Power Rangers Zoo-Keepers Sea...

By AmericanElephant

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5 zookeepers from Dolphin Coast, New Zealand wielding relics of a forgotten species must battle the villainou... More

This Place Is a Zoo Part 1
This Place Is a Zoo Part 2
Elephant in a Mood
Savage Sights
Land Vs Sea
Apes of Wrath Part 1
Apes of Wrath Part 2
Wild Vocals
Diurnal Dismay
The Feral Field
Animals Assemble!
The Short-Nosed Elephant Part 1
The Short-Nosed Elephant Part 2
Mountain Lion
Blackened Rhino Part 1 (Halloween)
Blackened Rhino Part 2
Blackened Rhino Part 3
Blackened Rhino Part 4
Caving In
Endangered (Finale)
Fishy Feelings (Christmas)

Lie for the Tiger

85 0 0
By AmericanElephant

(Adapted from "The Lying Thief Is Foolish")

We start this episode off on the Arrow Galion with our Shooting Star Poachers. In this first scene, we see Midaria bow before Sagittar, but in the second she addresses him and as she continues to speak, we reveal a new hunter who looks like a living pith helmet with rhino horn-like shoulders (Adapted from the player "Hunterji").

Midaria: Sagittar, I discovered two hunters in STORAGE who would like a word with you.

Huntoceros: The name's Huntoceros.
(He sounds like Dino-Rang from 'Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure')

Blockhead: Where's the second hunter?

Right on cue, a new hunter (Adapted from the player "Dorobouzo") is revealed to have been standing right next to his partner but in some kind of stealth mode. He almost looks like a mix of a cyclops and a snail with giant "fingers" if you will that look like coral body patterns. Speaking of which, in his arms is...a picture of Jagged?

Scattershell: Hi! The name's Scattershell, oh mighty headhunters!
(He sounds like Trigger Happy from 'Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure')

Huntoceros: Control yourself.

Scattershell: I'm trying, okay!?

Midaria: They wish to continue the late Jagged's work.

Sagittar: JAGGED, huh?

Cue some almost comedically timed flashback footage of Jagged on Earth, followed by him being cut to ribbons by Benny, and then yelling "I was a fool!" after getting slashed and before blowing up at the end of the very first Zoo King Megazord battle.

Insidion: Not exactly much of a challenge.

Blockhead: Well, a new headhunter could spice things up.

Sagittar: Very well then. Whoever survives the longest will be the new headhunter...So. Who wants to go first?

Huntoceros: I believe it should be me.

Scattershell: Wait, wait, wait! I have a better idea! Let's play rock-paper-scissors for it instead!

Huntoceros: Are you sure, pal?

Scattershell: Of course! I always win at it!

Huntoceros then either fake coughs or holds back a laugh for a second.

Scattershell: Alrighty! Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!

So, two things to note about this scene. While playing the game, if you look close enough, you can see the Jagged photo Scattershell was holding is sticking to his tube-like hands almost as if it's being suctioned onto them, which is both a funny detail...and foreshadowing; and for the second thing, naturally, Huntoceros throws scissors and wins.

Scattershell: (gasps) I lost!?... No! I have disgraced Jagged's good name with this failure!? Why, why!?

Huntoceros: (sighs) Buddy.

Scattershell: Huh?

Huntoceros: You can go first, pal.

Scattershell: Wait, really? You mean it!? Haha, thanks bestie! Well, my friends, it's been fun, but I have chaos to cause! Bye-Bye now!

Sagittar: (as he scuttles away) I look forward to your work.

The giant cyclops snail finally leaves, getting a subtle sigh of relief from the other headhunters as we cut down to the zoo.


Inside the Siberian Tiger habitat's staff-only area, we find Sylvia and another Tundra Sector zookeeper doing a quick medical check-up on one of the male tigers. Sylvia has a bridge (which is almost like a whistle) in one hand and a bag of meat in the other. The tiger is laying down while she uses this whistle, and at his other end, we see another keeper taking a quick blood sample from him. Oh, and obviously, for their and the animal's safety, the big cat is behind special wiring as he lays down.

Sylvia: There we go. (beeps the bridge) We're almost done.

Other Keeper: (finishes up) Okay, Abram's all set to go.

Sylvia: Excellent. Buen chico, Abram.

She takes some meat out of the bag as Abram stands back up and feeds it to him before the gate back to the exhibit opens in a jumpcut on his side of this area.

The tiger runs back out and Sylvia high-fives the other doctor with her after he safely puts away the blood sample.

Other Keeper: Thanks for helping with this one.

Sylvia: Yeah, sorry I haven't been able to help as much.

Other Keeper: Eh, just consider yourself lucky we're in on your little secret.

Sylvia: Ha. I can only imagine what it'd be like if you weren't. Okay, well, I'm gonna take a break, but let me know if you need me.

Other Keeper: Alright. Take care, Sylvia.

She then feels her phone vibrate and takes it out to read a text as the other doctor leaves, but once she reads it, her facial expression changes.

Sylvia: Oh SHOOT, I forgot that was today!

We then see her text "Alright, I'll be there as soon as I can".

But then, like clockwork, the tiger zord hops up onto her shoulder and roars at her, meaning only one thing.

Sylvia: (sighs) This better be quick, little amiga.

She then whips out her Morpher.


We then cut to a bank in downtown Dolphin Coast being robbed...by Scattershell?

He skips outside with a silver briefcase suctioned to his right arm.

Guards: Freeze, freak!

And yes, these security guards have guns.

Scattershell: Oh! Hello there!

The guards then immediately open fire on the one-eyed monster, but their shots don't do much beyond making some sparks fly.

Scattershell: Ow, ow! Hey, hey, hey now! Those things sting!

With his other arm, he then reveals his second main power, which is to suck things up. And it's super effective because the guns of the guards are sucked right into his other arm before he raises it, and with a motion that looks like he's blasting upward, the guns explode inside his tubed "hands" causing smoke to come out of them.

Scattershell: See? That's much better! (laughs)

Fortunately, as the guards make their way inside the bank for safety, the team teleports in, fully morphed.

Benny: Stop right there!

Scattershell: Huh? Ah, you must be the Zoo-Keepers! I'm Scattershell!

Jackie: Not so nice to meet you, too.

Scattershell: Hmph. Tough crowd, aren't ya?

Caleb: Yeah! We're not gonna let you...w-wait, I'm sorry...are you robbing a bank?

Scattershell: Why yes I am!

The team looks at each other confused for a moment.

Sylvia: ...You're a monster of Sagittar's, right?

Scattershell: Well, technically speaking I'm a hunter, but, I suppose, yes.

Benny: And you're just robbing a bank?

Scattershell: Y-Yeah? So?

Winston: ...You're a member of the Shooting Star Poachers and you're just...robbing a bank for no over-complicated reason?

Scattershell: I mean, this is still several hundred dollars if you don't think I'm a threat.

Winston: Didn't say you weren't, just...surprised is all.

Scattershell: Oh yeah, I could see that—

Sylvia: Enough! Savage Sabers!

Benny: Right, what she said!

Within an instant, their signature swords are whipped out all at once.

Scattershell: (laughs) Oh yeah!? Let's see how your Savage Sabers do against my secret attack!

He aims his left arm at the Zoo-Keepers.

Every member is now in a battle stance as the music builds.

Scattershell: ...Sike! Later, rangers!

With a green flash, the circular invader teleports out, the money going with him.

Jackie: Dang it, he got away!

The guards then come back outside.

Guard 1: Thank you, rangers, for scaring that monster off.

Guard 2: Yeah. But he still made off with a lot of cash.

Benny: Don't worry. In our experience, when they flee, they'll come back eventually. And when they do, we'll take them down.

Guard 1: Understood. And again, thank you. (the guards walk away)

Sylvia: Hey, uh, amigos? I have somewhere to be soon, so could I go now?

Caleb: I don't see why not.

Winston: Alright. But stay in touch just in case.

Sylvia: Of course. See you later. (whips out Morpher) Doubutsu!

She quickly teleports out of the area.


We then cut to a park in Dolphin Coast to a Frozen Yogurt store and find a Hispanic man in a white shirt and blue jeans standing. His eyes are brownish-yellow while his hair is a very dark brown and similar to the haircut of Gou from Juken Sentai Gekiranger. After looking at his phone, we see Sylvia speed-walking up nearby smiling and waving.

Sylvia: Sorry I'm late, Alberto.

Alberto: It's okay. Just saw the news about the bank.
(He sounds like Hector Nieves from 'Glitch Techs')

Sylvia: Already? WOW. News travels fast.

Alberto: Well, it is the internet. Plus, it's important to get the word out about monster attacks ASAP, isn't it?

Sylvia: True. Now if only doing any of the work we did for our colleges was that quick.

Alberto: (chuckles) Yeah...It's good to see you again, sis.

Sylvia: You two, bro. (side hugs him)

Alberto: Shall we catch up over lunch then?

Sylvia: If by lunch you mean some frozen yogurt, YES.

Alberto: Good. Then you can tell me all about...you know what. (she nods to this)

Cue Theme Song (1 Minute)


We then quickly cut back up to the Arrow Galion with our newest hunter.

Scattershell: (opens the case) Behold, my friends! Money! Humans need it to survive! So, if I keep stealing, the uh...umm...the economy...will uh...umm...fall into bankruptcy!

Blockhead lets out a groan of annoyance.

Insidion: Do you have any idea how long that plan would take?

Huntoceros: In hindsight, mate, I should've gone first.

Scattershell: What!? No, no, no, please! The hunt's not done yet, I...I-I can do something better if I need to!

Midaria: (sighs as he walks over to him) You know Scattershell, I may have an idea. Come with me.

Scattershell: (sounding disappointed) Sure thing, boss.

She walks him over to one of the cockpit walls.

Midaria: You have camouflage right?

She then delivers a quick knee kick to his gut, making him groan and slump to the ground.

Scattershell: (wincing) That was effective!

Midaria: Use that power to hide your body and aura while you're on Earth, then find something worth stealing for Sagittar. Okay?

Scattershell: Umm, s-sure! Yeah, uh, I think I can pull that off.

Midaria: Then stop talking and CAMOUFLAGE.

Scattershell: (as he stands back up) Okay, okay, jeez! (he steps back) Stealth mode!

With that, he vanishes from sight.

Sagittar: (holding a drink) I'm starting to get a headache.


Now we cut back down to Earth with Sylvia and Alberto, now sitting on a bench at a local park. And while we're here, let's just say they both got Strawberry yogurt.

Sylvia: (takes a bite) MMM, this is SO delicious!

Alberto: (finishes his yogurt) I take it that's the "Tiger Taste" you told me about?

Sylvia: You bet. I don't get why I have it sense tastebuds aren't really something special about tigers, but when it kicks in, it's worth it!

Alberto: (chuckles) It's nice to be able to hang out again.

Sylvia: As if there was any doubt. (has a bite) Ooh! Speaking of us, didn't you have something to tell me?

Alberto: Huh? OH, right. (takes out his phone) Okay, okay. (exhales) Check this out.

He then shows her the picture.

It's of Alberto and a Hispanic woman with flowing black hair in yellow clothing and a wheelchair, and both have...silver rings on their index fingers.

Sylvia: (her eyes widen) ...SHOW ME YOUR HAND.

Alberto then raises his have with a smirk on his face, showing there is indeed a ring on his finger.

Sylvia: (gasps) So you and Melissa are—

Alberto: Comprometida!
(Spanish Translation: Engaged!)

Sylvia: (screams a little) This is so awesome! (hugs her brother)

Alberto: Been saving those rings for years. SUPER glad I finally got them out of that case.

Sylvia: Oh, this is great! So, when's the wedding?

Alberto: (his smile fades slightly) ...Well...not for a while.

Sylvia: ...Oh, right. Sorry...How's she been holding up?

Alberto: (shrugs) Mostly the same. She's healthy, but...it's still been rough...I don't even have half of the surgery money, yet.

Sylvia: What!? But you've been working overtime for MONTHS now!

Alberto: Yeah, I know. But it's just never enough. You'd think security guards are paid well, but...success is 50/50 back home...That's the other reason why I'm here. My boss works for this kind of "international security group" and he said if I wanted some extra money I could drop by here and do a quick job at the Dolphin Coast Museum.

Sylvia: Oh, yeah. I thought I saw something about a new museum exhibition in the news.

Alberto: Si. It's about jewels from the world's "five great civilizations".

Sylvia: Well, I'm sure you'll do an excellent job at keeping those jewels safe for...how long is it gonna be?

Alberto: Just this weekend. And yeah. I hope I do a good job too...Welp, I'm gonna get in some sightseeing for a little while.

Sylvia: Alright. I gotta get back to work but call me up if you get lost and need a ride.

Alberto: I will. Hasta luego, hermana.
(Spanish Translation: See you later, sis)

Sylvia: Tú también, hermano.
(Spanish Translation: You, too, bro)

We then get a wide shot of the two waving goodbye and then going separate ways...But then, still in stealth mode...we see Scattershell walk up.

Scattershell: (chuckles) This is great! I can use that guy to get some jewels and impress the others! Yes, yes, it's perfect!

He then turns around and looks up to the sky.

Scattershell: Sounds excellent, doesn't it, oh mighty Jagged?

The camera then pans up and as a joke, we see a giant hallucination of Jagged in the sky.

Jagged: Yeah, yeah, whatever floats your boat, pal.

Our hunter of the week continues to speak, but as he does, a little button-like part under his head starts flashing red without him noticing.

Scattershell: Alright then! It's go time!

Then, the flashing stops as his body is decloaked, showing that he can't stay invisible forever.

Scattershell: Huh? O-OH CRAP. Uh, m-maybe later. (nervously chuckles)

The last part is said as he starts scuddling out of frame.


We then cut later that night to Alberto inside of a rental car, parked near a hotel. We then cut inside the car to see he's having a video call with the aforementioned Melissa.

Alberto: You sure you're doing ok?

Melissa: Yep. I'm all set for the night and the doctors are close by.
(She sounds like Gamora from 'Guardians of the Galaxy')

While saying this, we can see she's in a hospital bed.

Alberto: That's good to hear.

Melissa: ...You know I had a dream about us, last night.

Alberto: Oh yeah? What kind of dream?

Melissa: Oh, you know. YOU are sobbing at our wedding.

Alberto: What? I won't do that.

Melissa: (giggles) Yes, you will.

Alberto: (grinning) No, I WON'T.

Melissa: ...Ojalá ese día pudiera ser antes.
(Spanish Translation: I wish that day could be sooner)

Alberto: Está bien. Nos llevaré al día de nuestra boda. Prometo.
(Spanish Translation: It's okay. I'll get us to our wedding day. I promise)

Melissa: (smiles) Simplemente no te esfuerces demasiado...Me voy a la cama. Te amo.
(Spanish Translation: Just don't push yourself too hard...I'm going to bed. I love you)

Alberto: Bueno. Yo también te amo.
(Spanish Translation: Okay. I love you too)

They both end the call with a wave and a smile, but as soon as his screen goes black, Alberto's smile fades, and he lets out a frustrated sigh. But as he gets out of the car...

Scattershell: (popping up) Hello!

Alberto: Gah!...W-What are you?

Scattershell: I am the Shooting Star Poacher's future new headhunter, Scattershell.

Alberto: I-I don't understand half of what you just said!

Scattershell: Really? I thought I was speaking pretty clearly.

Alberto: S-Stay away from me!

Scattershell: Wait, wait, wait, no! You misunderstand! I wanna help you! You have a wife in the hospital, right?

Alberto: ...Have you been SPYING on me?

Scattershell: Just listen up for one moment.

Then, with a quick flash from one of his arm tubes, he blows out...the briefcase of stolen money.

Scattershell: Go on. Open it up.

Alberto: (opens it) ...T-That's...a lot of money.

Scattershell: I wanna make a deal. You help me distract the rangers tomorrow when I break into the museum, and in return, I'll give you all this money I stole—UH, found.

Alberto: N-No! Never! I wouldn't help anyone steal anything! Plus, I don't even use that currency where I'm from!

Scattershell: Couldn't it just be converted though?

Alberto: Even if it can, I won't accept it!

Scattershell: (fakes sighs) Alright, but...it would be a REAL shame if MELISSA found out you turned this down.

Alberto: Don't you say her name!

Scattershell: Just think about it though. How your wedding day is gonna be put on an even longer hold because you didn't accept money being handed right to you, that if put with what you already have built up, could FINALLY let her get on her legs again so she can walk to the alter, someday.

As those words are said, Alberto ponders them.

And after feeling guilty for a few moments...he gives in.

Alberto: ...So...I just have to help you steal a few jewels, right?

Scattershell: Yep. I mean, we might need to get the Power Rangers out of the way if they show up, but I may have a way to do that.

Alberto: ...(inhales/exhales) ...Just tell me what to do.

Scattershell: Yes! Alright. Here's the plan. Pay close attention because you're now part of it.

Alberto reluctantly nods, now fully accepting the offer of the monster.


We then cut to the next day with Sylvia, who's standing outside the tiger exhibit as she begins to call someone on her phone.

Melissa: (over the phone) Hello, Melissa Santos, speaking.

Sylvia: (grinning) Hola, new sister-in-law!

Melissa: Sylvia! It's so nice to hear from you!

Sylvia: I just wanted to call and say hi really quick—

Melissa: Hold on, me first! I need to tell you something amazing! I might get my surgery soon!

Sylvia: (her eyes widen) W-Wait, really!?

Melissa: Alberto said he may get some extra money for his job! If that's true, we might finally be able to get the full amount we need! (joy screams)

Sylvia: (shocked but still happy) I...C-Congratulations!

Melissa: Thank you! I'm so happy! Alberto's been working hard to help us out all the time, so I'm glad we get a win.

Before Sylvia can get another word out though, the tiger zord pops out.

Sylvia: (it roars at her/she whispers) Oh, come on, girl. Right now?

Melissa: Sylvia? Are you still there, muchacha?

Sylvia: S-Sorry, Melissa, something bad just came up at work, so I need to get going.

Melissa: Oh, okay. Say no more, I'll talk to you later.

Sylvia: Alright. It's good to hear from you.

She hangs up the phone.


We then hard cut downtown to the Dolphin Coast Museum with a shot of signs promoting the Jewel Exhibition before the other rangers teleport in fully morphed.

Benny: Alright. Where's the monster?

The team looks around for a second before Alberto comes running up.

Alberto: Rangers! Help!

Caleb: Are you alright?

Alberto: No! T-There's a monster in the museum's backroom!

Winston: We'll handle it. Tell the other guards to evacuate anyone in the building.

Alberto: O-Okay! (he runs toward the entrance)

Sylvia teleports in nearby, also fully morphed, spotting the exhibition sign, and pausing a second.

Sylvia: Wait. The museum—

Jackie: Dude, over here!

Sylvia: (as she runs up) What's up, amigos?

Winston: A guard just said there's a monster inside!

Benny: Let's move!

Sylvia nods to this and follows after the others...unaware that while she was talking, she was in the background as we focused on Alberto listening in behind a pillar.


We then hard cut to two doors bursting open as the team runs in, Savage Sabers drawn and ready to fight...only to find an empty room.

Benny: Huh? Is this the right room?

Caleb: Where's the monster?

But then...we see Alberto, now in with them, close the door and lock it.

The team looks around confused as Alberto turns to face them...and most importantly, to his sister.

Sylvia: A-Alberto!?

Then, with a guilt-ridden face...

...he aims some kind of cone-shaped device at the team.

One with a look similar to Scattershell's body.

With a press of a button, the device glows and launches out 5 large patterned restraints (which look like giant metal sheets) that trap/demorph the team.

Caleb: What is this!?

Jackie: You know this guy, Syl?

Alberto: Rangers, I'm...I'm sorry about this.


We then briefly flashback to the rest of the talk between Scattershell and Alberto the previous night.

Scattershell: So, your sister's the white ranger, huh?

Alberto: If any part of this plan involves me hurting her—

Scattershell: Relax! There's no need for that!

He then raises his left arm before the cone-shaped device Alberto just used in the present pops out of one tube.

Scattershell: Just stop them with this while I steal some jewels, and the money is yours.

Alberto: (sighs) Alright...Whatever helps Melissa.

He says this while trying to grab the cone but grabs his tube by mistake.

Scattershell: N-No that's my hand. Yeah, just a bit further down—(he takes it) THERE you go.


We then cut back to the present as Sylvia stares confused.

Sylvia: Alberto, why are you doing this?

Alberto: A monster came to me last night and offered me some money that could finally let me pay for Melissa's surgery.

Sylvia: ...You can't be serious.

Alberto: I am. I have to keep you restrained long enough for him to take some jewels...I'm sorry, sis.

He then turns to leave, but Sylvia speaks up.

Sylvia: Alberto, are you really okay with this!? Even to your little sister!... I just spoke with Melissa before I got here, and she was so excited to potentially get the money, but she thinks it's because of your hard work! Are you okay with lying to your wife—

Alberto: I'm trying to HELP my wife!


We then cut over briefly to Scattershell as he enters the jewel exhibition area, with two guards by the door he needs to get through as he approaches.

Scattershell: (walking up) Hello there, officers!

The Guards: (as they grab their guns) That's far enough! (they open fire)

Scattershell: (as he's shot) Ow! This again!? UGH.

This time, instead of sucking up the guns, he uses his suction ability to pull the guards forward, and then blast them back, leaving them down and knocked out).

Scattershell: Finally! (starts walking forward) Now then...


We cut back to the backroom.

Sylvia: Don't you think she'll be sad when she finds out the truth!?

Alberto: Not while she's happy to be standing again!

Caleb: You guilt-tripping...!

He falls forward as he struggles.

Sylvia: But the money could be tracked! You could be arrested! (teary-eyed) What happened to my brother who took this job to do what's right!?

That does it. Alberto's face now looks even more torn about this than before, his sister's words sinking in on top of the others she's already said, and after several seconds....he gives in.

Alberto: ¿¡Qué diablos estoy haciendo !?
(Spanish Translation: What the heck am I doing!?)

He quickly whips back out the cone and presses the button again.

This time, instead of firing out more restraining wraps, a little spot glows on each restrain around the rangers before falling off all at once.

Alberto: He's attacking the new exhibition...Just go.

He then falls to the floor, and now on his knees, looks even more guilty and disappointed.

Winston: Let's get going!

The team runs out, say for Sylvia.

She stays another second and kneels next to her brother, hugging him.

Sylvia: I'm...I'm so sorry...We'll handle the monster.

He gives a weak nod before Sylvia gets up and goes after her friends, the camera lingering on Alberto as he just sits there and lets the cone device drop from his hand.


Hard cut to Scattershell smashing the glass on an incased jewel with his arms, revealing a small purple jewel in the center.

Scattershell: What!? That's a precious jewel!? But it's so tiny—

Sylvia: Stop right there!

The team runs into the room.

Scattershell: Zoo-Keepers!? Oh, come on!

Sylvia: How dare you manipulate Alberto into doing something terrible!

Scattershell: I have no idea what you're talking about!

Sylvia: Don't play dumb with me! You manipulated him with money for Melissa's surgery to trap us while you made off with the goods!

Scattershell: OH, that guy! (laughs) He's such an idiot! I only said I'd give him the money, so he'd help me! What do I look like? A charity manager? As if I'd ever care for or help some worthless silly human!

Jackie: So, you weren't even gonna give him the money?

Scattershell: Of course not!

With that, he starts laughing hysterically.

This and the sentence before it make Sylvia's expression go from upset...to ENRAGED.

Sylvia: ¡Voy a cortarte en nada más que CENIZAS!
(Spanish Translation: I'm going to cut you into nothing but ASHES!)

Scattershell: What now?

The rangers then take out their Morphers/press the buttons.

Scattershell: Oh boy.

Sylvia: It's Morphing Time!

The Rangers: Zoo Mode Go!

Like usual, they turn the tops while saying such, wave their arms to the side, and morph as hallow energy closes around them. And just like Episode 9, we edit the footage so that instead of Benny leading the call, it's Sylvia since it's her technical focus episode.

Sylvia: Keeper of the Tundra! White Tigress Ranger!

Benny: Keeper of the Sky! Red Eagle Ranger!

Jackie: Keeper of the Ocean! Blue Shark Ranger!

Caleb: Keeper of the Savannah! Yellow Lion Ranger!

Winston: Keeper of the Forest! Green Elephant Ranger!

Benny: (pulls out his Eagle Shredder) Power Rangers! (waves it around in greenscreen sentai footage)

The Rangers: Zoo-Keepers! (cue sentai footage team pose)

Scattershell: No matter! I'll just keep lying and stealing until I'm the newest rightful headhunter—

Sylvia: (who snuck up next to him) Primal Power.

Scattershell: Huh?

She then surprises him by having her Primal Power claws out and slashing into him while screaming out...

Sylvia: ¡Vamos animalistas!
(Spanish Translation: Let's go animalistic!)

That dialogue is said as she slashes him across the room; red lightning even sparking off the snail monster a bit as he groans from the attack.

Scattershell: (as he stands up) Hmph. W-Well in that case, it's time to...

There's a slight pause before he starts running for it.

Scattershell: ...flee while I still can!

The others quickly start going after him.

Benny: No, stop!

Sylvia: Get back here!


Hard cut to outside as Scattershell runs out the doors of the museum entrance.

Scattershell: (as he runs) Bye!

Benny: (as the team runs out the door) Stop!

Scattershell: (looks back as he runs) Ah! They're still there! (stops) Initiate CAMOUFLAGE.

He disappears right as Benny gets close enough to leap at him, but misses; Scattershell likely getting out of the way the moment he went hidden. The team comes to a stop.

Sylvia: He disappeared!?

We then get a spinning wide shot of the team looking around while our monster of the week can be seen as mostly invisible.

Benny: Show yourself!

Caleb: (as kicks the air) Where is he!?

But while the others look around, Jackie's hearing focuses on something.

Jackie: I hear footsteps. (jolts her head up) There!

With a quick whip out of her Savage Blaster, she fires a shot straight into Scattershell's back, decloaking him.

But after letting out a quick scream, Scattershell vanishes again.

Benny: Good shot, Jackie.

Jackie: Thanks.

Winston: But where is he now?

He says this while Scattershell tip-toes in front of him, whispering as quietly as possible.

Scattershell: (whispering) Right under your nose you idiot. (chuckles)

Winston: (sniffs the air) I smell something.

He then raises up his Savage Blaster.

Winston: There! (fires a shot)

Once again, the cycloptic circle-covered sneaker is decloaked by the shot in the back, only this time he falls onto the ground.

Scattershell: Ow! (falls) Augh, not again!


She says this while gritting her teeth and whipping out her Savage Saber, before running up to Scattershell and slashing at him while name-calling him with ferocity.

Sylvia: ¡Mentiroso, manipulador, psicópata, baboso!
(Spanish Translation: You lying, manipulative, psychopathic, slug!)

The last line is delivered with a kick to the monster's face. He quickly recovers, trying to smack her with his tubed hands but Sylvia quickly dodges, gets behind him, and with a yell, kicks him into the air; Scattershell now flying toward the others, who quickly whip out their Savage Sabers as he gets closer before lunging forward and each getting in a good colored slash before he lands on the ground.

Sylvia: Let's end this!

The Rangers: WILD FINAL...

Naturally, the team leaps up into the air, Sabers bared and ready.

Scattershell: Huh!?

And once again, they all form the giant golden CGI paw with colored claws and bring it down on Scattershell while yelling out...

The Rangers: STRIKE!

Scattershell: (after getting hit) Augh! N-No! F-Forgive me, my friends! I failed you—

Kaboom. The lying monster is finally beaten.

But one thing interesting to note is that as he blows up...we see the briefcase of money fly out. And we then cut over to Alberto, still looking guilty and beaten, walking out the front door of the museum entrance...right as the case of money lands in front of him. The landing opens up the case, and as he runs to grab it...he stops himself/thinks.


Hard cut back over to Midaria, now on the ground with a coin walking up to our monster of the week's burnt body.

Midaria: Maybe you can "suck" in a good way on the macro scale, Scattershell.

She then inserts the coin into a slot on his shell if you will, and with a quick red flash of his one eye, he grows, gigantic in a burst of fire.

Scattershell: Thank you, Midaria! Now I'm unstoppable!

Midaria: (as she walks away) Tch. We'll see if that's true after you face their newest Megazord.

Scattershell: UH, I'm sorry, what now—?

The Rangers: (over footage of their zords going cubic) Megazord Activate!

And with that, they stack up, forming their biggest combo yet.

The Rangers: Zooman Fusion Megazord! Ready!

Scattershell: A Megazord? Ha! No matter! I've got a giant robot too! One that will utterly destroy you!

Sylvia: Huh!?

We then get something...odd.

As Scattershell boasts about "having a robot", we see a hallucination of what this "robot" looks like in a big dark purple imagination cloud (because of Sentai footage)

Scattershell: Yes! A giant robot, that uh...I-I pilot myself!

Caleb: Excuse me?

Scattershell: Ooh, there it is!

The team then turns around, falling for the trick, leaving the Megazord's back exposed.

Benny: We're...not seeing anything!

Scattershell: How gullible!

He then runs forward, jumps up, and butt bumps the Megazord.

While the mighty mech recovers its balance, Scattershell aims his right arm down towards the ground...and then sucks up several parked cars.

Scattershell: (sucks up the cars) You dropped these!

He then blows the cars back out, this time through his left arm, at an almost gun or blaster-like speed, hitting the Megazord's back and causing mini-explosions.

Caleb: I'm done with this bloated bugger!

The team then spins their command cubes and summons a new friend.

Benny: Grizzly Bear Zord! Go!

With the cubimal in ax form, the mighty mech turns around and smacks away the rest of the oncoming cars.

Scattershell: What!? Another zord!?

Sylvia: Time to grind my ax with you!

She says this while turning the Morpher top and plugging it back into the command cube.

The Rangers: Bear Zord Wild Final Strike!

As per usual, energy pours over them as they spin their cubes simultaneously, allowing their massive animalistic Megazord to bring down the bear zord with sparks flying from it that strike Scattershell right in the chest (although edited a bit to have a bit more of a punch as I found the way Zyuohger shot the finisher this episode to be lame).

Scattershell: (as he's struck) Augh! What the shell!?

He falls back and blows up in a fiery burst with some cubic debris.

Cue one final shot of the Zooman Fusion Megazord holding the Grizzly Bear zord as our heroes say their victory tagline.

The Rangers: Aliens, zero. Animals, WON.


Cut back up to the Arrow Galion.

Huntoceros: (sighs) Not unexpected but...still disappointing.

Blockhead: Oh please! He was a worthless and annoying bug if you ask me!

Huntoceros: (jolts his head up) That "worthless bug" was my only friend for YEARS.

He loads his green rifle, with the area for bullets glowing bright green.

Blockhead: Ha! Am I supposed to be scared of that water gun!

The pith helmet-like rhino monster then fires a shot right into Blockhead that actually causes him to wince from the shot, and stumble back for a second.

Huntoceros: How you like it if I deactivated you and locked you down in storage!?

Sagittar: ENOUGH. There's no need for that. Huntoceros, your friend was a very...entertaining hunter. May his legacy be lived on by you becoming our newest headhunter.

Huntoceros: Thank you, great Sagittar. Now then. When do I get my shot at the Zoo-Keepers?

Midaria: Actually, Huntoceros...there's a special hunt we have in mind for you that DOESN'T involve the rangers.

Huntoceros: What!? And what kind of hunt is that!?

Sagittar: Something I've been planning for a few weeks now.

Insidion: Umm, this big plan being...?

Sagittar: I call it...Operation: SIXTH POWER.


We then cut back to the ground and find Alberto walking up to the still morphed rangers, whose helmets are off...with the briefcase in his hands.

Alberto: I counted the money. It should all still be there.

Benny: Good. Thank you for checking that, sir.

Alberto: (sighs) I'll...go turn this into the police...Again, I'm sorry...For everything. (starts to leave)

Sylvia: Wait. (she puts her helmet back on) I think I'll go with you. Just so we can explain the situation with the monster better.

Alberto nods in agreement. The two get in a quick side hug and start walking.


Hard cut to the zoo at closing time in the Tundra Sector. We find Sylvia inside the Arctic Adventure exhibit. For those of you who don't remember it briefly from Episode 10, it's like Tropic World from the Brookfield Zoo where each section of it is based on a different corner of the world (only this time, it's themed around the Arctic/Antarctic).

In this case, she's at the end of the so-called adventure with a night sky being displayed and a holographic polar bear still walking around.

We see Sylvia's bummed expression as she looks out before she's greeted by a familiar face.

Jackie: Didn't think I'd find you in here tonight, dude.

Sylvia: Jackie? W-What are you doing here?

Jackie: Well, uh...I wanted to check on how you were doing...Are you doing ok?

Sylvia: (sighs) I don't know...I just...look, I know returning the money was the right thing to do, and I'm glad Alberto did it but...I still feel kinda bad...Alberto and Melissa have been dealing with this terminal condition for so long now, and it just never seems to get better, but then, here's the perfect surgery amount but it's stolen, and...(exhales)...He just wanted to see his wife walk again. And I feel like I've made it so that...it'll take longer again.

Tears start to form in her eyes as she starts to sniffle.

And Jackie's already softened expression looks even more worried now.

Jackie: H-Hey, hey, hey, no, don't say that. S-Syl this isn't your fault; it was that monster.

Sylvia is about to say something but can't get the words out.

And so, Jackie pulls her into a hug.

Jackie: (strokes her hair) It's gonna be okay...Look. Let's get two things straight. First, don't blame yourself OR your brother for this. Like I just said, it was Scattershell...And second, I know it seems impossible right now...But I have a very strong feeling that no matter how long it takes those two to get the money they need...things are gonna get better...So for now, let's just be patient...and try to keep that hope alive, okay?

The White Tigress Ranger now seems calmer from Jackie's words.

Sylvia: (smiles) ...O-Ok...Thank you. I needed that.

Jackie: No problem. And hey. I promise when your brother does get married...you'll be there to see Melissa down the aisle.

Sylvia: (gets an idea) ...Have you ever...thought about that too?

Jackie: (looks confused) ...Thought about what.

Sylvia: You know...Getting married? Or...finding a special someone?

Jackie: (exhales) Not a lot...I don't know, it's just...because my parents moved around so much, what with the surfing competitions and military missions, I never...had real friends growing up, or I guess ones that stuck around, so...I never really thought about boys that way or thought about finding love...And especially now with everything that's going on in the zoo and as rangers I just...(sighs) I don't think I'm...brave enough to tell Benny how I feel.

It takes a second for her to realize what she just said, but when she does, she has a blush as red as...well, a red ranger's suit.

Not made better when she looks over to a grinning Sylvia.

Jackie: (still blushing) YOU DIDN'T HEAR THAT.


Jackie: Uh, I-I gotta go, good talk Syl, hope you're good, bye!

The scene ends with Jackie speed-walking away, beyond embarrassed, leaving Sylvia to let out a quick chuckle and smile at her friend's reaction.

Tune in next time for...a Halloween Special.

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