?"


Caesar said, "Okay. Okay. You have my word as a Director."

Centorea said, "Be still, Master Ethan. Don't let him get the best of you."

Riley said, "She's right. We both may have some differences with him. And who knows, maybe Caesar might've changed after I graduated from High School."

A moment of silence passed until Ethan said, "Alright. (Looks at Caesar with an angry glare) I still got my eye on you!"

Caesar gulped and said, "Easier said than done."

Riley said, "It's probably best if you can stay here and hang out with Mero. So you can cool off."

Caesar felt his hand as he said, "Dang! Your friend must've taken martial arts. But any who, let's get started with interviewing you, Blondie."

Ethan gave Caesar his death glare.

Centorea said, "Excuse us, for a moment please."

Caesar took the camera and said, "Okay. Whenever you're ready, I'll be waiting outside of the room."

After he left, Ethan yelled, "I just knew there's something off about that guy!! I mean you guys saw the whole thing!! He harassed Mero right in front of me!!"

Riley said, "I'm sure that you getting angry will make Caesar edit it."

Centorea puts her hand onto Ethan's shoulder and said, "I won't let my guard down. I can assure you Master Ethan."

Ethan said, "But still. (sits down) 

You should at least be careful. Whether you're like a knight or not, I can't risk you getting victimized too and anyone else that I cared about the most."

He looked sad until Mero came up to him as she gave him a hug.

She smiled and said, "I'm sure things will be settled. (kissed Ethan on the cheek) Come. (patted her lap) Come lay down on my lap~"

Ethan puts his head on Mero's lap as Mero strokes his hair and hums beautifully. As Ethan hears Mero's beautiful humming, he begins to fall asleep.

Mero said with a kind smile, "It's alright, my Dear Prince~"

(Time Skip)

(Riley's POV)

While Mero is comforting Ethan, the rest of us are heading straight to Cerea's room.

Caesar said, "Wow. A Japanese-style bedroom. Classy."

Cerea said, "Yes. Well, I do prefer tatami matts, the nice texture, and the grassy smell. You see, my people don't traditionally sleep on beds or futons. Tatami matts are better for-"

Caesar said, "Yeah, I get it. The matts are soft. Anyway, are you wearing any underwear at all?"

Cerea got mad and asked, "What!? Where did that come from!? That has nothing to do with this!!"

Caesar asked, "What? You don't even wear a bra either?"

Cerea covered herself and said, "Well. If you must know, it's not customary for centaurs to wear any underwear at all."

Caesar said, "Maybe I should investigate it~"

I grabbed him on the shoulder and said, "Not gonna happen, Caesar because Ethan can even sense anyone else's dirty deeds from other rooms or even from downstairs."

Caesar got scared as he asked, "What does that even mean, exactly?"

I said, " He has been taking karate and has happened to be armed with not only a Bo Staff, but also, 2 pairs of nunchucks, a pair of sais, and a pair of Dual Katanas."

Caser asked, "W-What are sais?"

I drew him a picture of what Ethan's sais looked like.

Caesar gulped and said, "Yikes!! Why not just move on to RedHead over here? Shall we?"

Miia got mad as she yelled, "I have a name you know!!"

The three of us walked straight to Miia's bedroom and Caesar began to video record again.

Miia got irritated and said, "So. This is my room. Are you happy now?"

Caesar asked, "So. Are you the only one wearing underwear?"

Miia got mad as she yelled, "THAT'S ALL YOU WANT TO KNOW!?!?!?"

I said, "Alright Caesar. One more move and I'll have to kick you out and have Ethan kick your-"

Caesar asked, "Huh? Hey, what's that over there?"

Miia gasped as she used her tail to bring her trash bag filled with her shedded scales that I helped her the other day?

I asked, "Is that your shedded scales? Why is it doing here and not in the trash can?"

Caesar asked, "Scales?"

Miia got embarrassed and said, "Well! I was afraid that if I throw it out, the birds might get into it. That would be way too embarrassing!!"

Caesar got shocked as he asked, "Throw it away? Throw it away?! Oh RedHead, you cannot throw this away!! This is a very rare item that everyone would get their hands on! For centuries, people have used snake scales as lucky charms!! There are even shrines dedicated to snake gods!! And in China, they're called "Jatani'' and they're known to be Chinese medicine!!"

(Music Stops here)

Miia and I got confused as we both looked at each other for a moment.

I looked back at Caesar and sarcastically asked, "Are they really that valuable, Caesar?"

Caesar said, "Oh yes. Very valuable. Thank you for asking, Riley. But if you're guys are really going to throw away such a valuable treasure, I'd be more than happy to take it off your hands."

Miia got grossed out and said, "Eww!! Forget it!! I'm not giving you that!! Only a sicko would keep somebody's scales!!"

I said, "She's right. And it is kind of creepy for you to keep something like that."

Caesar sighed and said, "You know what? Fine. Fine. Instead of the whole snake leathers thing, I'll just give it to a research lab. And maybe they can make some scientific discoveries with it."

Miia asked, "You mean it?"

Caesar said, "It also might make us understand each other under deeper levels."

Miia asked, "Deeper levels?"

Caesar said, "And you might be able to tie yourself closer to a man. (whispered) Like Ri-man over there."

I asked, "Caesar, what did you do to get Miia interested?"

Miia smiled and said, "Darling, it's nothing bad. And what's your name again?"

Caesar said, "It's Caesar."

Miia said, "It wouldn't hurt for me to get a better life, right Caesar?"

I face palmed and said, "Crapolus, Caesar. What have you done?"

Caesar is heading straight to the door as he said to himself, "Hmm. This might be a bonus after all. I'll be able to have cash if I sell the videos and the scales."

(Flash Back)

Ethan yelled, "I just knew there's something off about that guy!! I mean you guys saw the whole thing!! He harassed Mero right in front of me!!"

(End of Flash Back)

I asked in my mind, "Could Ethan be right about this?"

Ethan and Mero came inside.

I asked, "Ethan? Are you feeling calm right now?"

Ethan said, "That shouldn't matter right now!"

Mero said, "It's Lady Papi!! The egg is about to come out!!"

I asked in a shocking tone, "Papi?!"

Along with the other girls, we all ran straight to Papi's bedroom. Cerea told Ethan that it is best if he should wait outside of the room. But Ethan understands that. But the rest of us came inside the room panting.

I asked, "Papi, what's wrong?"

Papi said as she blushed, "Riley. The egg is about to come out."

I said, "Um! Try to relax!! Okay!"

Miia said, "Try taking breaths as much as you can!!"

Mero smiled and said, "You're doing great at giving childbirth."

Caesar got out the camera and said, "Finally!"

I asked sarcastically, "Do you really need to record the whole thing?!"

Caesar looked at us and said, "This is for Cultural Awareness, remember!? (looked at Papi) Now then, Tweety. Go ahead and pull up that skirt for me."

I said sarcastically, "Dude!!"

Papi pulls up her skirt as Caesar said, "Oh my~"

I asked, "Don't ya think you have gone too far, Caesar?!"

Caesar said, "So help her then. I mean come on. The sooner I'll be outta here, the better I'll leave you, Ethan, and your guys' friends alone."

I said in a disappointing tone, "Aw man!"

I got behind Papi just to help her out.

Caesar said, "Nice move, Ri-man."

I said, "Shut up, Caesar!!"

Caesar asked, "By the way, what are you guys going to do with the egg? I'm just curious."

I got irritated as I asked, "Will ya just be quiet for like five minutes?!"

Papi wheezed and said, "Riley! I can feel the egg coming out!! Put your hand lower please."

My face turned red as I asked, "Lower?!?!"

Caesar said, "Looking good. But now take her undies off."

I asked, "What?!"

He asked, "You do want to make a better place right?"

I said, "Oh, come on Caesar!!"

Papi said, "It's okay. Riley."

(3rd POV)

Ethan is waiting outside of Papi's bedroom.

He said, "Caesar is planning something. I just know it. Chewie."

Chewie came as he asked, "Yes, Ethan?"

Ethan said, "I want you and (picked up Sheldon) Sheldon to bite Caesar. There's something really fishy about him. If things get out of hand with him you both know what to do."

Chewie and Sheldon came inside the bedroom without anyone else knowing.

Mr. Stretch came wearing a disco outfit and asked, "What did I miss?"

Ethan said, "Papi's laying an egg right now. And I would like a funnel and (whispered to Mr. Stretch's ear)."

Mr. Stretch said, "Groovy E. I'll just get those for you."

After he left to go down stairs, Ethan grabbed his bo staff and sneakily got into Papi's bedroom.

Caesar said in his mind, "(Laughs devilishly) I just knew that Riley and Ethan are too stupid to understand things. But all that is left is to record the egg laying scene. I heard that harpy's eggs are so rare that I can get three million yen for it. And if I package the footage along with it, it could be worth four no five million yen. Their pet freaks will be bringing me a single penny."

Suu puts her antenna and finishes Caesar's sentences, "And it seemed that those sluts are so0 stupid compared to their own hosts that they'll all fall for almost anything."

Everyone else except for Papi got shocked as they asked, "Huh?!"

Caesar looked at Suu as he asked, "What the? Where'd you come from?!"

Suu read Caesar's mind and said, "Now we're getting to the sexiest part. I can't wait to sell those videos along with the scales and the egg."

Ethan in the shadows said, "I knew it!"


Miia got mad as she asked, "So this is what it's all about. Huh?"

Centorea got mad as she said, "Master Ethan's right all along!! And how dare you ask us something indecent!!"

Mero got mad and said, "You insolent mongrel!! How despicable!!"

Miia got her tail ready to slap Caesar and yelled, "You're just trying to make money off of us!! HOW DARE YOU!?!?!?"

Centorea got out her sword replica and yelled, "GIVE US BACK MIIA'S SCALES NOW!!"

Mero got out her huge conch shell and yelled, "Yes!! And surrender the camera!!"

Caesar said, "Ah, Ah, Ah. Didn't you ladies remember the rules? (got mad) YOU STUPID MONSTERS WILL NEVER HARM ME AT ALL OR EVEN DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!!!!"

Chewie growled as Sheldon got mad at Caesar on what we said.


(grinned pervertedly) We will all have a good time with each other!!"

(Author's Note: That's his true colors everyone! But don't worry, that Fatso is going to get what's coming to him. Keep reading please.)

(Skip the Music at 0:14 please)

Ethan got mad as he popped out of the shadows and yelled, "NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Chewie bit Caesar right on the butt as he dropped the camera and a bag of scales and screamed, "OOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!"

The girls smiled and said, "Chewie!!"

Chewie keeps on chewing on Caesar's pants and growls at the same time.

Caesar yelled, "LET GO OF ME YOU STUPID DOG!!!!"

He was about to punch Chewie but failed to do so, because Sheldon bit Caesar right at the hand.


Miia said, "Sick him you two!!"

Centorea said, "Teach him a lesson!!!!"

Riley smiled and said, "Thanks, Broseph."

Ethan said, "Chewie, Sheldon, let him go. Now!!"

Chewie lets go of Caesar as Sheldon did and lands on Chewie.

Caesar got mad and yelled, "YOU GUYS!!!!"

Ethan yelled, "Damn straight!! Are you too stupid to realize that Riley and I live here!!"

Riley yelled, "You just never change, will you!!"

Caesar got mad and yelled, "YOU DIRTY SONS OF BITCHES!!!!"

Riley got mad and said, "You said you wanted Papi's egg, right?! Well then, catch!"

He threw an egg into thin air and Caesar tried to catch it but Riley and Ethan yelled, "AND THAT'S FOR OUR GIRLS!!!!"

They both yelled as they punched him right in the face at the same time along with the egg so hard that they sent Caesar out of the room.

Riley gave him the angry glare and said, "Get the eggs from the Supermarket!! They're having a sale!!!!"

Caser got up and said, "Ow. My three million yen."

Riley looked at Ethan and said, "Ethan!"

Ethan asked, "What!?"

Riley said, "Kick his ass!!"

Ethan got mad as he got his bo staff ready.

Caesar yelled, "Kick my ass!? HELL, I'LL BET THAT YOU DON'T HAVE THE BALLS TO DO IT!!!!"

Ethan yelled his battle cry as he ran straight to Caesar really fast as he hit him with a bo staff.

Ethan yelled, "HA!!"

Caesar got shocked as Ethan kept hitting him with a bo staff, until Caesar lost his balance and then, he fell on the stairs and got knocked out. Ethan puts down the bo staff as he walks down stairs to Caesar being unconscious.

Mr. Stretch came and said, "Here are a funnel and a gallon of the Carolina reaper hot sauce that you asked for, E."

Ethan said, "Thanks. I'll take it from here."

He took the funnel and the gallon from Mr. Stretch.

Caesar got up and asked, "Hey. What are you gonna do? Make me eating dog poop?"

Ethan said, "No. Much worse!!"

He puts the funnel in front of Caesar's pants at his crotch and then, Ethan opened up the gallon and pour the hot sauce through the funnel.

Mr. Stretch and Suu said, "Uh oh."

Ethan smiled devilishly and said, "Feel the burn, Fatty!!"

Caesar woke up as he's huffing and puffing, until his face turns red as he screamed, "FFFFFFIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! MY BALLS ARE IN FIRE!!!!!"

He kept on running around as if he's on fire. Mr. Stretch shapes into a male disco dancer with an afro and Suu holds a boombox that is playing "Disco Inferno."

Mr. Stretch dances to it and sings, "Burn, Baby. Burn. (dances to it) Burn, Baby. Burn."

Caesar screamed, "DON'T JUST STAND THERE!! HELP ME!!!!"

Ethan opened the sliding glass door and said, "Oh. I'll help you alright, TO GET YOU OUT OF HERE!!!!"

He hits Caesar with his Bo Staff as Ethan sends him off flying screaming.

Mr. Stretch yelled, "HOME RUN!!!!"

One of his clones played a classic baseball theme with an organ.

Ethan said, "Guys. Tell Riley and the others that I still have some unfinished business to take care of."

Mr. Stretch and Suu said, "Okay!"

Ethan said, "And thanks for helping me out you two. (smiled) Especially you, Suu."

He patted Suu on her head in which caused her to giggle.

Ethan left the mansion to settle things with Caesar.

(Riley's POV)

I said, "Not only that you're still annoying but you're also perverted too, Caesar."

While Ethan is kicking Caesar's fat butt, the girls felt happy about how Ethan and I, along with Chewie and Sheldon, kicked that fatso's butt.

Miia asked, "Wait. Did you and Ethan just seriously smash Papi's egg?"

The other girls asked, "Huh?"

I smiled and said, "Actually. That was just one of the eggs that Ethan and I bought back at the Supermarket."

Mero realized it and said with a smile, "Oh yes, I was with you and Prince Ethan when that happened, Sir Riley. And Prince Ethan must have taken it with him when he snuck in."

Cerea smiled and said, "I am truly honored to be a servant to the both of you, Master Riley."

Suu came inside and said with a smile, "Master!"

I said, "You did good too, Suu."

Miia smiled and said, "Yeah. I have no idea that you can do that."

Cerea said, "I slime that can read minds. That's impressive."

Mero said, "Pardon me, everyone. I believe the real egg is coming out!"

Mr. Stretch came wearing a blind fold and said, "Ri. Ladies. I know that I shouldn't be in here but no worries, I'm wearing a blind fold. And E wanted me to tell you guys that he still isn't done yet (shape shifts into a news man) And I came to report that there will be some heavy rain along with some thunder storm. Back to you Ri."

The girls and I got confused on what he just said.

I said, "Well. If there's really going to be a heavy storm, (looks at the window) I hope Ethan will come back before the storm starts."

Chewie screamed, "YIKES!!"

(Time Skip)

(Caesar's POV)

I kept on falling on a hill until I fell straight to the ocean in which I got lucky because it just puts out the fire on my crotch. 

I got up until I saw that Four-eyed Jack Ass at the beach looking like he's pissed.

He said, "I knew there's something very fishy about you, Caesar! And knew that you still remained as the most disgusting and perverted pig there is!! And you only came here just to steal Miia's shedded scales and to trying to make pornography videos of mine and Riley's girls. Especially my fair Princess, my fair Princess!! And what's also worse, you're also trying to steal Papi's egg just so you can make that crappy money out of it besides the scales and those videos!!"

I yelled, "If it's a fight you want you want, YOU GOT IT!!"

We both took off our jackets before we can begin. And that Dumbass Ethan even took off his stupid glasses and puts them in his case.



I saw him making hands into fists but they're shaking.


I was about to punch him but he caught my fist as I asked, "Huh?"

(Miss Smith's POV)

I was driving my car with Luis and Danielle accompanying me. And the rain has already started.

Danielle said, "Great. I even forgot to bring a jacket. And thanks for driving me you guys."

I said, "The pleasure's all mine. And I'm really impressed that Meroune fell in love with Prince Ethan instead of Darling, Miss Valencia."

Luis smells something as he shape shifts into his werewolf form.

He said, "Stop the car!!"

I pulled over as Luis advised me to do so and then, we saw a large man flying until he fell into the trash cans like a bowling ball. Then, we saw Prince Ethan one block away looking very pissed for some reason and shockingly he has some reptilian eyes and fangs.

(Author's Note: I drew Ethan like that. Now you all are going to see what happens next.)

(3rd POV)

Caesar got shocked as he asked, "What the hell?!"

Ethan is twitching as his hands became claws, got muscular, grew a pair of wings, grew a tail, his neck became longer as his entire body is getting covered with scales, grew three horns.

Luis and Danielle were shocked as Luis said, "Oh no!"

Caesar is now shivering in fear because Ethan became a dragon! 

His dragon self gave Caesar his cold blooded eye look as Ethan growled

and hissed at Caesar.

The Dragon yelled with his deep voice, "Run!!"

Caesar is still shivering in fear until Ethan lets out his terrifying roar.

Caesar screamed as he ran away and Ethan in his dragon form chased him.

Danielle said, "We have to follow him!!"

Miss Smith said, "On it!!"

She starts the engine as her and the other two followed Ethan. Caesar is running for his life because he got a terrifying dragon chasing him. The Racist Couple were laughing until they saw Caesar running.

He screamed, "RUN!!!! THERE'S A DRAGON ON THE LOOSE!!!!"

Both the Racist Couple got scared as they asked, "Dragon?!"

They both looked back and saw the Dragon running towards them letting out his roar.


They both ran away screaming as they both jumped into the dumpster.

Ethan spreads out his wings as he flies and grabs Caesar with his claws. Then, he flew off the highest building in Osaka downtown.

(Music Stops here)

He was about to let Caesar fall but Caesar got scared as he screamed.

Caser got scared as he screamed, "LET ME GO!! LET ME GO!! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!!"

Ethan growled at Caesar again.

Caesar looked at the dragon's scales and then, he asked, "S-Say, how about we trade? I'll give you back the lamias scales along with the camera if you can give me your scales. What do ya say, Big Guy?"

Ethan got mad as he lets out his dragon roar at Caesar and said with his deep voice, "I WOULD RATHER LET YOU FALL TO YOUR DEATH, YOU WORTHLESS WORM!"

Caesar screamed as Ethan was about to let him fall and screamed, "NO ETHAN!!!! I BEG OF YOU!!!! I'LL DO ANYTHING!!!! PLEASE HAVE MERCY!!!!"

Ethan gained his human consciousness as he said, "I am not a monster! And there's only one way for you to still live besides returning the scales and handing over the camera!"

Caesar screamed, "ANYTHING!!!!"

Ethan said, "Run! Run away, Caesar!!

And never return!!"

Caesar gulped and said, "Fine! I'll do it!!"

Ethan puts Caesar down on the ground after he landed.

Ethan growled and yelled, "Go!! GET OUT!!!!"

Caesar ran away screaming.

Ethan yelled, "DON'T YOU EVER COME BACK!!!!"

Caesar screamed, "I WON'T!!!!"

Ethan snarled as he flew away back to the mansion leaving Miss Smith, Luis, and Danielle all shocked.

Miss Smith asked, "So Prince Ethan is the Dragon of Osaka?"

Danielle said, "Luis and I will explain on the way back. Let's hurry back to Riley and the others."

(Time Skip)

Ethan has returned in front of the mansion as he changed back into a human and then, he puts on a cloak to cover his face. He came inside all soaking wet. Riley and the others came to see him.

Riley asked, "Broseph. Why are you wearing a cloak?"

Ethan said, "I uh didn't have time so I bought this cloak instead. And how did it go with the egg?"

Mero smiled and said, "It went swimmingly well. Thank you for asking, my Dear Prince."

Ethan said, "That's good to hear. 

And just to let you guys know, that dumb pervert will never come back ever."

Centorea said, "We do apologize for this incident, Master Ethan."

Miia said, "Yeah. I guess we should've listened to you."

Mr. Stretch said, "Good thing that Suu backed you up, E."

Ethan said, "Well, that guy was nothing but a big fat jerk to me and Riley in the first place."

Riley said, "Yeah. And I'm glad you knew Ethan. Oh and dinner's almost ready."

Ethan said, "Thanks guys, but I don't think that I'll be in the mood for dinner tonight."

Riley asked, "Why? What's wrong? (Ethan ran up the stairs) Ethan, wait."

Papi came and asked, "What happened?"

Centorea said, "I'm afraid Master Ethan isn't feeling well."

Papi gasps.

Ethan looked down as he opened his bedroom door.

Riley and the others looked at him all worried.

Riley asked, "Ethan?"

Mero asked, "Ethan? My Dear Prince, are you okay?"

Ethan went inside the room and closed the door leaving Riley and Mero looking at each other all worried.

(Small Time Skip)

(Riley's POV)

It has been thirty minutes since Ethan came back and locked himself in his bedroom. I felt kind of bad for him, so I told Miia and the others that it's probably best just to give him some time alone. So far, I finished making six pizzas for everyone. But I wished that Ethan would come downstairs so he can eat his pizza with Mero. He normally goes nuts with pizza but until what happened with Caesar, he just lost his appetite.

Papi said, "Um, Riley. I'm more worried about Big Bro Ethan than the egg right now."

Miia said, "Yeah. It's just not the same without Ethan around. You should probably go talk to him and give him a pep talk, Darling."

I said, "Um. I'm pretty sure that he still needs some time to cool off."

Miia said, "Come on. You said Ethan's your best friend."

I said, "Okay. I'll go talk to him. Miia, would you like to make two more pizzas while I do that please? I always put pepperoni and some diced bacon on mine and yours, you can put whatever you like."

Miia went lovey-dovey and said, "Thank you, Darling. I'll even surprise you on what I put on both of our pizza~"

I said, "Okay. I'll be back."

I walked upstairs all the way straight to Ethan's bedroom.

I knocked at his bedroom door and said, "Hello. Ethan? Are you okay in there?"

Ethan's voice said, "I'm fine, thank you. I just have a stomach ache. That's all."

I said, "Look. You're not the only one that has seen stuff like that. But as your best friend, I'm always there for you no matter what. And if it's about Caesar, the girls and I are very sorry for not believing you."

Ethan's voice said, "I'm not mad anymore. But I think Miia's waiting for you downstairs."

I opened the door and said, "Come on, Broseph. I'm sure that we can all go through-(Gasp)"

I was shocked by what just happened to him.

Ethan gasped too.

I said in a shocking tone, "Ethan!! Y-You have Horns! Y-You have wings! Y-You have fangs! Y-You have claws! What happened to you!?"

Ethan got shocked about this too as he ran up to his door and said, "I'm sorry that you have to see this!"

He closed the door on me. I was incredibly shocked about what has happened to my own best friend.

I asked, "I think I saw a tear coming out of his eye. Was he crying?"

Mr. Stretch and the girls came.

Miia said, "I put both of our pizzas in the oven and they should be ready at-huh? (looks at me worried as I am too) Darling, what's wrong?"

I said, "I-I don't know. But Ethan, he became. It's best not to say it."

(Ethan's POV)

I overheard the whole thing on what Riley and the others were saying. I was in the massive shock that they knew on what I have become. They all know me as nothing more than a monster. I looked at myself in the mirror as I still have some dragon parts on me.

(Mr. Stretch's POV)

I carried Mero up the stairs as my clone carried the wheel chair and then, I placed her in it.

Mero asked, "What happened to my Beloved Prince, Sir Riley?"

Ri is about to say something until we all hear E huffing and screaming, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! (ROAR)"

We all gasped because we heard a glass object shattered and E crying. Even Chewie whimpered as he scratched the door that he wants in.

I said, "I'll go in to see what's wrong with E, guys."

Ri said, "Be careful, Mr. Stretch."

I stuck my head under the door and I saw a broken mirror, some portraits with claw marks, and E looking different and he's crying.

I came back as Centorea asked, "What has happened to Master Ethan?"

Miia said, "Yeah. And we also want to know why there's some broken glass noises too."

They all looked worried at me as I explained to them on what I saw. And they all felt really bad for E.

I said, "My guess is that E happens to be like half dragon."

Papi asked, "Um. What's a dragon?"

I asked, "What? You don't know what dragons are? They're kind of look like giant lizards."

Centorea said, "Well, yes. And they are known to be legendary beings and Dragons are held in high esteem as demi-gods and beings of some extremely high reputation. Sometimes they're portrayed as treasure hoarding creatures and said to breathe fire or to be poisonous. The humans at the medieval times have often sought to make a name for themselves as "Dragon Slayers" in which they are warriors who specialize in fighting, hunting, and killing dragons. While some Dragons can transform into humans to conceal themselves, others prefer to hide in dungeons and caves away from the human civilization."

Ri said, "So that would explain why Ethan has a tail and everything like one."

Miia asked, "Wait. Are you saying that dragons are dangerous?"

Centorea said, "Well. (sigh) Some are. But, Master Ethan must've felt awful about becoming one."

Mero got sad as she said, "My Dear Prince."

Danielle came and asked, "You guys found out about Ethan's secret, right?"

We all nodded to her.

Miia asked, "Do you know about this?"

Danielle sighed and said, "Yes. I was there when that happened to my own cousin."

A throaty male voice said, "Even I have seen the whole thing as well."

The voice came from a black fur werewolf wearing a red plaid long sleeved shirt, and a pair of black jeans.

Ri said, "Hey. You're that werewolf that saved me from an Igor trying to eat me."

(Author's Note: Mentioned in the 2nd Chapter)

Miia said, "Yeah. Especially the one back at the chicken restaurant."

(Author's Note: Mentioned from the 4th)

Centorea said, "And when I was on my morning jog in the woods nearby."

(Author's Note: And Mentioned from the Beginning of the 6th Chapter)

The Werewolf said, "Ethan is as similar as me. Despite us being different species that is."

Centorea asked, "What do you mean?"

The Werewolf said, "The reason that I am telling you all is that Ethan and I are similar is because that I am a half breed of a human and demi-human just like him but before he became half dragon."

Ri asked, "Wait. Are you saying that half-humans and half demi-humans are really a thing?"

The Werewolf said, "Indeed, Riley. But, it's time for me to introduce myself."

He began his transformation as his fur and muscles are shrinking, his fangs became teeth, his claws became hands, and turned himself into a human.

We were all shocked about what just happened. Well, except for Danielle. But Ri on the other hand, he's the one who is shocked the most.

He asked, "Luis?!"

Luis said, "It's been a while, Riley."

Ri asked, "So, you're actually a werewolf this whole time?"

Luis said, "That's right. But I realized it one month after I graduated from high school. Then, I applied to the program and moved to Japan because I thought it would accept someone like me."

The girls and I looked at him as we were shocked that Ri knew that guy.

Centorea asked, "Master Riley. Do you know this man?"

Ri said, "Yeah. I know him since high school. But Ethan was the first one to see him first at middle school. And he's one year older than Ethan actually."

Luis said, "Oh. My apologies to everyone. I'm Luis Cabral and I happened to be your two hosts' best friend."

Miia asked, "Hold on. Aren't you the one who drove me to Ethan and Darling's home?"

Luis nodded and said, "Yeah, I am the one who delivered you to those two."

Mero asked, "How did my Dear Prince become a half dragon? I'm just so worried about him."

Luis said, "Well. For starters. I believe that happened after Miss Smith informed you all about the law of the Interspecies Exchange Bill that allows marriages between humans and demi-humans and how there was a full moon."

Ri got scared as he asked, "Um. Can we just move on to what happened with Ethan, please?"

Luis said, "Oh. Didn't mean to bring that up on purpose."

Danielle said, "What Ethan told me before the whole thing happened, it all happened after Riley ran up to the room one day. Or should I say, one night."

(Flash Back)

(3rd POV)

Danielle said, "It all happened after Ethan left the mansion, he went to an ice cream shop to get you guys and himself some ice cream. But sadly, he got lost in the wrong forest until a group of devils came and attacked him. He tries to avoid trouble as hard as he can because of, you know, the law."

Luis said, "I even witnessed the whole thing and I was about to put an end until I was too late to intervene because they took him away to the cave as I followed them there. I had to contact Miss Smith, but she sends Danielle, Ethan's closest cousin. I told her to wait here and then, I fought the devils all by myself. When I break in, the cave is almost like in the Fairy Tale book, "The Little Mermaid,'' because with all the aquariums but with only piranhas and some glowing seaweed on each tank. And there was a Sea Witch that goes by the name Squidulla, is casting a spell onto Ethan and turned him into a dragon. She ordered him to kill me, but Ethan has resisted her control and went all berserk as he destroyed the entire cave. It was very hard to get Ethan to snap out of it."

Danielle said, "But I came before he was about to crush Luis. And once he saw me, he gained his consciousness and turned back into a human."

Luis said, "I was about to strike the hag with my claws but she disappeared without any trace at all. Ethan woke up and saw us, which he was the first one to realize that I'm half werewolf."

Danielle said, "He felt really upset because he became half dragon and then, I hugged him really tight to comfort him. I asked Luis if I can keep a close eye on Ethan even if I have to move in with you and him, Riley."

Luis said, "Indeed. We also agreed that if things really go out of hand, I would have to ask Miss Smith to let me move in with you guys just to prevent anything from making Ethan mad because when a dragon gets angry, it will cause so much destruction. It's just like how it works with other dragons when they're mad."

Danielle said, "I planned on doing the same, until I got a call from you on Ethan's phone, Riley. And it's about how Miia, Papi, and Centorea got out of control and then Ethan shape shifts into a dragon and I hop on his back. After we landed at your guys' mansion, I got off of his back and Ethan ran really fast and let out his roar at you three girls, Miia, Papi, and Centorea."

(End of Flash Back)

(Music Stops here)

Danielle said, "And that's how it all happened."

Luis said, "And we do apologize for getting you all involved."

Mr. Stretch said, "Wow! I bet those Devils will get what's coming to them once E sees them."

Riley asked, "Wait. That wasn't from Ethan's phone at all? So the roar's real?!"

Luis said, "I'm afraid, yes."

Centorea said, "It's no wonder why Master Ethan has such a fierce aura from what I at least remembered."

Miia shivered and said, "I-I guess that also explains why it felt real during that same night."

Papi shivered and said, "S-S-So scary!!"

Danielle said, "Well. Ethan is against all the perverted stuff after all. And of course he won't allow any of you to do so. Especially if there's a full moon."

Luis said, "But Danielle contacted me about her current reports these past weeks from it. And we both found some benefits in preventing Ethan from unleashing his overwhelming rage."

Riley asked, "What will that be?"

Mr. Stretch said, "Yeah. We'd be even more happy to prevent that from happening."

Luis said, "Patience you two. Danielle and I found the perfect key to prevent that from happening is for your current homestay, Meroune Lorelei because her and Ethan have such an unshakeable bond."

Mero asked, "Did my beloved Prince really meet a real life Sea Witch, Sir Luis?"

Luis said, "Precisely. And Danielle and I aren't so sure if a true love's kiss would work even though it's very common in certain varieties of fairy tale novels. But my theory exactly is that it would have to take time to do so."

Everyone except for Danielle are in awe.

Suu and Papi said, "Wow!!"

Miia said, "Um. Maybe I should go make some more pizzas for you two."

She left as Mr. Stretch said, "And I should probably check to see if Miia will go easy on the ingredients."

Then, he joins Miia in the kitchen to do so.

Riley said, "Okay. Now that made sense. (looks at Mero) Mero, you loved Ethan very much, right?"

Mero said, " I do. And if it's about healing my Dear Prince's heart, I'll be more than happy to do it."

Riley said, "Well, alright then. But be careful. We don't know if Ethan is in a better mood right now, especially with what Caesar did to you and the other girls."

Mero smiled and said, "Just leave everything to me, Sir Riley."

Riley blushed as well as Luis.

They both said, "She must've cared for Ethan very much."

(Ethan's POV)

I felt really sad that Riley and the others have found out that I am half dragon and I was also crying because of it.

I said with tears coming out of my eyes, "This is it, (sniff) my friends knew that I'm a monster. A bigger monster than (sniff) any other demi-humans that were called by bad people."

I had flashbacks of a lot of people screaming and calling me a monster. All that I was doing was trying to help them with like getting a balloon off of a tree but they're so scared of me because I'm half dragon. And dragons are the most powerful beings that have lived so that's another reason why many people are afraid of me. And I also knew that not everyone has gotten used to the Interspecies Exchange Bill.

I heard the door open as I used my wings to cover my hideous face. I peaked over and it's Mero looking worried about me.

She asked, "My Dear Prince? Are you okay?"

I felt scared that she's going to get mad that her true love is a big, scary, and deadly beast.

I hid my face with my wings and said, "Please. Don't look at me. You and the others know that I'm a dangerous monster."

Mero felt sad as she said, "Please. My Dear Prince, I can assure you that you were never a monster."

I cried, "NO!!"

Mero gasped.


Mero felt very sad even more from what I said.

I teared up and said, "I'm really sorry that your prince turned out to be a dangerous dragon, Mero!!"

I heard some clanking noises and then, I saw Mero opening my wings and she put her hands on the sides of my face.

Mero said, "Prince Ethan, whether you're a half dragon or not, you are not a monster at all. But I believe that there's something else about you that no one else has noticed. Despite you being a half demi-human, you are the sweetest, humorous, bravest, and handsome man on who I loved dearly. (smiled brightly as the rain stops) So that's why I loved you so much my Dear Prince~"

I turned into my half human form as my heart was beating.

Mero opened her arms and said, "Come. Come here."

I was tearing even more as I hugged Mero tightly and she hugged me back.

Mero smiled and said, " There, there. It's okay. I'll always love you, no matter the circumstances~"

Riley came in along with the others smiling at me.

Riley said, "Mero's right, broseph. It doesn't matter if you're a human, a demi-human, a half breed of those two, or even a talking animal like Chewie, what really matters is that you will always be my best friend Ethan. And I'm glad for it."

Cerea said, "Indeed. I will still consider you as Master Riley's right hand man. And if you haven't stopped us three at the full moon night, Master Riley could've gotten hurt or worse."

Papi said, "Suu and I will still play with you Big Bro Ethan."

Suu smiled as she stretched out her tentacle-like hair and wiped the tear off of my face and said, "Don't cry, Big Bro Ethan."

Mr. Stretch said, "I'm always happy to be in yours and Ri's gig, E."

Miia said, "And I'll still look forward to you being my best friend in law, Ethan."

Chewie came up to me and he licked me on the face.

He said, "I love you, Ethan."

I smiled from what everyone said to me.

I said, "Thanks, you guys. I really appreciate all of you. And same for you two, Cousin Danielle and Luis."

Luis smiled and said, "I'll be more than happy to lend you a hand."

Danielle said, "And no matter what, you will always be my favorite cousin."

Miia asked, "Hey, Ethan? Just to be curious, have you found out what kind of dragon you are?"

I got confused as I said, " I have no idea exactly."

(Skip the Music at 1:21)

The clouds clear up and then, the moon shines through my window and reflects on my scales and on my hair? My friends and I are in a massive awe. The way the moonlight reflected on me, it made me like one of those vampires glittered from the sun but non-cringey.

Riley said, "It's so bright."

Papi said, "How pretty."

Suu said, "Pretty."

Mero said, "This is the most beautiful sight that I have ever seen."

Miss Smith came in and said, "Indeed, Meroune. Your Prince happens to be a half breed of a human and an ancient moonlight dragon."

Riley asked, "Miss Smith. What a nice surprise to see you again. And what do you mean by Ethan being a moonlight dragon?"

Miss Smith said, "Well. Moonlight Dragons happened to be an ancient species of the great dragon race. And as you can see, whenever the dragon from that race is exposed to the moon, their scales get reflected when the dragon is in a happier and brighter mood."

Papi asked, "You're not going to take away Big Bro Ethan? Are you?"

Miss Smith said, "What?! No! And it's like what I told you guys ever since the construction for Meroune's bedroom was finished."

Luis said, "Not to mention, she doesn't get paid to deport undocumented species you know. (looks at Miss Smith) Miss Smith, for your permission, will you let me be a homestay for the Gilbert and Pilgrim residence? I just need to keep a close eye on my friend Ethan and teach him a few things on what being a halfling is like."

Miss Smith thought about it for a moment and said, "I suppose that you living with your friends won't affect the law. But, your permission is granted."

Miia slithered straight to her and said in a happy tone, "Oh! Thank you, Miss Smith, for not bringing another girl here. How will I ever repay you?"

Miss Smith fixed her sunglasses and said, "Well. Maybe a hot dinner would be nice."

Miia said, "Deal."

Riley said, "Well. Dinner should be ready by now. We should all probably head downstairs. Especially you, Ethan. We are having some homemade pizza, broseph."

My mouth was watering from hearing Riley say the magic word. I got up and picked up Mero and carried her like a princess that I always think of her and used my tail to carry her wheelchair as us and along with the greatest friends that I ever had that still accepts me as their own.

Mero whispered to me in the ear, "I'm still glad that fate has brought us together, my Dear Prince."

I blushed and smiled from what she said to me.

Mr. Stretch asked, "Say E, have you thought about having a harem just like Ri?"

I smiled and said, "Nah. Mero is more than enough to make me happy when she's around."

Mero kissed me on the cheek as it caused me to snarl happily.

(Time Skip)

(Mero's POV)

We all sat at the table as Mr. Stretch and his clones were giving us our homemade pizzas. And my beloved Prince Ethan sits next to me once again and it made the both of us happy.

Lady Centorea asked, "So, what are we going to do with Papi's egg?"

I said, "Yes. I wasn't aware that such a thing is rare or valuable."

Prince Ethan said, "I don't know about you guys. But I know what to do with that camera behind me."

His tail rises and then Prince Ethan uses it to smash the camera into shattered pieces.

We were all in a massive shock.

Sir Riley asked, "You okay, Ethan?"

Prince Ethan said, "It's fine. Miia isn't the only one with a strong tail but due to me being half dragon, it's even more powerful than hers."

Mr. Stretch said, "Wow! I did not see that coming."

Sir Riley asked, "What about you Miss Smith? Do you have an opinion on this?"

Duchess Danielle said, "Oh. You know what Miss Smith will say."

Miss Smith walks up to Sir Riley and asks, "Just to be clear, Darling and Prince Ethan."

Sir Riley and Prince Ethan asked, "Yeah?"

Miss Smith took off her sunglasses and said, "About that Director, Caesar Chavis, the ID that Suu gave me was actually fake."

Luis said, "Yeah. I even looked at his files about his previous crimes and he actually turns out to be a repeat offender. But Miss Smith and I will see what we can do to recover the answers. And Ethan should be lucky that he scared him with a very big roar."

Duchess Danielle said, "He's right. And I think that idiot will get the picture to never mess with the dragon's princess and his friends."

Sir Riley asked, "Miia, is your pizza ready?"

Lady Miia said, "It's ready, Darling. I put my own topping on my pizza, diced and boiled egg!"

Sir Riley said, "Diced Boiling Egg? That's kind of- Wait a minute. Papi, what happened to your egg?"

Papi said, "I put it in the fridge, Riley."

Sir Riley smiled and said, "Oh. In the-WAIT WHAT?!"

We all got shocked except for Lady Miia and Suu.

Luis sarcastically asked, "Why did you even put that there?"

(Time Skip)

(3rd POV)

Caesar is at his house all mad about how Riley and Ethan ruined his plan to get money.


A seductive woman's voice said, "My, my. You seemed very busy, Caesar. Mind if I lend a hand? I have several."


(Author's Note: Ugh! I can't with that lady. But she's created by the original creator from the original plot.)

Seductive woman's voice asked, "Keep them in one place, you say?"

She giggled as she got her claws ready.

Caesar asked, "Uh. What are you doing?"

The lady got out her webs and tied Caesar into a cocoon causing him to struggle.

She asked, "I suppose you mean like this, you overgrown Fly?"


The lady that tied Caesar came out of the shadows revealed to be a tall lady with a lower body of a spider or as some people would call, an Arachne, with short lavender hair that covers the right side of her face, six pupil-less and monochromatic red eyes, a large skull design on the back of her lower body, and wears some black carapace that covers her arms from the shoulders down, and long fingers with gauntlet-like plating on her hands that end in sharpened points, and a revealing halter top with shoulderless sleeves, and black and gold loin cloth with a slightly-frilly white trim.

An Arachne said, "And if anyone who threw away 3 million yen is too kind or up to something. And it makes me concerned and not to mention intrigued."

(giggled) Now then, let's see who these two goofballs are~"

End Credits:

(Author's Note: Hello, Everyone! I hope you all love the new Chapter for Life with Monster Girls! I don't know about you all but it's pretty shocking that Ethan was cursed by that No-Good Sea Witch Squidulla when his Best Friend Riley was surviving Miia and the other two being driven off mad. But good thing that Riley and the others still accepted him, especially Mero. What do you Dudes and Dudettes think will happened? Will there be Paparazzi chasing Ethan around? Will Ethan use his Dragon-like features for good? Will he ever hunt down that Sea Witch? Stay Tuned for more! Oh and be sure to hit the Star-like icon and save this Fan Fiction onto your guys Libraries. Because you'll be able to receive notifications that I have posted another chapter.)

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